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All It Would Take
Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly
6 - Good Golly, Miss Molly!
This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special; by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.
Six ~ Good Golly, Miss Molly!
I didn't have to wait long for something to happen. All at once from the south east corner of the room behind Dr Reinhart came a overwhelming smell of honeysuckles There was a wide open space behind her where a hospital hallway was closed off by automatic doors in the south east and south western corners of the room. There were signs designating this as an emergency triage area.
At the same time the doors closing off the conference room from the corridors sprang to life opening wide. From the south western door an orderly was propelling a huge portable x-ray machine at break neck speeds while from the south eastern side came the a boy outfitted in a suit with vest pulling a red wagon surrounded with red wooden fences at the top and containing neatly arranged rows of animated stuffed monkeys all clanging small cymbals before them held in their tiny paws.
The boy quickly darted with the wagon across the orderly's path and quickly scooted to the other side and past him. As a result the orderly lost control of the huge piece of equipment and it tumbled over and the metal creaked across the floor as it drug along with the impact and inertia till it came to a stop with a loud thud. At once I identified the boy as Malcolm from the picture of the him taken between Momma and Stephanie when they were girls.; The boy, Malcolm, that I had just seen, had not aged any in the many years between then and now.
Dr Reinhart and her minions turned and focused their attention on the crash site. Granny Niceman, showed me the note that she had pulled out and was reading as she fingered the cameo necklace around her neck. At once I identified the handwriting as identical to that in the hand written instructions of the Neskapi Eclipse Ritual. The note read:
Greetings Mrs. Niceman,
Although well intentioned, you may discover regrets over actions taken on behalf of your granddaughter. The Cameo Necklace with this note contains a special gift which can only be used once, a do-over. The Cameo pendant has a catch that will allow it to be opened. All y'all need to do, is to make a wish and open 'er up. The Cameo necklace is on the house.
Best of Luck,
We were afraid of drawing anyone's attention back to us so we communicated silently through looks. I showed on my face to Granny my understanding of the note. She communicated to me a question whether I felt it was time to use it now. I looked back at her indicating that I felt that now was the time to do it. I grabbed one of my mother's hands and one of Granny's. She had one hand on the pendant of the cameo and closed her eyes to wish really hard. The cameo pendant sprung open and a bright light came out from within it bathing all of it in its lightness. I felt cold and the room seemed to start spinning.
The spinning stopped and I opened my eyes but the overwhelming smell of honeysuckle was in the air. I was back in Momma's car sitting up straight with my hands folded in my lap and with my legs crossed at the ankles. We appeared to be driving away from Perimeter Mall.
"Thank Goodness, She's finally back with us! Molly, do you remember now being shackled by Dr Reinhart?"
"Yes! I was just there! How did I get here? Am I safe? ''
"Yes, Molly, you are safe!"
"Sweetie, everything is fine. Malcolm came thru for us again!"
"Where is Malcolm?"
"He's still missing but your Granny and I used the do-over to fix everything."
"That's right, granddaughter! Malcolm sent me back to just after Milly returned to being a girl again. I unleashed your father on the hospital after telling him what could happen if we allowed Milly's records to be preserved. No trace of Milly's change now exists.Dr Reinhart never was obsessed with Milly's change and she turned her effort to helping people overcome infectious disease. She's now an official with the CDC."
"That's right and this time when I told her about you becoming Molly, she cautioned me to keep it all in the family. I never approached Dr Nelson about you so she didn't get Dr Reinhart involved. That's why we are going to see your 'Uncle' Dr Lopez in Gainesville for your exam. We can trust him to keep this hushed up and have your best interests at heart.. In fact He's closed his clinic for the afternoon so we'll have the place all to ourselves."
"Molly, the day that you remember was yesterday for us. Dr. Lopez needed a day's notice to clear the clinic's schedule. You got to take your time at the beauty salon and were able to get the works all the first time."
I looked down at myself and saw the evidence of that time in the beauty salon. My hands were beautifully manicured and I could see my pedicure thru my hose clad toes in my open toed sandals. My ears had been pierced and I could see the tiny diamond studs with the mirror Granny held for me. I was wearing a beautiful sun dress that really showed off my curves. All in all, I was taken with the image of the beautiful teen girl looking back at me.
