Bethany In My Life (Part 6)

Bethany In My Life (Part 6)

The Concert In The Park

Friday evening finally came, and I had dressed in a black mini-skirt, a foam-green silk blouse with ruffles on the collar and cuffs, and my four inch black strap pumps, I had a black velvet choker with a small cameo on the front, and finished off with two silver butterfly hair clips sweeping my hair back so my face was framed by my shag-cut bangs, ‘Wow, I look good enough to eat!’ I thought as I smiled to myself in the mirror. ‘I hope Steve thinks so too!’ I smiled to myself a little broader.

Ashley had already left to be with the band while they set up, so I came out of the bathroom and decided to go downstairs and wait for Steve in the parlour. Grabbing my purse, I clacked down the stairs.

“Oooo!” cooed Helen when I came into the parlour, “I think Steve is going to get lucky tonight!”

I blushed, but she had an honest smile for me, so I said in a little voice, “I was actually hoping to be the lucky one tonight.” And smiled timidly at her.

Her smile grew bigger and she said, “There is something wrong with him if you don’t realise your hope looking like that!” and we both giggled.

After a bit of small talk, there was a knock at the door, and I jumped up and answered it. “My lady!” Steve said galantly, and took my hand, bowed, then he brought it to his mouth and kissed it, and he still didn’t seem rediculous to me doing it. He gave me my hand back, and looked into my eyes. Big brown eyes…

A little later we walked to the Panhandle hand-in-hand, and enjoyed the evening and each other’s company. We milled around with the crowd, and took it all in, and after the music had been playing a while, I took Steve’s hand and led him off from the noise and crowds a little ways. We came to a low rock wall well away from the concert doings, and sat in the dark and listened for a while, then Steve turned, took me into his arms, and started kissing me.

We were just kissing, but we were both getting pretty hot, and at one point when he was nibbling at my neck, I looked down and saw that his slacks were a little tented with his excitement. “Mmm, I wish we could leave,” I said breathily, “Bobby and Ashley are going to expect us to be here after the concert.”

“Mmm, Hmm.” He murmured into my neck.

I suddenly had an inspiration, so I broke our clench, got up, and sat down sideways on his thighs so he could hold me, and started kissing him again. After a bit, I opened my purse while he was distracted by my neck again, unstoppered my little bottle of oil, and rubbed some on my palms, then I reached down between us and unzipped his fly, found the slit in his boxers, and pulled him out and rubbed him. He had stopped paying attention to me now, and was sitting very still, “Umm, what are you doing?” he whispered desparatly to me.

I swiveled around until my back was to him, lifted myself up a little, moved back, reached behind me, lifted my skirt in back, and pulled my panties off my cheeks. I hoped my aim was good, or lucky or whatever, and sat down in his lap. I made a sound that I somehow cut off, but he said, “Jesus!” fairly loudly.

We both sat quietly for a while, and watched the people to see if anyone had noticed anything, finally satisfied they hadn’t I considered what to do now. I certainly couldn’t bounce up and down or anything obvious like that, and while the tops of my stockings were showing on the sides of my thighs where my dress was hiked up towards the back, Steve had noticed and solved that problem by holding my thighs and covering me there with his hands. So now what? I considered. Finally, not knowing if it would work, I tried pushing, like I was going potty, then suddenly clenching as hard as I could. Steve moaned, which told me I was on to something, I could feel his pulse beating in me, and it seemed fast, so I knew I was getting to him. Pushing and clenching was something I had to concentrate on at first, but after a while I fell into a rhythm, and was sort of enjoying the novelty, but I was getting pretty tired by the time I heard him wimper, and grab my hips painfully as he stiffened and paid me for all my efforts. After his breathing slowed and I could tell he’d gotten soft again, I lifted myself off, and he came out of me with a little pop, which almost made me giggle. I sat on his legs sideways again, dug in my purse, and got out a hanky, reached between us, resting my head on his shoulder, and wiped him off, then tucked him back in and zipped him up. Through the whole operation, he just sat there stiffly and didn’t move a muscle, I was getting worried that I had really upset him when he said into my ear, “God, that was fantastic!”

