Womanless wedding. Version 1

This is a different story to the womanless contest so don't get confused yet.
This story takes you through two kids growing up till events conspire to bring them together in a happy union.
Also for your amusement, but mostly for my friend, Naci Rema, this story has been rewritten with an american background.

I have know Terry since we were kids, we played in the same street, went to the same school got up to similar things when we were little. As we grew up I got good at sport while Terry just did not seem to grow, in fact out of the class we were in he was always the smallest boy, by the middle of senior school he was best described as a runt, the weakest smallest of the bunch. It was always his skill at imitating teachers that kept him out of trouble though, other boys would have been picked on, but he managed to stay on the right side of the bullies, and off course he had me as a friend who could stick up for him if no one knew the playground rules. The other difference between us was our home life, my parents might have started in the same area as Terry's family but they worked hard and we moved into better houses until we had a big house with separate bedrooms with en suites, it was luxury compared to Terry's house, he did have his own room, but that was because he was an only child, the house was tiny but his mother was always sick, she walked with a stick and looked pale most of the time. I suppose having to look after your mum and not being any good at sport lead to Terry getting teased, but he handled it well and clearly felt that to look after his mum was more important than being seen with the right people at school.

We even ended up going to the same college, I was going to do an engineering course, Terry was entered for A levels with a dream of university. The friendship was not as close because we only meet in the refractory but if we were there at the same time we would sit and chat. A very significant event occurred about February, while in a queue for our food I was stood reading a notice board with Terry and we both read the advert for a 'Womanless Beauty Contest', Neither of knew what one was so read about how this american idea was coming to the UK and the students union wanted to be one of the first to try it out on the British public. We were eating our cold pizza and cokes without saying much until I blurted out, 'You should have a go, reckon you could look like a girl.' He just said 'No way' but I ploughed on with ideas, I could get some clothes off my sister, his mum though frail, never looked anything but well dressed so would be able to help in making him look good, and there was prize money, something I knew Terry had little off as he did not have any time for a part time job like many of our friends. I kept on pressuring him though I was not sure quite why, in the end making him promise to tell his mother about the contest and see what she thought of it. He was never a strong willed lad and relented at this saying he would ask his mum what she thought.

I am not sure how long it was until we saw each other again but it was not immediately, and it was not me who brought the subject up but Terry. He had mentioned the contest to his mum and she was keen for him to have a go. I could tell this was not the answer he had wanted, but he had promised me to ask her and now he had promised her to let me know the outcome. Before the day was over he was sunk, we had been to the union office filled in an entry form, and I had paid the fee. Our little Terry was going to be in this pageant for definite now. The date was four weeks away just before the easter break, so we had time to prepare and plan for his performance.

My first job was to ask my sister if I could have some cast offs, when she asked what for, I was honest and she looked at me with a funny smirk on her face, but agreed, I swore they were not for me but for Terry who was out to win some cash. I left her room with several bags of clothes that had I no idea she had, and an offer to help with getting Terry to look like a girl if it was needed, I told her it might be an offer we take up, and left it at that. Next I took a trip to Terry's house to find him cleaning the kitchen, his mother was sitting in a chair watching TV. I was greeted as always with a smile but she never got up, just tucked her pill boxes out of sight. Terry came through with his yellow rubber gloves on looking strangely feminine already. I told them about the bags of clothes and saw in Terry's eyes a resigned look. I was invited to stop, but after a polite chat got up and left. Terry and his mum said they would sort through the bags and see what there was.

I would have loved to stop and be a fly on the wall as he tried on Maria's cast offs but I could not find a good excuse for stopping, so had to make do with an update when we meet at college two days later. In a hushed whisper he let me know they had been through everything, almost everything had been tried on, and he now had more girl clothes than boy stuff hanging in his wardrobe, I said that was excellent for some reason I never worked out. Then he produced a list of things he would need if he was to look anything like female. Shoes, my sisters nor his mothers were the right size, make up, his mum had some but not the right sort apparently, his mother did however have a wig and some fake breasts, cancer jumped to mind but I did not wish to pry in case I was right. I was getting carried away with the whole thing by this stage and offered to buy some shoes and ask Maria for make up and advice. Maybe this was going to hurt my pocket as much as it would hurt Terry's male ego, time would only tell.

That Saturday found me round at Terry's again, this time was very different, his mum answered the door with a big smile on her face, a peck on my cheek and I was ushered into the living room. I was sitting down wondering what to expect next when Mrs Jones called upstairs 'Come on Teresa it is only Brian, come on down and show him how good you look.' First thing I had not expected was that Terrance as his mum always called him would now be Teresa, the next was the person who stood at the doorway, head bowed looking very nervous, 'come on Teresa, let our guest see you' Terry stood in front of me and I was speechless, wearing a long silver top, a pair of tight shorts, shimmery tights was only the start, the chest on 'her' was just right, later I was told a C cup, the hair was a long mousy bob cut and when she looked up I could see the minimal make up had made a difference to the boyish face. From that moment on I knew Terry or Teresa would be a hit at the contest, but more than that I found the thought of Terry dressed like this unnervingly appealing, I had had girlfriends before, and I had looked at girls and rated them on an attractive scale, but Terry just looked fantastic. I wanted to say how good he looked but it seemed wrong for me to say something I would say to a girl when the words were meant for a boy. His mum had no such hang ups and enthused about her daughter who dutifully went of to make us all a drink, rather like he would have done anyway, but dressed as a girl he just seemed more in the role than before.

We chatted about what Teresa would need to go any further, and as I had told Terry before I would pay for anything extra that was needed, she patted my hand and thanked me for my support. She made plans for me and Terry to go shopping the next day for shoes, and if Maria did not have spare make up then we should buy some. I was wondering how two boys might get away with shopping for girls stuff, but that was something to be overcome if this idea was going to succeed. After a respectable time we left Mrs Jones on her own and I went upstairs to Terry's room, it was transformed, my sisters clothes were hung up all over the room and in front of a mirror was the few make up bottles he had used. I started of with 'wow, I thought it would just be wear a dress on the day'
Terry looked down at the floor. 'It is not that easy, she is really enjoying this project it has given her a bit of a perk up, but she says I need to get used to the ways of femininity if I am to make the most of this contest'
'Which means?' I asked
'I need to live as a girl as much as possible, immerse myself into the role so when I walk out on stage I think of myself as Teresa and not Terrance.'
'She seems sure'
'If I was to say you already look great, would that be wrong?'
'guess not, do you think this all a bit pervy?'
Quickly I replied 'No, just fun isn't it' I was not going to admit to my earlier thoughts that I had felt attracted to him.
He changed the subject to college and who was going out with who, but after a while he asked which girls did I find attractive, soon he condensed it down to the ones who have nice legs, show off their chests and do their face and hair nice, a typical bloke he said. I asked what did he expect, he suggested I might look for friendship, a common bond, why were looks so important, because that is what we see first I said. But quickly followed it up with, 'with us though it is friendship, a common past and now a common purpose'
'And you are not just saying that because I have nice legs and a good pair up here' he was teasing me I knew, which was good as it meant he was relaxing in his new look.
'The nice tits do help, and when you wear a mini skirt I'll pass judgement on the legs, OK' for that comment I got a playful slap, not a hard boy strength impact more a gentle affectionate, don't tease me tap.
I looked in his eyes 'Teresa or Terry?'
'Mum says it should be Teresa when I am home or in a skirt'
'I think your mum is right Teresa, if you practice you will make an excellent womanless beauty'

