Alex 6 - Alex Exposed

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Alex Exposed


Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 2011

Smiling, Brad asked, “Well, what do you think of high society parties? Are they everything you’ve ever dreamed?”

Smiling back, I said, “Oh, and more!” I giggled for a moment and then said, “It’s okay I guess. I never was a big party girl even when I was a boy. I like the way everyone is all dressed up and the ballroom dancing. It’s all very romantic. I feel like Cinderella.”

“I hope you don’t turn into a pumpkin at midnight,” Brad said with a grin.

“I might!” I smiled at Brad for a moment before turning my face away from him for a few moments while I summoned up the courage to ask my next question.

Noting the change in my expression, Brad said “Are you alright?”

Forcing a nervous smile, I looked back up at those beautiful eyes of his and said, “I…I overheard what your dad said to you. What does he want me to know?”

Brad frowned for a slight moment before giving me a wry smile. “I told you my parents love you. They’ve never warmed up to any girl I liked this quickly before. Every girl I start to get serious with, Dad thinks it’s only fair that the girl learns of my deep, dark secret before getting too serious. Most times, it does sour the relationship. I think it’s too early, but since you asked, I guess I should tell you.” Brad went silent while we continued to dance.

“Well, what is it? Is it bad?” This was really worrying me. I really liked Brad. More than I’ve ever liked another boy.

In a very serious tone, Brad said, “Well, I was born female. I’ve been on male hormones since I turned eighteen. In fact, in high school, I thought I was a lesbian and used to date Ashley.” He knitted his brows together and shrugged.

I stopped dancing and must have looked really stupid with my mouth gaping open. “Oh my God! Brad, are you serious??”

He looked at me with a stern expression for several moments before he cracked a smile and said, “No, silly. I’m kidding.”

Suddenly I was furious and I whacked him on the chest with the palm of my hand. “Don’t do that to me!” People were starting to stare at us. “Tell me the truth. Now!”

Brad put up his hands defensively and said, “Hey, hey. I was just trying to be funny. I’m sorry!” He took my hand and slid one arm behind my back and motioned for us to continue dancing. “Let’s not cause a scene. Everyone is looking at us.”

I started dancing with him and said in a stressed whisper, “I’m going to cause a scene if you don’t tell me!”

His smile dissolved and he looked down. “Okay, okay. It’s not that big a deal I don’t think, for you. I’m sterile. I can have sex okay, I just can’t father children. Some girls, who may be looking for someone to be a daddy for their kids tend to lose interest in me after I tell them that.”

Sincerely, I said, “Oh, I’m so sorry Brad. Learning that must have been devastating to you and your parents.”

Nodding, he said, “It was. Mom and Dad were really looking forward to being grandparents. I know there’s always adoption and that’s what I want to do if I ever find the right girl and get married. But it’s just not the same.”

“Still, I’m sorry to hear that. But you know, it doesn’t matter to me because I can’t give you children anyway.”

Brad smiled slightly and said, “I know. I hope it doesn’t bother you, but that was at the back of my mind when I first met you.”

“No,” I lied. It did bother me. More than it probably should. I’m not sure if I liked being the “safe” choice — the girl that can’t get pregnant anyway. I tried to put the thoughts out of my mind for now. I didn’t want to make any hasty decisions. In his mind, I was a logical choice for his condition. He could ease his conscience of his lack of performance by being with me.

Brad kissed me suddenly, just a quick kiss and said, “I’m glad you understand. Being with you relieves a lot of pressure.” In my mind, I shouted Stop Talking!

The orchestra stopped playing and everyone stopped dancing and politely clapped. The orchestra leader announced they were going to take a short break.

“Want some lemonade?” asked Brad. “The dancing made me thirsty…and hungry.” Before I could answer, he took my arm and led me over to a table with several large bowls of punch and lemonade.

As he handed me a plastic cup of lemonade, I said, “Thanks. So, when are you telling your folks about me?”

Frowning after taking a slug of lemonade himself, he said, “Soon. Just not tonight. I didn’t want to tell you about me tonight either. We just started dating. It’s too early.”

I shrugged and said, “Maybe.”

A woman I didn’t know walked by and said, “That’s a lovely dress.”

I beamed and said with a broad smile, “Thank you!” The woman smiled back briefly before walking off with her husband or whoever he was.

Brad held up his lemonade cup and said, “I’ll drink to that! You really are gorgeous tonight, Alex.”

Feeling my cheeks turning red, I said, “Thank you.”

From behind me, a voice said, “I have to agree with that.”

I turned and saw Zach in his waiter’s uniform. “Zach! Please, leave me alone. I’m sorry about what happened between you and Tamara. But I didn’t like you lying about me to everyone!” Brad stepped up next to me and put his arm protectively around me.

Looking a bit tired, Zach said, “Look. I’m sorry, okay? I...I admit it. I’ve been an ass. I…you know? I mean…shit. I just want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I mean, shit. You went out of your way to be a beautiful girl for me on that island, taking care of me, making love to me and I just used you and didn’t care.” He paused a moment before holding up his serving tray slightly and sighing said, “I have to go.” And he walked away.

Brad said, “Wow. Looks like Zach suddenly grew a conscience. I wonder what brought that on?”

I held Brad closer to me. “I don’t know. It worried me. I don’t trust him.”

We finished our lemonade in silence.

*          *          *

“How you kids holding up?” asked Skip as we left the dance floor again.

“We’re doing great, Mr. Wellington!” I said to Brad’s dad.

