Ambushed Part. 1

Part 1

San Antonio, Texas:
“Damn! Damn!” Scout sprints away from the warehouse she had been lured to.

She had followed up on a lead one of her informants gave her. The warehouse was supposed to have a couple of barrels of drugs in it, according to her informant. She found the barrels, but instead of having drugs in them. They were filled with soap powder and a bomb counting down. It had a five-minute timer. Which didn’t give her enough time to do anything except run for safety.

Her feet hit the parking lot no sooner than the bomb goes off. The concussive force from the bomb exploding sent her flying forward toward the ground. Her helmet takes the brunt of the impact, and her suit protects her from everything else.

She rolls over and stares up at the night sky as the fire from the explosion lights up the night. The receiver built into her helmet picks up on the frequency of a fire truck being dispatched to her location. She knew she needed to get out of there before they showed up.

She slowly gets up off the ground. Every muscle in her body was hurting as she returned to her motorcycle. She mounts her motorcycle and returns to the RV camp she is staying at.

She pulls into the camp from a secret entry point and parks her motorcycle inside the Rv. She dismounts and removes her helmet. There is a hiss as the pressure inside her suit escapes. She puts her helmet on top self of the decom cabinet. She takes her suit off and inspects the back of it. Nothing looked torn or embedded in the material of the suit. She hangs it up and closes the cabinet.

Charly activates the cabinet and lets it start cleaning the suit. She makes her way into the living area of her Rv. She stops to look at Gwen as she sleeps. The two of them have been living together for the last three months.

It has been a weird relationship so far. It seemed Gwen was running away from an abusive father, trying to control her life. She could understand why he was against his only daughter being a stripper at a strip club, but she knew Gwen enjoyed showing her body off. She also didn’t like men at all. Sure, they were nice to look at, but she preferred women. She enjoyed the feel and the light touch of a woman. Also, women knew how to make each other reach new heights in their loving making.

So, she already had several strikes against her in her father’s eyes. He wanted her to pursue a law degree or marry a rich guy. Gwen didn’t want that and decided to become a stripper instead. She was perfect and knew how to use her body to get what she wanted from the men.

After Charly removes her bodysuit, she crawls into the bed opposite Gwen’s and snuggles down under the covers. She would need to go undercover and learn more about this gang she and her group have been tracking. So far, they discovered that this gang was responsible for creating the Blue Lace drug. Not only were they responsible for the creation of it, but they were also responsible for it being distributed.

She tried to sleep but couldn’t get her mind to settle down. She reached into a drawer built into the bed’s frame and pulled out a bottle of sleeping tablets. She didn’t like relying on them but needed something to knock her ass out when her mind wouldn't quiet down.

She pops two into her mouth and puts the bottle back where she kept it. The pills take a few minutes to work, but she is off to dreamland in no time. The dreams she has while she is asleep, are peaceful.

Gwen woke up early and just stared up at the ceiling of the RV. She heard light snoring coming from next to her. She turned to look at Charly and saw drool leaking from her mouth. A smile appears on her face as she swings her leg out from under the covers and sits on the edge of her bed.

She watches as Charly sleeps. She liked how Charly’s face looked when she slept. She knew Charly had left her last night to check out a lead she had gotten about a storage warehouse. She wonders what Charly found.

She gets out of bed and heads toward the bathroom. She was glad she moved in with Charly instead of living as she had been in the RV. It cost her most of the money she made as a dancer to pay for it. The rental of it was expensive, and so was the fuel. She also had to add in the cost of the space she was parked at.

After finishing her business in the bathroom, she walks into the small kitchen and grabs a bowl from the cabinet. She grabs the milk and one of the opened cereal boxes from another cabinet. She pours some cereal into the bowl and adds some milk to it. She puts the milk away, sits at the small table, and places her bowl on it. She turns the television on but keeps the volume low, so as not to wake Charly.

While she is watching the newscast, the reporter from WXCM news appears. She said that at two this morning, reports of a loud explosion had woken nearby residents. According to all sources, no one knows who caused the explosion or why. Also, this marked the fifth explosion this month that has gone off.

A smirk appears on Gwen’s face when she hears that statement. She knew who had set the other four as she looked toward Charly’s sleeping form. There was a reason why she did that.

