Bethany In My Life (Part 8)

Bethany In My Life (Part 8)

Getting A Job With A Climax

Steve had called the next day, and had told me to come in today, Wednesday, to see the director of the Community Center, we had also arranged to meet this evening. I had plans to show him my gratitude for getting me the job if it worked out, or to let him console me if it didn’t. Either way, I knew that after the nervous tension all this would give me, I would want Steve in the worst way.

I had put on a nice calf length sleevless summer dress that had a nice pattern with big and little dots running down the skirt in bands, and some three-inch heels with open toes. My make up was conservative, basic red lipstick and polish, very little rouge, and a touch of smoky grey eyeshadow just on my eyelids. I felt I looked as good as I could for what amounted to a Job interview.

I worked my way over to third on public transportation, even though Steve had offered to drive me, because I wanted to get to know the route I would be taking. When I got to the Community Center, I steeled myself, and went in and asked a lady inside if I could see the director. She led me to an office with no door where a nice middle aged man with greying hair was sitting behind a steel desk.

“Um, hello, my name is Bethany Madrigill?” I hesitantly introduced myself.

“Oh yes!” the man behind the desk said, standing up and offering his hand, “Steve told me about you, it is very nice to meet you."

“It is nice to meet you too Sir” I replied shaking his hand.

“Please call me Henry, every one does. Why don’t you have a seat Bethany?” he said politely.

After we had seated ourselves he said, “I’m very happy that you are considering coming to help us out, the job only pays minimum wage, but we are like a family here. We really need some people to fill in the weekend shifts, somehow we are cronically short-handed for Saturday and Sunday.”

“Oh, I am free on weekends, and it would be perfect for me.” I said smiling encouragingly.

“Great!” he said, “Well, you’d be working in the daycare with three other girls taking care of about thrity seven kids between four and seven years of age. They are a real handfull, but we try to come up with enough activities to keep them busy. How does that sound?”

“It sounds good to me, I like kids!” I tried to sound enthusiastic.

“Good! Well then, welcome aboard,” Henry said rising up and offering his hand again, “Margret, the woman who showed you to my office, will have some papers for you to sign. If you would go see her, you can start this Saturday, Ok?”

I shook his hand again and said, “Ok! Thank you Henry!”

He laughed and said, “Oh no! Thank you, if those girls went much longer without any help, I think I would need to fill more spots soon!”

I left his office and went back out to the front where I saw Margret talking to someone, as I waited for her to finish, I saw her notice me, finish her conversation, and come over. “So you are going to come on board with us?” she inquired.

“Um, yes’m” I said.

“Great!” she seemed genuinly enthusiastic, “I have a basic application for you to fill out for our records, and a W4 form, and that’s it, alright?”

“Fine” I said as she led me over to a metal desk and filing cabinet against one wall.

She handed me two forms, and explained what to fill out on each, and being pretty basic, I was done in just a couple of minutes, then she surprised me by hugging me and saying, “Welcome to the family! We all will be so glad to have you here. We are here at seven so we can set up and receive the early drop-offs ok?”

I smiled a big smile at her and said’ “Ok, I am looking forward to it, thank you!”

“Not at all dear, we’ll see you Saturday!” she returned.

I left, walked out the door, and continued on north towards Mission, almost stunned by how easy it had gone. ‘I have a job!’ I thought happily to myself, I already felt more independent. I was feeling so good, I just walked all the way to Market, up Market, down Hermann, and home.

When I came in the door, Ashley popped out of our room and came rushing down the stairs, “Did you get it?” she asked.

“Yep” I replied as she hit the bottom and threw herself into my arms giving me a big hug.

“I knew you would! So, does it sound like you are gonna like it?” she asked.

“Yes, I think I will! Everyone there was so nice, and I liked them too.” I said.

“C’mon,” said Ashley, “Helen’s in her garden out back, I’m sure she’d like to hear about it!”

So we trooped out and told Helen my good news.

Later after dinner, Steve picked me up, we went over to his house, and took ourselves up to his room, sat on his bed, and I told him how it went.

“Well, then,” he said finally, “I’m glad it worked out for you.”