He kissed me gently a few times, and then we got up and I was able to re-arrange my clothes without being too obvious, and we went over to enjoy the rest of the concert.

When the music ended, we went over to where the band was loading equipment, and Steve helped them while I sat in the grass with Ashley and talked.

Later we met the band at the International House of Pancakes, and had a midnight breakfast and talked, then Steve drove me home.

Sitting out in his car, Steve kissed me and said, “I think I have to see you tommorrow night.” He looked at me pleadingly “Please?”

I smiled at him thinking what the memory of tonight’s little activity was probably going to do to him, (me too!) and said, “Yes Steve, I’d love to see you tommorrow evening, why don’t you pick me up early?”

“Um, about five?” he asked hesitantly.

I smiled and said, “That sounds good!” and kissed him before going in.

Luckily Ashley hadn’t gotten home yet, so I got ready for bed, crawled in, and acted like I was asleep when she came in. Somehow, I didn’t want to review this date with her.

Life Is Good

That morning I woke up to see Ashley sleeping next to me, laying with her face turned towards mine, her mouth open slightly, her hair drifted over cheek, and down under her chin. She looked so at peace that se seemed angelic. I did not have any desire to disturb the perfection of her heavenly rest. Slowly, so slowly, I eased out of bed, padded silently to the dresser for some underthings, then the closet for a sundress and sandals, and out into the bathroom. With the door closed I showered and got dressed, then came out, brushed my hair, checked to see that Ashley was still asleep, and quietly let myself out.

Mincing down the stairs on tiptoe, I turned at the bottom and slipped back towards the kitchen. I decided that Helen wouldn’t mind if I made myself some tea, and I was at the kitchen table drinking it when Helen came out.

“Good morning Bethany” she said, “You look well rested this morning.”

“I do feel good this morning,” I replied, “and good morning to you too Helen” I raised my cup, “Would you like some tea?”

“Yes, that sounds good” she replied setting down, so I got up and fixed it for her.

“Did you have a good time last night dear?” Helen asked as I brought her tea over and sat down.

“Oh yeah. Bobby’s band is actually pretty good, I think if they write some more of their own songs to perform they could do better though.” I remarked, “Bobby really has a nice singing voice, and they all play well.”

“So what are you up to today?” she asked.

“Well, I have a date with Steve at five.” I looked at her, and we smiled at each other, “Ashley is asleep, I think she’s all tuckered out, so I figured I could clean down here a little for you this morning.”

“Don’t be silly Beth,” she said, “you don’t have to do that.”

“No, It’s something to do, and I like to help.” I replied.

“Well, I’ll tell you what,” Helen said, “we’ll do it togeather then, the kitchen could use a good wiping down and the floor could use a mopping, we’ll start that when we finish our tea, alright?”

“Ok” I replied brightly.

It was almost two when we had finished the entire downstairs, having given it a good thorough cleaning, Helen had retired to her room to watch her afternoon soaps, and I was standing at the bottom of the stairs considering going and checking on Ashley when I heard the shower start upstairs. I went up and put on Big Brother and the Holding Company’s Cheap Trick album, and sat on the couch to listen and wait for Ashley to come out.

Finally, she came out of the bathroom wrapped in towels and sat on the couch next to me. “Wow, I really slept in!” she said wonderingly.

“You looked so peacefully asleep this morning that I figured you needed it.” I told her.

“Thanks!” she said kissing me on the cheek, “You’re a sweetheart, so what have you been up to?”

“Well, I’ve been helping Helen, and tonight I have a date with Steve, he’s going to pick me up at five.” I said.

“What’s the matter? Does he need to spend some ‘face’ time with you after not getting you in bed last night?” she smiled slyly at me, “All worked up by the way you looked, and now he needs to show you how much?”

