All It Would Take -02-

All It Would Take

Fan Fiction Sequel of the 1986 movie Willy Milly

2 - True Friend

By Sasha Zarya Nexus

This fan fiction piece is based on the original work, Willy Milly aka Something Special; by Willy Milly Associates, Concorde, copyright 1985.. All original characters and plot lines are the property of the owners, and any resemblance to individuals either living or dead is coincidental. This piece is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended as a copyright infringement. No income is being derived from this fan fiction piece.

Two ~ True Friend

"Molly, where is Lisa going and why are you still in boy's clothes?"

"Momma, Lisa did not get that I had become a young lady and she brought clothes for a little girl. She said that she did not want a friend of hers going out in something that she would be embarrassed in, so she went back home to bring some more age appropriate clothing. Momma, could you tell me what happened to you when you did the ritual?"

"Sure, Molly. I'll be glad to tell you. Why don't we go into the kitchen and we can make some of those chocolate chip cookies that you love. I learned it from my mother and I am glad to have a chance to pass it on to you, Molly."

"Oh Momma, that would be wonderful! Thank you."

Momma and I went into the kitchen and she began to collect all the ingredients for the cookies and explained why each were picked to go into the mix. Step by step she explained how to add everything in the mixing bowl and how long to mix it until the consistency of the cookie dough was achieved.

Next she taught me how to squeeze out the dough into cookie size portions and to fill the baking trays with them. Finally it was into the oven and while we waited for the cookies to bake, Momma began to tell me the story.

"I guess it started with Stephanie and I at a dance at our high school. In those days, a girl asking a boy to dance was unheard of. The boys our ages had begun to be interested in us girls but were clueless on approaching us."

"I was so tired of waiting around for a boy to ask me so I decided to be like a boy and ask one of them to dance. I was so tongue tied that all I managed to get out was a series of unintelligible noises. I was embarrassed and left Stephanie all alone at the dance. "

"I guess that even with girls being able to do things thought at one time only boys could do, It still is difficult for boys and girls to talk. I know that I would never have opened my heart to Lisa as Wally the way I can as Molly."

"Communication always can be difficult since boys don't mature as fast as girls do usually. What made matters worse is that when I walked in, it was in the middle of a conversation that my parents were having with Daddy having Momma up in his arms as though he was about to carry her to bed. All I heard was Momma saying, ' What if its not a boy, Fred?"

"Oh my goodness, I guess that encouraged you to wish you were a boy if that's what Gramps wanted."

I knew that Daddy had wanted me to be both a boy. He still held onto some old fashioned ideas about what was right for girls was different for what was right for boys. It was the last straw for me so I went up the stairs past them and up to my room."

"I would have wanted to get away from that too, Momma."

"A bit later I had changed out of my dance dress and into a shirt and shorts. I had some astronomical readings that I wanted to make so with my instruments in hand I went for the door but I never made it there."

"I'm glad that you and Daddy are not like that. You never stopped me from doing things that a girl usually might do. You let me do and be the person that I felt that I was."

"It's because of some of the mistakes my father made with me that we were a lot more permissive with you. I wonder if you had more of a chance to fit in as a boy your age, if you would be standing before me as my daughter."

"It was my deepest darkest heart's desire and that had nothing to do with changing so I could do something but only who I felt that I was deep down. What happened next. Momma?"

"Daddy asked me what I was doing going out. I told him I was going out to take measurements in the night sky. Daddy told me that he did not feel it was right for me to be traipsing about the neighbor hood at that hour of the night. I asked him how I could be an astronomer if I could not go out at night."

"What was Gramps answer to that? Didn't he realize that astronomy was to be your life's work?"

"Daddy suggested that I get a daytime hobby. I questioned him that he called my life's passion a hobby and said that if I ware a boy he would treat me seriously. I had lost and Daddy prevailed so I could not leave via the front door."

"Momma I'm sorry that Gramps didn't help. What did you do then?"

