Bethany In My Life (Part 7)

Bethany In My Life (Part 7)

Steve, And A Magical Musical Night Out

I had worn a simple sheath dress in a teal color, with two-inch sandals for my date with Steve. Ashley had done a french braid, that she somehow wove the end back up into, so that it formed a sort of woven bun in back. I don’t know how she managed it, but it really looked classy and feminine.

When Steve arrived we went out to his car, and I said,”Where to tonight?”

He leaned over and gave me a lingering kiss. When he said, “I know a little club with good weeknight live music, and thought we could go there after dinner.” I had to stop and think for a second to figure out that he was answering my question, God he could kiss me out of my mind!

We went to a little casual resturant on Polk Street in the Russian Hill district that made great seafood, and then we were off to the club.

When we got there, I wasn’t sure about the club in North Beach on Vallejo Street, because it looked kind of like a dive, the name on it was Keystone Corner. Steve led me in, took me back to a table next to the bar where an interesting dark haired guy was sitting. “Hey Freddie!” said Steve as we came up.

Freddie looked up and smiled, “Hey Steve! It’s good to see you! How’s your dad?”

“He’s fine, Freddie, this is Bethany Madrigill, Bethany, this is Freddie Herrera, he owns this place.” Steve introduced us.

Freddie looked at me and smiled, “Always ready to meet lovely young ladies,” and turned to Steve, “It’s good to see you out with someone for a change, I was starting to think you were becoming a hermit.”

Steve ignored this comment and asked, “So who is playing tonight Freddie?”

“Elvin Bishop, he couldn’t make his usual Monday night gig this week, so he is playing tonight.” Replied Freddie.

“Ok, he always gives a good performance, Bethany ought to enjoy this, thanks, and have a good evening Freddie!” Steve said leading me away.

You take good care of him Bethany, he needs some fun in his life!” Freddie called after us.

We got a table near the stage, and after Steve had ordered some drinks I asked him, “So what was that all about?”

“That? Oh, you mean Freddie saying I needed some fun?” Steve asked, I nodded and he went on, “Well, I haven’t been dating much since the first of the year, I’ve been studying and working a lot, and haven’t had time.

“Studying what?” I asked.

“Oh, I’ve been taking some courses, ROTC, actually.” He anwered.

“So what are they?” I inquired.

Steve looked at me and said, “Well, it’s some stuff to help me qualify for entering the Air Force Acadamy in Colorado Springs.”

“Really, to like become an officer in the Air Force?” I wondered.

“Yep, I want to fly jets, and I’ll be going in the fall, but I have to go through basic training for six weeks first, so I’ll be going to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio Texas in July.” He informed me.

They started moving around on stage, doing sound tests and such, and Steve and I sat and watched them while I considered what he had told me. On one hand, I knew the maximum amount of time I could expect Steve to keep dating me, on the other hand, I knew how little time I had before he left. I thought maybe it was a good-bad kind of thing, and I wasn’t sure how I felt, so I decided to try and just enjoy his company while I could. That decided, I was reminded by this train of thought, about the trip to Ocean Beach, and Playland. “Steve, this is going to be a nice Saturday according to the weatherman, I was wanting to go to Playland at Ocean Beach!”

Steve smiled at my enthusiasm and said, “That sounds like fun, I haven’t been there in years, it would be nice to visit it one last time.”

“Great, Ashley and Bobby are going too, we were going to meet at Ashley’s and my place about ten o’clock, how does that sound?”

“It sounds good to me, I’ll be there!” he said.

Elvin Bishop got on stage and started playing, and the music was fantastic, Steve and I grooved to the music until the wee hours of the night, the music, the good vibes, and Steve by my side made it one of the most wonderfull experiences of my life. Wishing it had never ended, we went out to the car, and Steve drove me home.

In front of my place, I looked over at Steve and saw him looking back with his big brown eyes.

After a while, Steve murmured into my ear, “I could do this all night.” Then started nibbling on it.

“Well, since you are being so sweet and taking me to Playland Saturday, maybe I could show my appreciation tommorrow night?” I breathed into his ear.

“When should I pick you up?” he whispered as I nibbled on his ear in return.

“Uh, I thought we could just go over to your place?” I whispered timidly, “So maybe about seven?”

“Alright” he almost moaned as I licked his neck.

After a little while, I got out of the car, went inside, and compared dates with Ashley. It was a fine evening that left me with a glow as I fell asleep.

Showing My Appreciation

I spent my day doing laundry and helping around the house, hanging with Helen, I even watched her afternoon soaps with her as Ashley had gone to listen to Bobby’s band practice in the afternoon. By the time I had dinner, and gotten ready for my date with Steve, I had become very ready for him to pick me up. Memories of the good time we’d had the night before, and the sweet necking session we had when he dropped me off, had combined to make me very hot.

