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Chapter Twenty
Sara felt really tired, but she had forced herself to stay linked with Jo all day, so she was soon fast asleep and having a strange dream. She was dreaming that she was in a dark cave, but it felt hot in there, soon she came to a glowing light at the end of the tunnel she’d found herself in, there she found a lava filled cavern. The dream felt so real that Sara could feel the heat coming from the lava. Not liking the dream, Sara turned to get away from it, but her footing gave way and she found herself slipping down into it. Sara let out a scream as she felt the lava start to burn her legs.
Sheana and Jenna woke to Sara Screaming that her legs were on fire, but the thing that shocked them more was the fact Sara was now stood at the side of the bed trying to stamp out the fire that wasn’t there.
“Sis! Your legs, there working!” Sheana shouted as she watched Sara dancing around as she was still trying to put the fire out by the looks of it.
Sara thought she heard Sheana’s voice calling her, so she focused on it and soon realised that she was safe in the bedroom back at Hypatia’s so she opened her eyes and saw she was stood about ten feet away from the bed. She was soon looking down and wiggling her toes and feeling the cold of the wooden floor under them.
“I can move my toes, and I can feel the cold floor as well.” Sara giggled as she started jumping up and down as she did spins in the air. “I can feel my legs again!” Sara screamed just as she bedroom door opened and Hypatia came into the room with Samantha dressed as an angel just behind her.
Hypatia and Samantha looked at Sara opened mouth, while Sara, Sheana and Jenna all looked at Samantha with puzzled looks, as they tried to work out while Samantha would be dressed as an angel?
And now the story continues...
“I think you should go and change my pet.” Hypatia blushed as she saw what the three girls were looking at, and not wanting to start explaining it to Jenna. Hypatia could see by the sly grin and raised eyebrow, which Sara had, meant she’d already worked it out. Sheana still looked just as puzzled as Jenna. Samantha was soon running form the room giggling as she left a trail of white feathers behind her.
“I can’t believe I have my legs back.” Sara said, turning her attention back to the fact she was stood up still and walking around on the cold floor.
“Are you in any pain Sara? Sammi and I heard you scream out and thought something terrible had happened.” Hypatia asked as she stepped further into the room so she could get a better look now she was back on her feet.
“I was while I dreamed that I’d fallen into a lake of molten lava, but now I feel like I did before the fight with Spike.” Sara said as she did a backwards flip, landing on her feet again.
“Do you want to call your mother and let her know the good news Sara?” Hypatia asked.
“No, it’s late.” Sara said looking at the time. “I’ll surprise her, Sandy and Prue in the morning when I return home so I can go to school.” Sara said with a grin, happy that she’ll be getting back to a more normal life, or as normal as life for Sara ever got these days.
Sara was soon back in bed and cuddled up to a grinning Jenna with Sheana cuddled up on the other side. Hypatia tucked them all back in again before going to see how her little pet Angel was doing. Sara’s dreams this time involved her serving a double helping of revenge on a vampire called spike.
Karen was sat at the kitchen table with a mug of tea and a slice of toast for her breakfast, before she finished getting ready for work when she saw Sheana appear, but the biggest shock was seeing Sara stood next to her with Jenna in her arms grinning.
“Sara? You’re walking again!” Karen said as she jumped up and hugged her with tears rolling down her cheeks. “When did this happen?” Karen asked once they had hugged each other with Jenna stuck in the middle.
“It happened through the night.” Sara said as she explained about the strange painful dream she’d had before jumping out of bed thinking her legs were on fire.
Sara was soon being hugged by Sandy and Prue when they came running into the kitchen thinking Karen was under attack due to the screaming they heard.
“I’m so glad to see you up on your feet again baby sister.” Sandy smiled with tears in her eyes as she hugged Sara.
Sara’s biggest shock came from Prue’s hug as she broke down in sobs of happy tears on seeing Sara back on her feet looking much happier than she had since waking up and finding she’d lost the use of her legs. “I’m so glad to see you walking again Sara.” Prue sobbed. “I know I should have done more to stop Spike the other night.” Prue added through more sobs.
“I never blamed you for any of this Prue. I thought we’d already sorted all this out?” Sara asked as she held Prue in her arms. “If you’d tried to do more, Spike might have killed you without your protection charm.” Sara pointed out.
“I just feel like it was my fault you got hurt, because I took you to that place to begin with, and put you on Spikes radar.” Prue explained the reason for her feeling so bad about everything that happened to Sara.
“I think someone’s been drinking bad blood.” Sara giggled. “None of us think that for a second Prue, so stop talking silly and do something with this so I can go and get ready for school.” Sara added with a grin as she handed Jenna over to her big sister.
