Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over - Chapter 13

Your wife really loves you and wants all the best for you." I started crying. Joan ran over to hug me asking what was wrong. I said, "I am so happy, I am not sure what has gotten into me! I have changed so much. My mind is all different. I think only feminine thoughts. I love being in a corset, dresses, high heels and doing my makeup. Will I ever be able to be a man again?"

Feminizer Disease Takes My Body Over
Chapter 13
By Terry Hansay

Description: My wife helps me through the Feminzer disease as I become a full woman slowly. I had to learn a whole new life with her help.
Chapter Thirteen

We got up Sunday morning and Joan was already up and dressed. She pushed me into the shower and said "We have a full day. Let's get going."

As I came out of the bath, she held up a very cute summer outfit, a white tank top with narrow straps and short shorts. Wow! There was nothing there, but I thought it looked cute. The CD must really be working on my brain.

Joan said to pick out a t-shirt bra and a short panty girdle. I asked if I was going to wear nylons with the shorts. Joan smiled and said, "No silly, not with these short shorts".

I put on my Victoria's Secret t-shirt bra and a new short panty girdle then sat down to do my makeup and hair. I was getting old hat at this and liked the new makeup tricks Joan taught me. She put my hair into two ponytails with big white ribbons. It was very feminine and I really liked the look. I was feeling good about all this feminine "stuff"!

I put the top on and quickly saw it was very tight and showed off my figure big time. My bra did show through the thin material, but I did not get bothered about it this time. It didn't seem to be a problem for me. Wow, was I accepting this "bra show through thing"! I did say to Joan, "My bra straps show on my shoulders. How I handle that?" Joan smiled and said, Terri, that is just one more womanly "thing" we have to manage. You should keep your bra straps under the thin narrow part of your top. You will need to check this often while wearing this fun top".

Wow, this was new to me, my bra straps showing and I couldn't care less! But for some reason I was OK with this new womanly "duty" I had to perform, covering up my lingerie. I was happy I was not so uptight about this bra thing. Maybe the CD therapy is helping me come to term with my femininity.

I slipped on the short shorts. Wow, they too were form fitting and really showed off my shape and long legs. Joan was very pleased with my new causal look.

I slipped on a pair of my heels, which really gave me a feminine lift. Joan popped in saying, "Terri, you don't need to wear those high heels with this kind of casual outfit. I have some cute sandals for you to try."

I was disappointed hearing that. I thought I looked good in those high heels. I took the new sandals. They were cute, flowers on them said I was all girl. They still had a little bit of a heel.

Joan said, "Don't forget your perfume and to grab you purse". I was confused about the perfume since I only wore it once last night to the dance. Joan said I must wear the perfume now every day. It is what we girls do. I was happy with that, since I loved the smell. It added the final touch to my dressing and brought a relaxed feeling over me. I liked it.

As we were walking to breakfast I said to Joan "These sandals are very nice and love the way they feel." Joan said my whole outfit was very cute on me. I looked down, did a spin, and said, "Yes, I do look pretty cute, don't I?"

Right then I knew I was hooked and it would be hard to return to my masculine ways. Joan was very pleased with her training, grabbed my hand and said she was very proud of me. I felt good all over and it showed.

Paula and Jenny were at breakfast all smiles and happy. Both had on the same short shorts I did, go figure. Jenny said she was feeling better, sorry she missed the dance last night.

Our program for the day was filled with more classes. After breakfast we were going to a social class, then a sewing class, then to the gym for an exercise class. After lunch we will have a class on how to deal with men and then some free time back in our rooms with our girlfriends before having dinner with our families.

I kept poking and pulling at my bra straps. Joan was making faces at me to stop. I whispered to her saying it was hurting. She said, "By now you should be used to wearing a bra. Maybe it is too small. We will measure you back up in the room."

We all hugged and went back to our rooms to get ready for our social class.

Back in the room Joan said "We have to change our outfits and let's measure you to see if your bras are too small."

I said, "We are changing outfits again, why?" Joan said "You should get used to having many outfits. That is why we women love to shop and dress pretty."

