Bethany In My Life (Part 9)

Bethany In My Life (Part 9)

Getting Over It

Steve picked me up Thursday evening, and when he asked me what I wanted to do, I had him take me to the Coffee Cantata again for dinner, I had noticed the prices were a little upscale on some of the entrée’s and I felt like making him pay a little. Then I suggested we go to his place.

When we got to his house, I bee-lined for the couch in his livingroom, instead of letting him lead me up to his room. I decided I needed a little attention from him to get over some of my emotions, before we did anything too involved.

We necked for a while, and I was noticing his ability to kiss all the feelings out of my toes, then my feet, and finally my other parts too. I was feeling pretty forgiving, and not a little hot for him to be honest. “How about a some drinks?” I asked, “Do you have anything in the house?”

He smiled, and said, “Well, I have some vodka, but that’s about it…”

“How about juice? “ I asked, “Or maybe some soda, or something?”

“Um, I’m not sure” he said getting up and heading for the kitchen, so I followed him in, and when he opened the refrigerator door and leaned down to look in, I put my hand on his ass and leaned over his shoulder.

“Not much!” I said letting my hand roam over his cheeks and find their way down to his upper thigh, “Hey! You’ve got V8! That goes good with vodka, and as we straightened up, and he turned around holding a bottle of V8 juice, I let my hand drift around his hip and to his front, then I let him stand there for a moment holding the juice while I rubbed him. “Well how about the vodka?” I asked, then watched him walk over to another cabinet to get it, ‘he is walking a little akwardly now!’ I thought to myself.

I took the ingredients and mixed us two drinks in some tall skinny tumblers with oranges and leaf designs printed on the sides. I made sure to put about five fingers of vodka in each, and filled them the rest of the way with V8 juice. I figured this would get us loosened up, which was what I thought I needed.

We sat down on the sofa, and as we both started sipping our drinks, I let my left hand slide over to his lap and squeeze down between his legs rubbing between them. I think he almost spilled his drink, but I took a nice swig of mine and asked, “Do you think it’ll be hot tommorrow?” I looked at him, holding my drink in front of my chest, and my other hand busy at his groin.

“Uh, um, maybe” was about all he could manage.

“I smiled at him, and what I thought was, ‘Boy, I think he’s going to pop a cork if he doesn’t get his hands on me soon!’ but what I said was, “Well I hope it’s hot, I have this really thin gauzy miniskirt that I’ve been wanting to wear, it’s almost indecent, but would be so comfortable on a hot day.” I smiled sweetly at him.

The bulge my hand was brushing against as I rubbed the inside of his thighs, actually seemed to grow even more after I said that, so I said, “I wish you could see me in it, you can see right through it when the light is behind me.”

Now I thought I could see little beads of sweat pop out on his forehead as I took another gulp of my drink. I had an inspiration, and got up, even though my purse was on the end of the coffee table in front of us, bent over at the waist, and rummaged around in it with my legs togeather, figuring that in the dress I was wearing, he could probably see the tops of my hose, and the garter straps holding them up, then I got out my compact. I sat down, opened the compact, checked my face in the little mirror, and repeated the whole proccess putting it back. When I sat back down, I touched his thigh again, and brushing against the bulge he had in the front, I couldn’t believe he hadn’t busted a seam, I was really getting to him!

Still feeling devilish, I decided to make him even more uncomfortable, so I decided to bring up a subject I had been wondering about, but had figured he would be too, well, uncomfortable, to discuss.

“So Steve, I’ve been wondering,” I said, “why are you dating me, I mean, I don’t think you are a homosexual, so why are you so attracted to me?” I looked over at him, and he was studying his drink, and I actually saw him swallow while his face showed his discomfort.

“Well, um, I was already attracted to you a lot when you told me about yourself, and um, well, you’ve never acted like anything but what you appear to be, and I really enjoy being with you!” All came out in a rush, and I wondered just who he was trying to convince, and of what.

