Mummy stayed for another hour and I was getting tired so she said, “Carla you are dropping of to sleep while I am talking to you so I will go now and let you get some rest.”
She hugged me and kissed me and left to go to the motel for the night. I drifted off to sleep with Jean singing to me once again in her angel-like voice.
“The night wind sings a song to me
In whispered hushes that seem to be lullabies low.
That come and go.
That come and go so gently
Through the trees.
A sleepy song to me.”
Saturday 11/7/59.
Someone was stroking my hair which made me wake up with a start. It was Caroline and she said, “Sorry Carla, I didn't mean to startle you.”
Mummy was also there already and said “Good morning sweetheart.”
Just then Judy walked in with a tray full of stuff.
She said “Good morning little girl are you ready to have the dressing changed?”
I replied, “Will I get to see what I look like now?”
Mummy waved a hand mirror around and said, “This mirror has got a magnified side as well, so you can get a good look at what you look like Carla.”
I still had that silly hose stuck in me to drain my pee into a yucky bag beside the bed.
I asked “How long will that hose be in me Judy?
She replied “That all depends how you look when we get that dressing off sweetheart, and what Caroline says.”
Caroline was asking Mummy how she was coping with staying at the motel and said, “Donna, if you wanted to stay in a relatives room at the clinic it will be made available to you.”
Mummy replied,“That would be great Caroline. I’ll get my things and book out of the motel this morning by ten am and bring all our things down here.”
Caroline said “Good, it will be much more convenient for all concerned to have you close by and keep Carla company for the next five days. I’ll let them know downstairs to get the room ready for you.”
Mummy said “The only thing is if Jenny has to come back to me a little early is there enough room for her as well?”
Caroline replied “Donna, it is a family size apartment so that will be no problem at all.”
Anyway, while they were talking Judy was busy unwrapping me bit by bit and finally I was all unwrapped and all that was left was that hose stuck inside me.
Caroline came over to the bed to inspect her handiwork and said “Wow Carla, you have already started to heal and I think we will take the hose (as you put it so eloquently) out of you and see how it goes, but if you have any problems peeing then it will have to go in again, ok?”
I just nodded and said “Can I have a look now please?”
Mummy held the mirror between my legs so I could see my brand new look. I was looking and started to cry because I had been waiting so long for this to happen, and now all my feelings came to one big emotional event. Mummy put the mirror down and sat on the bed and hugged me and said, “Carla, at last you are whole and it looks exactly like it should.”
I closed my eyes and said “Jean can you see it?” She was there in my mind as always and said, “Carla we are both the same now. I love you.” and she faded as I opened my eyes.
Judy said “Is that what Rose was telling us about the twin talking to Carla?”
Mummy replied “Yes, and it has been recorded on tape and film now several times and believe me it is real.”
Judy replied, “Oh Donna don't worry, I have seen it all before. When my sister passed away years ago she used to visit me in my dreams when she first died.”
Caroline then proceeded to remove the catheter 'see I can say the word', and said, “Ok, this all looks really good but we are going to have to put a light dressing back on the stitches and when you show me you can pee I will leave you in peace for a while.”
I got up off the bed with Mummy and Judy holding me as I walked to the bathroom, but before I sat down to have a pee I wanted to have a look in the large mirror on the wall so I pulled up the silly hospital gown and had a real good look.
I said “Mummy look, my willy's not there any more!!”
Caroline said “Sweetheart, you never had a willy in the first place. It has always been a clitoris but because the opening to your vagina was closed off with skin, it looked like you had a penis and when you were born they just did not look close enough to realise that you were an intersexed little girl.”
Judy then said “Now Carla, don’t be tempted to touch yourself for a couple days because we don’t want you to get an infection do we?”
I said “Ok” and sat down and did my first pee as a real girl and had no problems doing it.
Caroline said “Ok, that all looks like everything is working so we can leave the catheter out, but make sure that Judy or your Mum is there to wipe you dry after you go, understand?”
“Yes ma’am.”
Caroline left to see to her other patients and Judy said, “Right little one, up on the bed and I will put a dressing back on but it will be one that will be easy to remove when you have to have a pee.”
Mummy said “You had better show me how to replace the dressing as well because I will be staying in this room most of the time as I want to give Carla some school work to catch up on as well.”
I said “Mummy do I have to?”
She replied “Yes you have to!!” When Mummy says it like that I just do it. Even my magic eyes wont make her change her mind. Oh well 'sigh'.
