To Make A Wish Chapter 15

 © September 2007-2012

Chapter Fifteen

    Sara slowly opened her eyes worried that the light might hurt her eyes, but she felt a hundred times better than she did the last time she woke and needed to use the bathroom. Jenna was sat on the bed next to Sara smiling down at her.

     “You feels better now Sara?” Jenna asked in a whisper.

     “Yes, much better thank you.” Sara whispered back. “Why are we whispering?” Sara asked as she tested sitting up just as slowly as she did opening her eyes.

     “Prue warned me dat you be real grumpy when you wake, and I’s not to make too much noise.” Jenna explained still only whispering.

     “Well I’m not feeling that bad really.” Sara whispered just before she leaned down and kissed Jenna on the cheek as a way of thanking her for not making too much noise.

     “Prue say you not want any breakfast to.” Jenna said.

     “Your sister would be very wrong then wouldn’t she, because I am very hungry.” Sara said as she started to tickle Jenna. “I could even eat a small child.” Sara added as she started tickling Jenna even more as the small girl squealed and squirmed all over the bed trying to get away from the tickle attack.

     “Someone’s looking much better than they did earlier this morning.” Karen said from the doorway where she was stood watching Sara playing around with Jenna. “How are you feeling sweetie?” Karen asked as she walked over to the bed and sat down next to Sara. Jenna jumped on Karen’s knee and was instantly pulled into a hug with her.

     “I’m feeling much better mum, and I’m sorry about getting drunk, but I was trying to act like a much older person.” Sara shuddered. “I just never realised how much he liked to drink. I still can’t work out why anyone would want to drink that stuff though.” Sara added as she pulled a funny face.

     “Prue did explain what happened, and I’m very proud of you honey, but you do need to remember that you’re still my daughter, and I will start and punish you for all this misbehaving. So no more drinking alcohol and I want you to try and stop Sheana using magic to fix everyday problems.” Karen said as she sat playing with Jenna’s hair while she spoke.

     “Yes mum.” Sara said as she accepted the telling off from her mother.

     “Okay then, you better see about getting ready for school and then come down for some breakfast.” Karen said just before she stood up and placed Jenna on the floor so they could both go down and get her fed.

     “Is the school open today?” Sara asked. She’d been hoping for a day off to recover from all the excitement from yesterday.

     “Yes it is.” Karen grinned. “I heard it on the radio this morning. The damage wasn’t as bad as it looked.” Karen added with a smirk.

    Sara groaned as she realised that her and Sheana returning to the school yesterday and fixing the lockers had forced them back to school today.

     “I did warn you there would be consequences to using magic to fix all your problems.” Karen said as she left the bedroom with Jenna holding her hand.

    Sara was still sat on the bed when Sheana stepped out the bathroom having just taken a shower. “Morning sis. How you feeling this morning?” Sheana asked as she sat on the bed next to Sara and hugged her.

     “Better than I did earlier, when I got up needing the bathroom.” Sara giggled at the memory of her mega long pee. “How much did I drink last night anyway?” Sara asked due to her memory of the drinking part being a little fuzzy.

     “A lot.” Sheana said looking impressed. “Prue and I were trying to work out where you were putting it all without the need for a bathroom. Prue also said something about you having hollow legs, but I thought I might have just heard her wrong.” Sheana added with a puzzled look. “What slayer power would require you to have hollow legs?” Sheana asked looking all serious.

    Sara found herself giggling at the confused look on her sister’s face. “It’s just a saying people use when someone looks to be eating or drinking more than you thought their size would allow.”

     “Oh I see, now that makes more sense.” Sheana giggled. “I wonder if I will ever learn all these new sayings you use now.” She added with a sigh once they both stopped laughing about it.

     “I don’t care if you do sis, I think it makes you look cute when you don’t understand and then turn it into a joke that makes us all have a laugh about it.” Sara said as she hugged her magical sister. “Just remember to check with me or one of the others before casting any spells.” Sara warned. “I’d hate to see you hurt someone because you didn’t understand something they said, or wanted.” Sara looked worried at that thought.

     “I heard what mum said about me cutting down on using magic to solve our problems, and the school being open again today.” Sheana said.

     “Yes, I think she was trying to prove a point when she said that.” Sara said with a roll of her eyes.

     “And what point would that be?” Sheana asked looking puzzled again.

     “If we hadn’t gone back to the school and undid all the damage your sneeze did in the first place, we might have got an extra day off school.” Sara explained.

     “But I thought school was a good thing?” Sheana asked, still not understanding the point Sara was trying to make.

     “I wouldn’t call it a good thing, but it is good to get an education, but it’s also good to have a day off from it every now and then.” Sara grinned. “Trust me, it’s a kid thing.” Sara giggled when she saw that Sheana was still confused about it all.

