Wheels and wings 17

Wheels and wings 17

Character List.

Jack Thomas Later AKA Ellie Transvestite/intersexual and keen cyclist.
Amanda Thomas AKA Amie Jack's sister.
Charlotte Dawson Keen girl cyclist and Jack’s soon-to-be girlfriend.
Bob Cycling club captain.
Mr Thomas Weston School games master and keen rugby player.
Billy Davies. Rugby ‘jock’, kind to Jack, he fancies Charlotte.
Marjorie Spencer. Holder of unofficial ‘Prettiest-girl-in-the-school’ title.
Miss Elizabeth Postlethwaite. The English Mistress.
Aunty Olwen Where Jack changes for school and leaves his bike.
Mandy. Olwen’s daughter, Jack’s older cousin.
Mr Griffiths The County solicitor.
Cassandra Charlotte’s Maternal Grandmother.

Chapter 17.

By ten o’clock the girls were ready and by ten thirty they were entering the Mall separately. On route Mandy had revealed her plan to them in her car.

“Amie you go straight to meet your friends and tell them that Jack is feeling nervous and still trying to pluck up the courage. He might be late or might not even come. If I know your friends, they’ll think they’ve got advance information or something and they’ll be texting under their table the moment you’ve sipped your first drop of coffee.”

“Why do we say that?” Jack whined.

Mandy frowned as she explained.

“I don’t want you to be recognised until the time is right. Initially, we’ll just appear to be two ordinary girls shopping until the rest of the school crowd gets bored and drifts away. The main trick is not for you to pass as Ellie, it’s for you to NOT be recognised as Jack. We’ve got all afternoon for Ellie to make her appearance to Amie’s class-mates. I suggest we have a cup of coffee and take a stroll around the mall. We can get a lot of window shopping in before you finally reveal yourself. That way a large chunk of the idle interest crowd will get bored or impatient and leave believing you’re not going to show. It’s a fair guess that their disappointment will be reinforced by the texts and emails whizzing from under the table.

The original dare was for you to dress for Amie’s friends and you already know them so you won’t be recognised until you actually join their table. You don’t have to dress for the whole school and you can bet they’ll be there initially. The last thing we want is a load of knuckle rash inviting themselves to the table just to get salacious thrills ... or worse.”

Jack nodded and agreed to Mandy’s plan. Mandy was unknown to any of his or Amie’s contemporaries because she had attended school some eight years earlier. None of the pupils would remember her.

After they had allowed Amie a head start, Ellie and Mandy stepped boldly through the main entrance and immediately busied themselves looking in shop windows. For Mandy it was an essential trip for she wanted to purchase some new products to test in her salon. For Ellie it was a totally wonderful experience as she browsed through the make-up departments testing make-up and scents. Mandy was delighted that nobody even cast Ellie a second glance except to admire the very attractive stranger. The make-over had been a complete success.

For the remainder of the morning Amie fell in with her classmates generally just buying the occasional coffee then alternatively hanging out expectantly around the Mall. She found herself being constantly pestered by her friends and other pupils asking about her brother and if he was coming. Amie simply pleaded ignorance by repeating the same information.

“He told me he would be coming today but he didn’t say when.”

“Well d’you think he’s got cold feet and chickened out?” Was the most common question and Amie simply shrugged uncertainly.

Eventually as lunch time arrived all but the most die-hard ‘rubber-necks’ and Amie’s close coterie of friends had given up waiting. Most of the pupils drifted away having decided Jack had chickened out.

In a quiet corner cafe that offered a good view of the other cafe and its table, a familiar face from the teaching staff sat sipping her coffees and waiting. She gathered the firm impression from Jack’s essay that his intentions were to definitely make the visit. However she had now been sitting for some hours in some hope that he would still make an appearance. Miss Postlethwaite was beginning to lose that hope and her mood had saddened slightly as disappointment started to take root.

Unbeknown to Miss Postlethwaite, Ellie and Mandy had passed the cafe window several times as they browsed and window-shopped to their heart’s content. Ellie had seen Miss Postlethwaite sitting in her window but she did not reveal herself to the English teacher. Ellie was savouring the pleasure of not being recognised ... not being discovered.

Miss Postlethwaite ordered a last sandwich and she was chewing thoughtfully as she debated giving up and leaving. She was staring despondently across the mall when the very attractive girls, who had strolled past several times, turned and looked in through the window. The smaller girl tugged her older companion’s arm then gave Miss Postlethwaite a knowing smile. It was only then did the

English teacher finally realise. She almost spilt her coffee as the pair of 'girls' turned and decided to step inside the little cafe and order some tea and cake.