“I just thought you might let me show you how grateful I am to you Steve” I said leaning over and kissing him. We did that for a while, then I got up and undressed him, kicked off my shoes, slipped off my dress, and fondled him until he was definitly in the mood to let me show him. I then proceeded to take him in me and do the push-clench thing he loved, and his finishing in me made me feel like heaven. After a little teasing, he was ready again, so I said, “Let’s try something new” and I laid face down on the bed and raised my ass a little, looking back at him with a big smile on my lips. He looked at my ass for a second, and I could see his excitement make little jerks, and bob up and down a couple of times. Finally he looked into my eyes, smiled a big smile for me, got between my legs and entered me. As he lay on my back, filling me with our need, he started nibbling the nape of my neck as he moved in me. I was transported to a place I hadn’t reached yet, and after a time, as his movements became more urgent, I felt myself spiral upwards and suddenly explode. He took a few moments to finish, and I was coming back down enough from my orgasm to enjoy his finishing in me. I thought as he rolled off, ‘God that was good!’ and it was!

After a few moments, I pulled up the back of my panities, got up and went into the bathroom, took my panties off, rinsed them out, and squeeze-dryed them before putting them back on. When I went back in the bedroom, seeing the man who had given me the sexiest moment of my young life laying there, I couldn’t help going over and taking him in my mouth. It didn’t take as long as I thought it might before he had gifted me with the seed of his love.

When he took me home, he kissed my toes off, and sent me off on clouds of feelings, that I took with myself to bed that night. I fell asleep with the pink tiger in my arms, somehow that silly stuffed animal was making me feel closer to Steve.

Working Girl

Thursday and Friday went by slowly for me, I was filled with anxiety and anticipation about my new job. Thurday night I went on another ‘sneak-in’ at the Filmore with Ashley, we saw Deep Purple, and Blue Oyster Cult. I’d filled both daytimes with various activities such as some minor shopping with Ashley, some gardening with Helen, and in cleaning the apartment from top to bottom, including the laundry. Friday night I went out with Steve, and we went to a cute little place called Tosca’s on Columbus Avenue. I was shown the famous Opera jukebox, and a very good time by Steve. We partied until the wee hours of the night, and had a memorable evening.

Finally it was Saturday morning it was the last day of May, I had gotten out of bed at five-thirty, using Ashley’s alarm clock for the first time since living with her. I spent about the first ten minutes just watching her sleep, and then got ready for work. I used the corset that Ashley had convinced me to buy. Even though she had convinced me to buy it to turn on Steve in the bedroom, I was wearing it today because it would make it easier to fit into the cotton dress I had decided to wear on my first day at work. I had picked out a cotton dress that had a satin liner built in, it was in a hunter green, with sleeves that went down to just below the elbows, and a full, calf-length skirt. I wore nude hose, and white panties, garter belt and bra. The shoes I had picked out were what I thought were sensible two-inch pointed toe low heels. I did my makeup conservatively just as I had for the interview. Clip on pearl earrings, a pearl string bracelt, and a chest-length strand of pearls around my neck, all imitation of course, finished my ‘working girl’ ensemble.
I made it to the Community Center with time to spare, so when I went up to the door about fifteen minutes early, I wasn’t sure the door would be open. It was though, and inside I saw Margret. “Good morning!” I said brightly.

“Bethany!” called Margret, “Good! You’re here early, come along, and I’ll show you the room you’ll be working in.” she gestured me to follow her into a hall, and as I followed she said, “Katie’s here and I’ll introduce you two, she takes care of the planning, and the schedule for your age group.”

We turned into a classroom size room, with a wall of boxes containing toys on one side, another wall with empty boxes with childrens names on each, a sink and cupboards, and round tables with metal tube and wooden seat, child size chairs scattered about the room. We walked up to an attractive thirty-something woman and Margret said, “Katie, this is your new girl Bethany, Bethany this is Katie, ok you two I’ve got to go. Good luck on your first day Bethany!” and she headed right back out and down the hall again.

Katie and I were smiling at each other, and I said’ “Margret seems very efficient!”

“Oh she is,” replied Katie, “a veritable dynamo, I don’t think Henry could run this place without her. So, shall we set up?”

“Sure! What should I do first?” I agreed.

“Well you could start getting the mid-morning and afternoon snacks ready, you’ll find paper cups in those cupboards over there,” she said indicating the ones above the sink, “Also you’ll find bulk bags of raisins, and jars of peanut butter along with boxes of saltines. You’ll need to make thirty-six cups about half full of raisins, and another thirty-six cups with two peanut butter and saltine sandwiches in each. Ok?”