''Wow!" Slowly it was coming back to me as the new set of memories of what had really happened the second go around came to me. I felt flushed and my mouth felt dry as it overwhelmed me.
Granny held out a cup of grape juice to me. "Here, take a sip. It will be alright!"
I did as I was told and after a sip I began to drink till I was satisfied and was all cooled down to normal.
"How did you know? That's just what I needed."
"It was that way for us too. Do you remember what happened the last two days, now?"
"Yes! It was so much fun at the salon and then shopping afterward. I'm sorry I missed out on experiencing it other than thru memories.
"Well the good thing is that you'll have other chances for a girl's day again to go to the salon and go shopping. We've got a good start on your new wardrobe but there is plenty of shopping for you to do in your future!"
"Great! Y'now I luv the way I turned out! Thank you for your help, Granny and Momma!"
"You are welcome, Sweetie."
"Anytime, Granddaughter!"
"Oh yeah! Back before just before the crash of the X-ray machine. I saw Malcolm as a little boy, just like he was in that picture that you took with him and Lisa's mom, Momma!
"Malcolm is still missing, Sweetie. As things stand right now, that will never happen so it puts us no closer to finding Malcolm than we did before."
"Does it mean anythin' that Malcolm still looked the same as he was as a boy?"
"D'n't know 'cept he was growing up like normal when e'vr we saw him before he vanished."
"Where's Daddy and Gramps?"
"They are going to meet us at Dr Lopez's clinic."
"That's good. Y'now, I don't remember seeing any of the things that we bought yesterday after we got home."
"They are all put up in your room, Sweetie. You had such a busy day yesterday that you never got to see your room. You knocked out on the sofa watching a chick flick with your Granny and I. You slept so late that I took you to my room to rush you through getting you ready for the day today."
"Oh Yeah! I 'member now. Goodness! I guess I'll just have to wait till we get home to see everything."
"That's my girl! Fortunately for you, we are close to getting there. Don't worry! The exam that Dr Lopez gives you won't be anything like the one that you remember from Dr Reinhart"
"That's good. I can't wait to get back so I can see Lisa and Tina. It seems like forever since I've talked to either one of them even though I remember both of them being with us shopping today along with Lisa's Mom. ".
"Sweetheart, you can phone them when you get home. Is that okay?"
"Thanks, Momma!" It suddenly dawned on me that even though Momma had not gone back before she had used the Neskapi ritual, Granny had. Granny knowing what was going to happen, could have stopped me from doing it. Why didn't she?
"Granny, couldn't you have stopped me from doing the Neskapi ritual?"
"It wasn't necessary for your safety to undo that. With what I had already set in motion to cover up what happened to Milly, all we needed to do is to be careful about keeping your transformation secret among family and close friends. Even though he's not physically here, Malcolm appears to be watching after you just like he did for Milly."
"But that wasn't all there was to it, was there?'
"Sweetie, I wasn't sure that interfering would work. Keeping you from doing it then might have just delayed it to another time. If you were going to do it, then the sooner the better as long as you were able to handle it. That powder could have been discovered any time yet it wasn't till you were the same age as Milly was then to find it. I have faith that it will all turn out okay in the end just like it did for Milly.'
"Thank's Granny for being so wise."
"That's what Granny's do, Sweetie! We love our grandchildren and spoil them. It's our job."
I was surrounded in a great big hug as Granny Niceman engulfed me.I felt good, safe and loved. I was a very lucky girl. Now all I had to do was figure out what was right for me. I imagined that I would do that along the way as I learned just how to be a girl.
Granny held me in that hug so wonderfully that the passage of time meant nothing, All good things come to an end and Granny finished off the hug when Momma told us, "We're here!"
We had parked in a space in front of an one story round office building which had a sign on its front:
'Lopez Medical Clinic'
I opened the door and swiveled out my feet first out of the car and stood up and took a big breath of fresh air. The Clinic was located in a beautiful wooded area. The grounds directly adjacent to the clinic were beautifully landscaped and planted with a variety of annuals which were all flowering beautifully.. Soon Momma had one hand and Granny the other as they led me in thru the doors which swung open automatically to admit us. I saw Daddy and Gramps stand up as we walked in and I ran ahead of Momma and Granny straight into Daddy's arms.