Prue took Jenna off Sara and had to giggle herself at the joke about her drinking bad blood or something just as bad to make her think for one second any of them blamed her for what happened.
Karen, Sandy, Prue and Jenna all smiled as they watched Sara and Sheana run off to go and get ready for school. Sandy was happy because she now didn’t have to spend any more time pretending to be her baby sister and go to school. Sandy had found it fun for the one day to be back at school, but she didn’t think it would be as fun the second time.
Sara and Sheana were soon back in the kitchen dressed in their school uniforms and waiting for the boys to call for them.
“Have you let Jo and Mike know about you being mobile again sis?” Sandy asked as she watched Sara checking her school bag to make sure she’d got all her homework done and ready to hand in.
“No, not yet.” Sara grinned. “I was just going to throw myself at him when he knocked on the door.” Sara added with a giggle.
“You do realise that he’s expecting me to be pretending to be you right?” Sandy asked with a smirk. She already had a pretty good idea what Sara was hoping for when Jo saw Sara at the door, and she suddenly started kissing him.
Before Sara had time to give Sandy an answer, there was a knock on the door, so Sara went running down the hallways to answer it. She found Mike and Jo stood there smiling, but Sara could see that Jo was set for another day of pretending to be the dumped ex-boyfriend. “Hi Mike, Jo. Please come in, Sheana and I are nearly ready.” Sara said struggling not to start grinning.
“Hi Sara.” Mike winked as he walked past grinning, thinking that it was Sandy he was actually talking to and not the real Sara.
“Hi San... Sara.” Jo said with a growl to himself for almost slipping up. “Sorry about that Sara.” Jo added as he walked past her and headed towards the kitchen where Mike was going in search of Sheana. Jo wasn’t looking forward to spending another day watching Mike and Sheana get to spend their free time at school together, while he was stuck watching Sandy pretend to be mad with him.
Just as Jo was about to enter the kitchen, Sara tapped him on the shoulder making him turn to look at her. That was when she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Jo tried to pull back, but found he wasn’t strong enough. “Sandy! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jo shouted when Sara finally let go of him.
“I’m finishing off my cup of tea, before I go and get ready for work.” Sandy’s voice said from over near the kitchen table.
Jo spun his head round to look at where he’d just heard the voice coming from, and sure enough there was Sandy sat at the kitchen table with a mug in her hand smiling at him. “But if you’re there, and everyone else is here.” Jo said as he looked around the room to see if anyone was missing that could be playing Sara today, but seeing them all meant only one thing to him. “Then that means you...” Jo started grinning as he stepped back and saw that Sara was back on her feet again. “Sara?” Jo asked slowly as he watched a grin spread across Sara’s face as she started nodding at him.
“Surprise!” Sara shouted just before jumping back into Jo’s arms to get a proper kiss from him this time, not just the one sided one she’d given him a minute ago.
“When did this happen?” Jo asked when they finally stopped kissing each other.
Sara told Jo and Mike what had happened with the dream and how she found herself dancing around the bedroom when Sheana snapped her out of her strange dream. “I hope you’re ready for the world’s most public make up in history.” Sara added at the end of her little story. “I don’t want the same trouble you had yesterday.” She giggled at the thought of all the boys and the odd girl that had taken a sudden interest in her, or Jo pretending to be her the day before.
“Sounds good to me baby.” Jo smiled. “Though I do feel bad for all the hearts that will be broken when they see us back together again.” Jo added with fake sadness.
“We better see about getting off, or we’ll be late.” Sara said looking at the time and then dragging Jo along towards the front door.
Karen went with them and then gave Sara and Sheana a hug and a kiss on the cheek before waving to them as they walked up the road. Karen stood smiling as she watched Sara almost skipping instead of walking, but Karen was just happy to see her back on her feet again.
Sara! Slow down a bit will you.” Jo whined as he was being dragged up the road. “We have plenty of time yet.” He added as he started pulling Sara back to a normal walking pace.
“Sorry, but I just never realised how much I took having the use of my legs for granted until I lost it.” Sara explained as she slowed her pace down to match the one they normally walked to school at.
They walked for a short time not saying anything, then Sara realised that Michelle seemed a little down about something.
“Is everything alright Michelle?” Sara asked after forming a mind link with him, or her as Sara saw Michelle, even when he was in Mike mode.
“I’m fine Sara.” Michelle’s voice came back trying to sound all cheery, but Sara could see right through it.
“Michelle, what’s wrong?” Sara asked with a little more authority in her voice this time. “It’s just the two of us in here at the minute. Well the two of us, and the hundred or so other voices that live in my head with me.” Sara added with a giggle trying to lighten the mood a little.
“I’m just a little angry with myself at the minute Sara, so don’t worry about it.” Michelle said.
