dorothycolleen's blog

please send Jaci some encouragement

I just wanted all my friends and fans here (and everybody else too) to send some encouragement to Jaci. She's been fiddling with a very funny Jaci and Dottie story, but I think she doesn't think she's a good enough writer, or something.

So send her some love, if you please.

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a bit of an adventure today

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Well, today was a bit of adventure.

It started with getting a phone call from a friend who was crying so hard she could hardly talk.

Then I went to the police station to get my fingerprints done so I can change my name, and when I got there I realized I needed 2 pieces of I.D., and I only had one on me, so I had to go back home, get my birth certificate, and go back to the station.

But I got my fingerprints done, so that's one step down.

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sorry no new "Mercy" for a bit

Just wanted to apologize to anybody hoping for more Mercy any time soon. Since losing my job I have been fighting a serious depression, as well as a flu, and worrying about Jaci, my mom, and others as well.

So as a result, I haven't been doing much writing.

I'll try and get something going, but no promises on when you'll see more from me.

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one step forward, one leap back

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Well, I had planned to be able to give myself a ribbon for adulting yesterday.

It started off well, despite my cold, I shoveled the walk, and went and got the form for my marriage licence (I need a copy so I can do the name change thing), and then topped it off by getting a hold of the bank that has my car loan to find how much I still owe.

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My brain is weird

My brain is weird.

I had this really bizzare idea come into my head as I slept last night.

A boy who is an amazing car driver is picked to represent Earth in a series of races against some shadow demons. Each race he loses, another part of the Earth belongs to them. But each race he wins, he has another part of his body turn into a girl's

See what I mean when I say my brain is weird ?

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Silly moment at work yesterday

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Silly moment from work yesterday. Coworker whispers she's lost her voice. I tell her to look behind the couch. She laughs as loud as her strained voice lets her, and tells another co-worker the joke.

It's nice to know I can occasionally make somebody's day better, even if it's with a silly joke.

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a most feminine dream

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I had a dream last night of having the girliest of girl birthdays. Every present was super feminine.

The one that made me happiest was some very feminine outfit, but before I could wear it, water leaked out from under my bed and got it wet.

I was devastated, and then I woke up.

I'm blaming Jaci for this dream ...

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"The Dark Tower" series

I have been reading Steven King's "The Dark Tower" series, and its really, really good. I have found myself swept up in the quest for the tower, wincing at every setback, crying at every loss, and cheering every victory along the way.

That said, the books do have one rather interesting character - Steven King himself.

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I'm very lucky

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I am very lucky to live in a house with animals.

Like last night, I was having troubles emotionally, and laying in bed and unable to sleep when my brother and sister-in-law's cat came into my room, jumped up on my bed, and basically demanded I pet her. After a while of stroking her soft fur and hearing her purr, I could feel my blood pressure drop and my heart rate slow. When I stopped petting her, the cat sat at the end of my bed facing my door, as if guarding me from any intruders, until I fell asleep.

Like I said, I'm very lucky.

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The first step

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With help from my sister in law, I got the first step done to getting my name change. Total cost should be about $ 200, take probably around a month from start to finish.

But before you can start a journey, you got to take the first step, and I did that today.

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Really, really bad day

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Not a good day. It turns out my work was not happy with me, so I am being transferred to another store further away from home and only 4 hours a day 7 days a week.

Its a dam sight better than nothing, but it still feels like I failed.

On top of this, yesterday I got an email from my sister in law that contained a paper on "victim's syndrome" - basically saying some people love saying "woe is me" and getting sympathy rather than taking responsibility for their own choices and mistakes.

To me, that seems to indicate she thinks I'm one of those people, and that stings.

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Good service at church today

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Had a nice service at church today. Not only did we talk about Jesus as a young boy at the temple, but after the service, we had a lecture/discussion on the subject of "repairative therapy" - sometimes called 'conversion therapy" or "pray away the gay".

As it consists of little more than physical or psychological torture to try and "fix" people like me, and does much more harm than good, we are trying to start the process to get the Alberta government declare it illegal for people under 18 at the very least.

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story shout - out

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I am always reluctant to give a shout out to a particular story here. Not because there aren't fantastic stories being made, but the reverse - pointing to one story feels like not being fair to all the others being offered here.

That said, I hope you don't mind if I say I am really enjoying a story called "Prom changed Everything." Mostly because I can really identify with the main character who is struggling with her feminine side at the same time as she tries to recover from PTSD.

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a writing challenge

I thought I would throw out a challenge to the authors here:

We have a lot of stories about little kids transitioning, some teenagers, and a few who are college age.

But we don't really have a lot of stories about older transitioners

Anybody wanna take a stab at writing a story about someone transitioning at 40, 50, or beyond?

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"Doctor" claims Trans people are just autistic

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Yesterday, my local paper had an article about a "doctor" who thinks trans people are just autistic with a "fixation" on opposite gender stuff.

I'm 100 % sure the anti-trans people - especially the "Christians" will latch on to this guy so that's gonna be fun ...

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My doctor's appointment went well

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Well, I am home from my Doctor's appointment, and it went better than I could have hoped. The occasional pains are minor muscle issues, and nothing to worry about. Plus, the doctor was very gentle and told me everything she was gonna do before she did it, and between that and using my grounding, I didn't have nearly the trouble I was expecting.

So yay!

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true story

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True story. When I was in elementary, I went to the principal and asked to be promoted to the next grade. Trying to give a reason why I shouldn't, the principal gave me a test equal to what that grade would get. I passed it. Then he gave me a test for the next grade. I passed it. Finally, he gave me a test given to university students, and I failed. When I realized they weren't going to let me skip a grade, I bawled like a baby, saying I had been trying to catch up to my brother, who was 2 1/2 years older than I was.

40 something years later, i still haven't caught up to him.

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I found a new trigger for my PTSD

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Well, I found a new trigger for my PTSD. See, for the last while I have been reading "The Dark Tower" by Steven King, and partway through the second book, I started getting shaky. But I didn't connect it to what I was reading, because it didn't contain my usual triggers.

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Ten dollars well spent

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Well, I did something that some people might think was silly. I was having a tough day with pain and PTSD, and by lunch time, I was getting to a bad place, so on my break, I went to the toy department, and bought a pink hippo stuffie.

I think it was $10 well spent, even if some others would disagree ..

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dreams and their meanings

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okay, I want to talk about dreams for a moment.

I am not sure I understand, much less agree with all dream analysis, but when patterns start get being repeated in dreams, its at least possible your brain is trying to tell you something.

For example, I've had a lot of "searching" dreams - dreams where I was looking for a person, a place, or an object.

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