Bethany In My Life (Part 2)

Bethany In My Life (Part 2)

Dancin’ The Night Away

We listened to the live music for quite a while, every time Dr. John tried to get off the stage the audience called them back again, so they didn’t stop until after midnight. After that they cleared things and started up some canned music, and Ashley said to Bobby, “Well?”

“Oh yeah!” Bobby started, he held his hand out to Ashley and said, “Would you like to dance?”

As they got up and left and I heard a rumble again, “Would you like to dance Bethany?”

‘When did I start leaning against his chest again’ I wondered to myself, then looking up to say no to him, my eyes met his and I said, “Yes”

The music was fairly fast dance music, so we started gyrating at each other once we were out on the floor, and Steve just smiled at me, so I smiled back, and looked into his eyes and didn’t think, except maybe ‘Mmmm’.

After a few dances, I noticed Steve was beginning to sweat, I wasn’t feeling too hot yet due to the mini-skirt I suppose, but my feet were beginning to hurt a little when they started a slow sort of folksy song. Steve took my hands and pulled me closer, and then I took my hands and put them around his neck, then he took his hands, put them around my waist, and pulled me close.

‘Mmmm’ I was thinking again when I thought ‘what am I doing!’ then ‘God he smells good!’ then I thought ‘Mmmmm”.

“C’mon Beth, it’s late, we gotta go home.” Ashley said into my ear.

“Do we haveta’?” I asked into Steve’s chest, ‘when did we sit down? And when did I cuddle into his lap?’ I wondered.

“Yeah, we gotta go girl, it’s late, and we still have to talk about our dates when we get home.” I could hear the grin in her voice.

“Mmmm…ok.” I said and looked up, big brown eyes.

“I had fun tonight Bethany, thank you for the evening.” Steve rumbled at me.

I found my arms were around his neck again, so I just pulled him down and he kissed me into tingles.

When we broke I said,” I had fun too Steve, thanks.”

Big brown eyes smiling at me.

“C’mon girl. Lets go!” Ashley reiterated.

Steve and I disentangled and got up, and something seemed to be missing, so I looked around. “Am I forgetting something?” I asked Ashley.

“Nope, your purse is in your hand, so lets go.” She replied.

Outside it had gotten a lot cooler so I shivered, but I still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. “Will you come on!” Ashley called over her shoulder as she hurried away towards the turnaround.

“Yes Ashley” I said as I hurried after her.

Home Sweet Home

The trip back was fairly quiet, we took the late-night bus down Columbus, then down Montgomery, getting off at Market to wait for the Market Street bus. Standing there waiting got us both shivering a little, so we held each other and waited. “Sigh” I mumbled to Ashley, “this is comfortable.”

“Mmm Hmm.” Ashley murmered back and held on.

Finally the bus came and we rode it to Hermann Street, got off, and walked back to the house as briskly as we could in heels and mini’s.

“God! It’s good to be home!” Ashley declared as she tossed her purse on the dresser and collapsed on the couch.

I put my purse in the top drawer and came over and sat next to Ashley. “So, how long have you been seeing Bobby?” I inquired.

Ashley looked over at me and smiled, “A few months now.” She said, “But I bet you would rather hear about Steve, wouldn’t you?”

‘Oh Shit!’ I thought, “Umm…” I equivicated, then in a little voice, “yeah…”

Ashley just smiled at me and said, “Well, he is from a well to do family, they have a mansion up on Buena Vista Heights.”

“A mansion!” I eeked out.

“Yep, so did you like him?” she asked with a gleam in her eyes. As I turned red she remarked, “Y’know, if you are gonna keep blushing like that, he is gonna ravish you one of these days.”

“Really? Do you think he likes me like that?” I asked breathlessly.

“Mmm Hmm, so what are you gonna do about it?” she asked.

“Umm, do?” I cleverly answered.

“Well, say he does want to ‘ravish’ you, what are you gonna do? Her question made me think of being in Steve’s arms again, and I was beginning to think ‘Mmm’ again when she added, “He won’t be able to exactly ‘ravish’ you like he would be expecting to, now could he?”

Suddenly everything hit me, the reality did. My situation at home, my situation here, and then the biggest hit of all, my situation with Steve. Then I lost track of everything as I broke down sobbing.

“There, there Bethany, let’s get you to bed, everything will look brighter in the morning.” I didn’t see how that could be, but I stopped sniveling and let her help me undress, clean myself up, and helped me into a nightie. As I crawled into bed I curled up into a ball and leaked tears to myself. I felt Ashley get into the bed, and she asked, “Do you want me to hold you hon?” Then without waiting for an answer she gathered me to her and I finally fell asleep with my face pressed to her breasts.