"I had another exit reachable from my window access to the roof. I climbed down the ladder which spanned the space from roof to ground. My binoculars slipped from my hands and fell on the ground and broke. I made it to the ground and picked them up heart broken. I needed the binoculars with the special filters to make my measurements."

"I'm sorry your binoculars broke, Momma. Nothing was going right for you that evening."

"One thing went right. Stephanie found me on the ground after coming back alone from the dance. I told Stef that my binoculars were broken as if that summed up everything that had gone wrong. She told me that Malcolm would have something and led me to the basement of her house."

"Who was Malcolm?"

"Malcolm is Stephanie's younger brother. You don't know him because he disappeared before you were old enough to know him. In those days he was something of a Yankee Trader who miraculously came up with any item someone wanted . He had somewhat of an emporium set up in the basement of Stephanie's house."

"We looked through the basement looking for Malcolm, on the shelves were mundane items from all aspects of southern life and then there were a few others mixed in that were either very valuable or rare. One never knew what to expect as the inventory changed with each visit to Malcolm's basement."

"Wow, Momma, that sounds like it was a real treasure trove. Did you find Malcolm?"

"I remember seeing Malcolm appear from around the next corner as we walked through the basement among the shelves. Malcolm was about 5 foot tall and he dressed more like a southern gentleman than a boy. Behind his piecing blue eyes, there lurked a superior intelligence but when you heard his voice then you were put at ease because his maturity was cloaked in a vocabulary and vocal inflection that matched the boy he was supposed to be."

"He sounds like a very interesting person, Momma. I wish I had met him."

"I remember that conversation very vividly. It went like this:"

'Malcolm, I broke my binoculars.'

"He reached around and pulled out a pair of binoculars which were close to identical to mine except that they were even better and they seemed the next model up from mine."

'Will these do?'

'Yes! I don't suppose that you have a orthochromatic filter. It is hard to explain what it is.'

"I had no real expectation that he would be able to replace that too. Low and behold he produced two of them."

'Yellow or orange?'


" I took the yellow filter from him and with glee saw that it fit exactly on the binoculars. I had what I had come for but with Malcolm there was always something else with his deals."

'How much do I owe you, Malcolm?'

"He didn't tell me but instead told me about a special and handed me a bottle full of powder labeled Neskapi Eclipse Powder."

'I've got a special if you're interested..'

'No Malcolm, I've got to go!'

'During the eclipse of the sun, if you spread the powder into a circle and lie inside it, you'll get your deepest darkest heart's desire.'

"Stephanie looked at the powder and poured a little into her hand and sniffed it."

'The only thing this stuff is good for is for cleaning toilets, Milly.'

"That was the powder that I found in your room but it was half empty when I found it, Momma."

"I used the other half to perform the eclipse ritual when I was a girl your age. But getting back to what Malcolm was saying he continued his sales pitch for his special."

'It comes my own written instructions and a guarantee.'

'I've really got to go, Malcolm! How much is everything?'

'For everything, five dollars.'

'Malcolm, I'm your sister!'

'All right, three dollars. But you don't get the guarantee!'

"Malcolm told me that with a smirk as he took back the guarantee from my hand. I looked at the jar of powder and the instructions and imagined the possibilities. I guess I should have paid the five dollars in hindsight, but for then I was glad to get out with my new binoculars and orthochromatic filter. I decided that I would do the ritual and see what happened."

"What happened when you did the ritual, Momma?"

The next day found a lot of folks in the park waiting for the eclipse. Stephanie and I were on the roof outside my bedroom window. For the ritual, I used a fan for air, a lantern for fire, a potted plant for earth and gallon jug of water for water placed at the compass points after the circle was completed."

"Did anything happen while you were waiting for the eclipse to complete?"

"Just boredom. The eclipse took so long to complete that Stephanie who had been with me in the circle left the circle and back into my bedroom and down and out of the house."