     “I’m never going to understand this strange new world.” Sheana said shaking her head as she got up and went to get dressed while Sara sat on the bed giggling at her.

    Sara finally dragged herself up off the bed and into the bathroom to take a shower before getting ready for school. Sheana had waited for Sara to get dressed so they could head down for breakfast together.

    Jenna was sat at the kitchen table happily humming to herself as she ate her coco pops, while Karen was grilling some bacon ready to put in a sandwich for the two girls.

     “Where’s Prue?” Sara asked when she didn’t see her in the kitchen, and she already knew she wasn’t upstairs in the bedroom.

     “She’s in the living room having a drink.” Karen said as she started placing the bacon on the bread she’d put out on the counter top.

    Sara knew that her mum was saying that Prue was drinking her daily dose of blood, and she didn’t like to do it in front of Jenna. Sara and Sheana took a seat each at the table just as Karen brought their breakfast over to them. Karen had added some lettuce and tomatoes now and turned it into a BLT.

     “Thanks mum!” Both girls said just before they took a bite out of there sandwich.

    You’re welcome dears. “Karen smiled as she poured them both a glass of juice. Then she went to finish off getting ready for work.

    Prue returned from the living room carrying her silver flask and the cup that normally lived on the top of the flask in her other hand ready to rinse it out and return it to flask ready for the next time she needed it. Sheana had looked at trying to cure Prue of needing the blood, but the only way it worked was for Prue to remain in animal form, which Prue really wasn’t keen on, so she was stuck with drinking blood a couple of times a day. Prue was glad she could now go out in the day though and do stuff with her fully human sister. Sheana had designed a ring for Prue to wear that made her look different, so the MIB’s wouldn’t try to attack her. Jenna always used the one that Sheana had given her after the attack that almost got Sara and Jenna caught by the men in black.

     “I bet the two of you are really regretting that return trip to the school to fix the damage Sneezy did over there.” Prue giggled as she saw Sara and Sheana dressed for school in their uniforms. “Perfect chance to get an extra day off and you two blow it.” Prue sighed sarcastically.

    Sara had started giggling at the fact Prue had just referred to Sheana being one of the seven dwarfs. “If Sheana’s Sneezy, then who does that make me?”

     “After going back and fixing the damage at the school and trying to drink that demon under the table? Dopey, no doubt.” Prue grinned.

     “Hey! What do you mean trying to drink him under the table? I did out drink him, he passed out.” Sara pointed out, blanking the Dopey joke Prue had just made.

     “True, but you did need Sheana and I to get you home again once you stepped outside the pub into the fresh air.” Prue reminded her.

     “Trust me when I say I don’t plan on trying that again anytime soon.” Sara said with a shudder again as she thought about the taste of the ale.

     “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on letting you, not after the lecture your mum gave me after we got you in bed last night.” Prue said looking worried. “She wasn’t happy I took you to a pub in the first place, but she did understand the need for the one time visit to lay down some ground rules.” Prue added looking a little calmer again.

     “I thought mum was a little calm about me getting drunk, when she came into the bathroom early this morning. She had a go at you instead.” Sara said looking a little sad. “Sorry for getting you in trouble Prue.”

     “Don’t be Sara. I should have worked out a plan before going in there.” Prue shrugged. “Part of me knew that those two vamps would be in there, and I knew with you and Sheana with me, I could take them out once and for all.” Prue added looking worried.

     “I still would have gone with you, even if you’d asked Prue.” Sara pointed out. “They went after my baby sister here, so they went after me too.” Sara added in an angry tone.

     “Anymore vamps, demons, colourful humans we should be on the lookout for?” Sara asked with a grin. “I get the feeling you haven’t made a lot of friends on your travels?”

    Jenna’s sudden giggling fit answered Sara’s second question for her. “Sis to grumpy to make new friends.”

     “Much more cheek from you happy and we’ll be looking for Doc.” Prue said just before she whipped Jenna out her seat and started tickling her.

    Sheana just looked puzzled again as Sara, Prue and Jenna kept naming dwarfs from snow white. “Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy and Doc are all names of dwarfs from a fairytale called Snow White.” Sara explained.

     “All we’re missing are Sleepy and Bashful, and then we’ll have a full set of seven.” Prue giggled as she kept tickling Jenna who was trying to beg for mercy, but Prue wasn’t interested.

    Just then Sandy came running into the kitchen looking stressed. “I can’t believe I’ve over slept and it’s only my second day on the job.” Sandy said as she started running around the kitchen trying to get herself sorted out.

