Wheels and wings 6

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Wheels and Wings 6

Character List.

Jack Thomas Later AKA Ellie... Transvestite/intersexual and keen cyclist.
Amanda Thomas AKA Amie... Jack's sister.
Charlotte Dawson... Keen girl cyclist and Jack’s soon-to-be girlfriend.
Bob... Cycling club captain.
Mr Thomas Weston... School games master and keen rugby player.
Billy Davies... Rugby ‘jock’, kind to Jack, he fancies Charlotte.
Marjorie Spencer... Holder of unofficial ‘Prettiest-girl-in-the-school’ title.
Miss Elizabeth Postlethwaite... The English Mistress.
Aunty Olwen... Where Jack changes for school and leaves his bike.
Mandy... Olwen’s daughter, Jack’s older cousin.
Mr Griffiths... The County solicitor.

Chapter 6.

On the Sunday, the rain worsened and a gale was blowing. Only about a dozen die-hards turned out for the Sunday ride that was normally reserved for novices and less able riders. Usually, if the turnout was large enough on Sundays, the club captain would organise a split so that strong and weaker riders would ride different sized loops to meet at a popular cafe were other clubs also congregated.

This particular Sunday however, because of the torrential rain, the stalwarts decided to ride as a group and they decided their route on the basis of the prevailing gale. On the Sunday Rides, Charlotte’s father usually participated. As a doctor he was most welcome because it was useful to have a qualified doctor with all the veteran and youth riders attending. This Sunday however, the cold windy weather had deterred many riders.

Jack however was there, (as always) and he was secretly happy to see Charlotte there with her father Doctor Dawson. Sunday was one of the few days the doctor could get away so he relished the Sunday rides even in the deep mid-winter. Jack grinned to himself silently as he watched them arriving fully kitted up for the cold, wet, windy ordeal. He waved and tried to smile at Charlotte but she glared at him and went to talk to the other lady riders. Jack was left to listen on the outer circle as the captain and senior members discussed a shorter route to reflect the wintery conditions. Jack smiled with a certain personal satisfaction as the route was finally agreed. It was a route he knew well for he cycled different parts of it every week on his training circuits. The ladies hadn’t objected to it either, so it was to everybody’s satisfaction and the club set off at a steady pace that Jack and Charlotte found easy. The pace was slow because there were, two other ladies and a veteran attending.

Once the club had cleared the main road and were travelling along quiet country roads Jack asked Bob the club captain if he could do some short sprints then return to the peloton. Bob told him to take care and despatched a senior to accompany Jack for the first sprint, the pair took off at pace and hurtled down the road ahead of the club. They returned after the first sprint grinning with pleasure at their exileration. Charlotte watched enviously then asked her dad is she could share the next break-away. He agreed and at the next clear open section of road, Jack was mildly surprised to find her starting beside him. However, he said nothing on the basis of ‘least said, soonest mended’. Charlotte’s silence caused Jack to conclude that Charlotte was not interested in reconciliations either. The next mile was excellent open moorland road with a clear view of the open road and perfectly safe. Both children were in clear view of the club riders all the way to the top of the next hill.

The junior pair had an excellent downhill dash followed by a steep uphill climb to stop and wait by a familiar farm gate while the club caught up. As they streaked down-hill, Charlotte and Jack were squealing with delight as the wind and rain stung their faces. Naturally, Jack was ahead of Charlotte as they attacked the hill and he looked back to check on the distance between him and the club. He deliberately ignored Charlotte.

As he approached the top, he was still twisting around occasionally to check his distance ahead of the club. As he turned to look back for about the fourth time, he did not see the farmer opening the gate where the club usually stopped and waited for any slower riders to catch up. He only realised the danger as Charlotte screamed a warning.

Fortunately he was now going slower on the uphill and as he turned fearfully to see what had caused Charlotte’s alarm, he realised the gate was being swung open and he had to swerve to avoid it. He jammed his brakes on and swerved towards the grass verge but the mud on the road from the farmer’s tractor caused him to skid off and he landed on his butt ripping his Lycra shorts and tearing his frilly knickers. He cursed and stood up first to inspect his precious bike then ruefully to try and tuck the lacy trim of his panties into his shorts to hide the embarrassing give-away. He was unsuccessful and as he bent over to recover his bike, Charlotte pulled up alongside him.