Finally, watching him squirm, I suddenly felt bad about what I was doing to the poor guy, he had no idea I was even doing it, and his innocent embarassment was too hard to bear. I gulped the last of my drink and said, “Well, in that case, why don’t we just go upstairs, and ravish each other!”

He looked over at me, I smiled at him, and ran my tounge over my lips, and then he smiled at me. Then we went upstairs, and did as I had suggested, repeatedly.

When he finally took me home, and I was sitting in the car with him, I said, “Well, I have to go to work early Saturday, so I shouldn’t stay out late tommorrow, why don’t you come by after you are done at the Center? I mean, you get off at noon tommorrow, so why don’t you come by and we’ll spend the afternoon togeather? That way you can see me in my little dress, you know, the one I mentioned earlier?”

He smiled at me and said, “I think I’d like that!”

I leaned over and collected one of his toe eliminating kisses, said goodbye, got out and went in, and thought when the front door closed behind me, ‘I think I actually drove him crazy tonight!’ Whistling silently to myself, I wandered up the stairs, and later I related every little detail of my date with Steve to Ashley before we went to sleep.

Helen, Co-conspirator

“Wake up sleepy head,” Ashley said into my hair.

“Mmm” I said looking at her, “Good Morning.”

“Well good morning to you too hon,” said Ashley, “C’mon, it looks like a beautiful sunny day, I have to visit my parents, and you said you’d do our wash this morning, remember?”

“Ok,” you shower first, I’ll make some breakfast.” I suggested.

“Sounds good, doll!” she said getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom.

I got up, put on my slippers, and went out to look in the refrigerator. I was feeling a little hungry, probably due to the bedroom gymnastics with Steve the night before, and decided on fixing some omlets for us both. I was almost finished when Ashley came out of the bathroom, wrapped in towels, and said, “That smells wonderful!”

“I was kind of hungry this morning, so I made omlets, they should only be a couple of minutes more, then they’ll be ready.” I told her.

“Ok, I’ll be right out!” called Ashley as she went into the bedroom. I finished the omlets, turned off the burner, and left them in the pan, took the plates I had warmed out of the oven, set the table, served the food, and had just sat down when Ashley came out dressed, with her hair still wrapped in a towel.

“Mmm, this looks good!” she exclaimed with feeling as she sat down and dug in, “I don’t know why, but I was feeling hungry too! This really hits the spot!’

I smiled at her and continued eating, we finished making small talk about nothing important, and then she went back into the bathroom to finish getting ready while I cleaned up from breakfast. When she came out, I waited to take my shower until she had organized herself, got her purse and was ready to leave, “Ok, I’m ready to go,” she said coming over to me and giving me a hug, “you have a nice day Beth, and I’ll see you this evening.”

I hugged her back and said, “You too, have a nice visit with your parents!” Then she left, and I went in, and took my shower, when I came back out, I went to the closet to look for that gauzy dress I had told Steve about the night before. It was really cute, very short, with a thin silk sleeveless underlayer of a tan color that was translucent, fairly tight in the bodice, and flaring for what little skirt there was, with a qauzy outer layer that was transparent, stitched tight under the bust with wrist length sleeves. It was sort of minimal for going anywhere in, but really feminine and sexy. I picked out some tan platforms with jute straps for my feet, put on some neat canvas bead necklace and braclets that we had gotten, and went into the bathroom to take a look. I liked the look, it was sexy as hell in a kind of ‘earthy’ way, so I went out to put on some cream colored polish, and brown eye color, with a dusky blush. I finished off by brushing my hair out, putting a silk flower hairclip in just above one ear, sweeping my hair back on that side, and went back in to look at the finished package in the full-length mirror again. ‘This will drive him crazy!’ I thought, and gathered the laundry.

Down stairs, I walked into the kitchen with the laundry basket, and saw Helen, “Good Morning!” I said.

