
Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (9)


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Gakkou No Kaiden:
The Legend of Hanako-san

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This story is 7 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (9)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 9: Mother's Advice

I don't think there is anything more precious to a daughter than spending time with her mother. Since becoming Cerridwen my mom has made a point to spend more time with me, guiding me if you will down the fable path of womanhood. At first I tried to hide the fact that I was seeing a boy from my mom. But people talk in this small town and my mother has an ear for gossip. Plus, she was a hairdresser by trade, and people love to gossip while getting their haircut, colored, styled, and washed.

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This story is 104 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (8)

Gakkou No Kaiden
The Curse of Tsumugi-chan

If you ever go into the principal's office you will notice that sitting right of the desk is an old fashioned doll that is sealed in a glass case. At the bottom you will see a sign that reads. “Warning: This doll is cursed, please do not touch it, and please do not touch the glass case.” Many think that this is a joke. But there is a good reason for the doll being sealed up and locked away in the principal's office.

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This story is 90 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (7)

Gakkou No Kaiden
The Shadow Army of the Takanda Clan

Did you know the grounds upon which Satoyama High School was built was once a battlefield? During the Sengoku period an army of five thousand ashigaru and two thousand samurai were led into this valley by the famous Takeda Clan general Akiyama Nobutomo. Their goal was to take over this valley and take the castle that commanded the crossroads and allowed garrison the view of the surrounding countryside.

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This story is 78 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (8)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 8: Flu Shots

I have trypanophobia or an extreme fear of needles, and I dread taking the annual Flu Shot. Normally my mom has to bribe me with McDonald's if I'm good and take the shot without causing a sense. This year things were different, instead of having mom at my side I had my boyfriend, and instead of getting my Flu Shot at a clinic or hospital, I was getting mine at a local pharmacy.

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This story is 82 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (7)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 7: Bridal Dream

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This story is 9 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (6)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 6: Sick in Bed

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This story is 10 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (5)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 5: Confused Feeling

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This story is 9 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (4)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 4: Daisy Cooking

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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (3)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 3: Movie Date

Plaza Twin Cinema located at the end of Main Street is the last of a dying breed, it's one of the few remaining mom and pop owned cinema's. Locally owned and locally operated. It has served Benton faithfully since it opened in the late sixties some sixty something years ago. Anyway if you wanted to see a movie in town this was the place to go.

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This story is 75 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn (2)


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 2: Lunch Date

If you've ever watched any romantic anime you're bound to see one more scene where the main couple share a huge homemade lunch box at school. Normally it's somewhere private, away from the busy hustle and bustle of the main school. Normally they share their lunch either on the roof of the school or in a deserted classroom. Another popular scene is the two will often share an umbrella on rainy days. Often while holding hands. Sharing an umbrella is another one of those classic anime tropes.

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This story is 96 words long.

The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn


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The Courtship of Cerridwen Circe Whitethorn
Chapter 1: The Red String of Fate

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This story is 12 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (8)



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Oliver Blackthorn

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Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories. (14)


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The following story was told to me by my friend Lana Tiffany Edwards, Lana Edward's grandfather, Elijah Edwards was Benton's undertaker for decades before he passed away from old age. He was also an avid collector of ghost stories. And one of those stories he loved to tell all those who would listen was about a farmer who was expecting his first child, when his child was born he was overjoyed to find out that his exhausted wife had given birth two twin boys. But his joy quickly turned to horror and shame as he noticed that the twins were conjoined.

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This story is 101 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (7)



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The Missing Child

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This story is 4 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (6)


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Greensleeves & The Maid that Sold her Barley

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This story is 9 words long.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories. (13)



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As a paranormal researcher, I sometimes stumble upon a story that just moves me in ways that I did not expect to be moved. This story is one that hit very close to home for personal reasons I'm really not going to go into detail about here. The following story has all the hallmarks of a classic ghost story, the main character dies a horrible death, in fact he is murdered outright by a gang of thugs, on Halloween night of all nights, and his vengeful spirit returns to the claim the life of his attackers.