I had dressed simply, and had put a satin teddy that I thought was romantic with it’s lacy front, into my purse. I was ready for him in the worst way.

When he arrived, I jumped up, and ran to the door without even excusing myself, leaving Helen in the parlour. “Steve! You’re here!” I cried happily.

“Ready to go?” he asked with a smile.

“More than ready to go!” I stated.

We drove over to his place, and I let him hustle me up to his room. I got the feeling that he was feeliing hot too, but I made him wait in the bedroom while I went into his bathroom and changed.

When I came out wearing the teddy over my bra and panties, I stopped just inside the room and looked at Steve looking at me. I saw him squirm ever so slightly, and I knew he was enjoying the sight of me. It practically drove me insane that he wanted me!

I let him watch, as I walked over and around to the bed, and knelt on the foot of it with a big smile. He got up and came around, and leaned down to kiss me. I was shivering with the promise of his kiss, so I reached out and undid his pants, then I pulled them down, and let them slide to the floor, and then I did the same for his boxers. Now I could see how much he wanted me, and I couldn’t resist bending over, on my hands and knees, and taking him in my mouth as he stood at the end of the bed in front of me.

“Jeez!” he half moaned, half said, as I started licking and sucking on him. I could taste his musky scent, and feel his pulse in my mouth, and as I took more of him, I felt him arch his back, and even more pushed into me until I had to swallow. We were just getting started, and I knew I would have to breathe before he finished, so I pulled back, caught a breath, and deliberatly shoved myself back onto him.

“Jesus!” he definitly moaned this time, so I started repeating the process until I think he became weak-kneed enough to need support. He grasped my head as if to steady himself, being good and not forcing anything, letting me do all the work. Every time my nose pressed against his pelvis I could smell him stronger, and this called me back every time I pulled away to take a breath. God he smelled so good.

After a while, he had gotten the rhythm and was sort of moving my head himself, so I let him lead, and he slowly picked up the tempo. I was getting shorter breaths, but we were both getting hotter and hotter, so I let him keep going until he gave me what I had been waiting for.

I think he almost fell on the floor, he wavered for a moment, then staggered around the bed and fell more than lay down. I crawled over to him, and without any mercy said, “Come on, sit up, I want to get your shirt off!”

After removing his shirt, I rolled over on him until I was laying on him, with my head on his chest, I could feel him breathing like he was spent, but I figured after what I’d just done, he could put out some effort, so I started sucking on his nipples, and brought my thigh up against his crotch and started rubbing him with it. I let my hands wander from his chest to his hips and back again as I whirled my tounge around his nipples combined with little sucks.

It didn’t take long at all, ‘Thank God for testosterone’ I thought as he became real interested in me again.

He took me the way I like it, and I didn’t let him rest that time either, I took his soft love into my mouth and got him ready, and in no time I had him in me again the way I like. Now he seemed like a blown out tire, and I settled next to him and lethim hold me for a long while.

Finally, I said, “It’s still early”

“Bethany,” he started, then hesitated. I waited for him to continue, and finally he did, “could you, well, could we, um,” and he hesitated again.

I thought about it for a second, and realized what he wanted, so I straddled him and did it the way he liked it. I enjoyed it more this time, and I guess he did too, since towards the end he kept throwing off my rhythm by giving little uncontrolled thrusts and bucks. It didn’t seem to bother him though, I still had the pleasure of feeling him finish inside of me.

A little later I said, “Well, if we want to enjoy tommorrow, we’d better let you take me home.”

“Mmm, Hmm”, he mumbled, and after a minute he got up, we got dressed, and he took me home.

My toes were still tingling from his kisses as I came in the door, and other parts of me were happy too. Ashley was still out, so I got ready for bed, and fell asleep almost instantly


“Wake up sleepy head” Ashley murmered into my hair.

“I became aware of my world, which consisted of the happy warmth of Ashley’s arms and body woven around mine making a protecting shell of warmth and love. “Mmm, comfortable…” I mumbled into her chest.

“Well you need to get up, it is a bright sunny day, and we have a fun day with our guys planned, remember?” she asked.

Now I came fully awake, looked into her smiling face and grinned, “Oh yeah!” I replied with sudden enthusiasm.

She laughed and letting me go said, “You can go first in the shower hon, we have time to get ready, and have a bite before we go.”

We got ready, and had some fresh pineapple for breakfast, I had never considered it breakfast food, but it really was a mouth awakening morning dish.

We spent a little time listening to Bob Dylan on the phonograph, and making small talk, while waiting for the boys to come over.

Bobby came by first, Helen must have let him in, because when he knocked on the door to our rooms was when we first knew he was here. We waited a little longer, but the music had stopped, and I had been listening, so I heard the knock on the front door, and we all went down to see Helen letting in Steve. “Hello everyone! Are we all ready to go?” He asked noticing my canvas purse.

“All ready and raring to go!” Ashley replied to his inquiry, and we all trooped out the door.