Gwen finishes eating her breakfast and rinses out her cereal bowl. She liked that Charly’s custom RV was equipped with a dishwasher. She puts her dirty dishes in the dishwasher and gets dressed. She was going to go for her ten-mile jog this morning, and hopefully, when she gets back, Charly will be awake. She leaves a note informing Charly where she went, just in case something happens to her.

Recently, there’s been reports of a guy going around disguised as a police officer. According to some of the reports Charly has gotten about the guy, he normally goes after young teenage women. She puts her earbuds in her ear, secures her cell phone to her arm holder, and leaves the RV.

Two Hours Later:
Charly wakes up and stumbles toward the bathroom. Her back and several other muscles ache. She sits down on the toilet and releases her bladder. She couldn’t believe how full her bladder felt. When she is done, she wipes herself and washes her hands. As Charly walks out of the bathroom, she spots Gwen opening the RV door. She notices Gwen’s workout clothes are soaked with sweat.

“Is it that humid outside?” Charly makes her way to the coffee maker and brews some coffee.

“What?” Gwen shuts her music off and looks at Charly standing nearby in her panties.

“Is it that humid outside?”

“God, yes. I had to stop at the camp store and buy some water.” Gwen holds the bottle up.

Charly noticed that the water in the bottle was almost gone. She figures Gwen must have been highly thirsty for a one-liter of water to be almost gone.

“What happened last night?” Gwen noticed some bruising on Charly’s back and neck.

“It was a setup. The bastards tried to blow me up.” Charly was pissed. She was almost blown up.

“They’re getting used to your tactics. Do they know who you are and what you look like?” Gwen knew Scout had a bunch of cover identities she used.

“No, I wore a disguise each time I visited my informant. There’s no way they know who I am.” Charly finishes fixing her coffee and takes a sip from it.

“Then they must have figured out that your informant was supplying you with information. That’s the only way they could have set you up like that. You’ll need to see if your informant is alive and ask them.”

“When did you become so knowledgeable about information gathering and informants?” Charly looks at Gwen with a curious look on her face.

“Since I started dating you and watching Hawaii Five-O.” Gwen loved Hawaii Five-O and the actor that played Steve McGarrett.

“You know that Hawaii Five-O is fictional, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do. However, Hawaii does have a particular unit inside the HPD that is a lot like Five-O. I read about it on the internet. They are highly trained individuals that take on some of Hawaii’s worst cases. You don’t want these guys coming after you.” Gwen couldn’t believe some of the cases they had worked on.

“Since I’m up and it’s close to lunchtime. How about we go to Kai Kai’s and grab some lunch?” Charly didn’t feel like cooking anything.

“Sounds good. Let me hop into the shower and freshen up.” Gwen walks over to Charly and kisses her on the lips.

Charly returns the kisses and watches as Gwen walks towards the bathroom. While Gwen was in the bathroom, she got dressed. She puts on a
pair of leggings, her favorite bra, to support her C-cup breasts. The shirt she put on was an off-the-shoulder type.

She takes her gun out and puts it in her purse. She would tuck it into a holster and put it behind her back. However, her pair of leggings would sag from the weight. She brushes her short black hair.

When she was ready to go, Gwen walked out of the bathroom. She watches as Gwen walks past her and drops the towel covering her youthful, well-tone-built body. Gwen looks at Charly “you may watch, but not touch.”

“Thanks for the heads up. Now, get dressed, young lady.” Charly pops Gwen on her butt.

Gwen squeals when Charly smacks her on her butt. A playful look appears on Gwen’s face as she gets dressed. She likes teasing Charly as she puts her clothes on.

Charly knew what Gwen was doing as she watched Gwen gets dressed. She knew Gwen was a big flirt who enjoyed teasing her and the men at the bars she poles danced at. She puts on her favorite pair of shoes and waits for Gwen to finish dressing.

Gwen smiles as she sexily gets dressed and teases Charly. She knew Charly wouldn’t fall for seduction, but teasing her was fun. She finishes putting her clothes on and spritzing some of her favorite perfume. She looks at Charly, “I’m ready.”

“I can see that. Let’s go.” Charly grabs her purse and walks outside.

Gwen follows Charly but stops to lock the RV. She opens the concealed panel and inputs her security code. She watches as the light turns red. She closes the access panel, walks to the Mini Cooper, and gets in. Usually, she drove the Mini while Charly used another motorcycle she owned.