Daily Life Begins

“Wake up sleepy head.” Someone murmured into the top of my head.

“Hmmm,” I replied and lifted my face from between Ashley’s breasts. Ashley just looked at me and smiled, “Is it morning already?” I asked.

“Yep, and we need to get our acts togeather, we got a big day ahead of us today!” Ashley said, so get up and take a shower, I’ll make some toast for breakfast.”

“Okay, but do you want to take a shower first, I can make toast too.” I offered.

She just smiled and kissed my head again, “No, it is allright, just take your shower, and use both bottles on your hair, ok?”

“Ok,” I yawned, “will do.”

I followed Ashley out to the front room and turned into the bathroom as she headed to the kitchen area. “Hmmm… I wonder where she keeps the towels?” I asked myself and looked into the only cupboard in the bathroom. “Aha!” I started the shower and read the labels on the shampoo and conditioner, which I had never used before, when the water temperature was right, I got in and started washing up.

Later as I came out of the bath with a towel around my waist, and using another on my hair, Ashley said, “No, not like that girl,” and taking the towel from around my waist she wrapped it around my body and tucked it in to stay just under my arms, then she took the towel from my hands and wrapped it around my head. “That’s the proper way to use towels after a shower.” She stated, and turned back to the kitchen.

I sat down on a chair at the table and asked, “Can I help?”

“No thanks hon, I’m just fixing some toast.” She assured me.

“So what kind of big day do we have today?” I asked suddenly remembering what she had said when we got up.

“The biggest kinda day there is Beth, a day of shopping!” she enthused.

Not really sounding all that enthused myself, I asked, “Shopping for what?”

Bringing some buttered toast over to the table with two glasses of orange juice clutched between two fingers of one hand, she set them on the table, sat down and looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes and said casually, “Why we have to go shopping for you dear, we have to buy you a whole new life!” and smiled at me.

“A whole new life?” I asked questioningly.

“Yep! Clothes, makeup, shoes, toiletries, jewelry, plus we have to go get something done about your hair and nails.”

“Umm, you’re kidding right?” I asked, “Do I really need all of that? I mean can’t I get by on just a few things until we know it is gonna work out? Anyway, I can’t afford all of that, I can’t afford any of that, I don’t know when or if I can get a job yet!”

“Oh you need it girl, trust me, besides, as for it’s working out, it already has, I mean, don’t you want to see Steve again?” She looked at me with a knowing smile.

“Yes!” I said, then what we talked about last night hit me and I said, “Oh, but that’s not going to work out anyway…” my voice trailed off and tears started to well up.

“Now don’t start that hon, I said you faced challenges, some big, but I didn’t say you couldn’t work something out. Keep a smile on your face and think about his arms around you again, you don’t have to go to bed with him for that do you?” she remarked.

“Uh, no I guess not.” I said feeling a stupid grin start to tug the corners of my mouth up.

“So you want him, don’t ya? Or at least as much as you can get, right?” Ashley asked.

Suddenly what we were actually talking about hit me and I looked in my lap blushing furiously again, “Umm, yeah? I guess I do.” I finished meekly.

“Well then, lets go shopping for everything we need to make you irresistable!” she said.

“Ok,” then something occurred to me, “But how am I ever gonna afford it?” I looked pleadingly at Ashley.

She just laughed and said, “I can afford it, you need it, so don’t worry about it!” as she got up from the table she said, “Eat your toast hon, we have to get you ready when I get out of the shower.”

“Yes Ashley” I said as I picked up a piece of toast.

“Good girl!” she called as she sailed into the shower.

Today I found myself in more comfortable clothes, consisting of a tan peasant blouse on top of a calf length brown full skirt made of something Ashley said was muslin. My feet were happier too, as I had on flats that had an interesting back-and-forth strap arrangement up to about mid-thigh. Ashley showed me about the makeup and why she was using the colors she did, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever get it.

Ashley checked our purses, tossed me mine, and said, “C’mon hon, it’s time for some serious shopping!”

On their way out Ashley turned at the bottom of the stairs, and headed to the front room of the house, which I supposed was the ‘parlor’. Knocking on the large double doors, we heard a cheerful’ “Come in!” and Ashley rolled one of the doors back and entered with me on her heels. The room was large, and comfortable with Victorian style chairs and couches, lots of plants, and a huge bay window looking out onto the street. An older woman with long grey hair was sitting in a chair near the window, looking up at us from some knitting in her lap.

“Good morning Helen, let me introduce Bethany, my cousin from L A. Bethany, this is Helen, my landlady.

