Bethany In My Life (Part 5)

Bethany In My Life (Part 5)

Date Review Two

“You look like the cat that ate the canary!” Ashley stated as we sat across from each other on our bed in our nighties.

“I wouldn’t call it a canary!” I said back a little brazenly.

“Oh no! Not again!” she said, “Did you keep him from shoving you down on it this time at least?”

“Um, no, I was ready for it this time so I swallowed before I could gag, and that made it much better!" I returned in a satisfied voice.

She shook her head and said, “I don’t see how you can do that!” and I just shrugged.

“So you two just did the same as last time?” she asked.

Suddenly feeling shy, I said in a little voice, blushing, “No, not exactly…”

“Give! I want to hear it all!” she demanded.

Sighing, I told her what had happened, and when I got to the part where he was on and in me she stopped me, “Wait, he was facing you with your legs all the way up to your shoulders, no way!”

Figuring it was easier to demonstrate than to explain, I laid back, lifted my legs up, grabbed them and pulled them down to my shoulders. Her eyes bugging out made me giggle and I had to let go. I sat back up and she said, “What are you, double jointed?”

“No,” I said, “My mom taught me yoga until she started having problems with her back from a medical condition, and I have always been limber, I can put one leg behind my neck, wanna’ see?”

“No!” she said, “I think I’ve seen enough for now thank you very much!” so he was in you, then what?”

“Well, we started kissing, and he started, well, you know?” I looked at her and she nodded, “And after a while he, um, finished, and that felt wonderful too, you know? Him doing that into me?” She nodded again. “Well, then I went to the bathroom, got cleaned up and dressed, and he brought me home.”

“I thought,” she said, “that you were very lucky to get someone as understanding as Steve.” She stated, and I nodded vigorously agreeing, “But now I think perhaps that Steve is luckier than anyone has any right to be!”

I thought about what she said, it was a big compliment, and it made me feel all warm inside, or actually, more warm inside since I still had a pretty good buzz that way going on from my date. I smiled happily at Ashley, and she hugged me, and whispered in my ear, “I am so happy for you Beth” and we hugged each other tighter.

We had climbed into bed holding each other, when she whispered, “My little girl’s growing up.” I hugged her a little tighter. Later when I was drifting off she whispered,”I love you Beth.”

Helen My Friend

“Good morning sleepy head!” I woke to again and looked into Ashley’s eyes.

“Good morning Ashley” I smiled up at her.

“Well, I have to go see my parents all day today, it’s something we do every week, are you going to be alright around here by yourself today?” she asked.

“I won’t be alone, Helen’s probably going to be around, anyway there are some chores I can do around here.”

“Well, we do need to get some laundry done, do you think you could do that?” Ashley asked.

“Um, yeah, but I’ve never done the laundry before, I’m pretty sure I have no idea what I’m doing.” I replied.

“Oh, if Helen’s here, I’m sure she’ll help you figure it out, otherwise you can leave it, and I can help tommorrow. You can definitely do the delicates, you know, the underwear and stuff?” she looked at me and I nodded, “Just do them in the sink, there is some Woolite under it, hand wash them and hang them on the wood rack that’s folded up against the wall in the bathroom, ok?”

“Sure, go take your shower first so you can get ready, and I’ll collect them and get started.

“Good!” she said getting out of bed and heading for the bathroom, “I ‘preciate it hon!”

I gathered a few things from the bathroom and noticed the ‘hand wash only’ tags on them, so I looked through all the other clothes and found a few more things in our dailywear clothes that had those tags and collected them too. Going out to the front room I realized there were more delicates in the hamper in the bathroom, so I went in and gathered those out too. As I did I said “Oooo!”

“What!” said Ashley over the sound or the shower and pulled back the curtain to look.

“These are hot!” I said, holding up some of her panties to show her.

“Yeah, they are called ‘french cut’ do you like them?” she asked going back to her shower.

“Oh yes! The way they ‘V’ down in front and back is really sexy.”

She laughed, and said, “Well then, we’ll have to make sure to get you some then, you can’t ever have enough sexy things, I mean, you don’t want Steve to get bored do you?”

“No!” I said loudly, which just made her laugh more.

I got everything togeather, and stripped out of my nightie, and started running the water, got the Woolite out and began washing things dressed in just my bra and panties. I was still at it when Ashley came out and said, “Showers free!” and went back into the bedroom.