“What are you angry with yourself for?” Sara asked sounding a little puzzled.
“I felt a little sad when I saw you walking again Sara. I know it’s wrong to feel that way, but I was looking forward to spending a day at school pretending to be you, but now it will never happen.” Michelle explained. “I’m sorry for thinking that way Sara, but I am glad to have you back on your feet.” Michelle added sounding much happier.
“I can understand that feeling Michelle, and I’m sorry you never got to play me this time, but I’m sure there will be times in the future when I’ll need someone to stand in for me while I recover from something, or I just can’t afford to miss a day at school, but Hypatia will need me to go and do something for her.” Sara said trying to cheer Michelle back up again.
“Does that mean I’ll get first refusal?” Michele asked with a grin in her voice.
“Yes you’ll be the first one I ask to cover for me.” Sara giggled. “How do you feel about tests by the way?” Sara asked with a grin in her voice this time.
“I’m not going to help you cheat Sara! Not even if it means I get to be a girl for the day at school.” Michelle said in her best bossy voice. Sara could just picture Michelle stood with her arms folded across her chest as she said it.
“You can’t blame a girl for trying.” Sara sighed, just before she started giggling again. “Does this mean we’re good again Michelle?” Sara asked.
“Yep, and I am really glad to have you back Sara. Jo was beginning to drive me mad with his moping around at school without you the other day.” Michelle said it in such a way that she had a vision of Michelle rolling her eyes this time.
“I don’t think he had much fun yesterday, getting hit on by half the school either.” Sara giggled.
“Very true, but after you said that they would all be jealous once they saw him and you together again though, he was fine about it.” Michelle pointed out.
Sara pulled Jo and Sheana into the chat once she knew Michelle was okay again, and they talked about normal school stuff and what Sara might have missed over the past couple of days, even though she spent most the day before with Jo pretending to be her.
They were soon entering the school gates and Jo made a show of wrapping his arm around Sara’s waist and walking her into the school with all the other kids looking on. Sara picked a good spot where most the other students could see them, then she stopped walking and turned Jo to face her, just before she pulled him closer for a long loving kiss. Sara smiled inside when she heard all the talking and shouting stop, as they all watched her make up with Jo.
“I’m sorry for getting mad and slapping you baby.” Sara pouted as she stroked the side of his face and then kissed it better. “Do you forgive me?” She asked with the same pout.
“I’d be a fool not to.” Jo said just before he leaned in for another kiss, just in case anyone missed the first one.
“Do you think that will set the record straight?” Sara thought to Jo with a smile in her voice. “Amazing kiss by the way. Have you been practicing?” Sara added.
“No! I’ve just been dreaming about showing all the males and some of the females that you and I were still an item.” Jo tried to explain sounding worried that Sara thought he might have kissed another girl while she was ill for the past couple of days.
Sara just let out a happy sigh as she let Jo wrap his arm around her again as they made their way into school.
The Commander and Karl made their way to the command centre to see if they had had any luck tracking down where this Spike might be staying while he was in town, or if anyone had managed to track down the Slayer.
“Speak to me people! Please tell me someone has a location on this blood sucker calling himself spike, or the place the Slayer might have been taken to after she was hurt the other night.” The Commander barked out at the room full of people working on computers and using mobiles.
“What about at the school? Any of the teachers or students not been there for the past couple of days?” Karl asked.
“All teachers and students accounted for apart from one boy being off yesterday, due to a stomach bug of some sort.” One of the tech guys said.
“Was he at school the day before?” Karl asked.
“Yes he was at the school the day before sir.” The tech guy said looking worried with the way Karl was looking at him.
“So the fact that he’s the wrong sex to be the Slayer, and he was at school the day after she was attacked by this Spike means you don’t have anything really then does it?” Karl growled at the tech guy.
“No sir it doesn’t.” The guy said as he tried to make himself even smaller than he already felt around this soldier.
“I never thought I’d be rooting for the Slayer to be alright, so she can sort out this blood sucker for us.” Karl said with a heavy sigh as he looked over at the Commander.
“What makes you think she’d stand a chance against him a second time?” The commander asked with a frown.
“Just a feeling after fighting her the other day sir, but the Slayer we saw the other night get beaten by Spike, was not the same one that faced me.” Karl tried to explain the feeling he’d had since seeing the footage they’d managed to get from the pub where Spike beat Sara while she was without her powers.
“I understand what you’re saying Karl. She didn’t look as powerful against this Spike as she did when she beat the Krennan.” The Commander had to admit. “Part of me hopes she’s still out there as well. It would do us a great service if she did sort out this Spike for us.” The Commander added with a sigh.
