SEE - Request For Comments

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It seems that Somewhere Else Entirely has turned, without me realizing it, from a simple tale to a small industry. I have helpers tabulating names and places, proof-reading and even making maps! I even have a reader who wants to write fan fiction!

This story is no longer a one-author endeavor. What could or should I do here?

It might help here if I say that I already have two ideas for stories set in the same 'universe'. Both of these will relate directly to persons or situations mentioned in SEE but I'm not going to admit to more than that at the moment. Both tales would be in the 5-10 chapter range. Neither of these would be strictly TG stories.

So I already have the beginnings of a 'Universe' in the way that BCTS readers understand the term. If I accept fan fiction then in principle there's no reason why others couldn't write stories set there too. On the other hand, unlike say 'The Center' or 'The Dark Realms' universes there wouldn't be so much scope for new characters to come out of the woodwork in the same way.

The 'vast, multi-dimensional beings' who are meddling in the affairs of the planet won't just have sent Garia and another to Alaesia, though. It could be assumed that there were other transferees who ended up in far-flung corners of the planet and not all of them would be boys who practised martial arts. Imagine, perhaps, some poor teenager who ends up as a Six Cities girl, having to fight off pirates or slavers?

By the time my present tale is done you'll see that there are other scopes for stories, set in other times and places (and worlds!). There would also be native TG/TS who could have their own stories told.

I don't know if anyone would be interested in doing any of this, but unless I ask, I won't find out, will I?

In addition, we are likely to have soon some rather spiffy maps of the Great Valley, the Palar Valley and the regions around Blackstone. I'll have to see how we can add these in but they will probably be pages similar to the Gazetteer. The person who is doing the maps has also threatened to create a massive cross-reference of all geographical-related items from the story (which will doubtless throw up huge holes in the plot). We'll see if some part of that can be published too.

I also plan to set up an independent website to host the stories and other resources. This will not replace Big Closet as the primary location to find these tales (and other tales of mine) but it may be useful should there be future problems with the BCTS website. I know that Erin and her elves are doing their darndest but it occurs to me that having BCTS as the only place you can find my material is asking for trouble, now and in the future. It makes sense to have insurance, right?

Another thing I've been thinking of is publishing for money. I'm not sure I want to go down the Amazon/Kindle route, given I don't reside in the US (tax implications) but there are plenty other places on the web I can go now. Does anybody have any opinions on me doing this? I promise, I'm unlikely to remove SEE from BCTS in the event I publish it elsewhere but that may depend on the 'Terms and Conditions' I'm offered. I know that if I can offer it as epub it would be more convenient for those who use ebook readers - and that now includes myself.

Which brings me to my final topic... an ebook needs a title page, and I seriously suck at drawing/graphics. I had originally intended to add pictures to each chapter or group of chapters (on BCTS) as I went along but finding suitable unencumbered pictures proved so time-consuming I gave it up. My map maker is having a look but if anyone else wants to have a go then let me know.

Thank you all for your time!



SEE Popularity Explosion

I was wondering how much longer this tail would continue before its popularity exploded into much more.

It’s up to you how you wish to proceed as long as you favor those of us who have been following this story from the beginning.

Absolutely the best,


I like the idea of SEE having some form of continuation

Though I can't see why Garia could not have some form of Other Adventures say traveling to a different continent or islands. Nothing better than an ocean cruise :).

That said, I see actually more TG for any other transferee, and not less, because of this accidental discovery by the MIBs (Massive Interdimensional Beings) that this gender change thing worked out better though of course we will find out if the one in Yod experienced such a change. I suspect not though.

A second website would be great.

I wish I could help but editing is the only thing I do kinda well but that seems to be covered.

As far as anybody who wants to write In Universe goes, it means they need your approval though basic ground rules need to be posted.

But this is exciting news.


Publishing for Money

I would say that you may as well publish for money. If you don't someone else will. Even I, a mediocre author, found one of my stories, slightly altered on a pay site where they let you read part of a story and then make you pay to read more. I'd consider your work to be infinitely more readable than that of other authors who have huge reputations, and equally large staff to help them publish very popular main stream fiction.

Personally, I would very much enjoy seeing some of the Ptvil tamed and ridden. Perhaps the scenario is such that they only like women, and befriend them almost voluntarily ... :)


Dang it

Now I have a fan fiction idea trying to distract me from the other two stories I'm trying to write. :-P

-- Sleethr

Fan Fiction

Penny Lane's picture

Yeah, I know. Been there, done that...

My muse has so much lined up for me to write when I finally finish SEE I'll be 200 before I finish. Fortunately, fan fiction has lower priority, I think.


I like it

I like it so much I really want you contontinue. Reaching the volume of Bike is perhaps not possible, but I would not mind if you would reach that volume.

So keep on writing!



