All It Would Take - 11

willy milly

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

11 – Malcolm

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

Completed Novel

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece. The new characters and situations that I have invented herein are my own and I retain all rights to their not for profit presentation.

Eleven ~ Malcolm

With so much rushing around, and so much planning before hand, we thought the actual event would be a disaster. However all of the contracted services did their jobs without a hitch. The guests enjoyed the food and the entertainment. Having so many special guests like the Clintons and Jimmy Carter had fueled our success at ticket sales. The security had decorated so Chloe and her crew ended up without any way to either support the charity or sabotage us. They were not even allowed on the property for the event since they had not earned any service hours for a complimentary ticket and the rest of the event was sold out.

"Lisa, how are your feet doing girlfriend?"

"Mind over matter, Molly. How about yours?

"I could dance all night after this."

"You are such a girl!

"Hey Lisa, you and Rosa were there by the door when Chloe and her crew tried to crash. How did that go?"

"I didn't get to see much but I really got an earful. However, Rosa had a perfect place to see everything.

"It was wonderful to see Chloe go from determined forcefulness to little girl contriteness. The Secret Service at the door put her in her place."

"Once it gets around campus that Chloe Hicks and her drones had no part of the biggest social event in BGA history, they will have dropped out of the radar of the cool girls on campus. Their defeat will be complete. ", Lisa replied.

"I can't believe that the real thing was so easy." Rosa added.

"All that planning and good people helping with everything made it easy. But I'm glad it is finally over", I sighed

The gladness that the event was over was something that we could all agree upon. Chloe's crew lost, My crew won. By girls rules, having proved ourselves superior, they would have to stop the bullying or lose face. I liked that much better than the way boys played the bullying game. The only way to win at the boys game was to beat up the bullies. I and my crew had won our place at BGA.

Suddenly it became clear to me that no one remembered that Wally had ever existed and remembered me as Molly from birth. Somehow a new timeline had started which had me being born as my parents daughter. My parents realized the change too and took me back to Dunwoody to confer with my grandparents.

"Hi Mom and Dad, it looks like Malcolm has been at it again."my Mother started

"I know what you mean Milly. When we discovered all the pictures of Wally changed to Molly of her even before she did the Neskapi ritual, we realized the time line had changed."

"We compared our recollections and found we had two sets of memories, our original ones and new ones where Molly had been born a girl." Grampa added.

"Milly and I noticed the same things at home in Gainesville and we came to the same conclusion." Daddy agreed

"I was so much a girl as Wally that most of my past life was the same except my best friend was Tina instead of Jeff. ",I said

"Jeff seemed to hold on to the idea that girls were icky long past time most boys knew better.", Mother observed,

"Both, Tina and Molly, were lucky enough to not stay in the eclipse circle so neither of them were transformed in the new timeline",Daddy added.

"I discovered that only those who truly loved Molly know about her timeline when she started out as a boy. That's just the five of us in this room. For the rest of the world it just didn't happen. ",Granny concluded.

"I feel safe in concluding that the emergency is over. Granny and I will be going home to Florida. If you need us we'll be back.

Everyone got settled in to go to bed, having assured themselves that my future was back on course.

The Agency, having milked the deception for all it was worth decided it was time to out me and blow my cover. They revealed that I was not the Russian President's daughter, and that I am the natural daughter of Milly and Alfie Bensdorf. My time as a spy was over and they set me free to a normal life with a thank you for my service.

"Girlfriend, I can't believe you kept going undercover as a spy even from us.", Lisa spoke as if she was going to swat me

"The Agency thought you would be more convincing being in the dark about my purported secret that you were not supposed to know if you didn't know it"

"I guess that makes sense because it was for the good of the US. But no more secrets unless they are national security secrets.",Tina added with a smile.

"Girl, I've been knowing you since we were both little girls sharing the same bath. You have no secrets from me!", Lisa gleefully whispered as she wrapped me in a hug.

"I wonder if things will change at school now that you are no longer a secret celebrity.",wondered Rosa

"Only time will tell, Rosa. What ever happens, I will be content just as long as we are together.", I concluded with agreement from all of my friends."

The Agency came out to the good in the situation. In the course of protecting me and using the leaks about me as bait, they exposed three different Russian Mafia groups operating in the US and uncovered an impeachable connection to Russian hacking of the US elections to the President of the United States. With the investigations over, now I could resume my true identity and would no longer need a protection detail, which is taking Lucy off of the case.

"Time told us all too quickly, Molly. I have a new dorm assignment in the new freshman dorm." opined Rosa.

