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Cardwell, Montana:
“So, what do you think we should have for lunch when we get back to the ranch, Chayton?” Jack glance at his newest grandchild.
Chayton has been enjoying his new life and spending time with his new family. He especially likes spending time with Mr. Bounty. They have been going to baseball games, horseback riding, fishing and all sorts of thing. He was happy to have two men in the family to talk man stuff with. There were too many women in the Bounty family and sometimes he found it difficult to talk to Julia and Christmas about things he was experiencing. He glances towards his new watch, that Mr. Bounty gave him. He had never seen anything like before. Jack had said that it operated just like the necklaces everyone wore and it also had a satellite emergency function if he ever needed help.
“Doesn’t Selina normally choose what lunch is?” Chayton was curious.
“Sometimes, but if there is something special you want, she’ll make it for you.”
“Cool.” He likes eating over at his grandfather’s house.
Jack just smiles as he continues down the highway. He starts slowing down, when he notices the highway up ahead of them was blocked off by two black SUV’s. He also notices the figures in black standing in front of the SUV’s blocking the highway. Jack was glad that the highway he was on, wasn’t a busy one.
Chayton saw that the highway was blocked by five people in black metallic suits and two SUV’s. He noticed that Jack was slowing down as well. The hummer comes to a stop “Chayton, stay inside the hummer and don’t open the doors after I get out.”
“Should I summon Uncle Alex and Uncle Robert?” Chayton knew his uncle Arnold was in court today and his mother Julia was at work.
“Not unless it gets messy, Chayton.” Jack wonders what this was about as he exits from the hummer.
He closes the door behind him and hears the locks engage as he walks away from the hummer. He keeps his eyes on the men in front of him, watching and waiting for them to do something stupid.
“Who are you and what do you want with me?”
“We’re here to deliver a message and how you respond to our message will determine what we do next.” Lee Guiteau had been informed by the brotherhood in Europe about Mr. Bounty.
He was warned that he is one of the deadliest government agents ever trained. If Mr. Bounty didn’t take the warning, he was to eliminate him. If it took his whole crew to take him out, so be it. Mr. Bounty couldn’t be allowed to live.
“We’re with the Hunter Organization, Mr. Bounty and we’re here to warn you to call your daughter’s investigation off us. If you don’t, we will come after your whole entire family, no matter where they live or hide.” Lee watches Mr. Bounty. He didn’t see how the man standing before him was so dangerous.
“Which of my daughter’s is investigating your organization?” Jack knew it couldn’t be Julia. She was under investigation herself by Internal Affairs about the incident with Sergeant Bronx.
His other daughters were enjoying the summer with their boyfriend, so it couldn’t be them. That left Gina, but she was in New York handling things for him at Eruption Communications.
“Your daughter Gina Bounty. She is digging into us and it needs to stop before we are forced to”
Lee never got a chance to finish his words. Jack had pulled his gun and shot the man in the head. He figured that it wasn’t protected like the rest of his body. He had drawn both his handguns from their concealed spots on his body.
The other four agents reacted quickly. One guy throws an object towards Jack and it explodes mid-air, knocking Jack on his back. Another guy throws a silver object at Jack while he is on the road but misses him as he rolls out of the way. Another guy charges up to Jack and goes to strike him but is blocked by Jack’s forearm and is shot in the leg. He drops like a rag doll.
A fourth guy manages to kick Jack in his rib cage. He tries to stomp Jack’s face, but his leg is caught and thrown. Jack manages to kick up off the ground and grab his guns.
Chayton watches his grandfather fend off the reminding three people. One person had his foot shot off and was laying on the road. He watches as one person pull some sort of sword crackling with electricity from behind his back and try to hit his grandfather with it.
The guy misses Jack, but another guy hits Jack with an atemi strike to his left shoulder. A smile appears on the guy’s face.
“That might have been a good hit for you if I didn’t know how to fix it.” Jack undoes what the guy did to him.
Robert was surprised that Mr. Bounty countered the strike to his shoulder. The next thing he felt was Mr. Bounty’s fist hitting his jaw and the pain afterward. It felt like he had been hit by a sledgehammer. One of the other guys manages to strike Mr. Bounty across the back with a polearm that expanded. He sent Jack stumbling forward.
