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Chapter 35
By Susan Brown
Doris Day Previously… My heart sank. I loved this place but I had to be practical. ‘I’ll have to let it go then,’ I said sadly. She opened her arms and we had a bit of a cuddle. ‘I don’t understand,’ she said, frowning. ‘What?’ I sniffed, looking up at her lovely face. ‘Why you can’t pay twenty thousand a year, it’s not that much.’ ‘Maybe not be for you, but it’s a hell of a lot for me.’ I said, kissing her. ‘So, you’re not willing to pay twenty thousand kisses a year to have the place?’ ‘It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just––what did you say–?’ I looked at her beautiful face, she was smiling slightly. ‘D—d—do you mean it?’ She nodded. ‘I can have the place?’ ‘Only if you keep up with the rent. Mind you, one kiss short and you are out of here!’ I squealed with delight and was soon paying the first installment of my rent–it was hard going, but someone had to do it! And now the story continues… Saturday morning arrived and I awoke to the sound of screeching seagulls and a lovely warm body up close and personal behind me. The fact that neither my partner nor I were wearing anything meant that I could feel her lovely, warm, soft and pert breasts, pressed against my naked back. Recalling last night’s nocturnal activities made me smile. I sighed with the memory and then cracked an eye open. ‘Oh hell,’ I said after looking at the clock on my bedside table. ‘Abby, wake up!’ ‘Mmm…what?’ ‘It’s half past eight,’ I said turning over and looking into her beautiful face. ‘My sister Dawn and her mob will be here at eleven and you have to go and open up the pottery.’ ‘I…I’m too sleepy...’ ‘ABBY, don’t go back to sleep, you have to feed the cats too. Abby, are you listening?’ ‘Mmm…’ ‘Right you asked for it,’ I said as I straddled her lovely body–– Twenty minutes later, we were rather reluctantly up and getting ready for the day. Abby used the shower first; I wanted to join her, but she said that it would be a distraction and anyway, the loofa was getting rather worn. I slipped on my robe and sadly, went downstairs thinking of the things we could be doing in the shower right now. If only we didn’t have to have things to do today. I never thought that I would feel like that after Olivia, and I smiled at what I might get up to with Abby tonight; then I remembered that she wouldn’t be here tonight. We had agreed that I would take things slowly with my sister and the family, perhaps introducing her on Sunday when we had lunch in Luigi’s Italian Restaurant on the other side of the cove, by the east beach–past the third rock on the right. I didn’t fancy going to bed alone tonight, but I suppose it was a sacrifice I would have to bear. I was making coffee and burning toast when she came down. She was dressed in a yellow top and jeans. Her hair was still a bit wet but as far as I was concerned she looked truly scrumptious. After a quick kiss, a slurp of coffee and a bite or two of toast, she was off to do her daily chores. ‘See you later, honey. Are you sure you’ll be okay?’ ‘Don’t fuss, Abby. I have to do this. They are the only real family I have and they will have to take me as I am. Dawn did say that there wouldn’t be any problems and if there are, well then I will just have to cope. I have been doing a lot of that lately.’ After a rather nice and protracted hug, she rushed off. I could almost hear the meows of complaint from her cottage almost a quarter of a mile away. I turned on the radio and listened to the music on Radio Two, while I did my chores. Luckily, Mrs P had done most of the things that needed doing so I only had to tidy up after last night. There was a knock on the door. Glancing at the kitchen clock, I could see that it was only nine forty; too early for Dawn. I made my way downstairs and the postman–Pat–was standing there with a smile on his face. ‘Morning, Pat.’ I said. ‘Morn’m yurr’s yurr post. Just the electric and rates today and thurr’s a card from Mr Potts about that posh car o’ yurr’n.’ ‘Thanks, Pat.’ I said, ‘fancy a cuppa?’ ‘No, ta, I got to get downalong. Mrs Pertwee will give me tea an’ toast while she tell me ’bout the gossip.’ He touched his cap and went off down the road whistling a happy tune. I had just closed the door and started upstairs again when there was another knock the door. Descending the three steps I had climbed, I opened up again. ‘Hello, Ernie.’ I said to the milkman who was out of breath. ‘Hello’m. Just one pint today?’ ‘No, three please I have people staying.’ ‘What, your Abby you mean?’ ‘No, my sister and her family are coming.’ ‘Right three it is then.’ He ran over to his milk float and returned with the milk. ‘Thanks, Ernie.’ I said, taking the bottles from him. ‘Right’m.’ he said with a wave as he rushed next door for my neighbour’s order. I wasn’t surprised that he knew about Abby and me. I took it for granted that my private life was now in the public domain. I just wondered if my other private things had been broadcast yet. Ah well, Que Sera, Sera. Closing the door, I went into the kitchen and put the milk bottles in the fridge. I saw a cobweb on the ceiling and felt rather smug. Mrs Pearson had missed that one and I wondered how I could slip it in at the Monday morning tea-break conversation with her. Talking of tea, I fancied a cuppa, so I filled the kettle and waited for it to boil. Picking up the card from Mr Potts, it said: Potts
I shook my head and tried to remember what my car actually looked like. While I waited for the kettle to boil, I once again wondered what my family, and specifically my sister’s hubby, Adrian would think of me. I put a tea bag and a spoon full of sugar in my pink I love me mug and continued to cogitate. I had only met Adrian a couple of times, once at the wedding and once more soon afterwards. I was wearing trousers then and although not exactly manly in the testosterone sense, I don’t imagine that he ever thought of me as a woman. He was a nice man though; I just hoped that he wouldn’t think that I was just a bloke in a dress. The whistle on the kettle, erm–whistled and I poured the boiling water over the tea bag. Just then there was another knock on the front door! I went and opened it: there in front of me stood a woman. She was, I suppose, in her seventies, had a lined face and no makeup except a slash of red lipstick. She wore a dress that wouldn’t have looked out of place at Woodstock at the height of flower-power. Talking of flowers, she had some woven or plaited into her long, greying hair, very nice but somehow rather bizarre. She had a sort of haunted look and her eyes were as black as coal. ‘Hello.’ I said, ‘can I help you?’ ‘Winter will be upon us soon, you must prepare. Beware of tall dark strangers. Take nothing at face value and expect a surprise come Michaelmas.’ ‘Pardon?’ ‘I’ll say no more.’ With that, she turned and walked off down the road, muttering to herself. ‘Bloody hell,’ I thought, ‘weird or what?’ I returned to my cuppa shaking my head and wondering if I should have crossed her palm with silver. Quickly fishing out the teabag before my tea became too strong for a weak little thing like me, I added some milk and then grabbed a packet of Jaffa cakes. Making my way to my studio, I slid open the balcony doors and sat down on my rickety chair breathing a sigh of relief. Down on the quay–even at this time of the morning–the ice cream kiosk was doing a roaring trade. It was brilliant that I would be having my gallery near there. It was the ideal spot for me: next to the pottery, near the fish and chip shop and the Bide-A-While Continental Tea Room, the ice cream kiosk, of course, and not forgetting The Toad and Tart–not that I was thinking of my tummy, honest! Then I remembered, I was already behind on my rent. I would have to go and see Abby at some stage and make a payment. I wondered if a French kiss would count as two? Knowing her and the skin-flint that she was, it would probably only be one; it was a good job that I was such a nice tenant and wouldn’t complain about it to some sort of tribunal! Checking my watch I saw that time was getting on. Earlier I had received a text from Dawn saying they would be arriving at eleven, so I thought I should get cracking. I did the washing up, made the bed, had a shower, washed my hair and dried it, and then had to decide what to wear. I didn’t want to go over the top or look frumpy, so after minimalist makeup–using the less is more rule–I decided on smart but casual, so I put on a pretty, cream silk, blouse and a black, knee-length skirt. It was far too hot for tights, so I wore my sandals. They looked nice as my pink-painted nails were clearly visible. Brushing my hair till it shone, I looked critically at the finished article in the full length mirror. Not bad, I thought. Not devastatingly pretty or drop dead gorgeous, but passable in a dimly lit room. I smiled at my reflection and then the smile was wiped off my face as there was yet another knock on the front door. Looking at the time, I could see that it was ten to eleven, so I took one more look at myself, brushed a speck of dust from my skirt with my hand and made my way downstairs. I put on my best face and opened the door. ‘Hi, Sam, just dropping off the paperwork for the gallery.’ ‘Oh hi, Millie.’ She must have detected my surprise; ‘Sorry, were you expecting someone else?’ ‘Yes, my sister and her family. Sorry, Millie, I’m a bit nervous.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Well they haven’t seen me like this, a wom–I mean for such a long time and well I hope that they’ll like what they see.’ ‘You are lovely and anyway, you’ve seen your sister just recently.’ ‘Yes, but not Adrian and I’ve never met the kids.’ ‘Well, I won’t keep you. Just sign the forms where I’ve indicated and then give them to Abby. Funny though.’ ‘What?’ ‘The payment; it says twenty thousand and Abby said to leave off the pound sign. I wonder what she means by that?’ ‘Erm, not entirely sure. Don’t worry, I’ll sort it out with her.’ ‘Okay. Look, I’ve got to rush, have to see a man about a stable; bye.’ ‘Bye,’ I waved to her retreating back and returned to the kitchen where I put the paperwork behind the clock. Just then, my mobile chirped. Picking it up, I pressed the button thingy. It was a text: Hi Sam, I smiled and sent a quick reply. Thanx hon, I will pay you later, but need a receipt! There was a knock on the door. Once again I metaphorically girded my loins and went downstairs. If it was anyone other than Dawn and the tribe, I would probably say naughty things… I opened the door and there they were. Dawn rushed up and hugged me. ‘Sam! You look gorgeous. Adrian’s parking the car somewhere. He wants to find a place where his car won’t get bombed by the local bird population.’ After a hug fest, she put me down; behind her were the two children. They looked a bit shy so I bent down to their level. ‘Hello.’ I said. Looking at Timothy I said,’ Right, are you Hayley?’ He shook his head. ‘Oh, it must be Timothy then. I am silly, aren’t I?’ He smiled, nodded and then giggled; ‘Silly, Auntie.’ he said. ‘Oh, and who is this beautiful girl? Are you Hayley?’ ‘Mmm,’ she nodded and then added, ‘I like your hair.’ ‘Thank you, honey. Your hair’s lovely too.’ Looking at the children, I felt a lump in my throat. They were so beautiful. How could Olivia––? I shook my head to rid it of such negative thoughts. ‘Can I have a hug then?’ They both came to me and hugged my legs. Glancing towards Dawn, it was obvious that she was affected too. ‘I think they like you,’ she whispered. A shadow fell across the doorway. Looking up I saw Adrian. He hadn’t changed; he was quite tall–beefy in fact–dark haired and hazel eyed. He was considered quite a catch for Dawn. He used to play rugby and had the muscles and broken nose to prove it. ‘Hello, Samantha,’ he said, a slight frown on his face as he took in someone he had last seen wearing a suit and tie. ‘Hi Adrian,’ I said, standing up. Please leave comments...thanks! ~Sue My thanks go to the brilliant and lovely Gabi for editing and pulling the story into shape.
Whatever will be, will be
The future's not ours, to see
Que Sera, Sera
What will be, will be.
The part they sent was the wrong one. I’m waiting for the new bit
but it has to come from Taiwan.
I’ll let you know when it’s in and I’ve fix the car.
Sorry for the delay.
Thinking of you. Hope it goes ok. If you need cavalry, I’ll come to your rescue.
Ps - you owe me forty kisses.
Hugs, and wet kisses.
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OK, Sue Brown, You Naughty Girl :)
Who is this ancient hippie witch? She is the most colorful of the denizens of the village. Oh, and those kisses, are they the total price, or the rent for a year, month, or total payment?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Where've you been?
The price was 20 000 kisses a year (one of previous chapters), and an average for a day is 55, give or take (my calculations). So it means they had 15 kisses in the morning. Aaawwwwww!