"Did you give up? I know that I stayed in the circle for a very long time while I waited for the eclipse yesterday"

"I wanted to complete the ritual. I stayed in the circle through totality until the sun was back shining as normal. I didn't feel any different when I left the circle but I still believed something would happen and that the effect had been somehow delayed."

Before I could ask Momma what came next, Lisa was back with a clothing bag which had some hanger tops visible at the end and another small suitcase that she was rolling behind her.

"I have what you need now to get dressed, Molly. Can we go to your room?"

"Go ahead Molly, we can finish talking about this later. You really ought to get into something that is more comfortable."

"Thanks Momma. That's what we will do. Lisa, let's go to my room."

"Thanks, Molly! Bye Mrs. Bensdorf."

Once more Lisa and I went to my room this time I led behind me the suitcase while Lisa carried the clothing bag which she hung in my closet. Once we were both inside, I closed the door to my room.

"Molly, If you want to go for jeans and a t-shirt, that won't be too different from what you are used to wearing. The underwear, bra and panties are different but you are different too."

"Lisa, I don't want to draw this out where I will fret over every little addition of something girly later. Let's get me ready to be as girly as we can manage, so I can get used to it all at one time. "

"Are you sure, Molly? This will be different than anything that you ever experienced before."

"I'm sure, Lisa. How should we start?"

"A bubble bath would be nice first. Molly. Here is my favorite bubble bath, body wash, shampoo and conditioner."

She gave them to me with a smile.

"I'm sure you will appreciate them. When you get out pat yourself dry and then put on this bra, panty and robe and come see me. I'll help you get dressed."

"Looks like you have everything provided!; Thanks Lisa. I really believe I will enjoy this!"

And I did as I was directed and I enjoyed my bubble bath. When I got out, I wrapped my now long hair up in one towel like a turban and used another to pat myself dry. I noticed that my skin was a lot more sensitive now so It did not pay to be rough with it. Putting on the bra and panty was not as weird as I might have thought because they fit just right.

Doing the bra right was the most challenging. It seemed natural to place my arms through the straps first then fasten the band behind me in back. I wondered how to get my boobs into the cups just right but I bent at the waist and let them hang down into the cups which I adjusted the fit till they filled them just right then straightened up.

I looked at my image in the mirror with my robe on and staring back at me was a beautiful girl! I could not believe it to be real but I had to trust the evidence of my own eyes. I could not help but let out a gasp and a squeal when I discovered that this was me!

Lisa burst through the door. "Molly are you alright?"

"Lisa, I'm sorry for startling you. I'm fine. I just can't get over it again. I really am a girl now!"

"Yes you are, Molly. I and everyone else who cares about you are going to help you get used to being this way. I hope that you will accept our help and enjoy learning about your new body."

"I do want to let you help me Lisa. I guess it will just take time for the newness of this to really wear off. Just as soon as I think I have a handle on it, something else sets me off. Thank you, Lisa"

"You are welcome, Molly. I guess the next thing is to help you get dressed. After that I will help you fix your hair and makeup."

" Okay, what comes next?"

"Slip this over your head and hold up your arms so you can find the arm holes and put your head through the neck hole. It's a slip and it helps your dress to not be so transparent that it can be seen through and it also feels good next to your skin."

Lisa handed me some silky and gauzy material and it fit just fine like an under dress like girls wore in the middle ages. I slipped it on just like she said and it did fine.

"I love the feel of this, Lisa. What's next?"

"Your dress and you put it on the same way as the slip. I've already unzipped it in the back and when you have it on I'll zip you up."

The dress was really easy to put on and it seemed like it would fit snugly once the zipper was zipped.

"Okay. zip me up!"

Lisa did so and she made sure that my long hair was pulled free of both the dress and the slip before finishing it. She turned me around back to the mirror and I saw a pretty teen girl in a pink dress and I could not see through it so the slip was doing its job too. And that girl was me!

