You Have it All Wrong Four - The Kids Story - Part 12

You Have It All Wrong Four

By SaraUK


Part 12

Editors Note:Sorry this weeks chapter is late but I was traveling all day yesterday by train and was in no fit shape to post this last night

    Lianna had finished her homework and felt a little sad when she looked over at her bed where Danielle had lay the night before studying. Lianna had hoped Danielle might have come to her room after finishing in the kitchen, but she never had. Lianna decided to go to Danielle’s room and thank her again for taking over the dishwashing chore so her and Lauren could do their homework. Lianna poked her head in to see if Lauren wanted to go with her, but Lauren was busy sorting out an art homework project still, so Lianna left her to it and walked down the hallway to the other end of the house where Danielle’s bedroom was. Lianna thought she’d be much happier when Uncle Carl and Aunty Mandy got her new room finished off so it wouldn’t be such a trek to go and visit. She finally got to Danielle’s bedroom door and took a couple of deep breaths before she knocked.

    There was a clattering of some sort just before Lianna heard a panicked sounding Danielle squeal ‘just a minute’ Worried for Danielle’s safety, Lianna just grabbed the handle and bust into the room.

     “I asked you to give me a minute!” Danielle snapped as she turned her back to Lianna so she couldn’t see the poor job she’d done of putting on the makeup.

     “I’m sorry Daniele, but you sounded upset and I was worried about you.” Lianna said as she walked over to where Danielle still had her back to her. “Why won’t you look at me? Have you been crying? Did someone upset you?” Lianna asked as she put a hand on Danielle’s shoulder and forced her to turn around and look at her.

     “No, I just look like a clown.” Danielle said with a pout as she finally turned to face Lianna. “I don’t know the first thing about putting makeup on.” Danielle added close to tears now as she looked at Lianna trying not to laugh at her.

     “It doesn’t look that bad.” Lianna said, but the strain in her voice as she tried not to start laughing was plain to hear. Lianna thought Danielle looked more like a six year old that had just gotten in her mum’s makeup for the first time; she also thought Danielle looked cute as she stood looking at her with those sad puppy dog eyes.

    Normally Danielle would have got even more upset if someone looked to be laughing at her or making fun of her, but for some reason she kind of liked the way Lianna was having trouble trying to keep a straight face. “You do realise that you’re not a very good liar, right?” Danielle smirked as she stood with her hands on her hips trying to look upset, but was close to laughing herself.

    Danielle had pushed Lianna to her breaking point and she finally lost it and burst out in a fit of giggles that soon had Danielle giggling right along with her.

     “I’m sorry for laughing, but you just look so cute.” Lianna said once they had both calmed down a bit. Lianna’s little bit of makeup now looked a little messy due to her crying from laughing so hard.

    Danielle had been crying with laughter as well, not that you’d be able to notice because it already looked like she’d been caught out in a rain storm to begin with. Danielle thought it felt good to laugh like that, she couldn’t remember ever doing it before, and the fact that Lianna was the one she did it with first made her feel even closer to her new sister and best friend.

     “You laughed at me because I looked cute? Not just a clown?” Danielle asked as Lianna led her over to the dressing table where Danielle had her makeup case open with some of the things out.

     “I’d never think you a Clown, fool, or any other nasty or hurtful word sis.” Lianna said in a soothing voice as she got some wipes and set to work removing the makeup Danielle had put on. “Would you like me to give you your first makeup lesson?”

     “I’d like that very much.” Danielle said as she looked Lianna in the eyes and just wanted to get lost in them forever.

    Lianna spent the next hour giving Danielle pointers on skin care before applying makeup, and what she’d need to do when removing it again at the end of the day. Lianna then helped Danielle get a couple of simple day time looks before she said that would do for her first lesson.

     “Thank you for helping me sis.” Danielle said after she’d finished removing all the makeup. “Where did you learn all that?” She asked Lianna as she helped her pack all the makeup away again.

     “My mother, your Aunty Chrissy. She’s amazing at it.” Lianna said with pride in her voice.

     “Did Aunty Chrissy do Aunty Becky’s makeup the other night when she was going to work with Uncle Brad?” Danielle asked as she remembered how beautiful Aunty Becky had looked.

     “Yes, mother takes a lot of pride in making mom look pretty for the whole world to see.” Lianna giggled. “You should see how pretty mother looks when she’s all glamed up and ready for a night out at the club.” Lianna added with a grin.