    Prue and Sara looked at each other, and then said “Sleepy” at the same time, just before they both burst out in a fit of giggles.

    Sandy just stopped and looked at the two of them trying to work out why the word Sleepy would make them laugh so much. Having not been in the kitchen for the earlier conversation about the seven dwarfs, Sandy didn’t see the funny side like the others did.

    Prue was soon up and leading Sandy over to the table and making her take a seat. “You sit down and relax for a couple of minutes, while I make you some toast and a cup of tea.”

     “I don’t have time Prue.” Sandy said as she tried to get back up again. “I’ll be late if I don’t leave right now.” Sandy added as Prue pushed her back down again.

     “I happen to know that you could waltz in at lunchtime and Sammi still wouldn’t fire you for it Sandy.” Prue said as she started pouring Sandy a cup of tea out. “So I don’t think half an hour is going to bother her.” Prue added as she handed Sandy the cup of tea. Prue then set to work doing her some toast.

    Sara and Sheana finished their breakfast and then returned to the bedroom to finish getting ready for school. Sandy and their mum had both left when they got back down, so they both gave Jenna and Prue a hug before they left the house to go and see what the gossip around school was, and was weird stories were being told about the locker explosions yesterday.

    Mike and Jo were both stood at the end of the road looking a little gloomy to be going back to school so soon. “I thought that mess you made yesterday would have been good for at least a couple of days off.” Jo said as he wrapped an arm around Sara and started walking to school.

     “Morning babe! I love you to.” Sara replied when she realised that Jo wasn’t going to offer any other greeting, not that he offered a greeting at all.

     “Oh sorry, morning.” Jo said sheepishly when he realised his mistake. “Mike was just telling me you went out last night looking for some action.” Jo added as he broke away from Sara and did some weird kind of dance/fight move.

     “Where at? A techno night club?” Sara asked with a giggle as she watched Jo dancing around like a monkey on an electrified floor. Mike and Sheana joined Sara as they all laughed at Jo’s weird fighting style.

     “You’re just jealous of my bad ass moves.” Jo said as he kept moving around.

     “I’m not sure about the jealous part, but you were spot on with the bad, but not in a good way baby.” Sara pouted as she’d finally seen enough and started pulling Jo along with her towards the school.

     “So how did it go last night?” Jo asked with a grin, hoping for some good slayer stories.

    Sara formed a mind link with all four of them, so they could talk without risk of being overheard by anyone they didn’t want to know about Sara being this red headed slayer that had suddenly appeared.

     “It went okay. I took out six vamps in total.” Sara said in their very private four person chat.

     “Six?!” Jo thought a little too loud, making the other three jump at the volume of his voice in their heads. “Sorry, still trying to get use to this mind speaking thing.” Jo thought with a nervous chuckle at the end when he saw the others jump at his first comment.

     “Are you not going to tell them about the pub and the drinking contest you had with the demon owner sis?” Sheana asked.

     “I wasn’t planning to, sister dear.” Sara thought with some annoyance in her voice. “I was hoping to let that memory fade in to obscurity.” Sara added with a groan as she realised that Mike and Jo weren’t going to let her forget this in a hurry.

     “You went to a pub? And had a drinking game with a demon?” Jo asked with a grin in his voice.

    Sara looked up at him and saw he was also wearing a silly grin on his face as he thought it. “Yes I did, and I won.” Sara thought looking proud of herself for it.

     “She still got very drunk though, and Prue and I had to hold her up while I blinked us all home.” Sheana thought with a giggle as she formed the image of a very drunken Slayer being propped up by her and Prue.

    Sara decided to do a quick run through of the whole night for Jo and Mike, or Michelle as it was her voice doing the talking in the mind chat. Jo liked the way Sara took out the vamps, but wasn’t as keen on the looks she was getting in the pub before she staked the two that had the problem with Prue. Sara’s memory got a little fuzzy when she started the drinking game with the landlord, so she let Sheana show them that part of the adventure. Sheana even showed them the part where they had had to face a very unhappy mother when they got home.

     “That was one wild night out you had slayer.” Jo thought with pride in his voice. “I’d love to join you one night.” Jo added with a chuckle.

     “NO!” Sara thought back with volume. “What I did last night wasn’t a game Jo. There’s no way I could be an effective slayer if I was trying to make sure you were safely out the way.” Sara added with anger in her voice.

     “Okay Sara, calm down. I just thought it could be cool to see it firsthand.” Jo’s calming voice said in Sara’s mind.

     “It’s not cool Jo, it’s dangerous. Vampires and demons can be dangerous. If they knew I had a weak spot like trying to protect you. Then they would use it against me. Don’t you understand that?” Sara asked in an annoyed voice.

