
Madeline Plays Dotty


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I took a deep breath and peered toward the full, floor length mirror that stood before me. The sight that greeted me made me flush with embarrassment. The glass surface of the mirror reflected a brunette girl, who was dressed in a Dalmatian costume, the costume being a Dalmatian printed dress, with a matching headband that had fluffy dog ears  hanging about it. To add insult to injury, a pink collar with a dog bone shaped nameplate was fastened around my neck. The name 'Madeline' had been engraved upon the nameplate.

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This story is 91 words long.

Halloween Romance (2)


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Halloween Romance
Sequel to
Mischief Night Magic
Part Two: Costumes

Tonight was Halloween night. I'd spent the morning cleaning the remaining parts of the cemetery. Around one, Gwendoline fixed me a late lunch of chicken noodle soup with some salted crackers on the side. The soup was okay, nothing special, just the kind of soup you get from a can. Small cubes of chicken breast, thin noodles, and a yellow, salty broth. After that I took a short nap.

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This story is 79 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (14)

Gakkou No Kaiden
Hyakki Yagyo – Night Parade of a Hundred Demons

According to the old folks in Satoyama village, on certain nights between June and August, a parade of one hundred different Oni and Yokai are said to march through the narrow streets of the village. The local monks at the nearby temple will warn you it's best to stay safely shut inside your home on these certain nights unless you wish to encounter such a terrible sight. But be warned if you do encounter such a parade you will spirited away and be forced to join in the march, forever.

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This story is 101 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (13)

Gakkou no Kaiden:
Beware of the Water Demon!

The mountain village of Satoyama is surrounded by thousands of small rice paddies that are fed by countless streams that flow down from the snow capped mountains that surround the village. In the hot, humid summer months the children of the village often play in the cool streams. Be it swimming, fishing or just lounging in the shadow of a tree that has grown by the waters edge. These nameless streams are often a popular escape from the heat of summer.

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This story is 89 words long.

Halloween Romance (1)


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Halloween Romance
Sequel to
Mischief Night Magic
Part One: Saturday Morning

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This story is 11 words long.

Madeline's Debutante Ball (3)


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After I gave my little speech the party started in earnest. And let me tell you something, the scene unfolding before me looked like it had been lifted straight from the pages of The Great Gatsby. All the young men dressed smartly in their rented tuxedos danced upon the polished wooden floor of the country club with the belle's of Benton in their formal, sparkling gowns.

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This story is 66 words long.

Madeline's Debutante Ball (2)

The Benton Country Club was a handsome brick building that had been built on top of a hill. The Country club was the playground for the bourgeoisie of the town. A nine hole golf course surrounded the building and attached to the building was a deep, oval-shaped swimming pool and beside the swimming pool was a tennis court. To become a member, one had to vote in. It was also clannish, with just one vote against you being enough to black ball you from ever joining the club again. 

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This story is 89 words long.

Madeline's Debutante Ball (1)

I took a deep breath as I peered toward the full floor length mirror that was hung on the other side of the small changing room. The reflection that greeted me was totally alien to me. The reflection showed a girl, who appeared to be around sixteen. She had long, flowing brunette hair that reached down to her shoulders. A modest chest that was just starting to fill out. Her hips were just starting to come in. This girl also wore a strapless coral pink ball gown that reached all the way to the ground.

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This story is 95 words long.

Thirteen Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (4)

According to the Book of Genesis, the first recorded murder in human history was committed  by Cain who murdered his brother Abel. Setting the stage for men to murder each other for years to come. A foreshadowing to man's own bloody history of conflict with his fellow man. Now, the next story was told to me, by my cousin, Daisy. Who claims the story is true. And there was something in the manner of his speech, something the way he seemed to look over his shoulder, something in the way he held himself as he recounted this story that filled me with a sense of dread.

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This story is 106 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (6)


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Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Six: A Serious Conversation

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This story is 12 words long.