She handed me the measuring tape and said "Measure yourself. See if you learned yesterday how to fit a bra."

I was still 36 band size, but I was a fuller D cup now. Joan said that could be the problem, but I was not a DD cup yet. When she said DD cup, I did not get nervous, no reaction at all. I was OK with maybe being larger in the bustline. Wow! I was brainwashed with that CD therapy!

She handed me my all-in-one corset saying the dress will look very nice with this foundation. I sort of frowned, saying "Do I have to wear this tight corset?"

Joan said my wife wants me to get used to wearing an all-in-one corset. She likes them on me and it supports my figure beautifully. What choice did I have? I stepped into it.

The dress was another figure hugging one, very pretty as normal. I put my nylons on. This time she gave me a pair with seams up the back. They were hard to keep straight. Joan made me put them on until the seams were straight.

While dressing and checking my makeup I asked Joan what this next class was all about. I thought we did this kind of class yesterday. Joan said we would learn society's rules about being a woman and what is expected of a Southern Belle. I asked her what a Southern Belle was. Joan explained it was from a time when ladies were ultra lady like, always dressed in the most exquisite dresses and escorted their men to their every need.

I'm not sure what that all meant, but I knew I was going to be taught. It sounded interesting.

I spritzed more perfume on my neck. Joan did not even have to tell me to put it on. That perfume was the final touch that made me feel feminine. It made me smell so fresh, like in a world of femininity. I felt good.

The next two classes went fast. We learned more useful womanly tasks, how to "act" in society and where our place is in a man's world. All seemed OK with me and I was comfortable with what I heard. I was really mellow, accepting of this new direction my life was taking me. It must be that hypnotic therapy changing my brain waves.

The next class was an exercise class. We went back to the room to change into a workout outfit. Another outfit change, but this one was really sexy. Joan had me put on a leotard outfit over a short panty girdle and sports bra. She said the panty girdle will help hide my "little one" and that it did. The girdle packed it away and I looked very feminine down there. I could not get over how form fitting this outfit was. It hugged every curve of my body and then some! The leopard print was pink and white. The extra touch to the outfit was the words across my chest, GIRL POWER. I could hardly read it, half the words were under my bustline. Again I put my glossy lipstick on and another spritz of perfume and headed down to the gym.

Once at the gym, I looked in the mirror. There stood a stunning, shapely woman, me! I thought to myself, I have really changed, even since Friday. This school has done something to really make me super beautiful. My figure was perfect, 36D, 28, 38. My hair, makeup and total demeanor was shouting I was all woman.

Joan saw me admiring my image in the mirror. She came up to me and whispered, "See you are a beautiful, sexy woman. You are doing great. You will beat your disease! Terri, your wife is upstairs and I have a meeting with her now. I will be right back after your exercise class."

I had a big smile, but then thought, "Disease, what disease?" It took me a minute to remember I had the Feminizer disease and I was a man trying to fight it. Wow! This Institute is really making me into a total thinking woman. I almost forgot my gender!

Luckily the exercise instructor came out to start the class and took my mind off my disease. Jenny and Paula were with me and yes, in the same outfit, pink leotards. Our instructor Alice was a real pro. Her figure looked even shapelier than mine.

Then she said, "Girls you too can have a figure like mine when you do the exercises I will teach you today." She took one look at me and said, "Well, Terri it looks like you are already working out." Paula laughed and said, "I wish I could be as pretty as Terri." How sweet that was. It just made me feel good hearing that from Paula.

Alice gave us a fun work out. All exercises were different from any I have never known. Yes, these were all for women, not men.

Alice ended the hour class explaining the proper outfits and support we needed for exercising. She told us three or four times that we need to wear the most supportive bra possible. She said, "Look at Terri, her bustline was very supported plus she is wearing a panty girdle for support, too. Good choice Terri!"

Joan left the class to meet up with the headmistress and Terri's wife, Cathy. This was the closing meeting, talking about how Terri did over the weekend, like a parent teacher conference. The headmistress was very pleased with the staff report on Terri, stating "Terri had adjusted very well, accepting more than we expected. He has scored high and his teacher Joan has given him the highest marks."