     “Yes, sorry.” Jo said realising that Sara did have a point. Both the supernatural world and the men in black would make good use of that advantage if they knew about it. “Do you think the men in black had anything to do with the school being re-opened so fast?” Jo thought to the other three, hoping to change the subject away from him watching Sara play the slayer.

     “It was Sara and I that fixed the broken lockers and tided up the hallway.” Sheana said. “I thought it only fair, as it was me that caused it in the first place.” Sheana added, not realising the can of worms she was opening for the two of them to get moaned at by Jo and Mike.

    They had finally reached the school as they spoke, so Sara used that as an excuse to shut down the mind link, and stop Jo starting his rant. Jo just gave Sara and Sheana a dirty look as they entered the school grounds. Sara knew that Jo had more to say on the subject, much more.

    The school day was a pretty normal one for them all. They heard from some of the students that the headmaster was telling parents that the lockers flew open due to a localised quake, and not any form of a gas leak like they first thought. They did see some work men roaming around looking at the new state of the art smoke detectors, so they knew that the men in black were trying to get the camera system back up and running.

    Sara had finally got bored with Jo trying to get her to open a mind link by lunchtime, so she waited until they were all sat under their normal tree out on the playing field, to finally open one so they could all chat in private.

     “It’s about time you opened this chat room thing of yours.” Jo grumbled. “Why couldn’t you just leave the school to sort out the lockers? We all could have had at least another day off because of it.” Jo whined.

     “We need to keep an eye on our men in black, and if we’re all back at school, it makes it much harder for them to start moving in yet more devices to spy on us with.” Sara explained, not that she and Sheana had a real reason for returning to the school and fixing the damage Sheana did with the sneezing. Sara just didn’t want to have Jo and Mike moaning at her, and it did sound like a good reason.

    Jo soon calmed down again once he realised that none of the others were too bothered about being back at school, it was just him that fancied another day off. The lunchtime soon came to an end and they all returned to the school building so they could start their afternoon classes. Sara was beginning to feel a little bloated as the afternoon went on, and she was glad to be going home by the time they got out of the last class of the day.

     “Are you feeling alright sister?” Sheana asked when she saw Sara rubbing her belly as they walked out to meet the boys at the main gate.

     “No, not really sis.” Sara groaned. “I think that ale I drank last night upset my stomach. I feel all bloated and yucky.” Sara added with a pained look.

    Sara really didn’t feel well at all, and even Jo and Mike could see something was wrong when the two girls got to the main gate.

     “Sara thinks something she had last night might have upset her tummy.” Sheana said, hoping that Jo and Mike would work out she was talking about all the alcohol her sister had drank. Sheana thought they must have, because they were soon helping her to get Sara home without asking any more question. Jo and Mike helped Sheana get Sara all the way home.

    Prue was in the kitchen with Jenna when she saw Jo and Mike walk in, each one holding one of Sara’s arms to steady her. “What’s wrong Sara?” Prue asked as she shot up out her seat and had Sara in her arms before any of the others could blink.

     “I feel really sick and my belly hurts.” Sara groaned. “I think that Armen poisoned me last night.” Sara added just before the pain in her belly got worse.

     “We better get you up to bed.” Prue said as she started towards the hallway and the stairs. Sheana was following close behind while Jo and Mike stopped down in the kitchen to keep Jenna company.

    Prue carried Sara all the way up to her and Sheana’s bedroom and was just about to place Sara on the bed when Sara decided she needed the toilet. “Put me down Prue, put me down now! I really need the toilet.” Sara said as she started to fidget. Prue put Sara down and then watched as she made her way over to the bathroom door and disappeared inside.

     “Do you think this Armen might have poisoned her Prue?” Sheana asked looking worried for her sister. Sheana had never seen Sara look this ill before.

     “I’m not sure Sheana, but I doubt it.” Prue said. “All I can think of is to call Hypatia and see what she thinks.” Prue added with a shrug as she waited with Sheana for Sara’s return from the bathroom.

    Prue and Sheana were both running to the bathroom when they heard Sara start screaming. Sara was stood holding some toilet paper that was covered in blood.

     “I’m dying, look I’m going to bleed to death.” Sara kept saying in a panic.

    Prue and Sheana ran over to her. Sheana threw her arms around her, while Prue looked at the area where the blood was coming from.

     “I won’t let that happen to you sis.” Sheana said as she made her hands glow as she tried to make Sara better, but nothing seemed to happen. “Why isn’t this working?” Sheana growled as her glowing hands started to flicker like they were losing power.

     “I feel so weak, like all my strength has left me.” Sara said as she felt her legs giving way.