They head towards Kei Kei’s and spend at least two hours enjoying lunch. Afterward, Charly has Gwen drop her off at a storage facility.

“What are you going to do here?” Gwen didn’t know Charly owned a storage unit.

“See why my informant gave me bad intel.”

“I want to hang around and wait for you.” Gwen didn’t want to leave Charly’s side.

“Okay. It shouldn’t be too long. Just stay hidden here until I return.” Charly gets out and opens a storage unit next to the one she uses.

Gwen backs the Mini into the unit and watches as Charly pulls the door down and locks it from the inside. She turns and looks at Gwen inside the Mini and asks her to follow her.

“Where are we going?” Gwen was curious as she followed Charly to the back of the storage unit.

Charly walks towards the back of the unit and taps on the rear wall. She comes to the middle of the unit and presses her hand against a section of it. There’s a glow, and a door appears.

“Okay, that is neat. How long have you had that?” Gwen follows Charly into a room with all sorts of outfits, makeup, and supplies. Charly might need to go undercover or to protect herself.

“Since the woman who saved me established my cover here in San Antonio.” Charly had told Gwen some of her secrets.

“You mean that woman that was a retired CIA agent?” Gwen remembered Charly talking about her.

“Yep. She established several drop boxes and safe houses around San Antonio for me.” Charly walks over to the makeup table.

Gwen finds a place she can sit and watch Charly change herself from being a woman into a homeless bum. The smell coming from the clothes was strong enough to make her puck.

“God! You stink.” Gwen stays away from Charly.

“You get used to the smell after a while. Now, stay here and don’t leave this unit.”

“What happens if someone tries to get into here?”

“No one will. There’s no door on the other side. The only way into this room is the way we came, and you must have my palm print to get in here. I’ll be back in a few hours.” Charly walks out the way they came.

Gwen looks around when Charly leaves. There was a device in the room that looked like it came out of the movie Mission Impossible. She notices that the room holds several weapons and reloads. There were several different cell phones still in their boxes.

She sits at the make-up table and examines all the different kinds of stuff she could use to change her appearance. She tried the makeup on after removing the makeup she was wearing. She spotted a photo on the corner of the make-up table mirror. It was an image of a young girl on a swing. She wonders if the girl is related to Charly.

Charly uses all the back routes toward the location where her informant worked. She makes sure she is careful as she finally arrives at the site. She walks into the garage and looks around for her informant.

Tucker had spotted the bum that generally came in to talk to Juan. He walks over to the old beggar.

“He’s not here anymore. Someone gave him a Colombian necktie for talking with you.” Tucker wonders who this bum is.

“When did this happen?” Charly watched Tucker as he walked over to her.

“The other day, after you spoke to him. He left for lunch and didn’t return. The police found his car parked with him inside with the necktie. I want to know who you are and why you are sticking your nose into business you shouldn’t be?” Tucker wanted to know who this beggar was.

Charly looks at him and notices several of his people are looking at her and their boss. There was no way she could defend herself from so many people. She doesn’t say anything to Tucker as she slowly backs up.

Tucker notices the bum backing up from him. He rushes towards him and tackles him. He tried to pin the old man, but the stench from the old man’s clothes made it difficult to breathe. He tries to fight through the smell to hold the bum.

Charly was making it difficult for Tucker to hold her. She knew the smell coming from her clothing was causing Tucker to puke. She slips a screwdriver she carried into her hand and stabs Tucker. She feels him loosen his grip on her. She palms a small glass pellet into her hand and smashes it against Tucker’s jaw.

Tucker releases the old bum and starts throwing up. He felt the old man hit him on his jaw, and there was a terrible smell afterward. It was so bad that he couldn’t keep from throwing up. He pushes the old bum away from him.

Charly stumbles as she is pushed away. The other men come charging toward her. She drops several glass pellets onto the ground and smashes them with her foot. A smelly green cloud surrounds her as she holds her breath.

The guys coming towards her couldn’t stop in time and were engulfed by the cloud. They start coughing and throwing up. She uses the distraction as a chance to escape. She knew if Hawk were here, she would be busting heads.

It takes Charly twice as long to get back to the storage unit. She tried to double back several times to throw off anyone following her. She would have to air these clothes out when she gets back. It was taking everything she had not to puke.