Whilst Mandy made for the counter, Ellie approached Miss Postlethwaite’s table and loomed over the stunned teacher as she recovered her composure.

“Jack! Jack! Is that really you?”

“Shhhhh.” He scolded her softly. “Why yes Miss Postlethwaite didn’t you recognise me?”

“No! My God! I can’t believe it! You’re so ... so!”

She stared open mouthed for a couple more seconds before remembering her manners and invited both girls to share her table. Ellie glanced across the restaurant at Mandy for the ‘okay’ and Mandy nodded so Ellie took her seat with all the feminine grace and style she could muster. Miss Postlethwaite smiled disbelievingly at first but eventually her expression changed to a smile of appreciation.

“My gosh young lady! You are stunning. Just how long have you been masquerading as a girl; you’re just too convincing to be believed!”

“Long enough I hope.” Jack confirmed.”

“So what’s your femme name or have you not decided yet?”

Jack smiled a little self consciously.

“It’s Ellie ... Miss Ellie that is. I’m named after my maternal grandmother, I’m glad you seem to understand these things. Thank you.”

Miss Postlethwaite smiled and looked over to see Mandy collecting the makings for the tea.

“So who’s that lady, is she related?”

“Yes we’re cousins, her name’s Mandy for short. Don’t you recognise her, she was a pupil of yours once.”

Mandy placed the tray with cakes and tea on the table as Miss Postlethwaite looked up as she eventually smiled recognition.

“Hello Mandy I didn’t know you were cousins. I suppose you’re up here for the fun as well.”

Mandy changed to a more serious note.

“It’s not just a fun thing Miss Postlethwaite. This is a serious step for my cousin.”

Miss Postlethwaite nodded slowly and comprehendingly for long moments as Mandy explained further.

“Ellie has always had a feminine side but she’s always had to suppress it at school. Today is her first small step on her road to self discovery ... self respect.”

Miss Postlethwaite stared at Jack and asked somewhat hoarsely.

“You mean you’re coming out? Going public?”

“I’m not going totally public, not yet, not wholly out. Only to my friends, the girls on that table over there. They’re my sister’s classmates. I’ve told them I’m transgendered but they don’t really understand. They just spread it around that I’m coming to the mall dressed as a girl."

“Yes. I noticed all the potential rubber-necks but they seem to have got bored and lost interest. Though I see that Charlotte is still around.”

Ellie’s eyes widened with mild surprised.

“Oh! Is she here then, I thought she had given up on me.”

Miss Postlethwaite smiled as she corrected Ellie’s misapprehension.

“Oh I think she’s still interested in you Ellie, look up there. She’s been sat at that table up on the second level all morning, and is that Billy Davies with her?”

Ellie looked up and Miss Postlethwaite noticed the subtle frown that Ellie failed to completely hide.

Miss Postlethwaite quickly realised; ‘It was obvious that Jack, or more correctly Ellie, still had some sort of feelings for the Dawson girl.’

She ordered another cup of tea for herself and then fell into earnest conversation with Ellie about her gender issues. Ellie was intrigued but unaware when Miss Postlethwaite signalled her own sexuality to Mandy. To Ellie they just appeared to share some empathy. However, Ellie could not be certain; she was still a novice socially, especially when considering LGBT issues. She did not realise that Elizabeth and Mandy had each read each other with their gaydars. Ellie smiled gratefully though for she at least knew she had two allies, Mandy and Miss Postlethwaite. Ellie was now confirming what she had been too reluctance and naive to accept on the Tuesday. She now realised that Elizabeth was gay so Ellie probed a bit deeper.

“Are you sympathetic to trans-people and stuff then? Is that why you’re so much nicer about me than some of the other teachers? Mr Weston can be such a pain about me. It’s going to be hell when he eventually learns.”

They chatted some more and eventually, the mall became virtually devoid of school pupils except for Amie’s class-mates and Charlotte. Even Billie had decided Jack had chickened out so he had left Charlotte alone at her table overlooking the lower level of the mall. Mandy stepped out of the cafe and looked around before turning to Ellie and Miss Postlethwaite.

“It looks clear enough. We might as well speak to Amie’s classmates.”

“And possibly Charlotte as well,” Miss Postlethwaite observed, “she’s been sat at that table for hours; she’s obviously concerned about this.”

Ellie glanced up and surprised herself when she felt nothing. She shrugged dismissively then concluded privately.

She and Charlotte were over, finished. The only twinge she felt was a small twist of resentment and anger about the pain-killers affair, but even that was a minor event. If she had no feelings about Charlotte then there relationship was totally over. If she had hated Charlotte at that moment it meant she had feelings still, whatever their nature; but to have no feelings indicated an end.’