Joan explained to Cathy "He has taken to the lifestyle of being a Southern Belle as you requested. He loves his 50's bras and girdles. He no longer fears wearing a white or thin blouse, which allows his bra to show through. As you requested we spent extra time on that fear of his. Terri wore a tight white sweater with his bullet bra to an event and was OK displaying his ultra feminine appearance. He has even taking a real liking to the Southern Belle lacy dresses. He looked amazing in them with the support from his all-in-one corsets."

Abbey, Terri's hypnotic teacher, and the Institute doctor came in to join the meeting. Abby said "Our plan has been fulfilled. Terri has listened to the first two sessions of therapy and adjusted well to the training." Abbey said she had the remainder of the six sessions on CD to take home for Terri to listen to there. Abbey said, "Cathy, you should not have any problems having him listen to these at night. He loves them, which is part of the first night's therapy. Terri has been conditioned to want to listen to these feminine therapy sessions."

The doctor gave a good report saying "Terri's estrogen levels are almost up to level for his disease. Terri will have to continue his estrogen shots and pills to keep him under control. He should be very submissive with these levels of estrogen. He has a very strong feminine attitude which will help you control his destiny."

The doctor asked Cathy if she is still going to keep Terri in his feminine demeanor and not allow him to return to his masculine ways. The doctor said "Terri has almost forgotten he has the disease and is very comfortable with his new feminine lifestyle. He even adjusted well to the dance and being in the arms of Steve Long, your friend you sent here for the dance last night."

Cathy explained to the group that this "experiment" has been her lifelong dream. This disease has only helped her turn her husband into the lady she always wanted. Terri seems to love his new ways and it will be really easy to keep him in a feminine state.

Cathy asked how Steve did with Terri last night at the dance. All said he was a complete gentleman and Terri melted in his arms. Cathy was very happy Terri responded to Steve's masculine charms. Cathy said, "Steve lives around the corner from us and I expect to have him over to help Terri experience and develop her femininity."

Both Abbey and the doctor suggested she wait until Terri is done with the CD mind therapy before she does any dating with Steve. Her mind is not there yet and she needs more re-enforcement of her femininity.

Cathy was very pleased with the Institutes work and said she would be back for more classes with Terri.

Joan said she had to return to Terri's class, reminding Cathy that she can join Terri in her bedroom later for her free time class.

Joan returned to Terri's gym class and suggested we go down to the ice cream store and get a dish. "Terri, why are you all excited, very giggly?" Joan asked. Jenny looked at me with that look like why are you acting so girly? I said to the group, "I feel so good, love having friends like you girls."

Joan thought this is going way too smooth. Terri is responding to well to her training and medication.

Once at the ice cream store I spotted my first man trying to dress and act like a woman. Is this a crossdresser? Wow, did I look like that in my early days? At least Jenny and Paula looked like and now where acting like "real" women. I was sympathetic toward these crossdressers and wanted to meet them and be their friend. Joan did not think it was a good idea since we had our own agenda and needed to get ready for dinner.

The six of us had a good time eating our ice cream. It was more a chatty girly time than anything else. It almost seemed like Joan planned this as a class of social interacting with Jenny and Paula. Either way I enjoyed talking about last nights dance, our dresses and my new open bottom all-in-one corset. Paula loved my bright red lipstick and wanted to know how I got my pretty lips so sparkly last night at the dance. I said that Joan taught me a trick and I pulled the lipgloss out of my purse and show the girls the glossy topcoat I applied last night. Boy, this talk was so girly! I was enjoying it and did not want to leave.

We went back upstairs to our rooms to change again. Joan said we will skip lunch, get cleaned up and go right to our next class on how to handle men. In my former life I could never skip lunch, but for some reason I had no problem with skipping lunch now.

Back in the room Joan asked me again to wear my 50's all-in-one corset. She handed me another lacy frilly dress. I told Joan how much I loved these dresses, how much fun they are to wear. I love the way they fit and sway on my hips. Joan was pleased with my demeanor.

