Penny Lane's blog

Real Life changes gear

So here we are, in the hottest part of the UK year, and I'm unable to do things most of the day because of the heat. That doesn't seem to phaze Real Life, of course, which just keeps piling it on.

Short result: Somewhere Else Entirely may be delayed for the next two months or so. See below for details.

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An Unexpected Journey

...Or, There and Back Again. Once upon a time, in a hole in a hill there lived a...

Oh, wait a moment. Somebody has already done that one. Where was I? Oh, yes.

My eldest son, who lives in New York, has had an accident. His girlfriend is expecting twin daughters...

In order for him to be on the birth certificates, they have to be married, so we will be flying the pond at short notice.

The Long Road Back

I could be talking about Somewhere Else Entirely, but this time I'm not.

Many of you are concerned, perhaps rightly, about my welfare, so I thought I'd bring you up to date.

And I hope that, unlike Garia and Keren, I don't suffer any more unexpected shocks and surprises along the way...

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Lies down in dark corner

Unfortunately, going on my nightly experiences, that probably won't help much... but I'm going to take it easy this week-end. I've spent three days visiting hospitals last week and another rebuilding the house network. Phew!

Each time I go to a hospital it basically uses up a day. If I go to the local hospital for a blood test, it is a mile walk and then a bus ride each way; I can get other things done but you can't get a full run at anything. Going to the Renal clinic is an hour's train ride and a mile walk each end so basically we make it a day out and roam the shops, eat out, etc.

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I'm back!

Well, I was discharged yesterday (Weds 12th), a process that took all afternoon. I'm home and attempting to pick up the pieces of life again.

I'll draw a veil over the hospital experience since a lot of you have been there and done that. I'm just glad I wasn't as badly off as some of the other poor sods on my ward.

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Speed Bump

For about the past three weeks, or perhaps a little longer, I've had a mild sore throat. Symptoms: slight discomfort there, perpetual taste of old milk, intestinal bloating on account of the gunge draining down, resulting nausea and so on.

Last week I decided it had gone on long enough and went to the doctor. Cue loads of tests and a completely unexpected finding.

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Possible spam infiltration

I have just received an email via the address I use solely for BCTS. This appears to be spam and thus means that someone who knows my email addy may have been compromised.

I "viewed source" and it refers to something called Zorbia which is apparently HongKong based. I didn't look any further and I didn't open it. It went in the bit bucket.

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SEE Universe

Well, it seems I now have a Universe tag, assuming anyone else is daft enough to want to write a story set on Anmar.

I have written up some universe rules but I would rather not make them public just yet, as there could be (of necessity) spoiler material inside. If anyone wants to have a go at a story, then PM me and we'll have a conversation.

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SEE - Request For Comments

It seems that Somewhere Else Entirely has turned, without me realizing it, from a simple tale to a small industry. I have helpers tabulating names and places, proof-reading and even making maps! I even have a reader who wants to write fan fiction!

This story is no longer a one-author endeavor. What could or should I do here?

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It's too flippin HOT!

Contrary to what we have been receiving here in the UK for far too long, somebody switched the monsoon off this week. We now have days of hotter, hotter, HOTTER.

Unfortunately, the room I do my scribblings in is the one with the cupboard full of computers. It's too hot. As I write it's 33 centigrade in the cupboard, and I'm having to turn almost everything off to stop it dying on its own. This means that my time at the keyboard is limited to whenever I can get myself out of bed and ready in the mornings, before it all heats up.

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Change of plan...

Meh. I had originally intended, and openly written about, calling chapter 49 of Somewhere Else Entirely "A Day of Ceremonies". Fool! I ought to have known better! Some of my minor characters had other ideas...

So, everything suddenly exploded on me, as unintended consequences frequently do.

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Koff, koff, meh.

Why does everything always happen at the same time? I've had this cold for well over a week now, and it's so bad I can cough in my sleep, often without waking. It's also worked it's way down into my chest, and up into my sinuses...

So the bad weather happens just about now as well, and to top it all I just accidentally trashed one of my servers... twice.

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Enough Real Life already!

I'm sure you'll all have noticed that it has been far too long since the previous chapter of Somewhere Else Entirely was posted. I've finally managed to get the next one up... I ought to be back to a reasonable schedule now, although these days you never know.

I thought I'd explain why there's been such a long delay. Oh, all right, this is a grovelling apology combined with specious excuses why I haven't been writing. Satisfied now?

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Gah! Plumbers!

Why does it always happen to me? Someone, somewhere, must know a plumber who actually turns up when he says he will, but I've never met one.

For some time now, we've had a damp patch on the (concrete) kitchen floor. Just occasional seepage from somewhere. Not very much, and no smell so I'm guessing it's mains water rather than sewage. Just recently the stains started to get larger and I reluctantly decided that we would have to get the problem fixed.

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