Wheels and wings 34

Wheels and wings 34

Chapter 34

Character List.

Jack Thomas Later AKA Ellie Transvestite/intersexual and keen cyclist.
Amanda Thomas AKA Amie Jack's sister.
Charlotte Dawson Keen girl cyclist and Jack’s soon-to-be girlfriend.
Bob Cycling club captain.
Mr Thomas Weston School games master and keen rugby player.
Billy Davies. Rugby ‘jock’, kind to Jack, he fancies Charlotte.
Marjorie Spencer. Holder of unofficial ‘Prettiest-girl-in-the-school’ title.
Miss Elizabeth Postlethwaite. The English Mistress.
Aunty Olwen Where Jack changes for school and leaves his bike.
Mandy. Olwen’s daughter, Jack’s older cousin.
Mr Griffiths The County solicitor.
Cassandra Charlotte’s maternal grandmother.

Chapter 34.

Ellie shivered as she stood waiting at the gate to platform five. Piccadilly station was never a warm place for it stood high on the massed structure where the railway lines came in on a wide viaduct that left the open southern end of the terminus exposed to the driving rain; and in Manchester it always seemed to be raining. Eventually the loud-speakers alerted her to the train’s impending arrival on time and at the right platform.

‘So far so good’, thought Ellie, ‘at least he’ll be in a good mood if the journey was punctual and comfortable’.

She checked her make-up one last time in the ladies loo, checked her appearance and strode off to platform five. Fortunately there were few people waiting to meet passengers and Ellie felt confident as alighting passengers cast approving glances in her direction. Ellie read the appreciative lust in several faces and it gave her confidence for she was quite safe stood next to the ticket inspector at the barrier. She had made a special effort to create an impression and it seemed to be working. Eventually she spotted Charlotte’s dad before he recognized her and she waited expectantly as he approached the ticket barrier. She was hugging herself with a secret smugness even as Doctor Dawson emerged from the ticket gate and looked around expectantly. He still hadn’t recognized her. Finally she called softly.

“Doctor Dawson, I'm here, it’s Ellie; how was your journey?”

He turned at the sound of her voice and his jaw sagged ever so slightly before an appreciative smile covered his face and he put down his case to extend his arms.

“My God girl! You look stunning. Is this what college has done to that aggressive, scabby-kneed fifteen-year-old kid who so used to want to race all those years ago?”

Ellie smiled as she slipped into his embrace and pressed her cheek to his.

“It wasn’t all that long ago and I still like to race. I’d be out on my bike now but this is a special night.”

“Oh. Why?”

“Shall we go for a coffee and I’ll explain.”

Doctor Dawson picked up his case and Ellie guided him to the taxi rank.

“It’s best if we take a taxi Doctor Dawson, it’s only a mile but these heels are a bit uu-uuhm, well; they’re not made for walking.”

Doctor Dawson cast another appreciative glance at Ellie’s long slender, shapely legs and grinned as her ankles tapered provocatively into the six-inch heels with platform soles.

“Yes, I see what you mean. From those, am I to conclude this is something of a special event?”


Ellie swallowed nervously and wondered if she had perhaps overdone the feminine thing. They caught a taxi easily from the head of the taxi rank for it was now just gone eight p.m., and the commuter rush was well past. Once in the taxi Doctor Dawson asked.

“So where are you taking me young lady?”

“To a cafe first, then to meet some friends of mine.”

A knowing smile brushed across his lips. He was fully cognoscente of the Manchester gay village; he had even been there whilst previously waiting to visit his daughter. He glanced at Ellie for he could readily see she was slightly uneasy.

“And these friends, I’m thinking they are like you in some way.”

Ellie almost croaked her reply as nervousness constricted her throat.


He sensed her fear and set to put her at ease.

“Don’t worry girl, I’ve learned a lot about transgenderism since knowing you, ever since your childhood days and your friendship with Charlotte. So I’m thinking you’re taking me to the village to prove your point.”

Again she croaked out another ‘Yes’ then attempted to justify her choice.

“Yes because some of the nicest restaurants in Manchester are down there.”

“I know Ellie; I’ve eaten there on a previous occasion since coming up to see Charlotte. So, are we meeting your friends in the restaurant?”

“Later, yes; but first a coffee somewhere more private.”

He nodded his head and fell silent as the taxi turned first into Sackville Street then picked its way down the cobbled Canal street. Ellie gave directions to her chosen cafe and it stopped right outside the door. She turned and grinned to Doctor Dawson.