Storage Unit:
Gwen has been trying several different articles of clothing when the secret door opens to the unit. She watches as Charly walks in, with a foul-smelling odor following her. She pinches her nose to keep from smelling it.

“God! You smell worse than you did before.” Gwen backs up from Charly.

“I had no choice.” Charly starts stripping out of the smelly clothes.

She holds her nose as she picks the clothes up and puts them in the same type of cabinet she stored her uniform. She turns the overhead fan on to air the place out. She turns the decontamination unit on to clean and deodorize the clothes. She walks to a shelving unit to find the neutralizing agent to kill the stinking odor and spray herself with it.

“Is it safe to breathe again?” Gwen was still holding her breath.

“It’s safe.” Charly was glad that the neutralizing agent could eliminate the stinky smell.

Gwen looks at Charly as she cleans the makeup and rubber from her face. She walks over and sits next to her “were you able to meet with your informant?”

“No, he was murdered, and I think the people he worked with had something to do with it.”

“Why do you say that?” Gwen wonders why the people who knew Charly’s informant would kill him.

“Because they came after me.” Charly removes the last of the makeup from her face.

“That’s sucks. Do you have any more informants or snitches you can get information from?” Gwen figures Charly had to have a collection of people she used.

“Yes, but it would take too long.” Charly knew a few who could help, but she didn’t want to jeopardize their life.

“There might be a place you could check out, but I’ll warn you now. Most of the women that start working there. You never hear from them again.” Gwen didn’t want to lose Charly.

“What do you mean, Gwen?” Charly turns and looks at Gwen.

“What I mean, sweetie. Is it that most women who work at the place never want to leave or end up disappearing? The police don’t care because no one would miss someone in my profession.” Gwen knew many cops had visited her place of work.

A bunch enjoys having them do private dances and other things, but should one of them disappear or stop dancing? They wouldn’t give a second thought to it. There’s only been a few that did.

“Do you think this gang hangs out there or is connected to it?”

“I don’t know, but I have heard that if you’re looking for something or hiring someone to do something, this is where you would go. There’s a lot that goes on there.” Gwen didn’t want anything to happen to Charly.

“I’ll think about it.” Charly finishes cleaning up and getting dressed.

Gwen and Charly stop at a fast-food joint on returning to the RV. They buy some dinner to take home with them. After they eat, Gwen snuggles up to Charly in her bed and watches a movie.

A few days later, Charly approaches Gwen. She has been thinking about what Gwen told her.

“Hey, Gwen. I’ve been thinking about what you told me about that strip club and if I’m going to make any headway into this gang. I will need to follow up on what you told me.”

“So, how can I help you?” Gwen was hoping Charly wouldn’t do this.

“I need you to teach me how to pole dance.” Charly figures Gwen could teach her some of the tricks of the trade.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Gwen looks at Charly with a concerned look on her face.

“Yes, I’m sure about this. It’s the only way of stopping this gang from doing what they have been doing.” Charly has seen what this gang has done to people’s lives.

After thinking about what Charly said, Gwen sighed and knew Charly was right.

“All right, I’ll teach you, but we can’t do it here at the RV. We’ll need to go to a friend’s studio so I can teach you.”

“Make arrangements with your friend and tell her I’ll pay for the time and use of the place.” Charly figures she’ll submit it to Sparrow.

“Are you sure about paying for the use?” Gwen wonders how much money Charly has.

“Then, I’ll talk with my friend and arrange things for you.” Gwen figures if Charly is willing to pay for the time

“Thank you.”

“Think nothing of it.” Gwen kisses Charly on the lips.

Charly returns the kiss and holds Gwen against her body. They stay like that for a few minutes, kissing and letting their hands roam each other’s bodies. Gwen stops after a while and steps back away from Charly.

“We can continue this after I make arrangements for you.” Gwen was ready to strip Charly’s clothes off of her.

Charly blushes as she turns around and heads into the RV to contact Sparrow and inform her what she plans on doing. After speaking with Sparrow, Charly gets some ribs out and fires up the barbecue grill. She coats them with a spice rub and wraps them with foil.

First Day of Pole Dancing Training:
Gwen watches as Charly performs the basic moves she taught her. It took Charly several tries, but she eventfully got the moves down. Right now, she was teaching Charly without heels so that Charly could learn the basic movements first.

