

By Stan man63
Thanks To Nora Adrienne for editing
Synopsis: When a young man discovers that his Mother was a cheerleader, he tries out for the team, finding the girl within.

Nobody will believe the truth that I was born a boy, but I was. My name was Thomas Gene Beckford, now I am Tammy Jean Swanson, wife of Taylor Swanson, all because of my ego and genetics that made me a male version of Momma, Gloria Beckford, wife of Sebastian Beckford. Growing up, I always thought that Momma was the best and that I was too since I looked like her. But now that I am a girl, I wonder if I was ever a boy at all and if my parents knew that I would be happier as a girl.

My parents taught me to believe in myself and not to let the opinions of others to influence my choices. I grew up over Momma's dance studio where she taught cheerleading, dance and gymnastics while Daddy taught Drama at the local high school, so I see men and women in leotards tights, not knowing that most men don't wear them. Me, I thought that guys wore them during cold weather like I did.

In school, I wore the typical boy's uniform of red polo shirt with navy trousers with a blazer in winter while the girls wore a skirt or dress. But with my small size and long hair, I was often mistaken for a girl, which secretly pleased me for some reason. I did dress as a girl for Halloween with Sean being the male part of our duet, even wearing our duds to school for a laugh, little knowing that would get me ready for the change when it happened.

As for my Christmas Elf time, Daddy was Santa, I was his Elf, wearing a red, or green Peter Pan tunic with matching bloomers over tights just like the other Elves. I really enjoyed being with Daddy and the other Elves. And loved it when the shops in the mall treated us to free samples that gave me plenty of stuff that'd help me later on. It was stuff like perfume and cute jewelry that I was saving to give to Momma.

I was really having fun, not knowing that my best friend Taylor thought that I was a girl and taking a liking to me that cemented things for me. I had always thought of him as a best friend, not a boyfriend. To me, we were the Dynamic Duo, always palling around and having fun, but his seeing me as a girl, that Christmas gave me the courage needed later on to see if I could be a cheerleader, like Momma was.

After Christmas, Taylor and I talked things over and we realized that we were truly best friends and that gender did not matter. I liked dressing as a girl, or a boy and he always treated me with respect, never judging me for enjoying being a girl because as a boy, I was just as tough as he was. But things changed when we went to high school.

You see, until I saw my parents old yearbooks, I never knew that Momma was a cheerleader. Always saw her as Momma, and a teacher. Seeing her in the cheerleader uniform with Daddy in their Homecoming photo made me want to be like her. Ever since I knew that Momma was a cheerleader, I wanted to be one.
The hgh school was having cheerleader tryouts in the gym the week before school started. So, I donned a sports bra filled with authentic enhancements and a matching gaffe that gave me a flat groin. Then I donned tan pantyhose and a white skirted leotard and sneakers. I went as my mother, Gloria Beckford since looked like her, not knowing that the coach knew Momma. I actually selected to be a cheerleader!

"I selected you for the squad but why did you use a fake I.D.?"

"Yes Ma'am. I am really her son, Thomas Glenn."

"You realize you could get into trouble for this?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Why did you do it?"

"Because when I found out that Momma was a cheerleader, I wanted to see if I could be one?"

"Why not as boy cheerleader?"

"The school does not have any."

"Do you want to be a cheerleader?"

"Yes, but how?"

"You can if you become a girl."


"Your parents felt that you'd try something like this and came to me. Now that you are a cheerleader, they can help you to become a girl."


"Ask them."

"But what if I can't become a girl? Will you let me be a boy cheerleader?"

"Sorry, but the school is not co-ed in cheerleading. If you don't become a girl, one of the others will take yur place."
On the way home, I wondered about my parents and the coach. I knew from the yearbook that she and Momma were both cheerleaders, but the coach had chosen to teach Girl' P.E. instead of partnering with Momma in ALL STAR DANCE. Getting home, I was wondering if my parents were really wanting me to become a girl. Both were orphans who'd been in foster homes where they were taught to despise what I wanted to do.

I had to admit that I wanted to be a girl, like Momma, not just a cheerleader. I now realised that I could have gone to Principal Weeks and gotten the Cheer Squad to go co-ed as the other sports teams were. We had Anya Quartermaine as the kicker for the football team, she was a tall, lithe girl whose dad looked like Eddie Murphy and momma like Hallie Berry and she was also on the Girl's Basketball Squad.
Getting home, I saw Momma on the porch, "You on the squad?"

"Yes, I am. Why did you and Dad set me up like you did?"

"We knew that you want to be a girl, not just dress as one, at times," replied Dad as he came from in the house.

"But how can I BE a girl? I am all boy!"

"Son, we grew up with a student like you. Steven was always dressed as a female character on Halloween and began transitioning into Stephie during her sophomore year. She and her family moved after she was attacked. Now do you see why we let you tryout for the cheer squad?"

Yes, but how do I become a girl by the time that school starts?"

"Thomas, I have what you need to pass as a girl until you are old enough for the operation. And it's very likely that with you taking hormones, your body will not need the surgery."


"A bodysuit that molds your body into a female shape. You can even have intercourse."