“I’ve been thinking about putting a couple of people in the school undercover.” Karl said. “Try some lower tech spying to see if we can turn up more that way than we seem to be turning up using all this hi-tech stuff.” Karl added as he looked around the room.
“Sounds like a good idea, but if the Slayer is at the school, how do you plan to stop her reading your spies minds the minute they set foot on school grounds?” The Commander pointed out the flaw in Karl’s plan.
“Hypnosis sir.” Karl said. “We hypnotise them into thinking they are who they appear to be, then we just debrief them each night before sending them back the next day to do the same thing all over again.” Karl explained his plan.
“It’s simple enough it just might work.” The Commander said looking impressed at the plan. “Who do you intend to send in undercover though?” He asked.
“Not sure yet, but I have a list of people suitable for the job. I was going to get your input before making a final choice.” Karl said as they walked back to Karl’s office where he had the files on the people suitable for this sort of a mission.
Karl and the Commander sat for a couple of hours going over all the files and in the end they had four people picked out to go in undercover. An art teacher who happened to be one of the sketch artists they had on staff in the base. A gym teacher, an assistant for the office, and also a maintenance man that would have free run of the school who could also keep an eye on the cameras around the school for them when needed.
“Let’s get on this right away Karl. I want them in place tomorrow.” The Commander said as he got up and left the room.
Karl was left scratching his head as to how he was going to replace four people at the school in less than a day without kidnapping or killing them. He decided to go with the kidnapping and then doing some memory wiping before sending them away to new places to start new life’s thinking it was what they wanted to do. It wouldn’t be the first time they had relocated people, but that was normally due to them surviving a demon attack. So with his plan sorted out, Karl went to inform the tech’s what he needed them to sort out for him before he worked out how to make the four people he’d need to replace vanish without raising too many eyebrows.
“Is this really the best use of our time sir? I thought tracking down this vampire calling himself spike would be a better use of it?” One of the tech guys asked when Karl finished explaining what he wanted them to sort out.
“Now could be the best time to finally track down this Slayer and find out what gives her all these powers she seems to have.” Karl explained in a sharp voice, not happy to have a tech guy question his motives. Karl didn’t think very highly of the tech guys, he was more into shooting and hitting things, rather than catch and study like most of them were.
“But if this vampire Spike, beat the Slayer, then what’s the point in trying to work out her powers? Don’t we need to look for some other way to take him down?” The same tech guy asked.
“Unless you want to find yourself being used for testing, while we see if some of your non lethal toys are actually non lethal, then I’d shut it.” Karl growled as he went nose to nose with the man asking all the questions.
“Sorry sir.” The tech guy gulped with a very worried look.
Karl got all the info he needed and then went to sort out his men and get them in location to take the four people ready for brainwashing and relocation.
Sara was having a good day at school, but she was still being asked out by some of the boys who hadn’t yet been told about the very public makeup she’d had with Jo just inside the school gates earlier in the day. One of the boys even asked her out while she was stood cuddled up to Jo in the lunch line.
“Do you think some of the students still get their mum to help them dress in the morning?” Sara asked as she watched the boy walking away again.
“After seeing that, I just might have to agree with you Saz.” Jo chuckled.
They all got their lunch and ate it, and then went out to their normal spot under the tree to enjoy the rest of the lunch break once they had eaten. Mike got out his MP3 jamming device and then they started talking about Spike, and how Sara planned to track him down.
“Do you have any master plan to draw him out for the rematch?” Mike asked.
“I was thinking of just turning up at the pub again.” Sara shrugged. “I’m sure someone there will soon get a message to him that I’m still on my feet.” Sara added with a grin as she tapped her feet together.
“Do you think you’ll have any trouble beating him this time?” Jo asked looking worried.
“I’m not sure, but it won’t be as easy for him this time.” Sara said with an evil grin. “He likes to put on a show for his fellow demons, so I plan to make a show of beating him this time.” Sara added with a growl.
“Killing him quick would be a good way of doing that Saz.” Jo pointed out. “Remember what Prue said about not playing around with him the last time.” Jo reminded Sara.
“I remember Jo, but I need to remind all the demons out there, that I’m not some push over want to be Slayer, but I am the real thing.” Sara said as she looked Jo right in the eyes to let him know she wasn’t playing around.
“Just be careful will you?” Jo asked looking worried for Sara.
“Don’t look so worried baby. He only got the better of me last time because I was without most of my powers.” Sara said with a pout just before she pulled Jo closer for a kiss. “By the time I’ve done with him, Spike will think the person he beat the other night was nothing but someone pretending to be me.” Sara grinned after she finished kissing Jo.
“What’s happening with the cafe?” Mike asked once Sara and Jo had finished kissing each other.