Thirteen Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (3)

Have you ever asked yourself the following question? What causes a place to become haunted? Or to become infested with demons? That is the million dollar question that is often debated among theologians and paranormal scholars alike. I'm not here to answer that question. I'm here to tell you a story of a building that is haunted. Haunted by the lost soul of a wayward teenage girl who tragically took her own life in a fit of religious fever and my personal encounter with her. But first a brief history lesson.

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This story is 91 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (5)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to 
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Five: Costume Shopping 

It was around twilight when we left the parking lot of Dollar General. As we drove through the narrow streets of Benton, toward our next stop. Gwendoline seemed a little lost for words. She seemed lost in thought, she kept looking over me, and every time she would look at me she would smile. I returned the smile with one of my own. 

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This story is 74 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (4)


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Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Four: Basic Supplies

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This story is 11 words long.

Thirteen Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (2)

There is a long held belief among those who live in Yazoo County that the name of the Yazoo, the name given to the river that flows through it, and who's yearly overflow made it prime cotton growing ground comes from the old Choctaw word that means “River of Death”. I guess that is fitting enough because all the ghost stories and legends I've shared with you center on Yazoo County. This next story was told to me by a good friend of mine. Her name is Lana Edwards. She is one of the few remaining Edward's that call Benton home.

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This story is 101 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (3)


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Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Three: Learning the Curve

“Okay Haddy.” Gwendoline said to me. “Before we go shopping I want you to get a good shower, I want you to deep condition your hair. I want you to shave under your arms, and to shave your legs too. Don't worry about your nether. I'll make an appointment in town with the stylist to handle that when prom and other major events come around.”

I blinked and blinked again.

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This story is 82 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (2)

Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to 
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Two: Making Plans

The English language is full of idioms. One of the simpler ones is “Time flies when you're having fun.” I'm not sure how true that is, but it seemed I soon lost myself in my work. The simple act of bending down, picking up a weather worn trinket and tossing it into the trashcan before moving on to the next one was like a simple form of meditation to me.

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This story is 81 words long.

Thirteen Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (1)

I've told you a fair number of legends that center around Benton Academy, I've also told you one or two that center around Benton High School. The School I attend. The story I'm going to tell you now, is a ghost story that is well known to the cadets of Benton High School's Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps or JROTC for short. That is commonly pronounced “JAY-rotsee” for those who were wondering.

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This story is 72 words long.

Mischief Night Magic (1)


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Mischief Night Magic
Sequel to
Cemetery Shenanigans
Part One: Heather Delilah Soenksen

My mother is the night nurse at King's Daughters Hospital, my father is a foreman at Benton Brickwork. Because of their shifting schedules it's rare for the two of them to be at home at the same time. My father was already at work when I left home to keep my appointment with the strange woman. My mom had just gotten off, and had already showered and was fast asleep when I left.

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This story is 85 words long.

The Mallrat Chronicles (2)



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A conversation with a Phantom

The mall closes its doors at nine o' clock on the dot each night. On week nights I'm in bed by then, but on Friday and Saturday nights I'm still roaming the corridors. This was one such night, it was seven at night, the sun had set and a full moon could be seen against the backdrop of a dark, cloudless night sky. The mall was as quiet as the grave and a strange stillness was starting to settle over the building.

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This story is 87 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunnygirl Girl Jamie (4)


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I decided to take Melody's advice and entered the room that was marked 'Cosplayer in Peril' about an hour after I left the other room. It was now well into the afternoon and the convention was about to reach the supreme madness that always follows an afternoon of fans being fans. The room was controlled chaos. A good dozen people were rushing around, all of them wearing jeans and bright neon orange shirts that had the words “Stage Hand” followed by the word “Volunteer” emblazoned upon the back.

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This story is 88 words long.

