All it Would Take -01-

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

1 - One Change

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special; by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

One ~ One Change

The summer in Atlanta is hot and muggy in Dunwoody where my parents grew up. Now my grandparents, Granny and Gramps Niceman, live in Clearwater, Florida. My parents and I live in my mother's childhood home.

Mother's best friend Stephanie still lives next door with her husband, Tom Winners. They have two children, Gary and his fraternal twin Lisa. I used to play with both of them but these days Lisa seems to be always at her friend Tina's house.

My friend Gary Winners and I like to mess around up in my room. It is such a neat room which has a window that opens up onto the roof. The roof has a flat portion, which had been customized by my mother, Milly, from when she was a girl, when this had been her room.

Milly's father had erected a fence around the outside edge of the roof. This was not because my mother had ever fallen off, but various things had tumbled off in the past.

"Hey, Wally! Come over here!" Gary called to me as he knelt over the floor of my closet. He had been down there collecting the pieces of my slot car track so we can set them up and race. I went over to find out what he wanted.

"Okay, Gary! What's up?"

"There's a loose board here! Do you have anything to pry it up?"

"Sure! Just a sec!" I go over to my desk drawer and pull out a large screwdriver. With it in hand, I go back to him and hand it to him.

"Will this work?"

He took a look at it and his face brightened. "This will do fine!"

As he pried up the board, I winced. I hoped that it won't leave scratches or gouges for me to explain. Within the space under the floor, there was a half-filled jar labeled "Naskapi Eclipse Powder" and a set of hand written instructions. Gary handed me the instructions while he looked at the jar contents.

Gary opened the jar and took a sniff inside. "The only thing this powder is good for is cleaning toilets!"

"Wow! Would you look at that! My mother must have put them in there when this was her room, ages ago. These instructions tell how to do something during a total eclipse of the sun. This doesn't look like Mom's handwriting. it looks more like a guy wrote it."

"Didn't Ken Cook, the weatherman from Fox Five, say that there was a total eclipse of the sun coming soon?"

"My mom put this neat astronomy program on my computer that tells things like that. We'll find out for sure."

I started my desktop computer, and clicked on the astronomy program. Mom had already put in our longitude and latitude so it knew where we are. She knows all kinds of things like that because she is an astronomer. My father, Dr. Alfred Bensdorf, who teaches at Georgia Tech and is doing research for NASA for their Manned Mars Expedition, knows some neat things too..

"There is going to be a total eclipse of the sun tomorrow at 7:21 PM. It will be years till there is another one in the area. That must be why Mother has been spending day and night over at the Fernbank Observatory, in the North Georgia mountains, getting ready for it."

"You're lucky because your mother trusts you to be alone without a keeper. My mother is at my house, running her internet business, most of the time. When she is gone, she makes Lisa in charge of me. That's so embarrassing"

"Yeah! It can be a bit much having your mother around all the time. I guess that's why I don't mind you spying on your mother to see what she is planning."

"It helps keep me out of trouble for sure!"

Ever since Gary found that old radio frequency scanner from his basement, we have used it to eavesdrop on the phones that both his mother and mine use in their home offices. It works because it came out before the new portable telephone frequencies began being used, I look at the instructions more and find something that I can't understand.

"What do you think the instructions mean when it says that if we follow them that we'll get our deepest darkest heart's desire?"

"For you, Wally, the way you are sometimes moping about because Lisa and her girlfriend Tina have snubbed you doing their girl things, I don't even want to think about. For me, I'd like to be a superhero like Spiderman."

"Gary, don't you miss playing with your sister even a little?"

"Not at all! I can't believe some of the things she talked you into, Wally. I'd never do any of those things in a million years."

"Are we going to do this thing then? Perform the ritual during the eclipse?"

"I think it would be neat. I can't wait to be a superhero! Count me in!!"

"Okay, I'll collect the things that we need to perform the ritual and have them ready for tomorrow."

"I think we should do it out on your roof. That seems to be the perfect place for it."

"That's cool! Tomorrow is when my father teaches that evening class so we won't be interrupted."

Gary's cell phone began to play the ring tone from the Iron Man movie. He looked at the phone screen and his face twisted up in annoyance as he answered the phone.