"Daddy, I missed you!""
"I missed you too Sweetie. Just like Lisa's father, Dr Lopez is one of my oldest friends. I know that he will treat you right. You have nothing to fear from him.'
"Thank you, Daddy!"
The 'rent and their 'rents all greeted each other. Mother explained to them that I had returned from my trip thru time just as she and Granny had done before. Neither one of them had experience that other reality but Granny and Momma had made them believers.I wonder if it was because that I held each of their hands that it was only the three of us who had gone time traveling. I guess it was true that those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Well I had learned that lesson well and I had no desire at all to repeat it. Dr Lopez ( I knew him from his name tag) came in and greeted Granny and Momma. Finally he got around to meeting me.
"Hi Molly!, I used to be around you all the time before I started my practice in Gainesville. I'm Dr Lopez. I understand that you went thru a rather frightening exam. I would never hurt you and I will take good care of you."
"Thank you Dr Lopez!"
"Milly, you can take Molly back thru those doors to the first exam room on the right and get her into the hospital gown I laid out for her. Just so you know, I'm going to be creating 2 sets of records of this. One will be as though this was an ordinary exam to add to a completely ordinary medical record for Molly as though she were like this for all of her life. The other record will be as complete an exam as is able to be given from which we will see just where Molly is right now which will be destroyed after we are finished drawing what conclusions we need to afterward."
"Lopez, thank you for your skill and discretion. That's just what Molly needs right now."
"Milly has enough medical training to act as my nurse. If the rest of you will wait out here, we'll get the exam done as soon as possible and then I will be able to discuss my findings with all of you."
"Thank you Dr Lopez"
"Thanks Lopez"
Momma led me to the exam room and it was soon that I had everything off but my panties and into the hospital gown. Dr Lopez knocked on the door. Momma told him we were ready and he came on in. The rest of what he did was boring so I relaxed so much that I was dosing off except when Momma let me know that I had to do something so Dr Lopez could continue the exam. It all went as the other exam did except I felt so comfortable around Dr Lopez that I did actually go to sleep once or twice when Momma had to wake me to get on with something,
"Molly, that's it for this exam room. Next we need to do a head to toe MRI on you just so we can make sure everything is as normal as the rest of the results indicate."
"Oh good. I really can sleep through that. I almost did. I don't have to tell you about an MRI. It wasn't my first one and I imagine everyone has had one sometime by now.
"Molly, that's all for here. We have one more stop and that's to my colleague's gynecological exam room. It was a blessing when we added Dr Marler to the practice but some of the women in my practice still prefer me to do their gynecological exams so I'm not out of practice.."
"Molly, this exam is something that every girl your age gets for the first time. It means that you are on the way to becoming a woman. Dr Lopez is very gentle. He did my exams before he started his practice all the way out here."
"Thanks, Momma. I'm ready."
Momma had me put my feet in the stirrups after removing my panties for me. I remembered the gynecological exam that I had received from Dr Reinhart's testing and even though there was some discomfort, this one was way better, Not only did Dr Lopez really know what he was doing, but through it all Momma held my hand and whispered encouragement to me.
Dr Lopez excused himself when it was all over and Momma helped me dress. I was so glad to be back among my 'rents and their 'rents as we all waited on Dr Lopez to reveal the results.
"I've gone over the results very carefully. Unlike the diagnosis when Milly went thru this that she had both sexes right inside her, Molly is a normal girl and there is nothing to indicate that she ever was anything else but a normal girl."
"Lopez, that is such a relief!"
'It makes the job of fabricating Molly's new medical records much easier. As her new doctor, I'll be the one who maintains her medical records and disburses them to others. It will be a simple thing to correct the obvious mistake on her birth certificate and hospital records. I can furnish any medical waiver you need to get any other records corrected as well."
'Thank you Dr Lopez. You've been wonderful to us.'
'Well I have an interest in protecting my niece too. I want her to have as normal a childhood as she can. Have you had any thoughts on which school that you'll be getting her into? I can help with that too."