“Hypatia wants the matter with Spike sorted out before we worry about the cafe.” Sara explained. “She wasn’t sure about doing too much with it until she knew if I would ever walk again, but now she says we will be ready to open in a week or so.” Sara added.
“That will give Sheana time to work on the grownup disguise for Jo and me.” Mike said looking slightly excited about getting to play a grownup woman.
“I was thinking of a Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie look for the two of us.” Jo said with a grin.
“I think Hypatia is looking for a more low key look for the two of you baby.” Sara pointed out as she patted Jo on the knee. “Brad and Angie showing up in town would be the opposite of that.” Sara giggled.
“Can I at least have a good body, one that makes it look like I work out?” Jo whined. “It could be good to get checked out by some of the women coming to the cafe.” Jo added with a grin.
“Keep talking like that mister and you’ll be the ugliest man on the planet.” Sara said as she poked him in the side. “Don’t forget that you will be a happily married couple, and also remember that you’re already spoken for.” Sara added with another couple of pokes to his ribs.
“I was just teasing you honey bun.” Jo said as he tried to escape Sara’s poking.
Lunch was soon over and they returned to the school building for their afternoon lessons.
Sara and Sheana met Jo and Mike at the school gates at home time and then they walked home together like they always did. Sara was still making the most of having her legs back.
“Can we come round and see you later?” Jo asked when they got to the end of Sara and Sheana’s road.
I’m sorry, but Sheana and I will have to get some rest if we plan to go out looking for Spike later tonight.” Sara said looking a little sad. “We’ll need as much info as Michelle can give us as well, so I think it’s best to leave it tonight.” Sara added as she let Jo wrap his arms around her in a hug.
“I’ll go over and help Michelle research then.” Jo sighed. “It’s not as much fun as being with you, but at least I feel like I’m helping out that way.” Jo added as he hugged Sara a little tighter.
“Oh! I just remembered something.” Mike shouted suddenly, making the other three jump as they all looked at Mike fishing through his back pack. “I ordered these and they finally turned up this morning before I left for school.” Mike added as he handed over a small black case to Sara.
Sara opened the case and found three little bulb shaped things sat inside. “What are these for Mike?” Sara asked with a puzzled look.
“They’re called ear wigs. They go in the ear and then Jo and I can talk to you while you’re out on a mission.” Mike said sounding all excited about it. “They're two way, so you can talk to us as well.” Mike pointed out.
“Are they safe to use? Won’t the men in black be able to listen in on us?” Sara asked.
“I can prevent that being possible.” Sheana said as she touched a finger to each ear wig. “I will need to blink over to your home later and add the charm to your device for picking up our signal.” Sheana added as she looked at Mike.
“The signal was encrypted anyway, but I won’t argue with some extra protection from being detected.” Mike smiled. Happy that he’d be getting to see Sheana again later in the evening.
Sara and Sheana both hugged Jo and Mike before heading down the road to their house, so they could get their homework done and then rest up ready for the search and destroy mission later in the night.
Prue was in the kitchen sorting out dinner when Sara and Sheana entered the house. Jenna was helping her, or Jenna was the dinner. Sara and Sheana were having trouble working that one out, due to Jenna being covered in sauce and bits of food.
“Are we having Jen bear for dinner Prue?” Sara asked with a giggle.
“No, but you’d think so wouldn’t you.” Prue giggled when she saw what Sara was getting at.
“We having pizza, not Jenna!” Jenna shouted as she jumped down off the chair she was just stood on and ran over to get a hug from Sara and Sheana. Jenna was soon pouting when she was stopped at arm’s length by Sara.
“No you don’t young lady. Mum would kill me and Sheana if we let you hug us looking like that.” Sara said as she stepped back to where Sheana had retreated to with a chair sat between her and the food covered little girl.
“Does you not love Jenna anymore?” Jenna pouted looking very upset.
“Yes we still love you Jen bear, but we would get in a lot of trouble with our mummy if we let you hug us looking like that.” Sara said as she bent down and looked Jenna in the eyes. “Once you’ve been cleaned up, then Sheana and I will sit and cuddle with you for as long as you want.” Sara added with a smile as she tapped the little girl on the nose with her finger.
“Come on you little monster.” Prue said as she picked Jenna up. “Let’s go and throw you in a bath while the girls do their homework.” Prue added as she followed Sara and Sheana up to their room.
Sara and Sheana set to work doing their homework while they listened to Jenna giggling as Prue played with her while she took a bath to get rid of all the pizza sauce and cheese she’d gotten in her hair while helping Prue.
Prue had Jenna clean and dressed in some clean clothes by the time Sara and Sheana got done with their homework, so the two girls went back down to the kitchen and sat taking it in turns to have Jenna on their knee so they could cuddle with her.