"EWWW! Why would I do that?"

"Tammy, "if you are like me, you will want a boyfriend. But, if you want a girlfriend, we will understand," said Momma.

"What if this "SUIT" does not work?"

"Then there are the perm a-bond breastforms and gaffe that do the same, but then you will need to shave."


"Your legs ans any beard that you get."

Momma took me up to my bedroom where I stripped and pulled on the bodysuit. It actually looked like it covered the entire body, except for the head, even had individual toes. As Momma helped to smooth out the suit, I felt a tingling as it adhered to me. When it came to my penis and gonads, they sorta went up in me, leaving me with a slit. When was all the way on, Momma places a wig on me that made my honey blond tresses a curly, bouncy wave that most of the squad wanted. With me being so tiny, I knew that I'd be chosen to be on the pyramid top.

When I looked at myself, I saw a younger version of Momma. The main difference was that I was a bit shorter than she was.I looked over at her and saw her smiling at me, "Yes, I looked like you do now when I as a cheerleader. You can even wear my old uniforms to school."

"But Momma! According to the rules, I must wear the correct uniform!"

"Be glad that I still have my old uniforms and that they haven't changed."

She was right. Except for adding the skort to the girl's uniform, I had everything except for the current Cheer Squad uniform. Back when Momma was in school, the girl's uniform's hem had risen from mid-calf to cheerleader length when the girls complained to the faculty about how unfair it was that boys got to wear shorts in warm weather while girls sweated in their skirts with only cheerleaders and dancers/majorettes able to wear cooler uniforms. Now you can wear either uniform you choose.
I put on the pantyhose, then sports bra and one piece shorts outfit that was a tank-top and hot-pants along with ballet flats and followed Momma down stairs where I saw my best friend, Taylor.

"Tommy? Is that you?"


"It is, kiddo. But now Tommy is Tammy," offered Daddy.


"Taylor, Tommy has always wanted to be a girl, not just dress as a girl. Can you accept Tammy?" asked Momma.

"Come here, Tammy, Please."

"I am scared, Taylor."

"Don't be. Now that you are a girl, I want you to be my girlfriend.:


"Yes, really."

Then he kissed me and left.
I felt the suit meld to my body, making me a complete girl when we kissed, making me complete. But I still had to prove to myself that I was as good a cheer girl as Momma was. She had been captain of the junior varsity squad made up of freshmen, then Captain of the varsity squad. I wanted to do as she did, but now we also had the chance to compete at the cheer competition in the state as well as the nationals.

Now that I was her younger twin, I had the 'joy' of wearing her old school uniforms, but needed my own lingerie. No guy that I know of likes sharing his undies with other guys, and Momma told me that girls were the same about their intimates. But what I was not ready for was seeing what I saw in my shorts as I sat down on the porch swing, "MOMMA!"

She came running out and when she aw my shock, she hugged me, "Tammy, welcome to being a real girl. Can you guess what happened?"

"My first menses started?"

"Yes, now, go and have a good, long soak in the bath that I got ready for you."

"How did you know, Momma?"

"I saw how you were after the kiss. I knew that you'd need a good soak in order to relax. Now, though, I'll need to tech you about feminine hygiene while you soak and how to be responsible when i comes to intercourse."

"Momma! I am not about to become the school's tramp!"

"I hope not! But there are things that you need to know about before I am comfortable about you being in the company of boys," she sighed.

"Because I can become an unwed mother," I stated.

"Yes, your father and I both fear that can happen."

"Momma, I need to talk to both of you after my soak about what I know from the sex education I took last year. OK?"

"OK, but we thought that it was about how boys and girls are different and about gays and lesbians."

"It covered that and the entire spectrum of the transgendered community. In fact, according to the class, I am a male-to-female woman?"

"Oh? What about liking boys or girls?"

"I don't know, yet. I just became a real girl, you know."

"Come along, you rascal! Time for your bubble bath," she giggled.

I enjoyed my bubble bath and how Momma helped me through my first cycle. I learned how to care for myself and avoid awkward situations. But I was worried about how Taylor would truly react to my being a girl, now. Only he of the students knew about me since our parents had sent us to a private school after we'd moved into the new division built by the company for our dads who were executive vice presidents. But my worries were soon over.

I was dressed in my new tan leotard and tights getting ready to don a matching wraparound when Taylor showed up dressed in his football gear, "Tammy, May we talk?"

About what?"


"What is there to talk about?

"Please, we need to sit nd talk before I go to practice!"

"So you can tel them that I am a boy passing as a girl?"

"Hell no!

That made me sit by him, Then why did you kiss me, then leave?"

"Tammy, we grew up together as next door neighbors and I came to love you back then."

"But I was Tommy, growing up and had no idea that I wanted to be Tammy!"

"Well, I did!"


"Tammy, when as Tommy, you were my best friend, but on Halloween, I saw my girlfriend who I came to Love. Remember that kiss we had last Halloween?"

"Yeah!" I said, blushing.

"Sparks flew?"

"Yes," I sighed.

"For me too. Do you want to stay as Tammy?"