'I believe that what we will be doing is to enroll her in the girls boarding school here in Gainesville on the campus of Breneau University. Both the boarding school and University have a great reputation for molding girls into women."
"I agree that the Boarding School affords a great opportunity for the girls in the area. My daughter Rosa attends the school and she is very happy there."
'I imagine that I can manage to pull some strings to get Molly admitted there if that's where she wants to attend.'
'Thank's Gramps! I only wish that somehow Lisa and Tina could go there too. I'm going to miss them."
'I thought you would say that. That's why I managed to arrange a scholorship for both Lisa and Tina. It's up to them and their parents if they want to transfer over there as well.'
'Gramp's you really are a miracle worker!'
'It will be fine. We'll just be careful for a while and then everything will just fall into place. I'll get to work correcting those discrepancies in records, so that by the time you get ready to begin the term everything will be just right.'
"Thanks Gramps!" I started with a hug and kiss for Gramps and worked my way all around the room for everyone else including 'Uncle Lopez'.
In the midst of the fun, Daddy goosed me when I wasn't expecting it. I guess he isn't quite used to having a daughter from the effect that it had on me and I squealed out a cuss word.'
'Oh, Sweetie, Will you look at your Daddy? Are you alright? I'm so sorry! I'll be more careful in the future. I forgot myself.'
'That's Good Golly, Miss Molly. Remember that young ladies don't swear!'
"Thank you Uncle Lopez. I'll remember. I sure hope Daddy does too!"
'Of course Sweetie. Daddy will remember. I'll remind him!"
"Thanks Momma. Guess there is a lot to being a girl that I'm going to have to learn."
"Well Sweetie, you'll have lots of help."
"Thanks, Granny:"
"Pumpkin, please go wait in the car. We've got a little more to finish up with Dr Lopez and we'll be right out."
'Of course, Daddy!' I skipped out to the car humming, 'Girls just wanna have fun!' while thinking that some things never change in spite of the fact that I was a girl now. I settled myself back in my seat. It wasn't too awful long afterward that the 'rents and their 'rents came out. Momma and Granny got into the car and off we went with Daddy and Gramps following behind.
'Molly, when it was me, I discovered that I needed to drill until the responses that came out were second nature no matter what kind of duress that I was in. Funny thing was that I spent so much time learning and drilling into myself how to swear because boys were expected to swear and then had to spend twice as long drilling to relieve myself of that habit once I turned back into a girl."
'I never did a lot of cussing as a boy but letting one go in a situation like that was expected.'
'Now you'll have to drill yourself on cute replacements for expletives so when you are surprised that one of them comes out instead."
"I guess it's 'Good, Golly' for Miss Molly from now on then. wonder what else I'll have to work on.'
"There's no need to obsess. You'll just take things one thing at a time then everything will fall into place.'
I prepared myself to spend the rest of the car ride dreaming up cute phrases as alternatives to cuss words; If nothing else this activity was stimulating to my creativity.
'Milly, don't be so hard on the girl. You were only a boy cussing up and down the neighborhood for a little over a month and it took you some time to adjust back to using those cure replacements for expletives. She's been a boy all her life up to now.'
'Molly, It does take getting used to acting in a whole new way because the things expected of a girl to fit in with her friends are not the same things that it takes for a boy to fit in with his friends. Do you remember the picture of the woman that Dr Lopez had on the wall of his office?'
'Yes! She was a blue eyed blonde. Very attractive for an older woman. She is Dr Lopez's wife Cynthia, Isn't she?'
'Yes! That's my girl. You paid attention to details and saw her name 'Mrs. Cynthia Lopez' on the brass plate on the picture frame. I first met her back on my first day as a boy in a new high school. At the first sight of me, Cindy Harl, the brunette, hazel eyed beauty as I knew her then, was in love. She was flirting with me when I met her brother 'Harry the Horror', resident bully, took a swing and connected hard with the side of my head and I went down hard too. "
"When Willy got home, I bandaged him up. It wasn't until his father got home that anything was really said about it. Willy wouldn't talk about it with me. I could see that he was afraid that if he aired out his problems, my solution would be for him to go back to being Milly. I was still having troubles sorting things out with names and pronouns and most of the time I was still referring to Willy as though he were still only. Willy and I were in the kitchen after dinner and Willy was helping with the dishes like always. Fred came in and joined us with me at the sink washing dishes and Willy drying dishes. That conversation sounded something like this:"
'Willy, stop drying those dishes. From now on you should be throwing out the garbage.'