    Prue was quick enough to catch her and then sit her back down on then toilet again. “Sara, Sara? Look at me honey.” Prue said as she looked Sara in the eyes. “You’re not dying sweetie. You’ve just started your first period.” Prue smiled to let Sara now that she was going to be just fine again in a couple of days.

     “My what?” Sara asked looking shocked at the words Prue had just said to her.

     “You said you wanted to be a girl, and this is part of what being a girl is all about.” Prue pointed out. “Your mum did warn you that it’s not all looking pretty and shopping for clothes.” Prue added with a giggle.

     “Why do I feel so weak though?” Sara asked, not ready to even think about the other stuff that comes with having a period just yet.

     “I don’t know. Maybe you lose your slayer strength at this time of the month to stop you killing someone.” Prue shrugged, not having an answer for her.

     “What do I do now then? How do I deal with being this way?” Sara asked as she looked at Prue for the answers.

     “I’m not too sure Sara. Vampires don’t have periods, and it’s been a pretty long time since I was human. We also use to do thing very differently back then.” Prue pointed out with a frown. Why don’t you take a nice hot shower while we wait for Sandy and your mum to get home, I’m sure they will be able to help you better than I can.” Prue said as she opened the shower door and turned it on to get it nice and hot for Sara.

    Sara liked the sound of taking a shower, so she was soon stood up again and removing her school uniform. She found that everything felt heavier and more sluggish to do at the minute, but she was soon undressed and being helped into the shower by Prue and Sheana.

     “How does that feel?” Prue asked.

     “It feels really nice.” Sara groaned as she let the spray of hot water hit her body as she held onto the wall as best she could.

     “Can you keep an eye on her for me Prue? I need to go down and let Mike and Jo know what’s happening.” Sheana said as she let Prue take over from her at the shower door.

     “You can’t tell Mike and Jo about this sis!” Sara said looking panicked again.

     “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about Sara. Most women go through this every month.” Prue said. “Jo and Mike will need to know you’ll be alright and also that you don’t seem to have your normal strength at the minute. You’re just a normal girl.” Prue added.

     “Okay, but please don’t give them all the details sis.” Sara said in a pleading tone of voice.

     “Tell you what Sara. Why don’t I pop down and explain it to them and let Sheana stay up here with you?” Prue asked, thinking Sara might like that idea a little better than letting Sheana go down and try. Prue knew that Sheana wasn’t any more in the know about these things than Sara was.

     “I think that would be a better idea Prue.” Sara said looking a little happier about Prue talking to them. Sara had visions of Sheana going through every little detail with the two boys. Not something she really wants, even if Mike was Michelle most the time when not at school.

    Prue left to go and talk with Mike and Jo, or Michelle and Jo as it would more likely be Michelle down in the kitchen with Jo and Jenna by now. Sara was still enjoying the hot shower, and her tummy had settled down a bit since the scene on the toilet earlier.

    Sara decided to try and link with Prue to see what she said to explain what was happening to her right now, but she couldn’t get outside her own mind at the minute, just like her slayer strength, her mind power was also gone. She didn’t feel any different apart from those two things, which when she thought about it, they would be the two dangerous ones to be left with at the wrong time of the month. Sara suddenly found herself giggling at her own joke.

     “What’s wrong sis?” Sheana asked looking worried when Sara started giggling for no reason.

     “Nothing, I was just thinking how funny this all looks when you come at it from another angle.” Sara said as she looked at Sheana with a smile. “I’ve lost my mind power as well as my slayer strength. The two things that could cause the most damage if used during the wrong time of the month.” Sara added as she pointed down to her tummy.

     “It would be problematic if you lost your temper and did something you later regretted, so I can see the plus side to you not having those powers while feeling like this.” Sheana agreed.

     “Will you start having periods as well?” Sara asked.

    Sheana looked puzzled, just before she looked worried. “I do not know, but if you are having them, then I can’t see why I shouldn’t.”

     “Didn’t you have them while you were a genie?”

     “No, I had no need for the normal female cycle of life.” Sheana said looking thoughtful about this new piece of information. “I wonder if I’ll lose my magic when it is my time?” Sheana asked herself as much as Sara. The flickering in her power earlier when she first tried to help Sara, had her worried that maybe she was starting hers as well.

     “If you do, then what will happen to all the magic spells you’ve already cast sis? Will they all stop working?” Sara asked looking a little worried now. Sheana had cast a lot of spells.

     “All the spells I’ve already cast are protected, but I wouldn’t be able to cast new ones until the magic returned.” Sheana explained. “I would not be able to help you battle as the slayer though.” Sheana added with a pout.

     “Trust me when I say I won’t be going far with how I feel right now.” Sara groaned as her tummy felt all funny again.

