Bethany In My Life (Part 4)

Bethany In My Life (Part 4)

Date Review

When I got in the door Helen and Ashley both came out of the parlour, “You're back!” said Ashley, “How did it go?”

“Wonderful!” I told her, then turning to Helen, I said, “Steve was a perfect gentleman, and treated me like a princess, really!”

“How was dinner?” Helen asked back.

“Oh, yeah!” I exclaimed, “I almost forgot, well it was the best tasting beef I’d ever tasted, he called it Kobe beef, it just melted in your mouth!”

I noticed them both looking at me with open mouths and said, “What?”

Helen just grinned at me and said, “Well dear, he just took you to the most expensive restaurant in town, and bought you the most expensive dinner in town, and on your first date too!” she paused, “He seems quite taken with you!”

“Expensive, uh, he ordered, I didn’t even see a menu, um, how expensive?” I asked her.

“Oh, like a hundred and fifty dollars just for yours” said Ashley with a maniacal grin. I glanced at Helen and she just nodded at me smiling widely.

“Ulp” I said, then I thought, ‘He did that for me!”

“So, where did you go after dinner?” Helen asked.

That stopped me, I looked at her, then at Ashley and said, “Uh…”

“Ashley said, “Girl talk!” and grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the stairs, calling back over her shoulder, “I have to get her to bed now, goodnight Helen!”

I thought Helen might be upset as Ashley dragged me up the stairs, but I guess she wasn’t because I could hear her chuckling behind us.

Once we were in the room Ashley let go of my hand, ran into the bedroom, came back with a nightie and said, “Go take a shower and get ready for bed, then you are gonna tell me everything!”

I just nodded and went to do as I was told.

Later, we were installed in bed, and Ashley had gotten us a couple of glasses and a bottle of white zinfendal, poured us each one, we sipped and sitting cross-legged across from one another she said “Ok! Give!”

“Well, he drove me to the Mark, and we kissed in the car before going up.” I stopped for a minute and let the warmth of the memory flow over me for a moment.

I guess I was taking too long because she prompted me, “What happened next?”

“We we went up hand-in-hand, and we kissed again in the elevator going up to the restaurant” I paused again, but Ashley waved me on so I continued, “Well, he was a perfect gentleman throughout dinner, ordered for me and everything, wouldn’t even let the waiter seat me, insisted on doing it himself,”

“Oooo” remarked Ashley.

I just nodded and continued, “We made small talk and ate, and when we were done, he paid for dinner and was ready to go when I got back from fixing my face. It was very nice.”

Ashley smiled and said,” It does sound nice, so then what happened?”

“Well, we got back to the car, and he asked me what I’d like to do next, and well…” I trailed off.

“What! What did you say!” Ashely prompted.

“Well, I suggested we go to his place.” I said in a tiny voice. I could feel the heet rising on my cheeks.

“No! you didn’t!” Ashley declared wide-eyed, then she frowned, “Tell me everything that happened, exactly!” she demanded.

So I did just that, looking at my lap, in a tiny voice. When I got to the point where he pushed my head down, she blurted out, “Oh I hate it when they do that! What did you do?”

I looked up at her surprised, and said, “Do?”

She said, “Yeah, I mean, when that has happened to me I just bite, they let go in a hurry then! Now I just grasp them with both hands, that way they can’t shove you down to far, so what did you do?”

“Um, well, I had him shoved back into my throat, and I felt myself starting to throw-up, and I didn’t want to do that on his lap you know?” I looked over and Ashley just nodded, “So I felt it coming up, and I just swallowed really hard to keep it down,”

“What? You swallowed, with him down your throat like that!” She asked in a disbelieving voice.

“Um yeah, and uh, he must have liked it,” I continued.

“I’ll BET he did!” Ashley proclaimed.

“Yeah, well, I think he did because I felt him, you know, down my throat, and then he eased up, and I could lift off him a little and things got easier after that…” I trailed off and looked at her. She had this shocked look on her face, and then suddenly she fell back on the bed and started letting out gales of laughter, and uncontrollably grabbing her stomach.