“Good Morning Bethany” she returned, “How are you?”

“Feeling well!” I called back as I went back to the washing machine and started a load of laundry. I came back out and sat down at the table with Helen.

“Would you like something to drink dear?” Helen asked.

“No, I’m fine Helen, are you having a nice morning?” I asked.

“Fine, it’s a nice day, so what are you planning for today?” she asked back.

“Nothing much, Steve is coming over after noon to see me for a little while, but I thought I would just eat dinner later and go to bed early so I’d be fresh for work tommorow.” I informed her.

“I thought you were dressed a little bit too much for laundry, so you plan to catch Steve’s eye today?” she questioned with a grin.

I grinned back and said, “Well, he upset me the other day, and even though I have ignored being a little mad at him, I thought I’d tease him a little today so he’d think about me a little more.”

She laughed, “So he should bear a little frustration to pay the piper dear?”

“Um, well, he made me pretty angry, and I haven’t entirely gotten over it, so maybe a lot of frustration would be better.” I remarked with a little scowl, then looked at her a bit worried, “That’s not wrong is it?”

“Probably not” she stated with a short laugh, “I don’t know what he did, but knowing you, he deserves whatever you think he deserves.” She finished with a smile, and a twinkle in her eye.

I smiled back and said, “Well, I thought I would try to get him as excited and worked-up as possible under fairly ordinary circumstances, then tell him I’d be too tired to go out until Monday night.”

“You know, I used to tease my husband, God rest his soul, just before he went on a business trip, just so he would think of me while he was gone.” She reminisced.

“Well, that’s what I want to do to Steve this afternoon, in spades!” I said heatedly, then I asked, “So what did you do to excite your husband?”

Helen looked at me a little surprised, then got a slightly far-away look for a while, finally, she snapped her fingers and said, “I know just the thing!”

Later, after noon, I was waiting out in the garden, watering the tomatos when Helen led Steve out the back door. “Hi Bethany!” Steve called.

“Hello Steve” I said with a big smile, “It’s a beautifull day!”

“It’s a little warm out here” said Helen, right on cue, “Would you like something cold, maybe a popsicle or something to cool you off Bethany?”

“That sounds wonderfull Helen!” I returned. As Helen went back into the house, I began watering the cabbages, and asked how Steves day at the Center had gone, and while I listened, I bent over at the waist several times to pick some tiny weed, or pick up a stick and such nonsense as I gave him a bit of a view. When I heard the back door open, I turned to see Helen come out, and I could see from the corner of my eye that Steve had indeed been getting an eyefull.

Here you are” said Helen and handed me a twelve inch long rainbow pop. She was between Steve and I, and gave me a wink, then went back inside after I’d thanked her.

Steve continued telling me about a boy of about my real age, that had problems at home, and how he thought he was getting through to him, while I began licking on the popsicle. I did long sensuous licks, almost the entire length of the pop, and noticed him watching my tounge when I glanced over at him.

“So tell me more about this boy, what do you think you can do for him?” I asked to keep him talking, then I put my lips around the popsicle, and started sucking on it, as he talked, I slowly pushed it deeper and deeper into my mouth as Steve continued to talk, until I actually had to turn my face up, and swallow it to get it down my throat. While I was in that position, Steve stopped in the middle of his sentence, and I looked at him. He was looking very hard at me with two-thirds of the popsicle down my throat, then I winked at him, drew it out slowly, and made a smacking sound with my lips when it finally came out. He was standing there looking at me with the funniest face, but I didn’t laugh even though I wanted to.

“You were saying?” I asked innocently, and as he cleared his throat, and began to talk again, I reinserted the popsicle, ‘God this is so cold!’ I thought, and then bent over at the hips and leaned way over to inspect a cabbage head with the popsicle still deep in my mouth. By the time I had straightened up, he had stoped talking again, and I had to encourage him to continue.

