College / Twenties

The Rose (Chapters 19-21)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 19-21)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 41: Suspicions

Realizing that she had been laying on Richard, unconscious, she nervously sat up and checked herself. Her mind panicked. Did he feel her fake breasts? What about her jeans? Did he go exploring there? How could she let this happen, she shouted in her brain as her heart raced.
Feeling rough fingers on her chin, her face was directed back towards Richard's and the man pulled her into a long kiss. Closing her eyes, Christina parted her lips and relaxed.
"It's okay," Richard assured her. I don't mind that you fell asleep. It was rather nice holding you."

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 41 - Suspicions

by Admiral Krunch

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 159

"Why have you bought cat food?" asked Stella, "We don't have a cat."

"It was on special offer." I said defensively.

"We still don't have a cat."

"So, if ever we do, we have food."

"It can eat dormice, there's a hedge full of them out there," countered Stella.

Author's note: Version one was lost during posting, thanks Bill, I'll kill you later!

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.



by poetheather

How does a soul awaken to itself? To what limits would they pursue this? What boundaries would they cross just to hear the voice inside. Albert Buchanan takes that step and he and his family have to deal with the results.

This is a short series that has been running through my mind. Enjoy...

Healing a Princess...12 (Cold)

          Kadyr led them forward. Monyka wanted nothing more than to stand in the middle of the burning blaze. She could faintly feel the warm it was radiating as it was.
          “Oh for all our sakes, Tanner, can’t you see that they are hypothermic?” A stern woman’s voice chastised. “You two get over near this fire, immediately.” She left no room for argument. Monyka stumbled forward and held her hands over the fire.

Healing a Princess

Chapter 12 - (Cold!)

by Anistasia Allread

Becoming Antonia Part 7.


Later that night as we both sat in the hot tub and relaxed, I had to ask Brit, who told George about my tool box covered in Billy’s work? She of course got that shit eating grin she always gets when she tries to keep a secret but can’t. I just hugged her and we went to bed for the first night as a married couple.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 158

"Well borrow some of mine."

"Don't be ridiculous, you are several sizes smaller than I, so if I did borrow them, I'd end up singing bloody soprano. Besides what if we had an accident? No thanks, I'll stick with the chaffing."

"I'll kiss it better for you." I said suddenly realising what I had said.

"You'll what?" His face positively lit up.

Easy As Falling In Love.

Heroes of Justice Part 2

           Taking it in stride, Will replied humorously in a John Wayne accent, “Shucks Ma'am it weren't nuthing. Well, I guess I can sell him to you cheap, but I'm warning you, he bites!”
Mark gave him an evil stare. “Gee thanks, buddy. It's a good thing it wasn’t a silver hammer.” He eyed his injured digit, that was regaining its normal shape after presumably being flattened by Will, using the same hammer Mark was regarding with ill intent.

Heroes of Justice

Part 2

by Grover

Rest and Relaxation Part 2

The two drank and danced the night away amerced in the atmosphere and in each other. They sat closely together and found comfort in that closeness. As the drinks began to take their desired effect, fears and inhibitions fell. The two ladies were tonight a couple. As Lana stared into the loving eyes of Shayne, she saw what she had been seeking for her entire life. Not just acceptance of Lana as a woman, but also deep love and desire for this girl named Lana Lund.

Rest And Relaxation Part 2

By Lana Lund

Becoming Antonia Part 6.

...we left the hospital, just as the police showed up.

“Toni Trepasso?”

I raised my hand and of course dad always being a smart ass did the same. The cop looked at us and asked which one of us hit a truck on a motorcycle today?

“That would be me.” I told him.

Becoming Antonia Part 5.

“Toni wait!”

This was the first time he’d even acknowledged my existence since my change, and all I could do was just turn in my seat to look at him as the tears started to roll. He opened the door and gave me a big hug, which I returned.

“Oh daddy.”

The Rose (Chapters 16-18)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 16-18)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 157

"So what do you think of Mr O'Rourke then?"

"He's very nice," I allowed.

"Only very nice, haven't you fallen in love with him yet?"

"I love someone else, but I fell in lust within twenty seconds." I joked.

She laughed, "I thought this blood felt hot." She continued removing it from me and labelling the little vials. "So you're Stella's little sister?"

