
Readers of Once The Hero

Hi everyone! I have a question and am looking for advice. At this point in the story, most of what I presented in the 'Bikipedia' exposition has already been covered in the story. I always knew that big whopping piece of information was clumsy but I felt the need to lay down the background so I could get into the meat of the tale.

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I See You

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"I See You" is one of the lines in James Cameron's movie Avatar. While it doesn't have any TG in it, there are transformations both physical and spiritual. Gwen's recent admission that she'd seen the movie 3 times in 3D no less has made me admit that I've seen it twice, once in Imax 3D and once in only 3D. It is one heck of a visual treat, but for a story that many seem to put down for being simple and had already been done, it has made me cry. Twice. I knew that scene was coming but I still was reaching for those napkins I kept handy just in case.

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Part 5!

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Hi everyone! Part 5 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. As you know I put up Part 4 here at BCTS yesterday because of time constraints today. I may have to do that again due to my schedule meaning one or both updates may be on Saturday instead of Sunday. I honestly don't see how Ang and the other serial posters manage it! :)

Stay tuned to this Rocket Channel for more exciting information!



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Once the Hero Part 4


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The adventure continues in Part 4! Better yet a day early because of limited time tomorrow. Enjoy!

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This story is 16 words long.

Small Changes!

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Hey again everyone!
First things first! Part 4 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust!

Now the rest of the story. HER and Kimmie has both PMed me about grammar errors within the story. Being the wonderful people they are they volunteered to help proof and fix those. What this means is there are going to be small differences between what is posted at BC and StarDust until I can get around to getting everything caught up.

Both HER and Kimmie has my deepest thanks for their work.

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Once the Hero Part 3


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The Adventure continues in Part 3!

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This story is 5 words long.

Once the Hero Part 2


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You Can't Put A Speed Limit On Justice!

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This story is 8 words long.

Once the Hero Continued!

Hey Everyone! Just a quick note to let everyone know that Part 2 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. Like I said last week, the newest stuff will hit StarDust first and then a week later make its way to BCTS. To reassure everyone, the whole thing is finished so this will not be another incomplete work. As long as it is I would've had to split it up in parts anyways. This way gives me the added advantage of being able to take advantage of you sharp eyed readers out there spotting errors and letting me do some bandaging and damage control.

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Once the Hero


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Thirty-four years ago Alan Glenn was the teenage superhero known as Vroom and a member of the government sponsored team, The Rocketeers. A tragic experiment gone wrong left him as the only survivor as well as without his once formidable powers. Now the government wants him to train another group of children to go into harm's way. Made an offer he couldn't refuse, perhaps they should have remembered he'd been once a hero!

Once the Hero

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This story is 78 words long.

Once the Hero

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The first 5 chapters of my newest story, "Once the Hero" is up now at Stardust. Several months ago, my loved one and I were watching Zoom’s Academy for superheroes. Frankly, the movie was very uneven in its direction, and could not decide what kind of movie it was supposed to be. The script needed an overhaul, and some of the casting wasn’t any too hot.

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Posting my Stories

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Hopefully I'll have two fairly long stories that will post soon. Because of their length they'll be in chapter sized chunks. Also because I want to help support Bob's Star Dust they will be posted first there. I guess I'm just sentimental because not was my very first story posted at Star Dust but Bob was the very first person to comment on one of mine.

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Why Fantasy Matters.

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Hey Everyone! As most folks who've read any of my stories knows I write mostly Sci-Fi or Fantasy based stories. While at the Sci-Fi writers site today I spotted this article and since it's about writing decided that is would be okay to post here. It is of course "Why Fantasy Matters" and in my own humble opinion rocks!

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The Jacket

My hot tears streamed down my chilled cheeks. Not even the late fall cold could cool the burning hurt within that spilled out from me.

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This story is 25 words long.

Die Pretty

If I had to die, I wanted, I had to die pretty.

Die Pretty

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This story is 16 words long.

Jacqui in Wonderland

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Grover’s trip to Southern Comfort Conference
Jacqui’s Adventures in Wonderland

As most who has been following BCTS’s Girl on the spot, Catherine Linda Michel know, she, Holly Happy Hart, Khadja, and I attended SSC last week.

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What price would you pay?



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This story is 8 words long.

The Makeup Fairy


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Girls, have you ever had one of those days where no matter how hard you tried, your makeup looked like a clown face and saying you were having a bad hair day was an understatement? Perhaps all you needed was a friend!

The Makeup Fairy



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This story is 47 words long.

Road Running Part 2

"Road Runner, if he catches you you're through.” Road Runner Theme - Barbara Cameron

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This story is 14 words long.

Road Running Part 1

"Road Runner, if he catches you you're through.” Road Runner Theme - Barbara Cameron

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I Need A Hero


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“Where have all the good men gone, and where are all the gods? Where's the street-wise Hercules to fight the rising odds? Isn't there a white knight upon a fiery steed?”

“I Need a Hero” -Bonnie Tyler

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This story is 37 words long.

A Hard Thing

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Today my wife and I had to do a hard thing. Our beloved half-Rottie Lab went to sleep for the last time. It broke our hearts but Delta had cancer. She had already survived one operation, but there was nothing anyone could do when it once more came back. Delta was 11 years old and had been with my wife for ten years after the dog had been rescued from a bad home. She was a big dog at near 90 pounds but was really a sweet coward. Almost everything would send her into hiding, although her bark would scare anyone. It was so deep it would rattle the windows.