Ellie had always known that hate wasn’t the opposite of hate for hate was a feeling like love. The opposite of love was, well ... nothing; no feelings at all and that was essentially what Ellie felt now, nothing. The hurt and bruises of the previous year had done their damage.
Miss Postlethwaite sensed that Ellie was going through an epiphany right at that moment so she turned to Ellie and smiled before suggesting.

“Might I suggest you go to her first? Go and surprise her. Mandy and I will wait here.”

Ellie felt unsure until Mandy reaffirmed the teacher’s suggestion.

“Look cuz, you may think it’s over but she obviously doesn’t. She’s obviously got some sort of feelings for you or she wouldn’t have remained glued to that seat all morning. Go and put her out of her misery one way or the other.”

“Are you sure?” Ellie asked. “I mean I got her dad into trouble about the painkillers and I’ve betrayed his trust. I’m sort of persona-non-grata in that quarter. I think it’s best if I just ignore her.”

Mandy rolled her eyes and wagged her head disbelievingly as she scolded her younger cousin.

“Look cuz! It was a boy named Jack who did all that stupid stuff. Ellie is a very different person. Look at her up there, scanning the mall from the best vantage point. It’s obvious that she still hasn’t recognised you and she’s still searching. It’s painfully obvious she’s got some sort of feelings for you or she would never even have come here, let alone stayed all this time. Just take that escalator to her level and sit near to her. See how long it takes before she realises who you are.”

Ellie looked towards Miss Postlethwaite for some sort of reaction and the English teacher nodded towards Charlotte who was half turned with her jaw resting on the rail and pensively overlooking the main thoroughfare of the mall. Miss Postlethwaite responded to Ellie’s questioning glance.

“Mandy’s right Ellie, just look at Charlotte, she’s still looking for Jack.” I promise you she won’t recognise you until you reveal yourself, that is, if you reveal yourself. Your cousin’s done a stunning job on you; go for it. We’ll wait here and share another coffee.”

Buoyed up with her earlier success, Ellie did as the older women had suggested and arrived on the upper level still un-recognised. She made her way into the coffee-shop where Charlotte sat still staring glumly down on the mall. The coffee shop was full so after buying her coffee and a Welsh Cake, Ellie made a bit of a show of looking for an empty table. She loitered purposefully around the esplanade then appeared to spot Charlotte’s partly occupied table. It was the only table with spare seats. Savouring her private joke, Ellie approached Charlotte and pretending nervousness, asked softly if she could share Charlotte’s table. Charlotte glanced up distractedly and nodded almost offhandedly as her gaze returned to the mall below. Ellie took her seat directly opposite
Charlotte and commenced rummaging through her handbag for her lipstick. She expertly repaired imaginary damage with her compact mirror and lipstick then deftly snapped it shut as she took a sip of coffee.

The loud click of the compact mirror distracted Charlotte who turned to glance briefly at the new arrival at her table. Charlotte wondered who the newcomer was because she was not from their school. Ellie could not resist pushing her unbelievable luck and after following Charlotte’s distracted gaze up and down the main mall, she asked Charlotte.

“Has he not turned up then?”

“What d’you mean?”

“I mean your friend. Has he or she not turned up? You’re obviously looking for someone.”

Charlotte was slightly offended at the newcomer’s noseyness and she sniffed.

“As it happens, I was looking for somebody but it’s obvious they’re not coming. I’ll finish this coffee then I’ll be going.”

Ellie wondered how long she could keep up the masquerade and somehow detain Charlotte for a few minutes more. She tried prolonging the conversation.

“Boys! They always let you down don’t they?”

Charlotte glanced again at the newcomer but she was a bit preoccupied with her own feelings. She simply shrugged and turned again to scan the mall. Ellie saw the long sigh as Charlotte’s shoulders sagged and she reached to drain her coffee cup of its dregs.

“D’you want to chat about it darling?”

Charlotte stared at the newcomer and frowned.

‘The new girl seemed to be overly familiar for a complete stranger.’

Charlotte paused, shrugged then turned to face the new girl as she gave up on searching the mall. The new girl continued.

“He must mean a lot to you if you’re prepared to sit here and search down there for him.”

“He used to be a very special friend. I loved him a lot but stuff happened; like it always does. I’d rather we didn’t speak about if you don’t mind.”

Ellie nodded then noticed a tear forcing itself into Charlotte’s eye. She thought quickly about finding some way of revealing her true self to Charlotte then she had a brainwave. She leaned forward over the rail as she appeared to spot her own friends; or more correctly, Amie’s friends still gathered at their own table further down on the lower level. She made a show of spotting them and stood up.

“Ah! There are my friends. I thought they were coming to this cafe, I suppose they’re there cos’ this one’s full.”