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This story is 96 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie Play's Dotty


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A deep blush colored my face as I peered into the floor length mirror. The reflection showed a girl with blonde hair, baby blue eyes, and a petite frame. The girl was also dressed in one of the most embarrassing costumes I've ever laid eyes on. The costume was a short white dress with black spots. The accessories included a purple dog collar with a golden nameplate that read 'Jamie' engraved on it. And last but not least a pair of black dog ears. A small sigh escaped my lips as I spun around. This has to be the dumbest thing I've ever volunteered to do.

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This story is 106 words long.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton (11)


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In the foyer of Albert Sidney Johnston's Memorial Library there hangs an old oil portrait of a woman who is dressed in a black dress with a high lacy white collar. Her raven hair is gathered at the back of her head and is tied back in a nice, neat bun. Her face is set in what seems permanent scowl and her high cheekbones seemed sunk in. At the bottom of the painting one would find the name of the woman. “Mercy Anna Howard '' Followed by “Head Librarian” and beside that “1870 till 1920”.

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This story is 93 words long.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories (10)


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One of the most enduring urban legends of Benton is that of a supposed tree that is supposed to feed unwary travelers who stray too near to its trunk. The location of the tree is supposed to be a meadow that is located deep within the marsh that surrounds the north side of Benton. Now, though many consider it nothing more than a silly urban legend, something of an old wives' tale, something to keep curious children from exploring the mashes.

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This story is 81 words long.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories (9)


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The Pemberton Mall was the premier shopping destination of Vicksburg, Mississippi. The mall had been named in honor of the confederate general who had commanded all southern forces stationed within the city during the heroic forty seven or so day siege the city had endured. His name was John C.

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This story is 50 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and Phantom Nurse (4)


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Breakfast was brought to me the next morning, it was a simple breakfast, grits, boiled turkey bacon, toast, and milk. Still worn out from the nights before I ate and fell asleep, I awoke in time for lunch, a piece of broiled fish seasoned with just lemon juice and dill, steamed broccoli, and tea. Still tired I ate and again I fell asleep, dinner was a little better, roasted chicken seasoned with lemon and pepper, more steamed broccoli, a small slice of yellow cake with chocolate icing and more tea. Again tired I ate and fell asleep.

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This story is 97 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and the Phantom Nurse (3)



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I woke up around midnight with the urge to pee. Once I'd finished my business, I'd decided it was time to put my plan into action. Taking a deep breath I inched my way toward the door to my room. Gathering up my courage, I reached out and took hold of the door handle and pushed upon it. The wooden door crept open and before I knew it I was standing out in the hallway.

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This story is 75 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and The Phantom Nurse (2)


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I woke up the next morning feeling a little better, I was starting to breathe a little easier, my throat was so sore and I felt my fever starting to retreat. Breakfast was soon served to me, it was a homey breakfast of boiled turkey bacon, scrambled eggs, without salt and pepper of course. Toast without butter, and a small bottle of chocolate milk. Out of hunger I ate every morsel and left not a scrap of egg or a speck of crust on my plate.

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This story is 86 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (5)



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This story is 2 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie and the Phantom Nurse (1)


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Hospitals are one of the most depressing places on earth. Everything reeks of antiseptic and disinfectant, the food is bland and the portions are small. Plus, you can't have a moment's peace to yourself and you have no privacy whatsoever. And guess what? I'm going to be spending my Easter Weekend here on the fifth floor of Mississippi Medical Center because mother nature hates me.

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This story is 65 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (6)

Gakkou no Kaiden:
The Lantern of Forbidden Love

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This story is 8 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie's Sweet Sixteen (5)


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Carefully I put one foot in front of the other as I made my way from my room, down the stairs, the moment I touched down on the landing was the moment I felt my breath being taken away. The living room was crowded with people. The overflow even reached into the kitchen and down the hallway. The massive crowd then shouted, they shouted all together. And their voices seemed to become one.

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This story is 73 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie's Sweet Sixteen (4)


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I took a deep breath as I peered into the full length mirror, the reflection in the mirror showed a young woman with golden blonde hair and the prettiest blue eyes I'd ever seen. That young woman was dressed in a pretty pink gown that seemed tailored to fit every curve of her body. She had a modest chest and a very curvy figure. The kind of body that reminded me of a teenage model. Her hair had been straightened a few hours before and now had a pretty pink bow on top. As I released my breath, it really dawned on me. I was that woman who's reflection I was peering at in the mirror.