“Call me Skip!

“Sorry. I meant Skip.” I said sheepishly.

“Brad, your mother is getting tired. The party won’t wind down for at least another hour. If you want to stay, I’ll give you some cab money. But your mother and I are leaving now.”

Brad looked over at me and raised his eyebrow.

“To be honest, I am getting a little tired.” I said, suddenly feeling drained.

Brad grinned and said, “Yeah, me too. But I’m willing to stay if you are.”

I shook my head and said, “No, I think I’m ready to call it a night myself.”

Skip nodded and said, “Alright then. Let’s blow this scene.”

Brad grinned and said, “Whatever, Dad.”

Brad took my hand and led me through the ballroom as he followed Skip towards the exit. We didn’t have to go back up the grand staircase as there was an elevator at one end of the ballroom to take us back up to the parking lot level.

I squeezed Brad’s hand as we walked across the parking lot to his dad’s Lincoln Navigator and said, “I really enjoyed tonight, Brad. Thanks so much for inviting me.”

Brad flashed me a toothy grin and said, “You are very welcome, Alex. I’m glad you came.”

Edith said, “I’m so glad you came too, sweetie. Skip and I enjoyed meeting you. You are such a dear.”

“It was nice meeting you too. I…” I stopped talking when Brad suddenly stopped walking and tightened his grip on my hand.

“What the fuck…?” breathed Brad as three figures stepped out from behind Skip’s SUV.

“Well well well. If it isn’t Bradly T. Wellington the third, esquire. And you brought your boyfriend too. I think it’s time for a little payback, don’t you?”

“What’s the meaning of this?” shouted Skip, as he stepped in front of Edith.

“Shut the fuck up, old man!” Ed McLaughlin shouted as he smashed one of the Lincoln’s taillights with the large crescent wrench he was carrying. Edith let out a small cry and Ed brandished the wrench towards us. “I’m surprised you don’t remember what your piece of shit boy did to me!”

Brad stepped in front of me as he said in an even, strong voice, “It was an accident, Ed. In fact, it was your own fault and you know it.”

Ed smashed the back window of the Navigator as he shouted, “Fuck if it was my fault! You forced me off the road into that fucking tree! I almost died!” Ed’s companions moved up, one holding a length of chain and the other holding a long screwdriver. Ed kept walking towards us.

“You were going too fast on that canyon road, Ed! You clipped my fairing and I almost lost control too.”

In a mocking, baby voice, Ed said, “You clipped my fairing!” He suddenly let out a primal yell and charged at Brad, bringing his wrench down on Brad’s arm, causing him to release his hold on my arm as he stumbled backward to the ground in pain. Edith screamed. Ed grabbed me by my hair and jerked me toward him, causing me to loose my footing in my high heels and fall. Ed kept a grip on my hair and I twisted my neck as I landed on the ground.

“Get up, fag!” Ed shouted at me as he jerked on my hair. Arms flaying, I stumbled to my feet. Ed roughly grabbed my arm.

Skip shouted, “Unhand her!” He took a step towards Ed. Brad regained his feet and started to step towards Ed as well. Ed’s partner with the screwdriver was busy punching holes in the side of the Navigator.

“I wouldn’t if I were you, old man!” Ed’s fingernails were digging into my flesh.

“Let her go!” Brad shouted as he rushed towards Ed. Ed threw his wrench at Brad and caught him on the side of the head, blood splashing on his suit. Brad stumbled, dazed. The guy with the chain started swinging the chain at Skip.

“Stop calling this little faggot of yours “her”.” Ed’s eyes went wild. “You know what, society boy? I think me and my friends here are going to take your little boyfriend with us and have some fun. I have to admit, he is pretty, isn’t he?” Ed pulled a large knife from a belt clip and brought it close to my face.

Brad’s face was twisted in rage and pain. He started to run towards us, but Ed pulled the knife against my neck and said, “You don’t want to ruin this pretty dress with fag blood do you? I hear blood is hard to get out.”

All three started to back away, Ed dragging me with him. I tried to struggle free, but he was just too strong. Brad picked up the wrench that Ed had thrown at him and took a step towards the retreating Ed. Brad growled, “Let her go, Ed!”

“Don’t try to follow me, society boy! Not if you want your boyfriend back in one piece. After we have some fun, of course.” Ed started to laugh.

My arm was starting to loose feeling as Ed’s grip was so tight. I glanced to Brad, then to Skip and back to Brad. I screamed “Brad! Help me!”

*          *          *

End of Alex Exposed

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Alex 6 - Alex Exposed

One heck of an action packed chapter.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


All I can say is I hope Alex gets some emergency help fast!




Jemima Tychonaut's picture


*blink, blink* Did not expect that cliff hanger...


"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

They're Insane

joannebarbarella's picture

There are three people to identify them, including a couple of pillars of society. That may not stop them from raping Alex but it will ensure retribution,


Thanks Melanie,


It would be nice to see Zach and some assistance arrive on the scene. Good chapter.


Unless if Zach was involved

Unless if Zach was involved in the whole thing and only apologized to make him less of a suspect.

I'm worried about how Brad's

I'm worried about how Brad's parents will react later. Their having heard the derogatory words and still wanting to rescue her gives me some measure of hope, at least.

This isn't fair!

This isn't fair!
I'm scared for poor Alex,and want to end the rotten life of Ed,which I easily could.No qualms, no nightmares, just a few tears(not for Ed)