     “I’d like to see that very much. Do they go out very often together?” Danielle asked looking hopeful that she’d get to see her Aunty Chrissy all glamed up as Lianna put it, sooner rather than later.

     “They go out most Saturday nights while nana Holly keeps an eye on us all, not that we cause any trouble.” Lianna giggled. “They never went out this past Saturday though because of me and Lauren sneaking out the Saturday before, but you already know all about that.” Lianna added as she playfully pushed Danielle as she giggled some more.

    Danielle was just about to ask Lianna how her parent first met when there was a knock on the bedroom door just before Chrissy and Mandy entered the room.

     “I’m sorry to break up the little party the two of you are having, but you have school tomorrow young lady, so we’ll have you going and getting ready for bed.” Chrissy said as she walked over and helped Lianna to get up off the bed so she could take her back to her room.

     “Okay mummy. “Lianna said as she helped Danielle to her feet so she could give her a hug and wish her goodnight with a kiss on the cheek. “Goodnight my sweet sister. I hope you’ll get up and have breakfast with us still in the morning, even though you don’t need to get up early.” Lianna pouted as she held Danielle in her arms.

     “You can count on it sis.” Danielle said with a grin, which just got bigger when she saw how happy that bit of news made Lianna.

     “I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast then.” Lianna giggled just before she kissed Danielle on the cheek again, and then she skipped from the room humming happily to herself.

    Chrissy looked at Mandy with a worried look, but she soon hid it and stepped over to give Danielle a hug before leaving to go and make sure Lianna got ready for bed. “Sweet dreams my beautiful little niece.” Chrissy said as she gave Danielle a hug and kissed her on the forehead. “Thank you for helping Lianna and Lauren to keep on top of their homework, but I hope you don’t feel like doing what you did will make you fit in any better than you already have?” Chrissy asked, worried that Danielle felt like less of a family member than any of the other children did.

     “No, not at all Aunty Chrissy. I just thought it would give them more time to do a better job with it, and I wanted to help out where I could.” Danielle smiled. “Nana Holly told me some funny stories about Lianna and Lauren when they were younger, so I had a really great time.” Danielle added with pride.

     “Yes your nana Holly loves to tell everyone that will listen, stories about all of us when we were younger.” Chrissy said with a roll of the eyes. “The real trick is getting her to shut up again.” Chrissy added in a fake whisper like Holly was within ear shot.

     “I really don’t mind hearing all the stories Aunty Chrissy.” Danielle said excitedly as she giggled at the way her Aunty looked so worried that Nana Holly could hear what she was saying. “I don’t have any nice memories, so hearing all of yours is really cool.” Danielle had a sad tone to her voice as she said it.

     “Remind me the next time we’re in the living room watching the TV, and I’ll get the photo albums out and let you see what Lianna looked like when she was younger.” Chrissy said with a grin. “But for now I better go and make sure she’s getting ready for bed, and not just surfing the internet watching silly YouTube videos.” Chrissy added just before she gave Danielle another hug and kissed her on the forehead, then she left the room to go and check on Lianna and also make sure Lauren was done with her home work and in bed.

     “Goodnight Aunty Chrissy.” Daniele shouted to Chrissy as she watched her leave the bedroom.

    Once Chrissy had left the bedroom, Mandy helped Danielle get ready for bed, well she sorted out Danielle’s night clothes and then sat on the bed to wait for her to use the toilet and brush her teeth. Danielle was still too shy to get undressed in front of anyone, but she had good reason to, given all the trouble she’d had at the foster homes in the past.

    Mandy had the covers pulled back ready for Danielle to climb in so Mandy could then cover her back up and get her tucked in for the night.

     “Did you have fun at school these past couple of days?” Mandy asked as she played with Danielle’s hair. “I should have brushed this for you before you got in bed.” She added with a smile.

     “I don’t mind getting up again mummy if you want to brush my hair for me.” Danielle said as she hoped her mother would say yes and let her get back out of bed.

     “I think it would be for the best if we did, don’t you?” Mandy asked with a grin as she pulled the covers back down and then helped Danielle to get back out the bed before they walked over to the dressing table where Mandy picked up a brush.

     “Did your mother use to do this with you mummy?” Danielle asked as she sat with her eyes closed enjoying the soft tugging of her mother pulling the bush thought her hair.

