
I Don't Like You Chapter 5

Escape My Mind


I wish I could get you
Out of my mind
But I think about it all the time
And I wish I could not think
For once in my life
But when I see your face
I can't escape my mind

I Don't Like You Chapter 4

So Much More Than This


The whole crowd seems to like me now
'Cause they think I'm cool but back when I was in school
They found it very easy to hate me
Funny how always these times are changing
Back then I was so easy to shatter
But now in the end it doesn't really matter
Tap your foot and listen in
Ignore the world, let the music cave in
Close your phone and breathe in the air
You'll soon realize that there's something that is so much more than this.


Every February I take a few of my books and give away copies of the ebook on Amazon.
Right now, Bloomsday, A Window to Your Heart and Cherry Moone are free until the 16th.
On the 17, A Change Will Do You Good, Desert Rose and To Be a Different Someone will be on the free block.

The only thing I ask is if you can leave a review on Amazon (If you choose)

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I Don’t Like You Chapter 2

A Better Life


So close your eyes
And create yourself a better life
Let the wind blow through your hair
Let the music take you there
And make a better life, better life,

Operator’s Side Day 1


When you live and work in space, there’s never a dull moment. Sure, the IDS, Interstellar Deep Space, ships have down time when they’re not being bombarded by pirates or space-borne creatures the size of Saturn, but they did not have the problems I faced day to day. I worked at a hotel. Well, the official name was Orbital Installation Tango, but it was known as Heavenly Hilton and it was touted as the ideal place to stay when you wanted to be millions of miles away from home.

"Off the Ground" Chapter 4 "I Owe it All to You"

I Owe it All to You

The bus stopped at a truck stop somewhere between the town of Rock Bottom and Nopeville—only because Chad stated that if we didn’t stop then he would have to test what part of the restroom was actually broken. So, there we were, in a place that had a diner attached to the store where the waitresses ended all of their sentences with the word “hon”.

"Girlfoe" Chapter 3 "Wake Up" (starter)


“Omigod!” Beck shouted from the hallway. “Omigod, omigod, omigod!”
My parents and I interrupted our breakfast of waffles and looked down the hallway as Becca stormed into the kitchen. She made a beeline to the chair across from me, hurriedly shoved it out of the way and pointed her cell phone at me with a picture of Justin with me in a full, lip-locked embrace.
“When did this happen?”

“A Cracker Barrel Christmas” Chapter 10 “Queen of the Winter Night”

working on the final three chapters…
Next up is the town socialite Christmas party with Nikki finding herself as the unexpected guest of honor of the Thomas family.


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I Fod yn Rhywun Gwahanol

I fod yn Rhywun Gwahanol
(To Be a Different Someone)

Here is the original story that I submitted to my former publisher (the now defunct Torquere Press).
There were a few changes:

“Ça Plane Pour Moi“ (starter)

“You have the right to remain silent”
I nodded my head; at least I think I did…I was pretty sure I was 3-squared sheets to the wind.
“Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”
I had a pending court date for a speeding ticket…for going five miles over the speed limit out in the middle of nowhere.
“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”
Yeah…in twenty days or so…

A Cracker Barrel Christmas

(Yes, I am one of those people who welcomes the Christmas season the day after Halloween)

“A Cracker Barrel Christmas” takes place in a small town in Western Tennessee and focuses on Nicole Armitage, the youngest of the family, and the one who is caught in the middle of all of the arguments the family has every Christmas. This year, her oldest—and self-proclaimed hero of the town—brother is bringing his family home for the holidays and Nikki dreads having to defend her life.

Chapter titles are based on songs by Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

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Starlight to Twilight Chapter 1


The last time I saw my daughter was on June 6th, 1996; that was two years ago, three months and six days. Her mother took her and moved to another state because, as it was put by some fat-assed lawyer, I was in a toxic environment, living with my parents and still not graduated from high school by, pretty much, dropping out and going to work as a mechanic in Airway Heights.

A Cracker Barrel Christmas

“A Cracker Barrel Christmas”

Plot starter:

Nichole Armitage works at the local Cracker Barrel—the hangout for the much older crowd—and she befriends an old man who would like to fix her up with his grandson. At the same time, her brother and his family (wife and three kids) come to visit and he’s visibly not happy that his parents and Nichole kept her transition a secret from him.