I held out my hand and approached the older woman saying, “How do you do?”

“Well I do fine dear,” she said taking my hand in both of hers, “Bethany is such a beautiful name, it fits such a beautiful young lady well.”

“Oh! Um, thank you.” I stammered back.

“Look! She’s blushing again!” Ashley twittered pointing a finger at me.

“Hush Ashley, mind your manners!” Helen scolded Ashley, then turning to me she said’ “Ashley can be such a trial at times, just don’t you worry about her dear, You just become more radiant when you blush.”

“Bethany is going to live with me for a while,” Ashley said, “She graduated from High School last year, and she wants to get out on her own, and out of L A, so I told her folks I’d take her in, I hope it’s ok with you Helen, I’ve been so busy lately I just kept forgetting to mention it to you, sorry?”

“Of course it’s alright dear,” Helen assured Ashley, then turning to me she said, “I’m happy to have you here Bethany, some time when you’re not busy you will have to come down and we’ll have a chat, alright dear?”

“Yes’m” I replied.

“You just call me Helen dear, everyone does.” Helen told me, then to Ashley, “You two look like you are headed somewhere?”

“Shopping!” Ashley enthused, “Bethany needs lots of new stuff as she traveled light by bus, so we’re getting her a whole new wardrobe!” she practically gleamed at Helen.

Chuckling at Ashley she said to us’ “Well, that sounds like fun, you two be careful and enjoy yourselves.”

“We will!” Ashley called back, already leading me out and hustling us out into the entry, just pausing to slide the door shut and then out the door, and down the stoop.
As we headed up Hermann Street I said, “She seems nice.”

“Helen? Yep she’s a sweetheart, well, we’ll start at Ghirardeli and the Cannery, for clothes.” Ashley remarked.

When we got to market we saw a streetcar go by and Ashley said, “Good, they finally finished working on the street! It seemed like the busses they were using never got the schedule down, and you never knew how long you would have to wait, c’mon, we can catch a street car over there.” And she led me across the street to wait for a streetcar.

Other than using the street car instead of the temporary busses that had been running up and down Market, the trip down to Bay Street was pretty uneventfull, I had always enjoyed riding the cable cars, watching the city go by, and I wasn’t sure about this whole shopping thing, so the trip didn’t seem to last long enough to me. Finally they got off at the turnaround and started walking northwest towards Ghirardeli.

“It’s a beautiful day for shopping!” Ashley proclaimed waving at the sky.

“Yes, it is nice out.” I replied, the day was clear, and even though it was only about 9:30 the morning fog had burned off and the sun was warm on my arms.

They had barely gotten in the entrance when Ashley grabbed my hand and said, “C’mon!” leading her into a store named Madamoisels.

Inside, I found myself surrounded by a store full of lacy women’s underwear, suddenly Ashley came to a halt, and grabbed a hanger, and held up something to me, and said, “This is what you need for those sexy oufits you’ll wear to encourage Steve on a date!”

I looked down at what Ashley had against my front and saw something that was black lace and satin that would cover me from waist to bust, “It seems a little small…”

“No, I think it is about your size, it is supposed to be tight, it is called a bustier, and it is supposed to enhance your curves and chest so you can wear sexy tight dresses and stuff with it. You’ll see! C’mon!” Ashley said taking my hand and leading me to the back of the store holding the bustier.

“Now get in there and try it on,” Ashley commanded waving at a changing stall, “then come out and let me see how it fits!”

I started to hesitate but Ashley gently pushed me into the booth, so after a moment I started taking off my outerwear, and then, glad the door was closed, I removed my bra, and what was in it. Putting the bustier around myself, I started to work the hook-n-eyes up the front, and had to breathe out to get it done all the way up, I felt like a hand was squeezing my body, but it wasn’t painfull, just, strange, kinda nice actually, in a weird way. Then I put what had been in my bra into the bustier’s cups, took a deep breath (not easy now) and stepped out of the changing booth.

“Oooo,” Ashley cooed making spinning motions with her fingers, “that really gives you a cute figure hon.”

Bethany did her slow spin with Ashley making more favorable remarks, then went back to the booth and changed again. When she came out Ashley said, “Ok! Now lets go get the rest of your underthings! And so it went.

After hitting what seemed like every store in Ghirardeli, and having tried on, what seemed to me, every piece of clothing in them, Ashley said, “Well, are you hungry, it is only umm,” looking at her watch, “11:00, shall we eat, or press on?”

I couldn’t explain why exactly, but my stomach had been doing little flip flops all morning with what seemed like every item of clothes we had discussed or tried on, so I said, “no, I’m not hungry yet, we can ‘press on’ if you want.”