    Sara was still in the shower when she saw Prue enter the bathroom again, but this time she had Sandy with her, and their mother.

     “How you feeling baby?” Karen asked looking worried.

     “How do you think I feel? Like crap!” Sara snapped at her mother. “Sorry mum. I didn’t mean to snap at you, but this has me a little scared.” Sara added.

     “I can understand that honey. Most girls’ start off much lighter than this, but then again most girl’s start at twelve to thirteen years of age, and don’t have magic as a key factor in any of it.” Karen pointed out as she thought out loud.

     “Yes, some small warning would have been nice, instead of bam! Welcome to your time of the mouth” Sara shouted like she was hosting a quiz show.

    Sara’s impression of a quiz show host while dripping wet, naked in the shower, soon had Karen and the others all giggling, even Sheana saw the funny side of this one, as she’d seen the people on the TV do the same sort of thing. Sara was soon laughing with them, even though she still felt like crap.

     “Looks like we’ll be breaking out the chick flicks and chocolate bars later then mum.” Sandy said with a grin.

    Sara just groaned, not because her tummy hurt, but because that’s what she, or more to the point Simon use to say when he found out Sandy was at that time of the month. “I’m sorry about all them times I teased you about this, I had no idea you felt this bad.” Sara said with real remorse in her eyes. “Please feel free to punish me for it now.” Sara added with a sigh as she readied herself for some well deserved revenge on her sister part.

     “I think you’re being punished enough baby sister.” Sandy pouted. “And I worked up to being this bad once a month, I didn’t just get thrown in at the deep end like you.” Sandy pointed out with a pained look on her face.

     “How long does it normally last?” Sara asked as she suffered another cramp and let out a groan.

     “Normally three to seven days, depending on the person having it, but you are far from being normal.” Sandy said.

     “Thanks sis, I love you to.” Sara frowned.

     “I didn’t mean it like that silly!” Sandy said as she helped Sara get out the shower as she stood with a large fluffy towel. “I mean that with your slayer powers, it may be a much shorter cycle for you, due to your faster heeling time.” Sandy explained as she helped to dry her sister.

     “Oh, okay then.” Sara smiled when she saw the concern in her big sister’s eyes.

     “Right then, I need you and you out of here, so I can show these two what they need to know to survive this time of the month.” Sandy said in a bossy voice as she first looked at her mum and Prue to leave the bathroom, so she could then show Sara and Sheana how to use pads and tampons.

    Sheana tried to escape the bathroom when she found out she was going to be having a lesson as well as Sara. Prue was quick to stop her leaving with her and Karen, and Sandy was soon pulling her over to the toilet, ready to start their lessons.


     Karen had two sets of clothes laid out on the bed when Sandy emerged with two very red faced girls in tow fifteen minutes later. Prue had gone back down stairs to carry on sorting out dinner, and to keep an eye on Jenna.

     “How did it go honey?” Karen asked as she looked at Sandy. She could already tell by the looks on Sara and Sheana’s face that they weren’t thrilled about the lesson.

     “As well as it could do mum.” Sandy shrugged. “They both know what they need to do now when it strikes.” Sandy added as she wrapped and arm around each sister as she stood between them.

     “You do get used to them dear.” Karen said when she saw the sad look Sara had. “You will never like having them, but you do get used to what to expect when you feel it coming on.” Karen tried to explain.

     “I hope so mum, but I just feel so fragile as well without my slayer strength and mind power thingy.” Sara moaned.

     “I for one, think it could be a good thing for you to spend a couple of days as a normal teenage girl.” Karen said, shocking Sara and Sheana.

     “What do you mean by that mum?” Sara finally asked when she got her brain and mouth working together again.

     “I mean you’ve both been relying on magic and your abilities to beat up or read their minds to solve all your problems. I think it’s time you got a look at life from a normal teenage girl’s perspective.” Karen pointed out the problem she’d been having with her daughter’s lack of willing to sort out everyday troubles.

     “Why haven’t you said anything before now?” Sara asked looking puzzled as to why her mother wouldn’t pull her up on such a big problem.

     “Because even though you are both sweet and lovable daughter’s that I’m very proud of. There are some things that just have to be learned the hard way. Like making a mistake and then sorting out the damage left behind.” Karen said as she pulled Sara and Sheana to her for a motherly hug. “And it’s not like I can go on Amazon and buy a book called ‘idiot’s guide to having a slayer and a witch for a daughter’ is it?” Karen asked with a grin.

     “To keep it politically correct mum, the book would have to be called ‘idiot’s guide to having a slayer and witch for a child’ Just in case it happened to a son.” Sara pointed out.