“Are you okay, I tried to warn ... Oh my God! You’ve got girl’s panties on!”

Jack span around to hide his torn side and secretly cursed as he realised his secret had been discovered. He silently moved over to the verge and tucked the bloodied frills inside his torn shorts then mounted his bike to cycle ruefully back to the club who had seen the fall from the distance and were racing to check his condition. When they met, Charlotte’s father dismounted and instructed Jack to show him the wound. Jack tried to shrug it off.

“It’s okay. No harm done just some torn Lycra and gravel burns. I skidded on the mud.”

Doctor Dawson wagged his head emphatically thus signalling he would brook no dissention.

“And some cow-shit stains as well lad. Just let me see.”

“No it’s okay, honestly; I’m not hurt.” Jack tried to protest.

“Let’s just check lad, better safe than sorry. If you’ve got faeces in the wound there is an increased risk of tetanus.”

Jack sighed and cursed as Bob had joined Charlotte’s dad and he was now insisting Jack allowed the doctor to check him out. Bob explained the club rules.

“You’re still a Junior Jack; that means you’re under sixteen. Technically I’m responsible for you as the club officer today. Just let Doctor Dawson check you out.”

Jack agreed but asked the doctor to do it privately further down the road. Doctor Dawson agreed to this and they cycled a few yards back before Jack bent over and opened the torn fabric.

“You’ll have to lower your shorts lad. I need to check properly. There’s no need to be shy. The club ladies are watching from way back there, so nothing’s going to happen."

Jack bit his lip and slowly, ever so slowly, peeled down the waistband of his shorts. He tried to peel his panties down simultaneously and for a few tugs, he was successful. Eventually however, he could not hide the pale pink panties and Doctor Dawson noticed them. He did not mention them however; instead he crouched down and made a show of concentrating on the nasty scrape. It was bleeding profusely but gravel burns usually did so Doctor Dawson reached into his saddle bag and produced some antiseptic salve. He smeared it on the abrasions and then covered it with a lint bandage and some plasters.

“There, that’ll do until we get back. We can take you to my surgery when we get back and I can clean you up before I give you a tetanus shot.”

“Do I have to?” Jack asked nervously.

Doctor Dawson looked down and smiled kindly as he recognised the boy’s fear.

“It’s best if you do Jack. There’s cow-muck on the wound and animal faeces carry a higher risk of tetanus. Have you ever had a tetanus shot?”

“Don’t know,” Jack mumbled fearfully.

“Well, I’ll take you to my surgery, sort it out properly then drive you and the bike home. My bike rack is designed for three bikes anyway. Is there anything else?”

Jack sensed what Doctor Dawson was alluding to and he swallowed fearfully.

“Uhhm, you won’t tell Bob will you, about my uuhm ... you know? My pants.”

“No Jack, I won’t. Doctors are sworn to maintain their patient’s confidentiality. I won’t tell anybody else about it. Does anybody else know? Your mother, your doctor? “It’s Doctor Stephanie Williams isn’t it?”

Jack confessed.

“Mum knows Doctor Williams doesn’t. My Sister Amie knows and now Charlotte knows; she saw them just now, when I was checking over my bike.”

Doctor Dawson grinned.

“Spoken like a true cyclist lad. Your bike’s more important than your bum. I’ll have a word with Charlotte when we remount. Now I suggest you cycle as last but one in the peloton with Charlotte beside you. I’ll stay as tail-end-Charlie under the pretence that I’m keeping tabs on your wound, bleeding and what have you. That way, nobody else will find out. Is that okay?”
Jack smiled wanly and nodded.

“Thanks Doctor Dawson. You’re nice.”

When they rejoined the group, Doctor Dawson firstly explained to Bob to keep the pace down because Jack’s hip was a little sore but nothing serious; then he took his daughter Charlotte aside.