“Hey!” I said blushing again, “What’s so funny? Did I do something wrong?”

She seemed to laugh harder at that, so I just blushed and drank my wine, and when she hadn’t wound down after that, I had another glass.

Finally she wound down, and wiping tears from her eyes, Ashley asked, “Ok, so what happened then?” and looked at me expectantly.

“Oh well, he held me for a while, and then I had him take me home, he kissed me again when we got here, said he would take me out tommorrow at five, and I guess that was it.” I finished.

“Did you have fun?” Ashley asked.

“Oooo, yeah!” I assured her.

“Well” good, let’s get some sleep, it sounds like another big day tommorrow.” She said.

So we got into bed and cuddled up, “Good night Beth” I felt her say into my hair.

“Good night Ashley” I returned already drifting off.

A Senseable Purchase

“Good morning love” I said as Ashley started to stir.

“Mmmm, murmered Ashley as she stretched and opened her eyes to look at me, “Good morning hon.”

“Go ahead and take a shower, I had one last night before bed, remember?” I said to her.

“Mmm Hmm,” she replied and got up and went into the bathroom, while I got up and started getting dressed, the spirit gum was still holding, so I just dressed, brushed my hair out, did my makeup, and was dressed by the time Ashley came out of the shower.

“Should I make some breakfast?” I asked.

“No, let’s go out, we can pick something up on the way.” She said heading into the bedroom.

So I just sat at the table and watched Ashley move around the apartment getting ready, I enjoyed watching her, and wanted to ruminate on the feelings the night before with Steve had given me.

Ashley finished, and sat down at the table with me. “Tell me something,” she said.

“Ok, what” I asked willingly enough.

“When you were giving Steve pleasure last night, was that enough for you?” she asked.

A blush came over me, but I considered her question, “Do you mean, would I like him to do the same thing to me?” She nodded. “Well, um, No!, Definitely not when I’m like this, it would make me feel terrible, and, well, not right somehow. You know?”

“Not really, but I’m trying, so what you want and don’t want is determined by how you are dressed?” she asked.

“Well, somehow it seems to be more than just being dressed, um, its like that behavior term mien, to mean how one bears oneself, one’s air, appearance, look, manner, or aspect. I suppose it is like a package deal, and the current package determines my response to it. See?” I asked.

“Wow, have you thought about this then?” she inquired.

“Well yeah, sure, I mean I couldn’t avoid it when I found myself so attracted to Steve.” I pointed out.

“Well, when you were dressed, as a boy, I mean, before you dressed as a girl, did you ever feel attracted to anyone?” she asked.

“Oh yeah, there were several girls, I did some heavy petting with a girl named Kathy once, I really liked her, but I hadn’t gone all the way with anyone yet, too shy around girls I guess.” I mused.

“Well, you didn’t seem to shy with Steve last night!” she pointed out.

“Yeah, but he’s a guy, I know what they like and want, and I liked that he wanted it from me, so I wanted to give it to him.” I replied.

“Hmm, did you feel attracted to men before you dressed like this?” she waved at me.

“No, not as a partner, I mean not emotionally, but I’m beginning to think I like playing with their, um, ‘equipment’ a little.” I smiled at her.

“Even if you weren’t dressed like this?” she asked.

“No, I mean, it might still be fun, but I couldn’t get into it enough to get there, without the mien or aspect of femininity that this generates for me, there would be too much in the way emotionally for me to relax and really have fun or enjoy it, you know?”

“I think I’m getting it,” she answered, “But like this you can even be emotionally attracted to a man, want to be with him not just for sex, but, um, with love?”

Thinking about Steve I said, “Oh yeah!” I looked at her, “It is all there like that for me with Steve.”

“So ok, but that brings us back to the origional question, other than the satisfaction you get from giving him pleasure, what can he do that would give you physical pleasure in return? She asked me intently, “don’t you think it is an unstable element in your relationship if he can’t please you in return? I mean if he really cares for you, he is going to want to give you pleasure in return, right?”