1. Promises to Keep
2. Remember
3. Wizards in Winter
4. Find Our Way Home
5. Queen of the Winter Night
6. Christmas Eve
7. Christmas Dreams

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The Writing on the Wall Chapter 1


“Rebekah, I have something I have to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“I’m bad at relationships. I don’t really know what to do.”
“I thought it was just me,” she replied as she laid her head my shoulder.
“I’m going to make mistakes.”
“I hope so.”
“I’m going to disappoint you.”
“I know.”

“Searching for John Louis” Final “Quiet Desperation ”

“I don’t know, I replied as I walked several steps away from the two men who seemed to know too much for my liking. Maybe I had been given more than just booze and my senses—and emotions—were just on high.
“I wished you had left him earlier,” John said a bit of sadness in his eye.
“How do you know about my life?”
“It’s on your face. It’s all around you in this place.”
“I’ve never been here before in my life!” I yelled.
The bartender shrugged his shoulders
“He’s just trying to make you feel calm.”

Totes Adorbs Chapter 1

I always wanted to be Wonder Woman.
Was never a fan of Supergirl…or Marvel comics…a lot of plunging necklines but not a lot of character development which really sucks, but, hey, to each their own.
Magic lasso that tells the truth?
Yes, please.
The ability to fly?
I’ll take the invisible jet or the power to skip around the clouds. I’m not picky like that.

Soulstice Chapter 1 (starter)

“Where am I?”
The question wasn’t to anyone, as no one was in the room with me, but there I was, standing in front of hospital bed. A teenage girl laid silent.
In fact, everything was silent.
No machines beeping
No intercom calls
No whirring from the breathing apparatus that covered her face.

“Touch of Grey’ Chapter 1 “I Will Get By”

I felt I was growing old by the time I reached thirty-five. By then, any music after the 70’s was crap; I had to turn the radio down to see where I was going while driving; and my kids assumed I knew absolutely nothing about how “things are these days”. I knew how things were, I just didn’t like it. I didn’t like the phoniness of life. The carefully crafted picture of life that we all want to present to the world—I wanted to rip it to shreds and show the hidden truth underneath it.

“What If I’m the One” Chapter 3 “Leaving Eden” (starter)

The next to volunteer was a guy dressed in a long flannel shirt with a crumpled pack of cigarettes in the front pocket. His hands were gnarled for such a young looking guy. He grumbled his name was “Joshua”

Leaving Eden

What If I’m the One? Chapter 2

It took a few minutes before Steve or the rest of us said anything.
Steve’s only comment was, “Spencer, my friend, that was heart heavy.”
He then closed his eyes for a moment, nodded twice and then looked up to see another of the young men raise their hand.
This man had the look of rings under his eyes like he was ready to rip his heart out at any second.

What if I'm the One

Ever since being a part of the "One Dozen Roses" anthology I contemplated if I could get my characters together to talk. I decided to go with the guys in each story and allow them to drop (even more) of their defenses and we get to hear what happened after their perspective stories.
The seven are forced to go to group therapy due to various issues: Matt, for example, has to take it as a part of his probation; Spencer, because he was found floating in the Spokane river after jumping from a bridge.


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"What If I'm the One" Chapter 1 "As Long as I’m Here"

if im the one.jpg

The first one to volunteer was a young man who had had shoulder length hair and it was colored in faded streaks of rainbow. He wore John Lennon-esque glasses and he looked like he had seen better days…

As Long As I'm Here

Jazeta Amber Daniels...assistance request

When I originally wrote the screenplay for "Return to Innocence" I had the main character having to choose between the "good guy" and the "lost guy"
The good guy was Alex Foxx, a soon-to-be freshman in college who Jazz meets when he accidentally clotheslines her a a store. He's the all-round good guy who parents love
The lost guy was Kris Geremehl, her former boyfriend who has grown up over the years. They share a secret of a past abortion. Jazz's parents forced her and he didn't come to her rescue--not that he could do too much as a thirteen year old.

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"Off the Ground" Chapter 3 "Magical Mystery Tour"

A fist pounded on my bedroom door several times sometime between o’dark thirty and oh-hell-no o’clock. Melissa—not waiting for answer—threw the door open and then threw off my comforter. Great thing for the both of us that I slept in a t-shirt and shorts.
“We got an hour to get to the school before the bus departs.”
“And we’ll get there in five minutes,” I groggily replied as I kicked the blanket back on top of me.
“My dad’s driving.”

The Duel

Back in the 1990's I heard this game soundtrack at the local BX and tried to think of a different, and high school rendition of the plot and started writing a plotline of two enemies who work to acquire their driver's licenses before the summer was over. Originally, it dealt with two guys...but, how would it be if two teenage girls were in a battle to be road-worthy before the other?

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