     “Yes she did, every night before I went to bed.” Mandy smiled as she brushed Danielle’s hair. “You never did answer my question about school, and whether or not you like it.” Mandy pointed out; worried that Danielle hadn’t liked it and was just trying to get out of giving an answer.

     “I’ve never liked going to school mummy, but it was nice going to this one because I had friends, and even made some new ones while I was there today.” Danielle said happily. She then told Mandy about Naomi, Polly and Natalie.

     “I met them at Lauren and Lianna’s birthday party. Well Lauren and Andrew’s, to tell the truth, but you know what I mean.” Mandy giggled. “They are all very nice girls. I’m glad you feel happy about going there once we can get all the paperwork sorted out.” Mandy added with a grin as she kept brushing her daughter’s hair. She thought if Danielle had been a cat, she’d be purring, she looked that happy to have Mandy pampering her, not that Mandy looked any less happy to be the one doing the pampering.

     “What were you and Lianna up to before your Aunty Chrissy and I came into the room?” Mandy asked after it had been quiet for some time. The only noise being that of Mandy pulling the brush through Danielle’s hair.

     “She was showing me how to put makeup on.” Danielle giggled at the memory of the poor job she’d done herself before Lianna burst into the room.

     “She’s very talented at it, just like her mother.” Mandy said as she thought about how good Chrissy was at it, and all the people she’d helped improve doing their own. Mandy still liked to let Chrissy help her with her makeup every now and then, normally when she wanted to look extra special for Carl, or Carla, depending on the occasion.

    Which would that be mummy? Aunty Chrissy or Aunty Becky?” Danielle asked, not fully understanding how Lauren and Lianna knew which parent wanted them at what time.

     “That would be your Aunty Chrissy.” Mandy pointed out with a giggle. “Lianna and Lauren call your Aunty Chrissy Mother, or mommy, where as they call your Aunty Becky Mom. It’s a little odd I know, but it works.” Mandy added with a sigh.

     “Does Jessica do the same thing with Aunty Amy and Aunty Amber?”

     “Yes she does, as does Peter with your Aunty Sara and Aunty Cathy.” Mandy explained.

     “How did they all meet? And how did they all come to have children?” Danielle asked, wondering if they had all been adopted like Mandy and Carl were now doing with her.

     “That’s a long story that I think I should let your Aunties explain to you some other time.” Mandy said, not wanting to give Danielle the truth that her Aunty Chrissy, Aunty Amy and Aunty Cathy were all born with birth defects like Lianna.

     “Will they want to tell me mummy?” Danielle asked.

     “Of cause they will sweetie, you’re part of this family now and we don’t keep secrets from each other.” Mandy said as she put the brush down and wrapped her arms around Danielle so she could kiss her from behind as she kissed her on the cheek.

    Danielle felt a pang of fear run through her as she thought about the secret she had, and whether she should just tell her new mother about it before she found out any other way. Danielle was just about to tell her mother, but she chickened out at the last minute.

    Mandy looked at Danielle when she thought she was about to say something, but when she looked, Danielle had closed her mouth again, so Mandy thought the young girl was just trying to hide a yawn.

     “I think that will do for one night, now into bed so you can get your beauty sleep my little princess, not that you need to look anymore beautiful.” Mandy giggled as she tucked Danielle in and then kissed her forehead.

     “Do you really think I’m a pretty girl mummy?” Danielle asked.

     “Do you really need me to answer that?” Mandy asked with a puzzled look just before she started grinning. “Yes I think you’re a very pretty young girl, or woman.” Mandy added just before she kissed Danielle again. “Now go to sleep and have only happy dreams my sweet daughter.” Mandy said just before she left the room and turned off the light.

    Danielle was soon drifting off to sleep with thoughts of Lianna running through her mind which led to her having some nice dreams.


    Lianna had got ready for bed while Chrissy sat and waited for her, and then Chrissy sat her down at the dressing table so they could talk while Chrissy brushed out Liana’s hair for her.

     “I’ve noticed a big change in you over the past couple of day’s sweetie.” Chrissy said as she looked at Lianna in the mirror.

     “I should hope so mummy with what nana Prue and Aunty Jane did to me on Sunday.” Lianna said with a grin.

     “I don’t mean them sort of changes silly.” Chrissy said as she lightly tapped Lianna on the head as she giggled. “I mean the way I’ve seen you acting towards Danielle.” Chrissy added.

     “I’m just trying to be a good sister to her mummy. God knows she needs some kindness shown to her after all she’s been through.” Lianna said in her defence of Danielle.