"Hello, Mom! What is it!"

"Can I come back after supper, please?"

"What about tomorrow? We want to watch the eclipse together on the roof!"

"Okay, okay! I'll be right there."

"Good bye, Mom!"

"Sorry, I gotta go. Mom wants me home for supper and then I have to go out with her shopping tonight, and tomorrow morning. Stuff for her work. We won't be done until after lunch, and then I can come over and we'll get ready to do the ritual."

"Okay! See you then!" I knew from experience that when Gary had to go out with his mother on one of these expeditions that he was never back when he thought. I knew that I would have to do all the preparations myself. Fortunately there was not all that much to prepare since the ritual itself was simple.

First I would have to pour out the Naskapi Eclipse powder into a circle as I chanted something like, "Namoona wanna Namoona Una" over and over again. Next at the four points of the compass I would have to place four elemental objects for earth, fire, water, and wind. We would have to lay in the circle for the duration of the eclipse in order for the ritual to work.

I collected from my room what I need. In fact, I recalled that those objects were things that my mother had kept from when she was a girl. For earth I had a potted plant that I had been very careful to keep growing. For fire I had an old Coleman lantern. For water, I had a jug of water that Mom insisted that I keep for emergencies in case the water went off, but it never had. For wind I had an antique fan that turns so freely that the blades rotate when the slightest puff of wind comes through the room.

With Mother away, the kitchen was mine! I went out the door to the outside and went down the stairs from my room that leads to the deck outside our kitchen. Once in the kitchen I took off the hook, my Granny's apron, which is hanging there, and carefully put it on. My father had bought steaks that he intended to grill outside when he got home to prepare supper for us. Instead I wanted to surprise him by having dinner waiting for him.

I fired up the gas grill to get it ready for the steaks. Next I went out into the garden and gathered a bouquet of fresh flowers. I cut and arranged them in the vase to be a centerpiece on the dining room table for our meal. I prepared the potatoes for baking in the microwave as I had seen my mother do so many times by using a fork to punch tiny holes in the peel and then wrapping them in plastic wrap and placing them in the microwave.

I turned my attention to the salad next. There are spinach leaves and iceberg lettuce leaves that I chopped up into bite-sized pieces and I took a cucumber from the refrigerator and washed, peeled and cubed it up. I sliced up some radishes and made thin small shreds of carrots using the vegetable peeler.

I set the table next with the exception of the glasses which I wanted to wait to finish until just before our meal. I went to check on the grill and it was up to temperature. I went back to the kitchen for the last bit of preparation.

Next I mixed those ingredients together till I had a dough which I rolled up into a long cylindrical shape. I pinched off with my fingers the right amount for each biscuit and shaped them with my hands and placed them into the buttered pan.

I looked at the time and if Daddy arrived like he usually did, it was time to set things into motion. I popped the biscuits into the oven, started the microwave, and put the steaks out on the grill. I moved between all of them, checking on them.

Finally the steaks were done and I took them up on a platter and placed them on the table. I brought the salad out from the fridge and placed it on the table. Next the baked potatoes were ready and I placed them on each of our plates.

Finally the biscuits were ready and I removed them from the oven and took them out upside down onto a plate. From the plate I transferred them to the bread basket and wrapped them up and laid it on the table.

I heard my father's key in the front door lock and I rushed to meet him, forgetting that I still had the apron on. My father looked around the room as he opened the door and observed my handiwork cleaning the house earlier. He looked down at me and smiles.

"Greetings, Wally! I am so glad to see you and the house looking this well after Milly left it in a disaster when she left. You'll make someone a good wife some day!" My father laughed at the joke that he had made.

"Oh Dad!" I rolled my eyes at him. "Dinner is ready! Come to the dining room and see!"

"You are full of surprises today! Why don't you take off that apron and we'll eat supper while it is hot."

"Thank you, Dad! Be right in!" I went to the kitchen and hung up Granny's apron back in its place and took my place at the table.

"Wally, this is amazing!" He pauses for a moment and so do I, as is our custom. Then he told me, "Let's eat!"