"BGA explained that us being in the senior dorm was just temporary until the new dorm was ready" I added,

"The rooms are smaller and we have to use a common bathroom on the hall but it is new."Tina commented.

"I guess that if we have to be in a freshman dorm, being in a new one is for the best." Lisa concluded.

"I am glad that we all are together in our four woman dorm room.", Rosa said with a smile.

"I am glad that none of us snore." I giggled and each of the other girls threw their pillows at me.

"I am glad that the friendships in our group are even stronger after putting down Chloe Hicks and her hive." Tina observed

"I am glad we have a new status at BGA and have earned a place of respect for ourselves.",Lisa said and we all agreed.

We were growing up and each of us began to blossom into being young women. Each of us took some weekend time to explore this sense of becoming unique to ourselves. One thing became standard was that each weekday we got together at supper time. We discussed our days stories, and shared our hopes and dreams. One by one I got each girl alone so that I could test them to see if she knew my former timeline. All of them were clueless except Lisa. Lisa proved that she knew and then I knew that not only we were BFF's but also she truly loves me.

It turns out that Lucy's hacking was discovered by the Agency. The Agency intended to use that as leverage to make her break cover in exchange for the evidence being sealed and Lucy given immunity. Lucy softened the blow by coming out as transgender. With all the expense invested in Lucy, they forgave her hacking so that they could mold her into an adult female agent changing her face and identity. She was able to continue transition only now as her true age as a post college adult woman.

"I miss Lucy, when we were moving out of the senior dorm she was moving too.",I said to Lisa

"She was a cool girl and being trans made her cooler. I can't believe she is an adult who is already finished with college."

"I knew that part because she was my minder when we were both spies"

"I wish she would get in touch with us but she never arrived at the destination BGA had for her."

"The only thing I am sure about is that the woman that Lucy is now is truly happy being her true self and loving being a spy!"

Things had become a lot more normal in my life, and I was enjoying just being a normal girl without my life being filled with drama at every turn. With my parents being parents again and not just sponsors, they decided we needed time away from campus so they regularly brought me home back to Dunwoody for the weekend. Along with being home in Dunwoody for the weekend, my rules changed. I was allowed to date but only while I was home. Dating was a no-no among the live in students at BGA. The point was moot since I didn't have a boy interested in me.


That was of course until I did have a boy interested in me. He was displaying all the signs and my girlfriends confirmed that I was right. We all giggled at the turn of events that yet another boy had discovered that girls are not icky. We giggled even more knowing that the boy in mind was Lisa's brother Gary. I had mixed feelings about it even when Lisa gave her blessing for me to pursue him. I wondered what she knew about Gary but since she knew both my timelines, I trusted her. Gary had cut me to the core with his betrayal after being my best friend growing up. I had to remind myself that this Gary had not done any of that and that I did not know him at all in this life that I had now. I resolved that I could not hold this Gary accountable for the things his counterpart had done. I would give Gary a real chance with me.

"Look, Molly! Isn't that Gary Winners from next door standing by our driveway.", Mom called back to me as the three of us sat in our car going home

"Yes it is, Mom. I wonder what he wants. If it is a surprise date, can I go?",I called back to the front seat from the back.

"You can go, daughter of mine if it is only to their Rec Room to talk and either Stephanie or Tom is home.", Daddy instructed

"It is about 6 pm, so you have to be back by 8:15 pm this time. If he calls ahead for a date and we agree to it you can have your normal curfew.",Momma added as we pulled into the driveway.

"Thank you, Mother and Daddy, You are the best parents ever!", We all three got out of the car carrying our fast food bags and drinks, from different places and stopped to meet Gary.

"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bensdorf and Molly. I would like to ask a favor."

"You may ask.", said Daddy with a smile. He is such a Trekker!

"May I borrow your daughter to talk to her in my parents Rec Room? Both my parents are home to supervise us. Molly would you like to go?"

"That depends on if you promise to have her home by her 8:15 curfew, treat her with respect, and Molly agrees to go, Molly?",Mother asked with a smile.

"I would like to go with your permission, Mother and Daddy. I'd like to hear what he has to say.", I said directly to Gary with my most sexy smile.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bensdorf, I promise to treat your daughter with respect and have her home by 8:15 pm tonight."

"Molly, you may go with Gary. Have a good evening, you two", Daddy said then we left to go to the Winners front door while Mother and Daddy entered our house. I noticed that Mother had her cell out and I guess talking to 'Aunt' Stephanie.

We met Gary's parents just inside the door on the stair landing. One half flight went up to the first floor and the other went down to the basement. I had been here many times before only it had been with their daughter and my BFF, Lisa.