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This story is 116 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie's Sweet Sixteen (3)


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Albert Sidney Johnstone Memorial Library was the heart and soul of geek culture in Benton. Here each Tuesday the anime club gathered together to watch a few episodes of any given anime that seemed popular or given reports on the manga we've read that week. And on Friday and Saturday evening the Roleplaying Club would host sessions. Of course Dungeons and Dragons was the main draw, but there were other games people could play. Little Fears was another darling and my personal favorite.

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This story is 83 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie's Sweet Sixteen (2)


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Like many small towns in the southern United States, Benton's principal commercial district was Main Street. Here along this bricked paved section of street, one would find the backbone and lifeblood of the community, its numerous small businesses all locally owned and operated. Some were well over one hundred years old. Two famous examples were Potter's Mercantile, a general store that had been owned by generations of Potters, the family I came from. And Brewer's Hardware Both had been founded the same time as Hannah's Landing, that was before Hannah's Landing had grown into Benton. 

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This story is 95 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (4)



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So This Is A Dungeon?

Hello again my imaginary audience, when you last left me I was walking to the Peppercorn Mountains because I'd heard stories about a king's ransom of gold and jewels. Right now I'm somewhere under those mountains. About a day's passed since I've last encountered you guys, I'd finally reached the Peppercorn Mountains after four or five hours of hard marching. I then took a rest and somehow I managed to find this cave.

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This story is 79 words long.

The Adventures of Jamie Potter: Jamie's Sweet Sixteen


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I took a deep breath as I tossed the heavy woolen blanket over the side of the bed. Releasing that breath I planted my feet firmly on the wooden floorboards of my bedroom. The moment I did though was the moment I felt a sudden coldness rush into me. The calendar on the bedroom wall said it was March. March the fourteenth.. skip three squares and you would find the seventeenth circled with a little note written into the square. The note read. “Birthday – Sweet Sixteen” and there I paused as I peered at the little pink circle.

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This story is 98 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze (3)


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Tale of the Drunken Knight

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Chronicles of Sea Breeze (2)


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Jamie's First Valentine's Date (3)


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Ben and I enjoyed the rest of the meal in silence, it was the good kind of silence. Oh the Pecan cobbler was simply amazing, totally off my diet but so worth it. Once we finished eating, Ben paid the check and he was escorted back to his car. It was around ten o' clock at night, and nearing my curfew. Not that Lily would have minded if I stayed out at all hours of the night. She is kind of cool like that, and with mom and dad away and Lily manning the fort I'm sure I could have managed to stay out a little past ten.

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This story is 108 words long.

Chronicles of Sea Breeze



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An Unexpected Turn of Events

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Jamie's First Valentine's Date (2)


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Coleman's Steakhouse was a small little restaurant that was located at the far end of Main Street. Beside it one would find Benton Laundromat and across from it one would find Benton Auto Glass Works. Many people in town considered it a hidden treasure, unlike the newest steakhouse in town, The Cow Pen Jr. Located out on the highway this one was located in the heart of Benton. Many in town considered The Cow Pen Jr. a place for tourists to go too.

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This story is 83 words long.

Jamie's First Valentine's Date


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St. Valentine's Day is supposed to be one of the most romantic holidays in the year. Its a day set aside to celebrate love in all its forms. It's also one of the most depressing days of the year. Before I became Jamie, St. Valentine's Day was just another day. Another day in the three hundred sixty five days that make up a year. But when I became Jamie, the day took on a whole new meaning for me.

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This story is 79 words long.

La Petite Mardi Gras (3)


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La Petite Mardi Gras: Part Three
A kiss ushers in the season of Lent

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This story is 14 words long.

La Petite Mardi Gras (2)


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La Petite Mardi Gras: Part Two
The Crowning of Lily and Jamie Potter


As I walked across the crowded ballroom, I noticed how polished the wooden floor looked. I could tell somebody had poured out a mint to have the floor waxed and polished. I mean you could comb your hair in the reflection. All eyes turned toward me as I strolled across the floor toward the refreshment table. The Benton orchestra had paused in their playing for a moment. I collected my thoughts as my eyes fell on Ben who was drumming his fingers on a crystal cup of punch.

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This story is 103 words long.