We filled our plates and have a wonderful supper. When we were finished, Dad took me out to Dairy Queen where we had our desserts. He had a Banana Split and I had a Hot Fudge Sundae.

While we were there, I asked him if Gary and I could camp out in my tent in the back yard overnight tomorrow and he agreed. I guessed asking at a good time really does give better results. Fortunately, there was not any rain in the forecast

Once we got back, I excused myself and go to my room where I got ready for bed. With all the cleaning and playing I had done that day, I was very tired and went right to sleep.


As Dad dropped me off, I wasn't thinking of all the good I could do by helping. Instead, I was looking forward to being with Lisa and Tina. They also help out since Tina's mother, Glenda, is the director of the community pantry.

When the community pantry closed at noon, Glenda would drive the three of us home. Glenda and her daughter Tina lives on the same side of our street, on the other side of Gary and Lisa's house.

Each of us took a box from the pile over to a table and began to sort the clothes and fold them. After they were folded someone would take them to the shelves where clothing was separated by size and gender. The patrons would go through and choose some clothing to meet their needs from the shelves.

"Wally, you fold clothes so well that you are going to make some lucky man a wonderful wife someday!", Tina teased gleefully

"That's just what my Dad said last night. I don't know why. I had only cleaned a little and had gotten Supper ready."

"Only?",Replied Lisa, "If I know you, the house was spotless and the dinner unbelievable! You do better at housework and cooking than your mother and even my mother!"

"I know you are exaggerating when you say I'm better than your mother. She makes your home a wonderful place to be. "

"I guess so, since my mother is such a domestic diva that everyone loves her books and that's what makes her internet business a success. But the way you love all that stuff, you have a whole lot in common with her, much more than me.", Lisa admitted.

"You do seem to have a lot more in common with Lisa and I. I'm glad we have this service project together! It's too bad that it is expected that you hang out with the boys and us with the other girls," said Tina as though she really empathized about my situation.

"Boys will be boys and girls will be girls and never the twain shall meet.", I turned my eyes up and blew some strands of hair that had fallen down near my eyes up as I let the air escape from my mouth in frustration. "I wish it could be the way it used to be."

"It's just a phase we are all going through, Wally! Really soon boys and girls will pair off," comforted Lisa.

"I guess that I will have to take solace in that." I resigned myself as I said it.

"Take heart, Wally! I just know you are going to be superior boyfriend material. The girls will all want you in their lives then.", encouraged Lisa.

"Okay, if you say so," I replied. "I'll believe it when I see it."

The rest of the time went too quickly and we were driven home by Tina's mother like usual. I had a lunch of sandwiches. As expected there was no Gary at the time that he had told me.

Instead since I had everything ready, I went up to my bedroom and turned on my computer. One of the things that I had gotten for my last birthday was a year's subscription to "World of Warcraft". I loved playing online and chatting with the people who were behind the other avatars.

On a lark when I first signed onto Warcraft, I had made my first avatar a human female priestess named Aislinn. Instead of knowing me as Wally, my friends in the game know me as Lynn.

We did audio-only chats at times but we never did video. While audio could go on transparent to the game, video would require taking away from the game environment. Audio-only helped preserve the illusion of me as Lynn. After it had gone on for a while, correcting their misconception about me would have been a lot more embarrassing, so I left things as they were.

I was lost in game-playing when Gary's entrance, out of breath, jarred me to reality and I signed off the game.

"I'm here! I'm here! You can quit fretting!" Gary told me.

"Oh Gary! I'm glad that you are here ... Finally!" I looked at the time and found that it was mere minutes away from the beginning of the eclipse. I led him through the window and onto the roof. I gathered the four icons and had Gary lie down in the center of where I was going to make the circle.

I felt silly as I poured out the powder in a circle and chanted, "Namoona wanna Namoona Una," repeating it over and over again.  All of a sudden Gary needed to go to the restroom so he left back through the window.

When he had returned, I had completed the circle except for a small area to allow him to enter and I had placed the elemental icons at the four directions. Once he was back and lying down, I lay down beside him and reached over and completed the circle as the eclipse began.

At first Gary was excited and was wondering which superhero he would turn into when the ritual was completed. Later he became listless and finally he just sat up and asked, "What is taking this friggin' eclipse so long?"