Nothing much else happened that evening, but I had arranged to meet up in town at eleven on the Sunday to buy him some shoes. He was there looking nervous again but not nearly as pretty in his boy stuff.
His first words 'mum thinks I need some new underwear as well, if you can afford it' I did not answer so he continued 'just panties really and maybe a bra'
'I see'
'Hope you don't mind but the benefit cheque has not come this week'
'She said the undies will be easy, just say they are for a girlfriend'
'Easy? buying lingerie, I think not'
The knickers were surprisingly easy, we went into a big store, blushing a lot as we walked along the racks of soft pretty underwear, picked some in Terry's size then went to the till and mumbled something about them being for my girlfriend, which made the assistant say 'I hope she appreciates how embarrassed you are getting these things for her' I just went bright red and paid. Terry meanwhile had worked out how to try on shoes. We avioded proper shoe shops and went for the stores with rack upon rack of stock, he would slip his shoe off revealing a foot encased in girls tights and try on the shoe while I looked out for anyone watching. His mum had given him a good idea of what to look for and in the third shop we found them, black court shoes he had said, all I knew was that no boy would wear a shoe with a heel that high or with a bow across the top of the foot, but he seemed pleased to have found them so I blushed again as I went to pay for them. No comment this time from me or the assistant, just a no when she asked if I wanted their cleaning products. Luckily for make up Maria had said she would go out and buy what she called a starter kit. We parted after buying all we needed to get, then on Monday passed on the make up Maria had brought home. He was all set up now for his big day, I could almost see him shiver at the thought.

A week of college and not much talk of Teresa until Friday, when Terry tells me I was to go round on Saturday afternoon for tea. I did ask why but was told to just turn up and be polite. As if I could be anything but polite. I was greeted at door once more by Mrs Jones, a peck on the cheek and an invite into the house. This time Teresa was in the kitchen, I could see from the back she was wearing a shiny puff sleeved white blouse, a pink pleated tartan short skirt, tights and the new shoes, I was going to say something corny like 'You look good' but stopped myself when Teresa turned around, soft pink lips, big defined eyes and the blouse fitting tightly over the chest was the cause of my open mouthed gape. Mrs Jones then spoke up 'she does look beautiful, doesn't she' I was at a loss for words 'I tell her but she does not seem to believe me, you tell her Brian, I am sure she will trust you'
'Well er yes....you are very well....er... pretty'
She looked at the plates in her hands and softly said 'It's alright, I know I look like a girl, I just don't want to believe it'
'You had better believe it' I managed 'because you are fantastic'
Teresa then walked confidently in the new shoes across to the table and laid out the food for our meal.

Mrs Jones went out later with some neighbours leaving us in the house alone.
'Do you realize how hot you look?'
'Please don't tease me, I feel awkward enough as it is'
'No I mean it you do look very good even hot if you want the truth?'
'Not sure I do. Anyway mummy wants me to go out as Teresa and get used to being seen as a girl before the contest, boost my confidence she says'
'mummy, since when did you call your mum mummy?'
'Since this week, she says it sounds nicer in my girly vioce. I need someone to look out for me when I do this going out, will you help me?'
What else could I say 'Off course I will, when do you want to go out, and where do you want to go?'

Later that evening after it had gone dark we ventured outside, Teresa borrowed a hooded coat and we slipped out the door after I had made sure no one was about. A bus ride into town, a walk around deserted streets, a coke outside a Burger King and back on the bus. We were home for nine. Mrs Jones was so thrilled to hear about Teresa's first time out in the world and thanked me for being such a good friend. As I left Mrs Jones thanked me again, and I said anytime Teresa needs someone to take her out I would be only to willing to help out, Mrs Jones said that would be wonderful, Teresa I doubted was being quite so enthusiastic. So when asked if I was free Sunday evening, and I said I was, Teresa just quietly said, 'see you tomorrow then' with no warmth.

I arrived as requested the next evening, I took her for a walk around a nearby park, the hooded coat help hide her from possible meetings with people she knew. I was still cold so we found shelter and shrugged our coats around us.
'Mum is really liking me like this you know'
'I guessed as much'
'I have to be Teresa whenever I am in the house now'
'Thought so, you are very good on those heels'
'I know and she would like me to get some proper dress shoes as well'
'Do you mind me doing this?'
'Not in the least, happy to oblige a pretty girl'
'Stop teasing'
'but you are a pretty girl'
'Please this is so confusing' Teresa then turned to me and buried her head in my shoulder, I think she was crying, at least that was how it felt without seeing the tears. I put an arm around her shoulder and for the first time hugged her, it felt very much like having a girlfriend beside me, so I hugged her like one. In time she calmed down and wiped her eyes carefully so as not to smudge her eyes, 'Time to be going home' I said and took her hand in mine and lead her back to her home like that. Now I was feeling confused.

On the Monday we meet for lunch, Terry's face had changed, yesterday it looked right, but today his eyebrows looked rather too narrow and when I looked I could see a stud in each ear, his mum had done it with an ice cube to numb the needle. Ouch I thought. We found a quiet corner and I tried to say I was confused, but was rebuffed by the reply, 'you are confused, how the hell do you think I feel'
I told him I was mates with Terry, but Teresa made me feel like I should ask her out. Too which Terry asked that I never suggest that to his mother, she wanted him to try more of the female life than he was at that moment ready for. Then he floored me by asking if Maria has a ballgown or something fancy enough for the contest, I said I would ask but felt unsure if Maria would lend something like that.

To my surprise Maria did have a dress, and yes we could borrow it, it had been her prom dress and probably would never get worn again, so that was sorted. I was able to give Terry the 'good news' about the ball gown, he said thank you and followed it up with a request to stop at my house for the weekend. He explained how he was too well known around his house and was worried he might get noticed, whereas no one knew him on my estate so he could come and go as Teresa without question. I asked about his mum's care, he said she would be alright for one night and Mrs Phillips next door would look in on her if needed. So we made arrangements for Teresa to stop at my house the next weekend. My parents knew about the contest but were still a little skeptical about having Terry round looking like a girl. That was until thet meet Teresa and realised how good she looked. A few other things we had to do that weekend were, buy some shoes to go with the dress, this time Maria came with us and helped pick some blue sandals to match the dress, we also picked up cosmetics to go with the outfit and a small clutch bag for Teresa's bits. I was a little surprised to see how like a girl Terry was behaving in Maria's company, but he said the clothes influenced how he behaved, heels make him walk differently as well as the extra chest wieght, his long hair affects hands and face and the skirts make him careful about how he does many things like sitting and picking things off the floor. I could only say 'ow' as he linked my arm and thanked me for buying the new shoes. That evening Maria took Teresa into her room to give her a full try on of the outfit. What seemed like hours later they reappeared, Teresa was unrecognisable, Maria's blue dress fitted well, the bust was full, the line of the dress said sexy and when she turned around the lacing up the back revealed a hint of bum cleavage that looked so hot. I hardly noticed the spike heels, the redone make up, the long earrings, the big bracelets or the perfume. I just looked and realized I was not confused, I was in love, the confusing part was that Teresa was not a complete woman but for that moment it did not matter I just drank in what I saw and could worry about the details later.