I played this game for quite a while, and when the popsicle was done, I leaned over at the waist again, pointed the hose straight up, so the water was rising, then burbling back down over my hand, and put my lips to it as if getting a drink. I don’t think he even noticed that I wasn’t even swallowing.

We hung out in the garden for quite a while longer, and I found ways to brush against his ass, and once even his crotch, without seeming too obvious, I found many things to bend over for, and I got my hands wet deliberatly just so I could lick or suck the water off occasionally.

Finally, Steve said, “Well, it’s getting late, and I had better get going so I can fix myself some dinner.”

“It was nice to talk with you this afternoon Steve, thanks for coming over.” I said turning off the hose and following him towards the back door.

As we came in, Helen said from the kitchen table, “Going so soon Steve?”

“Um Yeah, I gotta go. Thanks for having me over.” Steve replied as we walked past her towards the front door. When he opened the door, he turned and said, “We’re getting togeather Monday night, right?”

“You said you would take me to dinner, didn’t you?” I asked sweetly.

He just nodded, then he leaned over and kissed me, as he did, I put my arms around his neck, and pulled myself against him, and rubbed my pelvis against his. He was kissing my toes off, but what was happening to him was on a whole other order.

I pulled back after a moment, and said’ “I’ll see you Monday at seven Steve.” And gave him a big smile.

“Uh, yeah, ok, see you later Bethany” he mumbled, and then I watched him get in his car, wave, and drive away.

I went back into the kitchen and sat down with Helen, and asked, “Well, did you watch through the windows?”

She started to giggle, “You really wowed him sister!” and we both giggled togeather.

“Did I do it right?” I asked.

“You did it better than I ever did!” she said animatedly, “How did you fit so much of it in your mouth without freezing your throat?”

“I just wanted him to have the full treatment,” I replied, “do you think he’s thinking of me now?”

“To be crude, I think he’ll be masturbating all weekend thinking of you!” she stated, and we laughed and laughed and laughed.

When The Subject Comes Up

The weekend went well, and by the time that my date with Steve came around on Monday, I had mellowed towards him, and we had a delightful dinner, followed by my being very attentive to him at his place, and I was feeling very ambivilant about things by the time Wednesday rolled around, so when Kelly and Paul came around to see if I wanted to go to their practice session, I was ready for something to do.

We drove over to their place, and this time, there was no one around. We hung around for about an hour waiting for either Don or Bobby to show up but after a while Kelly said to Paul, “Well this bites, what do you think is going on man.”

“Dunno, but if they’re not here yet, then I don’t think they’re comin’”said Paul in reply.

“Well what do you two want to do man?” Kelly asked us.

“I need some papers, I’m all out” said Paul.

“Well then,” I said, “lets go get some.”

We piled in the VW bus, and drove down to 9th Street to a little head shop called ‘Leaves Of Grass’ and Paul went in to get some papers, when he got back he said, “Ok, where to?”

Theyn both looked at me, and I thought about it for a minute, and said, “Lets go somewhere we can park and smoke a doobie”

Paul smiled at Kelly and said, “Polo Fields?”

“Yeah man! Speedway meadows!” answered Kelly, and off we went. We drove until we reached a strip of park, and Kelly pulled over and parked next to some big trees. We all climbed into the back, pulled the drapes on the windows, and Paul proceeded to clean some pot and roll a joint.

“So what have we got today?” I asked, beginning to know Paul well enough to guess he had something top-drawer again.

“Panama Red, some choice stuff,” he said as he lit the joint and passed it to me.

We were well on our way to getting totally stoned, when Kelly said, “I don’t know if you know it man,” talking to me, “but I think you spoiled us for all other women giving us head”

Paul clipped him one in the back of the head. Kelly said, “Ouch!” then to me, “Sorry, I was just trying to pay you a compliment man!”

Paul clipped him another one in the back of the head, but I said, “No Paul, he’s just being nice in his own goofy way. I think he’s just saying he liked it, and that’s nice to know.”

