Drabble ~ 100 words

transgendered love

transgender love

love is something different for someone that
is transgendered, it is unlike any other love
it is about aceptance, understanding

it is about being with someone that can not
only see you for the person that you are on
the outside, but the person you are on the

it is about understanding and looking past
what you was born as.

Drabble Theatre: Casting Call

"I don't know about this..."

"Oh stop that, this will be fun, I promise."

Harold cast his girlfriend a sideways glance. "That's what you said about having your birthday party-"

"-party at Kevin's World of Waffles, I know, but this is different, and there's no strawberry syrup in sight." She gave him her patent mischievous grin.

"No... just dresses." Giving a meaningful look to the flowery concoction surrounding him, Harold sighed.

"You agreed to try out with me," Molly whined.

Harold snorted, but and pushed through the door, ready to try out for the Dancing Bunnies.

Drabble Theatre: Lord of the Fries

Edwin wiped the countertop down quickly, not so much removing the grease as bringing it to a more even shine.

He had been working at the Mondo Burger for a couple of years, barely making enough to stay in college, and yet...

"Order up!"

He grabbed the tray and took it out to one of his many corpulent customers, his ponytail bouncing on behind him.

Drabble Theatre: Tattle Tale

"Mom, mom!"

"In the kitchen honey."

"Mom! You will never guess what I found!"

"You are right about that. Well?"

"Sara has a boyfriend! And he's older than her too!"

"You worm! What are you- you were reading my diary again weren't you?"

"What? NO! I just, I mean..."

"Oh, look, he's blushing! Wait. I keep that in my... you were in my underwear!"

Drabble Saga 28: Sleep On It?

"You want to sleep on it?" Larry asked.

"I don't think I can in this corset."

"A pill?"

"No. I'm going to read this contract again. Buy-out clauses. Extension options. Twenty-five hours a week for classes. Five days off a month and a three week all-expenses-paid vacation. But it doesn't say what 'personal services' are."

"Just being Dee Dee when the Boss wants to see you."

Drabble Saga 21: Hertz So Good

"Frankie Al Nez will pay my rent, pay for my schooling, give me an allowance and all I have to do is dress like this" --Davey gestured at his tight leather dress-- "and read to him?"

Drabble Saga 20: Paging Doctor Dee Dee

Davey explored the apartment. The kitchenette had a small refrigerator, a three burner range-top, a tiny electric oven, a microwave and a sink, all surrounded by blond cabinetry. "It's so cute," he said.

Drabble Theatre: Foiled Robbery

The plan was brilliant — the three of them would dress up as hot chicks to rob the bank, so no one would have seen their faces. Plus, when they got to the boat, they’d ditch the disguises and no one would ever connect them to the three bimbos.

Drabble Theatre: Not Your Lip Gloss Either

He... she?... wrapped her hands around the arm of her date as he lead her down the path through the park. Her sister had split off earlier for a little 'alone time' with her date, leaving the two of them to occupy themselves until time to go home. It was a gorgeous, cool autumn evening, and the falling leaves were entrancing to watch.

"So, ah, what you want to do?"

Drabble Saga 13: Just a Giggle, Oh!

Larry held the door as Davey entered the apartment on the fourteenth floor of the Del Amo Hotel. A distinguished middle-aged man sat in an antique chair, a bottle of wine and two glasses near him on an elegant table.

Larry made an introduction, Davey didn't listen except to start when referred to as 'Miss Dee Dee LaTours'. It's Davey Towers, he reminded himself.

Drabble Saga 10: Dress for Excess

While Ruby dealt with Davey's falsies, Beth had depilated his legs then creamed and soothed them and painted his toenails. Stockings attached to garters and then the blue leather mini went on, fastened with a concealed zipper in the back.

Ruby and Beth surveyed their work. "Mm, hmm?" asked Ruby.

"Mmm," agreed Beth.

Drabble Saga 7: Need to No

Ruby and Beth took Davey into the back. "So the mens can't see," the big woman explained.

They had him undress down to his underpants and squeezed him into a corset Ruby had brought with her, tightening the strings until he couldn't even gasp. Finally, she backed it off enough that he could breathe -- a little.


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