Thinking of last night, and just how ‘worked up’ he might be getting thinking about it, in fact, how much I was getting thinking about it, I said, “Something like that”.

Ashley looked at me funny, but just said, “Well, I have a date with Bobby, sort of a celebration, he and the band are going to the Avalon Ballroom tonight so we can party for their successful gig last night. I think they were all pretty happy with the way it went.”

“Yeah, they seemed to think it went well at the IHOP last night.” I allowed.

“So, anyway, we have some time, why don’t we get the beads and findings we’ve got, and put togeather some jewelry, I’m gonna need some new stuff tonight.” She suggested.

So we did, spending the rest of the afternoon at the table making jewelry and chatting, a relaxed, comfortable afternoon.

Ashley was still working at the table when I decided I’d better get ready, I went into the bathroom and showered, and used the ‘Chinese Flowers’ oil afterwards, it felt wonderfull on my skin, and it was fragrant without being too strong. I felt really good as I went into the bedroom to decide what to wear. I thought about it for a minute, and that made me think of last night, and that made me decide that I wanted very sexy underwear under something casual. I knew I wanted him to take me over to his place, and I was just going to get out of whatever dress I had on, so something casual would be easiest. I just grabbed a cotton dress with a full skirt that was white with little roses sprinkled on it, because it zipped on the side under the arm, and that seemed simplest. Wanting as much skin available for sensations as possible, I used plenty of spirit gum, and just picked out a bra and panties set in black silky material that on both had a little rose applique on the front. I went back to the closet, and liking what heels did for my legs and walk, I put on some white open-toed four inch pumps that had a cloth rose attatched on the top. I stood for a minute quite happy with the coordinated outfit I had assembled, then went out to look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom.

“That’s a fresh look” Ashley complimented me as I came out.

“Thanks, I think it works well” I said as I headed to the bathroom.

“It does!” she assured me.

Looking at myself, I was pretty happy too, the basic red polish I had put on yesterday really went well with it, and was holding up, I just needed to re-touch my fingernails from the housework this morning and I’d be ready.

I came out and looked at the clock, four thirty! ‘How did this take so long?’ I wondered as I retrieved the red polish and sat down on the couch to put some on.

I answered the door, and there was Steve, he looked me over appreciatively, which made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and said,”Ready to go?”

I already had my white patent leather purse over my shoulder, so I said simply, “Yes” and we left.

In the car he asked me, “Are you hungry?”

“Only for you.” I said brazenly, do you have reservations some where?”

“No, I figured I’d see what you wanted first.” He told me.

“Good, let’s go to your place and work up an appetite!” I said with a grin.

He shook his head, but as he started the car he was grinning too, so I knew it was all right.

Once we had gotten there, I didn’t satisfy myself with him having unbuttoned shirts or anything like that, I wanted him au’natural, so I stripped off my dress, kicked off my shoes, and then I slowly undressed him, took his hand, and slipped under the covers pulling him in after me.

We kissed and fondled for a while, and he finally said, “That thing you did at the concert last night,” he paused, shook his head and continued, “well, you nearly gave me a heart attack”

“Oh?” I asked, “You didn’t like that?” I asked, then I couldn’t believe he actually started to blush.

“You DID like it!” I teased, then I thought about what all this behavior meant, “Well, I like it the other way we did it most of the time, but it was fun, do you want it that way again?”

Now it was definite, he was blushing, so just smiling, I got the bottle out of my purse, oiled him, got on my knees on either side of his stomach, pulled the back of my panties down, reached behind me and used my fingers to line him up, and sat back onto him. This was better, I thought, as I looked down into his face, I started to do the push-clench thing, and his eyes rolled up and he started breathing through his mouth, making little grunting sounds. I wasn’t getting as much out of this, but I did like watching him react to my ministrations. My only concern was that I was discovering my muscles were sore from doing this the night before, and I was tiring quickly tonight.