And yes, the Crone is really weird. In fact, she implies that (SWAG ensues) sometime in the future, in awful weather Samantha will have to leave her home. In the darkness she will meet someone she does not recognise, and panic. However, it will be Adrian, who went out to help. Why they both were outside, is related to Michaelmas. :K.I.D.D.I.N.G.:
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Brightened my day!
Nice to catch up on Sam's doings.
Wonder if the old hippy chick's prophecy bodes of things to come? Or is she just part of the local color?
Her first meeting with Adrian as Samantha. He's tall and dark haired. Can't wait to see how the meeting goes.
Thanks for another colorful episode.
~There is no reality, only perception~
Trish Ann
~There is no reality, only perception~
I Think Samantha…
…might have been given “the gypsy’s warningâ€.
Michaelmas Day is 29th September, and Michaelmas also has connotations in the legal world. Then of course there is a possibility that all the recent sessions of connubial bliss and passion might mean that Abby is……?
Hmmmm. Vairry Interestink.
Hmm, sounds like Adrian
Hmm, sounds like Adrian could be described as a tall dark stranger. I hope he's not who Sam needs to be wary of.
That Abby!!
What a hard task master she is! I mean 20,000 kisses a year....Why that's almost 60 a day...However will Sam keep up!....One thing though is for sure....This is one rent Sam will not mind an increase in !!!!
Ides of March? Clueless Yank!!!!!
September 29th is not March 15, but the lady and her cryptic phrasing sounds like Caesar’s Soothsayer. Since Caesar was attacked by his "loving friends", Brutus and Cassius, Olivia and Nigel could not be the possible culprits here. Is it possible that Abby and the others in this lovely town are in some way two-faced and out to harm Samantha. Perhaps this place is haunted and the witches, warlocks and goblins turn out on Michaelmas, rather than Halloween.?
Hopefully, Adrian is not another evil character, the tall dark stranger she must be aware of. It would be awful for Samantha/Tom’s brother-in-law to be such a creep.
As a clueless Yank I checked Michaelmas out on-line and got several different explanations; one having to do with school terms, another the seasons, a third archangels and a fourth relates to the Inns of Court and the start of the Court's Official calendar.
The last sounds as if it is plausible in the story and that Olivia and Tom’s divorce will be in court on that date. However, I thought in the UK divorce was in chancellory court and not in the Queen's Courts.
Perhaps one of out bothers or sisters across the pond could shed some light on this.
Michaelmas is the Christian feast of St. Michael the Archangel,and is celebrated in the Western churches on 29th September and in the Eastern (Orthodox) Church on 8th November. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is the Feast of SS. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, archangels; in the Anglican Church, its proper name is the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels.
For more details of Michaelmas in the UK, have a look at:
Michaelmas is also one of the four Quarter Days which are the traditional days in English law when rent payments become due. These are important to landlords as it is still the practice today that commercial rents become due on the quarter days, quarterly in advance. They were taken from the Christian holy days; four specified days when certain payments are due.
See what y’all can make of that!
Thanks for the information! 139 kisses per day.
Dear Gabi:
Thanks for the information.
Since the property Samantha is renting is commercial property, and rents are do in advance Samantha has lots of work ahead of her.
This story is taking place during the summer, and it is likely past June 24, lets say the lease starts on August 1. Abby will be due about 8333.33 kisses on Michaelmas. 1666.66 for August, 1666.66 for September, and 5000 for the next quarter. All this by Septemeber 29. So if the lease started August 1, there are 60 days until September 29. Therefore about 139 kisses are due per day. Samantha needs to renegotiate the lease so those French kisses count double and certain other special kisses given below the neck, count a lot more. Increasing from 5 to 10 per kiss as they head South ;-).
I do hope Adrian's frown soon turns to a friendly smile. The children appear to have accepted their new aunt quite happily, let's hope their father does too.
It looks like Sam and Abby's relationship is already well known, if Ernie the milkman is anything to go by, and nobody is making a fuss. It just confirms what a wonderful place Penmarris Bay is.