Paul looked a little sheepish, and said in a little voice, “Well, I think it was the best too, and if we’re talking about it, I wanted to thank you, it was one of the experiences I’ll always remember.”

I was stunned, and a little charmed, these guys really meant it. After using them to salve my own upset, and to get even with Steve, they were thanking me! I looked at Paul, and he was concentrating on his joint, and then at Kelly, who was looking at me with a friendly smile. I smiled back at him, and on impulse I said, “Well, I don’t want you to have poor experiences whenever you get someone to give you head, so I feel bad about ruining it for you!”

I was smiling, and thought it was a good joke, if a little sarcastic, but Kelly said, “I wouldn’t have traded it for all the head I get for the rest of my life man!”

I was touched, and amazed, these guys really meant it, they really liked what I had done so much, they were willing to say such nice things about it. My ego swooped, and I suddenly felt like I wanted to thank them both, appropriatly.

“Well,” I said, “I’m still dating Steve, but you’ve kept my trust so far, I think you deserve a special thank you.”

They both looked up surprised, and I smiled and said, “Paul first, he’s been being especially nice to me, keeping me high and stuff, besides he’s sweet!” Paul lowered his eyes and I think he may have blushed just a little, but he was smiling. “Kelly, you’ll have to wait, but I want you too, because one, you’re sweet too, and two, you are pretty big, and I don’t want you to tire my jaw before I can do Paul!” and I smiled at them.

Now Kelly was smiling like an idiot, and I went over to Paul and knelt on the floor of the bus between his legs, and said, “Kelly, why don’t you go sit in the drivers seat and keep an eye out,” I smiled up at Paul, “I’ll call you in a few minutes sweety.”

“You got it man!” Kelly said and hustled up to the front of the van.

Paul looked down at me, and I said, as I undid his belt and the buttons on his fly, “You’re going to have to help me by lifting that cute little ass of yours honey, so I can pull these down.”

A little while later, after Paul had gotten himself togeather, and had gotten his pants secured, I called, “Kelly, come on back here and let me thank you for being so kind and trustworthy.” Kelly and Paul switched places, and Kelly had dropped his pants before he even sat down in front of me.

“Man!” said Kelly as we were all sitting in the back of the van smoking another joint.

I was holding a hit, so I couldn’t comment, or really even smile much, but Paul coughed out his hit.

We had a very nice time getting stoned and talking about some of the bands we’d seen around town, and then they drove me home.

When we got there, they both looked at me, and seemed to want to say something, but I suppose they didn’t know what it was. I thought they were cute, so I said, “As long as you two are keeping my confidence, I think I could thank you every Wednesday that we get the chance!” Their mouths dropped open, and I quickly got out and went inside, leaving them to catch flies.

Once in my room, I grinned to myself about the look on their faces and thought, ‘I think I’m going to be getting high once a week for free!’ then I thought, ‘I bet the band doesn’t have as many practices on Wednesday’, and grinned to myself some more.

One Of The Girls

Things moved along smoothly for a couple of weeks, dates with Steve, (hot!) Wednesdays getting high with Paul and Kelly, (the band wasn’t getting as much practice!) and daily life in general. I found myself at the end of a working Saturday when Katie asked me, “Would you like to get some dinner with Linda, Janice and I tonight?”

“Um, well, I don’t have any plans for tonight,” I replied, “So I guess so, yeah! That sounds like fun!”

“Good! We get togeather on Saturday nights, and have dinner and talk about once a month, it would be nice to have you come with us!” Katie said with feeling.

We all grabbed our bags, and I rode with Katie, as Linda rode with Janice to a place called the ‘Hungry I’, we all got out of our respective cars and met at the entrance. “You’ll love this place!” said Katie, “They have great food!”

“I hope so,” I said with a smile, “watching little kids all day makes me ravenous!”