“Ok” I said.

“When you finish them, put them on trays from that stack by the sink, and stack the trays with raisins on top of the trays with peanut butter cracker sandwiches, and that’s it!”

“No problem” I said, and went over and started to work.

“Bethany?” I heard Katie call me when I was about half way through the cracker sandwiches, so I turned from the counter and saw her approaching with a young girl in glasses in tow. “This is Linda, Linda, Bethany, Bethany is the girl I told you would be starting today” she introduced us and informed Linda.

We both murmered our hello’s and shook hands, and then I went back to working on the days snacks.

A little later I was interupted again for the same thing, this time being introduced to another fairly pretty young girl named Janice. Later, just before I had finished up, parents started delivering their children.

Once everything was ready I went over to Katie, and asked, “Ok, now what?”

She glanced over at the trays and said, you will need to pull out the containers of tempura paints, and brushes in those boxes over there,” again pointing to where the required supplies were located, “put a set of the three primary colors on each of the tables, along with six brushes at each of them, Ok?”

“Got it” I said and went to comply. There were six tables, and I put a bottle of red, blue and yellow of the powdered paint on each along with the six brushes. More children had arrived, and were directed by Janice to play with some oversized wood blocks from the toy boxes while everyone was arriving.

Later, as we just tried to intercept squabbles and strays from the growing crowd of kids, Katie called out to the children to go to a basket and get an apron, and we began to help them start painting on sheets of paper that Linda had put out, with the paints I had distributed.

At one point, at a table near where I was, a little girl made a comment about a little boys painting, “It is a stupid picture Robby, that doesn’t look anything like a cow!”

“It does too!” cried the wounded Robby.

“Does not! It’s stupid!” sneered the little girl just as I was coming up to mediate the argument. Suddenly, Robby jumped up and ran to a corner of the room, and started to cry with his back to the other children.

I had no idea what the little girls name was, so I said to her, “Now that wasn’t very nice of you was it?” and as she shot me a look that seemed like it should blister my nail polish off, I went after Robby

Kneeling down beside him I said, “Robby, what she said wasn’t true, I could tell it was a cow, it looked very nice to me!”

His weeping slowed as he considered my words. I studied him while he wound down and guessed he was about five or six years old, the girl who had questioned his artistry was more like seven. Finally he said to the wall. “Really? Did you like it?”

“Yep!” I returned, “It looked just like a some milk cows I’ve seen before, white with brown spots!” Actually, I was guessing his intent, the ‘cow he had painted had been outlined in red paint with splotches of red that I had guessed were spots, and had a spider like thing under it that was probably supposed to be an udder. I was however not going to critique his artwork at this point. After a few moments, he turned around, almost knocked me over with a quick hug, and ran back to the table to finish his painting.

“Is too!”

“Is not!’

I sighed and went to mediate another argument. So it went, one tiff after another, they fought over the toys, the projects, even the lunch and snacks, all day long.

Despite all the arguing, and even with the innumerable messes I cleaned up, I found I did enjoy the kids, their acceptance of me and their exuberance was charming, even when they were being difficult.

At the end of the day, when the last child had been picked up late, at about five thirty, we four sat around on chairs too small for us to be comfortable in, and sighed to each other. “Well Bethany, welcome to our world!” said Janice”

“Yep, spend enough time here, and you’ll run away from any man who wants to have children!” said Linda, and we all laughed.

“Well, I don’t know,” I said, “I kind of enjoyed them.”

They all looked at one another and rolled their eyes, but Katie said, “You were good with them today Bethany, it was nice to have another hand today”

“Hear! Hear!” agreed Linda.

Finally we all got up, cleaned up the room, and went home. We came back and did it all over again on Sunday, but I enjoyed it even more, I was starting to get to know the kid’s names better, and they seemed to be getting to know me better too.

Private Matters Revealed

My week progressed and by Tuesday, I was looking for something to do when Kelly and Paul came by to see if we wanted to go watch the band practice. Ashley said she was going to have her hair trimmed and begged off, but I was bored and decided to go, so we piled into Kelly’s VW bus and went over to their garage.

We all piled out, and went inside, where Don was waiting for us and he said, “Hey! Listen, Bobby just called and said he’s stuck at work and can’t make it, so no practice today!”

“Aw man!” cried Kelly, “What are we supposed to do now?”