Judy also said, “Now Carla you were taking hormones before you had that emergency in Brisbane didn't you?”
I replied, “Yes, but I haven't been taking any since then.”
“Good, you can stop taking anything like that because your little ovaries were kick-started by the oestrogen and that is why you had that first period so quickly. Only problem was the blood couldn’t escape out of your body. You were very lucky that they got to you in time otherwise you would be with your twin sister now.”
I said, “Judy, how long will it be before I will have breasts?”
She replied, “I should think that you will start to develop fairly quickly now that your own body is producing the required hormones. Ok Carla, I am going to leave you to your mother now and will see to some of my other patients.”
Mummy said, “Sweetheart, I am going to go and collect our things from the motel and bring them back here to the relatives' apartment and then I’ll be back to look after you. If Jenny and her Mum turn up before I get back you will have to tell them what we are doing.”
“Ok Mummy, but what if I need to go to the toilet?”
“Carla what is that thing laying on your bed?”
“What!! Oh that thing, it's a buzzer.”
“Well if you need to go you know what to do don’t you?”
“Yes Mummy.”
Mummy went to get the things from the motel and while she was gone I decided to look at what school work she had for me to do. It was mainly reading-type study and only one page of maths to solve. I thought I would surprise her and started to do the maths, but it was really hard to concentrate because my mind kept wondering off , thinking about my future and having babies of my own.
I thought of Ricky and wondered if he would be a good Dad and what he was going to be like with me being a real girl with all the working parts to go with it. I finally settled down and did some reading about Captain Cook and his voyage of discovery in the ship Endeavour, all boring stuff to me. I would rather read about the Red Centre and how the explorers survived in the desert with the help of some Aboriginals showing them how to find water in the desert and live off the land, but most of the early explorers perished in the heat after they had no provisions left. People still die in the desert today, usually if their car breaks down and they start to walk to get help. The unwritten rule is to always stay with your car if you want to be found.
Anyway history lesson over. I needed to pee but Mummy still wasn't back yet so I guessed I had better press the panic button and annoy one of the nurses to come and help me in the toilet. I held the button down and heard a bell go off down the hall somewhere and heard someone running toward my room. Of course it was Judy and all out of breath she said “Hey!! What’s up honey —you in pain or something?”
I replied “I have to pee and Mummy isn't back yet.”
“Oh is that all? Ok, come on than I’ll do the honours and help you.”
I said “I’m sorry, did I take you away from another patient?”
Judy replied “Carla, you are my patient. I was just filling out some boring forms that's all.”
She took me in to the toilet and removed the dressing once more and I sat and did my business.
Judy said, “How does that feel honey?”
I replied, “Ooh it burns a little bit but it feels so good to be doing this like a proper girl without a willy poking out from me.”
Judy said “Carla, remember what Caroline said about that, she said you never really had a willy in the first place and the only reason it even looked like one is because your clitoris couldn’t get inside your body.”
I said “Yeah, it's a pity that the the doctor didn't have a closer look at me when they finally did arrived at the station four hours after I was born and Jean had already passed away.” I was in tears after I said this and Judy had to wipe me clean and take me back to the bed to replace the dressing.
I got back on the bed and had to have a good cry and get it out of my system. Judy sat beside me with her arm around me and said, “It's ok Darling, just let it out. You have had a bad time of it haven’t you?” I finally stopped sobbing as Mummy came back into the room.
She said, “Carla what's happened, why are you so upset?”
Judy replied, “Donna it's ok, the dam just broke that's all. It's a girl thing, you know !!”
“Oh is that all?” Mummy smiled and said, “Join the club little girl” and gave me a hug.
Judy said, “Ok kid, lets get this dressing back on, and we will see what it's like tomorrow and see if we can't leave it off. If it is healing ok we might be able to get away with a sanitary pad instead and then you will be able to go to the loo by yourself.”
It was now ten thirty and the morning tea trolley was being wheeled around the clinic.
The lady poked her head in the door and said “Tea, coffee or juice?”
I said, “Juice.”
Mummy said, “Tea with two sugars please.”
Judy got up to leave and said, “Don’t forget to ask for the chocolate bickies will you?” and she disappeared down the hallway.
Mummy said, “Darling I’m sorry I took so long but I had to come back here to borrow a trolley to put all our things on to bring it all here. There was just too much to carry by hand.”