So we left Ghirardeli and did it all over again at the cannery.

After eating a salad each at a little place in the cannery, Ashley let us to the cable car turnaround across the street and we rode it up to the California Street cable car line, caught one of those, and rode it west to Van Ness, then we hopped off and started walking north. “Well, we got you some cute stuff Bethany, you should have what you need for just about any occasion, next we’ll do hair and nails.” Ashley told me.

I instinctively reached up and touched my hair, “I liked the french braid you’ve been putting it up in for me,” I said, “can’t I just keep doing that?”

“No,” Ashely answered as we turned west on Broadway, “You need something easier that you can take care of yourself, ok?”

“Um, ok.” I said.

After a few blocks we got to a salon called Mr. Broadway, Ashley took my hand and led me inside. Once inside we stood for a moment when a man approached us and said, “Ashley, good to see you again!”

“Hello Stanley, this is Bethany, Bethany, this is Stanley, Bethany was looking to get some highlighting and some bangs Stanly, do you have an opening soon?”

Stanley shook my hand looking at my hair and said, “You would look cute with bangs dear, with maybe a bit of shag cut along the ears, hmm, and not too much highlighting, real light, so to bring out that wonderfull thick hair of yours!”

“Great!” Said Ashley with a smile, “we’ll leave it in your capable hands Stanley!”

“Ok, Sharon will have an opening in about twenty minutes right in there.” Stanley told us as he indicated a room off to the left.

Ashley led me into a room where a woman was working on someones hair, there was a waterbed against one wall that Ashley reclined on and patted for me to join her. I was listening to the music, which had just ended and the callsign for the radio station came over, “this is KMPX FM San Francisco it’s 1:20”

“Wow! It’s that late already?” I asked wonderingly feeling the waves of the waterbed under me.

“Yep, time flies when you’re having fun!” Ashley remarked.

“Yeah, I guess so.” I returned when it occurred to me that I had never thought of shopping for clothes as ‘fun’ before, but somehow, today, it had been.

Then a gentleman with glasses and a bottle of wine entered and asked us if we would like any, which we would, so Ashley and I sat sipping our wine and waiting feeling companionable and comfortable just listening to the great music the station was playing.

“Which one is Bethany?” the lady doing hair asked after finishing the last client.

“I am,” I said getting up and shaking her hand, “It’s nice to meet you.

“Well it’s nice to meet you too dear, my name is Sharon, Stanley told me what you want, and I think you are gonna look darling! So just sit in the chair over here, and we’ll start with a shampoo.”

After having my hair shampoo’d, styled, and my nails done by another lady named Marcie, who came in during the styling, Sharon turned me to the mirror and I finally got a good look at myself. My mouth dropped open and I just stared, trying to reconcile the feminine face in the mirror with my own self-image. I wasn’t having much luck with that, but I was impressed, “WOW!”

“Wow indeed,” said Sharon, “I was right, you look darling dear.”

“Wow!” I said again.

“I think she likes it Sharon,” said Ashley with a grin, “So do I, you look fantastic Bethany!”

I turned wide-eyed to Sharon and said “Thanks!”

Sharon just laughed and said, your welcome dear, I’m glad you like it.” With a big smile.

After paying and thanking Stanley, who also thought I looked ‘darling’, Ashley led us out and back towards Van Ness. “Ok, there is a medical supply store just up and over a couple of blocks on Pacific Avenue, that’s were we go next.”

“Medical supply?” I asked.

“You’ll see.” Ashley replied cryptically.

After going one block south to Pacific Avenue, and two blocks east towards Van Ness, we stoped in at a store that said Medical Supply, “Wait here” Ashley said as we entered and she proceeded to the counter near the rear of the store as I looked at the mannequins in the front window with nurses uniforms and scrubs on, wondering what we were doing here. After a few minutes Ashley came back holding another bag in the collection she was carrying, and said “Ok, let’s go.”

Once back on the street, we returned to California, rode the cable car to Powel, then caught another back north towards Bay Street again. “Why are we headed this way again?” I inquired.

“We’re gonna jump off at Washington Square Park and go across to Union Street, the Yone’ Bead Shop is over there, and we need to get you some jewelry.” Ashley replied and I just shrugged.

We hopped off the cable car and made our way across the park, when I saw the birches on the left I thought, ‘this is where it all began’ then I thought ‘Was that just yesterday?’

Once inside the shop, I just stopped and took it all in, “What a marvelous place!” I said.

Ashley smiled at me, “Yeah, isn’t it great!” then she took my hand and led me over to a long counter and a nice looking older woman who was arranging earings on a rack.