"Welcome back, Molly! Gary, why have you brought Molly here tonight?", 'Aunt' Stephanie asked her son.

"Her parents agreed that I could talk to her in our Rec Room if I get her back by 8:15 pm, with your permission too."

"Gary and Molly, you may talk in the Rec Room. Gary, leave the Rec Room door open. Have a good evening, Molly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Winners!", Gary and I went down the stairs and sat at a table by the Rec Room door. At Garry's place was already sitting a Burger King bag and soft drink. I placed my food on the table getting comfortable and waiting for Gary to begin.

"Molly, you look amazing tonight. I'm guessing you are hungry. We can talk over supper.", Gary took his food out of his bag ready to eat while I did the same with mine. I began eating with small bites so I could reply as needed to Gary as he talked.

"Thank you, Gary. Why have you brought me here tonight?", I said with a coy smile.

"I've wanted to talk to you for a long time and I finally have my head on straight and know my motivations towards you. Can you ever forgive me for what I've said and done? I would like to make a fresh start with you, if you agree.", Gary had a sincere, longing look in his eyes.

I thought : In the here and now there is nothing to forgive because I don't know him at all unless he knows me from my former timeline. He could only know that unless he truly loves me. I have to test him to be sure.

"Gary, there is nothing to forgive. I barely know you. Do you have something to tell me?"

"Molly, I know you from your other timeline. I tested my parents and they are clueless but I found out my sister knows. We talked about how I could make it up to you. I know why I did what I did now. There is no excuse but there is an explanation.",Gary looked sincere so I decided to let this go on.

"Gary you may continue. I'll hear you out.", I had to give Gary points for leading with him knowing his wrongs and 'he loves me?' It boggled my mind.

"When you first came to me looking like an angel, I was certain that you were playing with me and I could not let you put one over on me. I was so sure that I didn't even think about if you were really a girl and how inappropriate my actions would be then. I would just rip off your wig and remove your fake boobs and the trick on me would be over. I didn't even think about if you were trans that even if your hair and boobs were fake that they were only stand ins till they were real. I did not think that if you presented yourself to me like that it was because you wanted to be treated as a girl. Can you ever forgive me for that, Molly?"

"Gary, you were surprised and were not thinking. At least there was no permanent physical harm done. Yes, Gary, I forgive you for that. Please continue.", I reached over and touched his hand to try to let him know that I was sincere.

"After that I was horrified at what I had done. I felt betrayed that you had crossed the gender line away from me. I felt that you too would snub me like every girl that I had approached before and had become someone unknowable and put me down. I let my hatred come out to reject you before you rejected me. I was still reacting without thinking. Can you forgive me for the hateful things that I said, Molly?"

"I forgive you for that as well, Gary. Please continue."

"Later when Max and I met you in the mall. I was jealous of Max putting the moves on you and I chose to torment you to take you attention off of him and on to me. I failed to realize what that fit of jealousy meant while being hateful to you. I topped it all off with the text so I could get in the final word over Max. I hoped that would succeed in you not having anything to do with Max even if you did the same to me. I was clueless and still had my head up my ass. Please, Molly can you forgive me for that?"

"I forgive you for that as well, Gary. I forgive you for everything. Your slate is clean with me. When did you realize your true feelings?"

"My self imposed exile from you gave me time to think. It continued when I realized that I was not brave enough yet to face you with every thing I wronged you. Finally I discovered my true feelings for you and my courage and you moved out of my life to BGA. Now that you are back on weekends, I hoped to get a chance to make things right between us. Is there a chance for us to start over and begin our friendship anew?"

"I would love to begin our friendship again, Gary. Is there anything you had in mind?", I leaned in and touched his hand again, hoping to impart my sincerity.

"Would you like to go with me tomorrow night at the high school for the "Dance Among the Stars"? It is semi-formal attire, it begins at 6:30 pm and lasts till 8:30 pm. and it is supervised by teachers, principals and parents. I'll cover everything and they will have a snack and desert table."

"I would love to go with you, Gary, conditional of my parents approval. I'll text you after I find out which reminds me that we need to exchange phone numbers, assuming you have a phone now.", Gary had a phone and we exchanged numbers.

"It's 7:30 pm, Molly. I've said everything I wanted to say but I would still like to catch up with what is going on with your life.", I had another idea

"Why don't you get on my parents good side by bringing me home early? Maybe they are waiting up for me and you could ask to take me out directly. If they like what they hear maybe they will extend my curfew so we won't have to leave the dance early."