She sat me down and handed me a pair of panty hose. She showed me how to roll them up to the toes on both legs then to start at the toes and roll them up my legs to put them on. I stood to finish it up while Lisa held my dress.

"Wouldn't it have been easier if I had put on my panty hose before my slip and dress?"

"Yes, it would be, Molly. Now you are thinking like a girl! It isn't enough to learn what to do but also why you do it in order for you to cope with new situations that you have not encountered yet."

"There's so much to learn about girl's clothes!"

Girls get to wear a lot more varied clothes than boys do and you'll be expected to know how to adjust to put things on. If it looks really complicated then it is okay to ask because its better to ask than to embarrass yourself by getting it wrong."

"Thanks for the lesson, Lisa. What's next?"

"I got you some one inch heel pumps. Not only do heels get your legs looking good but they help get us in the right frame of mind to walk like women walk."

I slipped on the heels and stood them them fairly easily.

"That's good Molly! Take smaller steps and walk with both feet along a straight line in the middle. You want to be 'grounded' that is relaxed so much that you feel your connection to the ground when you step so that your bottom is loose enough to naturally sway instead of you trying to force it to swing back and forth."

It was a lot to think about. I got the smaller steps and walking relaxed and feeling grounded first. Lisa smiled as I walked up and down from one end of the room to the other. I finally added having each foot strike a line through my middle going forward but it did not feel exactly right because I was looking down to make sure my feet were moving right.

"Molly, remember while you are relaxing to stand up straight with your shoulders back and your boobs pointing up. Don't worry about watching your feet. You'll feel it if you are walking the straight line without looking down."

I tried adding what Lisa suggested to what I had been doing right. I felt that I was moving well and gracefully. I was so glad that she did not have me trying to balance a book on my head since I had enough to think about at first. After a bit more practice, I quit having to think about everything. I just moved naturally and that ended up being the way that Lisa was teaching me to walk.

"My but you are a fast learner, Molly. Your walk passes inspection. You are moving like a girl would instead of how a boy would. How does having that low cut neckline feel?"

"It's a bit different. When I walk, I have air flowing around me in ways that I'm not used to wearing a top."

"And how about the length of your skirt?"

"It's a bit short but it feels good to have my legs free to move without being in pants."

Lisa dropped a book on the floor beside me as I was walking across the room, It startled me so I stopped where I was.

"Oh Molly, I'm sorry to startle you. Would you pick up that book for me?"

I suspected she was testing me so I thought a second before saying yes.

"Sure, Lisa"

Being in a dress was a bit different, I naturally moved one hand to partially hide my neck line. Instead of bending down at the waist as I would have done in pants, I instead bent at my knees and went straight down. I was able to reach down and pick up the book from the floor with my other hand and I brought the book up to my bosom holding it cradled there in my arm to also partially hide my cleavage. Then I rose straight up back on my heels and when I was standing again I offered the book to Lisa.

"Did I pass the test?"

"With flying colors. You did that effortlessly, Molly. How did you manage that? "

"I didn't want to bend over so someone would be able to look up my dress or let someone look down my neckline. That seemed to be the polite way to pick it up."

"You have some very good instincts about being a girl already. I'm curious about how you do shopping."

"Thanks Lisa. What about my hair and makeup?"

"Come to the desk and I'll brush your hair back and out of the way for now. It's long enough so it doesn't look too bad but you really need a haircut to style it right. We'll do the basics of makeup. but not too much till you get a chance to get a makeover. You'll be shown what is best for you at the department store cosmetic counter."

I watched in the mirror that she had set on my desk as she applied foundation blush and lipstick to my face. It seemed simple enough that when she removed it and gave them to me to do on my own, I matched what she had done. It was obvious that I would look a lot more striking with eye makeup on but I guessed that would have to wait for the department store for more.

"It looks wonderful the way you did it, Lisa. How do you feel that I did?"