After a short while of Maria and my mother fussing around Terry making sure the fit was fine and he was happy with the outfit, he was ushered out of the room and back to the spare bedroom he would be sleeping in that night. There he changed back into a tight fitting dress Maria had lent him. He came back looking so sexy I could feel myself stiffening in the trousers. This was going to cause trouble later I imagined.

After some tea, Maria invited us to go out with her and some of her friends to a pub nearby, as long as we stuck to soft drinks we would be fine. Terry seemed to accept this trip out like every other one, as good practice for the contest. Maria clearly enjoyed Terry's company and made him feel at ease, that was until she introduced him to her freinds as my girlfriend, later explaining how it was easier than telling the full tale. This left me an open door to behave like a boyfriend to the hot girl I was with, well I did have to maintain the cover story for onlookers. Surprisingly Terry never once rebuffed me, I sat close, held his hand, put an arm over his shoulder even put a hand on the exposed thigh. Like I said never once was I rebuffed, in fact I felt the opposite, when I put my arm over the shoulder he snuggled up to me, when holding hands it was not just me holding a limp hand but his fingers gripped mine as well. I even took a chance as we moved onto another pub and Maria was not about to get a quick kiss on the lips, no instant passion but I was not rejected or screamed at, I was beginning to consider the possibility that maybe he likes being my girl as much as like him being my girl.

We got home quite late and just said our good nights to Maria who was chatting with her boyfriend at the door. I took Teresa to the spare bedroom and asked if there was anything required, then before I could stop myself I kissed my friend on the lips, proper full on kiss, it lasted only seconds before I pulled away 'sorry' I said 'but you look so good and with us playing a couple, look I am sorry I shouldn't have taken advantage' he said nothing for a minute fiddling with a bracelet he was wearing, then apologised for leading me on and suggested I would rather he stopped asking for my help. I just took him in my arms and gave him a cuddle then kissed him again, this time teasing his nice tasting lips apart with my tongue. This time I did not apologise when we stopped, instead I told him he could lead me on anytime he wished.

The Sunday I took my girlfriend for a walk in the woods suggesting that maybe when the contest is over Teresa would like to come and stop another time, he made it clear that the whole Teresa thing was to win the contest, I suggested his mother liked having a daughter, I liked my hot girlfriend and even he seemed to be enjoying being a she. His reply was to say it was getting all mixed up, he was a boy but everyone seems to like Teresa more than Terry, I just said 'give in and be my Teresa for today at any rate' and took the hand that was near me, leading my girlfriend back home and to an empty house.

We had a bite to eat along with some wine my parents had left out, then when I invited Teresa to sit beside me on the settee she did so, leaning into me and tucking her feet under her arse.
'You know if you let me I would love to go out with you' I ventured
'I know' came the reply
'So when can I take you out properly next time?'
'Please don't rush me, I am just seeing what it is like to be a girl, and next week I have the contest unless you had forgotten'
'Ok, so that is not a get lost'
'No not a get lost, now give me a cuddle, shut up and watch the film'

By the time my mother had packed Teresa and her belongings into the car I was sure I was going to see much more of this girl. With Terry gone my father had a quiet word with me pointing out that Teresa was a boy, and a boy they all knew well, yes he did look convincing as a girl, but he was still born with all the boy bits and none of the girl stuff. I said I knew all that, he said that was good, he was just wanting to make it clear that what I seemed to be doing might be thought of as gay, I nodded and asked if he had a problem with that, he said not and left it at that.

Meeting Terry at college was odd, he still had the narrower eyebrows and he even walked a little differently now, but I had no desire to touch him like I had at the weekend, which I think we were both grateful for. In fact we hardly spoke of Teresa other than to plan our activities for the contest preparations. Most of the organising was out of my hands, Mrs Jones, my mother and Maria had been in touch with each other and Terry's life was not his own come Saturday.

First off Terry would be prepared by his mum, I was told complete hair removal, prosthetic breasts would be glued on, his wig sewn into his own hair. Then in the afternoon my mother would go and pick him up and bring him round to ours, where Maria would make him up, style his hair and get him dressed for the evenings performance. All I could do was get in the way, so I made sure I was about but not near if you know what I mean.

The contestants were asked to be at the hall for seven, Teresa was ready for six and eating a light snack while wearing a dressing gown borrowed of my mum. At six thirty I went with my father to pick up Mrs Jones, she looked fantastic. It must have taken a huge effort on her part to look so good but there was no way she would miss this, nor be upstaged by a son, though I reckoned she would be, and easily. Mum and Maria would take Teresa and the dress to the hall and make any final adjustment required. At sometime in the past weeks a conversation was had about how we would approach this contest, would Terry be a drag queen, a hairy lad with a poorly fitting dress draped over him or go for the full thing, I was not sure who had made the chioce possibly his mum, but as we stood around we could see all sorts of ways in which the contest had been interpreted. There were some shocking sights, big lads with big dresses and bright red lipstick, some drag queens looking like Marge Simpson, and a few who had had the nerve to hide their masculinity beneath a feminine disguise, and though I was biased, our Teresa was the best.

The contest started with twelve contestants walking onto the stage, in the middle was Teresa looking nervous or coy depending on how you viewed him. They all had an interview with the compere, they had some interesting stories as to why they had entered and why they wanted to win, Terry just told the truth that his mum was unwell and the money would be a nice boost for them and added that I had been his sponsor and said thank you publicly. Next was the catwalk parade, off course we won that what with all that heel walking at home he was a natural in the stilts. Last a panel of 'judges' asked random questions such as one who asked Teresa 'did he prefer high st clothes or boutique?' the answer 'niether, borrowed is cheaper'. Then while there was some heated debate over who was the winner a DJ was brought on stage and the dance music started. The contestants went back stage and then came into the main hall, none were allowed to change and had to mingle in their finery. I had to say Teresa mingled very well, all that taking her out was paying off, she eventually made it to our little group and thanked us all for coming, kissing the women then giving the men a peck as well. We all said ours was the winner, and we were right. Half an hour later the contestants were called back on stage, and the judges verdict announced. Terry Jones had won first prize, this was  £500 plus a make over at a salon in town, plus a gift voucher from a mens boutique. The smile was brilliant and lit up the room, for someone who had never won anything to come away with such a good prize was great.

The evening continued, the DJ played his tunes into the night, Teresa was able to dance with who ever he wanted, some girls but also some men asked for a dance with the winner. Mrs Jones stayed to see him win then asked my father to run her home. I managed a couple of dances with my girlfriend, copying what some others had done, placing a hand on the small of his back and letting a finger carress that cleavage, and I was not told to move it. I got the imoression he was enjoying the attention but was never sure. Maria had the same number of dances as me, but who was counting I was just enjoying seeing my beauty being flattered by so many people.

