An Unexpected Journey

...Or, There and Back Again. Once upon a time, in a hole in a hill there lived a...

Oh, wait a moment. Somebody has already done that one. Where was I? Oh, yes.

My eldest son, who lives in New York, has had an accident. His girlfriend is expecting twin daughters...

In order for him to be on the birth certificates, they have to be married, so we will be flying the pond at short notice.

As with everything he does there are complications[1] but we'll leave it at that for now. We're flying over on the 20th February and in theory returning on 6th March. As it has been a while since either of us have traveled by air[2] there has been a certain amount of setting up to do but most of the required stuff has been done now. Now all we have to think about is clothes. February/March is not the season I would have chosen to go to New England.

New England I hear you say? Well, we have been talked into flying into Boston to stay for a few days first to recover from the flight and to adjust to the time difference. We'll spend four days there and then take Amtrak down to NY where we'll be spending part of our stay in a hotel and part in his apartment, which is on Ocean Drive in Brooklyn.

My daft son is expecting us to do "the tourist thing" while we're over there as he thinks it may be the only trip we'll make to the US but frankly I think I'll be too knackered most of the time to have much interest in the city. We'll see. Much as I would be interested in NY at another time I have other concerns at the moment.

The medical issues complicate life for both of us. I'll be taking a big of pills and a doctor's carry note and my partner is type 2 Diabetic so has a tester and gear. Since I changed medications at the beginning of January I have been more tired and this has affected almost everything I have done since.

Of course this will affect SEE which will probably come as no surprise to any of you. I plan to post chapter 98 either today or tomorrow and the next one will have to wait, I'm afraid. My attention will be elsewhere. I'm only taking an e-reader with me so I won't be able to write while I'm away. Which is probably just as well: chapter 99 is complex and requires careful planning. Most of you can probably work out what's going to happen but the fun is in the detail, isn't it? So I guess it will be mid April before that one will appear.

Thank you for putting up with me all this time. I never planned for this tale to become so drawn out but then I never planned a lot of what has happened to me. I will finish SEE, there are probably no more than ten or so more chapters to go.

Thank you for reading,


[1] She's a US citizen, but she's Russian. She is already married... to another Russian.
[2] I last flew the week after 9/11. Headless chickens? Oh, yes. My partner last flew in 1968 and got involved in the Chicago riots...

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