Dee 2

I got listening to a song and well I sorta went wild on this instead of Belle chapter 8.. enjoy.

"Dee take care of table 3 they are out of gravy."says the guy in the chefs hat. He is a newbie never seen him at one of these gigs before. Which is no surprise. Most letter chefs do a gig like this only if they are piss broke.

"Kay."I respond back. The gravy pitcher on its warming pad is easy enough to carry, walking in the stupid skirt with flat shoes that have almost no grip on grass is another story. My other hand is out to balance me at points with its red fingers. The bruises/cut/blisters I got from playing around on Jen's guitar still kinda hurt. Since I'm a guy I tough it out, no really we just don't have any bandaids at home so I don't really have much choice in that regard. I'm right handed so I almost never use my left anyways so it's not a big deal. They will heal up eventually.

I know Karen's mom is working on something that will let me and my 'baby' fingers play in the meantime. She won't tell me what it is though. The fittings are embarressing enough. The first costume fitting at Jen's was a bit embarressing as the costume is well...

Have you ever seen that old anime called Sailor Moon? Okay well picture that costume with the long elbow gloves, the flary skirt, the whole sailor top in different colors for each person. Margie's costume was to be Sailor Venus... or close too anyways. I just happen to fit it mostly okay. I didn't really see anything wrong with it, well aside from the fact that my belly button is bared for all to see. Yeah about that see unlike the anime from below the err bust to the skirt top its bare. The top shows alot of cleavage too. More than I like as you can see the crack between the two instead of totally covering it like the anime did. Still has the big bow thing at the joining though. My err breasts were a bit squished though so Karen's mom is doing some adjusting.

I was adament that I did not want to recognized by anyone so the girls all huddled and came up with the idea to dye my normally shit brown hair, okay they call it dark auburn, hair to honey blond with a washout dye that wont hurt my hair. They also tried some stage makeup to give my right eye this big star pattern in black that goes from my nose to about a finger width outside of my eye and is round. It looks pretty good but the big thing was the look totally changed my appearance.

Tomorrow night I get to go for a final fitting and then the day after that is the big airband concert at school. Well talent show but really its an airband concert for some girl at school who broke her leg or something. Raise money and all that. I don't get it and never really cared before. I know the girls have been working at playing alot though Jen and Karen haven't even been in school the last three days.

Jen gave me an mp3 player to listen to the songs we will be playing. I like the Ac/dc Shiny Dressed Man one since I can let go on the guitar again. Just thinking about it makes my heart ache. Joan Jett, some other bands that are older mostly girl bands. The songs are all kinda upbeat and dancy types. We are only supposed to play one maybe two songs at most before we are booed offstage, its how its gonna be judged some old show gunk or gonk or something. Still Jen plans for everything apparently.

"Here is your gravy." and I pour the gravy into the gravy pitcher for the wedding party. I do the little twist thing as I finish so that it doesn't drip all over the tablecloth. Aside from making room for me the party ignores me totally as usual. Which is fine by me. Getting 'Thank you miss' or 'Good girl!' just is so wrong on so many levels. The little flower girl in the pink lacy dress with a ton of petticoats just stares at my chest with envy. Sigh there is always one.

My braid swings around as it is a single braid down my back tonight. Sometimes Mom or sis do the whole play with the braid into the rest of my hair thing. It's really freaky how girly it makes me look so I prefer the single braid down the back thing over that. I know its still somewhat girly but some guys have that braid as well. I just remind myself that one day the doctors will figure out what is going on with me and maybe I can get back to being a guy.

I go back to the main dinner tent with the gravy pitcher to be put back on its warming pad. I sit down on the chair and nibble on a piece of baked ham from my plate. The one nice thing about being a server at these functions is that we get to have a nice plate during the meal to munch on. The bad part is having to sit like a girl which squishes my nuts painfully. I need to rearrange things down there a bit, which I don't have time to do right now while wearing the stupid skirt. The potatoes are good, mashed with some bits of bacon and spices. The ham is juicy and has that strong ham taste of wood smoked not the fake tangy one that is like super sweet. There is some chicken that is not too dry, rice, salad of course with vinaigrette. Its a nice meal if a bit on the light side. As staff we have choice of water, juice(no idea what kinda but I don't like the smell of it)coffee or tea. The soda pop that one would normal find at these events is absent. No turkey so if we get leftovers for takehome they would be maybe some ham, the salad, and the soup that nobody even really ate.

The desert for a wedding is of course the wedding cake which has not yet been cut by the bride and groom. Not that I want any anyways. Its diabetic cake, so no real sugar but that sorbal stuff instead, which taste like crap to me.

"Dee table 6 needs water." and I'm off with the pitcher of ice water to replace the old one. Gives me time to think though. Jen and Karen are all excited about the show. I know that Margie has told me at school that they are planning something to make me not feel out of place for the show as well. I wonder what that is as she won't tell me.

The rest of the evening is cleaning up after the revelers while they consume judicious amounts of alcohol, which I cannot drink, and leaving various pieces of clothing in spots they are sure to lose them if we don't pick them up. It seems I'm not alone in the distaste for the cake as most of it remains untouched. Of course I spilled stuff all over my white blouse and had to change it at the van. Oh the van well the sponser/organizer who does the events for people has this van where we can swap out blouses,skirts if they get stained, we get charged out of our pay for the cleaning of the stuff and we only get to keep on set at home each time but they are supplied. I hate him as I preferred my old suit of white shirt pants, you know boy stuff.