“That was very good, sweetie. Let’s see if you can do that several more times.” Gwen was glad that her friend Sonja allowed her to use her studio to teach Charly how to pole dance.

The next few days, Gwen drills Charly in every move and trick she has learned over the years. She has been poll dancing since she was sixteen years old. It took her years to learn what she is cramming into just a week.

By Saturday’s arrival, Charly could put on a good show for the people. Gwen introduced Charly to some of the women she performed with and suggested that she stays and watch the shows. That way, Charly will know how and when to act sexy on stage.

After that night, while Gwen is asleep, Charly heads towards her storage unit and goes through her cover ids. She kept at least seven of them here at the storage unit. She chose’s Lauren Green, a college student. Most women that become strippers are either college students or single moms trying to support themselves and their children.

She has to get into the mindset of being a college student trying to pay for college. She looks into the mirror at her makeup table and sees her reflection looking back at her. She adjusts the look in her eyes as being desperate and hungry. This way, she might be able to fool the club’s manager.

After she gets everything she needs, she heads back to the RV camp. She was planning to move to another property she owned under a different name tomorrow. It had a small house and a garage to store her motorcycle in. She’ll put her RV in storage at an RV storage lot.

Gwen was surprised when she woke up the next day. She spotted Charly outside, disconnecting the hookups. She wonders what the hell is going on. She watches as Charly walks inside the RV “are we moving?”

“Yes, we’re putting the RV in storage and moving into a small house.” Charly moves towards the driver’s seat and turns the RV on. The self-leveling system retracts and secures itself.

Charly steps outside and double check everything. Before she turns around, she spots Gwen coming outside “are you going to follow me?”

“Yep, you lead, I follow.” Gwen walks over to her Mini and gets in.

Charly shakes her head and heads back into the RV. She heads towards the house first to transfer all the food items and whatever she needs from the RV. Afterward, Charly drives the RV toward the storage lot to store her RV. She pays the place’s owner in cash for two years of storage.

On the way back to the house, Gwen and Charly stop at a pizza place and pick up a large pizza and several drinks. Afterward, they head back to the house to enjoy the pizza and each other. Charly held Gwen next to her body as she slept.

In the morning, after eating breakfast. Charly looks at Gwen “you’ll need to start calling me Lauren Green, Gwen.”

“Is that your undercover name?” Gwen looked into Charly’s eyes as she lay next to her.

“Yes. Also, we’ll need to be careful as well. We can’t go shopping at our normal places or get coffee together at our favorite coffee shops.”

“Well, we are away from our favorite places.” Gwen looks into Charly’s eyes.

“I’m going to go and apply tomorrow at that club.” Charly figures she needed to get the ball rolling.

“Just be careful, sweetie.” Gwen kisses Charly.

The Next Morning, Charly rides her regular motorcycle to Dark Paradise. The place looked normal during the day, but Charly wondered what the site was like at night. She parks her bike and head inside the home. There were a few men and some half-naked women inside the place. The women were more significant than her in the chest department and butt department. They were barely covered as well.

A big bald guy with lots of tattoos on his arms and chest stops her. He was a huge man and built like a professional wrestler.

“What can I do for you, ma’am?” Bert looks at the dark-haired woman standing before him.

“I’m here to speak with the manager about a job.” Charly looks at the man.

Bert looks at the woman standing before him. She didn’t have much in the chest department, but she did have excellent hips.

“Follow me.” Bert escorts the young woman toward the back of the club.

Charly follows the huge bouncer toward the back of the club. She could feel several sets of eyes on her as she followed the bouncer. She noticed that some of the women serving drinks were extremely friendly to the men they were serving. She saw one guy remove the plastic panty cover from the server’s groin area and stick his finger into her opening. She noticed the server didn’t mind. If nothing else, she was enjoying it.

She stops when the bouncer stops. She watches as he knocks on it.


Before Bert walks into Buck’s office, he looks at Charly “what’s your name?”

“Lauren Green.” Charly watches the bouncer’s reaction.

“Thank you.” Bert walks into Buck’s office.

Charly watches as the door closes behind him. She couldn’t hear anything from inside. She noticed a camera mounted in the corner to her left. She figured whoever the manager was, recorded everyone that went into his office. Which meant he had a security system.