Charlotte absently replied.

“No, they’ve been there all morning.”

“Oh, I’d better hurry then. They’ll have been waiting for me.”

As Ellie sipped her coffee she found it cool enough to swallow and she tipped the cup back indelicately to take a gulp. Charlotte glanced at the slightly unfeminine gesture and her mental gears slowly began to grind. She squinted at the attractive stranger and ever so slowly the reluctant penny started to drop. A grin tried to form on Ellie’s face but she was in little mood for humour. Meeting Charlotte and talking to her again induced old hurts for Ellie was still resentful of the cycle club’s treatment. Charlotte leaned forward and peered directly into Ellie’s face as she struggled to make sense. Finally the truth dawned as doubt turned to possibility then probability and finally certainty. Charlotte’s jaw sagged as she whispered.

“Jack? Jack! Is that you?”

“Who did you think it was Charlie? Ridden any good bike rides lately?”

He was tempted to add some cruel remark about betrayal and rejection but he bit his lip. Charlotte’s eyes widened in disbelief as she leaned right in and peered into Ellie’s face. Ellie leant backwards and frowned. She wasn’t ready yet to forgive those she felt had treated her harshly.

“It’s rude to stare Charlie, stoppit.”

“Oh my bloody God! It is you! I jus’ don’t believe it!”

“Yeah well it’s Ellie now, not Jack anymore and I’m going to make that rendezvous with Amie’s classmates. See you around girl.”

“No! Don’t go! We’ve got to talk! Where did you learn to make yourself up like that?”

“Oh here and there, anyway, what d’you care? I’ve moved on since you dropped me. See you around.”

So saying, Ellie tipped back the remains of her coffee and stood up to leave. She was almost to the door before Charlotte appeared at her side after grabbing her handbag and shopping.

“Hey. Slow down! I didn’t drop you; we had to stop seeing each other. Everybody said I should stop going around with you. They said you were a thief and a druggie.”

“Yeah, well, no matter. It’s over now whatever you say. Anyway, I’m no good to you now unless you’re a lezzie!”

Charlotte stopped in her tracks at these words. It seemed that Jack was more than a transvestite if he was talking about ‘gay’ and stuff. She hesitated as he continued through the door and took the escalator down to the ground level. Outside the cafe she watched from the balcony as Jack crossed the mall. She could not fail to notice other heads turning to admire Ellie as she sashayed easily towards the other cafe. Then she watched in disbelief as Amie’s classmates erupted squealing with excitement as Ellie revealed herself to them. She also watched jealously as all of the girls hugged and squeezed her one-time boyfriend. Charlotte could not understand herself as she realised she still had feelings for Jack.

“Dammit!” She cursed privately, ‘she wanted Jack back ... the real Jack, the boy on the bike!’

Down below Ellie almost sagged with relief as the girls around the table unanimously accepted her without reservations. Her sister Amie went to buy coffee while the classmates peppered Elli with questions about everything. They even demanded very personal information but Ellie managed to draw the line at some of the most invasive questions. She felt she had the right to keep an element of mystery about her life-style choices and that served to endear her even further to the classmates. Mobile phones worked overtime as the girls’ cameras flashed away and messaged their other school friends. After Ellie had finished her coffee she felt a call of nature come to her and the girls unanimously decided that their newfound friend should use the girl’s loo. Ellie had already confirmed on-line that when dressed en-femme she should use the female facilities but it still caused a visceral thrill as she was enthusiastically invited to do so by Amie’s friends. Naturally the visit evolved into yet another experimental session with make-up as the girls were forced to concede that Ellie - ‘a boy’ no less- had better make-up skills than they did. Amie gave them an explanation by revealing that she and her new-found sister had had excellent lessons from their older cousin. Eventually the girls re-emerged en-masse out of the loos and right into Miss Postlethwaite and Mandy. The girls couldn’t wait to enlighten Miss Postlethwaite as they gathered around the popular English teacher.

“What d’you think Miss? Which one of us is a boy? Bet you can’t guess!”

The teacher however, felt obliged to disenchant them of their illusions and by doing so she obliquely inferred her own sexuality. However, it was not a direct affirmation and it served only to leave the girls with some unanswered questions.

“I’m sorry to disillusion you girls but I already know Ellie. We met earlier this morning.”

Her reference to Ellie’s name served to prove her association with Ellie and the girls’ enthusiasm faded slightly until Mandy suggested some more make-up shopping.

“I can give you kids some advice about your most suitable colours and stuff.”

Miss Postlethwaite took the opportunity to refuse the invitation and made her excuses, leaving Mandy and the younger girls free to explore their favourite subject ... make-up. Thus was the remainder of the afternoon employed.


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