     “Is that all it is? Or do you have stronger feelings towards her than just being a sister or a good friend?” Chrissy asked, but already knew the answer before her daughter had time to think up a lie.

     “I’m not sure what it is I feel for her mummy, but just seeing her smile or laugh at something I’ve done makes me feel all warm and funny.” Lianna tried to explain to her mother. “Is that how you felt with mom?” Lianna asked when she saw the strange far away smile her mother had as she explained how she felt when she was with Danielle.

     “Yes it is sweetie, and do you want to know something else?” Chrissy asked with a grin.

     “I’m not too sure mummy, is it about you and mom?” Lianna asked looking worried that her mother was about to tell her something that would scar her for the rest of her life.

     “No it’s not, and you have a dirty mind young lady.” Chrissy giggled some more as she playfully slapped Lianna on the shoulder. “I was going to say that Danielle feels the same way about you.” Chrissy pointed out.

     “How can you be so sure mummy? You don’t know Danielle that well yet.” Liana asked, but was hoping her mother was right and Danielle really did have strong feeling for her like she did for Danielle.

     “Just trust your mother in these matters sweetie.” Chrissy smiled as she finished brushing out Lianna’s hair and then helped her to get in bed so she could be tucked in.

    Lianna was soon fast asleep and dreaming about kissing Danielle and spending even more time together. Lianna also had a couple of nightmares where she was being chased by large men with cameras as they tried to get interviews with her about wanting to be a girl.


    Chrissy had walked down the long hallway to the stairs just in time to see Mandy coming from the other direction having just finished putting Danielle to bed, so they walked down to the living room together.

    Did you get Danielle into bed alright sis?” Chrissy asked with a smile when she saw how happy Mandy was to have a daughter to pamper.

     “Yes I did.” Mandy replied with a dreamy look in her eyes as she thought about the fun she’d just had brushing Danielle’s hair for her. “She was asking me how you, Amy and Cathy all met Becky, Amber and Sara. She’s also started to wonder how you came to have children together.” Mandy warned Sara.

     “Well we all knew it was only going to be a matter of time before she got over the shock of us all adopting her, and she’d then want answers to how three groups of women could have children of their own.” Sara said with a sigh.

     “She’s under the impression that they could be adopted like her, so that should give you a little more time to sit her down and explain it to her.” Mandy said.

     “So you want me to explain everything to her then sis?” Chrissy asked with a shocked edge to her voice.

     “I was thinking you and Amy could sit her down at some point and tell her about yourself and how you came to be married to Becky and Amber. It would be better if the two of you explained it to her.” Mandy said as she wrapped an arm around Chrissy in a form of a one sided hug. “I have a feeling it may help Danielle deal with her feelings for your daughter as well.” Mandy added with a frown.

     “You’ve noticed it as well then?” Chrissy asked, referring to the fact Danielle and Lianna looked to be more than just sisters or good friends.

     “I think I blind man could see it up in the bedroom just now.” Mandy giggled. “Do you think it’s serious between them?” Mandy asked.

     “Lianna made it sound like it was. She has the same feelings for Danielle as I had and still do have every time I see Becky.” Chrissy said in answer to Mandy’s question.

     “Should we try and nip it in the bud?” Mandy asked.

     “Do you think we could, even if we really wanted to?” Chrissy asked as she thought about someone trying to stop her and Becky being together. “All we can do is let it play out, and see if they truly love each other, or if it’s just a crush.”

     “When did you get so wise my dear little sister?” Mandy asked as she rested her head on Chrissy’s shoulder while they walked down the hallway past the entrance to the dining room and then on to the living room where the others were all sat.

    Chrissy went and cuddled up to Becky on one sofa, and Mandy joined Carl on another. Amy and Amber were on another sofa while Holly was sat in an armchair reading a book. Jayden, Kara, Ann and Brad were all at the club.

     “Are the kids all in bed now then?” Carl asked as he wrapped an arm around Mandy and pulled her even closer to him.

     “Yes, Danielle and Lianna were the last two to be up. Lianna was giving Danielle some makeup tips.” Mandy said with a smile as she looked up at Carl from where she’d rested her head.

     “Do you think Danielle is settling in okay?” Carl asked with some worry in his voice.

     “Yes, she even let me brush her hair for her before she went to bed.” Mandy was grinning now. “Have you found anything out about her past yet, and why she was never adopted before now?” Mandy asked in some hope that her husband had some answers to her questions.