"Gary, stay down! The eclipse isn't total yet!"

"I've had enough of this!" Gary stood up and crossed the line and exited back through my bedroom window. I resolved not to worry about Gary and I lay in the circle by myself.

Finally the eclipse reached totality and I felt something go right through me but nothing else was apparent. It tried even my patience to wait just as long after totality for the darkness to vanish completely from the sky, but I wanted to take no chances.

When I was sure the eclipse was totally over, I went to find Gary and he had finished getting camp set up in the back yard. The tents were up and our sleeping bags were rolled out and ready for us.

We even had a campfire pit and of course I was in charge of cooking supper for the two of us. All we had were beanie wienies but that tasted like a gourmet meal to us when it was cooked outside on the campfire.

We got into our sleeping bags and soon Gary was asleep and I was hovering close to sleep myself. In that twilight before sleep had taken me I was aware of Gary's mother Stephanie's voice coming over our phone scanner. Hazily, I wondered if the stupid old scanner was glitching again, because I could only hear her side of the conversation.

"Milly! Thanks for finally returning my call! I know you were busy but this might be an emergency!"

That word "emergency" was enough to jolt me awake.

"You've got to come home now! I saw Wally and Gary up on your roof during the eclipse."


"I thought so too, but then, after the eclipse, I looked over and noticed that they had a circle drawn in powder on the roof!"

"I don't think they were making observations; I think they were doing the Naskapi Eclipse Ritual!"

"You shouldn't have left it anywhere in your old room! You didn't hide it well enough! Wally must have found the powder and the instructions!"

"There was all the other stuff up there too! The same stuff we used!"

"I don't think Gary was up there for the whole time. I remember he was back in the house even before totality, complaining he was bored. Just like I got bored way back when. Wally stayed up there for the entire eclipse, though."

"Wally seems fine now but I believe that he'll have a surprise when he wakes up, just like you did."

"They're in your back yard camping out. Alfie okayed it, I checked."

"I know Wally already has one but the imagine all the other kinds of surprises he could have. What do you suppose is his deepest darkest heart's desire?"

"Whatever it is, we'll get through this together."

"You're welcome. Safe trip home. Bye bye."

After that, I didn't hear anything else, so I decided to go back to sleep. As I drifted off, I wondered what kind of surprise did my mother get, and what would I wake up to in the morning? What I really wanted was to be a girl.


Click! "... and that was Clay Aiken with his latest song on Q100 all the hits radio.  Next comes a shout out from Alfie to Milly, 'Love is coming home with me tonight.' and their song request, Michael Damien's "One Change in my Life" :

"Just when I know who I am,

I wish I was somebody else.

Just when I figure it out,

I get another whiff of myself.

In life comes learning too, lots.

I get the feeling like I'm yearning inside.


One change in my life,

That's all it would take.

One change in my life,

To put the pieces in place.

One step at a time,

For now I'll just wait.

One change in my life,

That's all it would take.


I stay up every night,

And listen to the radio.

I look up to the sky,

And wonder if I will ever know.

What's life like outside of me?

If I had other eyes what would I see?


One change in my life,

That's all it would take.

One change in my life,

To put the pieces in place.

One step at a time,

For now I'll just wait.

One change in my life,

That's all it would take.


It doesn't matter what on earth I've achieved

There's always something that I'd rather be.


One change in my life,

That's all it would take.

One change in my life,

To put the pieces in place.

One step at a time,

For now I'll just wait.

One change in my life,

That's all it would take."

I still wasn't awake and my body did not feel right and what was all this hair and why did my PJ shirt stick out oddly like that. I had to make it to the bathroom inside was all I knew so I sleepwalked to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet like I usually do. And it wasn't there! From my mouth came the highest pitched scream, I had ever heard.

"What's wrong, Wally? Did something attack you?"

"Mom! It's not there anymore. I can't pee."

"Sweetheart, get up and open the door for me. You've just had a surprise. We'll get through this."

I got up and opened the door and let Mom in to the bathroom.

"See Mom.  It's gone! I can't pee now."

"Sure you can sweetheart. Just sit on the toilet and relax and all the urine will fall out the way it always does only it will come from another place."