'What's wrong with drying the dishes?'
'Willy stopped drying dishes and then went to the other side of the kitchen to pick up the garbage sack to take it out but Fred continued to engage Willy in conversation on that side of the kitchen one on one.'
'You have to learn to stand up to him.'
'That's a joke, Daddy! That guy eats kids like me for breakfast!'
'Look Willy! It's a dog eat dog world out there. You can't be running away from every Tom, Dick or Harry! You've got to learn to fight back!'
"Upon hearing Fred tell my child to fight back, I was over and between them. I first gave Willy a look of reassurance that I would take care of this and then turned to Fred with my face just inches away from his face.'
'Fight back? Not on your life! I do not want her fighting with boys!'
'I'm not fighting with anyone!'
'No? But they sure as hell are fighting with you! Do you want to be a punching bag? Heh! Do you want to have your ears plucked every day after school?'
'Boys are animals and I'm not going to become one!'
'Willy finally made it out the door with the garbage and I looked up to heaven with a sigh.'
'Thank you, God!'
'But Molly, my daddy made sure that wasn't the end of it. First he had me change out of my school clothes into a sweatshirt and jeans and he had changed out of his suit to a t-shirt and running suit. He brought me down to his inner sanctum, his place away from the feminine finery of the rest of the house, the basement! As we walked down the stairs, I saw the items stored down there pushed to the sides of the room leaving an open space in the center, In one part of the open space was a heavy punching bag mounted from the ceiling. There was a speed bag mounted high in the center as well that was out of the way ordinarily but could be pulled down lower to use. In the center of the space was a table with boxing gloves on top of it. Daddy's voice took on the quality of a teacher's as he began to speak to me:"
'Being a man, Willy, is a feeling of aggressiveness, independence, superiority!'
'Daddy handed me the boxing gloves on the table for me to put on and he moved the table to the side of the room. Then he came over to me to continue teaching me.'
'Don't worry, Willy! I won't let you become one of those pip-squeak boys, that uh, sit around all day, sniffing glue. Ruining your eyes on video games! Heh! Heh! Not you! Son! Ha, Ha ,Ha!'
'Right, Daddy!'
'Oh no, no, no! Don't call me Daddy! Call me Pop! '
'Pop! Right!'
'Pop! Right! I think it's about time I upped that allowance of yours. How much ya getting now?'
'Two fifty'
'Alright Let's make that two seventy five. No. No. Three dollars! Huh! You'll see! You'll be needing that extra cash now!'
'Thanks, Daddy!'
'No, call me Pop!'
'Pop. .. Sorry.'
'No! No! Don't apologize! Politeness. It's a sign of weakness!'
'Daddy and I began to spar around after he had finished tying the laces on my boxing gloves. I held my hands out as we began to dance about facing each other. I was wonderful at dancing and gymnastics so it was very easy for me to avoid the swings that Daddy made at me without taking a single swing myself. Daddy took a swing at me and it connected with one of my outstretched gloves'
'It's intimidating, heh! Do you feel that power?
'You missed me, Daddy!'
'Come on! It's time to get offensive, Son. Swing! Swing!'
'I took a swing into the air and connected with Daddy's glove.'
'Come on! What do you think this Harry is doing? Heh! He's just throwing the first punch! Heh! That's all! Heh!'
'I took another swing and connected again with Daddy's glove."
'I knew a lot of guys like this in the service. ... You want to get this Harry guy off your back? Heh!'
'Heh! You want to learn to impress the guy?
'Then you have gotta learn to act tough. You've gotta intimidate the bass turd. You've gotta learn to swear!'
'Heh One tough punk, bass turd, yeah, sees another tough punk, bass turd, and a kind of respect is there. Do you understand what I'm saying, Son?'