Before the lights were turned on and everyone told to leave, we had gone. Teresa came back to ours for the night, and as we sat up reminsing over how well the contest had gone for our girl, I felt myself once more wanting to make Teresa a more permanent part of my life. After a while the women went to clean up for bed, Teresa obviously went with them. While I sat downstairs with my dad he told me how good looking Teresa was and he was not shocked that I found such a girl attractive. What did shock me was that all three of them came back downstairs for a nightcap, I had seen mum and Maria do this in the past, but to see Teresa come in with hair and tits still in place under a short satin nightie and longer wrap, then curl up beside me on the settee. Now that was a shock. Maria left first, then mum and dad reminding me to turn off the lights when I went up to bed. After the footsteps had died on the stairs and doors had closed, I turned to face Teresa 'I just can't believe what I have seen tonight, in fact what I am still seeing' this got a warm smile. 'Just for tonight will you be my girlfriend' I got a nod and my girl moved along to sit beside me, 'Everyone loves you, you know' I then took that beautiful head in my hands and brought it towards my mine and kissed those lips once more, this time I felt a tongue searching into my mouth and before long I was massaging what I knew to be fake but very realistic feeling breasts. The satin fabric felt very erotic and the smooth skin was luxurious, but when I realized there were no panties and no erection, I did ask what was going on. The answer was for Teresa to lift the hem and reveal a triangle of hair and no dick.Somehow Maria had fastened it back between his legs using surgical tape, when I pointed out he had to sit like a girl to pee, he smiled and told me that was how he thought I liked it, I just said it was best if only one us has a dick, he smiled and put a hand on my crotch. Now, until then no one had put a hand on my cock and right then I was enjoying the sensations. A few careful strokes and I erupted into my pants and the moment passed.
'Is that what you wanted?' my girl asked
'That was more than I expected, thank you'
'My pleasure, you helped me me win today, think of it as payment'
'Some payment'
'Indeed' as my beauty got up and walked away wiggling the satin covered arse.

I eventually calmed down and slept after that wonderful evening. An unexpected surprise was to find that Teresa was still with us in the morning. I had not realized, but Teresa had come the day before, and had brought no Terry stuff so unless some one went to get his unattractive drab gear from his home, he would have to look like a girl, and I was not rushing to sort that one out.

Later in the morning my mum drove Teresa back to his house, we stopped a little while to make sure Mrs Jones was ok after her tiring day, and go over the high points once again. All too soon I was leaving my beauty and going home to catch up on college work, such an anticlimax.

I think it was mid week before I saw Terry next, I accused him of avoiding me, he said his mum had not been well so had skipped some classes. He told me how his mum had been thrilled to be given the salon voucher, and had refused to accept the cash he had won, but I guessed he would spend it on her over time, better food, little treats when she was down, that sort of thing. As for the clothing voucher he wanted me to have it which was nice but I refused saying I can afford anything with my job and allowance. He did not know what to do, so I made arrangements to meet him and we would take a look and see if there was anything either of us liked, thinking I get something inexpensive and we spend most of it on him. Nice compromise I thought.

We turned up at the boutique and a very effeminate man served us after we had browsed a little. Now remember Terry still has the narrow eye brows, his nails are neat and he has not lost that walk he developed while wearing heels all those weeks. The assistant must have picked up on this and showed us some tight white vest tops, fashion jeans and stylish shoes, effusing over Terry as he tried things on. At last we left with a white T shirt that was so tight you could see hairs on his chest, if he had any, a check shirt but not one I would choose, the assistant had picked one with a pink thread in the check, but the eye wateringly tight jeans was the most outrageous item in my eyes, how he got in them I have no idea but they made him look so slim it was like he had leggings on again, so I liked them. For my part I picked a T shirt, loose and grey so as to keep away from any gay stereotypes that Terry and the assistant seemed to be happy entertaining. When we had made our choices the assistant asked if Terry would like to wear his straight away, within minutes I was walking out of the shop with a person I could tell was somewhere between girl and boy but not sure if either of us liked to look or understood what it meant or how it looked to others.

One person who liked the outfit was his mum, she maybe said the wrong thing when she called the shirt 'pretty'. She was clearly happy as she had been for her salon visit as well that day and looked so much better for the pampering she must have received.

Life for a couple of weeks went back to my old routines, college, working, family, all the normal teenager things. Terry was still around, we would meet on occasion, and on ocassion I would tease him that I was missing Teresa, a feeling only hieghtened when I saw him in the tight jeans and pink shirt. He always quietly told me Teresa was gone and I should find myself a real girlfriend. Luckily though Terry reminded me of Teresa I did not fancy Terry, in my mind to have kissed Terry would be gay, yet kissing Teresa was fine, I know it is confused but that was how my mind was working then. Anyway after four weeks I noticed that his nails were still very neatly filed round which made me look elsewhere, his arms were still hairless and I could swear his eyebrows were not growing back, I would have had a bet on them still being plucked in fact. My problem was I could think of no way to prove my suspicions, nor did I have any reason for him to be doing these things, so confident in my own attractiveness I felt sure that if he wanted to be a girl he would want to include me in that part of his life. The truth came out by accident really, I had expected Terry in college on a Thursday, we had lunch at the same time and always ate together, this Thursday however he was missing, so being a good friend I wanted to know if he was ok, he was one of the few without a mobile, so after my classes I went home via Terry's house, this was when everything I had suspected fell into place. I was welcomed at the door by Mrs Jones, she was not looking at all well, but had enough strength to welcome me in. Then I got my shock, Mrs Jones called out 'Teresa, Brian is here to see you' then turned to me 'She is just making the tea for us, I am not having a good day today I'm afriad and she stopped home to look after me. I told her to go she can't afford to miss too much college it will harm the grades, but she ignores me'. In the kitchen door was a stunned looking girl, Teresa was clearly shocked to see me, but it was definitely Teresa and not Terry, though I recognised the tight jeans; the flowery top, heels and long hair made sure he looked like a girl.
'You weren't at college, thought something might be wrong' I managed to stammer out.
'Come in, sit down' said Mrs Jones
Teresa just stood there looking horrified now.
'Come in dear' his mum invited.
'Mum was not too good this morning so I thought I was more use here than at college, did anyone notice?'
'I don't think so, maybe I had better be going if you are cooking.' I got up to leave and walked to the door.
'See your friend to the door dear' Mrs Jones said
We walked to the door then I turned to look at my stricken friend 'don't tell anyone'
'Well no'
'I dress like this to please mum'
I said something inane like 'fine'
'Please.... our secret' she implored
But my mind had realised I could have Teresa back 'Our secret............just you me and your mum..... our secret, but would you dress like this to please me?'
She was looking at the floor, 'Brian please I am not a real girl, this is all pretend, you need a proper girlfriend'
'No I don't, not when I can have you, and don't tell me what I need, my girlfriend is you and that is all either of us need to know'
'Brian, please it was only a bit of fun I meant nothing by what I did'
'I think you did, you did not have to kiss me, you did not need to play such a good girlfriend, you certainly did not need to wank me'
Tears were appearing in her eyes.
I put a hand on her shoulder as a comfort, 'Sorry I did not mean to upset you, I just want Teresa back in my life'
She opened the front door 'Please go, I will see you at college tomorrow'
I went to give her a kiss but she pulled away, so I left with all sorts of thigs running through my mind and imagination. Condensed down to, Teresa is still about, how can I get her to go out with me?