Paul smiled at us and said, “Take a break?” and reached in his pocket and pulled out a bag of pot and waved it at us.

We all trooped over and sat at the table as Paul rolled a joint, then we all passed it around for a while just enjoying the buzz it was giving us. “Well, that’s another dead soldier!” said Paul as he gave up on the roach and put it with the roach holder in the ashtray.

“He died before his time,” said Kelly, “do up another one!”

“What is this stuff? It really tastes good.” I asked as the second joint had gone around a few times.

“It’s some thai-stick, pretty good huh?” answered Paul.

“Hmm hmm,” was about all I could manage, we were all getting that really fuzzy eyed look that meant we were really stoned.

“So hows workin’ for a livin’ man?” said Kelly to me.

“Mmm, ok.” I replied intelligently.

“Bet Steve is really missing those weekend joint tokes though!” said Don to Kelly jabbing him in the ribs. They both giggled, and Paul looked embarrassed.

I tried to figure out what they were giggling about, my muzzy stone was hindering my thinking, but suddenly I realized they were being suggestive. I thought about it for a minute, and realised they were using a metaphore for blowjobs!

“Wait a minute!” I demanded, “Just what are you talking about?”

The all looked a little sheepish, and Kelly said, “Don didn’t mean anything by it, Steve had just mentioned how lucky he was to be dating you, that’s all.”

“You mean he told you what we did?” I practically yelled.

“Well, hey man!” Kelly said defensively, “He was just being complimentary about your skill at ah…” too late, he realised he’d said the wrong thing, and way too much of it.

The other guys had the decency to remain quiet, even if it was obvious they had all heard Steve’s tales. I couldn’t believe it! Steve was guilty of something I had not believed possible, it hurt like hell, and I wanted to cry. Instead, I considered it while I had another toke, and the guys just stayed quiet and tried not to get themselves in any more trouble.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got, it didn’t hurt any less, but it made me mad. I was sure that I still wanted to see Steve, but I was really good and angry at him, I even considered telling them what Steve had been making love to, but not seriously, since that would be an obvious stupidity. Still, I wanted to make it even in my own mind for my self.

Finally I turned to them and said, “Look, I’m a little pissed that Steve broke a confidence with me, you can understand that right?”

They all nodded their heads, and Paul said, “Look Bethany, we wouldn’t tell a soul, we all like you, you’re attractive and sexy and fun to be around. Not another word will ever said about it by any of us!” and they all nodded their heads again.

“So you can all keep a secret?” they all nodded their heads again, “And if I was to ask you, then you would keep my confidences?”

“We swear it!” said Kelly

“Yeah” said Paul

“Sure would!” agreed Don.

I knew I was stoned, but it was clearing fast, and I was angry damnit! “Well since Steve has told you about my oral talents,” they all looked sheepish, “then I bet he doesn’t truly do them justice in his descriptions.” Now there were three comicly open mouths.

Finally Kelly said, “Huh?”

I smiled and evil smile at them and said, “Well since you three can keep a secret better than Steve, which you can right?” I inquired and received three nods, “Then I think I should set the record straight with you guys!”

Now they looked confused, and I didn’t worry about it at all, I just climbed up on the table on my hands and knees, and said, “who’s first?”

All three were in shock now, nobody moved, so I leaned over and kissed Kelly, long and sensuously, and said, “Pull down your pants Kelly, I want you to.” I knew I was acting crazy, but between my anger and these guys obvious nervousness, and my brazen actions, I was getting hot!

I knew I could count on Kelly, because he stood up, and dropped his pants, and I reached over and pulled down his jockey shorts, and saw this had turned him on too. I wasn’t about to stop now, so I took him in my mouth, and started sucking on him. After a little bit, he grabbed my head and started thrusting into my mouth, and though it was rougher than I had ever done it with Steve, I was inexplicably turned on, so I did my thing and let him thrust into my throat until he gave me what I had earned. Then he sat down suddenly, almost missing his chair, and I swiveled around until I faced Paul, and said, “Now you”

Paul hesitated, so I said, “Please?” It didn’t take any more than that.

After I had gotten all three of them off with my mouth, I bummed two joints off Paul, re-swore them to secrecy, and had them drive me home. It was a quiet ride, but I said goodby to them like nothing had happened, and went into the house and up to my room to cry.