     “I was due to have a meeting with the team I’d put in charge sorting out the adoption today, but I had to move it to tomorrow when all the stuff happened at the school.” Carl explained.

     “Do you think we’ll have any trouble adopting her honey?” Mandy asked with worry in her voice now.

     “No, none at all by dear. The worst thing that could happen is I’ll have to drop some money in the right hands to smooth things out, but with how long Danielle’s been stuck in the system, I’d say they’d be glad to be rid of her.” Carl said with a shrug.

     “Carl! Don’t talk about the poor child like that.” Mandy sat up and slapped Carl on the arm to show him how upset she was over the way he just spoke about their new daughter.

     “I didn’t mean I think like that Mandy! I’m just saying what I expect them to think when they look at her records and see how many foster homes she’s been through.” Carl said as he pulled Mandy back into his arms as he showed her that he cared as much as she did.

     “Do either of you have any idea how many foster homes Danielle has actually been in since she was thrown into the system?” Amy asked from across the room where she was cuddled up to Amber.

     “No, not until I speak to the team tomorrow.” Carl said, not realising that Amy and Amber had found out a rough total from Danielle earlier in the night when she was helping them set the table for dinner.

     “Amber and I found out that it was somewhere between twenty five and thirty. Danielle said she’d lost count herself, but it was between those two figures.” Amy informed them.

     “What?!” Carl said as he sat up in shock. “How could she go through so many foster homes and never find a place she felt she could fit in?” Carl asked himself more than any of the others in the room.

    Chrissy, Becky, Mandy and Holly were all just as shocked as Carl was to find out just how screwed up the child welfare system was that it would just keep passing a child like Danielle around like they had. They all thought it was no wonder the poor child had finally had enough and ran away to find her own way in life.

     “I’ll be interested to see what the team came up with now, just so I can make some heads roll.” Carl said with anger for the people who failed his daughter. For once Carl got no arguments from any of the others, they all felt the same way about it, and also wanted to see some people suffer for what had been happening to Danielle all these years.

     “All this makes me want to run up and give Danielle a hug so she knows we all love her.” Mandy said as a tear ran down her cheek.

     “Me two sis.” Chrissy snuffled as she took a tissue from Becky so she could wipe her eyes as well.

     “Me three!” Amy shouted as she also had a tear in her eye.

     “I’m sure she already knows you all love her.” Holly said as she put down her book and made a strange sound like she was clearing her throat, but in reality she too was choked up by the miserable past Danielle had had to put up with. “But that doesn’t mean we don’t have to show her that we do.” Holly added as she agreed with the others in the fact that she to just wanted to go up and give the child a hug.

     “I’ll let all you handle the hugs, while I sort out making her part of the family on paper.” Carl said with an angry edge to his voice still. “She’ll never be treated like anything less than a beloved child and member of this family from now on.” Carl added. He wished he’d kept the meeting with the team responsible for finding out all the details about Danielle’s case now. The team leader had seemed quite eager to have a word with Carl about Danielle, now he could see why, finding out what Amy had just told him.

    They all spent the rest of the night until bedtime talking about things they all wanted to do for Danielle. Things they know she never would have done with being in foster care. Becky had the most insight to offer, due to her growing up in foster care just like Danielle had, but Becky only stopped in a couple of foster homes. Even she couldn’t understand how Danielle had been in almost thirty of them.


    Danielle had set the alarm on her phone to wake her the next morning so she could go down and have some breakfast with Lianna and the others before they left for school, then she planned to take a long relaxing soak in a nice hot bubble bath for an hour or so. Danielle was actually looking forward to pruning.

    Lianna and the others were all dressed for school and sat eating their breakfast when Danielle entered the dining room still in her night clothes with a big pink fluffy bathrobe over the top of it. She grabbed what she wanted off the breakfast bar and then went and sat next to Lianna to eat it.

     “I didn’t think you were going to make it down here before we left for school.” Lianna pouted.

     “Sorry, but I just didn’t feel like moving.” Danielle pouted back. “I never thought I’d say this, but I’m a little sad I’m not coming with you.” Danielle added with a sigh just before she started eating the bacon, egg, sausage and mushrooms she’d served up for herself.

     “I’m a little sad you’re not coming as well.” Lianna pouted some more. “What you got planned for your quiet day at home then sis?” Lianna added, not wanting to think about being stuck at school all day thinking about Danielle wandering around the house all alone.

