All It Would Take -09-

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

9 – We've Got Our Limits

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

Nine ~ We've Got Our Limits

Of course it occurred to all of us after sleeping on it that even being in a closed transgender support group would be a bad idea for me who was essentially a transgirl but wasn’t supposed to be. Being outed would raise too many questions. So it was Lisa instead of me who gave moral support to Lucy.

When we got our dorm assignments, it dawned on us that the cover story was coming back to haunt us. You see we were assigned to Hicks Dorm which was named for one of the most generous benefactors to BA. It was the most lavish and deluxe dorm on campus and the unofficial headquarters for senior girls who were the friends of the queen bee on campus. All of a sudden there were 2 less rooms in the dorm and the Dorm Mother who had been hand-picked by the queen bee being displaced by Lucy.

”Molly they are screaming again!”

”I wish that they would give it a rest, Lisa. What is it this time?”

”Sophia and Olivia , two of the queen bee’s drones have been complaining to Chloe about them being left off the deluxe floor altogether. If the queen bee, Chloe, would have had her way she would have had one senior suite room and her BFF Jennifer the other with her hand picked cousin Josie having the Dorm Mother Suite between them. Then in the shared rooms her drones Buffy and Hildy as well as Sophia and Olivia.”

From the queen bee, Chloe Hicks’ reaction, she felt like what had happened to her was unthinkable. She’s calling us a fake foreign freshman and her BFF In the room that should be hers alone.”

”She’s calling Rosa and Tina, a Hispanic freshman and her BFF who were in the suite that should have belonged to Chloe’s BFF Jenniver. Now Chloe and Jennifer are sharing a standard room.”

”She’s calling Lucy both a wanna be girl and a fake senior usurping the Room Mother’s Suite.

”Sophia and Olivia are telling Chloe that they should be sharing the other standard room on the cool floor and Buffy and Hildy should be the ones stuck off the cool floor. Listen to Chloe scream ‘I’ll teach those upstarts to ruin my senior year. Just you wait!”

”How are we ever going to get any studying done with all the racket that those girls are making?.

”I have a feeling that the racket is going to be the least of our worries when Chloe goes on the offensive.

”It’s not like we can request to be placed in a freshman dorm. BA has swallowed the CIA kool aid and thinks that you, Molly are the Russian President’s secret daughter.

”What a mess!”

Just then there was a knock at the door and when Molly got up and answered it, she found that it was Rosa and Tina.

”I am at the end of my rope! What did we do Lisa to deserve this?”

”What has happened, Rosa?”

Buffy and Hildy keep busting thru into our dorm room without knocking. “

And just about the time we start trying to randomly open our door to catch them before they can do it, we find instead of them a note requesting us to pick up something for us that someone else left for us in their room.

”Then when we knock on their door, they both say in unison, ‘Whoooooooooo Issssssssssss Iiiiiiiiiiiiiitt?’

”I’m more feeling that I’m part of a situation comedy than in school.”

”These are only annoyances. The other shoe is going to drop and they will pull rank on us freshman and force us in to some subservient position or chore.”

”Can’t Lucy pull rank on them to get them to stop?”

She could but it might be buying something worse for us and for her.

”Remember that even if we have the choice rooms on the floor, that she’s still got a lot of power as senior president.

There was a knock at the door and I got up to answer it.

”It’s got to be someone we want to see since the seniors of this floor just come through doors without asking.”

Fortunately, it was Lucy who came through the door, looking a little out of breath.

”Hey girls! I’m glad we are all here because I have news. Our dorm has been tasked by the administration with putting on the big fundraiser for the women’s shelter. It’s going to be a dinner dance. The food is being catered and there is a budget for the entertainment. However the person who will be handing out assignments is the dorm president who is….”

Coming unbidden through the closed door was Chloe followed by all of her drones. “…Me! Thanks for the introduction, Lucy. Let’s get right down to business. While Lucy has final say on the decorations theme and entertainment, I have the right to assign each girl in the dorm her task for the evening. All of you girls will be servers. That should be just in line with your capabilities. Come on girls! We have other assignments to make!”

After Chloe and her swarm had made their way off the floor behind the slammed door, Lucy started to speak again.

”This is for a good cause so I feel like we should do the best we can, and if we can turn the tables on Chloe and her drones, so much the better.”