“Well, yes, I guess so, but it would be terrible to have him do what I did for him to me!” I said exasperated.

Ashley shook her head and looked at me tapping her teeth. I knew when to shut up and let her think by now so I just waited and watched her ponder. After a while she stopped tapping suddenly and looked me in the eyes, “Have you considered letting him do you like he would do a girl?”

“Huh?”, I looked at her a moment, then my mind wrapped around what she was saying and I said slowly, “You mean let him, uh, you mean take him in me?” I thought of his arms around me, his excitement, his pushing against me.”That sounds nice, but wouldn’t it hurt?”

“Actually, it can feel quite nice, you have to use a lubricant and relax, but I have enjoyed it very much before.” She informed me.

“Really?” I asked wide-eyed.

“Oh yeah!” she replied with a smile, “Once in a while it can be quite nice, but then I have a superior substitute so usually I do it the way anyone normaly does it, but every once in a while, the other can be very hot.”

“I’ve got to try that!” I said with enthusiasm.

Ashley laughed, and said, “Woah, before you start looking for that, you need to make sure he will be gentle at first with you, coax him into taking some time for you to accept him in you, and we’ll have to get you some lube. So lets go back to the Common Sense, they have something perfect there, I’ve used it myself, and it smells great too, c’mon, get your purse and we’ll go shopping!” She grinned at me.

I grinned back and went to get my purse.

We clattered down the stairs and out the door and headed for Market Street. Once we got there, Ashley grabbed my hand and pulled me across to a side street, and a little ways down, on what looked like the side of a business facing Market, was a small fire door with a tiny sign above it that said simply, ‘Fannies Delights’, she pulled me in, and there was a small room with about four tables with chairs, and a short serving-line type counter. “Two morning pita’s please Fannie” Ashley asked the woman behind the counter.

“Out early this morning Ashley?” Fannie asked as she started assembling our order. As they chatted, Fannie took out some round bread that had a slit in the top and formed a pocket inside, she then took a spoon out of a large plastic tub that said Horseradish Spread on it’s label, and spread some in each pocket, she then stuffed them liberally with crumbled hard-boiled egg yokes, bean and alflafa sprouts, and some sort of white crumbly cheese. As she wrapped them in a paper and handed them to Ashley, she asked. “And who is this with you this morning Ashley?”

“Oh, sorry!” she said to both of us, “Bethany, this is Fannie, Fannie, this is Bethany, she’s staying with me now, so you will be seeing her around.”

I smiled at Fannie and she smiled back, “If you are staying with Ashley, you must be good people, it’s nice to meet you!”

“Thank you, It is very nice to meet you too Fannie, those look very interesting!” I indicated the food she’d handed Ashley.

“I think you’ll like them,” she said with a smile as she took Ashleys money and made change, “come by and try our lunch pita, they are good too, aren’t they Ashley?”

“Mmm, to die for!” Ashley exclaimed and they both laughed. “Bye now Fannie!” she said as we headed for the door.

“Have a nice day girls!” she called after as we turned at the door, waved, and went out.

“She’s nice.” I remarked.

“Fannie’s a dear!” Ashley said as she handed me my food and we started walking and eating, “We can walk from here, it’s a little foggy, but it’ll burn off soon.”

We walked along eating our pita’s and enjoying the foggy morning, the sea air smell is always stronger with the fog, and sounds have a funky reverb sound to them that makes them slightly enchanting compared to the usual street sound. After a few blocks we got to Common Sense and went inside. We threw our trash in a receptical near the door, and walked to the counter. “Could I have some ‘Chinese Flowers oil by Kiehl please?” asked Ashley, “Oh, and one of your small empty bottles too?”

When she bought the items, she took the large bottle of oil and unstoppered it, then taking the rubber stopper out of the small bottle, she transferred some in and restoppered them both. A complex but unassuming smell wafted to my nose that was pleasing and somehow wistfull, “Here she said handing me the little bottle, put that in your purse.”