"I agree with your logic, Molly lets get you home.', we left the basement and walked upstairs to the living room to face his parents sitting on the sofa by the stairs.

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to take Molly home now. I might be next door for a little bit if her parents want to talk to me. Molly and I have made things right between us and I want to take Molly to the dance tomorrow night if her parents agree."

"That's nice dear, you may go."

"Thank you for your hospitality Mr. and Mrs. Winners. Good Night!", We left Gary's house and knocked on my door and my mother answered it.

"Come in, Gary and Molly. Please join Mr. Bensdorf and I in the living room. I am so pleased that you brought Molly back early, Gary."

"Mother and Daddy, Gary knows about my secret life. He has apologized for what happened in that life and I have forgiven him. We want to make a fresh start of it together."

"Gary, will you keep Molly's secret?"

"I will keep Molly's secret for the rest of my life. It is a very little thing I can do to earn your trust in me. I hope you will trust me to date your daughter."

"Trust is earned but we are willing to give you the benefit of the doubt since Molly has forgiven you and wants to make a fresh start. Molly do you want to date Gary?"

"I would like to date Gary very much Mother and Daddy."

"I would like to take Molly with me tomorrow night at the high school for the "Dance Among the Stars"? It is semi-formal attire, it begins at 6:30 pm and lasts till 8:30 pm. and it is supervised by teachers, principals and parents. I'll cover everything and they will have a snack and desert table."

"That's very short notice young man. Molly do you feel you can be ready for a dance tomorrow night and do you want to go with him?"

"I really want to go with him, Daddy and Mother. I have heard about this dance and it sounds wonderful. They are using a planetarium projector to project the night sky on the Gym's domed ceiling and a live band. I have just the right dress and everything. I feel that I will have just enough time to be ready for the dance."

"Gary, you ma take her on condition that you come to pick her up here at 6 pm and I drive the two of you to and from the dance. I will be there to pick the both of you up when the dance ends. Molly your curfew will be extended for tomorrow night only until 9 pm. I will go inside and let you say good night to you date on the front porch, Molly"

"Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Bensdorf. I will be by to pick up Molly at 6 pm tomorrow night. I need to get home before my parents get worried about me.

"Good night Gary, see you tomorrow evening."

"Good night Gary, I hope you have a safe trip home."

"Good night, Mr. and Mrs. Bensdorf.", Gary left to go home and when he was out of earshot the conversation continued.

"Gary loves you, Molly. He has to love you to know your secret."

"I know, Mother and Daddy. I just don't know what I am going to do about it. This is sudden for me while Gary has had a long time to come to terms with his feelings. I hope I don't hurt him but I'll have to take that chance to find out if I love him too. He hasn't said I love you to me yet so he's wise to not overwhelm me with that yet."

"Be careful of your heart as well, Molly. Maybe you ought to go to bed early. I'm going to put everything on hold for tomorrow so I can help you get ready for you first real date, daughter of mine!"

"I'll go to bed right now. Goodnight Daddy and Mother!"

"Goodnight sweetheart."

I went to bed as promised and I dreamed about my first date and dance.


My getting ready for the dance with Mother's help was a great deal of fun. She was also going to take a lot of pictures so that we would be able to look back on this day and remember it fondly. Our day was to include a number of mini meals and drinking water to keep me fully nourished and hydrated. We started with a spa day early in the morning and moved next to the salon where I received the works, including hair and makeup. I had the perfect dress bought already and Mother agreed with me. Nevertheless, we did go shopping for accessories which will really make that dress and my beauty pop. Mother also treated me to my first grown up lingerie, which I was thrilled with. I had gotten the perfect shoes to go with the dress, which were already broken in and dance tested. The number of dances that I knew had gone up dramatically courtesy of my new timeline. At just the right time, 4 pm, I had a light meal so I would feel neither hunger or bloated at the dance. Then it was time to put it all together from my lingerie outward. I felt like a princess waiting for her prince.

I was completely ready, sitting and chatting with Mother when Daddy answered the door at 6 pm sharp. We waited a few moments more for Daddy to sit down with Gary and refresh him on the ground rules. Mother came downstairs and picked up her camera and then announced to the house that I was ready and would be downstairs in a moment. I made my grand entrance gracefully floating down the stairs. I caught my first sight of Gary in his suit. He was so yummy. I saw the look of approval and lust on his face and knew my preparations had been successful. The next few moments were a blur as Mother continued taking pictures including several posed ones of Gary and I, solo and as a couple. We were promptly out the door to the car with Daddy in the lead. Gary opened my car door and helped me inside before getting in himself. The drive to the dance was uneventful. Daddy let us out at the door, with Gary reversing the process of getting me in. Daddy drove off and at the door, Gary presented the tickets and we went inside and looked around.