     “I plan to take a soak in a nice hot bubble bath until the water goes cold and I look like a prune.” Danielle giggled. “Beyond that I don’t have any idea what I’ll do.” Danielle added with a shrug.

     “Why do you make it sound like you’ve never taken a bath before?” Lauren asked looking confused.

     “Because I never have, well not that I can remember.” Danielle said looking a little embarrassed over the comment. “I was lucky if I got a shower, sharing a house with nine other kids, some of whom might have tried to drown me as soon as look at me.”

     “Tell me you’re joking sis?” Lauren asked.

     “I could, but I’d be lying to you.” Danielle said with a look of pure fear on her face as she thought about living in the last foster home before she finally ran away. “One of the girls that lived at the last place wanted to stab me just for taking the last chocolate biscuit.” Danielle added with a shudder.

    Chrissy couldn’t cope with hearing anymore, so she got up and ran around the table before wrapping her arms around Danielle and hugging her. “No one will ever do anything like that to you ever again. I won’t let them.” Chrissy said with determination in her voice.

    Mandy was glad that Carl had already left so he could catch up on some things he never got sorted out the day before due to the trouble at the school. Mandy knew he’d have gone ballistic if he’d heard any of what Danielle had just said. She was worried as to how he’d cope hearing what the team he’d put to work on sorting out the adoption had to say when he met with them later in the morning.

    Chrissy finally stopped hugging Danielle and let her finish her breakfast, but Chrissy had sat in the empty seat next to her, and would stroke her hair and hug her every now and then. Normally this sort of attention from anyone would have freaked Danielle out, but for some reason she liked it when Chrissy hugged her, or stroked her hair.

    Lianna and the others had all gone back upstairs to brush their teeth and finish getting ready for school. Danielle was stood waiting when they all came back down stairs, she got a hug from everyone of them as they left the house, and she got an extra special hug from Lianna as she was leaving.

     “Feel free to explore my bedroom later, if you want.” Lianna told Danielle as she hugged her.

     “I couldn’t do that sis!” Danielle looked shocked at the very thought of going in Lianna’s room while she was at school.

     “I’m giving you permission to go in there and try on some of my clothes, or just listen to some of my music.” Lianna explained that she really didn’t mind her going in there.

    Not wanting to argue with Lianna anymore and make her late for school Danielle smiled. “Okay sis, thank you.”

    Lianna smiled back and hugged her once more before being almost dragged over to the minibus by Chrissy. “I’ll see you later when I get home from school!” Lianna shouted just before Chrissy finally managed to get her on the minibus so Brad could shut the door.

    Danielle couldn’t help but giggle as she watched her Aunty Chrissy having a battle with Lianna to get her on the minibus. Danielle waved to her other brothers and sisters as she watched her Uncle Brad pull away from the house and head down the drive and out the gates at the end. She suddenly felt very alone, but it was short lived as her Aunty Chrissy wrapped an arm around her and led her back into the house.

     “Are you sure you’ll be okay here all on your own sweetie?” Chrissy asked as they walked back to the kitchen where Holly had made a start on cleaning up the kitchen.

     “Is everyone going out Aunty Chrissy?” Danielle asked looking worried that she was going to be in this large house all on her own.

     “No, I’m sorry sweetie. I mean will you be alright on your own with all the other children at school?” Chrissy corrected herself.

     “Yes I’ll be fine Aunty Chrissy.” Danielle smiled again now she knew that she wasn’t being left to roam the house while everyone else went out. “I’m going to help nana Holly clean up the kitchen, and then I’m going to take a soak in the bath.” Danielle added the last part with a grin.

    Chrissy smiled at the young girl as Danielle went over and did just what she said she was going to do, and started to work with Holly on doing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Chrissy ran off to finish getting ready for work.


    Becky walked back into the kitchen after seeing her wife off to work with a long hug and a kiss that she could still taste and feel. She saw that Danielle was just wiping down the last of the worktops with Holly, so she sat down at the kitchen table to wait for them both to finish.

     “Thank you for the help this morning Danielle.” Holly said as she gave the girl a hug. “I’ll miss you when you start school with the others.” Holly added with a pout as she walked Danielle over to the table where Becky was sat pouring out two cups of tea for her and Holly. Becky had already poured out a glass of juice for Danielle.