I did as Mom asked and a flood of urine fell into the toilet.

I finished and was about to get some toilet paper when Mom told me, "Wipe from front to back only now and use a new piece or part of the paper each time you wipe. Things have changed so the way you take care of yourself will have to change too."

I did as she told me and then I pulled up my PJ bottoms and stood up in front of the toilet.

"How did you know that I could pee with it gone, Mom?"

"Wally, you are made like a girl now. Instead of what is missing you have a vagina like all other girls have and a place on your bottom where urine runs out. Your privates are inside you instead of outside of you like they used to be."

"Huh? How do you know that Momma?"

"Stephanie saw you and Gary do the Naskapi Ritual with the powder that I left in my old bedroom which is your bedroom now. Gary left the circle so only you got your deepest darkest heart's desire which for you must be for you to be a girl. Can you be brave for me? You have a couple of surprises yet to discover."

"I'll be brave, Mom. What are the surprises?"

"Come to the mirror and take off your PJ top."

Mom had always called it a shirt before so with it being called a top like a girl wore, I wondered what was underneath it. I unbuttoned the 'top' and saw what was holding my PJ 'top' up.

I had what I used to call gazongas when I saw them on girls but now that they were part of me, I preferred to think of it as my bosom. Staring back at me in the mirror with her top open showing her bosom was a very beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes like I used to have only all girly now. She had curves and seemed very graceful. On top of it all I had to admit to myself that she was me.

" I really am a girl now, aren't I, Mom? You seem to be taking this all a little better than I would expect."

"Yes you really are a girl now, sweetie. I'm taking it in stride because when I was your age something like this happened to me when I used the same ritual. I'll tell you more about that later in hopes that my experience will help you get through your's. Before the rest of the house finds out about this, I'm going to call your Granny. She was a big help to me when I had my surprise and I hope she will be able to help me help you."

"Sure Mom! I'm calm now that I know what is going on and I am fully awake. Can I come with you while you call Granny Niceman?"

"Sure Sweetie, Come into the kitchen and you can have a bowl of cereal while I call."

I followed Mom into the kitchen. While she picked up the telephone, I picked up my Captain Crunch and Milk and was happily eating. At least that had not changed even though my lips seemed a bit bigger than they had before.

"Mom, It's Milly! I have a ... Surprise!"

"No not me this time, It's Wally, she's your granddaughter now."

"No I haven't told Alfie yet. She only just discovered the change a few minutes ago."

"That would be so wonderful if you and Dad could come up and help me deal with this."

"Do you think that I should take her to a doctor?"

"Well the ones that you took me to were mainly useless in solving it since they decided I had it all the time and had not noticed it."

"That's true, that having medical evidence of her new status can help getting her records sorted."

"I may need the kind of paperwork magic that Dad was able to pull off when he thought I had become the son he always wanted."

"I'm sure that you will convince him its the right thing, Mom. You always do"

"Give my love to Daddy and call me from the airport when you find out when your flight is getting into Hartsfield Jackson"

"I love you too, Momma. Bye for now"

I had finished my cereal and was looking intently at Mom after she hung up the phone. "Is Granny Niceman coming?"

"Yes, Sweetie and your Granps too only he doesn't know it yet. When the Doctor's office hours start, we'll need to get you to a Doctor just to make sure everything about you is alright. It will be helpful to have a medical opinion to support what ever you want to do in the future."

"It's going to be kinda hard covering up the fact that I'm a girl now. I look like a girl even in my boy's pajamas."

"As your Gramps said in my case long ago, 'We'll just take things one step at a time and everything will fall into place.' Don't worry about what will be hard to do, Wally. Just decide what is best for you and we will take care of everything else to make what ever you decide work out."

"Okay, Mom. I guess I want to get dressed and I had better do it in my bedroom instead of out in the tent like I had planned. Would t-shirt, shorts and tennis shoes be okay, Mom?"

"Sure that's fine Sweetie. I guess we will have to go shopping later to get you some appropriate clothes if you decide to try out being a girl publicly. If you want to remain a boy publicly, then we'll have to get some special stuff to help cover up the changes in your body as best we can."