“Hello,” Ashley said, “Bethany was looking to get her ears peirced, can you help her?”

“I was?” I remember saying faintly.

They both ignored me as the woman said. “Sure, would you like some simple gold studs at first, they are hypoallergenic, and we recommend them for the first week or so?”

“Yeah, perfect!” Ashley replied.

Soon I found myself leaving the shop with my ears pierced, a paper with instructions for care of my ears in one hand, and another small bag with all the others in my other hand, which was full of various jewelry. “Do I really need all of this jewelry?” I asked Ashley.

“Well, it’s a good start” she replied, but I know of another place that has some great stuff too!”

I just sighed.

“Cheer up!” Ashley said, “We’ll take all of this and drop it off at home, then head out again, ok?”

I smiled at her and said, “Ok.”

The trip home was uneventfull, but by the time we got home and put all the bags on the bed I was pretty relieved, “Those were getting heavy!” I told Ashley.

“Yeah, it was a lot, well lets go, we have two more shops to go to, then I’ll take you to dinner, alright?” Ashley asked.

“Alright, that sounds good.” I said, and off we went.

We walked a couple of streets north to Haight Street then down a couple of blocks and stopped in front of a store named The Phoenix. When we went inside, it was a cluttered busy little shop with what seemed like a little of everything. “We can get some great beads and findings here for some more jewelry, and I wanted to replenish my supply of rose incense.” Ashley remarked.

After picking out some things, Ashley led us out and turned south towards Market again, “Last stop, we are going down to 24th Street, there is a wonderful little shop where we can get you some hair and skin care stuff there.

“Ok” I said, and followed her to Market Street where we caught a streetcar going southwest.

We just ride it to the end of the line at 17th Street, then we can walk from there.” Ashley told me, “By the way, your fan is back.”

I glanced in the direction she was looking and saw the same guy that had been looking at me yesterday sitting one seat up and across the aisle twisted around and looking at me again. As I looked at him he said’ “Your hair looks nice!” and gave me a thumbs up.

I had to look into my lap again and heard Ashley giggle next to me.

Finally we got to the end of the line, and getting up I noticed the guy was gone and figured out he must have gotten off at an earlier stop, ‘I wonder which one’ then ‘why do I care?’ occurred to me as Ashley led me off the car.

After walking south a couple of blocks we headed along 24th Street until Ashley pulled me into a little hole-in-the-wall shop with the name of Common Sense. Once inside I noticed wonderfull scents and saw hundreds of bottles arranged on shelves in a store the size of a large closet. Ashley talked to the guy behind the counter and he started putting what seemed to me like a lot of bottles on the counter. Finally Ashley seemed satisfied, payed for her purchases, grabbed the bag, and led me out of the store, “Well, that’s it for today Beth, I think we have you outfitted, now it’s back to our place, we have to sort all of this out, then get ready for our dinner dates.”

My eyes got big and I looked at her and asked, “Dates?”

Ashley smiled a big smile at me and said, “Yep! While you were getting your hair done I called Bobby and arranged for he and Steve to take us out to dinner, you’ll like that won’t you?” she asked with a mischievious grin.

“Yeah?” I returned, then thinking about Steve’s voice rumbling my name, I said more forcefully “Yeah!” then I grinned back at Ashley.

I don’t remember the trip back, the next thing I actually remember is sitting down on our couch and feeling like my legs wanted to float up to the ceiling, “Ooooo… that feels good!” I sighed.

“Well don’t get to comfortable, we still have to sort this all out and get ready for our dates.” Ashley admonished me.

Suddenly I felt better, “Ok, let’s get to it!” I smiled.

First Date

“We’re ready!” Ashley announced from the front room as I stood inside the bathroom door looking in the mirror. I couldn’t really believe who was looking back at me, an attractive girl with long hair in bangs with big eyes and lipstick that matched the color of her nails, which was a deep wine color, somehow it made my lips look fuller. The color also matched my dress which was a mini again, with a flaring bottom and puffy sleeves reaching and narrowing down to my wrists and becoming so tight that I’d had to undo a little buttom on the inside of the wrist to get my hands through, all in a wine colored velveteen. Black hose and some 4” spike-heeled open-toed pumps also covered in a wine colored velveteen, showed my toenails colored that way too. Underneath I had on the bustier, which did give me a more girlish figure, with a matching pair of black panties, I wasn’t sure why they had to match, I sure didn’t want anyone to see them! My breasts seemed marginally bigger, the result of the trip to the medical supply store as it turned out, Ashley said they were made for masectomy patients, and attatched with spirit gum, at least I didn’t have to worry about them sliding around.

“Ok,” I called coming out of the bathroom, “I’m not sure I can walk in these heels though.”