The next day at college I made sure I found Terry, he was in his jeans and pink shirt, plus there was a faint smell of flowers about him, perfume?
'Your mother better today?' I wanted to bulldoze in but decided to try a friendlier approach.
'Yes thanks, I did not want you to find me like that, it pleases mum to have me dress up for some reason'
'I did not mean to embarrass you, I genuinely was just concerned that you were off again'
'Can't deny I liked what I found though'
'I knew you would, that was why I did not want you to find out'
'But now I have, when can I see Teresa again?'
'Please it is just to please mum'
'What about pleasing me?'
'Please don't pressure me, I had hoped the contest weekend would be the end' his strength was leaving him I could tell.
'But it wasn't, and Teresa is still looking good, so why not embrace it'
'And make your dreams come true'
'Well that as well'
'And if I say no' I could almost see his resolve crumbling before me, so I pressed on hoping to get what I wanted.
'If you say no, I will just keep on calling round at your house whenever I don't see you at college, because I am guessing you will be home being Teresa'
'And if I come to college?'
'Well you will feel guilty leaving your mum' I knew that was harsh but I might only get this one chance 'and you will see me and know that I know your secret and want to keep on my good side'
'Please don't do this' he was beginning to tear up.
I continued 'and keeping on my good side means being my girlfriend'.There I had said it, if he would not be my girlfriend then I had implied enough to make him know his secret was not safe.
There was no reply, I never thought myself a hard man, but Terry was crushed, I felt I had destroyed the lad I knew but I did not want Terry I wanted Teresa. 'see you tomorrow?'
I swear he swallowed a sob, 'I don't have a choice do I?'
'Not really I suppose, how about I call you Terri, spelt with an i instead of a y'
'Bye Terri'

He made every effort to see me every day and be nice to me after that, but the friendship had changed, no longer mates, rather I was in charge and he would do my bidding. I know this had made me into a bit of a bully. At first I enjoying the hold I had over my friend, when I saw him the next day he did not smell of anything besides clean, so I commented how nice he had smelt the day before, he blushed and I asked if he would wear it for me the next day. I was not sure he would, but the next lunch I spent with him he was smelling sweet. When I asked what it was he told me it was the rose scented soaps and talc he was using up because it had reacted with his mothers skin. I told him that when it runs out he should let me buy him some more rather than going back to his old brand. Rather meekly he agreed and gave me the name of it and asked for some body wash. The following Monday I gave him a bag with the bottle in it. He took it and said thank you, but to me it had more significance, he was doing what I wanted, and I was providing for him and his feminity.

I had a plan to not rush him as that might get a bad reaction, hecould walk away and call my bluff, so I left it at the soap for a week or two, but always complimenting him on how he looked especially if it was vaguely feminine. Then he missed a day, so I found time to call at his house on my way home. The door opened with Terri hiding behind it hoping no one outside would see him.
'Everything ok?' I said as I walked in.
'Mum is not good at all'
'Sorry to hear that'
Then from the living room 'Who is it dear?'
'Only Brian'
'Come in Brian, you well?'
'yes thanks, Teresa was not at college today, I was worried'
'That's sweet of you, but I am afriad it is me that is not good, a ball and chain to my child I am'
Terri stepped to her side 'I don't mind at all, you know that'
I asked if there was anything I could do to help and promised to call whenever I could.
Terri showed me to the door, 'That top suits you' it was a fitted blouse that pulled across the breasts, and to me looked dead sexy. 'Do I get a kiss of my girl?' Terri made no attempt to kiss me so I put a hand under her chin and lifted it up until I could kiss those pink lips that tasted of lipstick. 'See you tomorrow?'
'If mum is better'
I kissed her again and left, I had got a kiss off her when I had thought my chances of even seeing her again had died a few weeks before, I was elated. Now invigorated with that sexual contact I knew I would want more. Even if the relationship was very one sided.

That weekend I bought a gift for my girl. The ear piercings had healed up well but he only had plain studs to wear so I bought him some more studs with a red stone in them. I gave them to him on the Monday.
'Should I be grateful?' he said before even opening the box.
'A thank you would be nice'
'Thank you' said without emotion.
'I thought they would make a nice change to those plain ones you always wear'
'I can hardly wear mother's to college can I'
I gave him a checky grin 'Why not..........only teasing. But these are nice and descrete'
'But a girl's'
'Well that as well, which we both know is why I got them for you'
'And you want me to wear them'
'Off course, be nice with your red roll neck jumper'
He let out a big sigh and asked me how Maria was now she had left home. He was changing the subject but I had made my point so went with it.

Tuesday under a hoodie I could see the red top and the red studs, I pulled the hood back and took a look, as a tease I said 'Maybe I should have got a larger stud'
Immediately he replied 'No these are fine, just lovely'
'So you wont mind wearing them all the time'
He nearly said something but backed down. The next day I was pleased to see the studs were still in their place, making his ears pretty.

My next move was to visit Terri at home of a weekend. I could not think of an excuse, but then I figured who needs an excuse to see their girlfriend, so I just turned up on Saturday about seven. Terri looked shocked when she opened the door, I was quickly invited in and went through the usual polite how are yous with Mrs Jones. I was sitting watching some TV with her when she said 'Those studs you bought were nice, never has them out of her ears now she likes them that much' Terri was sat opposite and just mouthed like a fish.
'Just a gift so she doesn't feel neglected'
'Very thoughtful of you. Now if you don't mind I am tired so I shall get myself off to bed'
It was only eight but accepted that she was ill and needed rest, Terri went with her to help with whatever she needed, so I amused myself channel hoping until I found a fashion show which I thought might be a good tease for when Terri returned. I also moved myself to the couch.

Terri came back about fifteen minutes later, I took in the picture of her in a straight denim skirt, white shiny blouse and the party heels. She was still my best ever girlfriend, I patted the seat beside me to invite her to sit by me. Then with my arm around her shoulders we watched the fashion show, followed by a drama. I thought it made a for a nice night in with my girlfriend, and whether she was cuddling up to me to get on my good side or because she wanted too I did not fathom, but I for one was content with the situation.

I visited every Saturday evening for the next three weeks, the same pattern followed, polite chat, Mrs Jones says she is tired, I get to cuddle Terri. By the third week we had moved on from a good bye kiss at the door to kissing in the living room, I was feeling Terri was getting happier at the prospect of being my girl, what happened next took me by surprise. As usual I called round on the Saturday, but this time when Mrs Jones sent Terri to make her a hot drink she conspiratorially leaned towards me.
'Brian, you seem to be having a softening effect on Teresa' I looked at her questioningly, 'the studs, the shampoo and wash, coming round to see us, I might be sick but I still see and hear what is going on'
'Oh' I said a little embarrased.
'I want to ask you a favour, sometimes I am finding the toilet seat up. Now that dress she wore to the contest was so low cut at the back she could not have been wearing knickers, am I right?' she did not wait for an answer 'now the floppy bit inbetween her legs must have been tucked away somewhere,. Now what I am asking you is, can you persuade her to do it all the time, it is not nice thinkig of her standing up to relieve herself like a boy'
'Well I am not sure what I can do, maybe have a word'
'If you would' as she finished Terri walked in with a tea for Mrs Jones, one of the beers I had brought and a lemonade for herself. The subject was dropped and we discussed some item on the TV.
Later on that evening I was cuddling Terri as usual waiting for a moment to 'have a word'. In the end I just said 'Your mum doesn't like you standing up to pee'
This got a swift reaction, 'you have been talking with mummy about me'
Damage limitation 'No not like you are thinking, she likes the softer you, is grateful for all you do for her, really likes having her daughter around but.......you are leaving the toilet seat up'
Things were calming down 'That's easy, I shall put it down in future if it means that much to her.'
This could be awkward I thought 'Well yes if only it were that simple, you see that would mean you still stood to pee'
'Fine I shall not splash it in the water if that is the problem'
'And what if you forget, no, maybe if you taped it up like for the contest, then you would always sit and you would never forget. Problem solved'
'You are serious aren't you'
Just for fun I added 'and it gives you a nice flat crotch as well'
'If I say no'
'Please let's not go down that one, just do it to please your mum'
She turned away from me, 'You want another beer?'
'Thanks' that was the end of the discussion I had done my best.