Becoming Antonia Part 4.

“I guess you were right back in the hospital Brit.”

“Oh, how’s that?”

“Jamie asked if I was me, and I told her that I was still me on the inside but on the outside I was, and you cut me off to say.”

“My next girlfriend.” She cut me off again. I giggled and kissed her again.

“If that’s an invite I might have to take you up on the offer. Just promise me that you’ll be gentle. After all, I’m a virgin again... or at least I was until tonight.”

She just laughed and hugged me tight till we both fell asleep.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 156

Everything is coming up roses, so why does Cathy only see the greenfly? Read the next exciting episode of this enthralling saga (you're not supposed to laugh! Pout!)

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Usual suspect.
part, twelve thirteens (one for the trisdekaphiles)

Jack's Christmas Wish

Having to reveal my thoughts on transition to Saint Nicholas made me a little uncomfortable. I wondered secretly whether he even had the power to fulfill my desire. “Sir, it seems that my feeling that my body was of the wrong sex was prevalent even in my preteens. I suppressed those feelings thinking the it was not natural and a passing fad. As I reached my teen years and found that I would be different from my mates, I found myself questioning my masculinity."

Jack’s Christmas Wish
by Michelleokc08

The Rose (Chapters 12-15)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 12-15)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 155

Do they really make doctors that big? How does the blood get all the way up to his brain and against gravity? Poor Cathy gets her knickers and her tongue all twisted!

Easy As Starting A Diet.
by: Angharad chocolate chomper.
part: After Eight thin chocolate mints.

The Note part 3, the final chapter.

     "Thou shall not lay with man in the same way as woman.” he told us.
“Uh, does that hold true for lesbians or what?” I asked him almost laughing.
     “Don’t you blaspheme in here little girl.” he shot back less then happy with me.
“Alright then, whatever happened to love thy neighbor. Or god made man in his own image?” I asked back. “If that is the case, then wouldn’t you be sinning right now for showing intolerance to us? Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

The Note Part 3

By Toni Trepasso

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 154

The girls go shopping with consequences neither could foresee!

Easy As Killing Things!
by:Black hearted Bonzi.
purred: 154.

With Simon out, I wished I'd brought my bike down with me, however Stella suggested we went shopping instead. "Let's get some Christmas prezzies," not my favourite phrase.

The Note part 2

I just looked at her in shock. “I don’t understand.”

“I was born a boy too. But an accident on my dad’s farm caused my genitals to get ripped off my body. They couldn’t put them back on, so my parents made the choice to have the doctors turn me into a girl. It was either that or live life as a male without the part of my body that makes me one.

The Note Part 2

By Toni Trepasso

The Rose (Chapters 9-11)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 9-11)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Jack's Christmas Wish

Having to reveal my thoughts on transition to Saint Nicholas made me a little uncomfortable. I wondered secretly whether he even had the power to fulfill my desire. “Sir, it seems that my feeling that my body was of the wrong sex was prevalent even in my preteens. I suppressed those feelings thinking the it was not natural and a passing fad. As I reached my teen years and found that I would be different from my mates, I found myself questioning my masculinity."

Jack’s Christmas Wish

by Michelleokc08

The Note part 1

Warning: the following contains adult situations and extreme language. If you are easily offended, or just are not old enough legally to be viewing this, please leave now. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! This is a complete work of fiction, any resemblance to persons either alive or dead is pure coincidence, and not intended. This is the first chapter in the story of a college student who changes from a man to a woman. It’s written as a letter he leaves on his computer to be found by who ever notices him missing. I’ve been told that there are times when my writing doesn’t have enough emotion in it. Well I hope this is enough for you.

The Note Part 1

By Toni Trepasso

The Rose (Chapters 5-8)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 5-8)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Gift of Time

Gordon did not know what to think when Dave first walked in with Simon. He had been looking forward to cooling out with the guys after yet another unpleasant week. Working temporary jobs was rarely nice, but he was still unable to find anything else. His times spent with the guys were one of the few ways he got to escape real life, if only for just a few hours.