“Shall we go in my car?” Steve asked looking down the street at Bobbys little Dodge Valiant.

“Sounds good to me” Bobby agreed, and we all piled into Steves oldsmobile, and headed north to Ocean Beach.

The rides were fun, and the atmophere was one of childish fun, we were all going from one attraction, to the next, laughing, and teasing one another with abandon. After we’d rode most of the rides, we stopped at the booths to get some hot dogs and sodas. “Having fun?” I asked Steve as we sat down at a bench to eat.

He paused to swallow a bite of hot dog and said, “As much as I ever did coming here as a kid” and smiled at me with his eyes flashing his merryment.

“Well I’m having fun too!” I exclaimed, and grinning, I leaned over and licked some mustard from the corner of his mouth. He turned as I started to pull back, and kissed me, the heat of his mouth, the moisture of his tounge, and the aroma of the carnival style food all combined to make me feel wonderful.

“Hey guys!” Said Ashley, “When are you two going to win us ladies a prize at one of the booths?”

Steve and Bobby looked at each other, shrugged, and started to smile. “Well, said Bobby, I can throw a mean dart!”

Steve kept smiling at Bobby and said, “That may be, but I’m no slouch myself, and I do believe I can pitch a baseball at milk cans fairly dependably after those four years of baseball in high school. Now they were smiling at each other differently, and started to look over at the game booths.

Ashley came and sat on the other side of me and said in a stage whisper, “Oh, oh, macho attack!”

The boys just laughed, and headed over to the booths. When they were farther away, I turned to Ashley and said, “You are shameless!”

“Me!” declared Ashley, “You almost wet those shorts in public a minute ago when Steve was kissing you!”

Blushing, I looked at my feet for a second, and said, “I couldn’t help it” in a small voice.

Ashley laughed, and said, “Well we better go catch up to the boys and Ooh, and Ahh, at their performance to encourage them.

I just slapped at her arm as we got up and went after the guys.

Sitting on the beach, with a large pink tiger sitting on one side of me, and Steve on the other, I thought that maybe I should be embarrassed about clinging on to a big pink stuffed animal. Steve had performed some great feats of tossing for it, working through several rounds to get a large one for me, and somehow, it made it special. ‘He won it for me!’ I thought, and felt only warmth and satisfaction when I held it.

We sat on the beach, and watched the sun set, we were all done in, and just stopped at a Dairy Queen just outside of the park for a quick bite. When we got home, I collected a quick kiss from Steve, made a date for Monday night, and we went up to our room.

We changed into our nighties, put on the Doors Strange Days album, and sat on the couch. I would have been feeling a little silly holding my pink tiger in my arms if Ashley wasn’t sitting next to me holding her blue bear that Bobby had won for her. We both sat companionably and listened to the music as we sighed our satisfaction with the day.

Eventually Ashley said, “Well, the boys are richer, as we are for having them take us, wouldn’t you agree?” I could only happily nod my head.

Later, “We should get some sleep punkin’ “ Ashley told me wistfully, so we went to bed, all four of us, two girls, one large tiger, and one large bear.

Monday, Monday

The rest of the weekend went in a lazy do nothing special way, and Monday during the day was spent with more grocery shopping followed by getting stoned watching the band practice. I’d had dinner with Helen, and helped her clean up afterwards. By the time Steve was to come by and pick me up, I was feeling relaxed and happy.

He finally arrived and took me out to a club called El Matador, it was a nice place with some live music by someone I didn’t know, but who was fairly good. We sat for a while drinking and having some small talk between songs, and when the canned music started up after the live show Steve asked, “So were you still interested in working at the center? I know they need people on the weekend for part time.”

“Really?” I asked cautiously, “do you really think they would hire me?”

“Oh sure, they need people, and I can set it up for you,” he said, “you would just have to come by to meet the director, fill out a formal application, and you can be working by this weekend.”

“Why do they need people on the weekends? I thought it was a daycare thing.” I asked.

“Oh, it’s the working class section of town, and a lot of those people work weekends, and it’s hard for them to get anyone to take care of their kids then, so it’s actually a little busier than usual, at least on Saturday.” He replied.

“Ok, it sounds good” I agreed.

“Good,” he said, “I’ll call you tommorrow night and tell you when to go down to talk to Henry, he’s the director, and the guy you’ll have to talk to so you can get started.”

“Alright, thanks Steve” I told him with a smile.

“No, no thanks needed, they really do need help down there, and I think you’d be great with the kids!” He said.

I wasn’t so sure about that last part, I hadn’t spent much time with younger kids, and had never babysitted for any before. We had some more small talk, and Steve took me home, before I got out of his car, he kissed my toes off.

I fell asleep that night in Ashley’s arms, glad to have the security of her embrace. I might never have gotten to sleep without it, nervous thoughts about having a job were racing through my head right up until my last conscious moment.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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