Just about the time every erg of willpower I had would not see me through another minute of this, he grabbed my hips again, (they turned out to be sore from his doing this last night too!) and started a long extended moaning grunt, and I could feel him finishing, when he did, I collapsed next to him and hurt for a moment before I fell asleep exhausted.

“Bethany,” I heard far away, “Bethany,” closer, “Bethany, wake up, I should take you home.” I opened my eyes and looked up into his big brown eyes.

I was sore, but a little fondling convinced him to do it the way I liked it, and his kissing me helped me ignore the soreness as he had me.

“When can I see you again?” he asked as we were parked outside of my place.

I thought about it for a moment, and knowing my muscles needed a rest, I said, “Why don’t we plan on going to dinner Thursday? A nice, but not too nice place, say about seven o’clock?”

“That sounds great!” He enthused. We kissed and I got out and went inside.

Woman’s Responsibility Explained

I got ready for bed, but the excitement and admittedly, the soreness, from my evening, were not combining to make me sleepy. So I put on Simon and Garfunkle’s Sounds of Silence album and started removing my nail polish. I sat and worked at my nails and thought about Steve.

I knew he was attracted to me, and I new I was giving him quite a bit of gratification, but I thought that if I wanted this to last for much longer, I had to charm him in non-sexual ways too. I pondered this for a while, and when I was looking for a new color of polish in the top dresser drawer, something occurred to me. Going back and sitting down, I started painting my nails with the pink polish I had picked out, and thinking about my Idea.

Ashley came in as I was letting my nails dry, and said.”You’re home!”

“For a little while now, go ahead and get ready for bed, and then I’d like to ask for some advice, ok?” I asked.

“Ok, just a quick shower, and I’ll meet you in bed!” she called out throwing her purse on the dresser, going into the bedroom, kicking off her shoes, collecting a nightie and entering the bathroom.

My nails were dry enough to move around carefully now, so I went in and sat on the side of the bed and thought some more, waving my hands to make the polish harden. Finally, Ashley came in, hopped up on the bed, and said, “So, what’s up?”

I climbed up and sat cross-legged in front of her and said, “I think I have to appeal to Steve on some other levels if I want him to keep appreciating me, I mean, everything’s going fine, but I just feel like there should be more levels to it, do you know what I mean?”

She nodded at me, “Yeah, it is easy for guys to get into a rut. They get fairly instant gratification, it’s built right into them, so they don’t even try to work at it sometimes, and so they miss a lot that can be good, but they don’t take the time for.

I thought about that for a minute, I could see what she meant, and thinking about it, I could see how it fit with what I had been sensing and thinking. I looked at her and could see her waiting for me to work it all out. “Yeah, I think that is like what I’m talking about, I mean, to get him to enjoy being with me in other ways, I am going to have to insist on doing new things.”

“Yeah, sure! It’s a woman’s job!” she said matter of factly.

“Huh” I responded blankly.

“Well sure hon, a guy won’t do anything but get in your panties, and whatever else intrests him, unless we insist he do other things to get into our panties. They would miss out on most new, fun, and good experiences if we weren’t the ones to make them have them.” She said.

I had to think about that, Ashley could tell I was wrapping my mind around it, so she got up and went to get herself some tea.

When she came back and was sitting sipping her tea, I said, “So you’re saying it’s our responsibility in a relationship with a man, to use sex to get them to do what we want them to do, for their own good?”

“Of course!” she agreed.

I couldn’t find a flaw in her logic, knowing men, she was definitely right! It floored me, I understood, and it made perfect sense, but the male part of me seemed to think there was something wrong, but then again, looking at it from the other side, I knew that any man, even my masculine self, would enjoy the attention and direction from a woman, if doing what she wanted ultimatly got him what he wanted. Further, the experiences he would have doing those things would enrich his life and probably be some of his fondest memories. “Wow!” was all I could say.