I jumped into the shower. Joan called in to say not to get my hair wet, we don't have time for a new hairdo. I got right into my open bottom corset like it was second nature to me. I applied my makeup and retied my pigtails with the big fancy bows.

Joan smiled as I was admiring my silhouette in the full-length mirror. I felt good and she knew it.

Off we went, high heels clicking, down the hall to our next class. I was not a bit nervous about it. Before just the mention of studying men made me nervous. Now I seemed to accept it and wanted the knowledge. Boy have I changed!

We got down to the classrooms and Joan and I went into a different room. It looked like a living room with comfy chairs. My hypnotic teacher Abbey and another lady I did not know were sitting there waiting.

Abbey commented how nice I looked and loved the pretty dress. I thanked her as I curtseyed. Wow! Where did that curtsey come from? I know they taught me that Saturday morning, but out of the blue I just curtseyed showing my respect to her. I smiled and thought to myself how much I liked being a Southern Belle!

Joan explained this class will be separate from Jenny and Paula since my wife wants me taught a different angle to the subject. I did not care and seemed OK with anything Joan suggested nowadays. I was submissive to her direction.

The other lady introduced herself as Mary Anne. She was all decked out in a beautiful dress, looked almost like me as a Southern Belle. She looked like Southern beauty and the total outpouring of hospitality in her darling gown. She wore a long white dress with dark green ribbon trim, an attached hoop petticoat, green ribbon sash, and a picture frame yellow hat. The gorgeous dress framed her beautiful cleavage as the white pearls around her dainty neck drew my eyes right to her bustline. Mary Anne's figure was just like mine, very shapely and again that 50's pointed bustline. I really love that look. I thought she showed off a pure, yet flirtatious demeanor that would make any gentleman of the South want to court her.

Joan started the conversation saying that my wife Cathy would like them to train me in the feminine ways of the South. Explaining that the ladies of the South had a real lady like manner about them and were ultra feminine. I smiled and said, "I think I understand, I have been wearing those pretty dresses and foundations of the South and I love the feel and look." All the girls were pleased with my acceptance of this lifestyle. Joan went on to say I would be very happy accepting this lifestyle and "playing" the part of a Southern Belle. I agreed.

Mary Anne said "Then there is not much more we can do other than train you to be the sweetest Southern Belle you can possibly be. The Institute has a weekend retreat for just this kind of special training." I was so excited that I was clapping my hands in a girly way. I asked if I could sign up. Joan popped in saying, "Your wife has already signed you up, Terri. Isn't that exciting?" I was so excited!

Mary Anne left the room and both Abbey and Joan asked me about last nights dance. They were both interested on how I felt about the dance. What were my feelings from the dance and was Steve a good dancer?

I am not sure if last nights special medicine is still in me but I was so giggly and soft-spoken, so submissive on this topic. It was almost like I was a shy giggly little girl not sure what to say.

Something came over me and I just opened up. I told the two I really enjoyed last nights dance. I loved the whole feeling of the night. The dancing seemed like I was floating on air. Steve was very, very nice. He was a true gentleman. I then opened up to say, "Just between us girls, I really loved dancing with Steve, being held by him. He was so strong yet gentle with me. I seemed to be the center of his universe yet he was in control the whole time. I just loved it. I loved being taken care of, pampered. This was truly an enjoyable feeling, so different from my former life".

Both Joan and Abbey looked at each other and smiled with joy. They knew I was happy and their training was working.

Abbey asked me if I could date men when I return home. I got a little shy, looking down and saying, "I am not sure, but I do know I really liked Steve." Abbey pushed that point and asked me to explain. I said, " Steve made me feel good, warm and cuddly, soft and submissive. I like these feelings, being submissive to someone makes me feel good, feel needed. He knew just how to handle me and I felt good with him. But I am not sure I could go out on a date with him. My wife may not like that."

Abbey explained that a date or two with Steve would not be the end of the world. She thought my wife would understand. This is all part of curing my disease and becoming a total woman, the cure.

