Julia Phillips's blog


Hi all,

There used to be hardware and software, then came along firmware and the rest.

My favourite in those days (yes, back in the last Millenium !!!) was what was called 'Vapourware' - defined as something promised but never actually delivered.

Which is where I hang my head in shame and talk about the next Julina episode.

I see from my notes that the first words for this episode were actually written back in 2015.

(As a further illustration, I have already penned stuff for episode #80.)

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Reading comprehension is apparently one of my failings

On the dreaded facebook, I have just stirred up a shitstorm.

I think I will coin a new word - Megativity. That means mega amounts of negativity.

Here is what happened:

Someone (a well-known singer) posted a reference to a controlled woman who went out and 'enjoyed' herself when the controlling husband died.

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Home, sweet home - and the days now start getting longer

Back home again after 2572 miles, 6 different countries and 7 different beds. And I have to do all the driving, the SO doesn't!

Not bad for a 2-week trip, huh?

When we set out with a car load of goodies and garden furniture to deliver to friends and relatives in the UK, I never believed that we would return with an even fuller car ...

My granddaughter, young Bonnie, was a bit cranky for the time we were with her, but as she was/is teething and had a cold and a cough, that is hardly surprising. Her sunny smiley self came through a lot though.

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Halle fu€&ing loo yah

As some of you might know, I vented here a little while ago.

My brother has now fully redeemed the money he 'borrowed without actual permission' and the situation has been normalised.

Already I feel Ms. Muse working her way back to me.

I leave tomorrow morning at stupid o'clock to drive to England, some 650 miles through a total of 6 different countries and intend to spend 7 of the 14 days with my granddaughter.

I hope to meet some of my contacts here during the non-granddaughter days.


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14 month gestation period


Julina #73 is with the beta readers, then I will do one final polish and post it --- later this evening (it is 3 in the afternoon with me right now) or in the morning.

From my diaries, notes, and stored clippings and snippets (do we need a new combined word here, clippets???) I see that the first words in this episode were set down at the beginning of October - 2015!

I would never have believed that 14 months would whizz by before I got it to post stage.

But there we go.

RL distractions have sure taken their toll.

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So, so, so sad

I'm sorry - I just have to vent.

As you probably know, I live in Switzerland.

But I am English.

I have a few interests in the UK, and I have trusted my brother with looking after them. A job he has been doing for nearly 20 years now.

I have today had a shock and a surprise.

It looks like my brother has ripped off my sister and I to the tune of about £10,000 to £12,000.

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Looking for the Summer

Hi all,

some of you may have read a little deeper into some of my outpourings and recognised that I am often driven by music. Not that EVERY lyric in all the songs is appropriate, but I get a lot of inspiration and indeed a certain amount of soul-ease from songs.

This blog even has an appropriate message in song, so I will open with this one ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIL8PxLmjm4 (which is an appropriate entry for the title of this blog) ... and close with another!


Somewhat self-indulgent

A few of you have asked in PMs, comments or eMails about my not-quite-so-fresh grand daughter, Bonnie.

So here's a pic of her.

Bonnie 20161021.jpg

Now you see why I am so proud, and why I make ever more frequent trips back to the UK.

There shall be another in December, maybe two weeks long this time, but back here in Switzerland for Christmas as Diana and I have to be on duty at the Hotel.


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A quick trip

Ho hum,

Tomorrow, at noon, I jump in my car with the SO and do a quick 6 country trip in order to take a garden table to my daughter in (near) Tunbridge Wells in the UK.

Start in Switzerland, zoom up through Germany for a bit, cross into France, then Luxembourg, then Belgium and the final 60 odd miles back in France again - then get on the ferry (but we're doing the Tunnel this time, taking up a special deal offer) and into the UK.


FRUSTRATED - a really silly request

For ever such a long time now, one of my Julina stories has been stuck!

It is the third one, called (logically) #002 - OK I started at 0 - and it has 2499 readers and 99 Kudos.

Can someone please put me out of my misery and just tip those numbers up by one?

Pretty please.


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Terra Madre

I am off for a few days.

Tomorrow morning at just after stupid o'clock, when it is at least light, we are driving down to Italy.

Although only 320 kilometers (200 miles) it will take 4 plus hours, since we have to negotiate the second highest mountain pass in Switzerland. So we will stop for lunch, I expect, and take even longer.

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Another 'auto-correct' smile

Saw this one the other day, which made me smile.

The author (one of those that strikes me as being one who seems to try to use big words a bit too often in order to be impressive, without necessarily understanding the required word) wanted to write 'commensurate'.

As in something like: "The starting salary will be commensurate with age and experience."

Unfortunately, (s)he chose to write, using the above example: "The starting salary will be commiserate with age and experience."

I suppose you could say I feel sorry for him/her - *grins*.

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And again TGism and Intersexism at the Olympics

This is a bit of a rehash from the London Games, but is still current according to the dateline ...


Then there is also ...


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Auto-correct or just badly spoken and then misspelt?

I have just seen a post on FB that caused me to laugh out loud - much to the disgust of my trying-to-stay-asleep partner! The author of the post was looking back over the years to events that happened on the 10th August.

I copy and paste the relevant sentence here: "I'd really love to relive those days all over again for sedimental reasons but also to live each day a whole lot smarter than we did before."

Maybe she was used to lying on the bottom?

Another I spotted recently was "inner continental" when talking about a flight from the US to Europe.

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That's the way the ...

... cookie crumbles / dice roll / penny drops / knife falls.

So after a week of doing nothing other than forgetting all the threads and sub-threads in Julina, a week in which I learnt much from my esteemed and most delightful visitor, I decided it was time to finally polish my next Julina episode and get it up.

But first, I would peel and chop the 2 kilos (4.5 pounds) of carrots I just purchased over the border in France for about one third of what they would cost here in Switz.

And the kilo of celery.

Peel, peel, peel, peel, peel.


Tour de France 2016, Stage 16 (and 17)

The Tour de France (aka TdF) is underway - today sees the third stage up there in North-westish France. Leaving the D-Day landing areas and heading deeper into France.

The 16th stage of this year's race, 18th July, is a 209 kilometer long stretch that takes the riders across the border into Switzerland, and through some of this land finishing here in my home town of Bern. The finish line is almost exactly 1 kilometer from my home.

HOWEVER, there is a great fuss being generated by the 'cheaper' Press here.

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Julina - Fighting an apparently losing battle against time

Hi all,

just a little heads up really.

I am leaving Switzerland in my car for a two week trip to the UK, leaving next Monday morning at very stupid o'clock. In the meantime, I have to do work, tidy my apartment, pack and complete the three blogs online that I post on a regular schedule.

It is doubtful that I shall be able to complete Julina #71 to an acceptable standard, get it proofed and get it posted before I leave.
And I do not know how much web access I shall have whilst on my travels.

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A general question on, I suppose, a health issue.

Let's talk pierced ears.

More specifically, pierced ears that have now 'healed' up and the 'channel' through the earlobe is blocked since the skin has grown over the hole back there behind the earlobe. Probably due to the hole not being properly doctored after an allergic reaction to non-'pure' metals.

(Any other reasons that this could happen will be gratefully considered!)

Are there any dangers in getting it re-pierced?

Either the body's reaction or considerations for the piercer.


A silly bit of nonsense re: the English language

As an example of the

(please select: power/complexity/ deliciousness/stupidity/wonder/insert your own)

of the English language, it occurred to me today that:

Read and lead rhyme.
As do read and lead.

But read does not rhyme with lead.
Nor does read rhyme with lead.

Have fun where and when you can!


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