“What does it feel like to be back on your feet again then Sara?” Prue asked while she sorted out some salad to go with the pizza her and Jenna made.
“It feels really good Prue. I never realised just how much I took it for granted until it was gone.” Sara giggled as she started bouncing Jenna up and down on her knee. This soon had Jenna giggling as well.
“Sheana and I are going out later tonight looking for Spike. I trust you will be coming with us?” Sara asked when she stopped giggling and bouncing Jenna up and down.
“You trust right.” Prue growled an inhuman sound. “I owe him for the silver spike in the shoulder.” Prue added.
“You need to form a queue behind me then, because I owe him for putting me in a wheelchair.” Sara reminded Prue with a growl of her own.
“I’d fight you for the honour, but seeing the look on your face right now, I don’t think it would be much of a fight.” Prue smiled. “I’ll just be glad to see you finally take him out.” Prue added.
“You all be careful, please.” Jenna said as she cuddled into Sara sounding worried.
“We will Jen bear, but I’m not weakened this time.” Sara said calmingly as she hugged the little girl.
Sara then told Prue about the new ear wigs Mike had given them to use while out on patrol. They also talked about going to the pub and waiting for Spike to show up. Prue thought it the best place to sort it out anyway, so lots of demons would then see that the Slayer was still in the game.
Karen and Sandy got home and they all sat down for dinner while Sara explained that she’d be going out later with Sheana and Prue. Karen was worried, but knew that Sara needed to get this sorted out, or it would just keep eating away at her until she did.
“Be careful, All of you.” Karen warned them. “And make the S.O.B pay for hurting my little girl.” Karen added in a motherly way as she pulled a giggling Sara in for a hug.
Sara and Sheana were let off doing the dishes after dinner, so they could go and get some sleep before they went out later in the night trying to track down Spike and Drusilla. Karen woke them later in the night and warned them to be careful again.
“You sure you’re ready to do this Prue?” Sara asked as they all stood in the bedroom getting ready to leave.
Prue was now wearing the same black outfit she’d worn the last couple of times. While Sara and Sheana were still in their night clothes.
“I’m more ready than you two are.” Prue smirked as she looked at the two girls stood in the middle of the bedroom still wearing their big fluffy bunny slippers.
“We’ll fix that in a minute, but first we need to put these things in.” Sara said as she picked up the black case and opened it before handing Sheana and Prue one of the ear wigs; she then picked up the third and slipped it into her ear.
“How do we know they work?” Prue asked after she’d slipped it in her left ear.
“You’ll know because I’ll start talking to you Prue.” Michelle’s voice said in her ear.
“Wow, these things really work.” Prue said with some shock in her voice.
“Don’t say too much until we’ve added the charm to the other ones.” Sara said, careful not to say anyone’s name.
Once Sara and Sheana had their ear wigs in place they then suited up ready to blink over to Michelle and Jo, so they could add the charm to keep anyone from tracking the signal coming from the ear wig.
Michelle and Jo were sat at the computer desk in Mike’s bedroom when the three girls appeared in the open space next to the bed. Sheana walked over and touched a finger to first Michelle, and then Jo’s ear that had the device in it.
“Are you sure they still won’t be able to trace the signal?” Jo asked, having seen them do this sort of thing in the movies.
“There is nothing for them to trace on this plane any longer. I’ve pushed it out of this realm into a null space.” Sheana explained.
“Is that like what happens with your suits when you’re not using them?” Jo asked.
“Yes, so there is no way for anyone or anything to trace the signal being sent and received.” Sheana said looking proud of herself.
“Let’s go and track down this Spike, and let him know he hadn’t done as good a job as he first thought.” Sara said as she got ready to blink over to the pub.
Michelle and Jo got ready on the computers to see what the MIB’s were up to, and fill the other three in while they waited for Spike to find out about the Slayer still being on her feet.
The Commander was just reviewing some data to do with the mission Karl and his team were out on, when his phone started ringing. “What is it?” He asked, not happy to be disturbed when he’d given orders he didn’t want to be.
“I’m sorry to bother you sir, but we’ve picked up an encrypted signal being transmitted here in town.” The voice on the other end of the phone said sounding
“Have you traced the location of the signal?” The Commander asked, not sounding quite as angry now at being disturbed.
“We’re working on getting a lock now Sir.” The man on the other end informed him.
“I’m on my way down to coms now, but I want you to contact Karl and let him know that we could have other government people here in town doing something, so he’d better be careful.” The Commander said just before slamming the phone down and then making his way to coms.
Normally when they picked up encrypted communications in town; it was due to another government agency running some sort of operation. The last thing the Commander needed was some MI5 or MI6 mob stumbling onto the demon world and starting trouble.
