
“Strawberry Whipped” Chapter One “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” (starter)


When your girlfriend tells you she needs space it’s always a bad thing.
Nothing good ever comes from that phrase.

Of course, when your boyfriend tells it to you its worse.
It’s a multiplying, majorly monumental stress fit.

“When She Stops Saying She Loves You” Chapter 6 “Careless Memories”

Careless Memories
As the court dare approached I tried to block everything else out but my family. I went on those stupid supervised visits but we also tried out my sister’s idea buy hacking my parents take the kids out to Chuck E. Cheese’s or to their favorite hibachi restaurant and I would just “show up” to join them. Rini and Marisa were usually given a lot of tokens or a lot of sushi to keep them occupied from any conversation the rest of us had about how everyone was doing.

“Are You Happy” Stage 11 “Inside Sighs”

Stage 11
Inside Sighs

I still adore Amber.
Even after everything that happened between us…and that being almost nothing. Yes,s he talked to me, a but more so after what had happened to Scott. I stood by as a shoulder to cry on. To be honest, I should have been the one crying on her shoulder due to the situations in my life and the fact that I couldn’t tell who liberated her from the hands of the person who I once counted as my friend.

“Are You Happy” Stage 10 “Post Telecom Daydream”

Stage 10
Post Telecom Daydream

I used to work at a technical support call center. I was fresh out of high school and thought the idea of being a disembodied voice helping another disembodied voice would be the best thing for me. I could offer my support and in the end, hang up and never hear from them again.
Tragically, the same thing did not apply to my co-workers.

When She Stops Saying She Loves You Chapter 5 “Falling Down”

I had no idea how convoluted the family court system was. Even though Chuck told me every time I had to come into his office to sign a paper and, of course, write him a check. I went to therapy sessions, my wife went to therapy sessions too and if I had down a quarter of the things she accused me of doing in those meetings I would have either shot myself or, if I was a major scumbag, congratulate myself on being an outstanding player in the BSDM game.

“A Change Will Do You Good” Chapter 14 “Sweet Child o’Mine”

I woke up to the sound of thunder. It was the coast: sometimes the days were sunny with blue skies and other times it was a low level storm. The light through my window was grey and moody.
Unlike how I felt. I got up from the bed, grabbed my robe and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I would try my best to look as good as I could with the limited summer wardrobe I brought with me. Since it was early, I could get a good shower before all the hot water was taken by my sisters.

“A Change Will Do You Good” Chapter 10 “Crash and Burn”

I didn’t mean to really say that but I guess I thought out loud and there it went. As soon as the words escaped my lips I felt that I should have apologized but a second later I had to wonder why I felt bad.
I mean, she was acting like one.
Maybe it wasn’t a very gentleman way to put it.
“He’s right. You are acting like one,” Skylar exclaimed as she pushed herself closer to me.
“Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?”
“He’s just calling it like he sees it.”
“Fine. I will too. Confused gay boy.”
“Take that back,” Skylar yelled.

“The Mighty Pharaohs” Chapter 1 “Manic Monday” (starter)

I grew up going to “Gerald Westminster Fitzgerald Elementary” and then to “Barton Lucas Fuller Junior High”, nothing too great about them...just two schools amongst four other primary schools in town. But, in eighth grade, our neighborhood was split between the two major high schools: “Gerald Westminster High School”—Mr. Fitzgerald was a founding father of the city, so his name was everywhere— and “Wyatt High School, the home of the Pharaohs.”

What do to with a short story trilogy

When I completed writing “The Best Damn Thing” I thought I would just set it aside but only a day later I had the start of a continuation of the storyline through the eyes of another character.
And then today, I wanted to go further with a third version.

So the three are:
The Best Damn thing. —Michaela Leigh
Sweet But Psycho —Anthony Cox
Good For Me. —Randy Cox

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The Best Damn Thing

I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to read through “TBDT”.
I am working on the final chapter, “Keep Holding On” and, unlike other times, it will be posted as complete instead of in pieces.

Afterwards, I will need to re-work on chapter one due to the changes made during the course of the storyline.

Thank you again.

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“The Best Damn Thing” Section 14: “Alone”


The woman named Jolene brought out two bins on a cart that also had several clothes hanging form racks.