”You know I heard about this catering company who do a great job giving glamourous service like the old time airline stewardesses. Since Lucy can set the theme and book the entertainment we girls could be part of the floor show essentially and steal the show.”

”I like it! We could have the concert orchestra play big band music in 40’s costumes which would cut down on the expense to have more to donate to the shelter. We could get some really great 40’s style decorations to decorate the hall. We might have some things from that 40’s play that the theater group did which would make a really dramatic statement.”

“It would be glamourous and something that people couldn’t just find every day.”

”The theater group might help us with the costumes for us as the “stewardesses” as well.”

”Just wait until Chloe finds out that instead of giving us the worst task for the fundraiser that we’ve ended up with the best part.”

”Well the only way that this will work is if we keep it quiet from them until everything is in place and it is too late to make any changes.”

”Thank goodness you knew about the company that does 40’s style service with their catered meals. That was what turned the tables on it. “

”We’ll just have to be careful not to make any actual plans in our rooms since the seniors keep breaking in on us.”

”But we can set up some misinformation in our rooms which will make them think that their plan to make us miserable is working.”

”Funny you should say that since I’ve found out about a secret room where we can do all the actual planning and coordinating.”

”Chloe and her hive have made so many enemies that it should be no trouble getting others to help us follow through with the plans and to have them keep quiet.”

Chloe and her hive had cut down on their annoyance campaign against us. We all gave good performances towards them on how much we were hating being made peons like common laborers. The preparations enlisted a great number of girls from all over both the High School and College campuses. Ticket sales became so great that we not only had to up our plans to make the event support even more people.

Lucy got the administration to sign on to getting that firm to fly out here to Gainesville, GA to provide both the catered food but also to supply enough servers to augment the 4 of us. They were also going to give us a crash course on what they did to be both glamorous and gorgeous in the 40’s outfits and also give the best service to our guests.

Finally, Chloe and her hive found out about the real plans and it was too late for them to horn in on the real action which they had given up and they could not sabotage the event since both their reputation and the well-being of the charity would be jeopardized. We were quick to give Chloe credit for the entire operation which only perplexed her more. We were literally killing her with kindness. You know what they say that revenge is a dish best served cold. Well we did even better than that.

When I went home on the weekend, I discussed the problem that we had been experiencing with the senior girls with my mother.”

”Mom, when you were Willy, did you ever experience getting picked on after Malcolm helped you to escape from Harry the Horror, Luke and Smiley? I’m wondering if your experience can help us with the next round with Chloe and her hive.”

”Well it was the day after going back to school that the trouble really started. Tom, Lopez and Alfie were riding to school in the Bread Truck with the ramp for Alfie’s wheel chair. When they came up on the high school parking lot they saw Harry with a baseball bat flanked by his goons Luke and Smiley with baseball bats too beside Harry’s Trans-Am which had a grill that looked like a pretzel. “

”Where were you?”

”Daddy had dropped me off and I was walking the rest of the way to school so I could present a more independent image as a male. On their way away from the school, the boys stopped and scooped me up into the truck to save me from Harry and his goons waiting at school. The conversation started with Alfie who has got me to come with them by telling me:”

”Niceman, get in here!”

Once I was safe inside he explained the situation to me.

”We’ve got a problem.” Tom continued, “Harry’s grill looks like a pretzel.” Lopez exclaimed “Shit!”

I replied, “I’m sorry. I guess I kinda started something.”

Tom who was driving explained his plan. “It’s nothing we can’t finish, man. You stick with me and Harry ain’t going to be no problem. He knows better.”

”Dumb shithead.”

”Stupid Ass.”

”What a dip!

”What are we going to do?”

”We go to our place.”

”You guys have a place?”

”Yeah! Nobody knows about it. Harry will never find us in a million years. Right Tom?”

”Stop worrying about Harry, okay? The fact is that we messed up the man’s grill, Right.”

”Yeah.” “Right” “Sure.”

”Well the guy’s only human. He doesn’t want trouble. He just wants a grill that isn’t bent out of shape. So, let’s get him a new one.’

”Molly, Tom stops at the junk yard and spots a new looking Trans-Am grill with a few light pieces of junk around it. He removes the junk and cleans the dirt off of it with a cloth.“

”Classic, Mr. T, classic!”

”Alfie, go show Niceman the love dome. We’ll get the grill here.”

”Molly, Alfie in his ‘lunar rover’ starts off on down the road further and I follow him. We come to a doorway which is closed with a rope hanging beside it. Alfie points out the rope.”

