Drea DiMaggio

The Callahan Family Chronicles

The Callahan Family Chronicles

Terrence Nathaniel Callahan wandered into the kitchen; his shoulders seemed to be weighed down, but it was just the same old stupid stuff that kept him from sleeping.   No swiftly tilting planet, but a dream that seemed almost as bad as a nightmare because instead of being stuck in the dream, every morning he woke up to his miserable life...

The Winter Romance of Bernice Crocetti - Part 2 of 3

by Andrea DiMaggio

There are so many of us who find we can have faith that moves mountains, just not faith for our own sake. We see the best in others while seeing so little of worth in ourselves. Life can be hard when you’re stuck that way, but Bernice was about to find out that someone had faith in her.

Part Two — I Will Love Again!

The Flower of Woody End

The Flower of Woody End

The boy was small. Of course, everyone in his clan was small; it’s just the way it was. He looked at his father and smiled. The boy’s parents were a source of great pride, and he knew that more than most families, they would understand. At least he hoped they would.

The Winter Romance of Bernice Crocetti - Part 1 of 3

by Andrea DiMaggio

There are so many of us who find we can have faith that moves mountains, just not faith for our own sake. We see the best in others while seeing so little of worth in ourselves. Life can be hard when you’re stuck that way, but Bernice was about to find out that someone had faith in her.

Part One — Unbreakable

Requiem for a Heart - Part 3 of 3


Two souls languish in disappointment. One prays desperately that his child’s heart will somehow match his form. The other prays that somehow finally that her form will at last match her heart. Both will find out that it’s not about what, but about who we are.

Requiem for a Heart - Part 2 of 3


Two souls languish in disappointment. One prays desperately that his child’s heart will somehow match his form. The other prays that somehow finally that her form will at last match her heart. Both will find out that it’s not about what, but about who we are.

Happy Birthday NeeNee!!!

Happy Birthday Renee!

She's one of the nicest people you'll ever want to meet and such a dear. She welcomed me into her heart, and I've been her Li'l Sis 'Drea since I got here! Please join me in wishing her a happy birthday, won't you?

Love you, NeeNee, with all my heart!!!

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I Love You...


It is not down in any map; true places never are — Herman Melville
This continues Nan's story from The Voice and Beyond

Nan felt helpless; as if her life left her without choices. She finds out, like so many of us, that our lives and our choices meet fulfillment every single day; when it comes to love, it truly is up to you.

Requiem for a Heart - Part 1 of 3


Two souls languish in disappointment. One prays desperately that his child’s heart will somehow match his form. The other prays that somehow finally that her form will at last match her heart. Both will find out that it’s not about what, but about who we are.

Bobbie C....Yippee!

Just a quick update: Bobbie sends her regards, and might even blog very soon after this post. She's been spending much more time overseas for her job, including a lot of travel to other locations besides her home base. Much of her responsibility with her company has changed focus and even increased, so she's been very busy. She wants you to know she misses everyone and hopes to write here soon, as well as continue to add to Danny's story as well.

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It is not down in any map; true places never are — Herman Melville
This continues Nan's story from The Voice

Nan seemed almost inconsolable. Her life felt like a travel program. At first her life felt wrong, but each choice that brought her closer to ‘right’ was met with, “Is this trip really necessary?” Once she made the final decision to have her surgery, it was anything but “Getting there is half the fun.” She found out, like so many of us, that her life and her choices met fulfillment every single day; that like the title of a favorite author of hers, the journey truly was the destination.


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