"Thank's Mom! I want to tell Gary what happened. He's my best friend and he'll keep the secret what ever I choose."

"I'm proud of you for wanting to do that Sweetie. If you need help explaining things to Gary you can send him to me and I will help explain the best that I can."

"Thanks, Mom!"

I went up to my bedroom to start the day in a way that I had never ever started a day before. I showered of course and found out exactly why girls are different from boys. Strangely enough I felt at ease in my new body as though it was the body that I was meant to have all along.

It seemed a shame to dress such a wonderful curvy body in my old underwear. It was a bit scratchy and then I put on my T-shirt and shorts. I put on my socks and after I attempted to put on my shoes, I found out that they were too big and I stuffed some TP in the toes to make them fit better.

So what was I going to do about it all? I went to my bulletin board and decided to let fate settle it for me. My name was on the board which was inherited from my Mom's furnishings in the room. The letters were cut out of construction paper and held in the center of the letter by a thumbtack.

The W which had been an M, both L's and the Y originally spelled out Mom's name Milly. Momma cut out an A in the same style as all the letters and spelled out my name on the board. Now I would spin the W and see if it ended up staying a W when it stopped or changed back into an M.

I spun the letter and it rapidly went round and round and it stopped finally as an M spelling out Mally. I had not heard of a Mally but I knew a few Molly's and I liked the name.

I got some construction paper and scissors and cut out an O and replaced the A. Now my name spelled out Molly! I had made my decision! I was going to be Molly! I was going to try out being a girl!


I found Mom in the kitchen and told her, "These clothes don't fit anymore and the underwear is scratchy. I've come to a decision, though. I want to try out being a girl. I'd like to be called Molly if that's okay"

"Sure Molly. If you don't mind one more person knowing about you right now, I imagine that Lisa's clothes would fit you nicely. I could call over there and see if Lisa could bring some of her things for you to use till we went shopping for you>"

"That would be great, Mom. Oh fiddlesticks, I need to go tell Gary what happened before he comes looking for me. I could 'break the bomb' with Gary and then come back in so Lisa can help me."

"That's a great plan, Molly. Good luck with telling Gary. See you soon."

"Bye, Mom!"

I left the house and went out into the backyard. It had seemed like ages to me since I had gotten up but it really wasn't that long ago. Gary should be just getting up if he slept in like he usually did.

I seemed to be right because as I walked over, he was emerging from the tent. I decided to let him speak first since it was obvious what had happened.

"Hey You! Where did you disappear to? I was about to..."

His jaw dropped as he really took a look at me with my long hair, bust, hips and narrow waist.

"What the f....."

His voice dropped down to nothing. His eyes brightened as though a light went on in his brain,

"You aren't going to fool me with that disguise Wally!"

With one hand he pulled my hair and yanked and my head went with it and the other hand grabbed a hold of my bust and snatched at it pulling my chest that way as well. As it set in that both my hair and bust were real, Gary shoved me to the ground yelling at the top of his lungs.


He ran back to his house faster than I had ever seen him run.

Fortunately, the skin did not seem to be broken even though I was sure that I would have some bumps and bruises. Mom had heard Gary's scream and had come running to me.

As I lay on the ground, I thought that could have been gone better as I hurt from being grabbed and tossed down. The tears flowed freely with the hurt of realizing that I had lost my best friend outweighing the physical hurt that I felt at the time. Mom hugged me and rocked me in her arms as I cried.

"Are you okay, Molly?"

I nodded yes as I could not stop crying it seemed until finally I cried myself out. I smiled a weak smile.

"That could have gone better. I can see now that I should not have surprised him."

"That was not your fault, Molly! Just because he was shocked did not excuse his behavior."

"He hates me now, Mom. I could see it in his eyes. I've lost my best friend."

"Molly, you don't know that yet. People do a lot of hurtful things when they are shocked or surprised. Do you think you can make it inside, Molly? Lisa should be here and at least you can get into some more comfortable clothes that fit."

"Yes, Mom! I can do that! More clothes sounds wonderful!"

I got up with Mom's help and together we two walked in to the house from the back yard. Lisa was standing just beyond the patio doors and she gave me a hug as I came through the door.

