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Chapter 14
by Maggie O'Malley
When Sara was growing up, her "magic crayons" helped her escape the pain. Now as an adult and the world famous Art Angel, can they help her to find the life she's always dreamed of?
Sara headed back toward the meowing kitties at Kuddle Kittens, carrying her gift box and deeply lost in thought. Had she stopped and turned around she would have noticed that the Spells 'R' Us shop she had just left had been replaced by it normal occupant, Bob's Dry Cleaners.
Sara approached the pet shop but this time she just had to stop briefly and admire the cute kittens. The little girl within giggled as the young woman wiggled her fingers into the cage and the kitten's attacked them playfully. Sara decided she had to have a kitten in her life no matter what life she'll chose to live. She was either going to get one for her cottage at Derby or she'd pester mummy and daddy until they got her one.
Reluctantly she tore herself away from her furry friends and then headed back to the main mall corridor. The activity had decreased dramatically and she quickly realized why as the warning message came over the loud speaker instructing shoppers to make their final purchases as the mall was closing in five minutes.
Sara quickened her pace, passing by Bath and Body Works, although wishing she had time to pick up a bottle of the Plumeria that smelled so delightful. Of course that would have presented yet another dilemma, as she really didn't know whether she should purchase the shower gel or the children's bubble bath.
Sara finally made her way bout out doors she'd came through earlier and spied her pink BMW waiting patiently for her. Again, everything she encountered now seemed to have a dual meeting. Would she be keeping Pinky, her beloved BMW, or would she be trading her in for a battery powered Barbie jeep?
As Sara approached her car she noticed two things, first a note sticking on her windshield and then the absence of the anti-freeze container. When she read the note it explained the second thing she noticed. "Hi Sara, the photo shoot ended up being cancelled. Came back by to see if you got going all right. Filled your radiator for you and took the empty back with me. Really sorry about your jacket. Hope you were able to get it cleaned. Call me sometime. We can share artwork. Love, Janet."
Sara smiled lovingly. She really liked Janet and she was so happy that she had the self-confidence now to reach out and make a friend like that. She would really like to stay in touch with her, but that seemed rather doubtful should she chose to be a Kiwi toddler.
Janet's comment about her jacket reminded her that she never had found her way to the dry cleaners, but as she looked down the front expecting to see a well-set stain she was surprised to see her beautiful blue jacket clean and stripe free again. She giggled, as she knew this had to be the wizard's work. She was sure he would say it was another one of those things he'd included at no charge.
Sara said a little prayer for the wizard who helped her life, regardless of which one she chose to live, and she also said a prayer for her mother, hoping she was now resting at peace.
Sara fired up Pinky and she purred like the kittens she'd played with in the mall. A few minutes later she was back on the road and three hours from Derby. She reached into her purse and pulled out the cell phone. When she turned it on she noticed she had half a dozen messages from Prue and Jenna. Sara had left the phone on the silent setting and had never heard it ring. She was going to just wait until she got into Derby, but decided to go ahead and make a quick call to let them know she was all right before they had her majesty's secret service out looking for her.
Sara decided to ring Prue, not wanting to disturb Jenna should she be trying to put the girls down for the night. Prue answered on the second ring, a mother's concern heavy in her voice. "Sara? Are you all right? I was expecting to hear from you hours ago. Jenna and I were really getting worried."
Sara chuckled. "Yes mummy, sorry I worried you, but I'm fine and I should be home in about three hours. I'll call you then."
Prue smiled a world away at the term of endearment her friend and "daughter" shared with her. "You're coming home then? I'm sorry Sara. I was hoping things would go better."
Sara sighed warmly. "Prue, things did go well. In fact they couldn't have went better, and I have something to share with you that could change both our lives, but I can't talk about it now. I'll call you on the cell phone as soon as I get settled in, and if you chat with Jenna let her know I'm fine and on my way home."
Sara was greeted by a few seconds of silence as her words had stunned Prue. Finally she found her voice. "Change both our lives? Okay hon, this I got to hear, but I'd say things have already changed if you're willing to talk to me on the cell phone instead of the computer. Giggle! I'll call Jenna when I ring off and I'll be waiting for your call. Drive careful now. I love you."
Sara returned her "I love you" then rung off. She placed the phone back in her purse and then stole a quick glance at the special passenger riding across from her. No matter what life she chose, Maggie would always occupy a special place there.
Sara spent the next three hours trying to stay focused on the road ahead of her, not wanting to have a careless traffic accident take the choice out of her hands, but it was almost impossible as she considered the pros and cons of two life's like weights on the scales of justice.