Ashley nodded knowingly at me, “Sure hon, we have to work at it harder in the long run, but the attatchment grows more with every demand we make. Eventually you can even depend on them.”

“Wow,” I said again.

“Anyway, I had this Idea that I would have him take me out to Ocean Beach, and go to playland.” I said, “what do you think?”

“That sounds good, I haven’t done that in a long time, Hey! We could double date, I haven’t made Bobby take me there yet, and they could compete with each other on the midway to win us stuffed animals and things like that. Somehow they bind better with you if they compete for you! What do you think?” she asked.

Now I laughed, “That sounds good, how about Saturday? I have a date with Steve Thurday, and I could ask him then.”

“Nope, you’re missing the point, unless he says he honestly can’t because of a prior commitment, he should, so just tell him you want to go. He’ll go, bet on it!” she stated.

I laughed again, “Ok I’ll do it!”

“Good! I’ll tell Bobby, now all we have to do is go shopping!” she said in a satisfied voice.

“Shopping?” I asked.

“Well sure, I told you we would have to work on it harder than they do, so now we have to find the perfect cute outfits we can wear for them, so they can dream of what showing us a good time will get them.” She grinned at me.

I grinned back.

Perfect Cute Outfits

“Wake up sleepy head.” I heard Ashley say into my hair.

Waking up with Ashley and getting ready for the day was getting to be my fondest daily routine.

Once we were ready to go out, having had toast again for breakfast, we went down to Market to catch the street car, and made our way north again to the Cannery. It was a great shopping mall, with lots of little shops and some casual young women’s shops, so we hoped to find the clothes we were looking to wear to an amusement area like Playland there. We tried on lots of things, and Ashley had already found something that had satisfied her, and that I thought she looked deliciously cute in too, but we couldn’t find what I was looking for. “Let’s go over to Ghirardeli, and look around, maybe one of the shops there will have something right for you.” Ashley suggested.

We looked around for a while in the shops, stopped for a salad for lunch, and went back to looking, finally I said in a disparing voice, “I’ll never find what I want!”

“Well, maybe we just have to think more creatively, lets go back and look at some of the less casual stuff, and see if we can find some things we can piece togeather.” Ashley suggested.

“Look at this!” Ashley called from a rack a little ways away, so I went over to see what she had found.

“That’s cute!” I said, looking at a blouse she was holding up, it was a sleveless white blouse, with a small collar, and darts down under the breasts to shape fit, and the tails had snaps to fasten them under your crotch.

“It will stay neat and trim on you even if you are active with those snaps, and we can find you a skirt or shorts to go with it!” Ashley enthused.

“I like it!” I agreed, and we went over to look at shorts.

“I’ve got it!” I squeeled as I held aloft a pair of white shorts with darts at the hips to give a flare, and a little one inch hem at the bottom with tiny slits at the sides of the thighs. “It’s perfect!”

“I told you we had to work at it a little to make our men happy, but it is worth it, isn’t it!” she said with a grin.

I grinned back at her, flush with success.

“Ok, now all we need is shoes!” she stated.

I groaned, but I couldn’t help smiling.

Once we had found shoes we liked, we decided to go east a couple of blocks to Cost Plus Importers, where we bought some cute teak and shell strings of beads they had in both necklaces and bracelets, to give our outfits a beach flavor for our outing.

“We’re ready for a fun daytrip, and our guys will enjoy themselves because we had the foresight to prepare!” said Ashley.

“So, it’s all for them, so they will have a great day of fun with their ladies, and be better for it, right?"”I asked with a smile.

“That’s right sister!” returned Ashley, and we both laughed.

The rest of the week went quickly, we kept busy, and Ashley visited her parents. I worked with Helen on her garden, and with her housework, and we went to watch the band practice a couple of times, and though I stayed busy, and the time passed, I was happy to be waiting for Steve to pick me up on Thursday night.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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