“Well I’m glad we stopped so close. I’d hate to have to walk on the cobbles in these heels and this rain.”

Later on in the evening, Canal Street would be restricted to pedestrians only and the pair would have had to walk a whole block with Ellie in her teetering heels. She was glad they were allowed to step straight into the cafe for the rain was still driving down. Ellie smiled as the patron met her at the door. He owned both the little Cafe and the restaurant next door where Ellie intended meeting her friends later. The patron knew her well and his familiarity set both Ellie and Doctor Dawson at ease.

“Hello Ellie darling, surprised to see you here on a Friday, your regular friends aren’t due til half - nine ... tennish.”

“Yes, I’ve got some private business with my friend here; I’d like the quiet table by the window alcove.”

“You’ve got it. I’m thinking you’re eating later ... next door that is?”

“Yes, have you got some nibbles and I’ll have my usual coffee.”

The patron beckoned a waiter over and made his excuses to leave them in privacy.
After Ellie had ordered her coffee, the waiter glanced his unspoken question towards the doctor who answered.

“I’ll have a pot of tea please.”

Doctor Dawson turned to Ellie.

“So Ellie, what’s this all about?”

Ellie turned to stare thoughtfully out of the window. The rain had eased but Canal Street was still quiet, it didn't begin to liven up until ten. Doctor Dawson caught himself studying her profile and finding the odd glimpse of the once boy Jack but by an large, Jack had all but disappeared. The silence hung heaily until eventually he reminded Ellie.

“Ahem; hello-oo, Ellie. Earth to Ellie, are you there?”

“Wha! Oh! Sorry Doctor Dawson, I was thinking.”


“How I’m going to put this.”

“Put what?”

Ellie took a deep breath; crunch time had arrived. Nerves sent her headlong into the seeming abyss.

“Well; there’s no other way of putting this. Charlotte and I want to get married.”


Ellie’s jaw sagged slightly as she frowned uncertainly.

“No, I don’t mean a civil partnership, I mean married - married.”

“Well there’s nothing to stop you is there? I believe you’re still legally a man aren’t you?”

“Well ... yes - but only just. Do you mean, you mean you’ve got no objections.”

“Not as such. She always loved you. It broke her heart when you two broke up. That was partly my fault. I was very angry about the drugs thing. Unfortunately I didn’t know the whole story at the time; about the pressures you were under. I only learned about the sports issues and the rugby when I later met a school governor at the masons.”

“So, so all this time I’ve been pushing at an open door. How come Charlotte thinks you’re against it?”

“I think I might have coloured her thinking because I’ve made such a fuss of her nieces, my youngest sister’s girls.”

“That’s the other issue I’m afraid.”

Doctor Dawson’s smile faded slightly. Then he asked.

“Am I to conclude there might be problems there? Have you gone too far with the hormones?”

“I’ve stopped since I discovered Charlotte still had feelings for me. Before that I was reconciled to a lonely childless life.”

“So I’m to conclude you’re testing yourself for fertility.”

“Well yes, the doctors at the fertility clinic are more than willing to help. They’ve given me some drugs to help with my sperm count. It’s disastrously low; almost zero... but not quite.”

“Testosterone?” Doctor Dawson asked the one word question.

Ellie wagged her head.

“Hell no, that would do crazy things to me now. I don’t want any more of that poison sloshing around inside me than my testicles will allow naturally. Fortunately, they are still producing tiny amounts down there. A week ago I would have been mortified to learn that my bits were still poisoning my system but since Charlotte and I have been reconciled, it’s a different matter. I would never have believed this two weeks ago but now I’m praying that they still work. Obviously I don't have to tell you, I’ve stopped taking oestrogen for now.

We’ve got a fertility clinic right here in the teaching hospital and there are some experimental therapies they are. If I agree to sign up to their research programme they’ll offer me free invitrio if all else fails. I’ve still got some sperm.
Doctor Dawson stirred his tea thoughtfully and a silence settled as each contemplated the future. Eventually Doctor Dawson aired his thoughts.

“I don’t wish to add to the pressure but I really would like grandchildren ... and Charlotte is my only child.”

Ellie didn’t answer, she knew of these concerns because Charlotte had already expressed them. Ellie was searching for an answer that didn’t seem trite or overly optimistic; she fully understood the odds. Unless the promising research at her college proved successful, her chances were slim. After taking a long sip of her coffee she took a deep breath and asked.

“Doctor Dawson, would you be upset if Charlotte became pregnant before we got married?”