“Ok, but I’m going to finish these first!” I called after her.

I finished and was hanging everything on the rack as Ashley moved around and got ready, and about the time I was done she called from the front room, “Have a nice day Beth! I’m going now!”

“Ok! Have fun!” I called back and heard the door close. I stripped down and got in the shower.

After I’d toweled off, I did the thing with the spirit gum and went over to the closet and tried to decide what to wear. Glancing out the window I could see it was another nice day, slightly overcast, but bright, so I settled on a summer dress and some sandals.

Once my makeup was done, and my hair brushed out, I listened to the quiet of the apartment, and decided to go down and see if Helen was up.

“Good morning!” I said to her when I found her sitting at the kitchen table drinking some coffee. She looked fresh with her hair pinned back, and a cotton dress with a full skirt on.

“Good morning Bethany” she returned, “Was that Ashley I heard going out earlier?” she asked me as I sat down with her.

“Yeah, she said she was spending the day with her parents today” I replied.

“She’s a good girl,” said Helen, “she never misses these little pilgramages to her parents house.”

Something occurred to me and I said, “I hope you don’t mind, but Steve said he’d call me later, and I gave him your number?” I asked.

She smiled at me and said, “That’s fine dear, little it be for me to stand in the way of young love!” She smiled more broadly at me and asked, “So you too are really hitting it off are you?”

I blushed, but smiled at her, “Yeah, I mean, it is intense, and really good, but neither of us is ready to get too serious yet in our lives.” I explained to deflect any matrimonial talk she might be considering.

But Helen surprised me, “Oh I think is important for a young girl to gather experiences to her heart when she is young, it makes them better partners later in life.

We smiled at each other knowingly, and then I asked, “I never had to do laundry before, my mom always handled it, and Ashley asked me if I could do some today, and I was wondering, if you have the time, could you show me?”

She smiled at me, “Actually, I have some that needs doing too, so if we just toss them in togeather, you can help me do them, ok?”

“Ok,” I smiled back, “that would be nice!”

We did laundry until early afternon, which mostly consisted of sitting at the table talking as we waited for the next load to finish, so it was a pleasant way to spend the time. Finally it was all clean, folded, or hung and put away, and I said, “So, what’s next?”

“Hmm?” she looked at me quizzically.

“There must be something else you need done around here, so what can I do next?” I asked.

Helen laughed, and said, “No, I don’t think there is anything at the moment, why don’t you go ahead and find some fun?”

“Well what are you going to do?” I asked her.

“Oh, I don’t know, read, or maybe watch TV or something.” She mused.

“On a day like this?” I asked, “Don’t be silly, come out with me, it’s only a few blocks to the Golden Gate park, let’s walk over there and take in the Japanese Gardens or something.”

“Oh, no, I don’t think so…” she hesitated.

I knew I had her then so I said, “But what if I go there alone and meet some guy and Steve sees me talking to him and leaves me! My life would be ruined! So you have to go with me to keep me safe and happy, see!”

She laughed with me for a minute, and then said, “Why not! Go get your purse, and we’ll go.”

She locked-up the house, and we walked to the park and wandered through the garden commenting on this and that, smelling flowers, watching water flow under the bridge and listening to it tinkle down some of the perfectly shaped rock streams. Finally she said, “Well this has been nice Bethany, I haven’t done this in ages!”

“Yeah, hey, lets go over to the backwards stream!” I suggested.

“Backwards stream?” she asked.

“Yeah, down by the Strybing Arboretum, the stream runs by there and something, maybe the slant of the hill, makes it look like it’s running uphill,” I replied, “Haven’t you ever seen it?” she shook her head, “Well, it is magical, and charming, so come on!” I stated and took her hand and started off.

We were still walking hand-in-hand when we got there, and we stood and looked at it for a while. Finally, she said, “You’re right Bethany, I is magical”

It was warmer out in the late afternoon so I led her over to the bank, which had a cement berm on one side, and pulled her down to sit with me. “Here, kick your sandals off, and put your feet in the water, you can feel the current, and as it draws your eye downstream you get, well charmed by the reverse prospective.” I said demonstrating by kicking off my sandals and sticking my feet in.

She hesitated, then gave a little shrug and did the same. After quite a while of just sitting and appreciating things, my feet were beginning to get cold and I glanced over at Helen, and she had a far-away dreamy look, as she gazed downstream. ‘Hah, got her!’ I thought, then gently I said, “Helen? It’s getting late, we should head back now don’t you think?”