Cerridwen's Potion Blunder (3)


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I knew I was in deep trouble when mom mentioned she wanted to have a 'private discussion' with me. I knew that was mom talking for me going across her lap while she applied the hairbrush to my bare bottom. I breathed a silent prayer under my breath as I was marched from the kitchen to my bedroom. Mom followed behind me, her arms folded across her chest and a crossed look graced her face as she walked a few steps behind me. A few minutes later we reached my room.

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This story is 91 words long.

Cerridwen's Potion Blunder (2)


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“Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn!” I heard my mothers voice echo down the hallway. It seemed she was on the very verge of flipping her lid. I groaned as I looked down and then looked down at the toilet. Pieces of half chewed up chicken, sausage from this morning and bits of egg and corn floated in a light brown broth. Drinking the potion had forced me to empty my stomach. 

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This story is 69 words long.

Cemetery Shenanigans (4)


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Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Four: Epilogue

I can't recall what happened next. But I remember following the woman's instructions to the letter. As soon as I reached the school I headed to the office and gave them the note the strange woman had given me. I had expected them to ask a few questions. Instead the office secretary nodded her head and made a copy and handed me the original. I then went to my first period class. That happened  to be Earth Science. 

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This story is 83 words long.

Cerridwen's Potion Blunder


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Mom never planned on teaching me 'The Craft' as she called it. Of course that had been before my transfiguration from being a boy to a girl. Once mom accepted the fact that I was indeed Cerridwen she rolled up the sleeves of her dress and got to work teaching me in earnest 'The Craft'. You see mom is a witch, much like her younger sister and her mother before her and her mother before her. And pretty much all the women of the Whitethorn line.

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This story is 86 words long.

Cemetery Shenanigans (3)


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Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Three: Punishment

It all happened so fast. One minute I was standing in front of this strange woman, the next moment I was being guided back down the long hallway. A few minutes later I was being ushered into what I'm going to assume was the spare bedroom she had mentioned earlier. The bedroom was about half the size of the other rooms I've seen. Just room enough for a bed, a night stand and a small closet. The walls of the room had been painted a coral pink color, and on the floor there was an oval rug, also pink in color.

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This story is 106 words long.

Cemetery Shenanigans (2)


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Cemetery Shenanigans
Part Two: Out of the frying pan into the Fire

“Excuse you.” A young woman said the moment I entered the shack. “I think you owe me an explanation why you just busted in here.”

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This story is 37 words long.

Cemetery Shenanigans (1)


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Cemetery Shenanigans
Part One: Being Chased by A Phantom

I took a deep breath as I peered through the bars in the old iron fence. The sight that greeted me was one befitting a lovecraftian horror story. The grass was as tall as me, tombstones lay scattered about in all directions, there was no order to them, some were half sunken into the ground. Many were covered by moss. Somehow been worn smooth by the passing of countless years. Yet others lay broken and laying down. It seems even the dead to not gain any respect in this day and age.

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This story is 101 words long.

The Mallrat Chronicles (1)

Darkness in the Northpark Cinema

Behind the mall there is a cinema called 'Northpark Cinema' . It's haunted, but it's not haunted by a ghost or a demon. No, what is haunting it is something more sinister than that. The first story I'm going to include in this collection of stories is one that has changed my life. Nobody believes me when I tell them this story, and I doubt you would. The story opens on a cool, crisp October day.

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This story is 80 words long.

The Mallrat Chronicles


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The Mallrat Chronicles


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This story is 4 words long.

Regarding "The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle"

Good morning everybody, first allow me to thank everyone who's read 'The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle' I'm very pleased with the support its recieved. The story though has given a bit of writers block. And while I think on it, I've decided to given some attention to a few of my other stories I have floating around in limbo. One new story I hope to publish is called "The Mallrat Chronicals" it ties in with my other stories, and is set in the same area of Mississippi as my other stories.