"Very artistic, Molly. You'll pass for the shopping trip. You know enough so that you won't be completely clueless when learning from the cosmetician. I'll just brush your hair back out and we can go out and show you to your Mother."

Lisa brushed my hair out and I liked what I saw in the mirror with the entire effect.

"Thank you Lisa!"

"You are welcome, Molly. Let's show your Mother now."


Lisa and I went back to where my mother was waiting on us. Momma took one look at me and then gave me a big hug.

"How do you feel, Sweetie?"

"I feel good, Momma. It's very different from what I'm used to but I'm getting used to it and becoming comfortable. The big plus is that everything fits well now and I look alright at least to me."

"You look wonderful, Molly. You look nice too, Lisa. Why don't you girls join me in eating the cookies that Molly and I made earlier. They have been cooling on the racks long enough after I took them out of the oven that they should be wonderful with some milk. I know that Molly likes chocolate milk with her cookies. What kind of milk do you like with cookies, Lisa?"

"Mrs. Bensdorf, I like chocolate milk too!" I looked over at Lisa as she looked over at me and we both grinned at each other. Somehow I felt that I had found a true friend who would be with me through anything in Lisa."

"Molly, I can't get over how much you look like I did when I was your age except with your father's genes too you are even more striking and beautiful than I was then. I've been doing some thinking since you both have been gone and before we leave, I feel like I should talk to you about what I have in mind."

"What is it Momma?"

"When Malcolm changed me with the ritual, I did not feel too anxious about it because I knew that if things really went wrong, even without any guarantee that he'd be there to fix things. Now though, Malcolm has not been seen for years. There isn't even any thing like Stephanie's basement where he's known to store things now."

"I guess I jumped into something that I didn't understand. What was it? Magic?"

"You've tapped into some very powerful magic. If you decide you want to go back at some point, I can't see any way for you to do so."

"Momma, I can't think of anything that I would rather be, than to be your daughter."

"You are going to be my daughter, Molly, for the rest of your life. So when we go shopping for you, Molly, it wont be just for a lark. You will be wearing these clothes for as long as they will fit you. When we get you a girl's haircut then that's what you will be wearing till it grows out or is cut again. This is for real and for keeps."

"Momma, I'm ready to be your daughter, Molly, for always. I'll take our shopping seriously because I know I will be wearing these clothes for a while till I outgrow them."

"I'll help her and you shop for her, Mrs. Bensdorf. Together we can come up with something that Molly will be satisfied wearing once she understands things better about being a girl."

"Thank you Molly and Lisa. Molly what kind of hair style are you thinking about?"

"I think for now just long hair with the ends trimmed and with bangs would be alright. That would give me the most options to get it styled differently once I know what kind of style is what I really want."

"That's a good choice, dear. We have an appointment for you to get 'the works' at my salon late this afternoon. We'll shop for you a good basic wardrobe, Molly. Lisa will help me pick out some things to supplement it that the girls your age are wearing now. We'll save both space in your closet and money in the budget for you to pick up some things that you discover that you really want later."

"Thank you, Mother, for not keeping the consequences from me. It's still a great adventure but the stakes are a bit higher since this can be for the rest of my life."

"I don't want to overly worry you, sweetie. Malcolm isn't dead as far as I know. He just has not been seen in a long time. He may come to your rescue if he can and you need him to but it is good that you prepare for the possibility that you are stuck like this."

"Not only will I learn how to be your daughter, Momma, but I will also make you proud of me too."

"I'm already proud of you, sweetie. You are my child and that won't change ever and neither will my unconditional love for you."

"Thank you, Momma! What about going to see the Doctor?"

"I have an appointment for that too after we finish at my salon. Our purpose for getting you to the doctor right now is confirmation that your previous records are now in error. It's better that you will be more comfortable being a girl, so there will be no ambiguity about their diagnosis."

"We want them to say I'm a girl now and that the doctors goofed on my birth certificate that says I'm a boy. Are we ready to go now to the Mall, Momma?"