“No mention of Jack’s underwear to anybody right. If you’ve got any questions, I’ll explain when we get home! I mean it darling! Not a word!”

“Yes daddy, I haven’t said anything to anybody while you were seeing to his butt.”

“Well done young lady. If you ever consider being a doctor that’s the sort of discretion and tact that would be expected of you darling. I’m proud of you; and don’t bring it up with Jack unless he brings it up, okay?”

Charlotte nodded and basked under her father’s praise as she lined up with Jack in the newly arranged formation. Bob the captain led the club off at a slower speed and reset the route to take them quickly to the pre-arranged rendezvous with the other clubs. As they entered the cafe, Jack took Doctor Dawson’s advice and made a bee-line for a seat by the window to hide his wounded butt. Charlotte went to the looe while her father brought the teas and cakes to their table. As always, Jack packed away several ‘Welsh Cakes’ and the doctor watched smiling. ‘There was nothing wrong with the boy’s appetite.’ Finally they departed for home and when the club dispersed Doctor Dawson took Jack back to his surgery before phoning Jack’s mother.

“Yes Mrs Thomas, just a tetanus injection, purely a precaution.”

With this done he ran Jack home while Charlotte accompanied them.

When father and daughter returned home he took her aside for a further chat as he explained.

“Jack is not gay he’s just a transvestite. I’m going to hold you to your promise not to tell anybody because it could cause him a lot of serious problems in that school. There are plenty of homophobic idiots who would jump at the chance to use this as an excuse to attack him and he’s already got enough problems; I’ve already noticed he appears somewhat effeminate. My sources tell me Jack’s fallen foul of Mr Weston because he’s a good sprinter but he’s effeminate and he doesn’t like rugby. Mr Weston’s upset because he knows Jack’s got the speed to be a first class wing.”

Charlotte nodded thoughtfully. She was fully aware of the bullying for whilst it was bad for some of the girls, it was doubly worse for the boys. The physical element was attached to the mental element for the boys. It was the physical element that so irked Jack because his slightly feminine appearance did not improve the situation. Furthermore, because he was small and slightly built, he was a prime target for the physical bullies.

Jack had spoken about the bullying to Charlotte earlier in the year when she had heard Mr Weston berating him about being apathetic towards sport. She knew the bullying situation well so she resolved not to ever mention the knickers incident. If it got out at school, Jack’s life would be untenable. Nevertheless she was worried about the knickers and she hoped Jack might broach the subject to her. Charlotte realised that her concerns for Jack after the crash had demonstrated she still had feelings for him. Sadly, she also realised Jack had not spoken to her once after the accident.


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The poor boy is humiliated.

I hope that the Doctor intervienes on Jack's behalf soon. That coach is pure poison.


Seems to me that

The coach is pretty damn normal for the type. I remember mine. I used to cycle 20 to 60 miles a day on a bike with hub gears that only had top gear working from the time I was 11. He wanted me for rugby. I didn't want to get dirty or damaged. One kid did get damaged badly. Testicles de-gloved by a rugby boot in a scrum. No kids for him. He was an only child too.

Entirely the sports master's fault as far as I am concerned. He knew the risks and not only encouraged the sport but made it mandatory. He couldn't understand why I could outrun and out endure every one else in my school. I used to run the senior cross country (fell running) when I was a junior.

Yet to him I was a lazy coward which he was quite happy to tell my parents and any other teacher or senior. One psychopath trying to create more...

Yes, this was really typical of male English sports teachers in the sixties.

So true Thera.

That goes in spades for borstals. The wardens were mostly retired military NCO's and bullying was primordial to their natures. Don't get me started about it. I've come to some sort of closure about those times and I'm not re-opening old wounds here, again!




Jack/Ellie has two great

friends in Doctor Dawson & his daughter. But needs to talk to her.

May Your Light Forever Shine

= )

Extravagance's picture

"Charlotte went to the looe"

Is that a typo, or a reference to a certain town in the southwest of our common country? :D

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Just a typo!

Cool it kid, we all make mistakes darling. LOL

Mind you the piccie below is no mistake and that's a fact! Fabulous times.