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Chronicles of Sea Breeze (9)


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Blood on the Plaza

According to the sun it was around the middle of the day when Oliver, as tired as he was, followed me into the center of town. I had set a blistering pace after the bandits had ambushed us, and Oliver, though he struggled, had managed to keep up with me. Oliver was covered in blood, not his blood, but blood from the bandits that had tried to ambush us. The boy's long brown hair was matted with sweat and his feet were blistered and bleeding.

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This story is 90 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (11)



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It was Halloween night. The Halloween of two thousand and fourteen. I was eight years old at the time. I was a pale, sickly little boy with long, raven hair. I weighed just under eighty pounds and was a shrimp when compared to the other boys my age. I was also astmatic and prone to coughing fits that lasted for several minutes. That Halloween still comes back to haunt me from time to time. 

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This story is 74 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (10)



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Sunday morning was an insane marathon. My Aunt Cat was still a little hung over from the half bottle of wine she had tucked away last night at dinner. And Uncle Sidney looked like he had already Taken Holy Communion. Coffee was the first order of business. Strong, black coffee, thicker than oil and strong enough to take the paint off the side of the house. Then showers, I went first. I had to dash through the shower, dash through shaving my legs, dry off and blow dry my hair and remove the polish from my fingernails. I managed to do all of this in fifteen minutes flat.

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This story is 108 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (9)


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The meeting took place on a Friday I believe, the following day was Saturday. Uncle Sidney at this point seemed content to have me frolic around the house in a pair of skinny jeans and a t- shirt. He rarely said much to me anymore. Though from time to time I saw him peering out the window of his study or pacing up and down the concrete driveway. I was starting to see a different side of him. It was like a change had taken place deep inside of him. I knew when he discovered me wearing a old hand-me down dress, he had tried to scare me straight, the Bible having been his weapon of choice.

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This story is 117 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (8)


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I took a deep breath as I walked into the crowded sitting room. The room was filled with ladies drawn from all four corners of the Mississippi Delta. Ladies who like me wore fine summer dresses. The room was filled with chatter but the moment I walked into the room, the chatter stopped. All eyes it seemed zoomed in on me. I could feel their eyes peering at me. It was as if they were judging me.

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This story is 77 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (7)


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Breakfast that morning was pan fried turkey bacon, fried eggs sunny side up, and a toasted English muffin with a bit of butter on it to make it palatable. The meal was served with a cup of coffee, strong, black coffee, unsweetened with cream, sugar or milk. I call it dishwater in a cup. My Aunt Cat said however that this was a breakfast befitting a 'Woman' of my class and breeding and that a 'Southern Belle' should always be mindful of the size of her waist. 

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This story is 87 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (6)



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The buzzing of my alarm clock awoke me from a frightful sleep. Slowly opening my eyes, I peered out the window of my bedroom. Darkness, total darkness. Taking a deep breath I reached up, pulled my pillow closer to me, and turned over, hoping to snatch a few extra minutes of sleep. It was not meant to be, for a few moments later, a harsh knocking came on the other side of my bedroom door. A few seconds later and the door was pushed open and there in the doorway stood my aunt.

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This story is 93 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (5)



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Dinner that night was tenderized venison steaks, that had been hand battered and fried in a heavy iron skillet till golden brown. My Aunt cooked a good many of them, the sides included home-made mashed potatoes made from scratch brown gravy, collard greens seasoned with bits of bacon and of course the staple at many southern tables. Cornbread. The beverage of choice of course was sweet tea for me, my aunt had a glass of red wine and my uncle Sidney had a brown bottle of Yuengling, this was really his third bottle of the evening.

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This story is 96 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (4)



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I returned a few moments later holding the old, leather Bible. It was the family Bible, the one that recorded all the births and deaths in the family. According to family lore, the Bible had been in the family for well over a hundred years. My Aunt Cat who was in the kitchen, pointed with fingers toward my uncle's office. I nodded my head and started to make my way to the office. The door was locked so I gently knocked. A few seconds later, I heard a crossed voice from behind the door call out.