After waiting for a few minutes, she notices the office door opening. The huge guy looks at her “he’ll see you.”

“Thanks.” Charly walks into the office.

When she walked into the office, Charly noticed how well-decorated and spacious it was. She was expecting something a little smaller. There are two square platforms with brass poles in the middle for someone to dance on. The door shuts behind her as she walks up to the desk where the guy is sitting. Just from looking at him, she noticed how heavily tattooed he was. He was wearing a dress shirt that was straining against how built he was. He looked cut from the same mold the bouncer was from.

Buck watches as a young black-haired woman that looks to be Hispanic stops in front of his desk. He could tell from how she was dressed that she had bought her clothes at eighter JCPenney’s or TJ Max. He leans forward towards her in his chair. “Bert tells me you want to come and work here. What experience do you have?”

“I don’t have professional experience, but I have danced privately for my boyfriend.” Charly looks tries to look like she is embarrassed admitting that.

Buck stands up and walks over to Charly. He walks around her, examining her. She looked like a teenager, not much older than seventeen years old.

“Take your clothes off, so I can see what your body looks like.” Buck stops to look into Charly’s hazel eyes.

“Excuse me?” Charly acts a little surprised at the request.

“Take your clothes off, so I can see what you look like, girl. Are you deaf?” Buck wanted to see how this girl would respond to a command.

Charly acts like she is nervous as she starts undressing. She folds her clothes and puts them on the corner of his desk. When she gets to her panties and bra, she stops.

Buck watches as the girl undresses and notices how nervous she is. He also noticed that she wore a black lacy bra and lacey thong panties.
“The underwear too. I want you buck naked.” Buck watches as she hastens before she starts removing her bra.

Buck steps towards her and lifts her right breast. They were nicely formed, and could tell they were natural. He gives her breast a little squeeze to see how she responds.

Charly flinches some when he lifts her breast and squeezes it. She wasn’t expecting that.

“You have some nice tits, girlie, but the men that come in here want to see women with more development to their chest. I can help you with that part if you still want to dance here. However, I want to see what you are capable of. Show me what you are capable of doing.” Buck lets go of Charly’s breast.

“In here?”

“Yes, in here. Did you see those two poles right there when you walked in?” Buck looks at the woman like she is stupid or mentally disabled.

Charly walks over to the pole and starts doing some basic moves that Gwen taught her and started her off on. She could tell that Buck was watching her to see how she took to the pole.

“Not bad, but you still have a lot to learn. So, do you still want to work for me?” Buck looks at the young woman.

“Sure, but you said something about helping me with these.” As Charly lifts her breasts.

“Yeah, I can help you. It will cost you, but you can pay me back from the money you do dancing and serving customers. The happier you make the men, the more money you get.”

“What is the dress code?” Charly was curious.

“When you are performing, whatever you want. While out on the floor, you’ll wear this.” Buck walks over to a huge black cabinet and unlocks it.

Buck grabs a few clear patches, a tiny bra that is nothing more than strings attached to a triangle square. He also grabs a weird-looking thing. He closes the cabinet and locks it.

Charly was trying to make it look like she was watching Buck, but she was recording everything. The contact she was wearing was sending everything back to her cell phone. She will look at the footage later.

Buck walks over and attaches two clear patches to Charly’s breasts. He hands her the top and a strange looking u shape thing. One end was big enough to cover her vaginal opening, and the other end went up her ass crack.

“That’s your uniform. You can start now. Go ahead and take your stuff to the dressing room.” Buck smiles at Charly.

“Thank you.” Charly gathers her clothes up. She slips one of the small concealed mic and camera out of her pocket and attaches them to an item on Buck’s desk.

She makes sure Buck doesn’t spot her doing it as she hides what she is doing. Afterward, she follows Buck out of his office and to the dressing room.

“Aurora, I want you to show our new recruit how we do things around here.” Buck had spotted his favorite slut putting her uniform on.

Aurora turns around when she hears Buck’s voice and notices a naked Hispanic woman standing near him. A smile appears on her face “no problem, boss. Does she know how to dance yet?”

“Just the basics. You can start her on something a little more difficult later tonight. I want you to put her ass on the floor serving drinks.”

“Gotcha, boss. Oh, you know it’s cherry popping tonight, and we have several girls ready to do it.”