"Wow, Gary! They went full force on the decorations and the stars above us and the subdued lighting really sets the mood. Thank you for bringing me here, Gary."

"I'm glad you like it, Molly. I feel like the luckiest fellow here with you on my arm."

The band started playing a set and couples began to fill in the dance floor as the played something lively and easy to dance.

"May I have this dance, Molly?"

"Of course, Gary. Let's dance."

We took the dance floor and dancing with Gary was dreamy. He was great on the fast numbers but he really shined on the slow dances. Gary really swept me off my feet during the slow dances. The way he treated me confirmed what I already knew that Gary loved me without reservation. When the set stopped we clapped and made our way like the other couples to one of the tables which were on the perimeter of the dance floor. I chanced to see standing outside on the patio, Mr Malcolm Winners. I paused instead of sitting at the table which puzzled Gary.

"Gary, I need you to trust me. I spotted your Uncle Malcolm on the patio outside. I want to go out there alone so he doesn't go away. He holds answers to questions that only he can answer. I won't be long and I will come right back to you."

"Of course I will let you go, Molly. I'll be here sitting at this table waiting for you. If anyone misses you, I'll tell them you just stepped out for a moment to get some air.", The way he smiled at me I could tell that he trusted me. I left the dance and soon I was face to face with Mr. Malcolm Winners.

How the timeline changed was a mystery until I discovered that Malcolm Winners had been spotted on the BGA campus, back when it had occurred. I had questions for Mr. Malcolm Winners, who had changed my life three times now. Once at the eclipse turning me into a girl, twice when he gave us a do over showing us the wisdom of hiding that I had been changed, and thrice when he changed my timeline to make me a girl from birth.

"Greetings, Molly. I see you have questions and I am here to answer them."

"Greetings Mr. Malcolm. Thank you for coming here to answer my questions. Thank you for helping clean up our messes after your wonderful gift to me magically transforming me to be a girl which is my true self and setting me free. Why is that because just like my mother there was no guarantee?

"Please call me Malcolm, Molly. With powerful magic such as both you and your mother needed to fulfill your needs, there is never any guarantee. I knew that your mother would need the do-over after she restored the balance in her life since she was a woman in love with your father and found out that you don't cross the gender line to solve problems with it creating new ones that she couldn't have imagined. I didn't do it to teach her a lesson but she is so bright she learned many things anyway.

"Malcom, thank you for that and bringing my parents together, which I believe was your greatest gift to my family."

"Love is the greatest magic and your parents did that all themselves. I enjoy it when something unexpected and eternal happens such as love. When your mother bought the magic from me, I knew that you would need it too and you would not have me around. It was a two for one deal from the start and I intended for her to keep the magic safe and for you to find it. I'm sorry for the consequences that you had to bear because this modern world questions and wishes power so much that when a miracle comes, they are not thankful, they just want to control it for the power that it brings. I hoped I was wrong about this but I put aside my self imposed exile to watch over you and give you a way out when the wrong choice was made for you.

"Malcolm, I had my miracle and do over like my Mother. Why did you give me that extra miracle?

"Because you needed it , Molly. Just like me being a boy who never grew up, you were proof that miracles can happen. the people like those who harmed you are everywhere and all it took for you to fall back in their clutches was for you to be unlucky again. Me, I can use my magic to hide myself. It is what I must do to protect both me and the family that I love. Changing the timeline is so powerful a magic that I couldn't do it back when Milly needed her wish and the magic I gave her for a round trip was what she needed. Seeing the future is so uncertain that I dared not attempt timeline changing magic without being certain that what you needed was one way only. I was only able to do it for you because those who truly love you were so sure that this is what you needed added their love magic to my own and they made it possible. I could never do it again with my power alone as things stand now.

"Malcolm, I love you so much for the wonderful gift that you have given me. I will never misuse the knowledge that those who love me has freely given. I only hope my wisdom grows since it is a great responsibility.

"Molly, please let my family know that I love them always even though I can not be with them. Do you have any more questions?"

"Malcolm, my heart is clear. Thank you for the life that you and those who love me has made possible. I want to make the most of it ."

"You are welcome, Molly. Live your best life. That will be thanks enough for me. I must go now." Malcolm vanished and I never saw or heard from him again.

I went back in to the dance to join Gary where he was waiting for me. In that moment I was sure that I was living my best life and I was very happy about that.

The end of this journey, but the beginning of a new one.

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