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The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (3)



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Strange and powerful memories started to flood over me. I remembered a time when I was just starting kindergarten. I attended a private kindergarten, one that had a playroom that was attached to the main classroom. I froze and peered up into the sky as I found myself falling through time and space. In the corner of the play room, there was a corner, a kind of private corner. I also remembered there were toy chests that held clothing that the girls in my class use to play pretend and dress up.

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This story is 92 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (2)


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Farming was back breaking work. I was often up before the rooster crowed and kept in the field till the sun set and the moon had risen. The delta is flat, flat as a board and there is nothing in the way to block the sun, all the trees had long been cut down to make way for the farmers to plow. The strong rays of the Mississippian sun blistered me by day and the bone cutting wind froze me by night. 

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This story is 82 words long.

The Story of a Reluctant Southern Belle (1)


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I discovered my true self in the Mississippi Delta, a region known for its coffee colored soil, known to grow any crop known to man, known mostly for the growing of cotton and a style of music called 'The Blues'. Yes here in this flat region, I found my true self and I've never been the same. Now the chief source of income for many in the delta is farming, the crop of choice is cotton.

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This story is 76 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunny Girl Jamie (3)


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I found the room, but it turns out I took too long to find it. And the game was already starting when I stumbled into the room. I'm not going to lie, I was a little disappointed at first, after all I'd been promised the leading role of the “Queen” piece. But a few minutes later a sense of relief washed over me. I quickly learned that when a piece was “Captured” it was given a cream pie to the face as a penalty, normally by the piece that captured it.

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This story is 91 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunny Girl Jamie (2)


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The Saturday morning of the convention dawned bright and clear, the forecast for that morning though was cloudy with a chance of rain in the afternoon. The digital clock on my car read six o' clock in the morning. And the traffic report said that the road was clear and everything was moving smoothly. In short everything seemed to be going my way. And so, with my spirits soaring like a bird, I pulled out of the driveway and aimed my car south toward Jackson. After a brief stop at Church's Chicken for two sausages and biscuits and Double Quick to top off the gas I was on my way. 

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This story is 110 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Bunny Girl Jamie


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Summer vacation had been ongoing for a week and I was already bored. The thrifty lifestyle I'd been living for the last eight months meant that my purse was bursting at the seams. The old wooden treasure chest was overflowing with coins and bills, you see I'd yet gone ahead and opened a checking account with our local bank as my best friend Madeline and older sister Lily had been strongly suggesting for the last few months.

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This story is 77 words long.

Adventures of Lauren Elizabeth Huntington: Summer Soiree (5)

After I'd left Lily and her collection of friends at the dunking booth, Clay and I found ourselves standing along. We've decided to watch the town's fireworks from the top layer of the town's observatory. The town's observatory was located on a high hill that was about two and a half miles from the end of main street. From the upper level of the town's observatory you could see the whole skyline of the town.

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This story is 75 words long.

Sticky Bunny



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When people think of Easter, I'm quite sure their minds would automatically conjure up images of colorful eggs, pastel colored Easter Dresses, attending Easter Mass down at their local parish church, mountains of chocolate candies, woven, straw baskets that are always overflowing with candy, toys, and of course king size chocolate bars.

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This story is 52 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (12)



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Gakkou No Kaiden
The Haunted Doll of the Annual Traffic Safety Lesson

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This story is 12 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (11)


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Gakkou No Kaiden
The Futakuchi-onna

This story was told to me by a student in classroom 1-B. According to her, some years ago a mysterious transfer student by the name of Yuna Kagesaki joined the school halfway through the school year. And by all accounts she was a true beauty to behold with long, straight black hair, porcelain skin, heart shaped face, almond shaped eyes and petite frame she became an object of desire for all her male classmates who flirted endlessly with her. Though with demure charm she rebuffed all their advances.

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This story is 93 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (10)

Gakkou No Kaiden

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This story is 4 words long.


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