Totally Insane 19 Repudiations.

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Totally Insane 19–Repudiations.

by Angharad


The door of the office opened and the young woman told us to go through. My Daddy led the way, he walked over to the tall man behind the huge desk and they shook hands.

“Hello, Peter, good to see you again, you know Rosemary. This is Brian and Kylie.” Brian and I nodded to the man who nodded back.

“Please do sit down,” we did on the semi-circle of chairs that were arranged in front of the desk. There were at least a dozen, so I suspected several more people would be in attendance.

“Stuart, I’ve looked at the evidence–there were some CCTV tapes, but I think they’ve been tampered with. So I asked WPC Armstrong to go and make some enquiries at the shopping centre.” He leaned forward speaking into an intercom; “Will you send in WPC Armstrong?” She entered a moment later.

“Could you tell The Mosses what your enquiries revealed?” Mr Holiday asked.

“Certainly, Sir. You have my report in front of you. The camera tapes had been collected from the various shops and council sites by a police officer, although no one seemed to know who’d collected them–no receipts were issued, just an exchange of a blank tape for the used one. I found this odd and not the normal procedure in such matters.”

Clearing her throat she continued; “I then asked if anyone had witnessed the incident the previous weekend. One witness had thought it happened on the Saturday, but he complained that the kids were always making a nuisance of themselves. After that I found two other witnesses who suggested that a group of bigger boys had begun teasing a younger boy and girl. They hadn’t liked to get involved because these things can get a bit rough.”

I began to feel that maybe things weren’t going to be too bad, but my tummy was churning. “One of the witnesses thought she saw one of the boys produce a knife which he handed to the other boy. Then suddenly, another boy came rushing in and seemed to knock down three or four of the others. He seemed to know the younger couple, especially the girl. After some things were said, the rescuer left with the younger couple.”

“That isn’t quite everything, is it, WPC Armstrong?” said Holiday.

“No, Sir, one of the shops wasn’t open on the Monday after the fight, the owner had some building work done. However, his camera had been working on the Sunday and I managed to borrow the tape. The film clearly shows the incident, as it happened right outside his shop.”

“And you have seen this film?”

“Yes, Sir, it shows pretty well what the witnesses described and confirms the statements made by Kylie and Brian Mosse.”

“I see, please take a seat, WPC Armstrong, and thank you for your very good work.” She sat the other side of Mummy, who was seated next to me.

“Please have the others come in,” said the Chief Constable into the intercom. Two moments later, two huge men and two large boys entered, followed by two women. “This is Chief Inspector Burden and his family, and Sergeant Hogg and his family. Mr and Mrs Mosse and their children.” The adults nodded to each other. “Please be seated,” said the CC to the new comers; they all sat down, filling the rest of the chairs. The tension was almost unbearable.

“Chief Inspector would you care to explain what you believe happened on the Sunday afternoon at the shopping centre?”

“Yes, Sir: My boy Richie and his mate Johnie Hogg, were larking about by the shops that Sunday afternoon when Kyle Mosse and his boyfriend Philip Gonnersall came by holding hands and acting in what could only be described as a lascivious way.”

I wasn’t sure what the words meant exactly, but I knew they weren’t good. I felt very hot. I should have known they were going to tell lies about us because they were in the wrong; what I didn’t know was how hurt I was going to feel. Mummy was holding my hand and I felt her tense as the Chief Inspector spoke. I glanced at Daddy and he was getting very red and angry looking.

“Anyway, the pair of fairies taunted the two boys and their girl friends”–at this I thought Daddy was going to get up and hit him, but he just shifted in his seat–“the boys, being boys, and in front of their girlfriends, got a bit boisterous with them and the next minute, Brian Mosse came charging in waving a knife and threatened then hit my lad and two of the others. He’s into martial arts and dangerous. My lad and the others came home, he suffered a broken nose and the others had various injuries to face and body. That boy’s like a wild animal and ought to be in a cage.”

My Daddy shifted in his seat again, he was having difficulty sitting still he was so angry, and Brian was staring at the floor, tapping his foot quietly on the thick carpet.

“What do you know of Kylie Mosse, Chief Inspector?” asked the Chief Constable.

“Only that he’s gay and likes to advertise the fact by flouncing around in dresses.”