“Make sure you get a good price to pop their cherries.” Buck loves the cherry-popping night.

He can auction off some of his women’s unpopped cherries and get big bucks for them. Too bad they could only do it once. He always makes good money from it.

“Go over to Aurora and shadow her tonight. You won’t go up on stage till tomorrow. I want you to serve drinks and please the audience.”

“How am I supposed to please the audience?” Charly looks at Buck when she asks that question.

“Do what the other women do. Now, go make me some money.” Buck gives the girl a little push.

Charly stumbles towards Aurora but manages to stabilize herself. She looks at the older naked brunette sitting in front of her. She felt a tingling sensation in her breasts and a little warmth.

“What’s your name?” Aurora looks at the Hispanic woman standing before her.

“Lauren Green,” Charly answered automatically.

“Well, Lauren, I hope you are up to putting that body of yours to work tonight because we are going to be busy.”

“I didn’t think I would be starting so soon.” Charly thought she would have a couple of days.

“Oh, sweetie. You got to start paying for these patches and learn the ropes. Now, you can use that locker over there and come back here so we can put your face on.”

Charly walks to the locker Aurora points out and puts her things in it. She could feel the tingling sensation in her breasts increase. She was starting to feel moist between her legs.

“Come on, Lauren, let’s get you ready. We got men to please.” Aurora wanted to get out on the floor.

“All right.” Charly hurries over to Aurora.

During the night, Charly shadows Aurora and does what she does. She sits on one guy’s lap and lets him finger her while she watches the girls up on the stage auction off their virginity. They even let the guys who paid for the honor of deflowering them do it on the stage in front of everyone. The guys in the audience throw money up on stage to the women.

Charly couldn’t believe it as she watched the scene. The girls were enjoying themselves, and so were the men deflowering them. She noticed that she was slowly becoming aroused from the performances while working.

By the time she left the club and arrived home. She was soaking wet between her legs and horny as hell. It was taking all her willpower not to stop somewhere and please herself.

She takes her clothes off when she enters the house, jumps into the shower, and turns the cold water on. It was helping some, but she was just so horny, and it was driving her crazy.

Gwen woke up from the sound of the shower and peeked into the bathroom. She spots Charly sitting on the shower floor, shivering and fingering herself.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” Gwen kneels next to the shower to look at Charly.

Charly turned her head to look at Gwen, the water wasn’t doing anything for her, and she was about to take the toilet brush and uses its handle to plunge into her vagina.

“No, that bastard did something to me and made me so fucking horny right now.” Charly could barely think because of how horny she was feeling.

“I warned you.” Gwen turns the water off and escorts Charly to their bed.

Charly wakes up the next day feeling sore between her legs and a little horny. The sensation wasn’t as intense as when she arrived home, but she could still feel the effects. She noticed Gwen lying on top of her, pinning her down. She also felt a sticky, thick object lying against her leg.

She lifted the sheet and saw Gwen wearing the Dragon shape strap-on dildo. A wet spot was underneath her, and her breasts felt heavier and fuller. The contact she wore last night was still connected to her cell phone, which meant it recorded everything they did last night.

The patches Buck had slapped onto her breasts were gone, but she could tell where they had been. There was a sticky residue on her skin. She starts kissing Gwen and letting her hands roam over her youthful body. She wakes Gwen up with her kissing in no time. She and Gwen are rolling around on the bed and changing positions to lick each other.

Around noon, she receives a text message instructing her to be at work tonight at six o’clock. She looks into Gwen’s eyes. “I am so fuck.”

“Yeah, I would say so. You don’t have to go back in.” Gwen stares into Charly’s hazel eyes.

“I must, but I need to get my hands on those patches. I need to know what he is doing to me.” Charly was thinking about how she could get those patches.

“I bet he’ll offer them again to you. Can you snatch some before he closes the cabinet they are in?” Gwen knew how fast Charly was.

“I think so.” Charly figures she could do it.

“Who can you take them to get analyzed?” Gwen has met all of Charly’s contacts.

“There’s a person I can contact that might be able to figure this out. They work down at the city morgue.” Charly was thinking about Chemaa.

He worked as a mortician for the city and did jobs for them. Most of the Morticians in Texas were on Sparrow’s payroll. At first, she didn’t know that, but it seemed Sparrow’s mother knew and trusted them.