Monday I was not sure what to expect, Terri had been quite cold after the talk of toilet etiquete. So imagine how I felt when I saw Terri walking towards me, tight jeans displaying everything that was happening beneath and there was no sign of male type front bump, just a flat V creasing into the tops of his legs.
'Have you told your mum'
'No I just walked about in panties so she could see I had complied to your wishes'
'She does love you'
'I know, but she does not make it easy for me'
'Maybe not but I apprecaite your efforts as well'

Later that week I bought him another gift from the boutique where we got the jeans. I found the same assistant, he was disappionted I was on my own, but when I said I wanted something for my friend he knew who I meant. With his help I bought a pair of white jeans just as tight as the others and promised to come back soon. On the Saturday I took them with me, Mrs Jones was more thrilled by the gift than Terri, but who cared, with two pairs of tight jeans he could display his flat front all the time.

The end of year exams were upon us and I was doing quite well, but I could tell Terri was not able to put in the work, I tried to reassure with cliches like, they seem worse than they are. It never crossed my mind I might be the cause of his poor results, I assumed it to be the fact he was caring for his mother and not anything resulting from him doing the womanless contest.

Things progressed on the Saturday night front quite well though, I was no longer having to prompt behaviour in Terri, she would just sit with me, even in her mother's presence, give me kisses without being asked for them and make me feel like the man in the relationship. All of this was nice but I still wanted more. The next stage came when I passed my driving test and got to borrow my mother's car, this meant I could visit Terri more often, and after a few attempts got her to leave the house in a skirt. The first time I took Terri out we compromised, jeans, hoodie jacket, flat shoes, but this was on the condition that one item was exchanged for something more overtly female the next week. So we got a flowery top, then low heeled shoes, then she borrowed a pair of her mother's baggy linen trousers, before finally stepping out in a skirt. At last I had Terri back to where we had been before the contest, I had my pretty girlfriend linking my arm as we went into a bar to get cokes, making me proud.

The next event was unaviodable really, it was bound to happen, the neighbours found out. One happened to call unexpected and without knocking let herself in shouting 'only me' and before Terri could hide upstairs she had been spotted. At first the woman apparently did not recognise who the girl was, but then when she did Mrs Jones told her some story about how Terri is transgendered and is living as a girl part time to find out if the female life is the one for him/her. And the neighbour bought it, apparently saying 'as if you havn't enough to cope with'. But the secret was out and I had no power over Terri to call the bluff, for some reason it did not change our relationship. It even lowered her resistance to being seen by the neighbours, with an attitude of what the heck, let them have an eyeful. Within weeks I was walking out their front door with a girl displaying her womanly chest, and long legs.
It had taken a few months but we were getting somewhere that I wanted to be, even if Terri was not completely in favour of all the changes.

That summer was great, the neighbours finding out Terri was 'transgendered', the freedom to take her out, long warm evenings and the oppurtunity to buy her new clothes made it in part special. What made it great was my family. First Maria cornered me into admitting that Terri was out once more after I had been seen with a girl by some of her friends who had remembered us at the pub all those months ago. Next was that I did not go on the family holiday but was left at home with Maria, who was more relaxed about my comings and goings than my parents. This freedom allowed me to manipulate some interesting events in Terri's life.

First was turning up early when Mrs Jones invited me for tea, then while Terri was cooking and her mum was listening to the radio, I went upstairs to use the toilet with the main purpose of getting a look at Terri's room, somewhere I had not been since the contest and I suspected to be very different. I was right, the place was more like Maria's bedroom with make up and clothes everywhere and interestingly I could not see anything of Terry's, all the boy college stuff was out of sight. It pleased me to see such a room and went back to my hosts satisfied Terri was living full time as a girl. That same day I drank too many beers before I realised I should not be driving, I could catch buses and walk as I used to do, giving me another excuse to call when I picked the car up sober. Or on Mrs Jones insistence I stop the night, and as I would be home alone why not. So I stopped the night, nothing happened, as I slept on the couch downstairs, but I did get the wonderful sight of Terri in the kitchen wearing a long satin nightie as she made her mother's breakfast. The most telling part was that the tits were still in place and the hair firmly fixed, even at night Terri was a girl. When she came back down and asked me what I wanted, I replied 'You'
'Don't be checky' she said as she walked towards me with a teapot.
I stroked the satin covered arse. 'I would love to have you right now' then things happened unexpectedly, she lent towards me and kissed my lips, next she sat on my lap an arm round my neck. 'Like this?'
There must have been something about nightwear because she was more commited to the kissing than I could remember. After what seemed like an age we broke, 'Hows about we go back to mine when your mum is sorted.' To my surprise I got an enthusiastic 'yes'. Which an hour later was converted into having a very pretty Terri sat beside me as we pulled into the drive. Maria seemed to be out as well so we had the house to ourselves.
'You want me, so here I am'
Now I had her, I was unsure what to do, I started with kissing, then fumbling inside her clothes. In the end she undid her blouse and lowered her skirt, she now stood in just bra, knickers and heels, what a sight. 'Could I make love to you?'
'Do you know how?'
'We could find out' and I took her hand and led her to my room.
I had read about sex and listened to lads bravado, but when it comes down to it, getting a stiff penis into a tight hole is not easy, but there was some jelly in the bathroom and with patience I found myself inside Terri's arse and exploding before much else happened. Goodness knows what had inspired her, but as I lay there recovering she cleaned my prick then gave me a blow job. Wow, what a turn around.
'Did my man like that?'
'How can I say no. What brought that on?'
'I am not sure, but seeing you in your boxers this morning, I just thought it would make you happy'
'Well that was right, you have made me happy'
'I also got to be your first, which must mean something'
'Yes that I love you'
'Don't get carried away just because you have had sex with me'
'Not carried away, ever since the contest I have loved you'
'Why didn't you say that instead of the bullying'
'Couldn't be sure you would accept me'
Our peace was broken by the front door opening and Maria coming home.
'My clothes are downstairs'
'OMG, stop here'
I left my love on my bed and dressed quickly before going to the stairs.
'Hi brother, is it safe to come up?' she was carrying the evidence on her finger tips. I ran downstairs took them off her and returned to my room. 'must be good to be at this early in the day' I heard her say as I shut my door.
I was flustered and threw the clothes on the bed, but she was the one teasing me now. 'What's the rush, do you not want me anymore?' and gave a hurt expression.
'Come on get dressed and I shall run you home'
She did get dressed but waiting in the kitchen was Maria, we did not strictly have to go that way, but Terri made a point of going in to say hello. Maria looked unfazed by seeing Terri again and in the knowledge that we must have up to something. At the same time Terri was casually sitting down for a chat with her, I think to make me squirm, and she succeeded.
Terri did not leave till late afternoon, by which time her and Maria had discussed everything about the reinvention of Terri and even where things might go from there. For the first time I felt that Terri might have the upper hand in the relationship and with Maria in on it my life could be difficult.