"Yes, sweetie!; Lisa, your mother will be joining us at the Mall and she'll take you home when Molly and I go to my salon."

"Thank you Mrs. Bensdorf. Told you your Momma would be okay with you, Molly!"

"You were so right, Lisa. I'm glad that I am getting so much help fitting in. What do you feel we should be looking for to round out my wardrobe?"

Lisa came over and started whispering in my ear and I smiled and nodded. Momma escorted us both outside and into the car. I had half expected once we left the house for Momma to try to block view of me in my dress from the view of the neighbors.

She had the idea that we had nothing to be ashamed of and that the sooner that the neighbors knew that she had a daughter the better. Once we were all inside the car, Momma started it and we drove off in good spirits to the mall.

"Momma, you said that you did not change immediately and that's what happened to me too.  How did you spend that night after the eclipse and the ritual?"

"Of course, Stephanie spent the night with me in my bedroom. We always have been best friends for as long as I can remember. We took every chance to spend time together either at my house or over at hers."

"Mrs. Bensdorf, do you feel it would be okay if Molly and I could have a sleep over together tonight at your house?"

"That's fine with me, Lisa. We can check with your mother when we meet up with her and set it up. How do you feel about that, Molly? Your first girl's slumber party! "

"That is a great idea, Momma. Thank you Lisa for wanting to spend the night with me. Momma, what happened on your slumber party that night with Stephanie?

"Everything was okay as we had our fun and whispered into the night and we both finally fell asleep. I woke early in the morning uncomfortable and with the feeling that something had changed. I got up and went to the table lamp on my chest of drawers and turned on the light and took a peek down the front of my pajama bottoms."

"Ut Oh! What did you see?"

"It looked different there so I reached down there and touched it and found that it was both real and attached to my body. I rushed over to wake Stephanie, so she could help me figure it out. I remember almost exactly our conversation next:

'Stephanie ... Stephanie ... Stephanie...'

'What time is it?"

'Wake up!  Come here!' I helped Stephanie out of bed and led her over to the lamp.

'Now don't scream, Okay?'

'Okay' I held open the front of my pajama bottoms so she could see what I had seen.

'Aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!' she squealed of course.

'Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhush'  I tried to silence her by putting my hand over her mouth and that seemed to calm her a little.

'Is it yours?'

'Of course it is mine.  Whose else could it be?'

'Okay, very funny, the joke's over.'


You got it at the corner store with the rubber spiders and the fake vomit, didn't you?'

'This is a guy's thing, Stephanie.'

'Then it's not your thing.'

'Of course its my thing.'

'Then it's not your thing, its a guy's thing.  That's impossible!'

'It's not impossible! Its right here!'

'Well how did it get there?'

'I don't know. I just woke up and there it was.'

'Can you do things with it?'

'Like what?'

'Like ... I don't know.'

'Are we dreaming or something?'

'I don't think so.'

After that I went over and sat in a chair for a while and Stephanie returned to my bed alone. I guess we were waiting to see if it would go away on its own and turn out to be a dream anyway. Girls, we are here at the mall. I guess we can continue my story later."

"How did you feel, Momma when you discovered that you had turned into a boy?"

"Shock of course but Stephanie helped get me through that as we tried to figure out the possibilities until all we had left is that I had turned into a boy. Stephanie turned out to be a true friend when I needed her the most. I have a good feeling about you, Lisa that you will be that true friend that Molly needs right now."

"I've always been friendly with Wally, Mrs. Bensdorf. It wasn't until I realized that she was truly Molly deep down that I finally got to know her and realized what a friend she was to me. Her friendship for me makes it easy for her to become my friend. I hope that I can be the kind of true friend to you, Molly like your mother and my mother are friends."

"I want to be a true friend to you, Lisa. It seems much easier to be true, now that my true self is revealed. Momma the rest of the story can wait ... for now

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