“You’ll get used to it hon.” Ashley replied, “Besides they match your dress, and what they do to your legs and ass just screams ‘Fuck Me!’ “ she pointed out with a grin.

“I think you have already pointed out that that is not going to happen. So why do I want to wear them again?” I reasoned.

“Dear, you don’t have to let him, you DO have to make him think it!” she grinned at me.

I just stared at her a moment, thinking of Steves big brown eyes taking me in the way I looked right now and started to grin back.

“So,” said Ashley changing the subject, you’re from L A now right?”

“Um, yeah, that’s what you told Helen this morning anyway.” I said.

“Ok, let’s keep this simple then, you are my mother’s sister’s daughter, and you are an only child, hmm, we haven’t seen each other, or even kept track of each other for years until my mom told me about your situation, and I invited you to come live with me. That should cover me not knowing much about what you’ve been up to in the last few years, and lets you say whatever you want, but, remember, try not to say much, and try to keep it simple, that way you won’t trip yourself up later on, alright?” she told me earnestly.

Looking her in the eyes I said, “Yes Ashley, I understand, I will.”

“Good!” she said, “we’ll have to get you some ID tommorrow too.”

“ID? Like this?” I asked waving a hand at myself.

“Yeah, I know a guy who has done some of that before, he has done some work like that for some of the guys in the SDS, and had no complaints. He should be able to help us out.” Ashley looked at me again, closely, “We have to come up with a last name though…” Ashley began to tap her teeth, suddenly she smiled, “I know, we’ll use Madrigill”

“Madrigill?” I asked.

“Yeah!” Ashley smiled, “It is an interesting name, and I won’t have touble remembering it because it sounds like made-her-a-girl.”

I just rolled my eyes at her when there came a knock on the door. “That’s gotta be the guys!” Ashley said and grabbed her purse, and tossed me a little clutch purse (in the same color and material as my dress) that she had filled for me, and went to open the door.

“I believe there are a couple of handsome young men downstairs looking for their dates girls,” Helen began when the door opened, “Oh you’re ready, my don’t you both look pretty, I like what you’ve done with your hair Bethany.”

“Thank you Helen” I said as Ashley and I moved out into the hall, watching Ashley close and lock the door I said, “What time do you think we’ll go out tommorrow Ashley?”

“Um, well Helen and I go to the Integral Fellowship Church on Fulton every Sunday about 9:30, do you want to attend with us? It would be perfect for that white fifties style full length dress we got you yesterday,”

“Oh, the one with all the petticoats?” I asked, when she nodded I said “Sure!” Then turning to Helen I asked, “Helen, I can get up a little early and fix you some breakfast to thank you for letting me stay with Ashley if you would let me?”

“Alright dear, that sounds lovely, thank you.” Helen replied graciously as we all headed down the stairs.

Once we got downstairs the guys were waiting at the bottom, and Steve and Bobby both were looking at me with a distracted look on their faces.

“Hey!” Ashley said to Bobby, making him look at her, “I’m beginning to think you look too good Beth!” she said to me with a grin.

“My eyes may wander for a moment, but you know they will always return to you Ashley,” Bobby said to her gallantly, “It was just such a change from yesterday, did you change your hair Bethany?” He asked turning back to me.

“Um, yes, do you like it?” I hesitantly asked.

“Yes!” both guys said at once.

Bobby turned to Ashley and kissed her on her cheek and said, “And you look good enough to eat Ashley. You look beautifull tonight!”

“Well if the boys are done falling all over their tongues, which happens when you leave them out like that,” Helen said, “then you young people should run along and have fun, just be sure to take care of them you two.”

“We will!” the guys said in unison again, and Steve held out his hand to me, and looked into my eyes.

“What was that about breakfast?” Ashley asked me. ‘How did I get in the car’ I wondered. The guys were walking around the car to get in on the other side, and Ashley in the front had twisted around to look at me.

“Well, Helen has been so nice to me, and I make a great omelet, so I just thought it was the least I could do, is it alright?” I asked.

“Oh, sure, I just wondered.” Said Ashley as the boys got in and started the car. I looked over and saw Steve’s big brown eyes.

“We’re here!” Bobby announced as he turned off the engine and the guys got out of the car to go around and open our doors.

“Looks like a nice place.” I remarked as Steve helped me out of the car, I made sure to keep his hand once I was out. The restaurant was called the Coffee Cantata and we were on Union Street somewhere I didn’t recognize at first.

“Oh it is, and has wonderful food too,” Ashley said, “aren’t you glad you dressed up?”

