Gwen Brown's blog

Illogical Creatures

Aside from writing, the central focus of my life is to fully understand what it is to be a woman, so I can more faithfully render them in my stories.

I was completely astonished to attend three functions over the holidays in which I was completely treated like a woman, a sisterhood member. At no time was the fact that I might be counterfeit as a woman mentioned and it felt really good.

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Prophetic Stories

In November of 2011, I published "Alien Investigators" which had some teleported aliens which were serendipitously dropped into the front yard of some Fundamentalist polygamist Mormons in southern Utah as extremely precocious human infants. The story was not intended to seem Um plausible at all. It was just a bit of loony fun. In later parts of this tale, the protagonists did some viral genetic editing to "improve" the human race.

Now, in November of 2017, someone really has done gene editing, on themselves. Now I feel like a Prophet. :)


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About Gwen Brown

I am writing this to explain my actions of the last months. The reason for the delay was to let my feelings settle so I have a reasonable expectation that I would not be saying anything rash and hurting feelings.

It seems clear now that I am finished writing as Gwen Brown. In the unlikely event that someone would want to use any of my ideas or story devices, just contact me at [email protected].

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To Mormons and Xmos

I have exchanged emails and PMs with at least 4 other Mormon or Xmo authors here and this is really to them, only. I was initially exposed to the Mormons in March 2011, and had some very healing years with them. I do not want to forget the good the local members did me.

In November 2015, it all began to tank with their ill advised announcement aimed at the children of same sex marriages, and I almost quit then but I vainly believed that eventually in the face of devotion and a sense of morality, they would change.

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Horizon Zero Dawn

I am NOT a gamer on any media, though I have been watching some Youtube videos of Horizon Zero Dawn, #1 so far, and it is about the most visually appealing one I have seen. There is not a bunch of grunting guys and combat. :)

Last night I was looking at what it might cost to get setup, and the Ps4 is $400, a 48" TV is about $400 and the game is about $60. One of those goggle things is about $400. That is a lot for fritter ware. Would the goggle thing replace the TV?

Is it worth it getting into games or should I just go on a nice hike?



Watch for computer attacks

I typically have at least one of three 1 TB usb drives plugged into my computer, and at night I generally just put it to sleep. This morning when I got up, I had no internet connection according to the message on my screen. My IP provider was able to help me badger my computer to work again but all IP addresses had to be re-entered manually.

This evening as I am watching a movie on youtube, I noticed file explorer open, but was able to shut that activity down. This after running malware bites this afternoon. Malware bites uncovered nothing.


USB Wifi Adapter

I have a 32 inch, curved screen HP, "Envy" and recently found out that the particular type of screen excitation they use is very hard on the eyes, and I can verify that I have been having eye comfort issues.

I still have my 7 year old Dell, XPS 430 which was working fine when I shut it off. The issue was that it really did not like win10, so I rather naively thought the machine to be obsolete. However, the last word I got from the MS Technician is that they cajoled it into running on win10, but that was after I had already gotten the new 'puter.


Terror or Sorrow

I have a visitor in my house that does not know I am ____, and I am not planning to tell on myself. I met this man on Arabnews 11 years ago in a discussion about women driving in Saudi Arabia, and he showed himself to be a good and sympathetic man. He has 5 sisters and decided that he would like a break from being chauffeur, but it is too dangerous for women to drive there because the men are such nasty, aggressive drivers.


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Leftenant or Lieutenant ???

When I was writing and publishing "Lieutenant Katia in Afghanistan", there was quite a discussion about my use of "Leftenant" in the story, so I finally corrected it to be what the majority wanted. I am just now watching "Corvette K-225" made in 1943 and they are speaking the word Leftenant. I have no idea if the movie was made in the US, Canada, or the UK.

So there. Tongue sticking out >>> :)



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Remembering or Flashbacks?

I drove up to a wildlife refuge out of boredom on a road that I did not think I had been on and as soon as I got off the freeway and headed west, things began to seem familiar, and a bit down the road, I saw a farm with a very tall board fence surrounding the yard. As I passed it, the full memory suddenly went off in my brain like a burning meteorite; making it feel like it was burning a trail through my grey matter. I KNEW that place!

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A Natural Flirt?

I was talking with a couple from the church yesterday, and realized I was flirting with him. "So, no spanking for what I have done?", I said.

His wife and I are good friends. No one seemed offended. Yet, I was strongly feeling the need to be punished, even spanked. When I understood what I had been doing, wow, how can so much hot blood get into my face ???

From now on I will BE a Nun around him.


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Plagarism ???

I have been reading "Fluidity in Space" by JenniBee and a story I have been working on for years has a chapter that comes very close to what might appear to be plagiarism. As I told her, I don't have an issue with this but do not want someone in the future crying foul when I publish mine, perhaps this summer.

I would appreciate suggestions on how we should proceed.


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Preserving Original Publishing Date.

Tonight I am getting ready to share a link on "Easy As Falling Of A Bike" with a friend who is looking for something to read, so I had to dig deeply to find Chapter 1 of said epic. I notice that something had happened with it and the publication date was now 2015. Chapter 2 still says 2007. I have noticed the same thing has happened with certain of my stories, not that mine are important at all.

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Living as a woman without surgery

It seems to me that I have heard of males living as women without any surgery, or hormones at all and not being intersex who have had successful lives. One case I heard of had cross dressed as a youth and as soon as they got in college changed to full time. I hope they have or had happy lives and that eventually that is how we will all do it. Of course, for an intact male, there is that troublesome masculinization, so I know they must have done something along the way.


Playing with Languages

Over the years I've been exposed to numbers of different cultures and it has been fun to learn what I could about their idioms and accents. It was interesting to learn something about the Thai culture, their way of writing and their accents. To me their writing seems oddly similar to Hebrew, not that I know anything mind you.


Stories That Are Prophetic

I have two stories (books ?) that I have been working on for years, one of them I started in the early 80's on an Electric Typewriter. Lately, I have begun to see parts of both of them begin to come true in real life, and that frightens me because I think that my health will not hold out long enough to finish either. Sadly, the only people I would trust to finish them are not likely to outlive me by much if at all.

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Prostate Removal During SRS

In a conversation I just had with an ER Doctor, he asked me if during my SRS surgery, had the surgeon removed my Prostate Gland? Back in 2007, when mine was done, I do not think they were doing that because it was felt that the proceedure was too dangerous to the nerves and blood vessels.

Apparently some or all surgeons are now doing it orthoscopically as a part of SRS. Are any of you aware if this change in surgical procedure has been implemented or is the ER Doctor wrong?


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NO Pants !!!

In talking with my Doctor, he finally sussed out that I am not a genetic female, much to my surprise that it took him this long. I've been very ill the last two months with Pneumonia, a UTI and intestinal flare ups.

In talking to me about ways to prevent more Urinary Tract Infections, he said to avoid pants, pantyhose, leggings and to use only cotton panties; none of the pretty stuff. He further recommended a full shower after riding my bike, even casually, and no baths; showers only. He also said to use baby wipes after every trip to the loo.

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9 years 11 months

In the last day or so, the clicker thingie clunked over to 11 months so before Christmas I'll be at 10 years here. I remember it quite well. I was still very nutty from the divorce 2 years earlier, and being on huge doses of VA psych medications for PTSD. I'd previously published some stories over on Storysite, when I was approached either by Sephrina or Cathy; can't remember which. I was very messed up and broken at the time and spending time locked up in a secure cell at the VA every few months.

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