By the time she pulled into her driveway, the only thing she had succeeded in doing was giving herself a mild headache for her efforts, and as she walked up toward the house she had a more pressing matter to deal with, at least pressing on her bladder as she needed to go the loo straight away.
Once the call to mother nature was answered, she put the kettle on for tea and prepared to call Prue. The wizard had been spot on about everything else and if he said Prue would believe her then she had no reason to doubt him. In fact, Sara knew if there were any TWO people in this world who would believe her it, it was the same two who had always believed in her, Prue and Jenna.
Sara poured her self a cuppa; then punched in Prue's number. Prue's soft voice answered and warmed Sara like the Earl Grey tea in her cup. Sara was trying to find the words to start her on her incredible story, when Prue asked if she'd like to conference call along with Jenna. She made it quite clear that if Sara wanted to talk privately with her they could, but Jenna was standing by at her phone should she like to conference.
Sara thought for a moment. What she had to say wouldn't potentially impact Jenna's life as much as it did Prue's, but it did mean the difference between her being Sara's sister and her unofficial auntie. Without Jenna she might still be a street artist and ignorant of her own birth defect. Without Jenna sending her that computer and opening her eyes to the world of TG fiction, she might never have met Prue. Sara smiled as she realized that she wouldn't dream of having this conversation now without Jenna.
A couple of minutes later, the Three Musketeers were reunited for the first time on the phone line, but the magic was still just as special. Jenna and Prue listened patiently while Sara gave them a warning that what she was about to tell them was almost too incredible to believe, but that it was all true and that she could only pray they would believe her and hopefully help her make the biggest decision of not only her life but one that could impact Prue's as well.
Prue and Jenna solemnly promised they would believe her and be there to help her anyway they could. Sara thanked them both and then began. For the next hour she held the floor, only stopping when the emotion of the moment overcame her. Jenna and Prue then spoke up to offer kind words or reassurance and comfort until Sara was able to resume again.
When Sara got to the part where she entered her mall she stopped and then added. "From this point on, things get really unbelievable. All I ask is that you let me finish before calling the folks in the white coats and having me carted off."
That elicited a pair of giggles from Jenna and Prue, along with promises by both they would wait until she was finished, and reassurances they had no intentions of having her tossed in the looney bin.
Sara took a deep breath then, and walked her friends through the mall and into meet the wizard. When she finally finished the tale she was in tears, as so were Prue and Jenna. Once they were able to speak, Prue and Jenna told Sara the words she so desperately needed to hear. "We believe you Sara. As incredible as it all seems, we do believe you Sara."
More tears and soft words were exchanged before Jenna offered to ring off now, as she considered the decision that Sara had to make really was between her and Prue. Both Prue and Jenna however would have none of that and both begged her to stay saying they needed her input and most of all they needed her presence. Jenna was touched to the point of more tears and agreed to stay as the threesome discussed Sara's impending decision.
As Sara had on the way home, Prue and Jenna raised the pro's and con's of each choice, but it was obvious that Prue was prejudiced in her heart and mind, as for her it was no choice at all. She wanted her daughter to come home and she made that fact quite clear to Sara, but in the end she also made it quite clear that the final decision was Sara's and she would support her choice whatever it would be.
Jenna pretty much concurred with Prue, saying she was kind of partial to having a little niece to spoil and she knew Becky and Cathleen would be thrilled to death to get a new cousin, but ultimately Sara had to follow her heart.
Finally all the words were said. It was simply a matter of Sara making the choice and she had little more than a half a day to do it. Prue and Jenna finally rang off saying their prayers were with her and that they would be by the phone and the computer should she need them.
Sara sent them both loads of hugs and love before finally saying good- bye. When she put down the phone she collapsed on her bed and cried until sheer exhaustion and eventually sleep claimed her.
That night she dreamed. She didn't return to the mall, but instead she hopped back and forth between dreams. In one dream she was a young woman at a party, a party for the Art Angel. She was receiving an award for excellence in art and both Prue and Jenna were there leading the cheers. In the other dream she was a little girl at a party, a birthday party for her. She was receiving birthday gifts and both Prue and Jenna were there singing Happy Birthday along with everyone else. In both dreams she was happy, but in only one did she feel truly at home. When she awoke the next morning, she had made her decision. She picked up the coloring book and the crayons from the box and sat them on her art desk.
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so touching
Oh wow what TS would not ultimativly choose this.
It's sad there are so few wizards, Geenies and the like about those days. I'm so happy for Sara.
thank you for yet an other great chapter
Friendship is like glass,
once broken it can be mented,
but there will always be a crack.