The Commander was soon walking into the coms centre looking for answers. “Speak to me people! Who is it transmitting?”
“We’re not sure Sir. The encryption doesn’t match any know agency, it looks custom made.” One of the tech guys said as he typed away on his computer trying to hack the signal.
“Can you break the encryption?” The Commander asked with a scowl.
“Yes Sir, but it will take some time, and they will have to stay online long enough for us to do so.” Another tech guy said. “We’ve recorded all the transmissions so far, so once we do crack it, then we’ll know what they’ve been saying to each other.” The man added.
“Let’s just hope the info isn’t time sensitive then.” The Commander said, not happy with the fact his tech division couldn’t work faster to break the encryption.
“What happened?” One of the tech guys suddenly shouted as his screen went blank on him.
“What’s wrong now?” The Commander growled.
“We just lost all trace of the signal Sir.” Another tech guy said.
“You mean they stopped transmitting?” The Commander asked.
“No Sir that would still leave us a back signal to lock onto. This signal is just gone, like it was never there in the first place.” The tech guy said looking puzzled. He or any of his fellow works had never seen a signal vanish like that before.
“Focus on decrypting the audio you already have, and keep looking for the signal on all other frequencies. I have a bad feeling about all this.” The Commander said as he did have a feeling something wasn’t right about this new signal they just had, but suddenly lost again.
“I have Karl on coms sir; he wants to know if you still want him to go ahead with the mission?” A man asked as he looked up at the Commander for an answer.
“Yes, but tell him to keep an eye out for any sign of trouble.” The Commander said after thinking about it for a couple of seconds.
It was five minutes later before one of the tech guys started shouting that he’d managed to crack the encryption and he could now play back the conversation they’d recorded.
“Well don’t just sit there grinning like an idiot, play the dam thing.” The Commander snapped at the man.
The man fumbled around for a bit and then turned up the volume so the whole room could hear what they had got. They were soon listening to a couple of boys talking about how cool the new ear wigs were, as they tried them out in different parts of the house.
“Well done people! You just found a couple of kids playing at being spies!” The commander snapped, not happy at all the time they had been wasting. The Commander was suddenly more interested again though when he heard a new voice on the recording.
The Tech guy had left the audio running in the background while the commander chewed them all a new one, and there was now a female voice talking. “How do we know they work?”
“You’ll know because I’ll start talking to you Prue.” Another new female voice said. Mike had removed the ring earlier and the hour delay had finally ran out that made him male, so he was now Michelle when he answered Prue’s question.
“Did she just say the name Prue?” The commander asked. “Replay that last part again.” He ordered.
The tech guy replayed it and they all heard the second female voice call the first one Prue. “Yes sir, she called her Prue.” The Tech guy looked puzzled as to why a name would make such a big difference.
“Play the rest for me.” The Commander said, looking a lot more interested now.
“Wow, these things really work.” Prue’s voice could be heard saying.
“Don’t say too much until we’ve added the charm to the other ones.” Sara’s voice said just before they all stopped speaking.
“Who was that third one? And what does she mean by Charm them? Charm what?” The Commander asked.
“Magic!” One of the tech guys shouted out. “That could be what they mean by charm sir. If they used magic to mask the signal, then we wouldn’t be able to trace it anymore.” The man added with a smile, happy that he’d worked out the problem with the sudden loss of signal.
The Commander didn’t look quite as happy as he did though. “I’m glad that makes you feel so warm and fuzzy inside.” The Commander said sarcastically. “Now find me some way to get that signal back, so we can find out what they have planned!” He shouted.
The room was soon busy with the sound of tech people clicking away on their computers trying to work out how to get a signal back that was being masked using magic. Truth was, none of them thought they could do anything, but none wanted to be the one to point this out to the commander, so they just kept trying different things, in some hope that one of them might get lucky, but they never would.
The Commander knew enough about magic and computers to know that his team wouldn’t get far, but he liked to keep them on their toes trying anyway. “Patch Karl’s coms through to my office, I’ll be there when you have some good news for me.” The commander said just before leaving the coms centre and walking back to his office down the hallway.
Karl had just grabbed the first person on his list when he heard The Commander on his coms. “Sir? Do we have a problem?” Karl asked, finding it odd to hear the commander talking to him during a routine mission like this one.
“We managed to break into the encrypted communications and it looks like our blood sucker Prudence has gotten some more help and high tech gizmos to go with it, so I need you to be careful you don’t run into her while you’re grabbing the rest of the subjects.” The Commander explained.
“She won’t be much of a threat without the slayer to back her up.” Karl pointed out. “Do you think that’s the reason for all the interest at the school then sir? Prue was just getting some high tech help from some of the students?” Karl asked.