As I did so, I said, “That smells wonderfull!”

“It’s actually a body oil” said Ashley, “you should try some after a shower, it will make your skin soft and radiant.”

“I’ll try that, it sounds good” I replied as we left the shop and walked back towards Market. “What’s next?”

RX For A Stressfull Moment

We walked for a while, checking out the shop windows, and people on the streets, just enjoying the morning. Occasionally we’d stop and read a poster or handbill taped to a window or wall, or stapled to a telephone pole and remark to one another about the band or event they advertised. Finally we found ourselves on Clayton Street, and after a couple of blocks Ashley stopped, and I looked at her questioningly. “We need to go in here” she said.

I looked at the sign that said, ‘Haight Ashbury Free Clinic’ and asked, “Are you alright? I mean, is something wrong?”

“No” she said, shaking her head and watching me closely, “It’s not for me, it’s for you.”

“For me? There’s nothing wrong with me.” I replied in confusion.

“Well, you are thinking about becoming sexually active with your boyfriend,” she started, ‘Boyfriend!’ I thought happily, and she continued, “and you should get checked out before you do.”

I looked at her for a moment and said, “I can’t, I mean not like this!” waving at myself, “Anyway, we know I don’t have venerial disease or anything, I mean, I told you I’d never, uh, well, you know, before.”

She looked at me sternly and said, “It’s not that! You should have yourself a proctological exam to make sure there won’t be any complications or problems, you don’t want to do what you are thinking about if you have an infected prostate or something!”

“I knew what sort of exam she was talking about, and that wasn’t very appealing, but something else worried me more, “But I CAN”T go in there like this!” I said loudly, then started to blush when some passerby’s looked over at me.

“Keep you voice down!” Ashley hissed at me, then more normally in a voice she would probably use with a child she said’ “Dr David Smith will not be strange or make a big deal about what you are underneath, he has do deal with just about everything under the sun in his clinic, and he will be understanding and kind!”

I looked at her in fear and begged. “Don’t make me do this! Please!”

“Yes! I am responsible for you while you are with me!” she declared intently, “You said you would trust me, so prove it now!” Ashley looked at me and her eyes softened, “It is for your own good, I will talk to Dr. Smith, all you have to do is let him examine you.

Tears were welling in my eyes, but I knew she was adamant, and I loved her so. “Alright” I breathed out.

We went in, and Ashley took my pocketbook out of my purse and went over to a desk with a young lady at it, and started filling out forms as I sat in the waiting room and looked around. I was feeling a little strange above and beyond the obvious reasons, due to the fact that Ashley and I were dressed considerably better than anyone else in the clinic, including the people who worked there. “You ok?” Ashley asked when she returned and sat next to me.

I just looked at her with eyes that probably looked like the eyes of a doe caught in the headlights of a car just about to run it over, because she reached over and squeezed my hand and kept it while we waited.

“Bethany Madrigill!” a girl in scrubs called from a door behind the desk, and still holding Ashley’s hand we got up and followed her to an examination room.

We waited for a while, me nervously, when a short interesting man with lively eyes and a white coat came in and said,”Ashley! It’s good to see you again!”

Ashley grinned and replied, “It is good to see you too!”

Dr. Smith turned to me and said, “And you must be Bethany, what seems to be the problem?”

I looked at the floor, noticing the pattern of the tiles while Ashley went over to Dr. Smith and whispered into his ear for a while, risking a look up I saw him looking at me, and before I could look down again, he gave me a genuinely friendly smile and said, “Ashley was right to bring you to me Bethany, why don’t you try to relax and take your dress off.

Taking my dress off was NOT going to make me relax, but I did it anyway feeling more self-concious than I ever had before in my life. Dr. Smith came over and listened and thumped and did the usual things a doctor does, then asked me, “Ashley has told me you are sexually inexperienced, is that right?” I looked at the floor some more and just nodded, feeling the heat rise in my face. “How old are you really? Your chart says you are eighteen, but I know that could only be right for the young lady you appear to be, so what age are you really?”