“Well, just be careful tonight. You were like a bitch in heat last night.” Gwen kisses Charly on the lips.

Charly holds Gwen and kisses her back.

Several Hours Later:
Charly ends back up at the strip club. True to what she and Gwen thought. Buck slaps more of those patches on her breasts. She manages to distract him and grab a few from the cabinet.

Once she leaves his office, she heads towards the dressing room and hides them in a hollow-out space in the shoes she wore. Throughout the night, she shadows Aurora and even gets to dance on stage with several other women.

The routine turns into a massive orgy with her, several women pleasing each other, and several men coming on stage and making out with them. The intensity she felt last night was nothing compared to what she felt tonight from the patches. What little control she had was being chiseled away. It took more effort than the previous night not to give in to how she was feeling.

When she made it home, the inside of her thighs and between her legs were soaked. It had penetrated through her motorcycle suit. She tore her motorcycle suit off her body and dragged herself into the house.

“GWEN!” Charly was feeling so horny that it was difficult for her to concentrate.

Gwen came running into the kitchen area and spotted Charly naked on the floor, crawling, leaving a wet trail behind her. She noticed Charly’s breasts had gotten more significant as they swung beneath her as she crawled.

“Damn! Charly, what have you done to yourself?” Gwen kneels to help Charly.

Charly pulls Gwen to her and pins her to the floor. She rips Gwen’s clothes off her body and straddles her face as Charly buries her face between Gwen’s legs. She presses her groin area down over Gwen’s nose and mouth.

Gwen doesn’t fight what Charly is doing to her. She knew the drugs in Charly’s body were making her do this. She sticks her tongue into Charly’s soaked vagina and starts pleasing her. Gwen could feel Charly burying her tongue deep into her vagina.

Gwen looked down at Charly’s bound form and could see that she was still horny. It hadn’t taken much for her to convince Charly to let her tie her. They had experimented with some bondage early in their relationship. She was tired and sore between her legs, where Charly had been licking and fingering her. Her jaw was aching from Charly pressing so hard onto her mouth.

She looks at the clock and notices it is eight in the morning. She had called Sparrow and informed her about what had happened to Charly. Sparrow said that she and her boyfriend were on the way. They were going to bring a doctor friend they trusted with them.

She feels Charly’s forehead and notices she is burning up. She gets an ice pack and places it on Charly’s forehead. She needed to bring her temperature down. She goes and fills the tub with cold water. As she is doing that, she hears the doorbell ring.

She checks her cell phone and notices it is Sparrow’s boyfriend and two other women she doesn’t know. She remotely unlocks the door “it’s open.”

Sparrow, Raptor/Randy, Falcon, and Doctor Araiza walk into the house. Sparrow was first into the house. She looks around. “Gwen, where are you and Scout?”

“Bathroom.” Gwen carried Charly’s bound naked body into the bathroom before they arrived. Charly was lying in the cold water.

Sparrow and Dr. Araiza walked into the bathroom and spotted a naked Gwen and a bound naked Charly in a water-filled tub.

“How is she?” Sparrow looks at Gwen.

“Burning up. Whatever they used on her is doing a number on her system.” Gwen looked down at Charly and noticed she was shaking like she was having a seizure.

Dr. Araiza rushes over to the tub and starts checking Charly. While Dr. Araiza was checking Charly, Sparrow looked toward Gwen “how did this happen to her?”

“Charly has been checking out a strip club that might be connected to that gang you guys have been after. She went undercover as a stripper, and the manager said that her breasts needed to be bigger for her to work there. So, she allowed him to slap some patches on her breasts to increase them.”

“Some strange patches did this to Charly?” Falcon and Raptor had stuck their heads into the bathroom to check on Scout.

“Yeah. The first night she came home, she was horny, but we managed to dial it down some. She got called yesterday to show up last night for work. She barely made it home last night. When I went to check on her, she jumped me and forced me to have sex with her. I managed to con her into letting me tie her up. She was still horny as hell and wanted to continue.”

Dr. Araiza heard what Gwen said while checking on Scout. She turns to look at Gwen “do you know what these patches had on them? Because, I need to know what they did to her."

"No, but she did say she was going to try to take some from there." Gwen wonders if Charly managed to do it.

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