She shook her head, looked at me and smiled and said, “Yes, you are right Bethany.” So we put our sandals back on, and walked home companionably, she so lost in thought that I don’t think she noticed that I held her hand all the way home.

When we finally got there and let ourselves in, I could hear the record player upstairs, and knew Ashley was back so I said, “Well I’d better go see how Ashley’s day was, it’s been a wonderfull time thanks!”

Helen looked at me for a minute, then reached out and hugged me tight, “Oh, Bethany, it has been a wonderfull day, you’ve made me feel young again! Thank you so very much!” she said into my ear, and then I felt a tear drop on my bare shoulder, and I just hugged her until she got herself under control, and let go.

I looked at her seriously, and said, “Don’t thank me Helen, I wouldn’t be able to think of anything nicer than spending the day with someone I love like I have.”

It was probably the thing to say, but it neccessitated my having to hold her again, this time maybe a little longer. Finally she let go and looked at me with moist eyes, and said.”I love you too Bethany, now run along and see Ashley, I need to change anyway.”

We smiled at each other for a minute, and I said, “Ok, see ya!” and headed upstairs.

Sneaking In

“Hey Ashley! How were your folks?” I asked as I entered the apartment.

“Oh, there you are, they’re fine, were you out with Helen?” she asked from the couch.

“Yeah!” I said as I sat next to her, “We got done and went to the park, had a good time too. So, what are you up to tonight?”

“We, are going to a concert!” she said with a grin.

“Concert? Where, and who’s playing?” I asked.

“We’re going to go to sneak in at the Filmore and catch Curtis Mayfield, he’s doing a impromptu weeknight gig there tonight!” she said with satisfaction.

“Really?” I asked, then, “Sneak In?”

She grinned at me and said, “That’s the plan, are you feeling like a little adventure?”

“Um, ok, so what should I wear?” I questioned.

“Something funky,” she recommended, “like maybe that chocholate colored cotton skirt, the flowered collarless blouse and the calfskin vest I convinced you to get, with plenty of beads and some of those little flower clips in your hair, you know the ones I mean?” I nodded and she continued, “Oh, and put on flats, were gonna do a little climbing too!” and smiled conspiratoraly at me.

“Alright, I’ll get changed,” I said and got up off the couch.

“Me too! This will be fun!” she declared, “you’ll see!”

We got ready, and when we were ready we looked like many of the girls that you could see wandering around the streets in the neighborhood we lived in. A hippie funky look that was understated but still more feminine than I thought it might be when I first started getting dressed. We headed out, and I saw no sign of Helen as we skipped out the door and down the stoop in a flurry of illicit good humor, giggling about our coming escapade. “You’ve done this before?” I asked.

“Yep, old hand at it, just you stick with me!” We walked talking and laughing in high spirits to the old Majestic, which everyone now knew as the Filmore. When we arrived, Ashley put one finger to her lips and led me to the side of the building, and down the sidewalk where a large cargo type truck was parked. In the shadows between the truck and the building, Ashley leaned over and whispered into my ear, “This truck belongs to the moving company across the street, and even though there is ‘no parking’ signs along here, they park it here every weeknight. We need to climb to the top of the truck, c’mon!”

She led me to the top of the truck then while we crouched down she hissed to me, “Jump!” and she did, jumped right across the sidewalk from the top of the truck to the window ledge across from us, using a cable that was running along the second story for some reason to grab ahold of, then she lifted the window and entered, looking back out she waved for me to come on. I took a breath, and did it, it wasn’t far, or hard, but I nearly pee’d my panties that first time.

Once inside she gestured me to follow her, and I found myself in a restroom, women’s apperantly since there were no urinals, and we went into a stall and closed the door. We sat and shared a seat on the toilet and she whispered in my ear, “Now we have to wait until the show starts, it’ll be about an hour and a half or so.” I looked at her questioningly, and she said, “We didn’t want to do this when the streets start getting crowded”.

I whispered to her, “Why not just buy a ticket?” and she looked at me with bright eyes, and I said, “Oh!”

We hung out for a while and listened to the emplyees making noises in the building, then I asked, “What is that cable out there that we grabbed to get in here?”

She whispered back, “This old brick building became a little unstable or something at some point after an earthquake, and the cables were attached to stabilize it or something.”