I replied, “It's ok Mummy, Judy came really quickly when I pressed the button, and I just couldn't help having a cry.”
“Oh Carla my sweet child, if only I had insisted that I go to Charleville to give birth at the time none of this would have happened in the first place. You would have a sister alive and well now.” Mummy was now in tears as well which started me off again too. We must look a sad sight with the two of us sitting on my bed hugging and rocking each other.
Just then Jenny and her Mum Jan walked into the room and Jenny ran over to the bed and sat beside me and started to cry as well.
Jan said, “What on earth has brought all this on?”
Mummy got off the bed and said, “Jan I’m sorry, I just got all emotional when I remembered back to when all this started. I will tell you about it one day.” She said, “Jan lets go for a walk and let Jenny and Carla have a little bit of time by themselves.”
Jenny dried her eyes and said, “I'm sorry Sis but when I walked in I thought that something bad had happened.”
I replied, “No Jenny, it all happened nine years ago on River Downs.” I then said, “How is your Gran doing?”
“Oh Carla she is quite ill and has cancer so I don’t think she will ever go home again.”
I replied, “Oh no, that’s so sad. I’m sorry sis.”
Jenny replied, “Thanks Carla, she is a very old lady so it is expected.” She then said, “I would rather talk about you now. What's it feel like to be complete sis?”
I replied, “Well it stings a bit when I pee but that will go away in a couple of days.”
Jenny said, “Ooh can I see?”
I replied, “Well if you want see I will have to get Judy to come and take the dressing off.”
I pressed the button and Judy was there in seconds and said, “Carla, surely you don’t have to pee again so soon do you? At this rate I will run out of dressings.”
I replied, “No but Jenny would like to see the new me.”
Judy said, “Well I suppose it won't hurt to unwrap you once more, ok than.”
Judy was careful not to ruin the dressing so it could be returned to its place. I lay there with my legs apart and let Jenny have a peek at the new me and all she could say is, “Oh my God it looks the same as mine.”
I replied, “I hope so and when the stitches come out I will look even better.”
Judy said, “Ok, show time over.” and put me back together.
Mummy and Jan came back and Jan was sniffling as though she had been crying and Jenny said, “Mummy what is wrong? You have been crying.”
“Yes Jenny, Donna has just told me the whole story about two little twins being born and how one didn't make it, and why it all happened. Jenny! You are so lucky to have Carla as a friend, do you know that?”
“Yes Mummy I do.”
Jan had to get back the hospital where Jenny's Gran is and get some legal papers signed by her so she said goodbye to Jenny and left.
I said “Aren’t you going with your Mum Jenny?”
She replied “No I'm going to stay with you.” It really looked like Jenny was just in the way, and when Jan left, Jenny sat next to me on the bed and started to cry.
Mummy said, “Jenny it's alright darling, we're here for you, and love you more than you know. Don’t be to hard on your mum. She is under lot of stress at the moment.”
“Aunty Donna, her and Daddy are splitting up and I am in the middle and not wanted, I never have been.”
“Oh sweetheart I’m sorry I didn't know.”
“Aunty Donna, can I stay with you when we go home to Quilpie?”
“Yes of course you can Sweetheart, — can't she Carla?”
I replied while I held Jenny's hands and said “Jenny you are just like a sister to me and I love you , we will be like twins.”
Mummy said “I was wondering why your Mum asked me to look after you for a while, but she didn't tell me about them splitting up, but don’t worry Jennifer, everything will be ok and I will certainly be happy to have you live with us on a permanent basis if need be.”
I said “Jenny you will be staying just downstairs with Mummy in the apartment that is set up to have relatives stay in the complex while patients are being treated, to be close by.”
The next five days were spent with me healing up and I only had to have a pad in my panties to make sure that there was no harsh rubbing on the stitches which were to be taken out back home by Doc Ryan in seven days time. Caroline came and inspected her handy work once a day and was satisfied that I could go home on Wednesday morning.
Mummy also had Jenny and I doing more boring school work ''rolling eyes'' but we also talked about the up and coming school holidays and Mummy's wedding with me and Jenny in our pretty gowns.
Wednesday 15/7/59
Everything was packed and ready to go. Mummy had rung for a taxi to be there at nine am to take us to the airport to catch a flight back to Brisbane and then home from there with Rodney and his new twin engine Cessna. Judy and Caroline had one last look at me and gave me a clean bill of health before they left and said goodbye to me. I had one last question for Caroline and said, “Why don’t I have to poke a thing into me to keep me from closing up?”