”Pull that.” The door opens and Alfie wheels inside and I follow.”

”So what do you think?”

”Well, Ahm.”

”We call it the love dome. Looks like an ordinary living room, right? Me and my date just had a long hard night at the disco. We’re tired but we don’t want to go home just yet. I suggest stopping at the junk yard. She’s curious. I set the atmosphere.”

”Molly, Alfie turns on a boom box beside what appears to be a hidden upright bed along one of the fenced walls. Various pieces of scrounged kitchen items are around along with a pot belly stove and a cabinet. On the other side of the fenced in circle are automobile seats mounted on cinder blocks to form a seating area. All in all it’s the junkyard version of a studio apartment complete with portapotty for a restroom.”

”Are you tired?”

”It’s ten thirty in the morning.”

”Come on, be the girl.” Alfie commanded.

“Molly, It was at this moment that I began to realize that I indeed wanted to be a girl if I could be Alfie’s girl. But the thought really did not fully form till some other things happened later. That’s why I want you to be sure that you really want to be a girl while we can try to help you back if you want to go back. I was also frustrated that I was doing my best to be a boy and now Alfie was asking me to be a girl.”

”What happened next, Momma”

Alfie explained, “I’m just demonstrating. Are you tired?”

”I replied, ‘A little.’ Then Alfie pulled a rope which made the bed come down from it’s upright position to become a usable bed. I giggled a little and sat down on the bed.”

Alfie asked, “Not bad, huh? Would you like something to drink?”

”Oh please, yes.”

”I think your voice should be a little higher.”

”I hadn’t used a higher pitch voice even when I was a girl as you know but for Alfie’s sake I tried to raise the pitch of my voice and be a girl for Alfie, ‘I’m very thirsty.’ “

”Of course we’ve been dancing all night.” Alfie opens the cabinet and realizes that it is empty. “Lopez drank all the pop. That pig! Oh! Sorry.”

”Don’t be sorry. I’m glad you asked me here. I haven’t had a night like this, ever. I think you are a very nice guy.

”No, I’m not. ”

”Yes, you are. Yeah!”

”Well, I guess, I’m okay. Well actually I’m a pretty nice guy.”

”Molly, after that the guys came to get us after having already loaded the grill in the truck. We drove back to the school and met Harry and presented him with the Trans-Am grill.

”So, It’s good as new, almost and we’re sorry. ”

”Very impressive. I’m glad you boys decided to do the right thing. But you see a busted grill causes other problems. It kinda destroyed my weekend. And there are these bugs and things that fly into my engine. And when my engine has bugs, I can’t sleep at night. And when I can’t sleep at night, it causes me mental anguish. Do you have insurance for mental anguish?

”No.” “No.” “No.” “No.”

”Molly, we figured out that instead of just giving Harry the grill, he actually wanted us to install it and then put an hour into cleaning and washing the Trans-Am so it would look as close to new as we could get it to become. So we had the new grill installed and were working on washing and detailing his car.”

”Just one more hour and this will all be over.”

”Even Harry knows we’ve got our limits.”

”I replied, ‘He does?’ Lopez changed the subject but later on we found out while we were working out later at the weight room that not only was Harry not finished with us but also that he had a list of chores for us to do with the first one being for us to all go clean up the yard at his girlfriend’s house.”

”I guess we don’t need to rest on our accomplishment after the fundraiser is finished. That we need to do more than best her in order for us to bring things to a resolution.”

”With boys, who act differently than girls, it took us eventually after being backed into a corner with me against Harry, Luke and Smiley alone that Tom, Lopez and Alfie came to my rescue and together we beat the bullies up. But girls don’t resolve their problems with violence. But they don’t give up after only one defeat. You’ll have to resolve a conflict among girls, in a girl’s way.”

”How do I do that, Momma?”

”You compromise, show that you really care about them, you reach a consensus, and you become their friends. And only if all else fails you become sneakier and smarter than them in your actions to shame them into leaving you alone. But only if all else fails and you can’t let the law or authority handle it.”

”Wow, Momma, you’ve given me a lot to think about.”

”And Molly, if you have a secret clubhouse, by all means, make sure it’s location never gets out.”

”Thanks, Momma, Guess I’ll see you and Daddy at the fund raiser on Monday.”

”Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Time for you to go to bed, sweetie. See you in the morning!”

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