"Molly, I am so sorry about the way my brother treated you! I hope you'll let me help you."

"Lisa, I am so glad you are willing to help me. I need all the help that I can get."

"Girls, you can go to Molly's room and see if you can come up with a better outfit for Molly than what she has on."

I giggled, "That should be easy since anything will be better than this."

"Molly, I am going to be able to do amazing things with you. You've turned into quite a beauty."

"Thanks Lisa. I am looking forward to getting comfortable."

Before I could lead the way into my bedroom, the phone rang and Mom motioned for us to stay while she answered the phone.

"Hello Stephanie!"

"Yes, She's here. --- Molly, Stephanie would like to speak with you."

I took the phone and spoke to Mrs. Winners who always insisted that I call her Stephanie.

"Hello Stephanie, This is Molly."

"Molly, I'm glad to meet the new you and I wish it were a more pleasant time for you."

"Thank you Stephanie. I'm okay so far."

"Do you feel up to talking to Gary, Sweetie? I'd like for him to apologize to you and I felt like it would be easier for you on the phone. Is it okay? Can I put Gary on the phone?"

"It's okay, Stephanie.; We all got a big surprise this morning. I'm glad that you and mother are not freaking. Why is that anyway?"

"Your mother and I did the ritual when we were teens. She was the only one to go all the way."

"Mother was originally a boy like me?" I guessed.

"Not exactly. Ask her since she is dying to tell you the whole story now. If you are ready I'll put Gary on."

"I'm ready. Stephanie".

"Mother tells me you are called Molly now. Is that right?"

"Yes Gary, I'm sorry that I surprised you."

"Molly, I am the one who is sorry. I acted really bad. I never should have treated you like that no matter what I thought. I did not mean what I said. Now I know that it was the ritual that did it and you had no control of what happened. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me."

:"I forgive you, Gary! I'm okay now, honest."

"Thank you, Molly. I hope you find happiness in your new life. Good bye"

"Goodbye, Gary"

I hung up the phone. I was glad for the apology but his saying goodbye sounded like goodbye forever to me.

"I guess I can get into some more comfy clothes now. Thanks Mom."

Mom called, "You are welcome, Molly."

Mom watched us turn away toward my bedroom as I led Lisa to my room. Once the door was closed behind us, Lisa teared up and started crying and I hugged her for comfort. I started crying too and let out a lot of emotion that had still been bottled up inside. Lisa came up for air, at last.

"Molly, can you ever forgive me for not including you in things. I recognize it now that you were a girl then too and you only looked like a boy on the outside. When my mother told me that you had become a girl magically, I still did not believe it."

"I didn't believe it at first either but Momma did and she helped me."

"Molly, I dug out my clothes that looked most like a little girl would wear them, things I had been given as gifts. I wanted to embarrass you with them. When I see you now standing there like that, like a girl would and not just a guy wearing a girl's body.& I'm ashamed about the way I've acted. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me, then I will try to be the best friend to you that I can."

"Lisa, how could you know? I did not realize it myself until the ritual was all over and I found myself wishing after the effect had occurred that I would wake up a girl somehow. The clothes will be fine all I care about is that they will be more comfortable than my boy clothes which I will be glad to box up because I don't want to wear any of them if they all feel as icky as these feel now."

"That's really large of you to understand like that, Molly. I don't want you to look silly now."

Now that I am clued in I can just wear one of the first outfits we buy, out of the store. It might be fun to dress up like a little girl for a little bit. Don't forget that I missed out on all the little girl stuff because it was not appropriate to who they thought that I was. It will be fun. What did you bring me.?"

"I'm not going to show you, Molly. Instead I am going to get some clothes that will be right for you, now. I'm not going to let a friend of mine look foolish out in public. Maybe, you could find out more about what happened to your mother and that might give you a clue how to proceed. I'll donate those clothes I was about to make you wear and maybe a little girl who doesn't have nice things will appreciate them."

"Thank you for being my friend, Lisa! Hurry back! I still want to get out of these boy clothes!"

"I'll be back really soon, Molly."

I walked Lisa to the door and she disappeared out it. When I closed it and turned back, I saw my mother in front of me.

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