Gift of Time

by Grover

The Rose (Chapters 1-4)

A meeting on the beach brings two people together and changes the world.
This is not your usual Maggie the Kitten story. It is an adult story, a romance, if you will.
I think you will enjoy it. Holly

The Rose (Chapters 1-4)

Written by Maggie the Kitten

Edited by Holly Hart and Shelly Shalimar

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 40: Partners

     I think he's technically my boyfriend."
     "... Okay, and this is bad because ... ?"
     "I can't have a boyfriend!" Christina exploded. She stood on her tip-toes and looked over the counter to see if her uncle had heard that comment. Convinced that he didn't notice, she looked back at Steph and insisted, "I can't have a boyfriend."
     "Why not?"
     "... Because ..." Christina stuttered, "Boyfriends ... and girlfriends ... they do boyfriend-girlfriend things!"

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 40 - Partners

by Admiral Krunch

The New Job - Part 5

"You’re one too, aren’t you?" her mother suddenly spat at her. Then she turned to me. "And you too, aren’t you? You’re both lesbians. Everyone here is a lesbian." She was almost screaming she was so frantic.

Before Cynthia could say anything in return, I jumped in. "I am not a lesbian," I said proudly, pausing a moment for emphasis. "I’m a man, so that makes Cynthia heterosexual, doesn’t it? Don’t you just feel better already?" And I smiled at Katherine stupidly as her eyes got even wider while she tried to understand what I had just said.

The New Job

Part 5

by: Kelly Ann Rogers

A Christmas Visit

The early winter storm raged, slashing and tearing with icy blades at the weary Christmas decorations along the street vainly trying shine though the winterly onslaught. Ice glazed the poorly heated apartment windows erasing all signs of the holiday season as the storm howled.

A Christmas Visit

by Grover

The New Job - Part 4

... Usually shooting stars come and go so quickly, you don’t even get to focus your eyes on them. This one took it’s time, however, and we all saw it. A moment after our oohs and aaahs had stopped Hannah said, "A shooting star, that’s what I’ll be. When I die I’ll become a shooting star and everyone will know I was here." Cynthia and I looked at each other behind her back and just smiled knowingly at each other. Then we put our arms around Hannah and the three of us stood there silently watching the sky until we were so cold we had to go in....

The New Job

Part 4

by: Kelly Ann Rogers

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 146

Is cleaning cages a dangerous occupation, it seems likely that Cathy could find stamp collecting dangerous....see what I mean?

Easy As Falling Off A Bike.
by Angharad.

I held my mobile clicking off the lock on the keypad, then switched off the ringtone, opting for vibration only. I slipped it into the pocket of my skirt.

The Glade

He breathed a sigh of relief as he got to the end of the poorly maintained dirt road with its pandemic of pot holes and twisty ruts. His ancient Chevy's headlights goaded the muggy midsummer night's hoards of flying bugs into maniacal Kamikaze attacks on his rusting piebald vehicle.

The Glade

by Grover

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 145


It was saturday morning already, boy doesn't time fly when you're enjoying yourself? I looked at my bleary eyes in the mirror, poked out my tongue, then returned it to my mouth, I needed a cup of tea before seeing things like that!

I Don't Recall Volunteering - Part 5

“To summarize”, he began, as he continued his examination, “due to the war, there were just over one hundred and fifty thousand females who could reproduce. There were, however, over fifteen million men. It was a horrific ratio, to say the least; one that frequently led to fighting and violence amongst males.”

Being Christina Chase | Chapter 39: The Real Date

     Looking up into Richard's eyes, Christina did not think about whether or not what she was about to do was a good idea. In fact she didn't think it all. She wrapped her arms around Richard's shoulders, and her right hand found the back of his head. Guiding him down, Christina parted her lips and drew Richard into the most passionate kiss they had ever shared.

Being Christina Chase

Chapter 39 - The Real Date

by Admiral Krunch

The New Job - Part 3

".... We hadn’t set an alarm, and it was Cynthia who finally woke us up. She came bursting into the bedroom, waving an arm full of newspapers and carrying coffee and bagels. "You have got to see this," she said, her cheeks flushed from the cold New York morning, "You two are all over the society pages." The fact that we were in bed together didn’t even seem to enter her consciousness. She just had to show us the papers.... "

The New Job

by: Kelly Ann Rogers


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