They all laughed and we went inside and walked up to the maitre d` and he looked up and exclaimed, “Katie! It’s always good to see all of you again. Ladies! Welcome back!” Then, looking at me he said, “Katie, Linda, and Julie I already have the pleasure of having met, but you my dear, I don’t believe I have. I am Harry Smith, and I will see to your pleasure for dinner tonight!”

I smiled at him, and said, “It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Smith, my name is Bethany.”

“Bethany, a beautiful name for a beautiful young woman, well come right this way ladies, I have a table for four right up front near the window!” he said as he led us off to the table in question. Having seated us himself one at a time, with flair and good humor, he said, “I hope you ladies have a good meal, and your waiter tonight will be Clarise, she will be with you shortly!” He then handed out menus and excused himself.

“Do you eat here often then?” I asked.

“We all come here once a month to catch up on gossip.” Answered Julie.

We took a moment to check the menus, and chatted a little about the kids at the Center until the waitress came by, and we ordered, I had ordered the Cordon Bleu`, never having had that before, and then Linda said, “Well Bethany, are you seeing anyone special?” The girls all looked at me expectantly, and though I was a little hesitant with Katie there, who seemed so much older than I was, I decided to tell about Steve.

“Hmm, yeah, Steve is a dream, you’re real lucky Bethany, he never dated much in High School, but the girls a wished he had.” Said Julie.

“You know him?” I asked, surprised.

“Oh yeah!” said Linda, “we all did, he was a big time jock in track and football, and he was big in the drama club, and the Junior Statesmen of America. Most of the girls that graduated in ’66 or ’67 had the hots for him one way or the other, but even though you would see him at some parties and stuff, he didn’t date much. I think he was studying too much.”

‘Wow’ I thought, ‘and I have had his attention most of the summer.’

“Isn’t he going into the Air Force to be a Fighter Pilot or something, soon?” asked Linda.

“Yes, he leaves in the second week of July,” I said a little wistfully, “but it is just a summer romance, I am not looking for anything too long-term right now, and Steve is going to concentrate on the Acadamy.”

“Too bad!” said Julie, “His family has money, he is a dreamboat, and I love a guy in uniform!”

The girls giggled and then Linda said, “Well have you at least found out if he is as well hung as we’ve all heard!”

There were some squeals, and giggles, even Katie joined in, so smiling I said, “I’m afraid I’m not the one to ask, I really don’t have enough experience to gauge if it is big or not.”

There was a moment of silence as they all looked at me wide-eyed for a moment, and just as I realised I had said something wrong, Katie said, “Well, if he makes you climax, he must be big enough!” and they all started laughing, and I started blushing.

“Look!” said Linda pointing at my face, “He must be hung like a horse!” They all laughed some more, and I blushed harder.

Still giggling, Katie leaned over and said, “Don’t mind them Bethany, they’re just jealous!”

I smiled at her, and then at the girls, I decided to take it in the spirit it seemed to be given, and felt a little happy that I had confided, even with their teasing.

“What about David?” asked Julie of Linda, changing the subject, “How is it going between you two?”

“Ok I guess”, said Linda, “but he’s still hinting about wanting me to give him oral sex, and I don’t see why when we’re doing everything else.”

“Yuck! Why do men always seem to want that!” comiserated Julie, “No matter how much sex you give them, they always seem to want you to do that with them. I don’t see what the big deal is!”

“Oh come on!” said Katie, “They like it, and if it’s no big deal, then why don’t you want to do it for them?”

“Yeww!” Linda and Julie said in unison.

Katie threw her hands up and shook her head, then changed the subject, we talked about live music we’d seen, movies, and sales on clothes around town. It was a pleasant dinner, and I enjoyed my meal, and the company.

Finally, we divided up the bill, and said our goodbyes, then Katie drove me home. I said goodnight to her, and went up to my place feeling oddly warmed by having gossiped with the ladies over dinner. Somehow I was looking forward to our next dinner out together already.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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