The Ways Of Boys

I was still red-eyed and sniffly when Ashley got home, I tried to clean up with a kleenex while I could hear her move around the front room, but when she finally came into the bedroom, I guess she could tell I had been crying.

She rushed over to the bed and climbed up taking me in her arms giving me a big hug, and asked, “What’s the matter honey?”

Well, that started me off again, and I started sobbing into her shoulder, “C’mon hon, tell me what is going on, I just want to help.” She said solicitously.

I got out the story about Steve telling the guys about me giving him oral sex, and she said, “Damn him! But listen honey, it doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about you, guys are just like that sometimes when they get togeather and start talking. They get competitive and doing the whole ‘locker room’ talk with each other. It’s insensitive, and thoughtless, but it doesn’t really mean they don’t like you, it just means that men are usually assholes whenever more than two or more of them are in the same room!”

“I already figured that part out,” I said, “but it still hurts, it hurts a lot!” and I started to cry again.

“There, there hon” she cooed and held me while I wound down.

Finally I wiped my eyes again, and said’ “I was hurt really badly at first, then I just got angry, at least Don, Paul, and even Kelly were sensitive enough to feel sheepish about letting the whole thing come up.”

“So did you just come home?” she asked, “How long have you been here crying?”

“Not that long, I stayed and talked with them for a while, and I was so angry at Steve, well, uh, I guess I did something stupid… I guess.”

“Why hon? What did you do?” she asked.

“Um, well, I asked them to swear to secrecy, and then, well, I was really angry with Steve, and I wanted to get back at him in my own mind at least, so, well, um, well I guess I gave them all what Steve had told them I was so good at, you know?”

She held me out at arm length for a minute and looked at me, feeling very self-concious, I started to blush, and she said, “ALL of them!”

I just nodded, and suddenly she started to laugh, I was pretty unsure what she was laughing at, but she just laughed and laughed until she was laying on the bed holding herself and tears were coming out of her eyes. I wasn’t sure it was all that funny, but she was starting to make me smile at her as she unsuccessfully tried to stop and just started laughing harder. Finally she was slowing down, and had the hiccups, and every time she’d hiccup, she’d start up again a little, slow down, hiccup, start up, and on and on. This took quite a while before she wound down and got rid of the hiccups, finally she sat there wiping her eyes, and said, “Well, it was an interesting way to get back at Steve!” and giggled a little more, shook her head and looked at me, “You can do the strangest things sometimes, how did the guys take it?”

“Well they were pretty hesitant at first, but I kinda insisted, and after that, well, they seemed to enjoy it, but they were pretty embarassed when they brought me home!” I said as Ashley laughed a little and wiped her eyes again.

“I bet they did enjoy it!” she said, “and I bet they were embarassed afterwards!” she laughed, “God, I wish I could have seen their faces! It would have been priceless!” and then she giggled some more.

As she sobered up, she said, “Well, it was sort of a unique response, but I guess the real question is, did it make you feel better?”

“Yeah, it did” I said thinking about it, “At first I felt like I was getting even with Steve, sort of making a statement about how I felt about his betrayal, you know?” I looked at Ashley, and she nodded, so I went on, “But after I started, well, I guess I started enjoying it, I mean, I had never done that to anyone but Steve, and they were all different physically, and in the way they got into it once they got going, and I guess in the end I really enjoyed each of them.” I paused and considered it, then, “Weird huh?”

“No, not at all, if you were doing that to someone, or even someones’” she smiled at me, “I would think it would turn you on.”

We sat and thought about it, then she gave me another hug, backed up and said, “But we have to go tommorrow to practice so that I can see them squirm around you a little!”

I looked at her in surprise, and she smiled at me, winked, and we both laughed, “Yeah, that ought to be funny!” I agreed.

The week progressed, I think we both did have fun watching them squirm a little when we went back to watch them practice the next day, but they were acting more normal around me by the end of the session, and afterwards, while we all hung out and got high, they seemed more solicitous of me, including me in their conversations, making sure I had a soda and got my turn as the doobie was passed around, that sort of thing, as they took us home, Paul even made sure I had a couple of joints to take with me. Between their behavior today, the fact that they had agreed to my advances the day before even though Steve was their friend, well, it was an interesting lesson in the power a woman has over men, even when she acts out emotionally.

Eventually came my date Thursday with Steve. I had calmed down, and though disapointed with him, I still wanted to see him.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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