Knock Knock
I've had days like that. You're expecting someone and dang if everyone doesn't call or show up then. It's like they sense it somehow and are attracted to you for some odd reason. Hmmmm.
I hope Samantha doesn't have problems paying her rent. She'll be all tied up with her sister's family. There could be trouble if she doesn't pay up! ;)
The crone's warning was interesting. I got a warning like that when I was in college but it was from a young woman and her warning was more of an odd request actually. She said, "Please, sir. Stop masturbating." I found out that she said that to just about everyone who passed by but it certainly shook me up at the time. Heh.
Yeah. The disturbed young woman addressed me as sir. Oh, the horror! I was a male college student!
I'm not too worried about Adrian. Give Dawn some credit for marrying a nice bloke and having two children with him. I don't expect him to be anything more than a little uncomfortable since he most likely hasn't had any experience with transgender people.
Thanks for another nice chapter. Please keep it comin'.
- Terry
Oh, Sue. How could you? Postman Pat who's a Pertwee. Does he have a black and white cat? And Ernie the milkman. The out of breath milkman. Because he's been rushing around the West Country?
This is a very silly and very funny story. Thanks for brightening my Wednesday.
Distant Sunshine
Names 2
The naming scheme breaks down a bit with Sam though, because (a) she's not (presenting as) male, (b) not Welsh, and (c) not in the Fire Brigade.
Oh, and the local policeman isn't Plod or Plum.
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Ernie! The Fastest Milkman In The West
Surely you're not invoking the ghost of Benny Hill. Don't forget. Ernie had a rival and they duelled over a lady.
I reckon Adrian will be OK. After all, Dawn will have briefed him and no doubt warned him if it was needed.
BMW would be mortified to hear somebody claim a part for one of their cars had to come from Taiwan. Mark moi wurrds, somethin' bain't roight 'ere,
I commented in chapter34!
That I was quite willing to help Samantha with kissing Abby?
Nice going Sue!
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Adrian had "a slight frown on his face as he took in someone he had last seen wearing a suit and tie."
A "slight" frown. He's been prepared in advance by Dawn, so if he was disapproving I'd think it'd either be a full-on glower, or a fake smile pasted on for his wife's benefit.
To me, in this context, "a slight frown" seems to indicate puzzlement, curiosity, or surprise. And since he knew to expect Sam to be dressed as a woman, I suspect he's puzzled, curious, and/or surprised about her not looking at all like a 'bloke in a dress,' as he was most likely expecting.
I definitely agree
I definitely agree with you about Adrian finding an attractive young woman rather than the brother-in-law he'd always known looking rather foolish by wearing a dress. I have a feeling that, in a very short time, he will have warmed up to his delightful sister-in-law!
Doom sayers and self-fulfilling prophesies
Hmm. could the old hag have been hired by Olivia and co. as a doom sayer?
It feels like little good will come from her knowing the predictions, even if it does turn out to be spot on. Self-fulfilling prophesies and all that.
It reminds me of a bit by a dutch comic, Herman Finkers, on self-fulfilling prophesies. Let me see if i can translate it.
A guy (Jansen) visits a psychic and asks for his future. she says:
"Ik zie wippende borstjes in een bloesje van kant
Een steelse blik berooft u van uw verstand
Een hooggehakte enkel maakt u dubbel zo blind
Voor dat licht, dat staat op rood
En zo gaat Jansen dood"
"I see bouncing breasts and a blouse made of lace,
One naughty glance takes away your common sense
A high heeled ankle blinds you more
for that light, which is red
now Jansen is dead."
He pays little attention and walks on, but when he sees a pretty girl in a lace blouse, he remembers the psychics words, and decides he will not be caught in the prophecy. He looks straight down at the street, so as not to see the girl. Looking down as the girl walks by on her high heels he can't help but see the heeled ankles, and in panic to avoid the prophecy he closes his eyes shut and moves on quickly to get away from the girl. Eyes closed, he doesnt see that the lights at the crossover are red, and he's run over by a truck.
Anyways, you spin a great tale, I'll yearning towards the next chapter ;)
Amber-Willow Talamasca
I wonder . .
what the prophesy may actually mean.