Caroline replied “I was wondering when you were going to ask me that, — well Carla because we didn't have to do any surgery inside you all we did was to open you up, you are normal girl we just had to cut a bit of skin away and there was your beautiful vagina.” Question answered, we were on our way to the airport in a yellow taxi.
Jenny was tearful and said, “My parents don’t want me. I’m not important to them any more.”
Mummy was sitting in the front seat of the cab and turned and said “Oh sweetheart I’m sure they both love you very much.”
Jenny replied through her tears, “Well I don’t care what they do now as long as I have you and Carla I don’t care if I never see them again.”
Mummy told the cab driver to pull over so she could get in the back with me and Jenny, once Mummy was in the back we both held Jenny's hands but didn't say anything till we got out of the car at the airport. It was really hard for me to say too much because I was close to crying any time I wanted to say something to Jenny, so I just kept on holding her hand.
Mummy paid the cab driver and eventually we were on the plane back to Brisbane. By lunch time we were in Debbie's taxi going from Brisbane airport to Mary's apartment. Debbie had all sorts of questions she asked me about what I had done to me but Mummy said, “Debbie, Carla and Jenny have had a bad day and I don’t think Carla is up to answering to many questions at the moment. All I can say is that all went really well medically.”
Debbie replied “Ok luv, I understand.” Nothing more was said on the way to the apartment.
Debbie pulled up outside of the apartment building and got out of the cab to remove all our baggage from the trunk and then she gave us a hand to carry it all up to the apartment. Mummy invited Debbie in for a cup of tea and to my surprise she said it was a slow day and why not?
I thought 'Oh no, more questions.' but she and Mummy started chatting about Mummy's up and coming wedding, which was a relief because I really didn't want to talk about me when poor Jenny was so down about being told that her parents were splitting up.
Debbie said goodbye and left. Mummy unpacked a few things to tide us over for that night and some of the following day, and she said, “Girls we are going to be going home tomorrow so I wont unpack to much stuff.”
I replied, “What about Rose Mummy, are we going to go and see her before we go home?”
“No, Rose is coming around here with Mary when she finishes her shift and you will see her then ok?”
“Ok Mummy I think Jenny and I will lay down have a bit of a rest we are both tired from all the travelling.”
Jenny and I must have fallen asleep because Samantha came into the room we were in and said, “Hello you two, Mummy will be home with Rose soon so it might pay to be awake when they arrive.”
Jenny and I rubbed our eyes and got off the bed and walked out into the lounge just as the door opened and in walked Mary and Rose. Once we were hugged and kissed we settled down and and were interrogated by the two women.
I answered all the questions and then Rose said “Alright little Carla, let's have a look at the job they did for you.”
I replied “What, in front of everyone?”
Rose said “Carla, if you were in a girl's dressing room what would you do?”
I replied “Well I guess I would have to get undressed and be like all the other girls in the room.”
Mummy looked at me and said, “Well!!”
I said “Ok here goes” and I took off the denim skirt I was wearing and stood there for a couple of minutes, and said, “Ok ok!! I’m doing it.” I pulled my panties down and they still had a pad in them to make sure there was no rubbing occurring on the stitches.
Rose knelt down and had a good look and said, “Wow Carla that is perfect.”
Samantha said, “Will I look as good as that too Rose?”
Rose said, “If you go to that clinic and get Caroline to do the surgery I don't see why not Sam.”
I said, “Can I get get dressed now please?”
Rose replied, “Oh sorry Carla, of course you can and you are a very brave little girl and I am proud of you.”
Just then I could feel Jean wanting to communicate with me and I said out loud “What is it Jean?”
Jean said in my mind, “Carla, do not say anything about what I am about to tell you. It is too early to tell but Jenny's Mum has been hurt. Do not say anything to Jenny till I communicate with you again ok?”
I said “Ok.”
Everyone except Mummy was looking at me to tell them what Jean wanted. I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “She just wanted to tell me she loved me.”
They all accepted that but Mummy gave me a knowing look.
Rose stayed a bit longer and then said she would see me in a couple months, with time to do some more work on the twin study if that was ok with me.
I said, “Yes” and Mummy nodded as well.
