Julia Phillips's blog

A forlorn hope perchance

Hi all,

I am spending far too many hours on a project by making assumptions, or, better said, approximations, and then having to spend so much time smoothing out the approximations to give vaguely meaningful results.

It would be so much more simple if I could just enter the variables into a spreadsheet and sit back and let it do the work for me.


Anmarian Appendices

Hi all,

as you Anmar fans are aware, Penny has just started a new thread called "What Milsy Did".
I happen to know that this is also a multi-part tale, but not as long as SEE - nowhere near!

So I have created another entry for it in the "Anmarian Appendices" to provide a simple click mechanism to leap straight to any one particular chapter. This entire portion of the Appendices I shall then order by author name. Unlike everywhere else I have done, these entries shall NOT be in alphabetical order.

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Elton John, Eric Clapton, Anmar, Palarand and Julina

At one of his concerts, George Michael was singing his version of Elton John's 'I Won't Let The Sun Go Down On Me.' Half way through the song, George announced to the surprised and delighted audience, as the lights came up on the piano player, and with a rising flourish: “Ladies and Gentlemen – Mister Elton John'. The composer himself was on stage playing along and he joined in the singing at that juncture. The live recording of that track went on to be a big hit.

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Another homophone laugh

G'day all.

I spotted a new (to me) homophone the other day, when an author used the word 'hoard' instead of the correct 'horde' ...

"The hoard of parents swarmed onto the football field ..."

It made me wonder where 'they' had stashed all these parents.

But the follow-up to this made me literally LOL.

I had mentioned it on another site and got a reply from a friend who lives in Las Vegas.

She said: "Here, we would have written 'whored'."


Enjoy your weekend folks.




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Announcing ...

... Bonny Eloise.

Born at 16:20 (UK time) 10th March, 2016

7 pounds 8 ounces (= 3.4 kgs)

As I am stuck in an hotel in France (but fortunately in the capital of the Champagne region) with a VERY slow connection, no more details available at this time.


(SHEEEEEEYITTTTT - me! A grandparent???????)


Jordan Gray (The Voice UK)

Most of you will know the format of 'The Voice' programmes on TV.
This season's The Voice UK has just moved into the 'Battles' phase.

One of the 'judges/mentors' is Paloma Faith.

One of the chosen performers to join her team had to withdraw due to personal reasons, so Paloma chose Jordan Gray, who had previously been 'rejected' by all four judges - and all four admitted to having made a mistake afterwards - as her last-gasp replacement, reinstating the performer in the show.

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RL - and on becoming a grandparent

Hi all,

my daughter is about to sprog - we believe that the little joyous bundle shall be pink-coloured. So I am likely to be a grandparent in the next couple of weeks.

Which means I shall make a mad dash in the car from Switzerland to the UK soon.
And deal with the little one when I get there.

I have been trying to get the next couple of Julina episodes up and posted, but I am having a little difficulty concentrating on them at the moment.

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SEE, Anmar, Index question

Hi all,

now we have been stunned by Penny's brilliance, and pleased that there is at least one more chapter to come, I find myself in a very strange situation, in several ways.

However, the one of immediate importance is as follows:

Should I include the names etc etc from #139 in the Index?

If so, should it be in a different section?

It might be a HUGE spoiler to anyone coming late to this series!

Your opinions please as to whether I should update the index with all the names and ranks from #139.

Thanks in advance



A Happy New Year to all, and some S E E info.

Hi all,

I have been away for a couple of weeks and have now returned home (bliss - my own mattress again!).

What that means is that I have only this morning had time to update the Index entries for Penny's latest.

But those tasks are now done, so out there publicly the information is at the latest state.

Internally, I need to update the copyright year ranges etc etc etc etc

And to complete my next two episodes.

Happy New Year to you all.



Shakes My Doubting Head

It happened again!

After a very busy RL phase when I have had limited access to a computer, I am once more back into my regular routine.

So far, I have posted up to #55 of my 'background' tale to Penny's S E E.

I have the next three episodes in varying stages of completion, and Penny and I have been in touch about the tie-ins between these and her tale.

This made me re-read #55 to add some stuff into my #56.

Despite at lease five read throughs before posting it, and other pairs of eyes too, I today spotted two minor typos in #55.

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A question for fans of S E E / J o B

Hi all,

I am preparing the next few episodes in JoB and am getting #52 polished for posting, #53 is complete but at second draft stage, and #54 is halfway done.

#52 contains two diagrams (floor plans of the upper floors at the Community Hall) and #53 contains one.

My question:

If I post these with Earthly English writing, would that detract or distract from the 'ambiance'?

I could post them with just Anmarian Palarandi writing, but then you wouldn't understand them.

I could post them with both.

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Possible assistance to anyone hesitant here, or anyone ...

... wishing to improve their skills.

I stumbled across this article on another site, and offer it here.

I take no responsibility for the content.

Maybe it would make a good discussion base?


Happy reading ... and writing.


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Looking for a verb - an Anmarian connection

The plan:

Sit down with my laptop, taking into account the sunlit balcony and flagons of tea, then prepare #48 for posting, #49 for final editing, #50 for filling out the story outlines into the first draft

The actuality:

Get dragged off to IKEA, buy furniture for the balcony a little less sizable than the bulky 12 year-old table we have been using, spend hours opening cardboard boxes and then screwing, banging and erecting.


Was I:

- IKEAd?
- Flat-packed?
- Swedish ambushed?

Or is there a better verb for this?

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Only a hundred years ago ....

How quickly fashion changes ....

At the turn of the 20th century, Dressmaker Magazine wrote: 'The preferred colour to dress young boys in is pink. Blue is reserved for girls as it is considered paler, and the more dainty of the two colours, and pink is thought to be stronger (akin to red).'

As late as 1927, Time magazine reported that Princess Astrid of Belgium had been caught out when she gave birth to a girl, because 'The cradle…had been optimistically outfitted in pink, the colour for boys.'

Source:The 'QI' website.

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Another athlete ......

......declares herself to be 'genderfluid'.


(I apologise if someone else has already posted this, but I must have missed it; I thought better to post than to not mention it)


... http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/more-sports/bodybuilder-ma... ...

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Hi all,

here is a little heads-up on developments.

The next (and final) part of the (my) Chivan tales will be posted in the next few days. Naturally, it stops at the start of the post-Chivan era, so if any of you want to pen some tales to fill in the two great missing swathes of time, then there will be plenty of scope - the time after the Chivans when the Empire came into being, the hangover of which gave rise to the different countries in Garia's time, and the different ruler's titles! Of course, there are also opportunities for many more tales set in Chivan times.

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