Maria did indeed enjoy teasing me about the relationship, but not because it was Terri who we both knew was not a fully developed female, but because I had a girlfriend and had been so secretive about it. Pretty much normal behaviour for syblings I reckon. Terri however was now able to manipulate me, like the day she came round, satisfied my carnal lustings, then easily got me to take her shopping for a new sun dress, not that I minded, she looked lovely in the white cotton dress which exposed about as much skin as was decent for a public place.

By the time my parents had returned from their holiday I think we had had sex five times, plus several blow jobs. Looking back we were not very good but at the time we were enjoying ourselves, I would do some research on the internet with the hope of putting what I had learnt into practice later on. On that fifth session Terri was on her back with her legs up high giving me a clear access to her hole, I was able to control myself better by then and pumped away for what seemed like an age, then to my delight she tensed, arched her back and came, her little restricted dick dribbling cum over my shaft below it. I had made her come like a woman, I was so pleased with myself and from the expression on her face I could tell she was sated as well. The equilibrium swung back towards me, sex was not all about my pleasure after that, she too was taking as well.

There were not many oppurtunities left during the summer holidays after my parents came home, a couple of daytime encounters but my summer job got in the way as much as the house having family members in it and I knew once we were back at college things would change, and they did. We had one last night out before college, Terri was wearing the softest dress you ever saw, it was long but ever so sexy, the 4" heels and bare shoulders made sure of that, and besides some panties the dress offered no barrier as it lifted up so easily allowing me access to her hole.

Unfortunately by the next Monday Terri was obscured by the return of Terry so he could attend classes without much hassle. Gone was the long hair, gone too were the tits, the heels and make up were missing as well. I know I could not push her to dress in a skirt to attend classes and had to accept that while there I would have to make do with my girlfriend looking rather masculine in jeans and shirts. Even if those jeans required the wearing of knickers to aviod bulky underwear lines, and the shirts had a definite feminine edge to them. He would also wear the red studs all the time, and when I bought some larger pink ones he resisted because of the impact it might have among college friends, but he gave in and wore them.

Mrs Jones was aware that I was wanting Terri to become as much a woman as I think she wanted her to be, the toilet seat incident and the transgender story for me bore out this understanding I had of her, but I was not quite so fully aware of what she was doing to her child. Frial and sick she might have been, but febble minded she was not. It was her who made space for us to spend time together early on, it was her who would encourage me to take her out, it was her who had kept her dressing after the initial contest had opened up Terry to looking so good. But what I discovered that autumn took me aback. Mrs Jones was going to need to spend a few days in hospital, there was nothing unusual in this, what was different was that before she went in we had one of our quiet words, where we would tell each other what we hoped Terri might do next in her move toward womanhood. This time she quite frankly told me that if I was going to be calling round while she was away and, as she put it 'having fun together' then I could make sure Terri took her medication. She went on to explain how at least once a day she made a drink for Terri, and dissolved the tablet in the hot coffee. I asked why not let her take it as a pill, she said it was better Terri did not know she was taking it for her own good, if she knew it might disturb her. Which I took to mean the pills were some sort of nerve calming pescription.

A week later I was enjoying the freedom of Terri's house with just the two of there, and made the effort to get to the kitchen after we had had sex and before I went home, so I could make a coffee which included the pill. Mrs Jones was having series of treatments that meant she was in hospital for a couple of days for several weeks, so I did my best to make sure Terri got her pills as well as getting my end away. It was not until about the fourth week I noted the name on the pill container and looked it up on the internet. Crafty Mrs Jones was giving her child female hormones, possibly ones perscribed for her I imagined, but as I read about the pills I recognised things in Terri that until then had not seemed odd, Terry's vioce had never broken, I was shaving every day, he had no shadow of a beard on his chin, other things less objective like he could cry at the slight things on ocassion, and his personality seemed much softer somehow, all of which I put down to the hormones. Armed with this information I made sure Terri got her daily dosage and when I had a chat with Mrs Jones about them I was able to say with confidence from my research that Terri's body could stand a higher dose, she asked me how I knew and if I was sure, but reassured she told me she had plenty of spare and she would ask the doctor if she could have more supposedly for herself. By November and the last of her treatments Terri was taking three times as much hormone, her moods were less predictable and at times weepy, but her mum said she had been like that as a teenager, there was no need to cut back on the pills. It was when I asked what she would like for Christmas I found out other things had been affected by the hormones, she asked for some new jeans because the old ones were getting tight around the hips, and when I took a descrete but careful look her arse was indeed more rounded. Buying new jeans took him into wearing woman's cut trousersbecause the men's were to loose at the waist and legs if they fitted the hips, I finally bought a pair of hipster jeans which could almost be male if you did not look closely. Something that I noticed was the chest, at college some days my friend would wear a fitted t-shirt under an open shirt and his shape was changing very slowly. At first I asked if he was working out a little, but when he asked why, I pointed to his developing pectorals and touched one, which made him flinch, 'tender'I asked 'very' he replied. Mrs Jones was delighted when I told her about these observations and I am sure increased the dosage yet more.

By Cristmas I had come clean with my parents, at first they were skeptical about such a relationship, they had seen Teresa early on, and was unsure if I was being sensible getting so involved with someone who clearly has mental issues as well as a sick mother to care for. I hopefully reassured them that I was handling the situation well and that Terri was even better now than at the contest. This did mean I could invite Terri to visit over the christmas break, in fact after mum had meet Terri she invited her and her mother over for a meal on boxing day which made Mrs Jones day I think.

As Terri got better known, so her freedom to be feminine grew, but for college she maintained a boyish look, on reflection it is hard to think why, most of those who had known Terry as a kid now knew and believed the story put out by his mother about him being transgendered, and when it came down to it he was suffering in the same way that many carer children do, they fail acedemically because they spend too much time caring and not enough studying. Thankfully that was the college take on the situation which had no real grip on what Mrs Jones and myself were doing to our girl in the making.

By easter if Terri came to college wearing something tight the large nipples of christmas had grown into small mounds, and much to our delight were great fun to play with when having a good time pushing my dick into her hole, or even just cuddling on the settee.

By summer I knew I had done well enough on my course to get an apprenticeship and start earning proper money. For Terri it was completely different, she failed all but one exam, her mother was getting worse and for her the changing body shape had got too distinctive especially around the chest, so much so that she had bought bras to support the growing breasts which for her meant she could not possibly go back for another year at college and hopefully do better in a years time. I personally loved the new shape and even encouraged her to stop wearing the false ones, knowing that a disappionting reduction in visible size would be more than made up for in the reality of natural fleshy tits. Without much effort Terri never went back to college after the results, she just stayed at home and looked after her mother.