     “I could always not go to school nana Holly.” Danielle said like it was a serious suggestion. “I could help you even more then.” She added.

     “I’d rather keep struggling than keep you away from a good education my sweet child.” Holly said as she helped Danielle take a seat at the table so she could enjoy her glass of juice.

     “If you’re still planning to take that bubble bath Danielle, I’ve sorted you out some better towels.” Becky said with a grin. “They’re over there on the side. Don’t forget to take them up with you, because I’ve taken the other ones out your room already, while I was getting the others out the other rooms ready to go in the wash.” Becky told Danielle.

    Danielle was soon emptying her glass and taking it over to the sink to rinse it out before she hugged both Becky and Holly before running from the kitchen, just to hear Aunty Becky call her back.

     “Yes Aunty Becky?” Danielle asked.

     “Towels.” Becky said with a grin as she looked at the small stack of fluffy white towels on the side.

     “Sorry.” Danielle giggled as she walked over and picked up the towels before running from the kitchen giggling with excitement.

     “She’ll fit in quite well with the others I think.” Becky giggled after watching Danielle run from the room.

     “Well she’s forgetful enough to be a blood relative to most of them.” Holly added as she started giggling as well.


    Danielle got up to her bedroom and decided to play some music while she took her soak in the bath, so she dropped the towels on the bed and then walked over to her iPod which was still plugged into its docking station. She selected random and started it playing, and then she went into the bathroom so she could start filling up the bath. There were a large collection of different bath oils and other stuff in the bathroom, so Danielle took the tops off some of them until she found one she liked the most, and then she added a large amount to the bathtub as it slowly filled up with water.

     “This is going to take ages to fill up.” She moaned to herself as she watched it filling up. She was soon back in the bedroom going through her new wardrobe and trying to pick out what she was going to wear once she got out the bath.

    Once she’d picked out her clothes, which were just a simple looking dress, she went back to check on the bath and had to smile when she saw it was getting close to the level she wanted it at, so she started to get undressed. She took off her bathrobe and placed in on the chair that was in her bathroom while she slipped off her night gown and then the panties she’d worn to bed. All that went in the hamper, by this point the bath was full and hidden under a layer of bubbles that reminded Danielle of a snow covered mountain.

    Danielle was soon stepping into the bath, not wanting to spend too much time looking at her skinny body. She did think that her hips and chest looked a little bigger now she was eating properly. Danielle had always been one of the last to eat at the foster homes she stopped at due to her always being the new kid, and the new kid was always treated worse than all the rest.

     “This feels so good.” Danielle groaned as she let the hot water engulf her. She was soon laying back in the tub relaxing and singing along to the music playing on her iPod in the other room. It was turned up a little loud so she could hear it okay in the bathroom, not that she was going to bother anyone due to there only being Holly and Becky in the house at the minute.

    Danielle did like she said and stopped in the water until she was well and truly pruned. She stepped out the bath and then remembered that she’d left the towels on the bed in the other room.

     “Damn it! How can I be so stupid?” Danielle said as she slapped herself on the forehead with the palm of her hand. She thought about slipping her bathrobe on, but didn’t want to soak it through, so she decided to just slip her slippers on and make a quick dash to the bedroom to grab them.

    Danielle ran into her bedroom and over to the bed where she’d left the towels, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her Aunty Becky stood holding the towels like she was ready to take them into the bathroom. The thing that had Danielle worried was the fact her Aunty Becky was looking down at Danielle’s groin area where her labia should have been, but found herself looking at a penis instead.

    Becky wasn’t as shocked as Danielle thought she would be, but then again this wasn’t the first time Becky had seen a sight like this. The last time she’d seen this was just before Chrissy went in for the surgery to turn her small penis into a clitoris. She looked Danielle up and down, and apart from the small thing between her legs, and even at that it was only a penis of a much smaller child, not someone of Danielle’s age, all Becky could see was a young naked girl shaking with fear. Becky soon got her brain back in gear and looked at a very scared Danielle and said. “I think you’ve got some explaining to do.”


To Be Continued Next friday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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Child and Parent guide:

Parents Children
Chrissy & Becky Andrew/Lianna, Lauren (Twins)
Amy & Amber Jessica
Ann & brad Jennifer
Sara & Cathy Peter
Mandy & Carl/Carla Craig, Danielle (Adopted)
Jayden & Callum Richard, Nicola (Twins)
Dan & Faith Penny, Christopher

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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