Chayton had pressed the emergency button Jack built into his watch. He hopes someone at the ranch will get the message. He continues to watch as his grandfather fights the remaining three people. He watches as his grandfather, drops a third person.
Jack looks at the last two standing Hunter’s “do you want to give up now or end up being food for my wolves?”
The Bounty Ranch and Julia’s Police Precinct:
Selina was watching her favorite television show as she folded the laundry. The twins were with Debbie. Alyona and Silvia were out with their boyfriend’s horseback riding. Christmas took Haylee and Catori shopping to buy Catori somethings for her and to have her hair styled as well.
As Selina was watching her show, the screen changes to a map with Chayton’s emergency signal flashing on it. Selina knew he was with Jack, so something bad must be going on. She spots Debbie coming into the kitchen.
“What’s going on Selina?” Debbie was concerned because Jack was supposed to be with him.
“It looks like Chayton’s signal is coming from just up the highway from us.” Selina locates who was close to Jack.
“We’re the closest to Jack.” Selina looks towards Debbie.
“Watch the twins for me, please.” Debbie starts heading towards the front of the house.
She grabs Jack’s spare triple barrel shotgun and the keys to her pickup truck. As she walks out the front door “Chaos, Miscreant, Night come on boys.”
Three huge gray and black wolves come from behind the house and jump into the bed of the truck. Debbie makes sure they are okay before she speeds down the driveway to the state highway that runs in front of their property. She takes it to where it joins the highway that Jack was on.
She had the accelerator floored. She was glad that Jack overhauled the engine in her old pick-up and gave it more horsepower. The highway Jack was on, was a divided highway, so she was going to need to take the police access road to get where Jack was. As she gets closer, she spots Jack facing off against two people.
Julia moves slowly as she grabs her purse from her desk drawer. She was done with all the paperwork she had to do. She hated the fact that she was desk-bound until she was fully healed and when the investigation was done by internal affairs.
Just as she was walking out to her SUV, her cellphone starts beeping letting her know there was an emergency. Terror and Sphinx were following behind her. She pulls her cellphone out and looks at it. She notices it was Chayton’s emergency signal, which was weird because he was supposed to be with her father.
It was going to take her a while to get to his location, but she didn’t care. She runs towards her SUV. She opens the doors and the Wolves jump in.
Julia turns her lights on and speeds out of the parking lot. It was going to take her a while to get to her father and son, even with using her lights. The question that was bothering her, was why they were in trouble.
Jack and the Two Hunter’s:
Jack spots his wife’s pick-up truck coming up from behind the two guys. He hopes she brought some of the wolves with her.
“You guys are in BIG trouble now.”
Debbie saw Jack facing off against two figures in metallic body armor and three layings on the road. There was two black SUV’s blocking the road and she spots Jack’s hummer behind him with their new grandson in it. Liam and Tom heard another vehicle come up from behind them.
Liam turns around to see if it was their reinforcements. He spots an older dirty blonde shoulder-length hair woman, pointing a triple barrel shotgun at them.
“That would be my wife, and if I know her.”
He gives a whistle and three wolves jump out of the bed of the truck. They start growling as they gather behind her.
“And those would be my wolves, coming to have their fun.”
Chayton saw his grandmother pointing a huge shotgun at the two men and three of his grandparents’ wolves. He noticed that Chaos was among them. He was the biggest of his grandfather’s wolves. Terror and Miscreant were the next biggest with Sphinx and Cadmus being the next biggest after them.
“You bastards better get on the ground before I shoot you dumb asses.” Debbie was pissed that someone was threatening her family again.
“I would do what the lady says, gentlemen. That shotgun can go through your armor like it was butter.” Jack knew his spare shotgun held titanium-tungsten solid slugs in it.
“She and your wolves won’t protect you from us. We have ordered.” Liam wasn’t afraid to die for the organization.
“Think about it, boys. You’re outnumbered, and I have already disabled three of your people. If my wolves don’t kill you, I and my wife will.”