“Could be.” The Commander said seeing what Karl was getting at. “She could have compelled some of them to help her.” The commander added.
“Once we have our people in place at the school, we’ll be able to find out which one’s would be best suited for helping her and the Slayer achieve their goal.” Karl said with smugness to his voice.
“Yes, and we can also focus on tracking down this Spike and taking care of him as well.” The Commander growled.
“We’ve had no sign of him in a couple of days now sir, I think he’s moved on now he’s taken care of the slayer.” Karl said voicing his opinion on the subject of Spike.
“Do you know that for a fact, or are you just secretly hoping?” The Commander asked with a chuckle.
“Just hoping sir.” Karl said with a shudder as he thought about Spike making him drink some of his blood, so he could make Karl tell him everything he needed to know. “But that won’t stop me taking him down if I do see him again.” Karl added with anger in his voice.
“I know that Karl, you wouldn’t be my second in command if you weren’t the best.” The Commander pointed out. “Now get them subjects brought in, and we’ll see about brain washing them and relocating them so we can get our own people in the school.” The Commander added just before closing the coms link.
Karl sent the first team back to base with the subject they already had in the van, while he went with the second team to get the next one on the list. Karl and the Commander had picked people at the school who were single with no ties to keep them here in town. This made the brainwashing much easier to do, and less people to do it on.
Sara blinked herself to the pub using the crystal in her belt, while Sheana blinked herself and Prue there. “You ready to do this Slayer?” Prue asked as they stood looking at the entrance to the pub where two large men were standing guard like a couple of bouncers.
“More than ready.” Sara said with an evil grin in her sexy adult sounding voice. “Let’s go and show everyone that the Slayer is still protecting this town.” Sara added as she started walking towards the pub.
Sara was soon stopped in her tracks when one of the two men at the entrance to the pub held out his hand to stop her, Sheana and Prue from entering the pub. “Sorry darling, but you three are barred from entering.” The large man said as he looked down at the girls.
“On who’s orders?” Sara asked as she slapped the man’s hand away from her chest where it was dangerously close to touching one of her breasts.
“Armen’s.” The man said. “After seeing what the vampire Spike did to you the other night, he can’t see why he should help you out, or let you start trouble in his tavern.” The man added with a snarl.
“So beat it girls, before we start beating it, in to you.” The second man said as he slammed his fist into the open palm of his other hand.
Sara was expecting trouble once she got into the tavern as they put it, but she didn’t think Armen would stop any of them getting in there to begin with. “I can’t see as either of you have a chance of stopping me or my two friends from entering this fine tavern.” Sara said in a polite voice, which still sounded very sexy.
The second man to speak laughed as he took a swing at Sara, but just ended up hitting thin air as Sara easily ducked out the way and came up behind the man just before jumping up and kicking out with both feet to send him flying to the ground in a heap at Prue and Sheana’s feet, where Sheana used some magic to keep him down while Sara sorted out the other man.
The first man to speak turned on Sara and reached out to grab her by the throat, but was stopped when Sara grabbed his wrist and twisted it around until the man fell to his knees just before Sara stepped past him, taking the man with her so he was now lying on his back looking up at her as she planted a boot on his chest to keep him down. The man looked shocked to feel just how strong this Slayer was.
“Like I just said, me and my friends will be going into the tavern now to have a drink and wait for Spike to arrive.” Sara smiled just before she took her foot off the man’s chest and then turned around before walking into the pub with Sheana and Prue following close behind.
To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
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Good... they're back in the
Good... they're back in the buisness. I wonder if spike will underestimate them, or if he'll take her even more serious, now that she's recovered from her broken back.
I think they need a solution for Michelle, maybe they should talk to her parents or something like that.
Thank you for writing this interesting story,
Spike is gonna live up to his name soon
.... well maybe NOT live as it will be a case of Spike meets spike. But since he is not really alive I guess, oh never mind :)
Glad the gang is together again. What I do wonder is if Sara will revert to her paralyzed state her next period or did the return of her powers is a permanent cure. It would be dreadfully depressing to be that way every month :(
Oh and one more issue
Sara's real voice is now on record. If those spies in school can match up voices ....
Great chapter, seems Jo and
Great chapter, seems Jo and Michelle should have been more cautious in using the earwigs, it could have been a huge problem had the mentioned more than just Prue's name, even so it's got the MIB scurrying to track the signal, if they have any magic users in their employ they may yet figure it out.
Looking forward to the next chapter, wondering if Spike will show.
Thanks for sharing
Lizzie :)
Bailey's Angel
The Godmother :p
To Make A Wish (New Chapter) Chapter 20
What if Spike brings in some of his other friends?
May Your Light Forever Shine