Mummy then made a few phone calls and asked Rodney to fly us home tomorrow morning. After she was told what time Rodney would be at the airport she gave Debbie a call and arranged for her to take us out to the airport at nine am in the morning. Later Mary took us out to a restaurant for dinner because it would be a while before we were in Brisbane again and wanted to give us a treat.
We arrived back at the apartment and went to bed by nine pm. Jenny, Samantha and myself slept in a threesome hug all night to keep Jenny from worrying about her parents. Before I went to bed Mummy asked me to go to the bathroom because she wanted to make sure I was healing alright but it was to talk about what Jean had said to me. When Jean was communicating with me Mummy concentrated as well and also heard the message.
She said, “Carla we will be home just after lunch tomorrow so all we can do is wait and see what has happened to Jan ok?”
“Ok Mummy.”
We were at the airport on time and Rodney was checking out the plane for the return flight back to Quilpie. Nobody said much on the flight home. Mummy and I were worried about what had happened to Jenny's Mum and Jenny was worried about her parents break-up and felt hurt. I thought she was going to need me more than ever now.
To be continued.
Next time: Tissues required for this one.
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Thank you Roo,
Whoo,hoo!! Our little girl is complete,such a joy.
You'll Have To Change The Title Now!
Carla is no longer the girl inside the boy. She's outside and there is no boy.
I sort of hope two things, that Jenny's Mum is not hurt too badly and that it was an accident and not something her Dad did,
...she's come a long way...what a blessing.
Love, Andrea Lena
The Girl Inside the Boy : Part 4 Chapter 2
Will Carla keep on having periods at such a young age, or will her body be that of a girl her age instead of the more mature caused by her taking the meds?
May Your Light Forever Shine
Perhaps I could explain that the idea of periods covers a lot of issues with those of ud who have a slightly different approach history to the concept of womanhood. There is not so much a fascination, more of a sigh of regret. The regret is not for the periods themselves but more the whole idea of womanhood, of fertility, of possibility.
The issue here (shoot me if I am wrong, Roo) is more of normality, of simple femininity. It is a badge, not the issue itself. Those people who obsess about age, frequency, flow rate and cramps, as opposed to narrative, risk being perceived as more than a little disturbing.
For the repeated pun...issues.
Thanks Steph
Thanks Steph,
You are spot on with your explanation of what little Carla is going through she is now a girl complete, her periods started because of the hormones she was given and if she had not been intersexed she would probably not be experiencing them at her age. But she is coping with the situation as best she can.
Love and hugs Ronnie :)
I recall...
...when I was in middle school about my difference with my sister and that I was almost jealous that she wore pads; a disappointment I harbored very deeply until it surfaced a few years ago. The connection between being a woman and bearing children is too painful to think about at times.
I know folks will say what they will about the physical pain that I would have to bear if I actually could be a mother, but it's so integral to who I am in a way. And I know that may even sound foolish to some. But as you say, in many ways, it goes beyond a mere bodily function and is a badge...the feeling of belonging to that part of humanity for which we so sadly yearn? Something, that when I think of Joann, brings me a feeling of sad but fond connection, even it it's just pretend, since she was unable to have children.
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Love, Andrea Lena
I've come to love the woman Joann, despite having never met her. Longing to be a mother? There is nothing in this world I could give, nothing I wouldn't do to be a mother.
When my kids grew up, I was the Mommy. My wife agrees with that, at least. But the physical connection, of having a second heartbeat in your breast, is something I'd give anything for.
The connection you have with Joann is something to cherish. 'Drea, It is not, in any way, pretend. You gave everything for her. That connection is never going to go away.
Hugs and Love,
i love the story so far
i love the story so far though u might wanna check ur line up it looks like it placed this new one out of order
Thank you Steph,
Menstruation is a very private thing for women and should not be glossed over
in this forum or discussed as a nonentity.I am quite sure that the matter will
be capably handled by the author so it should be left to her.
A Shameless Plug
May I recommend my recently posted story DAYMARE which deals with the effects on readers (and authors) of insensitive and inappropriate comments appended to stories.
The male equivalent of a period is the time that they start lasciviously salivating over pictures of pubescent girls and become inordinately interested in their menses. However, with some males this does not occur just once a month but is continuous until they expire or their mental processes become so feeble that they can no longer obsess.
Thank you Steph,
Menstruation is a very private thing for women and should not be glossed over
in this forum or discussed as a nonentity.I am quite sure that the matter will
be capably handled by the author so it should be left to her.