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Furthest Shore


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We cast our words out upon the wide digital sea not knowing where the ebb and flow of electrons may take them. The words we write maybe forgotten or they might bring a smile to brighten another’s day. Standing by the sea, I wonder if I will ever know. Soon I’ll wander back to my worn keyboard, for there are more stories yet to be told. For now I am content to walk the sands, looking for signs of others that have tossed their own words upon the ocean waves trusting in fate and surf to wash them to the furthest shore.

The Furthest Shore

(Buried Treasures)

By Grover

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This story is 112 words long.

Grover's Writing


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Grover's Writing

Grover is a wonderfully, talented writer, whose heart is big as all outdoors.  Grover doesn't forget real friends and family of choice.  Grover has a real feel for the emotional states of characters in stories.  A lifelong reader who always dreamed of writing.  Grover is married to a wonderful, lovely, understanding  woman who is very supportive. Grover's novel, "Heroes of Justice", which has been revised from the version posted at BCTS, is soon to be published by Doppler Press.




Grover's Blog

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This story is 83 words long.

Plots and openings

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This morning while on my morning web surf I ran across this article. While oriented towards sci-fi/action movies I think it applies to just about all stories. He has some good advice and insight why some plots work and others don't. Enjoy!



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Well, I'm up early today. I've been thinking about life because somehow, someway, I have today completed 47 orbits about Sol while a passenger on planet Dirt, err ... Earth. As I get ready to start my 48th, I do wonder about it all. It's no wonder that from the very beginning I have always been the outsider looking in. With the deluxe basket of unwanted gifts including learning disabilities as well as some favor of TG, I am also blessed. I am and have been more or less healthy. Unlike, some of the other girls here, I have never been physically abused.

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Pretty Pictures

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Hey everyone! I have a question to all of you computer gamers out there! As you know most RPG games now will let you make a character portrait. Which ones out today are really good at that? I figure with all the WOW and other players out here if anyone knows it'll be the people here. So any recommendations?

I've looked at Poser but I'm a little hesitant to get so involved I need to learn a whole program. I'm afraid I'm a point and click kind of person. :) Easy is good! Just looking for a way to waste a little time in a way I can pretend is constructive.



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Most Worthy


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If you really found a D'jinn's lamp what kinds of wishes would you make?

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This story is 14 words long.

Secret Agent Girl


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I was reading Tanya Allen's Monique and this came to me.

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This story is 11 words long.

Sanctuary of the Heart- A Home That Love Built story

When you have no other place to turn where will you find Sanctuary?

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This story is 13 words long.

A Dream of Dragons Part 3


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Welcome to the Third and Final Part of A Dream of Dragons! Sorry for the slight delay due to re-editing and being ill. I hate being sick!

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A Dream of Dragons


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A Dream of Dragons

by Grover

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This story is 6 words long.

A Dream of Dragons Part 2

A Dream of Dragons continues in Part 2!

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A Dream of Dragons Part 1


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Let not the dreams die
For true freedom is lost
when they can not soar.

Not one step has been made
Not one goal achieved
Not one life fulfilled
Without dreams to reveal the path.

inspired by
Langston Hughes

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This story is 41 words long.

Interesting vid

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AE Brain is a interesting blog by an Australian rocket scientist. Her entry for the 12th is about an intersexed woman transitioning. It is a Youtube, but there is a short write up explaining her situation.

Besides Zoe often has articles about the TG experience and stuff!



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This and That


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I'm not much of poet but this is some idle thoughts that came to my mind while waiting in line the last few days. Meter and other terms are a mystery to me and I'm sure that others could do a much better job. However such as it is I thought I would share.

This and That



From my first words and my first stumbling steps, I was dressed in blue and told you’re a boy. They do this and they don’t do that.

I wondered why is that?

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This story is 93 words long.

Dreams of Me


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This was home! But not the abandoned rundown ruin it’d become years ago, but the one from his childhood memories.

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This story is 21 words long.

How many of ...

How many of ME are there? I ask this question because I've read several stories and comments of 'us girls' that separate our male and female selves. The most recent that comes to mind as an example is Nancy's excellent "A Different Kind of Courage." There Amanda is coming to terms with Lance Corporal Newly her alpha male protector.

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Yet Another Halloween Fairy Tale: The Witch's Cauldron!


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Peter is down on his luck but that is about to change due to a Fairy Godmother and a plastic pail of candy!

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This story is 23 words long.



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The mud fought me for every step, grasping and pulling at my legs, as I fled for my life.

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This story is 19 words long.

Off Armageddon's Reef

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David Weber the Sci-fi author of Off Armageddon's Reef has an interview up at The novel has some TG in it but not as part of the main story. David Weber is the author of the popular Honor Harrington series as well as others. His books has strong women as their heroines and tend to be military sci-fi. I know that in the past his books has been mentioned and thought the interview would be of interest. One thing he did say that I agree with one hundred percent is that the only bad thing with writing is it leaves you with less time to read! Enjoy all!

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Another Cat's Tale: The Return of the Prince


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Proudly with his head and tail held high, he ignored the useless chaff that hung about seeking favors from their betters. He had little respect for these courtiers who had never been entrusted with the most sacred of all duties. Being feline, all were of course Royalty, Princes and Princesses every last one, but there was only one Queen.

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This story is 59 words long.


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