I nodded to her as Steve rumbled to me, “Shall we Bethany?” then led me into the resturant behind Bobby and Ashley. ‘God I love his voice when he says my name’ I thought dreamily.

We were seated right away, and Bobby ordered some wine while we looked at the menus. “So what did you girls do today?” Bobby asked.

“We went shopping for Bethany, she needed a whole new wardrobe!” answered Ashley.

Both guys got a distant look and glanced at each other, Bobby remarked to Steve, “Booorriiinng.”

“Really?” Ashley said with some heat, “Well if you guys had been with us, you could have seen us trying on some very sexy clothes!”

They both seemed to consider this a minute, then Bobby said to Ashley, “I’m sorry Ashley, you’re right, forgive me?”

He sounded contrite, so Ashley looked at him a moment, then smiled and said, “Sure, no problem.” And smiled at him.

“I would love to take you shopping sometime.” Steve said earnestly to me, “I’d be happy to buy you anything you look that good in.”

My heart and my stomach suddenly changed places and I looked at my lap hard again. “Ashley! She’s doin’ it again!” Bobby cried.

The fajita I had ordered was good and about half eaten when my excited stomach couldn’t take anymore, and I knew I shouldn’t drink any more wine, I already felt a little buzz on, so I sipped some water and asked, “So what do you do for a living Steve?”

Bobby laughed, and before Steve could answer, he said, “Steve is just like Ashley, just a couple of little rich kids living on their inheritances.”

“Hardly rich!” Said Ashley angrily.

“Sorry!” Bobby smiled I didn’t mean it, just a joke. He held his hands up and said, I’m sorry Ashley, forgive me please?”

Ashley still looked angry so I said, “Wow, you sure have him trained well!”

She glanced over at me, and then a slow smile crept over her face and she said back, “Not bad, but he could be improved.” Then she attended her plate with a little smile on her face. I glanced at Bobby and he was looking at me and mouthed ‘Thank You’ silently, I smiled at him and turned to Steve, “Inheritance?”

“No, not really,” he replied, “It’s actually a trust fund, I won’t actually get the inheritance until I’m twenty-six.” He said a little defensively “My grandfathers brother left it to me, I think because I’m the last one with our name in our family.”

“Oh, so you don’t really work?” I asked.

“Well, I do some volunteer work at the community center on 3rd Street down in the Bayview neighborhood. You know, working with kids and teens.

“Yeah,” Said Bobby, “Some of those kids are real messed up!”

“I suppose,” remarked Steve, “but they need a chance too. Also, I like working with the kids, it’s fun, and when you reach one, you feel pretty good, you know?” He asked me.

I nodded, “It does sound good, sooner or later I’m gonna have to get a job, and working with kids sounds great. I can see why you like it.” I assured him.

“Well, they have a daycare, I could probably swing you a job there if you’d like?” he questioned.

“Oh wow, really? Um, that might be nice, could I think about it?” I replied.

“Sure!” He assured me, just let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll set it up, they can always use help, especially with the littlest ones.” And smiled.

“Ok!” said Bobby, “That’s settled, is everyone done? How about some music and dance?”

“Bethany and I have to go to the little girls room first.” Ashley said standing up and taking my hand, “we’ll be right back!” and led me away while the boys smirked at one another.

In the bathroom Ashley started primping in front of the mirror, so I took a good look at myself and realized that my makeup could use a little touch up too, so I opened my clutch purse and started working on it. “How is it going so far?” asked Ashley glancing at me in the mirrors.

“Pretty good, I’m enjoying myself, and you were right about the food, it was great!” I told her.

“Yeah, it is, I probably ate too much, but we’ll probably listen to some live music before dancing so it’ll have time to settle.” She said.

“What do you think of the job offer?” I asked.

“Hmm, well once you have some ID, you could do it, but you sure you can take being around little kids all day?” She asked.

“Sure, I’d like that, and it would be nice to have some income to give you for costs and stuff.” I said.

“You don’t have to worry about that, I told you I could afford it, but I understand that it’s nice to have some money of your own.” Ashley noted, “Well, we’ll have to get you fixed up with some ID so you can take the job.” Then she grinned at me, “But, you KNOW what that means!”

I looked over at her reflection in the mirror, and said “What?”

“More SHOPPING!” Ashley declared happly, “Are you ready?”

Stuffing everything back in my purse I replied, “Yep” and was feeling pretty good as I followed her out to our table.

When we got there the boys were standing and the tip was on the table, “Ready ladies?” Bobby asked, and then they led us out to the car. I finally took a look at it from the outside, and it was an oldsmobile, the little chrome nameplate on the rear fender said Dynamic 88 in flowing script.