“There’s a complete bathroom down the hall,” she said. Let’s take this down.”
“Okay,” I replied with a little timidness to my voice. It was almost like my words were swallowed up by my throat. I didn’t know if they were still going to call my parents or a squad of cops. I mean, he obviously knew what happened at school—how I barricaded myself in one office. What was to stop me from doing that here?

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 8: “The Voice and the Snake”

“‘Tis but a myth,” the wise one said.
She was only wise because she was the only one who had ever gone across the great seas and returned to tell the tale to the young women in the village.
“There are no happy endings. No great desires to be quenched or to believe if you allow yourself to be tied down to that kind of life. Nothing good will come of it.”
We believed her.
Although some had questions and the ones with said questions were usually escorted out of the village in the dead of night—-to where, we dared not ask.

“The Best Damn Thing” Section 13: “Head Above Water”

Head Above Water

I had gone camping once before that day.
It was in the backyard in a medium-size pink tent with my sister. We made it through the night and then went inside for lucky charms and Saturday morning cartoons.

Having a tent was something I wished I had that night as I woke up with bugs of every shape and size crawling all over me—including a water bug that’s had no issues with sitting on my face.

“Are You Happy” Stage 9 “Where the Monkey Meets the Man”

Stage 9: Where the Monkey Meets the Man

I sat in one corner of the kitchen with Skully and Ayle in the corners on the far side of the living room.

The couch was turned on its side.
The book shelf was destroyed—and a lot of my books were shredded.
The DVD player had played its last disc.

I would also need to buy a new TV.

“Brilliant Disguise” Chapter 2 “Human Touch” (starter)

Human Touch

Four years later, I graduated from MSU with a degree in engineering and a unique knowledge of Japanese anime thanks to the revolving door of roommates who insisted that we watch “just one more episode” and they would then leave copies of videotapes. I could have opened my own “Bootleg Blockbuster Video” store.

Or at least I could have refreshed the video store back in Caledonia.

I came home for a week or two and then left for Memphis, Tennessee.

“Every Step of the Way” Chapter 1 “Door Into Summer” (Starter)

Author note:
I wrote this as a VERY short story in 1987 and placed it in the city of Carmel, CA.
Well, I decided to ramp it back and place it back in the town I lived in when it was conceived: Papillion, Nebraska.
The concept is sort of like “Come Back to Texas”, but with a high school freshman vibe.

And yes, Sharon tolerates them due to all of them being in the same class since Kindergarten.

“A Change Will Do You Good” Chapter 3 “All I Wanna Do”

III. All I Wanna Do
I woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. We may have been at the beach, but the traditional southern breakfast was still the norm.
“We’re all going to the beach,” Sia told me as I walked out of my room.
“Swell,” I replied as Sia’s friend, Kat, ran past the both us to one of the bathrooms.
“You are coming, right?”
I sort of shrugged my shoulders and nodded in reply and then walked to the dining area.
“Where’s dad?” I asked as Mom stacked several pieces of bacon and a biscuit onto a plate for me.

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 6: “Push the Limits”

The young maiden sat between her parents as they traveled to a foreign place. She was kept in the dark of their destination. It was only the three of them, as the young lord of her dream has become a disparaging memory. He was to stand beside her…to defend her against the unjust; to fight for her honor and to stay united against the dark foe. Alas, the dark foes were their own families and he bowed in defeat to his father than to renounce his name.

Jazeta Amber Daniels Chapter 5: “Traces”

The King was furious.
The Queen was mad but stood in front of her daughter as her husband raged across the castle grounds.
The young prince had been banished from the domain, ordered to never return or communicate to the young princess. She made it her life’s mission to talk with the you first prince whenever she was away form court.

Cherry Moone: MooneShadows Chapter 17 “Tonight Tonight”

“What the hell happened?” Becky asked as flailed her arms at me.
"It doesn't matter, I don't need him, I don't need him to know-I don't care about him."
“That bad, eh?” Christy asked as we walked away from the school.
I looked behind me a few times as I felt like I was being watched.
“He’s still in the hall,” Christy said as Becky took several steps ahead of me before turning around, her arms still flailing about.
“He has this, like, huge welt on his face! Did you kick the shit out of him?”
“I only got one punch in before Marie stormed the room.”


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