His lame explanation was that people expect the girls to wear skirts and blouses at these things. It's the stated uniform for the female staff. Hence I could get not get called to work again, along with mom and sis which I can't do to them. They guy is a prick plain and simple. If we didn't need the money badly I would just walk away. At least he can't make me wear any makeup. The earrings, which are studs and tiny, are a concession on the femininity sis came up with.

I don't wear them everyday maybe once a week or so if that so my holes are not really all that noticeable. The girls at school are always wondering, but to polite to ask ...most of the time, why I don't dress up for school. I used to tape down my chest but that was uncomfortable and everyone knew I had breasts anyways so it was also pointless. I wear a sports bra instead, which is about as boyish as I can get them. So aside from the bra and panties I wear boy style jeans and a hoodie over a plain white or blue dress shirt with long sleeves.

I have pocket protectors at home in a nice plastic clear case. I'd be nuts to wear them to school. The most I have ever had for facial hair is like 3 black hairs and some peach fuzz. Had being the operative word. They got removed via a waxing before one of the events and never grew back. Everyday I see all the other boys with mustaches, well they try, or beard shadows and stuff and can't help but be jealous. The only jealous looks I get are from girls I would rather be able to date.

Oh come on lets face it I look...cute in a girl way. The girls at school see me as competition not as the opposite sex, even if they know better intellectually.
The doctors say that its possible to get the breasts removed when I stop growing. Till then it's inadvisable to have them removed. They say that if it becomes a serious problem then they can be removed. I would need to see a shrink for that, which costs money we don't have, and is not really therefore possible.

For the most part it really isn't a problem. I don't really get treated that bad or teased much. Some kids have bully problems but I don't. I'm not a leper or have some disease so I get along with kids at school. It's just it's all girls that befriend me instead of boys who shun me or try to get me to go on dates with them.

I do not want to know any makeup tricks. Yes I do know something about how to put on this or that makeup but honestly I hate the stuff. I mean really it seems so fake and all. Yeah I know bit of a hypocrite as I asked to be made unrecognizable for the show but that's like stage makeup. You know like actors wear?

School the next day was more of the same old thing where people mostly ignored me or asked me if I knew what the girls were gonna do for the show. Oh that well Jen, Margie, Karen and Sam just didn't tell anyone that Margie wouldn't be playing. Hence as far as anyone knows, and I really prefer it that way, I'll just be at home as usual. Since most of the kids at school don't know how long my hair really is, I keep it tucked down my shirts, they shouldn't really know who will be on stage. The kids know I got long hair and that I tuck it down my shirt but that's it.

You see my hair is almost to my ass and full. Some woman somewhere specifically wants my hair to be long, actually a bit longer yet about another 6 inches, for a wig to replace her lost hair. She had cancer and the chemo ruined it. For now she is using some cheap wig that looks like a wig. I'm not a wig person but apparently it needs to be a certain length because of tieing and stuff to be a shoulder length bob. Not to mention leaving me with some hair. My shampoo is free and so is my conditioner so I can't complain. Still $600 for a bit of work is alot of money we can really use. Sis is also trying to grow hers out for donation but things keep happening to it.

At the end of the day Jen , as per previous arranged cue, asks me for some help on some homework and then Karen comes up and does the whole girlfriend greet thing while at first ignoring me. Then its a go to her house for the study session. Really its just a bit of play acting so nobody knows. Its sneaky and mean to the other students. I love it.

The final fitting is pretty good as far as the skimpy costume goes. At least I don't feel so squished anyways. They tell me how cute I look and how hot I will look tomorrow. Margie is to stay home, she got caught smoking a cigarette and her parents are punishing her, so tomorrow I won't be Dee at school. I'll be the mysterious Sailor Venus or Sailor V for short. Yeah as part of the whole contest those in it can wear the costume all day. This should be interesting to say the least. The bow thing at the bust makes me look bigger than normal.

The other girls get changed into there outfits while Karen's mom shows me the special gloves she made just for me to be able to play. The tips have some plastic hidden under the fabric to help protect my fingers. I go to the basement where the instruments are stored for now and try the guitar. It's doable I can't quite feel the strings as before but within a few minutes I get the trick of it. I get so absorbed in the guitar and picking away that I don't see the other girls come in and sit down or stand at there instruments.

Its kind of a shock to see them all done up as none of them are all that recognizable. Jen is sporting pink hair and has a teddy bear around her eye. Karen has a rose around her eye, and Sam the drummer has a skull on hers which goes with her black hair and makes her look wicked. I click the switch on the guitar and strum up something. Sam, who I have never see play drums before , goes nuts once she recognizes the tune on the drums. So does Karen on the keyboard and Jen who is on the other guitar.

If you have ever seen a cartoon called Ironman Armored Adventures. The theme song at the beginning? Well thats what we got into playing but we fleshed it out and changed one or two lyrics. Like teenaged to tragic and little things. It became an Ironman song for even the movies and sounded so cool.

What I had to test out the gloves!

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