     “True, but either way there isn’t one, so I’m doing the best I can.” Karen said as she kissed each of her daughters on the forehead.

     “I think you do an amazing job of looking after us all mum.” Sara said as she enjoyed the hug she was getting.

     “Thank you honey.” Karen said as she hugged the two girls a little tighter. “Now see about getting dressed so we can go down and get some dinner.” Karen added as she led the two girls over to the bed where the clean clothes were laid out for them.

    Sheana hadn’t said much while she and Sara got dresses, a fact not unnoticed on Karen. Sheana was worried about losing her ability to do magic, and being at the full mercy of this modern world. She looked at her mum when she heard her name being said. “Sorry mum, but I missed what you said. Sheana apologised with a weak smile.

     “I asked if you were feeling alright? You look distracted by something.” Karen asked looking worried for her adopted daughter.

     “My belly’s feeling a little funny, but it could just be my nerves.” Sheana said with a forced giggle. “I’m scared about getting my period and losing my magic.” Sheana admitted with a sigh.

     “It will only be for a short time honey, that’s if you lose your magic at all sweetie.” Karen said as she pulled Sheana into a hug. Truth be told, Karen had no idea what would happen when Sheana started her period, but she was sure the two girls would start around the same time, so it came as no surprise to hear that Sheana was beginning to feel a little bloated. “Sandy and I deal with it every month, and we don’t have magic to help us in everyday life, so I’m sure you’ll get through it just fine.” Karen added in her mother knows best voice.

    Sheana didn’t want to risk making a mess of her clean clothes, so she went back to the bathroom to do the same as what Sara had done while Sandy schooled them in the best ways to look after themselves during this time of the month. Sheana was soon tampon and padded up and back in the bedroom ready to head down for some dinner, not that either girl felt like eating much right now.

    Jo and Michelle were both sat at the kitchen table entertaining Jenna while Prue worked on dinner, which they all thought smelt amazingly good. Sara and Sheana weren’t shocked to find Michelle sat down stairs; it had been over an hour since they got home from school, so it was more than enough time for the spell to wear off and allow Mike to become her. Jo was glad the headmaster had dropped the need for him to do a week’s worth of detentions, and just let him off with a warning. He wasn’t going to tell his parents about the detentions being cancelled, because this way he could just spend a little more time with Sara and the others before going home to carry on his punishment for fighting at school.

     “You doing okay Sara?” Jo asked looking worried that he might have said the wrong thing.

     “Not really, but I’ll live.” Sara smiled as she sat down next to him and then relaxed into his arms as he pulled her into a hug.

     “I’ll try and be understanding about all this, but please don’t rip me apart if I say the wrong thing.” Jo said half jokingly.

     “Did Prue not tell you that I’ve lost my super slayer strength, and my cool mind power?” Sara asked as she looked up at Jo, just before she looked over at Prue stood at the cooker.

     “I only told them what they needed to know Sara. I thought you could add more if you felt the need to.” Prue explained.

     “You’ve lost your slayer powers?” Jo asked looking worried.

     “Yes, but it’s only a temporary thing I hope.” Sara said looking a little worried that her slayer powers might not return at the end of her period.

     “So I get to play the cool protective boyfriend for a week?” Jo asked with a grin.

     “Only if you want to be looking for a new girlfriend.” Sara smiled back just before she nudged him in the ribs with her elbow. “Did you learn nothing from spending the weekend as Josie?” Sara asked as she rubbed the spot she just elbowed.

     “Yes, and I was only teasing you baby.” Jo said as he pulled Sara a little closer, so he could hug her even tighter. He was soon looking at his watch though and letting out a sigh.

     “Do you have to get going now?” Sara asked in a pouty voice, not happy that her cuddle partner was going to be leaving. Sara just wanted to sit and cuddle with Jo for the rest of the night.

     “You’re welcome to stop for some dinner Jo and you to Michelle.” Karen said as she first looked at Jo and then looked at Sheana cuddled up to Michelle, looking less than wonderful herself now. Karen could see that Sara and Sheana were going to be having their periods at the same time each month. “This is going to be a fun week to spend with the two of them.” Karen thought to herself, glad that Sara wasn’t able to read her mind at the minute. Jenna giggled as she looked up at Karen, but she soon stopped and went back to colouring in her book when Karen spoke again in her mind, but it was aimed at Jenna this time. “Repeat a word of what I just thought, and you won’t be getting coco pops for breakfast any more, young lady.”

     “I’d love to Karen, but I’m grounded, and shouldn’t be here now actually.” Jo pointed out. “The headmaster let me off with a warning and dropped the detention. That’s how I was able to walk Sara home.” Jo added as he looked down at a comfy looking Sara cuddled into his side.