“Do you find that offensive?”

“Not personally, but when he upsets my lad, I do.”

“Do you have any supporting evidence for your case?”

“Yes, Sir, we collected several CCTV tapes from which we compiled the relevant parts on to one tape.” He held up the tape.

“Could you please show us the tape,” the Chief Constable indicated a VCR and screen. The large police officer deposited the tape in the machine and pressed play.

We watched black and white film showing four versions of the incident, which only lasted for about two minutes. The evidence wasn’t especially clear and wasn’t how I recalled the event.

“You see, Mosse with the knife and then hitting the others,” claimed the large copper. The tape stopped and he returned to his seat.

“Could you send in Mr Cropper,” the Chief Constable spoke into his intercom. The two coppers looked at each other in puzzlement. In came a man about thirty-something. “Would you care to show the tape you have Mr Cropper and run through the main point of your report, for us.”

“Of course, Chief Constable.” He removed the tape in the machine and put in his own. “This is basically a copy of this tape,” he showed the one that Burden had put in the machine, “showing where the tape has been altered, some of it cleverer than others.” He pressed start and the tape ran.

“In this bit, you can see the angle has changed, which is obviously impossible from a stationary camera, this piece has been moved, look at the detail in the background, the woman with the pram has changed position having apparently walked backwards. The counter has been altered, rather clumsily, the figures are a slightly different size indicating two tapes have been mixed.” He continued in this vein for several minutes.

“Thank you, Mr Cropper–if you hadn’t guessed, Mr Cropper is a forensic scientist from the university.” I glanced at the other lot: the two policemen were looking very worried. “WPC Armstrong, would you care to show your tape, perhaps Mr Cropper would care to agree this is unadulterated?”

The film was shown, which was much more like our version of events, the knife was seen being passed from one boy to the other and waved at me, before Brian–in best Batman tradition–swooped in and decked them all.

“Would you care to say where the tape came from?”

“Yes, Sir, it was from the camera shop, which was closed that evening for the week for alterations. The owner, a Mr Sylvester, has one camera pointing out through the window on to the square and one inside the shop.”

“Mr Cropper?”

“Well, Chief Constable, it looks perfectly okay, although to be sure I’d need to check it in my lab.”

“I suspect that won’t be necessary. Mr Mosse, perhaps you’d like to say something?”

My father nodded and leapt to his feet. His anger had cooled a little because he began to realise he was probably going to win the argument. “Thank you, Chief Constable; there are a few things I feel like saying but I won’t because there are ladies present, including my own daughter.” This remark brought a snigger from Burden junior and my father’s eyes flashed.

“I see you find that amusing, young man. It doesn’t surprise me, I suspect such attitudes go well with beating up smaller kids and demonising minorities. And yes, my daughter, Kylie, is one such minority, suffering from a condition known as Gender Identity Disorder, which means that she has a female mind inside what was primarily a male body. She is however, seeing a leading expert in the field, who confirms the diagnosis. I suspect the same doctor could confirm the state of being an arsehole on you, young man, only that isn’t treatable.”

The boy’s father stood up, “How dare you call my lad names, at least he knows what he is.”

“I know what he is too and he’d better stay away from my kids.”

“Gentlemen, please sit down.” The Chief Constable had his hands full as both fathers were very angry. “I called you all here to try and avoid a court case, because the outcomes would be very serious. I think the facts speak for themselves and they are very disappointing. I find it disgraceful that a senior officer and a middle ranking one of some experience could put their careers in jeopardy by tampering with evidence in clear breach of all legal protocols.

“I also find it disturbing that such experienced officers should demonstrate and encourage such prejudice against a child who has every right to wear whatever clothes she wishes and to present in whatever identity she feels comfortable, as she explores her gender problem. Not only that but such homophobic attitudes are contrary to both national and departmental guidelines, as you both well know.

“I have no option but to suspend both of you from active service and to convene an investigation into your conduct which will lead to a disciplinary in due course. It is of course up to Mr Mosse and his family, if they wish to take further action through the courts. If they so chose, any evidence we have here will be available to them.”

“You bastard,” called Burden senior, aiming a punch at Brian, who although probably only half his size and weight, caught the arm and with a quick twist threw the man onto his back. Brian then pulled the blow he’d would normally have followed through to the flattened victim, probably crushing his throat.