“F-Fifteen” I said in a little voice.

“I feel obligated to mention that you are a little young to be considering becoming sexually active, emotionally, I mean. I don’t suppose I can talk you into considering waiting?”

I just shook my head and continued to look at the floor. “Ok then,” he said, “please remove your panties.” I could have died, maybe I did a little, but I mechanically did as I asked.

First he nearly gave me a stroke by taking my balls in his hand and saying “Cough please” his fingers probed around my privates for a moment then he said, “Ok, now please lean over the examining table, and went over to a cart and started putting on some rubber gloves.

Leaning over the examining table on my forearms, ‘How can the paper covered pad on this thing be so cold?’ occurred to me, I awkwardly awaited the examination with the awareness of what it looked like for me in bustier with attatched garters holding up nude hosery and standing in three inch pumps with my privates hanging down between my legs, and I started to die. No matter how much I tried to push the image out of my mind, it would just return, and I would die a little more inside.

Finally Dr. Smith came over and said, “This is gonna feel a little akward” and as I was thinking he had NO idea what akward was, he proceeded to prove me wrong. I am sure to this day, that akward can be defined by what he did to me back there that morning in 1969.

“Ok, you can get dressed now” he said, and made some notations on a clipboard as I did.

“Are you alright?” Ashley asked me after I had gotten my clothes back on, and came over and put her arm around me. I just nodded noticing the pattern of the tiles on the floor again.

“Ok,” said Dr Smith, “You are a healthy young, um, lady, with no health problems that I can determine, we won’t bother with a blood work-up since you have been sexually inactive, but if you do become sexually active, I would like you to come in once a month and get checked out, could you do that for me?” He asked. Then when he saw the look that flitted over my face he chuckled and said, “Just a little check up exam, not like this.”

So I nodded, and said, “Yessir, I will!”

“Good girl!” he said to me, which considering everything that had just happened made me feel pretty good, I decided I liked Dr. David Smith very much, after all.

Ashley led me out to the reception area, and I signed a form even though they said it was optional, (I signed it Bethany Madrigill, which felt good too) and we left.

Outside on the sidewalk, Ashley turned to me and said, “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“Ask me later, where I can cry when I think about it!” I replied shortly back at her.

She just hugged me and said into my ear, “Well then, don’t think about it, it is over, and it was for your own good you know?” I nodded, “Ok then, let’s go shopping for your date tonight! That will make you feel better!”

“But I have plenty of nice dresses to wear, you don’t have to spend any more money on me!” I protested.

“Well, after hearing how you acted last night, I would have to believe that you are going to end up spreading your legs for Steve tonight!” Ashley said as I tripped and almost fell over, then almost fainted as every last drop of blood in my body rushed to my face. Ashley seemed to find this funny as she laughed and said in a conspiratorial whisper, “Don’t you think you would feel better doing that if you had on some deliciously sexy and frilly underthings?”

That put thoughts of some of things I had seen girls wearing in girlie magazines, and how much Steve might like them, and slowly smiled, “Yeah, I think I would.”

Ashley laughed and said, “I knew I could make you feel better!” and took me shopping.

We got back later that afternoon and as we walked up to the door Ashley looked at her watch and said, “It’s already four, you’d better hurry and get ready if you are going out at five!”

“Oh Yeah!” I said, and flew in the door and up the stairs into our room as I heard Ashley chuckling behind me saying, “Hello Helen.”

Third Date’s The Charm

“Steve’s here!” I heard called up by Ashley as I was finishing my makeup.

“Just a minute!” I called back as I tried to hurry doing my face, (not really possible) and tought to myself, ‘He’s here!’ with some butterflies in my stomach, then, ‘He can wait a minute, I’m running late because I had to get all this unfamiliar underwear on for him’ then I thought ‘God I hope he see’s it’. Why I thought that made me realized how much I wanted him, and I had to stop for a second to let the waves of excitement roll and crash over me. God I wanted that man!