"Yes, This mean that my secret is safe?"

"Tammy, as far as I am concerned, you were a tomboy who has chosen to embrace her femininity and start wearing dresses."

"For your information, girls uniforms are mostly: dresses, shorts, skirts, skorts with optional tights instead or with socks. Heck! Even the pants look like leggings!"

"So, even a tomboy would dress feminine in her pants."

"Pretty much."

"Wait until I tell them that you are my girl!"

"Hold on, buck o! I NEVER said that I was your girl!"

"How about my friend, then. Because I want a chance to show that I am worthy of your Love."

"Taylor, You ARE worthy! I just need time to process the change from Tommy to Tammy. OK?"

All that summer, when not at cheer practice, I was learning about being a girl from Momma and the other girls. From Momma, I learned how to be a good wife and mother as I helped her around the house and she and Daddy showed me what I wanted as a girl, a man who loved me for myself. Momma and Daddy were devoted to each other, yet both had their own seperate careers. Either one would do the cooking and housework, which told me that Daddy was not a macho jerk. Momma took over because we needed time to bond as mother/daughter with Daddy treating me as his Princess.

In my freshman year, I was head cheerleader of the Junior Varsity and competed in the schools three beauty pageants. I was the Freshman Homecoming Princess, and Who's Who Most School Spirit as well as Miss Belle [Belle Academy], and Miss Patriot [named after schools team: Liberty Bell Patriots]. But being in the schools chior and drama team was more fun. It's not that I did not enjoy the contests, but getting compared to other girl's bodies is a pain.

I learned quickly just how mean spirited the drama queens are with their cheap shots and attempts to make another girl's life hell. These queens ae always surrounded by their court of princesses who do her dirty work. I was the target of Drama Queen Becky Farr who lost the title of Head Cheerleader to me. She could not accept the fact that her low grades disqualified her from even being on the squad with her not having a B+ average from grammar school.

She got on the squad after raising her average, then lost out when she got caught in the office, altering my grades. Well, I talked to her and got her to devote her energies to the Dancing Belles: the schools dance team. She would qualify this school year year while she practiced with the team so that she could go to the competition during A.E.A. Week.

Wearing crimson and navy weekdays made wearing other colors a pleasure. It's not that I am not patriotic, I just like those wonderful colors and wearing those cool character shirts depicting my favorite cartoon characters. All of my sleepwear consists of a bra, matching panty and sleepshirt showing some character that I have matching shorts for. When I get home, I basically dress for bed, unless we go out that night.

Going out, I dress to compliment Momma's outfit. She tends to go casual, unless we need to be more dressy, depending upon where we are going. Daddy might have a party to attend, or even some swanky affair calling for a tux and gown. He does it only because his job calls for it, he prefers a hamburger to caviar, so do I. Momma is a classy lady no matter the event. She can be the most refined belle of the ball, as well as a down home cowgirl.

Winning those contests and awards garnered me a summer scholarship to Jenny's Dance Academy. So, I stayed home that summer going to her studio instead of spending time at the pool or beach as a lifeguard as I wanted. Before I'd become a girl, I'd earned myCPR certificate and became a volunteer lifeguard at Community Pool where I'd look after the toddlers in the kiddie pool. Oh, I do have a few bikinis and swimsuits, but only wear them on Saturday when Taylor and I spend time in his pool.

All we do is swim or cuddle while the barbecue is going. We do not want to ruin or friendship with sex of any type. We have our parents blessings who trust us enough to give us a bit of privacy. We know that they keep an eye out to see if we have done anything because one of them will come onto the patio all too often. Not that we really mind, because we know that they are being good parents to us.

I found that Taylor and I stayed good friends all through high school where we both were popular and each year was a repeat of our freshman year. The main difference was that I developed a more feminine shape as my body went through its female puberty. My body got rounder and filled out until I was a younger version of Momma. She had greying hair while I kept my honey blond tresses.
After we graduated, Taylor and I went off to celebrate. We drove up to a secluded are near the lake and country club. It was serene and peaceful. There was a tiny log cabin there with smoke rising out of the chimney. "Tammy, this is our home away from home."


"I had Dad buy this cabin as well as the dock and yacht as my graduation present."

"WOW! And furnished by my Dad, too with them supplying us with their old company cars, too!"

"How do you know?"

"Simple, Momma told me. But until now, I thought that it was the poolhouse we were getting."

"It is ours, Tammy. The poolhouse is our home, THIS s where we go to relax and stay while the poolhouse is expanded."


"Yes, bedrooms for our children. Do you actually think that we'd want our kids sleeping in our bedroom?"

"Guess not."

"Plus, we have our parents handy to babysit."


Then he gently took my hand and we went into the cabin where we sated our passion for each other until the next morning. Then he dropped a bombshell that totally blew me away.

"Tammy, you are my best friend. I know that agreed to wait about sex, but last night made up my mind.


He got on his knee and took my hand, "Tammy Jean Beckford, will you marry me and become Tammy Jean Swanson?"

It has been ten years since we married, and are the proud parents of Taylor Hansen Junior and Gloria Jean and couldn't be happier.
The End

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