The man’s son thought about joining in except the sergeant yanked him back to his seat, which was a shame as Brian would have decked him again. The Chief Constable had dashed round from his desk, “You fool, Burden, don’t you ever learn. WPC Armstrong, arrest Mr Burden and read him his rights. Charge him with common assault.”

The party was over, Burden senior was led away. His career in ruins, his colleague and their two families left in shame.

“Well, Stuart, the ball’s in your court,” said Mr Holiday.

“What’s likely to happen to the two of them?”

“Burden has just ended his career, I will insist he is prosecuted for assault upon a minor. The other, is likely to be sacked too, I don’t want bent coppers.”
Brian found this to be very amusing and sniggered, “What’s so funny young man?” asked the CC.

“Well they were getting at Kylie, and you called them bent,” he waved his hand with a limp wrist and the Chief Constable smiled.

“That wasn’t what I meant and you know it.” Brian shrugged by reply. “That was some move you did on Burden.”

“Nah, just used his momentum against him, easy really.” Brian shrugged again, although he was also grinning with a modicum of pride.

“Would you have hit him in the throat if it had happened in the street?”

“I don’t know, Sir, depends on how frightened I was.” Brian was now really blushing.

“I hope I never frighten you. I’m away from tomorrow for a week, let me know what you want to do, Stuart.”

“What do you think I should do?” asked Daddy.

“That’s for you to decide, but look after this young lady, won’t you?” he patted me on the shoulder. “I think you make a rather splendid girl, and I think you’re incredibly brave doing what you’re doing. It takes real courage.”

When we left, Brian had his arm around me protectively, whilst my parents were deep in conversation. I felt somehow, that the rift between us had healed via the challenge of a common enemy, least I hoped it had. We drove to a pub with a nice restaurant, the one I’d been to before with Daddy. “Steak rolls all round?” he asked and we all nodded.

“What would you like me to do?” Daddy asked me, “you were the offended party.”

“I don’t know, Daddy, but I don’t want the Echo finding out about it and telling everyone, even if my brother’s something of a hero.” I shoved the last bit in to placate the Neanderthal.

“What about you, Brian?”

“It’s over, innit, Dad? You won, and I got to deck a copper, hee-hee!”

“An ex-copper,” said Daddy and Brian shrugged. “Shall we call it a day then?” asked my father.

“I think we should, it could also cost lots of money,” said Mummy, bringing it all down to earth, “and I don’t want any adverse publicity for either of the kids.”

“Okay, I propose a toast to the Mosse family, who beat the bad guys because we worked as a team, protecting each other.” My daddy can be a bit pompous at times, but we knew what he meant.

We had an afternoon in town and Brian managed to con Daddy into buying him a new pair of trainers–they cost a bomb. I had to make do with some new pyjamas to wear to Gemma’s sleepover tomorrow night, plus a new toilet bag in the shape of a bunny rabbit.

When we got home, I went to see Auntie Em and her husband was there; he spends most of his time away, so I got a shock when he opened the door. “Um,” I blushed, “is Auntie Emma there?”

“Em, there’s a young lady at the door for you, are you going out to play?”

“Come in, Kylie,” she called from the kitchen, I think.

“So you’re the famous Kylie?” said Mr Johnson.

“Um,” I blushed and went inside, almost fleeing to the kitchen.”

Auntie Em gave me a hug and said, “How did it go?” Mr Johnson had followed me into the kitchen. “Kylie and her family have been to see the Chief Constable.”

“Oh, right; you move in rarified circles, young lady,” he commented.

“It went okay, they tried to show a fake film to prove we were at fault, but the Chief Constable–he’s nice by the way–had an expert to show it was fake. Then one of them tried to hit Brian.”

“Goodness!” exclaimed Auntie Em.

“It was a mistake though, Brian threw him on the floor and could have killed him.”

“I think that might have been a slight overreaction, Kylie, don’t you?” said Auntie Em.

“What, the fellow nearly died because he was thrown?” asked Mr J, seeking to clarify things.

“No, Brian flipped him over and then could have punched him in the throat and killed him, but he didn’t.”

“I think that might have been a bit OTT, don’t you think?” said Mr J.

“Yes, Mr Johnson, I’m glad he didn’t.”