Finally done, I came out of the room and at the top of the stairs I was planning a sultry casual walk down the staircase to tease Steve a little, which I thought was a clever plan, when I looked down and saw him looking up at me with those big brown eyes.

“Well you two, have fun tonight and be carefull.” I heard Helen say as Steve broke our kiss to look at her. ‘How did I get here?’ I wondered as I found myself standing with Steve by the front door. I realized that I probably had messed up my grand staircase walk plan, and I just sighed wistfully and felt the goodness radiating from Steve’s arm around me.

Once we were in the car I asked Steve, “Where to now?”

“I thought we’d go over to Vesuvio’s and check it out, I think you’ll like it, it has good atmosphere, and sometimes they have poetry readings.” Steve looked at me with a smile, “Sound good?”

Big brown eyes, as Steve moved his head back and stopped kissing me, he said, “Well?”

Trying to figure out what he was asking brought me back from where ever I had gone and I thought about what he had said earlier, “Oh yeah! Sounds great!” I enthused. And leaned my head on his shoulder as he put the car in gear and drove off.

He drove us over to North Beach and stopped in a parking lot after getting a time ticket from the attendant in the little booth, and we walked hand-in-hand down the sidewalk to this quaint little club with the name Vesuvio. Once inside it had a charming almost fifties artsy beatnik atmosphere, and Steve helped me sit down at a table and sat across from me. A waitress in a white blouse and black mini-skirt that I thought looked very chic came up and we ordered drinks. Looking at the waitress walking away I thought ‘tart’ as she sashayed away from us swinging her hips in a bit of an exaggerated way, I was hoping Steve wasn’t noticing her when he said, “So Bethany, I thought we could talk awhile. I hardly know anything about you, and I’d like to know you.”

‘Oh oh,’ I thought looking at him now, “Um, what would you like to know?”

“Well little things, like your last name, age, favorite color, you know, stuff like that.” He replied.

“Well,” I thought for a minute, “Wait a minute,” I said as I rummaged around in my pocketbook and pulled out my license, “Here” I said handing it to him, “Here is my legal info.”

He looked at it for a moment, then he said, “Madrigill, that’s nice, I like it.” I felt good, “So how did you arrange this?” he asked waving my license. I felt bad suddenly, ‘dumb, dumb, dumb’ I thought of my bright Idea of letting him see it.

“Um, well, someone Ashley knows arranged it, a license, social security, you know, the whole identity thing.” I said in a small voice.

“So how long have you known Ashley, and how long have you been doing this?” he asked waving at me.

Now I was feeling kind of panicy, and thought about what to say when I looked up into his eyes and said, “Well let me think, um, three, no, four days? Yeah I think that’s right.”

“I thought you’d known Ashley longer, but I guess that makes sense because I hadn’t seen you before with her, or heard her talking about you, so how long have you been like this?” he asked again.

“Um, well, the same?” I said hesitantly. His mouth dropped open and he just stared at me for a while. I was getting pretty uncomfortable when he said, “No way! I mean, well, you just seem so natural at it, like you’ve been doing it forever!” I just shrugged.

“It feels natural to me, so I guess it comes across that way, I don’t know” I said, “It feels comfortable, like it’s supposed to be this way, I mean, everyone is nicer to me, and more accepting somehow, socially I mean, you know?” I looked at him, he nodded, but there was some confusion in his eyes, so I knew he didn’t really. “I feel like I am better with people, um, sweeter, happier, and maybe sexier too.”

“Well, you certainly are that to me!” he stated emphatically, which made me blush, but I kept looking in his eyes and smiled, he smiled back.

“I care more about the people I am with too,” I said after a moment, “it’s like all that cultural training you get about males being independent and being an island unto himself, and all that macho bullshit, well, I can let all that go now, and just care, and not be afraid if that makes me vulnerable or anything, you see?”