The doctor stared at her.

“Why d’you ask that? It’s hardly an issue these days. Over half the conceptions in Britain are out of wedlock today. Why d’you ask?”

"I was thinking of Charlotte's family, her mother's side."

"Oh! Them ... the outlaws."

“Yes,I know about them, Charlotte spoke of them often enough. I was thinking of Charlotte’s maternal grandmother Cassandra. Charlotte told me she's a rather pious woman, she told me all about her. Cassandra would be furious if it happened.”

Doctor Dawson leaned in and smiled.

“Neither you nor Charlotte need concern yourselves with that woman. This is strictly between you, Charlotte and me. Cassandra is not a factor here. Anyway, I think she’d be more concerned if she discovered her grand-daughter was marrying a transsexual. Besides, Cassandra’s got grandchildren and great grandchildren by her other daughters, Charlotte’s aunties. You still haven’t explained why you think it’s an issue, kids out of wedlock that is.”

"Charlotte thinks it would be better if we tried to get her pregnant before she commits to marrying me. That way she would have a reason to marry me. If she can't get pregnant by me, she can find somebody else without the stigma of a divorce upsetting her grandmother."

“A reason, a reason to whom - me, or Cassandra? I tell you, both you and Charlotte can ignore that woman, she's a tyrant. I should know, she tried every trick to get Charlotte off me after my wife died. You make it sound as though Charlotte wants an excuse to marry you and me to give my permission. That makes me sound like some sort of ogre.”

Ellie explained.

“It was her idea not mine. She felt if she was pregnant by me, your grand-parenting hopes would be fulfilled and you’d have no objections. She’s something of an old fashioned girl when it comes to being your daughter. She doesn’t want to disappoint you. Daughterly obligations and all that.”

Doctor Dawson let out an impromptue snort of disbelief.

“Old fashioned! Are you serious!? This is the same Charlotte we’re talking about isn’t it? The girl who was censured by the local press last year for her antics during rag week ... my ‘wild-child’ daughter.”

Ellie gaped slightly stupidly.

“What! You mean she’s not the little goodie-two-shoes she has me to believe?”

Doctor Dawson released a soft laugh as he explained.

“Charlotte!? A goodie-two-shoes? No way! I saw the pictures of her in the local paper on Rag day; she was in the rag parade dressed as a mermaid and a pretty skimpy one at that!!”

Ellie wagged her head in some surprise before explaining.

“Well, that’s what Charlotte told me; she doesn’t want to disappoint you ... her feelings, not mine.”

It was Doctor Dawson’s turn for his jaw to sag.

“Well I’ll be buggered! She’s actually thinking of me.”

Doctor Dawson wagged his head and turned to dab his eye. Ellie gently gripped his other hand.

“She thinks a lot of you, don’t forget, you’re her dad; her only immediate family. She told me she’s just as fearful of a lonely old age as you are. She wants children”

Doctor Dawson's tears dried up and he chuckled.

“Why the cheeky little minx. Is that what she said?”

“Yes. She thought if she presented you with a pregnancy you’d have to let her marry me whilst fulfilling her obligations to you and your sincerest hopes.”

“Why the scheming little minx. Just wait until I see her tomorrow.”

He grinned at Ellie who realised the remark implied benign intent. Ellie relaxed and smiled back.

“So you’ve no objections to her plan then?”

Doctor Dawson’s smile widened and he took Ellie’s slender fingers.

“None at all Ellie; I know she still loves you and she’ll be happy with you. Marry her anytime you like, pregnant or not.”

As Ellie sighed with relief, a commotion in the street notified her of the approaching gang of her transgendered friends. She looked down from their window and nodded towards them. Doctor Dawson followed her gaze as Ellie advised him.

“Those are my friends down in the street, would you like to meet them. They meet next door most weekday nights. I usually join them on Wednesdays for the discussion group and action committee after I’ve been for a bike-ride. They’ll be pleased to see me at the on a Friday for a change, that's the social night when we let our hair down. Normally I don’t stop for long though, then I go home quite early to finish my studies and stuff, you know how tough a medical degree is. Tonight, I'll make an exception if you want. You don't mind meeting them do you, they're actually very decent people.”

"Of course I'd like to meet them Ellie. If they are your friends you shouldn't have to hide them from your family, especially your future father-in-law."

Doctor Dawson smiled again then nodded and stood up indicating that he was positively looking forward to the encounter. Ellie took more comfort from his enthusiasm.


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