After the guys helped us in, and we got rolling, Steve took my hand, and I looked over at him. Big brown eyes.

“Hey you two! We’re here, do you want to go in, or are you gonna get a room?” Bobby called back to us. Steve stopped kissing me, and as feeling began to return to my feet and hands, I wondered, ‘When did I slide over next to him?’ then ‘When did he start kissing me’ and finally, ‘Who cares?’ and I pulled him down on my lips again.

“C’mon Beth!” I heard Ashley say impatiently as Bobby helped her out of the car. Steve and I untangled and I removed my arms from around his neck (really hard) and let him get out so he could come around and help me out. As he led me towards the club I managed to keep his hand, and so I kept my smile.

The sign on the club said The Saloon, and some blues music was wafting through the door as we approached. Inside was a funky little club with some guys performing the blues and a dance floor not much bigger than our apartment back at Helen’s place. But the place reeked with a comfortable ambiance, which the music just added to.

Steve held out a chair for me as we got to a table for four and then said, “I’ll go get some drinks, what does everyone feel like?”

“I’d like some rum man” said Bobby.

“I’ll take a manhattan,” said Ashley.

“I’ll have whatever you’re having Steve.” I said and off he went towards the bar.
“Pretty fast work!” said Bobby to me.

“Huh?” I looked at him in confusion.

“Two days in town and already you’ve captured a heart!” He stated with a smile on his lips.

“If you keep blushing like that, you’re gonna have more hearts than you know what to do with.” Said Ashley.

“Hey you two. I don’t know what you’re telling her, but lay off! You’re embarrassing her!” Steve said as he came up with our drinks.

Ashley leaned over to me and whispered, “Oooo, your knight in shining armor!” I glanced up at her and she had a nice smile and winked at me as she reached over and gave my hand a little reassuring squeeze. I smiled back and then looked over and saw the concerned look on his face for me, and thought ‘He is!’

We sat around and listened to the music, sipped our drinks and grooved for a while. I don’t know what I was drinking but it tasted mostly like orange juice, and I thought it was pretty good even after I’d had several. Finally the music changed to something with more of a beat, and we all went out on the floor and danced for a while.

Eventually we were all a little hot and tired from the dancing, and sat down at the table sharing small talk about some of the things happening in the world right then and having a couple of more drinks when Bobby suggested, “What do you say we take a little ride out to Lands End and catch some air?”

Ashley considered this for a moment, then said, “Do you still have the afghan I gave you?”

Bobby smiled and said, “Yep”.

“Well ok, it’s still cool out so we can’t stay too long, but it would be nice for a little while.”

So we all got up and left hand-in-hand.

When we got to Lands End Ashley said, “You guys look pretty comfortable in the back seat, Bobby and I will go down the path to the beach. We won’t stay too long,” she remarked while she kicked off her shoes and got out, then she leaned back in as Bobby went around to the trunk to get the afghan out and said, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t,” hesitated a moment then said, “no, I take that back, don’t do anything!” and pulled back and closed her door.

I watched them walk over the lip and down the path finally disappearing, then looked over at Steve who seemed to be having an attack of the shy guy thing and was studying his shoes as if they were interesting.

“Sigh” I said to myself then scooted over closer to him and reached up turning his face towards me. Big brown eyes.

“Fingertips brushed my cock, which even though it was bent back between my legs by the tight nylon panties, had somehow managed to get quite hard, and I suddenly froze. I was in a lip-lock with Steve, and he was kneeding one of my fake breasts with one hand, and his other was carressing my upper thighs, and I thought ‘God this feels gooood!’ and then, ‘What if he’s figured out what I really am!’ The sudden panic that hit me assured that I wouldn’t remember what I did, but I suddenly found myself pressed up against the door away from Steve breathing heavily.

Finally, I got enough control over my breathing, and myself to look at him, and he was looking at his shoes with this sad puppy-dog look.

“I’m sorry Bethany,” he started “I didn’t mean to-“

“Shhh!” I said leaning over and putting my fingers to his lips, responding to the lost-little-boy sound of his voice. “It isn’t you Steve, it’s me, I just got a little carried away, and panicked a little, will you forgive me?”

“No, it’s my fault,” he replied, “I didn’t mean to hurt you!” and looked at me earnestly.

Big brown eyes.

“Hey you two! Break it up!” Bobby said as he got in the car, “We”re heading home.”

“I disentangled myself and unwrapped myself, and harder yet, stopped kissing, then leaned against Steve with his arm around me and looked at Ashley.

“I’ve gotta get you home,” she said, “did you have fun?”

I smiled all the way home.

To Be Continued-

Copyright by BethanyDaWade

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