“We have our back-up coming as well. So, even if you killed us. We still have people coming after your home.” Liam knew the Organization will burn Jack’s Bounty’s place down.
Bounty Ranch:
Selina was monitoring what was going on with Debbie and Jack from the cameras in the pick-up truck when the perimeter alarms start going off. She turns the security cameras on and spot three SUV’s coming up the long driveway. The radar the house has was picking up two helicopters coming towards the location of the house. They weren’t sending a security code or responding back to the automatic message Jack’s sends out.
She sends a message to Alyona and Silvia to head for the emergency bunker or if they are close to the house to come in through the barn tunnel. After sending the message to them, she locks down the house and alerts Jack. The property defenses were brought online.
Alyona and Silvia were out near the border of the property with their friends, when their cellphone beeps, letting them know a text arrived. Alyona looked at her cellphone and spot the message from Selina telling her to head to the bunker or if she was close to the house, to come in through the tunnels from the barn. Then she hears two helicopters heading towards the house.
“Guys, we better head towards the bunker. Someone is attacking the house.”
“Who would attack you guys?” Alyona’s boyfriend looks at her.
“Whoever wants revenge against our family or grandfather.” Silvia couldn’t believe someone would be stupid enough to attack them with gunships.
On the Highway:
Jack receives a message from Selina that the house was being attacked. He sends the okay to activate all the property defenses. He also hears police sirens approaching his position as well.
Julia slams on the brakes when she sees her mother and father facing off against two metallic armor people. Three similar dress people were laying on the ground. Her father’s hummer looked intact and okay. She saw her mother had three of their most dangerous wolves with her.
Julia hops out and lets Terror and Sphinx out. She runs up to her father’s hummer and notices Chayton was okay inside.
She was relieved that nothing has happened to Chayton. Julia could see the relief on her son's face that she was there.
“Who are those dumb asses, daddy?” Julia had her guns pulled and each wolf was on either side of her.
“Someone who is going to die, if they don’t stop attacking our home.”
“We can’t do that, Mr. Bounty. We told you what will happen.”
There are two loud booms as Liam and the other guy falls to the ground from Debbie shooting them in the back with the shotgun. She turns around and heads back to the pick-up. She calls the wolves as they jump into the bed of the truck.
Jack glances towards Julia “can you handle this mess?”
“I got it, daddy.” Julia calls in Highway Patrol.
The people that were still living she kneels next to “you clowns are very stupid to attack this family. Now, we will be going after your leaders.”
Julia stands up and directs a few cars that had arrived around the mess. She hopes her father and mother can handle things at the ranch.
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More very quick please
Bad guys central casting.
These guys don't do subtle and they seem to have too much confidence in their body armour.
They seem more afraid of their own boss than dying.
they think because Jack is sixty years old and has been living on a ranch for awhile, that he has slowed down and lost his edge. As for their armor, you're right. They think it will protect them from bullets and physical assaults. The problem is, they are right, but didn't take into account that Jack doesn't play fair or by their rules, except his.
Debbie is getting tired of their family being attack all the time. She knows Jack has enemies, but he always killed them, so they would never come back and cause problems.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
Heading into the kitchen
Do I have time to make a big batch of popcorn before the shit hits the fan? I want a front row seat of this.
Splatter proof EVERYTHING!!
Reminds me of going to see Gallagher. :D
I wonder if the council will be helping?
Gumby - I'm flexible
"Imagination is more important, than knowledge" - Albert Einstein
“The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds
new discoveries, is not ‘Eureka!’, but ‘that’s funny…’” - Isaac Asimov
From here it turns into
a Chuck Norris movie.
This Brotherhood
Is a VERY Dangerous bunch even to Jack Bounty I hope he & the family can find the head hacho eliminate that person & ALL the organizations top leaders. That will eather disrupt them enough to give the Bounty's some breathing room & to find out who is supplying the Brotherhood with their equipment.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
The war has started
Of all the families to go after, these dopes picked the wrong one, and will pay for that mistake. They don't realize it, but they've started a war they will lose. When Jack is finished, their organization will be nothing but scrap, with everyone up top laying on a slab.
Others have feelings too.