     “If I called your parents and smoothed things over with them, would you stop then?” Karen asked. She could see how much better Sara was looking now she was sat with Jo, and she didn’t want her to feel depressed any more than she already was.

     “You can try, but they’re pretty stubborn when it comes to me being punished for something.” Jo warned as he got his mobile out and made the call to his parent’s home, so Karen could try and get him a night off his punishment. “Hi mum, I’m with Karen, Sara’s mum. She wants to have a word with you.” Jo said into his phone just before he passed it to Karen.

     “Hello Mrs Norman. Okay, Cindy.” Karen smiled. “No Jo’s not being any trouble at all, but I was wondering if I could borrow him for a couple of hours to help me move some furniture around with Mike’s help?” Karen asked, and then waited for Jo’s mum to say something. “Yes he told me all about that, but you can’t blame him for sticking up for a friend can you? I’d be proud if he was my son, so many now-a-days just look the other way while poor children get bullied.” Karen said down the phone.

     “Your mum is amazing Sara.” Jo said as he saw how smooth she was while talking to his mum on the phone.

     “Yes she is.” Sara said looking just as impressed as Jo did right now.

     “No, I never had to bribe him at all, he offered to help.” Karen giggled down the phone. “Don’t be mean Cindy. He’s a perfect gentleman and a pleasure to be around.” Karen added with another giggle.

    Jo could only guess that his mum was putting him down as being a waste of space, just like she always did. He just rolled his eyes as he sat with Sara cuddled up to him.

     “Sara wasn’t feeling too well when they left school, so he was good enough to walk her home with Mike’s help. No I don’t mind feeding them, it’s the least I can do before I put them to work.” Karen giggled again. “Okay then Cindy, I’ll tell him. Yes I’d love to get together and chat over a coffee. I will, okay. Bye.” Karen said just before ending the call and handing Jo his phone back.

     “I did warn you it was a waste of time calling.” Jo said with a sigh as he put his phone back in his pocket.

     “I wouldn’t say that dear.” Karen smirked. “You can now stop for dinner, and you’re no longer grounded.” Karen said looking smug with herself.

     “I can, and I’m not?” Jo asked with a shocked look on his face.

     “Yes, and no.” Karen giggled when she saw the look on Jo’s face. “Once I made your mum start to question the reason for you being grounded, she soon saw just how silly it was to ground you for standing up for a friend, and it was Sara that did all the fighting really anyway.” Karen pointed out.

    Sara just groaned at the thought of lifting her arms right now, so she was glad she didn’t have to fight anyone tonight. The most strenuous thing Sara wanted to do tonight was breaking off chunks of chocolate, but she was hoping that Jo would do that for her now he was able to stop for dinner.

    Prue soon had dinner ready, so Jo helped Sandy set the table for them all, while Michelle helped Jenna get cleaned up ready to eat. Sara and Sheana just picked at their dinners, not really feeling like eating much. It didn’t stop them both eating a large bar of chocolate later in the night while sat watching TV with Josie and Michelle.

    Sara had talked Jo into becoming Josie, so he could get use to spending time as her ready for when the cafe opened. Hypatia and Samantha had builders working on the place in town, but not much had been done to the place yet, due to the trouble the day before, and now Sheana and Sara were down with their monthlies, it would be another couple of days before Sheana could work with Jo and Michelle on the adult looks they wanted, so they could play the owners of the cafe when needed.

    Prue was sat on a sofa with Jenna cuddled up on her knee fast asleep when her mobile started ringing. She looked at the display and saw it was Hypatia. “Hi Hypatia. Is everything alright?” Prue asked, worried because Hypatia very rarely called Prue herself, it was normally Samantha that made all the calls and sent emails and stuff like that. Prue suddenly started to look a little worried as she looked over at Sara on the other sofa cuddled up to Josie while they both munched on a piece of chocolate each. “Are you sure it’s him?” Prue asked. “We could have a problem there Hypatia. Sara and Sheana have both got their monthlies.” Prue explained. “It does make a difference if they both lose their powers.” Prue snapped out. “No I’m not joking” Prue snapped again. “We’ll just have to hope he behaves himself until the Slayers back to full strength.” Prue added sounding much calmer.

    Sara’s interest was piqued now as she waited for Prue to get off the phone, so she could tell her who this man was the slayer would need to face. Hypatia must have been explaining some sort of plan to Prue, because she just sat with the phone to her ear for a couple of minutes without saying a word.

    Prue finally got done and ended the call with Hypatia before putting her phone down again and looking straight at Sara and letting out a sigh. “We may have a bit of a problem.” Prue said looking worried.


To Be Continued Next Tuesday  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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