Now he was nodding like he really was getting it and said, “Yeah, I know what you are talking about, sometimes all that stuff makes you act contrary to what your feelings are telling you, not just around other people, but even sometimes when you are by yourself too.”

He really did seem to understand, which made me feel good. After we quietly absorbed all of that, and the good vibes we were getting from our mutual understanding, we started having some more casual small talk about common things. After a while he ordered some spagetti and wine, and we ate, (very carefully for me, spots on the cream colored dress I was wearing was a definite no, no!) and enjoyed each other’s company.

After we ate, I got back from freshening my makeup, and we had drinks. After a bit some people started taking the mic on stage and reading their poetry and we pulled our seats around so we could sit hand-in-hand and listened.

Little comments like, “I liked that one, it made me feel something”, and “Boy that was a bomb” and such like, interspersed our listening to the poetry, and between the physical closeness of our shoulders rubbing, my hand in his, and the alchohol in the drinks, I was starting to get a little distracted. Finally I leaned over and whispered in Steve’s ear, “I know it is still early, but could you take me home?” He started and looked at me and I said looking into his big brown eyes, “Your home, please?” with a little pleading in my voice.

He paid the bill and hurried to the car park, and I still don’t know how he managed to speed over to his house without getting any tickets. When we got there, I didn’t allow him any time for shy-guy games, I took his hand pulled him up to the door, and after he unlocked it, I pulled him straight up to his room, gently pushed him back on the bed, and stood before him, reached behind my neck, unzipped my dress, and let my dress slither to the floor. ‘I knew I picked right with this sheath dress!’ I thought as Steve’s eyes got big and round taking in my new underwear, ‘Ashley was right about him getting hot over this lacy corset’ I then thought, and I proceeded to crawl into his lap and let him kiss me senseless as his hands did the opposite to my body.

After a while, I did the same routine I had done last night, between his legs, but this time I was ready, and this time when he grabbed my head I swallowed before I could gag, and that was a lot better, I could enjoy him spurting into my throat, which seemed to make me feel so close to him I almost liked it as much as I did tasting him when I could rise up a little and suck the last bit out of him.

We lay togeather for a while as we had last night before, and when his breathing slowed down, I stopped twisting his chest hairs and moved my hand down. He stiffened in more ways in one, and smiling, I levered up on one arm and looked down on his face to say, “Ready for something a little different?” as I continued to fondle him. He smiled at me questioningly, but nodded, so I said, “Get up and come around to the foot of the bed, please?”

He got up and went around and stood there looking a little apprehensive, so I pulled him onto the bed until he was kneeling where I had been kneeling a little while before, in front of me, between my legs, I had a flash of Ashley telling me about spreading my legs, and my smile got bigger. I scooted down a little till my cheeks were touching his thighs, reached over and took my purse, took the bottle from Common Sense out and poured a little into the palm of one hand, put it back and put my purse on the table again. I looked up at Steve, and he was breathing heavily, and his hardness was making little jumps, but he looked slightly perplexed, which I wiped off his face and replaced with other things by reaching down and fondling him, getting oil all over his excited hardness. Once I thought he was slick enough, I let go, his eyes opened and looked down on me, and I slowly, lifted my legs until my ankles were on his shoulders, and said in a voice that was breathy from my own excitement, “I want you in me, please!”

I reached up and pulled his shoulders down towards me, and lifted my bottom as he bent down, once I could feel him about where I needed him I took one of my hands, reached around my bottom and twitched him with my fingertips, until I could feel his tip pressing the right spot, I gave a little scrunch downward, and felt it go in. There was a little pain, but Steve was being good and waiting to see what I wanted, so I waited until the pain was gone, then I grabbed his shoulders and pulled again, as he came down, and my bottom rolled up under him, he slid all the way into me, GOD IT FELT GOOD!

We lay there for a moment, my ankles between our shoulders, (thank God for yoga) our faces inches away, with him breathing really hard now, (me too!) and I pulled his face down, kissed him, turned his head a little, and whispered into his ear, “Fuck me, oh, fuck me, please?”

He did.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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