We hung out until we heard the music start up and people started coming in to use the bathroom, then we exited and went out on the floor. I’d never thought about Curtis Mayfield one way or the other, but he gave a great show, and we danced and enjoyed the vibes of the place until the wee hours of the morning.

As we were leaving Ashley said to me, “There now, wasn’t that better than paying?”

Thinking about the excitement level from the illicit activity and how much it colored our enjoyment of the music, and the whole experience for that matter, I had to nod at her.

When we got back to the apartment, we barely took the time to get ready for bed before we passed out in each other’s arms, we were so exhausted.

Eating Healthy

“Good morning sleepy head!”

Waking up, I lifted my head and looked at Ashley, “Good morning” I mumbled as we disentangled ourselves.

“Shall we go grocery shopping this morning Beth?,” Ashley asked, “We need some things, and today would be a good time to do it from the look of the weather.”

I looked out the window and saw it was gray and foggy, the clouds must have been thick, because when I looked at the clock I realised we had slept in, it was almost eleven. “That sounds good, we must have tuckered ourselves out last night to sleep so late!” I pointed out.

“Yeah, we did, I woke up around ten, but I let you sleep in, you looked like you were so comfortable, I just held you and acted lazy.” Ashley replied.

We got up and got ready to go shopping, finally wearing a white blouse with a denim jumper, and flats, I was ready. We went down the stairs and could hear Helen’s TV from her room. We went out and left for the store.

We worked our way down to 9th Street, and went to a place called New Age Grains, they had great food, the fruits, veggies, and herbs were all fresh, and looked fantastic. We bought a week worth of food, and spent about thirty-five dollars, it was amazing. As we came out of the store, it started raining. “Wait here with the bags, and I’ll call someone I know and see if they can give us a ride” Ashley said and popped back in the store.

A little while later after watching the rain come down, she came back out and said, “Okay, a guy I know is going to come by in a few minutes, so keep an eye out for a red and white VW bus.”

We stood around and chitchatted for a while and kept an eye out in both directions for our ride. “There he is!” said Ashley as the VW came up the street, we picked up our bags and waited for him to pull up. As the bus came to a stop in front of us, a guy with long hair and glasses slid the side door back and said, “Hi Ashley! Come on, before you two get wet!”

We handed in the bags, climbed in and sat down and another long haired curly headed guy in the drivers seat called back, “Hey Ashley, long time no see man!”

“Hi Paul!” said Ashley as the van took off, “I hoped I would catch you guys before practice”.

“Yeah, man. We’re headed over to do that now, do you wanna come man?” Paul called back.

“Well we should get back with the groceries” Ashley pointed out.

“Aww, you know you can put them in the walk-in man!” said Paul, then he asked, “So who’s that with you man?”

“This is Bethany, Bethany, this is Paul, and the serious one over there is Kelly.” Ashley told me.

“I’m not serious, I’m stoned, there is a difference you know.” Said Kelly, then he grinned over his shoulder and said, “But it’s cool man, ya know?”

“Well okay, we’ll go over to listen to you practice” Ashley decided.

“Cool! Bobby will be glad to see you, he thought maybe you’ve been ducking him man!” said Paul.

Ashley looked over to me and explained, “Paul, Kelly, and another guy named Don, are in Bobby’s band, the band’s name is the China Basin, which isn’t very original, I think that’s where they were getting stoned whe they were thinking up the name.”

“Very funny, ha, ha, man” intoned Paul from the drivers seat.

We rode over to pine street and stopped at a house that had a big garage on the side, and we all piled out, “Hey you two, you invited us, so you can carry our bags in and put them in the refridgerator!” said Ashley.

“Sure man,” said Paul, “Hey watcha got in here man?”

“Stay out of those bags and just put them away you moocher!” Ashley told him.

We all went into the large garage, and found Bobby and what must have been Don, waiting inside, there was amps and speakers spread around with mics, a drumset and a couple of guitars scattered about. Paul and Kelly carried our bags to the far side of the garage where some chairs and a table sat. They opened a large, thick door on the side wall, and revealed a big walk-in refridgerator, and put the bags in before coming back. Bobby had come over and was kissing Ashley, then pulled away and gave me a little wave, “Hey Bethany, how’s it going?”

“Ok” I returned.

“So how come you’ve been so scarce the last couple of days?” He asked Ashley.