Ther was nothing much to report for a while after that, her chest developed to a size that nearly filled her old bras, her arse got to look real sexy as it wiggled now it had more to it and trousers were constantly being outgrown so skirts were the practical answer. The relationship just seemed to settle down to one of an established couple, I had plenty of money, bought my own car, bought Terri gifts and enjoyed myself. But by the middle of the next year it was clear Mrs Jones was never going to get better and she lost her fight to live. It was a sad day when I escorted Terri to the funeral, my dad had been very good and arranged everything, but I remember a very hard discussion between Terri and my mum, amongst all the many big things that need planning at a funeral, Terri was unsure what to wear, a dark suit or a black dress, really to go as the boy he was born as or the girl he had become. Relatives would be there he hardly knew so why add to their grief. Mum resolved the problem and took her to a mirror and asked what Terri saw, a woman obviously, so how could a woman go dressed as a man and not look odd. Let those others who have not been around to help while Mrs Jones was sick think what ever they want to, their opinion is of as much value as their help during the past few years. Nil. Terri bought a nice black dress that afternoon, and though some did mutter about who the was girl leading the mourners, no one challenged that weeping girl as she expressed her grief before everyone.

Terri was now lost with no one to care for, and no college or work to go too she sat in the house alone and tried to consider her future. I was round there a lot though not for any pleasure of my own, rather being a good friend and looking out for her. Sometimes I would find her sobbing at the loss of her mother, on one ocassion I found her naked staring at herself and questioning what had become of the boy she once was. time to act I thought, the grief I can cope with, the doubts about being anything but a girl, my girl, I could not consider. I treated her to a new dress for the summer, I made her go to a salon and have a proper make over, the works I insisted. Maria went with her and I was amazed at the difference. I was used to the wig, but that had gone, her own hair was now long enough to be styled into a spiky cut with long side burns and back with the ears showing, and all coloured chestnut. Her eyes had lash extensions, her brows tinted, her lips plumped, and after many attempts to get her to grow her nails which kept breaking, she now had long nails with the french tips. I was poorer but so pleased she had gone, it really made a difference to her personally. And for the first time since her loss we had sex, I even had the nail marks to prove it, though I was not complaining.

My father offered to help sort out her finances when it was clear she had no income besides the dole now the carer allowances and pensions had gone. She did inherit the house and if she went to college could get extra support while studying, but it was still not much so I offered to help by moving in and sharing the costs. This was viewed differently by everyone. My dad thought I was a fool, my mum thought me generous, my sister thought I was after sex, I think maybe all three had some truth. Terri did not really get a say in it, I still saw her as my girl and I was the boss. So I just moved in. This gave her someone to look after and a purpose to doing things about the house which helped with the grief. I also got to see her fulltime which was a delight as I have always loved her in sexy bedclothes of which I made sure she had plenty.

A few things had to change though, she was unhappy sleeping in her mothers double bed and her single was too small. So we redecorated and bought a new bed, but in the choosing of colours she would be undecided between pinks and flowers against darker greys and geometric designs, I could see the two sides of her pulling at her chioces. My solution was to get her navel pierced and then get a ring made with 'Brian's girl' written on it which I then made a big thing of fitting before making her close her eyes and carefully fastening shut so at all times she would have a permanent reminder of who she was. We had the pink walls with drapes over the bed, it looked very different and totally hers.

Without Mrs Jones pills I eventually ran out of hormones and came clean with her about what her mother had done which explained why she had a beautiful figure. She actually guessed once the nipples had become sensitive but had never been able to tell her mum to stop any of the things she had done to her, so it was now easy to take her to the doctor and get referred to a specialist who put her on a proper regime of hormones and blockers and when he realised how long Terri had been living as a woman asked if she meant to stay that way and possibly have surgery. Now that I thought was possibly my ultimate goal, my girl as all woman besides the ovaries. It had to be her who said yes to the doctor but I would be pushing from the background like mad.

Womanless Wedding Story
We bumbled along like a couple for ages, I got fully trained and started earning decent wages, Terri did college courses until she was happy to look for work, taking a job in a care home for the elderly. The doctor had insisted on counselling which she did with a commitment I had not seen before, and did worry it might undo all the feminising we had done up till then, but she never expressed a need to be a boy again. She never got the surgery done though, we stayed as a couple when many friends were getting married, which irked me as I could not, so I hatched a plan.

With my families help we planned a holiday in the states, but I had done my research and the hotel we were stopping at would be hosting a womanless wedding. Terri knew nothing of this until we got there and saw the posters and preparations for this event. I 'innocently' suggested we could enter because technically Terri still had male on her passport. The town was doing the weddings as fund raisers and two other parties were due to get married on the day. Maria persuaded Terri that it would be great to go shopping for a dress and get all dressed up, Terri was convinced and all I had to do was set up the wedding as I wanted it while they went out and bought or hired everything they needed.

I did not see Terri for two days, she slept with Maria and seemed to be having a great time if their reports were true when I caught up with them for lunch each day. The big day arrived, Terri and Maria did not watch the first two ceremonies, but they were truly all men and looked like it. Then it was our turn, I stood before the rows of people I had no idea were going to be still there, waiting for Terri to appear. She was beautiful in a long white gown, viel hiding her face, with Maria in a long cream bridesmaid dress beside her. Everyone cheered as she came in though I doubt any really thought she was a man underneath the dress, she was just too good. We did the vows, the rings, the first kiss, the signing of a register and then later the first waltz as man and wife along with two other couples. The wedding was maybe not quite a traditional white church wedding, but she had my ring and I had a certificate which had been signed by a legally authourised person. She might not fully know it but we were married. That night I called her Mrs Smith as I helped her out of her dress, and explianed that in taking my name she also accepts my authority, as in the honour and obey of the vows. She stepped out of the dress and looked fantastic in her white underwear and said 'I gave up challenging you years ago, was it in entering the contest, or the red studs, or maybe the toilet seat charade, I am what you made me, to be Mrs Terri Smith is just a confirmation of that. What else can you do to me?'
I picked her up and carried her to the bed, I lay down beside her, 'you make me sound like a bully, surely I was just coaxing you in the direction'
'Maybe not a bully, but you knew how to make me do things I did not necessarily want to'
'And are you unhappy with the prospect of being my wife'
'No, it kind of just follows on, besides who else would have me'
'Even if you don't love me I do love you and have done since before you won that contest. There is however one thing I would like you to do when we get home'
'As well as cook and clean for you'
'Those as well, I want you go to the doctor and arrange to have this' I touched the hormone shrivelled penis 'sorted out. Doing it because you love me, would be great, but if you can't do that, do it because you are Mrs T Smith now and will obey my wishes'
'And if I don't want to?
'I don't think the lovely Mrs Smith thinks it might be an option'
'Just seeing if there was an option...........Now then does my randy husband wish to wait until I have a front hole or is he happy to use the one a little further back for now'

I could not believe it six months later I picked her up from a clinic and helped her to carefully sit in the front of the car, I knew I would not be going near her for many weeks, but the satisfaction of knowing that beneath those bandages was a hole and not a dick was consolation enough.

I had converted my mate Terry into my wife Terri and I for one loved her even if she never told me she loved me I knew she needed me and would do anything for me, that and looking beautiful and sexy was enough for me.

The end

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