Abby asked me again, "If Steve called you, would you go out with him?" Again I was very shy and thought about my answer. "Terri, what are you thinking?", Abbey asked. I said, "Abbey I would like to date Steve but not sure it would be right. Remember I am married to Cathy. How would Cathy feel about me dating a man? I do feel feminine and tingly when I think about a date with Steve. I would like to go out with him and see how it feels."

Both Abby and Joan thought it would be good for me to date Steve and that my wife would support this. I said, "Do you really think Cathy would support me dating him? Plus, does he even live around me?"

"Terri, the answer to both those questions is yes. Your wife has already said she would like you to date only if I was comfortable with you dating Steve because it would help your cure for the disease. Yes, Steve lives near you". Abby explained, "The dance and Steve were in your hypnotic CD therapy. You are developing perfectly. We will have several more hypnotic training CD's for dating that will help you understand dating and understand men from a woman's point of view."

Joan said "We have some free time now, but we should go back and get ready for our closing dinner. Your wife will join us soon for your graduation dinner."

Back in the bedroom, Joan asked me to model a new bullet bra and sweater dress. I couldn't get over how good I felt in a bullet bra. I told Joan my figure was perfect.

Joan brought out the dress I would wear for graduation. Wow, it was beautiful! It was a true Southern Belle dress with a double petticoat, empire waist to show off my bustline, and tons of lace. I said it was so lovely. Joan was happy with my feelings and she said, "Your wife bought this for you. She really loves you and wants all the best for you." I started crying. Joan ran over to hug me asking what was wrong. I said, "Joan, I am so happy, I am not sure what has gotten into me! I have changed so much. My mind is all different. I think only feminine thoughts. I love being in a corset, dresses, high heels and doing my makeup. Will I ever be able to be a man again?"

Joan hugged me and kissed my neck say, "Terri, you are a lovely woman. You could stay this way the rest of your life and I think you would be very happy."

I looked at her saying, "Do you think I could stay a woman? I am having so many mixed thoughts. I think I love being a Southern Belle more that anything else. I loved having Steve's arms around me. What is going on in my brain?"

Joan hugged me and said "Everything will be fine, just let life take its course."

Just then there was a knock at the door. It was my wife. She was pleased to see me. We sat and talked and talked. Joan left the room saying "You two girls need to catch up. I will be back in an hour to get dressed for the dinner."

My wife and I hugged, I started crying. "Terri, what is wrong?" Cathy asked. "Cathy, this weekend has changed my life, my brain. I have changed so much I sure hope I can return someday to being your husband after I fight this disease. The dance last night was a real turning point for me. Steve was a real gentleman and showed me all the soft touches of being a woman. I loved all the femininity. I loved be held and caressed."

Cathy hugged me saying, "Terri, you are a special person. We have had this weekend to help us fight your disease. I think you have found another lifestyle you really enjoy. I am very supportive with any choice you make. You have a very warm personable demeanor now and I love you even more for it. What ever you do or want, I will be here to help you, as I have said. I love you as much this way or as my husband."

Now I was all confused. Here my wife is telling me I could stay a woman and enjoy this wonderful lifestyle.

Cathy said she has had lots of help from the Institute to help her understand my disease. She has signed us both up for more classes to help us with this new way of life.

I was not sure what all that meant, but I felt good.

We changed the talk and Cathy said "Let's re-do your nails. They need a fresh coat of nail polish." I liked that idea and got all giggly doing this feminine act with my wife.

Cathy asked me how I felt about the Southern Belle way of life and their clothing. I told her I loved it, loved the dresses and being escorted by gentlemen. Cathy gave me a big hug and kiss saying how much she loved me.

Cathy commented on my figure and my shapely bustline. I told her I liked the shape but it seems that men can't take their eyes off my figure. Cathy smiled hugged me saying, "We are going to have so much fun, my little Southern Belle and me."

Just then Joan popped back in the room saying, "OK girls, let's get pretty. It's time to make ourselves beautiful. Dinner and our graduation ceremonies are soon. Terri, pop in the shower and we will get our beauty treatments started."

Cathy giggled saying, "Terri this is going to be so much fun, what a night for us!"

To Be Continued...

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