Not going to happen

Penny Lane's picture

This story has a fixed arc with a known ending. I could spend the rest of my life writing about... well, you'll see, but at 6,000 to 9,000 words per chapter I'll be writing forever, and any story must eventually get stale.

As I mentioned above I have two other ideas for stories in this universe and I think those will keep people happy. Who knows, I may even get other ideas.

But I have other tales to write, too, and my brain refuses to tackle more than one story track at a time, so I need to put this one to bed. Don't worry, we have a ways to go yet, but the end is definitely ordained.



It's a tribute to your creativity that SEE has generated so much interest.
Continuation/universe/fan fiction: Up to you and others. I'm a reader not a writer.
Publication: Make money if you can, but please give us the complete Garia story that you've begun here for free.
epub: Calibre works really well. It turns the HTML version of any story on this site to Mobi and other formats just fine (very readable on Kindle).
Your Work Published On At Least One Additional Site: Absolutely the correct thing to do.

Thank you

Penny Lane's picture

I already use Calibre for my own needs. It is useful for organizing one's library and for format conversion. My devices - a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" 2 and a Kobo Touch - both use epub, so that's what I generate.

Calibre's not so good for creating epubs in the first place, so I use Sigil. Until recently, I couldn't get a version of Sigil to load on any of my Debian systems, but I can now. It is simple enough to use and I have created an epub of The State Does Not Make Mistakes as a trial project.

This introduces another problem which is the requirement for a title page which has to be a graphic. Haven't solved that one yet, no time.

The HTML versions of stories which are found on BCTS contain significant amounts of scripting and extraneous (?) stuff that has no business in an epub. Using Sigil to edit it out is possible but tedious, especially when one takes account of the number of chapters involved.

Still, it's a start. Thank you for your comment, it is appreciated.


Mobi Version of "Printer Friendly" file is Perfectly Readible

I downloaded a "printer friendly" single file version of SEE Ch1 - Ch83 and converted the HTML file to Mobi using Calibre. While each chapter has the intro page with the disclaimer, it's very compact (one page total). The story text formatting (what I see) is very clean. Of course there's no title page and the chapters aren't indexed, but it works fine for reading the story as Kindle remembers where I stopped which is usually all I need.

Downloading and converting

Penny Lane's picture

If you look at the content of the file (as text), you'll find that at least half of it can be discarded, since every chapter has a script block and links to the CMS which BigCloset uses, as well as links to Faceplant, Goggle and places like that.

It is a pain getting rid of that junk. If you don't you may find that the links are live and cause "unexpected results", as they say.

If I wanted to publish it as a proper .epub or .mobi file, I would have to remove all that 'stuff'.


Continuation and fan fiction

D. Eden's picture

I definitely want to see the continuation of the story line, not to mention the expansion of it.

I am of two minds as to fan fiction.

First, it is a great way to expand upon the whole concept and the "universe". But second, you, being the originator of the story line lose control over the concept. In some ways, this is not bad as it brings in new ideas and creativity. However, I can also foresee a time where your characters could be twisted away from your original intent.

What worries me the most though, is seeing you stop writing. Unfortunately, I saw this happen in the Whatley universe when Maggie Finson stopped writing, leaving the story of my favorite character hanging.

There is a huge potential for expanding many of the minor characters, and even creating additional story lines based on the original story - as an example, look at the world through the eyes of the other traveler who has supplied gunpowder technology and firearms. Hopefully, doing so does not take away from the original characters, or the originator's ideas.

Either way, I look forward to your continued writing of SEE. It is one of the best series that I have read yet!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus


Talk about interest - a whole subcommunity devoted to SEE side projects!

The maps should definitely be interesting - especially if presented medieval style (so main rivers, roads, settlements and geographical features are shown, but hand drawn, pictorial rather than symbolic [e.g. little pictures of houses to indicate settlements - more houses, bigger settlement - but no inference as to geographical boundaries of the town] and very approximate rather than the complete accuracy of modern maps). It'll be interesting how the Sirrel Valley (and the valleys of its named tributaries) relate to each other :)

Sidenote: One day, I really must get back to my BCTS side project (Bike Wiki) - although I'm nearing 100 episodes behind in the summaries (eek!) and no-one's (yet) been brave enough to volunteer to help - either with the summaries or adding other material to it :(

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


mittfh, it is my understanding that anyone who would willingly take up trying to summarize Bike would need to be a resident of Bedlam :)


The combination of PS and I managed to get through the first 1,200 episodes (well, up to 1,284). Things have been patchy since (not least because Real Life got in the way of both of us).

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Penny, Somewhere Else Entirely

is your universe. I would love to see maps and possibly drawings of each place as well as a history of the planet. With help, you can plot ut everything you want to and post it as a e-book as well as a dead tree version.

May Your Light Forever Shine