“Hey, how come she’s Auntie Em and I’m Mr Johnson?”

“Um, “ I blushed.

He was laughing, “Call me Uncle Kit, okay?”

“Okay, um, Uncle Kit.”

“Sarah has missed you today, she was actually looking for you earlier.”

“Was she? Where is she now?” I asked wanting to see her.

“She’s up asleep, she’s teething I think. Look can you keep an eye on her for half an hour while I dash to the shop with Kit? Any probs call this number, or get your mum in. Is that okay?”

“Yes, that’s fine, does Mummy know?”

“I’ll pop across and tell her.” They left and I went up to Sarah’s nursery, she was fast asleep, I checked she was still breathing and sat down on the floor with a magazine I’d brought from downstairs.

When they came back, they thanked me, and Auntie Em gave me a hug and a box of chocolates. I thought I would share them with Mummy, as she’d been sort of involved as well, as my back up.

Daddy went out to get a take away for dinner, to celebrate our victory. I also got a small glass of wine–don’t know how anyone can drink lots of it, it was yucky but I drank it all the same. Brian had a bigger glass and he spent much of the evening blushing, so he’s no hardened drinker either. Daddy buys those boxes of wine, with the tap on them, he says they’re cheaper and just as good. Mummy doesn’t drink very much, just the odd glass with dinner.

In the excitement of the morning I forgot to take my girly pills, so I slipped out of bed and took them before I went to sleep. I went to bed thinking about all those female hormones rushing round my body.

I had some really weird dreams. I mean like, really weird. In one I grew a boob on my head, and everybody laughed at me. It was soooo embarrassing. The only good thing was I could feed Sarah from it, although it dripped sticky milk in my hair.

That was bad enough, but the other one went like this: I was kidnapped coming home from the girls’ school I now went to. Someone nabbed me and pushed me into a car. I was tied up and blindfolded, so I couldn’t do anything about it. When I screamed, someone shoved a gag in my mouth. I was really frightened. I was taken to a factory or shed somewhere, it was pretty dilapidated and manhandled onto an old table. They pulled off my blindfold and then pulled down my knickers and tights. A hand grabbed hold of my dangly bits and a voice said, “Well faggot, you messed up my career, I’m going to mess up yours.” I saw Chief Inspector Burden holding up a carpet knife. He laughed, “Is your brother not here to save you, aww diddums.” The knife flashed and I screamed.

“It’s all right Kylie, it’s just a bad dream,” said my mother’s voice, except I hardly heard it as I was screeching the place down.

“What’s the matter Mum?” I heard Brian say.

“It’s just a bad dream, she’ll be alright in a moment, go back to bed.” I sobbed as she held me and patted my back. “It’s all right, darling, no one’s going to hurt you, Mummy’s here.”

I did eventually go back to sleep, but that last one was so real, I could almost smell his horrible breath. I didn’t tell anyone about them because they would think I was such a wimp, but it did worry me about tomorrow and the slumber party. What if I have a nightmare then? Maybe I shouldn’t go?

I lay awake for a while wondering about that, what were they going to say to the others, especially Maisie Apple. Would any of the others know me from my reputation? Oh goodness, how do I get myself into these situations? Maybe I should ring Gemma and say my sleeping bag caught on fire or something, damn–I still had to get her a card and a present.

Next thing I knew it was morning and I felt like a bit of wet newspaper, “Come on, Kylie, we need to get Gemma a birthday present.”

“Like what?” I asked, “I don’t know what to get her.”

“Ah but I do, I spoke with her mother.”

Sometimes Mummy can be insufferably clever, “Why don’t you go and get it then clever-clogs?” I muttered under my breath.

“What did you say?” said my mother advancing into my bedroom with the sleeping bag.

“I’m still tired, Mummy.”

“In which case you may be the only one who actually sleeps at your party tonight.” The thought of that terrified me. What if I had another nasty dream?

“I don’t think I want to go any more.”

“After I dried that bag for you and spoke with Gemma’s mother, you are going young lady. Now up you get and be quick about it, before Brian wakes up.”


Bonzi I'm so kewl it hurts the Cat, wishes to thank Gabi for translating this episode into English, he had to finish it, her with the can-opener, has a heavy cold and cough and acts as if she's dying!

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