“Well, I’ve been helping Bethany get familiar with her new home, and yesterday I did the parent thing, you know?” Ashley answered.

“Yeah, so how were they?” he inquired.

“Fine, are you guy’s ready for the concert Friday?”

“Yeah!” Bobby replied with excitement, “We just want to keep the edge on, right?” Ashley nodded to him, “So anyway, have a seat, we’re gonna run through our set.” Bobby said as the guys started moving around turning on amps, picking up instruments, and doing sound checks.

While they were occupying themselves getting ready, Ashley and I sat down at the table, and holding his guitar, trailing it’s wire, Kelly came up and handed Ashley a joint, “Here, you can finish this for me, it’s some fine red bud Columbian I got yesterday.”

Ashley thanked him, took a deep puff, and holding her breath, squeeked to me with one eyebrow raised, “Would you like to? It does taste good!” So I took a puff, and started to cough explosively almost immediately.

The guys all laughed and Don remarked, “Yeah, Kelly always does get the best stuff!”

I handed back the joint to Ashley as they started the first tune, ‘Turtle Blues’, and Ashley and I sat and listened as they played. They were actually pretty good, and Bobby had a wonderfully throaty deep voice when he sang. We sat and puffed on the joint and listened appreciatively, somewhere into the second song, we finished the joint, and I had actually almost stopped the coughing thing by the last few puffs.

They ran through their set, and we grooved on the music and the pot, until Ashley turned to me and said, “What do you think?”

“I think they are actually pretty good! Was it hearing Bobby’s singing voice that made you hot for hiim?” I asked with a smile.

I think, as Ashley turned back towards the music, that she blushed when she nodded. We sat in a drifting musical daze, and listened to them play, I was feeling very comfortable and at peace.

After they were done practicing, Ashley promised Bobby she would go out that night, the guys loaded up the van, and then Paul and Kelly, who seemed inseperable, took Ashley and I home.

Coming in the door with our bags, Helen called from the parlour, “Is that you Bethany?”

I went to the door, and said, “Yes, hello Helen”

“Steve called earlier, and said he’d call back later this evening around seven, and try to catch you.” She told me.

‘Seve called!’ I thought happily, then I said, “Well, Ashley is going out with Bobby tonight, and I’m going to wait for Steve’s call, so would you like to have dinner togeather? We bought some great looking veggies at the store today.” I suggested.

“That’s a good Idea!” said Ashley, “It’s always nice to have company for dinner!”

“Sounds wonderfull,” said Helen, “I have some pork chops we can dust with paprika and bake.”

“Ok, we’ll put this stuff away, and I’ll be down in a little bit” I said as Ashley and I started up the stairs.

After Ashley had left on her date, and Helen and I had eaten a meal that I enjoyed so much that I suspected the pot from this afternoon had influenced my tastebuds, we went into the parlour. Sipping green tea and chatting, I was getting more and more fidgety waiting for Steve’s call when Helen asked, “Why are you getting so nervous? You know Steve likes you, He’ll call, don’t worry so!”

I thought about it for a minute, and said, “Well, I’m sure he likes me, but I worry if he’ll tire of me or something I guess…”

Helen laughed, suprising me, “You don’t have to worry dear, you are attractive, charming, and sexy, I don’t think he’ll get bored yet!” she told me with a smile.

Even so, the last half-hour until seven, dragged on and on.

Ring, Ring! I almost fell out of my seat when the phone rang even though I had been waiting for it. I looked at Helen and she said, “Don’t you think you better get that?” and got up and left for the kitchen.

“Hello?” I asked the reciever.

“Hi Bethany!” Steve rumbled into my ear, and my stomach settled down as a warm feeling replaced my butterflys.

“Steve, it is so good to hear your voice, I missed you!” I said in a rush.

Later that evening, when Ashley and I were sitting on our bed, and she had told me all the intimate details of her date, she asked, “So, did Steve call?”

“Oh yeah,” I said, “We talked for over an hour, he was so sweet to me over the phone, he is going with me to the band’s concert at the park.” I said dreamily.

“Well, then it’s probably time for bed little one, we both need our sleep.” She said as we got into bed and turned out the lights. From in her arms, I said into her chest, “I love you Ashley”

“I love you to Beth, now go to sleep.” She murmured to me.

Copyright BethanyDaWade

To Be Continued

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