Ghost stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories (8)



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This is my third story I've shared with my little sister for her ongoing project of chronicling all possible  ghostly and paranormal encounters that have taken place in and around Benton. I'm flattered my stories are included. According to an old family legend, the gift of clairvoyance is supposed to run in the Bell family. My late mother Lisa Avery Bell was supposed to have the gift. I suppose she passed that gift onto me and my sister. Anyway putting that aside let's get down to business shall we? You want to be scared, and I have just the tell for you.

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This story is 102 words long.

La Petite Mardi Gras (1)


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La Petite Mardi Gras: Part One
Pleasure Dies At the Stroke of Midnight


The antebellum south was steeped in tradition, some of those traditions vanished after the Civil War, some endured through the turbulent years that followed and are still carried on to this day. Among those traditions that started in antebellum Benton was the annual Carnival Ball that's hosted each Carnival by the aristocratic families of Benton. Chief among those are the Potter Family who were among the earliest settlers of the town.

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This story is 86 words long.

Jamie and Lily (3)


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The movie was amazing, the animation amazing, the story touching. In short 'From Up on Poppy Hill' made me nostalgic for a time I've never experienced. It was tinged with sadness, heartache, and the pains of growing up. A window into a world in transition. And like Mr. Hayao Miyazaki's movies it was sure to become a classic as the years rolled on by. Lily even found herself getting swept up in the story line, and that's pretty amazing since she has never been the biggest anime fan.

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This story is 88 words long.

Jamie and Lily (2)


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Dinner was amazing. Fresh fried rice, grilled shrimp, grilled scallops, and even a grilled lobster tail. Both Lily and I love our seafood. And so we both ordered the house special, The Geisha Seafood Special. A huge meal that included fried rice, soup, salad, grilled shrimp, grilled scallops and a grilled lobster tail. I ordered double fried rice, because I just love the fried rice from here. And double soup. Lily ordered a double salad because according to her, she was watching her weight. I really think it's just because she is part rabbit.

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This story is 94 words long.

Jamie and Lily


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I took a deep breath as I peered out of the window of the car and onto the passing landscape. The hills were covered in snow and the glass was starting to fog from my hot breath. Autumn had come and gone and my older sister Lily some twenty months late had decided to finally take me out to the movies. I'd been in something of a melancholy mood all week. Sulking some would say, pouting others would say. Brooding was another word for it I guess.

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This story is 87 words long.

Gakkou No Kaiden: A Spine tingling collection of Ghost Stories (5)



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Gakkou no Kaiden

To Curse Someone Visit the Shrine at the Hour of the Ox

Not too long ago there were two friends, their names were Ichika Nakamura and Sakura Suzuki both attended Satoyama High School. Now Ichika Nakamura and Sakura Sakura Suzuki had been friends since childhood. By all accounts the two should have been very close, almost best friends. Because the Nakamura family lived right across the road from the Suzuki Family and both families had served Oda Nobunaga when he had taken control of Mino Province during the Sengoku period.

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This story is 93 words long.

Ghost stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost stories (7)


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Vicksburg, Mississippi is an historical city located on the banks of the Mississippi River. As a port on the Mississippi River the city of forty thousand souls is far more cosmopolitan that the surrounding area. Vicksburg is also one of the most haunted cities in Mississippi. The city itself endured a terrible forty day siege by Federal Force's during the Civil War.

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This story is 62 words long.

Ghost Stories and Urban Legends of Benton: More Ghost Stories(6)

Not all the stories my friend's tell are set in Benton. Some are urban legends from other small towns. The following story is one that was told to us by our friend Taylor Croft. Taylor was not born in Benton, but her mother was and her family is of old Benton stock. Taylor was born in Madison and raised in Yazoo City until a few months ago when her mom suffering from a bad divorce moved her and her daughter back to her hometown. Anyway it's with her permission that I'm posting her story here for others to read and enjoy.

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This story is 101 words long.

The Misadventures of Dawn Sharbrough

I was just eighteen when I attended my first anime convention and crossplayed in public. The year was two thousand five and anime was still new in the west, as were anime conventions and publications that focused on the budding culture of the scene. It was something of a gilded age for us. The art flourished, and we were striking sparks in all directions. Social media was just starting to gain traction and grow from bud to bloom. And Tokyopop, a manga publishing company had reached the zenith of its popularity and power.

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This story is 93 words long.


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