'I gotta learn to swear and act tough!'
'We had worked a rhythm out so that each word began to be punctuated by leather popping from striking leather.'
'Shit! You're damn right!'
'Shit! I'm right!'
'Shit! You are!'
'Shit! I am!'
'Gonna get that bass turd!'
'Gonna get that bass turd!'
'That bass turd! Ooh'
'Ouch!' "My glove missed blocking Daddy's blow and I was down with a clean blow to the face. I was stunned by the blow and held my head down and was silent. Daddy came over to me and hugged me loosely as though I were a girl..'
'Oh Sweetie? Are you alfight, Sweetie? Talk to your Daddy. Talk to your Daddy!'
'Shit! Pop!' 'I turned my eyes up to meet his and spoke that with determination, ready to resume the sparring.. Daddy realized that I had learned the lesson when I reacted like that to the blow. Of course having to remember all of that was difficult so I had to practice. Stephanie helped me with word usage and I spent lots of time down in the basement working both the heavy and speed bag, after school, I worked on having an intimidating aggressive attitude when I was around. I was never polite and I was swearing up and down the neighborhood. Finally an opportunity came when 'Harry the Horror' began to hassle your father, who was in a wheel chair recovering from an injury at the time.I handed your father my books. I told him I would handle this and then addressed Harry:"
'How ya doin' ,ya dumb suck' "I paused for a second but he was too shocked to speak.'
'Pull it, beat it screw it, eat it, suck it, and sit on it, ass hole.'
"I stuck out my hand as though I would still be his friend. Harry had just recovered from his shock at being spoken to like that when he was caught in the column of football players in full pads coming off the field into the gym. Alfie and I slipped out past them and found Stephanie' dad and Dr. Lopez in the handicapped spaces at the end of the ramp by the street by the bread van making a deal with redheaded Malcolm who was in his suit trailing his wagon like normal. Malcolm had given them three cans of blue paint in exchange for an antique US 41 highway sign. Harry's Trans-Am was up in the upper parking lot so that bought us time to load up and get away.'
'Harry's coming! Warm up the truck!'
'Let's go!'
'Oh God! Oh God! '
'Get the doors open!'
'Come on, Lopez! Get that ramp down!'
'Oh my God! Harry's gonna kill us, man!'
'Let's go!'
'Niceman! Hurry up, man! Get the other side!'
'We're gonna die!'
'Get the doors closed! Alright! Hurry! Hurry!'
'Come on, Niceman! They're gonna kill you!'
'Come on! Come on! Come on!'
'The truck pulled out into the street and barreling down the driveway ramp toward the street was Harry, with Luke and Smiley, his goons, inside his Trans-Am. Malcolm chose just the moment when Harry was roaring down the road to cross the street with his wagon trailing behind Harry swerved and crashed his Trans Am into a bunch of large plastic garbage cans at the side of the road rather than hit Malcolm's wagon trailing behind him. Malcolm, chuckled, being there at the right place and time allowed us in the bread truck to get away cleanly.'
'That's just the way that I saw Malcolm at the hospital before this do over. He was a kid just like that and he did the same thing to the portable X-ray machine to allow you, Granny, to use the cameo pendant and send us back for the do-over."
'Well since that was before the do-over, it never really happened so we don't know where Malcolm is now.'
"I don't see how Malcolm could be a little boy again. He grew up just like we did.'
'Or so we thought. It could be that's why no one can find Malcolm since they are looking for Malcolm the man when he could be now Malcolm the boy."
'We'll just have to update our search with the new information and hope we are lucky. '
'If Malcolm really was still a boy all that time and just appeared to age, then I doubt that we'll be able to find him unless he wants us to find him.'
'Anyway, we are home now and stopped. Molly, please grab a bundle of your new things and take them to your room. Go on ahead so you can come back for another load. We'll be right behind you,'
'Yes, Momma!'; I took a load of the purchaces in my arms and went up the walkway to the front door, opened it with my key and went through into the house up the stairs. With one arm I clutched my packages and with the other I opened the door to my room.
"Oh my stars!' I exclaimed as i stood mesmerized in the doorway to my room.
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Maybe he got into business with the SRU wizard.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna