My Husband, My Weekend Lesbian Lover

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

A chance encounter presents a woman with the opportunity to shape a man into her ideal lover and husband. After they are married, a couple of events lead to a rekindling of her unfulfilled sexual desires from her college days. Unable to act directly, she drafts her unsuspecting husband into helping her live out those desires.

My Husband, My Weekend Lesbian Lover

By Zylux

Copyright © 2014 Zylux
All Rights Reserved.

Admin Note: Originally published on BigCloset TopShelf on Saturday 08-16-2014 at 12:39:39 -04:00 pm, this retro classic was pulled out of the closet, and re-presented for our newer readers.


Chapter 1

It is said that all the good men are taken. That is usually true, but once in a great while, one of the good ones comes around without being noticed. Just being in the right place at the right time is not enough, a woman also has to be smart enough to spot him and act before the competition catches on. Such an event happened to me.

It happened at work. I was in my cubical next to document control where a small drama was being acted out. It seems that a young engineer had been stood up on a date by one of the secretaries. This woman apparently had no intention of keeping the date when she made it and wanted to make sure he wouldn't keep asking her out. Their paths had come together in document control and she took the opportunity to lash into him with a verbal assault saying, amongst other things, that she had no interest in a geek like him. She walked off having a laugh at his expense. Everyone around him was shocked that she was capable of such viciousness. He didn't deserve the treatment he got as he was a nice guy. You know the type, steady, quite, a gentleman, but not appearing to be very exciting or adventurous. The gals in document control tried to console him.

"That was a terrible thing for her to say, are you all right?"

"Yeah I’m okay. Probably for the best anyway, as she most likely sensed that I wouldn't be much fun on a date and even less in bed and I doubt if she would want to take the time and effort needed to change that."

"Why do you say that you’re not much in bed?"

"Because I don't have much experience in that department and I'm still trying to figure out how to recognize and take care of a woman's needs."

"So, just how few women have you slept with?"

"Sue! How could you ask him something like that?"

"It's okay, it doesn't bother me. Actually, I haven't, yet."

My instincts kicked in and before I knew what I was doing, I had propelled myself from my chair with such force that I could have leapt over the partition wall. Staring over the wall, I pointed at him and loudly laid claim.

"MINE! Hi, I'm Sharon."

That took everyone by surprise, including me. Protests and cry's of "I saw him first!" started to emanate from the two single women in the group and from a couple of married ones as well. But it didn't matter, I had already called it, and besides, he didn't seem to have eyes for anyone else. He seemed to like my shoulder length auburn hair, passing up on a couple of long haired blonds that were trying to attract his attention. So much for the adage that gentlemen prefer blonds.

As he approached me, I took the chance to look him over. He was roughly my height and of a slim build with a smallish waist. His face was soft and not very masculine. I was beginning to wonder just why I had claimed him. And yet, there was something about him that stirred up feelings within me, but not enough for me to get a handle on. For some reason, I couldn't help but gave him a more than friendly smile as he came up to me. He smiled back and with a nod of his head, introduced himself as Robert and, in an Old World gentlemanly manner, asked me out to dinner. Never before had I been asked out in such an elegant and classy manner. I knew I had stumbled upon a diamond in the rough, just waiting for the right woman to shape into a priceless gem. I decided right then and there that I was going to make him mine before any other woman could discover this overlooked gem and try and make him hers.

It was a feeling that was constantly reinforced as our dating progressed, with each date being better than the one before. Unlike every other man I have known, Robert had no problem admitting that he didn't know everything about dating or women. He was open to suggestions and would even ask me what he should do in situations he was unfamiliar with. I could mold him into the perfect date, and did. It was then time to turn him into my lover.

Of course thinking about Robert in bed and getting him into bed were two different things. I guess he was either enjoying being with me too much to risk scaring me off by his lack of experience in bed, or (more likely) he was intimidated by my open sexual nature and wanted to make sure I was committed to the relationship and would be there for the long haul. I figured I had two options. I could talk to him, reassuring him that his lack of experience was in no way going to affect our relationship and coax him into the bedroom, or I could trick him into sleeping with me, drag him off to the sacrificial bed and take his virginity. I chose the latter, it being more in line with my mischievous and uninhibited personality.

As fate would have it, the perfect opportunity to form and spring a trap was occurring at that very same time. The restoration of an old downtown move theater, built back in Hollywood's glory days of movie making, had at long last been completed. The project heads had decided to kick off the grand opening with a classic '40s romantic drama that was a favorite of mine. There was one scene that if I could somehow get Robert to copy, he would then be mine for the taking with no way for him to back out. It took no small amount of sweet talking, but I managed to get him to take me to the opening night showing. Robert, all on his own, suggested we first dine at an upscale restaurant within walking distance of the theater. It was the perfect excuse for me to dress to the nines and arouse his desire for me.

In the days leading up to our date, I prepared for battle. I drew inspiration from the classic movie "Sabrina". I had my hair cut short and styled very similar to the way Sabrina had her hair when she returned home from France. As for my dress, since the affair reeked of a long past formality and elegance, a retro black dress of the late '40s – early '50s was the logical choice. Of course, that didn't mean I couldn't spice things up a bit by selecting a very tight and shiny, satin wiggle dress, sleeveless, and with a front and back that, from just under the arms, tapered up to a wide collar around the neck. I considered a very sexy strapless and totally backless design, but my plan of attack based on the movie scene, required a much longer back zipper, one that would be "difficult" for me to reach. The hip-hugging skirt portion would taper to my ankles with a walking vent in back. Matching elbow length gloves, black pumps with four inch spiked heels and a short, single strand, pearl necklace with matching earrings and bracelet would complete the look, one that was sexy, with no bones about it. I would give no quarter and take but one prisoner.

My wardrobe didn't have a dress that matched my vision, giving me the perfect excuse to go shopping. I knew it would be a tough find and I spent almost the entire day looking through dozens and dozens and dozens of dresses in shop after shop after shop until late in the day I found a dress that was a near perfect match to the one in my vision. The only thing left to do was to wait for the day that promised to dramatically change my relationship with Robert.

On that fateful night, I started preparations earlier than normal. I took extra care with my hair, makeup, and getting dressed. I finished up just as Robert came to pick me up at the appointed hour. When I opened the door I nearly gasped in surprise. He stood before me wearing a brand new tux with the look and feel of an older time, the perfect match to my dress. Robert looked so handsome, so desirable, and so sexy, that I came unbelievable close to grabbing him by the lapels of his jacket, pulling him inside, throwing him onto the couch, and taking him. Looking back, I think that the only reason I didn't, was the possibility of my aggressiveness scaring him away from me. But then again, there was also the possibility that he might have gone for it, as his other option was to sit through a boring "chick flick" after plopping down no small amount of money at a high end restaurant. It was a tough decision for me, but in the end, I choose to stick to the plan.

After we exchanged admirations for each other and other pleasantries, Robert extended his arm to me. I placed my arm in his and let him lead me to his car. He opened the door, and assisted my getting into the car. He closed the door, hurried around to the driver's side and got in. We were soon underway. The trip downtown was uneventful but long with the usual early evening traffic. We arrived at the restaurant with little time to spare and Robert pulled into a pay parking lot located between the restaurant and the theater. Valets opened our doors for us and while I took my time exiting the car, Robert got out quickly and hurried around to meet me. I took his arm and he escorted me to the restaurant.

The restaurant was a swanky place with an art deco look, and we seemed to fit right in with the formal atmosphere of a time gone by. We evidently made a favorable impression on the maître d' as he led us thru the main dining room to an ornate wrought iron staircase that led to the more upscale second floor and on to one of the better tables in front of a window that looked out upon the downtown night life. It was the perfect start to a romantic dinner with the top notch cuisine, a fine wine, and my Robert looking so incredibly handsome, making for one of the most memorable evenings I have ever had.

After dinner, we walked to the theater with my arm in his. We entered the lobby and were instantly transported back in time, for it had a look of an era when going to the theater was an event, and people dressed in their best formal wear. We again made a favorable impression as we were greeted by a swarm of ushers in vintage uniforms, each vying for the privilege to show us to our seats. I choose an especially energetic young man. Robert showed him our tickets and he proudly led us into the theater and down to the row our seats were in, pointing them out with his flashlight. Robert slipped the usher a tip and then escorted me to our seats. It wasn't long after being seated when the project heads came up on stage to address the audience. After a few speeches and many thanks to all of the sponsors and donors, the move was allowed to run. It had a slow build before the plot took over, but by that time, poor Robert had lost interest and was becoming increasingly bored. As the movie progressed, I became more and more engrossed in it. Robert had totally tuned out and was struggling to remain awake, and loosing. It would have been a kindness to let him drift into a light sleep, but that scene I wanted him to watch was fast approaching. I snuggled up against him as it came to make certain he was awake.

In the scene, the leading lady, dressed in a magnificent full skirted, with multiple petticoats, ankle length ball gown of an era of glamour that only exists in daydreams today, informs the leading man that she wished to slip into something more comfortable and as she turns her back to him, asks if he would unzip her. I squeezed Roberts arm and gave a slight sigh as if I was engrossed in the moment. Of course I was really trying to get him to pay attention to what the leading man was doing, and more importantly, saying, to the point that he would imitate the man when I would present him with a similar situation later that night. A good plan if Robert didn't know what the couple was really saying to each other. Anyway, the leading man obliges, takes hold of the zipper, and utters the phrase "Say when". The woman teases the man a bit as she holds off saying "When" until the zipper fell just below her waist. I again squeezed Roberts arm, then left him alone for the rest of the movie.

At the end of the movie Robert took me home, parking on the street in front of my house. He got out of the car and quickly came around to open the car door for me. He escorted me to the front door and appeared to make ready to leave once I was safely inside. That was not going to happen. For him, escape was not possible. I unlocked the door and slightly pushed it open. But instead of entering my house, I turned to Robert and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him to me as if to kiss him. I knew he wouldn't go for it as Robert is very shy about public displays of affection.

"Whoa, wait, someone might be watching."

"Then I guess you will have to come inside, for a minute."

Not wanting to give him a chance to decline, I pushed the door open with a thrust of my hips, interlocked my fingers behind his neck and "encouraged" him to come inside. Robert hesitantly came along and closed the door behind him.

"It was so sweet of you to suffer through a "chick flick" for me. Come on over to the couch and I will show you how much I appreciate it."

"As much as I would like that, it's really late and I had better get home while I can stay awake long enough to get there."

"You can spend the night here, with me."

"Um, not yet. I, um …"

"What, you don't want to sleep with me? You don't find me desirable?"

"Of course I do. I have never desired a woman more than I desire you. It's just that I haven't been with a woman and…"

"Hey, it's okay. I would love to be the one to educate you in bed."

"It's not that, it's just that I would like for us to have a more memorable evening before we, um, spend the night together."

"That's so sweet, but we just had the best evening I have ever experienced and I don't want it to end just yet."

"Yeah, um, I sort of don't remember half of it and I would prefer to wait for..."

"Oh, I see. Well, I can understand your wanting your first time to be a memorable experience. But the thing is, our relationship has progressed well and has reached a point where I feel that it's time to take it to a higher level."

"Yeah, I know. I feel it too. I just need an evening in which I've participated a little more in. Okay?"

"Well, alright, but before you go, will you do something for me? Would you unzip me?"

Releasing my hold on him I turned around giving Robert access to the zipper of my dress. He reached up to seize the zipper pull and started to pull it down.

"Say when."

There it was, the words I so wanted to hear him say. Whither Robert knew it or not, the zipper rule was now in effect. I wanted to shout "YES!" in victory for the whole world to hear as he was now mine for the taking. But of course I didn't, I just bit my lower lip and waited for him to completely unzip me. And it was an agonizingly long wait. It was as if time had slowed down to the point where I swear I could feel each and every tooth of the zipper grudgingly release its grip with its opposing neighbors. When Robert had completely opened the zipper, I turned to face him with a look of pure seduction. I took hold of his tie and gently pulled him toward the hall that led to my bedroom.

"Ummm, wait a minute…”

"Shhhh, zipper rule."

"Zipper rule, what's that?"

"You asked me for sex, and I said yes."


"Less than a minute ago."

"But the only thing I said was 'Say when.' and you didn't say anything."

"Exactly, for you see, in a cultured society, a woman curious about where her date's interest in her lay, will ask him 'Would you unzip me?' and his answer reflects his desires. The response of 'Say when.' is a polite way for him to ask her if she would have sex with him. If she says 'when' before the zipper reaches bottom, then her answer is 'no, not yet'. If she says nothing, or says 'when' after the zipper bottoms out, then her answer is 'yes'. Now, as you can see, you have asked and I have consented, under the zipper rule we HAVE to have sex."

"Oh come on now, surely you can't expect me to know that what with my lack of experience with women. I thought that was what a man was supposed to say. I didn't know about any zipper rule, and that's assuming there IS a zipper rule, which I'm not entirely buying. But even if there is one, surely you can't hold me to it if I don't know about it."

"There is, I can, and I am. So, come along to bed my love."

Robert stared at me in shock with his mouth slightly open as if to utter some last ditch protest but let it die with a slight sigh. He nervously came along as I led him by his tie to my bedroom. I pulled him inside by his tie with one hand and closed the door with the other. And as I put my arms up around his neck and lean in to kiss him, we shall, as in the movies of old, fade to black.

Morning came bright and early. I woke before Robert but instead of getting up, I lay there and reflected on the nights activities. It wasn't the best sex I'd had by any means, but the potential was definitely there. Robert is the only man I have ever been with, or even heard of, who could be directed in bed. It was a refreshing difference that didn't change as he gained experience and confidence in the nights we spent together that followed. And, as his trust in me grew, he became more willing to try just about anything, even some of the, shall we say, more exotic sexual practices. That continued after we were eventually married. It was then that I was able to introduce him to fantasies and role playing with wondrous results for he had come to trust me completely, and I made sure that I never asked anything of him, or did anything to him, that would endanger that trust. And it wasn't one way either as I have entertained a couple of his fantasies.

One fantasy of my Robert came about after we watched a TV commercial for yogurt. In it a man and woman were in a dining room. The woman, dressed in a French maid's uniform, was sitting on what turns out to be her husband's lap. She was spoon feeding him yogurt, while talking to him with a French accent. It was a week later that I found myself in our dining room, sitting on my husband’s lap, dressed in a skimpy French maid's uniform he had bought for me. I was spoon feeding him yogurt, all the while cooing and making baby talk with sexual overtones in a heavy French accent, working him into a sexual arousal, culminating in his taking me while I was bent over the dining room table. It was very sexist and demeaning and I swore to him that I would get even … someday.

Actually, I secretly enjoyed it, and every once in a while, on a night when I had made it home from work before him (we were no longer working at the same company due to my Robert being laid off after a business downturn), I would greet him at the door dressed in the uniform ready to pamper and seduce him. I also figured I could use it as leverage in the future for some fantasy of mine that he would balk at. It turned out to be a good move as it wasn't long after, that a burnt out desire from my youth was unexpectedly rekindled, and I knew that it would require calling in favors to get my husband to help me experience it.

The reigniting of my desires occurred one night with us sitting on the sofa watching TV. We had both worked late and neither of us felt like fixing dinner or even changing out of our work clothes. My Robert had on his black suit with a stiff, white, short sleeve shirt. I was wearing my short (but not mini) black, straight, skirt suit with a long sleeve, white satin blouse. Both of us had taken off our jackets and had draped them over the back of the sofa on our way to the kitchen to scrounge through the leftovers for something to eat. Having found something adequate, we returned to the living room to eat in front of the TV.

The only thing on that was of any interest was some imported British game show. The premise was to see what embarrassing thing people would do and for how little money they would do it for. One stunt caught my full interest. In it, a young couple had been brought out on stage and was standing with the host in back of a bed. The host offered the couple some money if they would get into the bed and try to exchange clothes in less than a minute. After a brief pause filled with some bashful glances at each other, they agreed. This I had to see, and to make sure my husband was watching I snuggled up to him.

As the couple got into bed, a disclaimer rolled across the bottom of the screen. They had already exchanged underwear. That would make it fairly easy, and also meant that they had agreed to do it before coming on stage. The hesitation and whatnot was just an act. I felt cheated, but watched anyway. Of course they pulled it off and hopped out of bed to prove to the world that they had. Her, I don't remember so much, but I do remember him. He was fair of face and slim of build. He also looked pretty good in his girlfriend's mini skirt. With his short, unisex cut, blond hair, he reminded me of someone back in college I had interest in and had rather unusual feelings for, feelings that I suddenly wanted to act upon. Of course, being married, I couldn't run out and find someone who matched the person I knew in college and hop into bed. I may be sexually open, but I wasn't about to do anything that would jeopardize my marriage to my husband. So with a sigh, I turned to my loving husband, and that was when I was struck with the thought that my Robert, who was still as slim and somewhat fair of face as the day I met him, might be a suitable stand-in. I just had to see if he would be up for it, but I knew that I couldn't straight out ask him. No, he would have to be conditioned first, and the perfect lead in had just presented its self. With that thought, I jumped up from the couch, took my Robert by the hand and tried to pull him up off the sofa.

"Come on, let’s try that."

"Try what? You mean what that couple just did, exchange clothes in bed? I don’t know about this."

"Oh come on, it looks like it could be fun. I’ll tell you what, how about we leave out the part about exchanging underwear."

"Well, ummm."

"Great, let’s go."

My Robert, with my unceasing "encouragement", got up from the sofa and I wasted no time in pulling him to our bedroom. Letting go of him at the bed, I took hold of the bedspread and pulled it off, working my way around to my side of the bed in the process. I peeled back the covers, slipped off my shoes and got into bed. My husband just stood there looking down at me. I looked back at him seductively, and then patted his side of the bed with my hand.

It was obvious that he didn’t want to do it, but he also didn’t want to disappoint me. He slowly took off his shoes and then got into bed. As we pulled up the covers, I leaned over to him and kissed him hard. He embraced me but I broke it off.

"Later my love, now wait for the clock to turn … and … go!"

We quickly tried to strip off our outer clothing and hand each piece off to the other. It wasn’t as easy as I had previously thought by any means. Trying to remove clothes while laying on them is difficult enough, having the covers press down and interfere with our arms and legs really made it much harder. We squirmed and wiggled around with such abandon that the bed groaned in protest more than when we made love. Surprisingly, given the trouble we were having, we came close to pulling it off. I finished before the minute was up, but my poor Robert, perhaps not being familiar with the odd placement of the fasteners on my clothes, didn’t quite make it. He seemed disappointed and became apologetic. Perfect, I could probably sweet talk him into doing it again until we succeeded. But first, there was one little thing to do.

"Come on, up and out of bed."

"What, um, I’d rather not."

"Oh come on, what’s the matter? So you’re wearing my clothes, what’s the big deal? It’s not like anyone is going to see you. Look around, see, no audience. Come on, let’s see how you did."

"Promise me that you’re not going to laugh."

"I promise, now come on."

I rolled away from him and on out of bed. Standing up facing the bed, I straightened myself out and looked over at my Robert. He was slowly poking his legs out from the covers and placing his feet on the floor. He took his ever loving sweet time extracting the rest of him. I didn't say a word figuring that it would be better to let him take his time and come to accept his wearing my clothes in the process. He eventually came to stand before me looking a bit sheepish. Words of encouragement were definitely in order. Of course, the mischievous girl in me couldn't resist a little teasing as well.

"Hey, you did really well. Your blouse could be tucked in better here and there, but that's easily fixed. Just hike up your skirt until you've exposed the blouse tails and pull them down, working all the way around until it's smooth and tight to your body."

"Forget that, the only thing I'm doing is taking this off."

My husband wasted no time taking off my clothes and tossing them across the bed to me. I did the same with his clothes. We both got dressed, but before my Robert could wonder off, I quickly pulled back the bed covers and hopped in. He looked down at me in surprise. I in turn looked up at him with a look of seduction and patted his side of the bed with my hand as before.

"Oh no, forget it. I've already done it and have no desire to do it again."

"But we haven't done it successfully yet. Look, I'll make a deal with you, we'll stop after we have matched what that couple on TV did, and the faster we do, the faster we can engage in other activities suitable for the bed, agreed?"

The thought of sex got him back into bed. As soon as I gave the signal we quickly stripped and wiggled into the others clothes. This time we beat the clock and I hopped out of bed in triumph. My Robert also got out of bed much quicker than before. He had also done a far better job of tucking in the blouse and seemed to be a little proud of himself. I smiled and nodded my approval, then started to undress as before. My husband undressed as well, taking off everything including his shorts. He stood facing the bed completely naked leering at me in anticipation of the promised sex. I leered back at him with a big grin, reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. Crossing my arms across my chest, I took hold of the bra straps and slowly slid them teasingly down my arms. My Robert was becoming visibly aroused. I took the bra and tossed it to him, aiming for his chest. He caught it by reflex action and looked back at me in surprise.

"Go ahead, put it on and get dressed. Here … my panties too. Come on, we haven't matched what the couple did yet."

"I am NOT putting these on. Besides, we have accomplished what that couple did."

"No, we have not. Remember, they had exchanged underwear before attempting to swap clothes."

"And you said we would leave out that part."

"AND, you agreed just a couple of minutes ago, to continue until we had matched what the couple on TV had done, and they had exchanged underwear. So pick up your shorts and toss them to me. Oh, and you might find it easier to put the bra on backwards, hooking it in front, and then working it back around into place. You can then slip your arms into the straps and work them up onto your shoulders."

My Robert reluctantly did as suggested, although he turned away from me before putting on the bra and hurriedly put his shirt on over it. It was a similar story with the panties and his pants. We completed getting dressed, got into bed, and feverishly exchanged clothes for the third time. Success was ours and we proved it to the world by jumping out of bed, taking a position facing the bed and each other.

Once again, my husband looked good standing there in my skirt and blouse, but something was missing. It was the jacket. I had left it in the living room. I thought about retrieving it, but quickly dismissed the idea as my Robert was starting to make motions toward undressing. Instead, I climbed onto the bed on all fours and looked up at him with pure lust written across my face. He looked down at me and grinned, then joined me, trying to take a position that would enable him to maneuver me onto my back with him on top of me. But I would have none of that. Instead I twisted us around and it was he who fell down onto the bed upon his back, staring up at me with a surprised look on his face. But before he could recover his senses, I grabbed both of his wrists and pinned them to the bed just slightly above his head. Stretching out, I lowered my full weight down onto him, pinning him to the bed. It was a clear message that I was going to have my way with him. Of course, my Robert is stronger than me and would not have much trouble extracting his self from my control if so inclined. But he sensed that I wanted to do something new and trusted me enough to play along.

As my Robert lay there, making with some weak efforts to free himself, I attacked by kissing him deeply and aggressively until he totally surrendered to me. I then began to caress his body with my hands, and in the process, silently reminded him of just whose clothes he was wearing. He seemed to enjoy the sensation more and more, lying there, like a submissive girl. That's when I decided to deprive him of his pleasures by undressing him in a rough, lust filled manner. Then, having stripped him naked, I rose up over him and crudely stripped off the clothes of his I was wearing. With an aggressive, lust filled leer, I crashed back down upon him, and took him.

It was a very different and most satisfying love making session for both of us and we drifted off to sleep with me cuddling up to him from behind, holding him to me with one arm wrapped over him, just as he has done with me on many a night. In the morning, we awoke together and lay in bed for a while talking about the nights activities, discussing what we each liked about it and what my Robert didn't (I enjoyed all of it). In the end, we mutually decided to add it to our repertoire. And while he didn't come out and agree to wear my clothes again, he didn't close the door on it either. That pleased me greatly and my mind filled with ideas of how to escalate our play and bring him to my goal.

Chapter 2

The opportunity to continue leading my husband into helping me live out my old college desires wasn't long in coming. It happened one Friday night after dinner. My Robert was on the sofa watching TV while I was on the computer looking through my e-mail. A friend, who knew me well back in my high school days, had sent me a link to a video on a certain armature video site she knew I would find fascinating. I quickly clicked on the link and was greeted by a video of a man applying makeup to his face, slowly changing his appearance to that of a woman. I was absolutely mesmerized and with good reason, for in my late teens, I had done considerable research and practice on makeup artistry and its applications to modeling, movie stars, and high society. I had honed my skills on my girlfriends who were more than happy to sit for me until I lost interest and moved on to pursue other things girls that age were interested in. Anyway, the idea of transforming a man into a woman, albeit temporarily, intrigued me, and I had the perfect subject to work on, my Robert. I called my husband to come see. He was engrossed in his program so waited until a commercial interruption before coming to join me. He pulled a nearby chair over and sat down next to me. I started the video as soon as his attention was focused on the screen. We watched the video together in silence, with me becoming even more fascinated than with my first viewing. I could only hope my Robert was just as fascinated. There was only one way to find out.

"Wow, can you believe that? If I hadn't watched the transformation I would swear he was a she. Did you ever think that a man could pass as a woman?"

"Not without plastic surgery. Hey, it's an internet video; it's got to be some kind of trick."

"What trick? You saw it happen for yourself."

"Yeah, I know, but just makeup? I'm not buying it, after all a woman's facial structure is narrower with less prominent features. Changing a woman to look like a man, easy, just add some putty here and there to beef up the face. But to change a man to a woman requires subtracting and you can't do that without surgery."

"Actually you can do it without surgery to some extent. It's all about altering features by changing the way light reflects off the face. Did you notice the different shades of foundation makeup used and how it seemed to change the shape of the face? Then accentuating the emerging feminine form by use of bright highlights to distract the eye? That's where the real genius is. The rest was just normal makeup preformed by nearly every woman out there in preparation for a night out."

"What, so now you're an expert on makeup? You think you can match what we saw in the video, assuming it's real?"

"I don't think I can, I know I can. Come on, I'll prove it … on you!"


"Hey, you challenged me and I have accepted said challenge, so let's go."

"Forget that."

My uncooperative husband got up and headed back to the sofa, closing the door on our little battle. He picked up the remote and started to flip through the channels when, by sheer luck, a new version of his favorite yogurt commercial filled the screen. It was the one with the wife dressed as a French maid sitting on her husband’s lap. I left the computer to come stand behind him as if to continue our argument, but I had something else in mind and I knew he would give me the chance to spring it.

Sure enough, my Robert became fidgety, and as the commercial ended, turned to look up at me. He made with an inquisitive look and gave a slight nod towards the TV. I put both hands on my waist with both elbows sticking straight out to the side and stared down at him as if I were recalling what happened after we had watched the original version of that commercial. That memory, as well as my telling him that I would get even, someday, had filled my mind the moment this new commercial had started to play.

"Hey, I already entertained that demeaning, sexist fantasy of yours and you know something, you still owe me for that. Come, the time for you to pay up has arrived."

"Don't give me that sexist crap. You enjoyed it, just look at all the times you've greeted me at the door wearing that uniform."

"Ah, but I did so on my terms, not yours. Now get up and come with me, unless you want to sleep here on the sofa tonight."

My visibly nervous husband reluctantly got up and followed me back to our bedroom. I went straight for the entrance to the master bath, but didn't enter. Instead, I turned to my husband and reached up to caress his cheek and chin with my hand.

"Oooh, you need to shave, off you go. Oh, and skip the aftershave."

"Oh no, I'm not going to let you do to me what that guy did in the video. Besides, what you are asking me to do is far more demeaning than you acting out as a sex crazed French maid."

"You think so? All right then, tell you what, I'll give you a choice. You can either let me make you up as a woman, or YOU can put on the French maid's uniform, sit on MY lap, spoon feed ME yogurt, making with the baby talk until I become so sexually aroused that I drag you off to the bedroom. There I will entertain a new fantasy. I will tie you spread eagle to the bed. Then I will get my camera and photograph you from all kinds of angles until I become so aroused by your predicament that I drop the camera, pull up your skirt and petticoat, tear off your panties and ride you without mercy until you are limp and drained of every last drop…"

"Okay, I get the picture, so to speak. I guess I can tolerate your testing your makeup skills on me."

"Oh, too bad, I kind of liked the idea of you dressed in a maid's uniform. I think you would look rather cute. And the pictures would give me leverage for even …"

My defeated husband put up his hand as if to say "Enough already, you win.", and entered for the master bathroom mumbling something under his breath. I smiled at him with a bit of a triumphant air as I watched him disappear into the bathroom. Soon there came the sound of an electric razor signaling my reluctant husband's compliance. My Robert soon opened the door and started to emerge from the bathroom, but I stopped him by placing both of my hands on his chest and gently pushing him back into the bathroom. I indicated for him to have a seat on the toilet (the cover was down as I was the last person to use it). I took a position in front of my Robert and beside my half of the vanity, savoring the moment for a bit before getting to work.

Opening the top drawer of the end cabinet, I reached into its darkest regions to retrieve bottles that hadn't seen the light of day in a decade. I chose a bottle of a heavy foundation makeup that best matched my Robert's skin color and would cover over blemishes and marks that come with doing things that men do in the course of a day. This was applied to his entire face and down onto his neck, feathering it onto his shoulders and chest. The effect was subtle, but startling none the less. I motioned my husband to come have a look in the mirror. He got up with a bit of a scowl and moved just far enough to stare into the mirror, but not for long. Instead he turned back to me, shrugged his shoulders, and gave me a look that said he couldn't see any difference as he returned to take his seat. That was alright as he soon would see more than a difference, for it was time for the real magic to begin.

First, I had to hide his masculine features, and then reshape his face to be more female in structure using both lighter and darker foundation shades. It was not an easy thing to do by any means and my skills were taxed to their limits and with my being something of a perfectionist, I ended up redoing key areas over and over again. My Robert grew more and more tired of my antics, but fortunately, I finished up just as he started to squirm around. I again motioned him to the mirror. He again got up with a scowl but that instantly changed upon reaching the mirror. The look of astonishment on his face was priceless. The image that looked back at him was clearly different to the point that he could easily be mistaken for a younger woman with a change of hairstyle, and I had a way of doing just that.

As my Robert stared at the image in the mirror, I quickly left the bathroom headed for my bedroom closet, pulled open the bi-fold doors, and retrieved a round box from the upper shelf. I pulled off the lid, tossing it onto the bed, and took out the object within. I dropped the box on the bed as I returned to the bathroom. I hid the object as I snuck up behind my unsuspecting husband who was still captivated by the image in the mirror. In one quick smooth movement, I fitted in place upon my husband's head, a golden blond wig styled in a pixie cut; a remnant from a past costume party. He started to fight back but instantly stopped when he caught sight of his image in the mirror. The image that looked back at both of us was clearly that of a woman and would stand up to anything less than a close examination, and there was a way of preventing that, by distracting the eye, giving it something more to look at. But first I wanted to gloat over my victory. I snuggled up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and placing my head near his ear.

"You look pretty good, but now I will show you, with nothing more than the same makeup that every woman out there uses every day, just how convincing a woman you can be."

As I released him, my Robert turned to face me and then backed up to retake his seat on the toilet with a posture that said he was ready for more. I smiled down at him playfully before getting down to work. From my half of the long cabinet above the vanity and under the wall mirror, I selected what I would need to complete my husband's transformation. His eyes were the first area to be enhanced. I cleaned up the shagginess of his eyebrows with a small amount of tweezing and trimming (which he surprisingly sat still for), and then gave them a flowing, tapering look with a dark pencil. The lashes received a light application of mascara. Eye shadow was subdued and natural looking. His lips were given a coat of lipstick that had just enough color to make them ever so slightly standout and was applied slightly outside his natural lines here and there to give a more feminine shape. A light brushing of rouge to his cheeks completed my work. He moved to the mirror all on his own and stared.

"So, you still think the video was a fake?"

"Wow, I'd have to say, that possibility is fast disappearing. This is, well, I just don't seem to have the words for it. It's…"

"Do you like what you see?"

"I don't know just how to answer that."

"Try yes or no."

"Come on, you know that any answer I give, you are going to jump on and twist in to something you can use to coerce me into doing more than this."

"I'm going to do that anyway. I just thought that you should be honest with yourself so that you can enjoy the ride you are on."

"The ride is over. You have proven that the video is real. Now, let's get this stuff off."

"Nothing doing, I haven't taken you as far as the man in the video went, and that was our deal. So sit back down and relax as I transform you from a nice, ordinary woman, to a stunning, sexy, free spirit girl that will fill a man's head with desire."

"Hey, I got limits as to what I'll put up with and you know it. You're getting a little too wrapped up in this. This is good enough for whatever games you have in your twisted mind."

I smiled reassuringly at my Robert, but that quickly turned into a leer accompanied by a shaking of my head no. I knew what I wanted and I was going to have it. My husband became visibly apprehensive, but before he could utter any protests, I gave him a little push in the direction of the toilet, and as he sat down, I reached for makeup suitable for a night out clubbing. Eyeliner was applied just above the upper lashes and drawn out to a little beyond the eyes, followed by the same to the lower lashes, drawing it out to meet the upper line. Eye shadow was next and was bold in color and application, really drawing one's attention. The overall effect was riveting but lacked the degree of femininity I desired. After some intense thought, I determined that it was the eyelashes that were at fault and easily fixed with an eyelash curler. I retrieved mine from the vanity drawer and displayed them before my Robert. He looked at the tool in my hand and made ready to protest, but a stern look of warning from me cut him off. He wasn't happy, but allowed me to use the tool to work its magic. It was just the touch that was needed and a heavy application of mascara intensified the look.

With the eyes at the level wanted, it was then time to work on the lips. The lipstick I had applied earlier was wiped off. I wanted a more feminine look to his lips, so I first outlined the shape I wanted with a dark pencil, and then filled it in with a bright red color applied with a brush. After I was satisfied with the look, a coat of lip gloss was applied. I looked over my work and gave a slight affirmative nod of my head, and then gave a definite nod toward the mirror. My Robert took the hint, and once again moved to stand in front of the mirror. The look of surprise that swept over his face said it all.

"So, what do you think?"

"Where did I go?"

"What do you mean where did you go? You're standing in front of the mirror."

"Yeah I know, but I don't see me IN the mirror. I see an unknown woman that's mimicking my every move and dressed in my clothes."

"I see what you mean. Fortunately, all of that is easily fixed. First, we'll take care of the unknown by giving HER a name."

"Whoa, let's not go there. I'm on the verge of freaking out already. It's time for ME to return to…"

"Nothing doing. I've put too much time and effort into this transformation to just wipe it off and toss it into the waste basket. Besides, when I entertained your little French maid fantasy, I ended up dressing the part for the entire evening. So, fair being fair, you are going to spend the rest of the evening made up as a woman. And as I recall, you also gave me a French name, so it's only fitting that I get to name you, and I have decided that this new version of you, shall be known as Leigh."

Leigh was a young woman I had come across at a frat party who had a free spirit sexuality that reached out and grabbed me. She instantly became the one I wanted to experience my then new found desire to explore lesbian sex with. But that sexuality also attracted the jocks that she was hanging around. They were all trying to impress her with their virility, while she was hinting that she wanted to dance. There was only one thing that the jocks wanted to do with a girl like her and it wasn't dance. Seeing a possible opening, I approached her and tried to get her to dance with me. She politely fended me off and refocused her attentions on the jocks. I made some attempts to change her mind adding some obvious sexual flirts, but to no avail. It was a clear message that she didn't have any interests, or even a curiosity, in a lesbian encounter. I was filled with a feeling of being totally shot down, and for the most part, forgot about exploring my curiosity in sex with a woman.

"That's kind of a strange name, why Leigh?"

"Don't ask things that you really don't want to know just yet. Now, Leigh, we can't have you spending the evening in my husband's clothes, so accompany me to my closet where I'm sure we can find something that is much more appropriate for the way you look."

My poor husband was either too shocked to move or simply refused to. It didn't matter, as it wasn't going to stop me from dressing him in my clothes. I left the bathroom without him, reached my closet and opened up the doors. I looked over my evening dresses and selected the shortest dress I had, a light weight, black, fit and flare with the hem a good five inches above the knee and with the bodice covered in black sequins. It was attention grabbing, sexy, and feminine to the extreme. I returned to the bathroom doorway and held the dress up in front of me for my Robert's approval.

"Oh no, I am NOT wearing such a frilly dress, nor any other dress for that matter."

"Why not? You've worn my clothes before."

"But that was your skirt and was only for several minutes, not..."

"Alright, you can wear a skirt then."

My Robert was about to protest but I cut him off.

"Hey, I wasn't given the choice of uniforms to wear and that means I can force you to put on this dress. However, if you are willing to pay up without ANY more protests, then I will agree to your preference for wearing a skirt. If that’s agreeable, then you can come back into the bedroom and start taking off your clothes … ALL your clothes."

I briefly leered at my Robert before returning to my closet where I returned the dress to its place with no small amount of disappointment. A brief moment of hope came with the thought that my husband might stubbornly hold his position giving me the opportunity to force him to wear the dress I had selected. But it was not to be, as a covert glance at the bathroom entrance caught him emerging and headed for the bed where he started to undress, tossing his clothes onto the bed. It was a clear sign that he had agreed to my terms. Oh well, if my Robert wants to wear a skirt, then a skirt he shall wear. An appropriate outfit quickly came to mind. A suitable skirt was located, pulled out, and presented to my Robert. He in turn stopped undressing and stared disapprovingly at the pink, above the knee, hip huger skirt. I smiled at him with a hint of triumph before removing the skirt from its hanger and tossing it at him. Instead of catching it, he deflected it with the back of his hand and forearm onto the bed.

As my Robert resumed undressing, I refocused my attentions on finding just the right top to go with the skirt. It wasn't long before I was holding a fuzzy pink, round neck, cashmere sweater in front of my now naked husband. Instead of tossing it at him, I sashayed up to him dangling the sweater from one finger. As I passed him, I draped the sweater over his shoulder. He grabbed it and flung it towards the bed with it landing on top of the skirt, as I continued on to my dresser. Pulling open the top drawer, I retrieved a matched, pink lacy bra and panty set. I teasingly displayed them in front of him before neatly laying them out on the bed next to the piled up sweater and skirt. A glance at my Robert caught him staring down at the lingerie with a look that said he was not happy about having to wear my frilly undergarments. It was also clear that he wanted to protest, but knew he couldn't. The mischievous girl in me took the opportunity to have a little fun at his expense.

"I will leave you to get dressed. Putting on the sweater will muss your hair. You can use my hair brush to smooth it back in place. It's in my drawer in the vanity. Oh, and you should check yourself out in my full length mirror when you’re finished getting ready. When you get your fill of posing, you can come out and join me on the sofa."

That last sentence was going to be my Robert's undoing. He already had to dress per our agreement, but now he had to do it as fast as he could or give me ammunition to make claims that he liked looking and dressing as a girl and just loved to pose in front of a mirror. He could deny until he was blue in the face, but it would be to no avail as he couldn't prove he didn't do what I could claim. Perhaps my Robert came to the same conclusion, for he came out of the bedroom to join me in the living room faster than I would have imagined, fully dressed, and without a single strand of hair out of place. I looked up at him from my spot on the living room couch with an appreciative look. The mischievous girl in me saw another chance to have some fun.

"I'm impressed. I would never have thought that you could get dressed in such unfamiliar clothing so fast. But wait, a thought occurs to me. Maybe my clothes are not as unfamiliar to you as I might think. Perhaps you enjoyed our past clothing swap more than you have let on to and have been playing dress up when I've been away for the day. This is a side of you I simply have not expected and would love to explore to all its extremes with you."

"Stop that crap right now or I'm going back to the bedroom and get out of this getup. Screw the agreement."

"Oh, what's this, a threat, instead of an action? That tells me that you really like looking and dressing as a woman or you wouldn't be giving me a chance to smooth your ruffled feathers. Very well then, come, join me here on the sofa and we will explore something new."

"Hey, I do NOT like doing this, but I'm man enough to pay up any imaginary debts that you feel you incurred when you submitted to my harmless fantasy."

"Imaginary debts? Harmless? Do you even remember what you had me do and all of the teasing that came with it? And let us not forget how I ended up bent over the dining room table with you standing behind me with your pants and shorts down around your ankles, holding me firmly by my waist with both of your hands. And do you remember WHAT you were doing to me from behind? Ah, I can see that you do remember. Well, now it's my turn and we shall see if you 'enjoy' entertaining MY fantasy as much as I 'enjoyed' entertaining YOUR fantasy. Come Leigh, join me."

My husband mumbled something under his breath (spiced with a few four letter words), but came and sat down beside me in a less than ladylike manner. I made note to change that. For the most part we watched TV, but it wasn't long before I started to put the moves on Leigh. It was my Robert that responded to my advances which was not what I wanted. It took seemingly forever to change that, but eventually, by use of verbal and physical "suggestions", he changed his reactions to be more along those a girl would make. And with each change he made, I became more and more turned on, which triggered more girl-like behavior in my Robert, causing him to slip deeper into the role of Leigh.

The continuing suppression of my Robert combined with the beginning emergence of Leigh, encouraged me on, until we soon ended up in a full blown, passionate, quasi girl on girl make out session that escalated to my wanting sex. While French kissing Leigh, I got up off the sofa and started to pull away from her. Leigh tried to maintain the kiss by first stretching out her neck and then body, and finally rising up off the sofa. I broke off the kiss and with a shy grin, started to back towards the bedroom. Leigh smiled back at me and then brought her hand up to cover her mouth. I let go with a little giggle then turned away and quickened my pace to the bedroom with Leigh hot on my heels. We entered the bedroom, embraced, and resumed our passion. It wasn't long before we were stripping off our clothes. That is when my Robert surfaced and made ready to remove his wig, but I stopped him with a negative shake of my head and a sly grin. He appeared to be unsure as to what I wanted, but slipped back into being Leigh anyway. We pulled back the bed covers and climbed onto the bed with me more than ready to explore this new experience … but not yet ready to share the sorted details as Leigh is rather shy about our intimate moments.

What I can do, is sum things up by saying that it wasn't all lesbian sex, and understandably so. In spite of appearing to be a very desirable woman, my Robert wasn't equipped as one where it counted. Still, it was a very satisfying beginning that I wanted to expand on. The big question was, would my Robert? The answer would have to wait until morning as that is when we talked about anything new that one of us had introduced in the nights lovemaking. We drifted off to sleep snuggled up to each other. In the morning, I awoke before my husband and while waiting for him to awaken, formed an idea as how to get him to discuss the night's activities as well as extend this new experience a little longer. At that point, my Robert finally awoke (with a little "encouragement" from me).

"Morning, my 'new' love."

"What? New love? Oh right, cute. You know, that has got to be the strangest evening … and night … that you've sprung on me since we married. And just where did that come from?"

"Oh, it's just a little something from my college days that I um …"

"Whoa, wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you were a lesbian or bisexual back then?"

"Not exactly. Back then I was beginning to open up sexually and I wanted to explore as much as I could. Sleeping with a girl was part of it. But it just didn't come to pass and was soon forgotten."

"So, now you are saying that you were straight?"

"Yeah, but curious, and I still am."

"That's mildly disturbing, but even more disturbing is last night's activities. For the most part, you treated me as a woman even though I'm not one."

"But you definitely passed as one in looks and eventually in action. How else would you expect me to react to you?"

"Ah, but all of that was your doing. You knew I wasn't a woman as it was YOU who change my appearance to that of a woman, YOU who dressed me as a woman and YOU who coached me to act as a woman. How can you block all that out? I don't believe that to be possible."

"Come, I will show you just how easy it was. Come on, get out of bed. Come into the bathroom."

My Robert reluctantly got out of bed and followed me to the bathroom. I intentionally moved down to my half of the vanity, forcing my Robert to stand before his half where he was used to seeing himself in the mirror.

"Now have a look in the mirror."

"What the …"

"See? Even after all of our passionate lovemaking, you are still Leigh!"

"This can't be. Just what kind of makeup did you use on me? Oh we have to get this stuff off, now."

"Nothing doing, Leigh! I'm going to remove the makeup around your mouth so you can address some facial hair you seem to be cursed with. I will then leave you to freshen up, so to speak. When you are finished, I will come back to touch up your makeup. After I've freshened up, I will join you in the bedroom. We are then going to put on a couple of my husband's long, men's dress shirts, followed by going to the kitchen for breakfast. And don't even think of protesting girl."

Surprisingly, my Robert went along with this new directive, perhaps he enjoyed being Leigh more than he was willing to let on to. That was something I wanted to discuss over breakfast. Things proceeded as I had directed, and with his makeup repaired, he slipped back into the persona of Leigh and moved into the bedroom to await me. I soon emerged from the bathroom and together we headed for my husband's bedroom closet, pausing only to locate and put on our panties. I opened up my husband's closet and we each selected and put on a one of his dress shirts and headed for the kitchen. As we entered the kitchen, I directed Leigh to have a seat on one of the bar stool at the raised side of the central island, while I headed for the refrigerator to retrieve the fixings for a girls breakfast, that is to say, an omelet, a croissant, a small bowl of assorted berries, and a cup of Café Mocha latte.

During the preparations, I engaged Leigh in girl talk and occasionally brought up some of the nights more pleasurable experiences. Leigh was initially shy in talking about girl on girl sex, but soon opened up as I served breakfast and joined her on an adjacent bar stool. Encouraged by this, I quickly steered the conversation to getting Leigh to admit that she liked the night's events, but Robert, perhaps sensing a trap, rose up and shut the door on that line of discussion. Breakfast also came to an end, signaling that it was time for my Robert to reemerge, but I still wanted to see if he enjoyed being Leigh and to what degree. Subterfuge, in the form of some carefully chosen words spoken in a soft, casual manner would do the trick.

"Well, your debt has been paid in full and as they say, all good things must come to an end. Of course, you can spend the rest of the day as you are, if you like."

"I can't, I have too much to do around the house today."

"Sooo, you DO like dressing up as Leigh!"

"What, um, just where did you get that from?"

"You just said 'I can’t.' instead of 'No way!'. Admit it, you enjoyed being Leigh."

"I'm admitting nothing. You are reading too much into a casual remark."

"Alright then, have it your way. So, shall we at least add last night to our repertoire?"

"Aaaaa, well, ummmm, I suppose we can, maybe on one of your special days, like your birthday, or…"

"I'm thinking something much more frequent."

"More frequent? What, like, maaaaaay beeeeee … once a month?"

"That's a good start, but hey, we can always adjust the schedule as you come to admit that you enjoy slipping into an alter ego, even if it is a female one."

My Robert didn't verbally respond, but his body language said that he could be coaxed into the persona of Leigh more than once a month without much effort on my part. We retreated back to our master bath where my husband took a seat upon the toilet. As I made to remove his wig, my thoughts drifted to the real Leigh and how she had her hair. The wig my Robert was wearing wasn't right, neither in color nor the style. I made a mental note to pick up a more suitable wig. Finally, as I removed the last of the previous night's efforts from his face, I thought about a more complete lesbian experience, and that meant a strapon for me to wear, and use.

Now, a strapon was something I knew my Robert would never submit to, and would probably leave me if pressed. No, I had to find an alternative, something he would enjoy in conjunction with our normal lovemaking and could later be adapted for use as a strapon for my lesbian needs. And if anyone knew of such a device, it would be Carla at work. This was one time when I simply could not wait for Monday to come. With the weekend still to go, that wait became more and more unbearable.

Chapter 3

Monday morning finally decided to put in an appearance. I pounced on the moment and wasted no time prepping and getting to work and then seeking out Carla. I found her just as she was entering her cubical next to marketing.

"Morning Carla."

"Sharon, it's been awhile since you've ventured into these parts. So, what brings you around this time: business or pleasure?"

Hopefully pleasure, specifically in the bedroom. As good as my husband is in bed, he's more concerned with my pleasures than his own. That's great for me, but I fear that he isn't getting enough out of sex to satisfy his needs. Do you know of some toy that would cause him to get more out of our love making?"

"Hummmmm, I believe you seek a prostrate stimulator. You stick one of those in his bum and his every little movement will cause it to rub against his prostate, sending waves of sexual stimulus through him ending with a more intense orgasm than normal. And that brings up a caution, during intercourse with the device installed, as he approaches his climax, he could lose control over his actions to the point of becoming rather aggressive, if you know what I mean."

"That could workout to my advantage as there have been times when I've wanted him to be much more, aggressive, in his love making. We've talked about it and he has made attempts, but he always comes up short of what I want, fearing he might hurt me. I can't convince him that he's experienced enough that he probably won't cause any serious pain. It sound like with the device, he won't have any choice but to give me what I want. So then, all we have to do is insert the device just before he does me. Perfect."

"You don't have to wait until intercourse to use it. If it's in place at the start of your love making, then there is a good chance that it can work its magic all through foreplay, making him a more aggressive, and in charge, lover. And in some men it can even trigger an internal orgasm."

"Internal? You mean something along the lines of a woman's orgasm?"

"I guess you could call it that. But more accurately, he sort of comes but doesn't ejaculate, so he's still good to go with intercourse."

"Wow, it sounds like a prostrate stimulator could add a whole new dimension to our sex life. Thanks! Um, do you happen to know where the best place to find one of these little wonder toys is?"

"Sure do. Here, I'll write down the name, address, and the nearest cross streets."

I couldn't believe it, there actually was a device that I might be able to adapt for use in lesbian sex with my Robert that he just might accept and even enjoy. I made a mental note to stop at the shop on the way home.

"Thanks Carla."

"My pleasure. Hey, let me know how things turnout with Robert. Wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean?"

I started to laugh, and then started to feel a little embarrassed, causing me to bring my hand up to cover my mouth. As I turned away, I uncovered my mouth and while trying to suppress a big grin by tightly pressing my lips together, waved my hand back and forth as if to say "not going to happen". I returned to my cubical in a rather giddy mood and filled with thoughts of what I would find at the sex shop, but that only caused the rest of the work day to move at a snail's pace.

Quitting time finally rolled around and I headed out of the company towards a new and unknown adventure. On the way, my thoughts came to dwell on the likelihood of having to deal with a man at the store. For some reason, that caused me a small degree of anxiety, odd given my open sexuality. The sex shop was easy to find, although it turned out to be on the outskirts of a rather sleazy part of town. Fortunately none of the local denizens were about. I guess there was still too much sunshine left in the day to risk venturing out from under whatever cover they were holed up in. I parked in front of the shop and not wanting to attract any unwanted attention, quickly exited my car and entered the shop hoping to make my visit a short one.

I was greeted by a whole host of sex paraphernalia as well as the stares of a bohemian looking woman behind the sales counter, a bit of luck there. Still wanting to keep my visit short, I decided to forgo a search through the shop and just ask the saleswoman where what I wanted was. She didn't answer, but motioned me down to the end of the display counter. There, laid out under glass were the prostrate stimulators. Odd looking things that they were, my first thoughts were on how on earth I could get my Robert to let me use one on him once he caught sight of it. None the less, I pressed on by asking if one came with other accessories that it could be attached to. The saleswoman replied by dropping open an access door in the back of the counter. She reached inside and seized one of the devices along with a long handle that had some kind of flange on one end. She placed the handle on top of the display, and then, holding the stimulator with both hands, gave it a hard quarter twist and separated it into two pieces. She dropped the back part of the device, which aided its insertion and helped hold it in place, onto the display top. She picked up the handle and fitted the business end of the device to the handle with a reverse quarter twist ending with a click. I was then presented with the assembly. I examined the stimulator, focusing on the handles flange. It appeared that it would be easy to cut the flange off and attach it to a strapon harness without much difficulty. Of course, that would come after my Robert had become accustomed to being stimulated by the device by hand with the handle, and even then, only if he liked that method of use.

That brought me to the next item on my list, a pair of strapon harnesses. I was directed to a wall display near the back of the shop. I found one that had a sturdy enough front plate that would be easy to secure the handles flange to and picked up two. The last thing on my list was a hollow dildo, one that was much thicker and stiffer than a condom but still thin enough to transfer stimulation to the wearer. The saleswoman knew just were to look. She also had a pretty good idea as to what I was going to do with my new toys and, after glancing at my ring finger, with whom I was going to be playing with. It was definitely time to settle up the bill and get out of there.

I raced home, hoping to beat my Robert but it was not to be. I entered the house and spotted my unsuspecting husband on the living room sofa with a drink and the newspaper. I tried to shield the plain brown bag from his sight as I hurriedly slipped by heading for the hallway to the bedroom. It was a mistake as my actions caught my Robert's attention and aroused his suspicions.

"Sharon? Wait a sec'. Just what are you trying to hide there?"

"Oh, just a little something for later tonight. I only wanted to surprise you when we got into bed."

"Why have I got a bad feeling about this?"

"Come on, you know I will never do anything to harm or humiliate you in any way."

"Considering what you've done to me lately, that's beginning to come into question. Just what do you think you are going to lure me into this time?"

"Hey, it not always about you, you know."

"So, it's something for your pleasure then."

"I didn't say that."

"Aaaa gees, you ARE going to do something to me. All right, out with it, what is it you want to do to me now?"

"It's for both our pleasures, and you will just have to wait 'till bed time. And NO sneaking into the bedroom to get a peek while I'm in the kitchen or Leigh will be taking your place to night and she will be wearing that frilly little black dress you refused to!

My Robert started to mutter a few things as I headed off to the bedroom. Reaching the bedroom, I made for my nightstand beside my side of the bed. I pulled open my special little drawer, put the bag in, and pushed the drawer back in. It was then off to the kitchen to fix a quick but somewhat special dinner, something that would hopefully get my Robert in the mood to try something new in the bedroom. But it didn't seem to work as my husband was too suspicious of what awaited him in the bedroom. The rest of the evening went as usual except my Robert seemed to be more interested in watching some movie, that I had no interest in, to its late night end. I guess he was hoping that I would become bored enough that I would head off to bed without him and fall asleep before he come to join me, thereby putting an end to whatever scheme I was planning to spring on him, albeit temporarily. I would have none of that.

As our normal bedtime approached, I began my attack by retreating to the bedroom coming to sit on my side of the bed. The instruction booklet for the prostrate stimulator was retrieved from my night stand and given a through read. It was going to take some trial and error to position the stimulator for the desired effect, something that my Robert might not have the patients for. There was only one way to find out and the time had come. I lubed up the stimulator and closed the drawer. I then turned my attentions to dressing for battle with my husband. My lingerie drawer yielded up a flaming red negligee which I laid out on the bed. I quickly stripped off and hung up my career skirt suit and put my top, bra, and panties in the hamper in the bathroom. While in the bathroom, I took the opportunity to apply a special perfume that I only wore when I wanted to entice my Robert into a very intense lovemaking session. It was applied to a few strategic locations on my body, places that women have used for centuries to manipulate their man.

I sashayed from the bathroom, totally nude, to where my negligee waited for me on the bed. I stared down with a leer at such a sexy garment, taking an almost sadistic pleasure in thoughts of how I would soon be bending my Robert to my will and how helpless he would be to resist. It was bad of me, I know, but then again HE was the one who started this battle. Bending down, I slipped my hands and forearms into the negligee, reaching in to slip my hands into the armholes. As I straightened up I raised my arms up over my head and then, by spreading my arms apart, controlled the negligee's decent, letting it slowly flow down my arms onto my waiting body, savoring it's every caress of my bare skin, arousing my desires for sex. I was ready for battle.

I sashayed out of the bedroom, down the hall, and into the living room. I seductively approached my Robert like a bad girl in heat. He could see me coming at him out of the corner of his eye, but refused to acknowledge my presences. As I snuggled up to my Robert on the sofa, he caught scent of my perfume and instantly knew what I wanted and how little power he had to resist. I fired the first salvo by ever so softly stroking his ear with my finger, and then escalated my attack by caressing the back of his neck. He resisted my advances, so I launched a second front by stroking his inner thigh, while escalating the initial attack by gently blowing in his ear. My husband valiantly tried to ignore me and watch his movie, but I stubbornly continued my attack. He then changed tactics by trying to fend me off and shoo me away, but that only stimulated me into becoming more and more aggressive, culminating in my launching an all out assault by climbing onto his lap, straddling him, and kissing him hard until he surrendered to my superior desires. At that point I struck a cease fire by straightening up, sitting on his lap, and looking down at him with a note of triumph. I quickly seized the remote, pointed it behind me at the TV, and pressed the off button. Rising up off him, I tossed the remote onto the couch, took his hand in mine, and dragged him off to the bedroom.

Our love making fell along the usual pleasant lines, that is, up to the point where I was ready to, um, shall we say, receive my Robert? That when I turned away from him to access the drawer in my night stand. My Robert snuggled up to me thinking that I wanted him from behind. I grabbed the stimulator and quickly turned back to face him. He became confused and not too happy. He got even less happy when I slowly brought the stimulator into his view.

"What's that, and just what perverted thing are you going to do with it?"

"It’s a prostrate stimulator and supposedly will add a new dimension to your love making experience, sort of, up the ante."

"Up the ante? What you're really saying is up my …"

"Hey, I have it on very high authority that this will really help you get more out of sex."

"And what 'authority' would that be?"

"Carla, at work. You remember her don't you?"

"You mean triple 'A' Carla? How could I forget her?"

"What do you mean, triple 'A'?"

"Anytime, anywhere, anyone."

"That's a terrible thing to say! I mean, just because she's knowledgeable in all facets of sex..."

"All I know is that the guys filled me in on her when I joined the company. So she has a reputation that transcends mere knowledge, and it's apparently earned."

"I was not above casual sex back then, so is that what you think of me as well? And why did you date me then?"

"I didn't know you even existed until you claimed me that day in document control. You were so different from all of the others; I couldn't help but instantly fall for you."

"Ah, that’s so sweet"

"Now, if I had known that that difference was you being a loose woman …"

"OH … YOU! Oh you are so going to pay for that mister."

I punched my Robert in the shoulder as he broke out laughing. I started to laugh with him but cut myself off. Instead, I assumed an attitude of authority.

"Now I'm sorry I lubed this thing earlier! Turn over!"

My Robert, still laughing, turned away from me and submitted to my inserting the stimulator. It was a little tricky trying to position it per the instructions, but I finally got it right. We resumed our love making where we had left off. Now, with my Robert being shy about our private life, I shall refrain from getting into details, but will say that things progressed as normal until a definite change in my husband's technique made it clear that the stimulator had kicked in with the desired effect, just as Carla had said, and her warning was spot on as well. It was just what I had wanted from my man for so long. There was no question that I wanted to add its use to our repertoire, but would my Robert? The answer to that question would have to wait until morning, at which time I aroused him from his slumber with gentle caressing.

"Morning my love."

"Wha…? Ah, yeah. Oh, hey, you alright? I sort of lost control last night…"

"Couldn't be better. I LOVED it. It was just what I have been wanting and I want more!"

"Wow, dirty girl. Look, um, I'm willing to accommodate you, but I'm not keen on using that thing you shoved in me to get there."

"You didn't like the pleasures it gave you?"

"I liked it, but I don't want to come to depend on it in order to satisfy you."

"Do you remember how your performance changed with the device working its magic?"

"Um, yeah."

"Do you think you can repeat that without the device?"

"If that's the way you want sex, yeah."

"Occasionally, that is what I want. Look, I thrill at our normal love making for you know just how to pluck the strings to make the most wonderful music that sends waves of ecstasy through me."

"Well, yeah, you trained me in just how to satisfy you, remember?"

"I showed you the notes and how to use them on me. The romantic ballads we create together are made up of a combination of notes that are of your creation as well as mine and I love the slow, smooth build to the climax. But, there are times when I am in the mood for a different style, like jazz or rock."

"You want variety."

"I occasionally want YOU to venture outside your comfort zone and together we will see what wonders come of it."

"So, that's why you bought that stimulator, to force me into doing things I might not otherwise do?"

"Yes, but not force; entice. Now that you know that you won't hurt me in a bad way, I think you will quickly come to like being much more aggressive in your love making. And you would not have discovered that without the device. "

"Okay, I see your point, but it strikes me as a big waste of money if we won't be using it anymore."

"Oh, there are other ways to use it."

My Robert wasn't overly thrilled at that thought, causing me to smugly smile at him as I climbed out of bed to begin getting dressed for work. He was right behind me, and having less to do in making himself presentable, finished getting ready long before me. He headed off to the kitchen to fix us a quick breakfast, leaving me to complete putting on my makeup. After a quick check in my full length mirror, I quickly headed for the kitchen and entered just as my Robert finished eating. He put the dirty dishes in the sink, gave me a kiss, and head off to work. I followed some time later after cleaning all of the dirty dishes.

Traffic was nothing out of the normal but it still frustrated me as I was eager to thank Carla and fill her in on some (but not all) of the nights actions. After finally reaching work, I was about to turn into the front parking lot when I noticed there was an unusually large number of cars trying to find a parking spot. Clearly I wasn't going to find anything in front of the building and didn't try. It looked like I would have to settle for someplace on the street with a long walk to the main entrance, when I suddenly recalled having overheard someone say that there was usually ample parking behind the building near the loading dock and just around the corner was a side entrance that the assembly line employees used. So I made my way around to the back of the building and found a small and sparsely populated parking lot. The info was indeed true. The employee entrance turned out to be just a third of the way down the side of the building making it a quick way to get into the building after parking. I made note to start parking there from then on.

Of course using a difference entrance would mean having to use a different, and longer, route to my cubical, one that would cause me to approach my cubical from the opposite direction, passing by document control. It was a quiet trip and my thoughts returned to Carla. I had intended to pay her a visit after dropping my stuff off in my cubical and continuing on towards marketing. But that plan ran into a snag, for as I turned into the aisle that passed document control, and my cubical just beyond, I ran headlong into a crowd of new clients being given a tour of the company. Even though the group's attention was directed at document control, the aisle was blocked and I would have to wait until they moved on before I could pass. As I waited for the upper management "tour guide" to finish his spiel, I spotted Carla coming from the opposite direction. I guessed that she was even more eager to learn how things faired with my Robert and was intending to pay me a visit before having to get down to the days tasks. I was able to move to the side of the aisle away from document control, covertly catch Carla's attention just as she reached my cubical, and silently mouthed "Thank you!" in an exaggerated manner. With a smug grin, Carla gave a quick, short, affirmative nod of her head, and then headed back the way she had come. I made a mental note to take her to lunch.

Lunch with Carla turned out to be a rather spirited event. It was a pleasure to talk with someone who was even more comfortable and open with her sexuality than I was. The down side to that was I related a little more of the nights pleasures with my Robert and the stimulator than I should have. My Robert would not be happy, that is, if he ever found out.

My conversation with Carla fanned the fires of my sexual desires and I became more aggressive and daring in love making sessions with my husband that followed. My Robert, in turn, was inspired to incorporate what he had learned in our session with the stimulator to his usual lovemaking with results we both thrilled in and mutually agreed to add to our repertoire. So it didn't come as much of a surprise when my husband soon consented to my bringing the stimulator into play once again. This time I introduced it at the beginning of our love making and proceeded to be more aggressive in our foreplay with some wrestling thrown in for good measure. The device did as advertised with the end result being as I had hoped for, that being, my Robert was one of those men who could have an internal orgasm. He was a bit unsettled by the experience, but quickly agreed to occasionally include its use in our love making. I was thrilled at that unexpected result and became even more anxious to move my Robert toward my goal, but decided it was best to give him a couple of weeks to become completely used to the stimulator before introducing a new way to use it on him.

On the night I had chosen, and while my Robert was engrossed in some ball game on TV, I snuck off to our bedroom to prepare the prostrate stimulator for its new use. The device was separated into its two pieces. The business end was attached to the handle and then lubed up. It was placed back in the drawer of my night stand. I then drew a warm, scented bath, where I would wait out the game.

It was some time before there was a soft knock on the bathroom door. It was my Robert inquiring how much longer I would be. It was show time. I pulled the plug in the tub as I got out. I quickly dried off with a large fluffy towel and then wrapped the towel around my body. As I came out of the bathroom, my husband made to slip past me and enter the bathroom. I reached out to caress his face as we passed lingering long enough to turn his head to watch me walk away. As my fingers left his face, I undid my towel and let it drop to the floor. I turned around and posed seductively before him in the nude. My Robert grinned at me with lust and then started to come for me, but I stopped him by reaching out with my left hand to his chest. With my right hand, I pinched my nose, and with a sour look and a slight push of my left hand, sent him off to the shower. I climbed into bed to wait for him.

My Robert showered in record time and soon came out of the bathroom, stark naked. I threw back the bed covers as he climbed onto the bed. Our session started off hot and heavy and didn't let up until I pulled the stimulator from its drawer. My Robert had a slight smile on his face, but that instantly change to a look of warning when he spotted the handle. I employed the same enticing talk and caressing I had used back before we were married, during his "sex education", to get him to try the more exotic sexual practices. When I thought I had calmed him down enough, I made my move. But my husband wasn't about to surrender without a fight and countered my move. I climbed on top of him, but he twisted, and with the aid of his forearm, tossed me off onto the bed. He then tried to climb on top of me, but I rolled away from him and off the bed. I quickly faced him and then jumped over him in an attempt to get behind him. He countered, forcing me to employ yet another tactic. Things quickly evolved into a full blown wrestling match and a rather fun one at that.

Soon I was laughing too much to continue wresting and then started feeling somewhat exhausted and frustrated from our play. I ended up next to him, sitting back on my legs, and staring down at him with a look of annoyance. My Robert just laid there on his back with his hands behind his head sporting a smug look of victory on his face. That ticked me off, and gave me needed energy to launch a new attack. This time my weapon of choice was tickling. My husband cried foul, but I kept it up until he finally surrendered to my wants. Of course by that time the stimulator, perhaps fearing grave personal injury, had fled the scene. After a frantic search, I found it trying to slip under my side of the bed. It was intercepted, cleaned, lubed up again, and finally put to work. I started to stimulate my Robert by gently moving it in a side to side motion. As it worked its magic on him, I switched to a back and forth motion that was greatly limited by the shape of the device. I ended up trying other ways of moving the device, seeing just how far I could take things before my Robert would complain. Surprisingly, he didn't complain, and was soon taken by an intense orgasm. The stimulator was put aside as we again resumed a more normal love making session.

In the morning, we talked about the latest use of the stimulator. My Robert did have a complaint or two, but they were more on how it was done not what was being done, which was totally unexpected considering that he could see it as an assault on his manhood. His acceptance and willingness to talk about it enabled me to get the right technique in another session, one that my Robert would come to enjoy and would agree to add to our ever increasing repertoire. After that concession, I figured that it shouldn't be much trouble to swap hand movements with hip movements, given the right circumstances.

During this period of exploration with the stimulator, Leigh was intentionally made absent as I didn't want my Robert to know that its use was really for my, and Leigh's, pleasure. With my open minded husband enjoying the different uses of the prostrate stimulator, it was time to bring Leigh back, and the best time to do just that was fast approaching in the form of my birthday, a day my Robert had already indicated that he would be willing to become Leigh on. While the prep work with my Robert was now looking complete, there was still some shopping to do for Leigh in order to replicate the way she looked at the frat party.

At that party, Leigh wore a silver, body hugging, polyester mini dress that had the look of lamé. A couple of days after the party, I spotted the very same dress in the window of a teen and young woman clothing store in the local mall. I bought it on an impulse, my reasoning at the time was, if I couldn't have Leigh, then I could at least have the look. For some reason, I never wore the dress, and as my interest changed to other things, it was folded up and put into storage. Who knew that having the dress would one day lead to having Leigh, of sorts?

Of course, the dress was only part of Leigh's look. Hair plays an important part in a woman's look, and Leigh had platinum blond hair, styled in a short bob. Finding a wig to match would take some doing. Also to be considered is makeup, and of course Leigh had chosen her makeup (and nail polish) to be in tune with her dress. Having nothing in my cosmetic inventory that was silver in color, I would have to pick that up as well. A mental recap of her look returned my thoughts to her clothes. She had shoes and stockings that matched her dress. Again I had nothing in my wardrobe that would be suitable; those too were added to my shopping list along with something else for my amusement.

Most of the shopping was done on the weekend before my birthday, which was conveniently on the following Friday. (That couldn't have worked out any better, even if I was writing some fictional story!) Each item was stashed away in a location near where it would come into play. While shopping occupied most of my free time, there were other things I had to do. One of which was to retrieve the silver dress I wanted Leigh to wear from storage, freshened it up and hang it in a secluded part of my closet.

Another equally important thing I needed to do, was to adapt one of the strapon harnesses for attaching the prostrate stimulator. I'm pretty good at making things since my Robert taught me how to use his tools, so it was no surprise that Saturday morning found me at Robert's workbench in the garage while he was off to the home center. The handle was made out of cast plastic, so I had no trouble cutting the flange off. Securing it to the front plate of the harness wasn't going to be as easy. From past experience in assembling plastic parts, I knew I would have to drill and tap the cutoff flange for four nylon flat head screws. I would also have to punch holes in the leather front plate of the harness to match the screw holes in the flange. Assembly would consist of threading the screws through the harness front plate from behind into the flange. A circular piece of felt would be cut out and glued to the inside of the harness to cover the screw heads. It didn't take as long as I had thought it would and I was soon holding the finished strapon. I felt pretty proud of myself, and thrilled at showing my Robert my handiwork. Of course, that would happen on some day after I had used it.

The final thing to do was to give an invitation to my birthday to someone in a rather roundabout way. It was put in the mail on Monday and it showed up in our mailbox on Tuesday. I managed to get home before my husband, so it fell to me to bring in the mail. I dropped it on the dining room table after sorting out my mail. My Robert arrived home soon afterwards, noticed the mail on the table, and started to look through it, stopping at an envelope addressed to him in my handwriting and scented with a hint of my special perfume. With a puzzled look on his face, he tore open the envelope. Inside, he found the invitation to my birthday party, but it was addressed to Leigh and it invited her for the weekend. The puzzled look was replaced by a smile and a knowing look.

"Oh hey, I've been meaning to tell you, I'm part of a team being sent out of town Friday morning on company business and won't be back until late Sunday night. Okay if you and I celebrate your birthday Thursday night?"

My Robert was, of course, lying through his teeth, and it was so sweet of him. He knew what I wanted and had come up with a way to give it to me while maintaining a separation between him and Leigh.

"Oh, that’s so disappointing for I have what promises to be a wondrous time planed. Isn't there some way you can get out of it? Or maybe postpone the trip?"

"I wish there was, but there isn't. It's just too important a trip. I really have to be there. Hey, I'm sure Leigh will be here. Besides, you could use a couple of 'girls only' days."

My loving Robert was being incredible wonderful, so much so, that I was beginning to feel guilty and a bit selfish. I decided to offer him a compromise.

"You know, maybe you can wrangle a way to return on Saturday."

"Sorry, but it's going to take every minute we can extract from the weekend, and I absolutely have to be there the entire time."

I through my arms up around his neck and kissed him hard. A better man, a woman could not have.

"I guess I'll have to settle for a weekend with Leigh. But save your strength as I will want you Sunday night … all night!"

"Oooo dirty girl, and I like it!"

With my Robert consenting to slip into the persona of Leigh, my old college desires, of a sort, were at long last, within my reach. There was one last element needed to complete my fantasy and that was the wig. As I figured, it was the only thing that was difficult to find. Oh there were plenty of platinum bobs to choose from, just not one that was short enough to match Leigh's cut. It looked like I would have to buy a normal length bob and then have it cut and reset. Fortunately, on Wednesday after work, while checking out any store in the mall that might have wigs, I spotted in the display window of a punk rock/heavy metal store, a mannequin dressed in the latest teen rocker look with the exact wig I needed. Hoping that wigs were part of their inventory, I entered the store in hunt mode and quickly spotted my quarry in a display behind the checkout counter. A close up examination showed that it was a perfect match. It even had a subtle silver sheen, just as Leigh's hair had, something she probably achieved by the use of a spray or powder and would be one less thing I needed to replicate. It was quickly purchased and I headed out the store in a triumphant mood as everything needed had been acquired with a day to spare. No time was wasted in leaving the mall, getting to my car, and heading for home. The wig was stashed in my half of the vanity cabinet in the master bath. With the last element of Leigh's look in my possession, I could finally relax and think about the pleasures to come.

Thursday morning was heralded by the alarm clock. But that was for my Robert's benefit as I was already up and getting dressed for work. We managed to leave the house together but parted with a kiss at the driveway. We each got into our respective car and headed off to our respective place of employment. My day at work went pretty much the same as most days. I had wanted to take off from work early, to get ready for an evening out with my Robert. He hadn't let me in on his plans except that it was to be a full evening that would last well into the night. I was eager to start the evening's activities and wanted to be ready when he got home. But a late assignment meant that I had to work to the end of the day.

I arrived home around my usual time to find that my Robert had not only beaten me home from work, but had apparently taken off early, for he was in the kitchen at the counter squeezing a plastic sandwich bag filled with some red goop into a square pink bakery box. It was easy to guess what he was doing and I tried to sneak into the kitchen for a peek, but my husband spotted me. He dropped the bag on the counter next to an open jar of strawberry jam with a spoon sticking out of it, and quickly moved to block my entering the kitchen. We playfully wrestled for a bit as I tried to get past him, before he suddenly seized my face with both hands. He kissed me hard and then spun me around and sent me packing with a hard swat to my butt. I acted shocked and then strutted off in a huff with my nose up in the air. My Robert laughed as he watched me walk away, and I made sure he had something to watch before I disappeared from sight, if you know what I mean. The wolf's howl that emanated from the kitchen let me know that I had achieved the desired effect.

Being banned from the kitchen didn't upset me at all, for I had intended to shower and dress for our evening out anyway. While in the shower, I thought about what to wear. There were several dresses in my wardrobe that my Robert really enjoyed seeing me dressed in, and I was debating myself over which one to wear, when a thought came to mind. This was my day and I should be dressing for my pleasure, not his. As I dwelled on that thought, a new devious plan began to form. I then knew which dress I was going to wear. I quickly finished up my shower.

After toweling off in the shower stall, I stepped out and moved to my half of the vanity. I applied makeup suitable for a night out and keyed to the dress I had chosen. Once satisfied with the way I looked, I left the bathroom and headed for my dresser in the master bedroom. The top drawer held my lingerie and from it, I selected a black bra and panty set. My dress was next and I moved to my closet to retrieve it. Out came the short, black, fit and flair dress I first tried to get my Robert to wear. I wanted to wear it not just because it was flimsy, flirty, and feminine as all get out, but for a new use and I wanted to make sure it was fresh in my Robert's mind when the time to spring it on him came.

My husband came into the bedroom just as I stepped into my dress. Being a gentleman, he deviated from his intended path to come stand behind me and zipped up my dress before continuing on to his closet to get a suit to wear for our evening out. He picked his black suit to match my dress. I finished getting dressed and then checked myself out in the full length mirror. In the mirror, right at the edge, I caught my Robert sneaking a peek at me as he changed clothes. His gaze was more on my dress than all of me. He must have sensed that I had spotted him, for he suddenly turned away and ducked into the bathroom, perhaps to comb his hair. He quickly came back into the bedroom looking very handsome. After picking up his wallet and keys, my Robert escorted me out of the bedroom, down the hall, through the living room, and out the front door. It was the start of a wonderful evening.

We first dined at a very posh restaurant in the more upscale part of the city. My Robert, always the Old World gentleman, made me feel like royalty, which was reinforced by the atmosphere of the restaurant and its formal attired staff. We elegantly dined on duck a l'orange, prepared to perfection, with all the trimmings. Dinner was followed by driving a few miles to a club for some dancing. The music played was an eclectic mix of ballroom and rock with some Latin thrown in. The variety added to the fun and made it a little difficult to choose needed rest breaks. But that was not the only effect caused by the variety of dance. My dress reacted quite differently with each style of dance. That was not wasted on my Robert as I noticed him taking in the movement of my dress with each dance.

It was quite late when we finally had our fill of dancing. We left the club and walked to where we had parked the car. My Robert opened the door for me as he usually did on our nights out. Today's woman considers that sexist, but I don't care. I love it and hope my man never changes with the times. Once we were both buckled in, we got underway, but instead of heading for home, we headed off in the direction of the mountains bordering the city. We drove up the scenic highway to the top of the ridge where we soon pulled off the road at a popular make out point that overlooked the city. It was a clear night and the city lights below, combined with the stars above, made for a very romantic moment. It wasn't long before we climbed into the back seat for some making out. Our passions quickly intensified and we ended up spending far more time at the make out point than my Robert had planed (and doing more than what was planed as well).
It was fast approaching midnight when the cops came a knockin' to roust everyone out. Fortunately our car had already stopped a rockin' and we were just finishing up making ourselves somewhat presentable. We climbed back into the front seats and headed off for home without further adventures.

It was late when we arrived home, and with both of us having to go to work in the morning, neither of us wanted to waste much time in hitting the sack. Still, we did concede enough time to eat a slice of cake. My Robert fetched it from the kitchen as I took a seat at the dining room table. He placed a couple of small plates, a couple of forks, and a long serrated knife on the table, and placed before me, a small round cake with white chocolate frosting (my favorite). Toasted sliced almonds were pressed onto the side of the cake. My Robert had written on the top of the cake, using strawberry jam, a very personal (and private) birthday message. I grinned at what was written, kissed my wonderful husband, and then cut and served the cake. We ate in silence as words were not needed. We just looked deeply into each other's eyes. Soon we headed off for bed, with my husband one pace behind me, and I swear that I could feel him staring at my lower backside. All in all, it was a most memorable birthday, and there was more to come.

Chapter 4

Morning came all too early. It was a struggle for both of us to get out of bed. If it had been any other weekday, getting ready for work would have been a real chore, but it was casual Friday for both of us, and we didn't have to be every-hair-in-place perfect. Breakfast was mostly liquid in the form of coffee. We both headed off to work and I managed to arrive without any adverse incidents. The day progressed normally up until lunch time. That’s when I was surprised in my cubical with a small birthday celebration thrown by my work friends. The rest of the day didn't present anything that was pressing, so I was able to leave a little early.

The traffic was light and didn't start to get heavy until I got off the freeway near home. I had to make a quick stop at the library to pick up a couple of movies for the weekend, but still, the probability of my getting home before my husband was almost a sure thing. That I could use as I wanted to time my laying things out for Leigh while my Robert was occupied someplace where he wouldn't see them before Leigh did. Nearing the house, I spotted his car in the driveway. He had beaten me home again, damn!

Upon entering the house, I looked around for my husband. There was no sign that he had been in the living room so my thoughts turned to him being in the kitchen the same as day before. There were no signs there, and the door to the garage at the far end of the kitchen was closed, so he probably wasn't in there either. If he was in the house, then he had to be in the master suite. I passed through the living room and down the hall. Upon entering the bedroom, I heard the sound of an electric shaver coming from the master bath. Luck was with me as that meant my Robert had just started prepping for Leigh's arrival and I could lay Leigh's outfit out on the bed. Quickly I moved on to my closet. But before I could open the doors, the sound of the shaver came to an end. Fortunately, it was quickly replaced with the sound of the shower. My husband never spent much time in the shower, which meant completely laying out Leigh's outfit before he was finished in the bathroom was going to be a close race. I hurriedly jerked open one of the bi-fold doors and pulled the silver mini dress out of its hiding place. I quickly turned toward the bed, bringing the dress up in front of me to place it on the bed. But the dress had a plan of its own. It reached out and grabbed my attention. My mind filled with a vision of the real Leigh in that dress. I smiled in anticipation of my love interest wearing it and slipped further into a daydream filled with speculation of the unknown pleasures that were to come. Fortunately, the sound of a bar of soap hitting the floor of the shower (accompanied by a little cursing) snapped me out of my daydreams. With care, the dress was laid out on the bed. Its hold on me was strong and I couldn't take my eyes off of it. But I still had things to layout and all I could do was move backwards towards my dresser.

Forcing myself to focus on the task at hand, I turned to my dresser and pulled open the top drawer. The first thing I retrieved was a pair of sheer silver stockings, followed by the special surprise for my Robert. I smiled with a most naughty pleasure at the thought of him having to put on a matched, silver, nylon bra and panty set. It was covered in delicate silver lace, the cutest little ribbon bows, and tiny glass jewels. The bra had A-size cups which I suspected that Leigh's bra had given her appearing to have little more than a flat chest. I had sewn some carved cushion foam into each cup to help keep the shape. My Robert was not going to be happy about having to stand before me, later that night, in such ultra feminine lingerie and I took pleasure in that thought. It was bad of me, I know, but hey it's my fantasy coming to life and I was going to live it to the max. These items were quickly laid on the bed to the left of the dress. The sound of my husband exiting the shower forced me to dash to my closet to fetch a pair of low heel silver pumps in his shoe size. These were placed on the bed, in passing, to the right of the dress. I sprinted on to the bathroom door and came to stand before it just as it opened. My Robert, wearing only a towel, was startled upon seeing me blocking the exit. I shooed him into backing up and taking a seat on the toilet (after he put the seat down). He knew what was coming and got comfortable as I got down to work.

The foundation makeup was applied same as the first time I worked on my Robert. The reshaping and highlighting went a lot faster; having learned what was needed to be done the first time, much to his relief. I stepped back to look over my work and grinned with delight, for Leigh was materializing before me. It was time for the fun part; the adding of the details that defined Leigh's look on that memorable party night.

I started with a heavy application of silver mascara followed by silver eye shadow to the upper eyelids. Moving on to the lips, I followed the same procedure as the first time by outlining the shape I wanted, this time using a dark gray pencil. Then I colored the lips within the lines using silver lipstick applied with a brush. A slight dusting of silver powder was brushed on to the cheek bones. I again stepped back to check my work with a critical eye. Leigh had nearly taken over. All that was left of my Robert above his shoulders was his hair cut. I grinned with delight with the anticipation of that disappearing.

I opened the door on my half of the vanity cabinet and took out the bag containing the wig. It was pulled out of the bag, which was waded up and dropped into the trash pail as I approached my husband. I came to stand at his side. He in turn, twisted his body away from me to make it easier to apply the wig from behind. I set the wig in place and then slipped back to my spot in front of the vanity with my husband turning to face me. I looked at how the wig sat on his head, made a few adjustments, and smiled with pleasure at the arrival of Leigh. There was only one last thing to be done before she could leave the bathroom and get dressed.

My vanity drawer was pulled open and I took out a package of long press on fingernails and a bottle of silver nail polish. The package was opened and the nails were carefully applied to the ends of Leigh's fingers. The nails were then given a coat of the silver nail polish. With Leigh's makeup done, I turned my attentions to my own makeup, quickly applying my usual night out look. Satisfied with the results I exited the bathroom, closing the door behind me, leaving Leigh to wait for her nails to dry before she could come into the bedroom, see what she would be wearing, and get dressed. I needed to get dressed as well. I changed into a gray pants suit and hurriedly got out of the bedroom just as Leigh started to open the bathroom door.

I busied myself in the living room as I waited for Leigh to make her entrance. Well, actually, it was pace back and forth for what seemed like hours. I was facing away from the hallway that led to the master suite when I heard a couple of knocks on the wall of the hallway. I turned to find a youthful looking Leigh standing there framed by the hallway entrance, holding with both hands, a small, square, pink, bakery box (something my Robert must have picked up the day before and had hidden it from me in the bedroom). I was stunned. I stood there and just stared in disbelief for once again, the person standing before me was no longer my Robert but was Leigh. Only this time, SHE was the perfect stand in for that stunning, sexy, free spirit young woman I had desired back in my college days. It was all there, right down to the look of a sexuality that wanted to be satisfied.

"Leigh, you're here! Come in, come in. I am so happy you could make it. And look at you. You look as fantastic as you did back in college."

Leigh came into the living room and I moved to meet her. She raised the box she was carrying up to me and opened it. Inside was a small round cake frosted in pink icing and decorated with sugar flowers in a large teardrop shape, curved to fit the round cake. In the small blank space that was left, "Happy Birthday Sharon" was written in a flowing script and accented with tiny candy flowers. It was very girly, and was the perfect mood setter for the evening. I was so taken by happiness that as I took the cake I leaned in and kissed Leigh full on the mouth. A strange thrill shot through me. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was the kind of thrill one got from doing something shocking or forbidden, for in my mind, I had just kissed a woman.

Now we had previously kissed (and more) back when I first made up my Robert as a woman. But even though my Robert wasn't visually in the picture, his presence was made known by way of action, mannerisms, and speech. This time was very different, for my husband had fully slipped into the persona of a woman. I also knew that this version of Leigh wasn't a real woman, but the illusion in look, dress, and action, was so realistic that the truth was pushed back into the dark recesses of my mind. With reality adequately suppressed, my thoughts turned to Leigh's reactions.

Leigh had turned her head partially to her left and was slightly looking downward. She had a shy look and was slightly biting her lower lip. She reached up with her right hand and ran her fingers over the top of her ear. She then glanced up at me without moving her head and gave a little flirt. I nearly lost it. I wanted her, and I wanted her right then, right there. I wanted to drop the cake, throw my arms around her, and kiss her deeply while aggressively caressing her lower backside with my hand. Then, as she surrendered to the building passion, reach down to grab the hem of her dress and pull… Well, needless to say, I didn't act on my desires, but I did file it away to be recalled at a future date with Leigh. Instead I grinned at Leigh, and then moved to the dining room table where I put the box. The sight of the cake staring up at me from the box triggered hunger pangs, a clear sign that it was time to order dinner.

I had been thinking about dinner for a good part of the day and had decided on Chinese takeout, something we could eat while watching a movie. After some small talk with Leigh about dinner, I excused myself to order it. The kitchen was the best place to order any meal as we kept menus of restaurants that specialized in home delivery in a cabinet drawer next to the wall phone. It didn't take long to find the menu of a top notch Chinese restaurant, give them a call, and place the order. With dinner taken care of, I returned to the living room for some girl talk as we waited for the delivery. As we talked, I treated Leigh as a real woman, helping her to gain the confidence that she could not only portray a woman in mannerisms, but that she actually appeared to be a woman. It went well, but I wanted to really drive it home and I had a naughty idea as to how.

My plan required that I would be "to busy" to answer the door when the delivery of our dinner came, so just before when I estimated that the delivery boy would come, I announced that I was going to make a couple of Singapore slings to go with our dinner. I headed off to the kitchen leaving Leigh to her own devices. The first thing I did in the kitchen was to fetch the stepladder from the utility closet next to the door to the garage. I set it up in front of an upper cabinet and then got to work assembling what was needed to make our drinks. My timing was near perfect as I had setup everything to make our drinks when the doorbell rang. Quickly, I climbed onto the step ladder and started to rummage around in the upper cabinet before calling out to Leigh.

"That must be dinner. I'm kind of tied up. Would you get that for me, Leigh?"

Leigh came rushing into the kitchen in a panic and in a hushed voice lodged her protest.

"What? Are you nuts? I can't have anyone see me like this!"

"Why? You look absolutely stunning. Go on, it'll be all right. You have nothing to be afraid of. The money is in my purse on the sofa. There's the doorbell again, he's getting impatient. Hurry up or we'll lose our dinner."

Leigh clearly looked fearful of exposing herself to others and she hesitantly headed back into the living room. Quietly, I came down off the stepladder and moved close to the kitchen entrance to spy on Leigh to see if she could really open the door while crossdressed. I carefully peered around the entrance frame to see her picking up my purse and head for the front door. She stopped to look through the peep hole before opening the door with a trembling hand.

"Hi … wow, um, got a delivery from Qing Dynasty. Ummm, here's the tab miss."

As Leigh focused her attention on opening my purse and digging around for my wallet, the delivery boy took the chance to finger comb his hair and straighten out his shirt a bit. She managed to extract the money with tip and handed it to the young man.

"Um, here you go … enjoy your dinner, miss. Oh um, if there's anything wrong, or you need something, anything, just give us a call, ask for me, Justin. I'll take care of it personally. Well, um, have a good evening."

Leigh closed the door and let out a big sigh with an accompanying slouch. She straightened up and headed for the coffee table. I quickly got back to making our drinks just before she came into the kitchen.

"See? I told you it would be all right, he didn't suspect a thing. In fact, I think he was kinda sweet on you. He even did a little primping when you weren’t looking."

"Stop that, it's not funny. Wait a minute, you saw what happened? You were spying on me. That means that you weren't busy at all, it was just a set up to embarrass me for your own amusement."

"No, never! It's not like that at all. I just wanted to prove to you that for all appearances, you are a woman. And I was ready to rush in and quell any suspicions to the contrary, but there weren’t any. Not even an inkling of one. He was totally taken in."

"Okay, so maybe he bought that I was a woman, but he did not have any interest in me."

"Hey, I've dealt with my share of delivery boys. Trust me; if you had thrown him a little flirt, he would have asked you out, and, he had sex on his mind."

"Oh come on, you expect me to believe that? Um, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you are a very desirable woman."

"Yeah right, you expect me to fall for that? What? You really think so? You're not just pulling my leg?"

"You've seen yourself in the mirror. What do YOU think?"

"I think that's a place I don't want to go."

"Why not? You just passed as a sexy woman."

"Passing with a hormone crazed teen boy, that's easy. Passing with a man, who has dated many a real woman? That's iffy at best. And there is no way I could fool a real woman."

"Yes you can, and I'll prove it. Tomorrow, I'll coach you on how to walk, and act, like any ordinary woman and then we'll go to the mall…"

"OH, HELL NO! There is NO way I'll ever go out in public like this. Forget that."

"Why? Just think of the fun you'd have fooling people, and even if you are found out, so what? Everyone will be astonished and many will refuse to believe it. Either way, it would be a new adventure for you and definitely out of your comfort zone."

Leigh shot me a look that said I had better drop the subject or my fun time with her would come to an abrupt end. She brushed past me with a rather unpleasant scowl, picked a couple of plates out of an upper cabinet and flatware out of a drawer. She then headed out of the kitchen in a huff. I let forth a laugh and a big grin. I was having the time of my life and there was much more to come. I soon followed her with our drinks in each hand.

Leigh arranged the plates and flatware on the coffee table. I put the drinks down and then retrieved one of the movies from where I had dropped them on the sofa. I set up the DVD player with the movie, turned on the TV and the stereo, grabbed the remote, and joined Leigh on the sofa. I picked up my drink, turned to Leigh, and raised my glass. She in turn did the same. We turned to each other and gently clinked glasses. As we each took a sip of our drinks, I pushed the play button. Soon the screen was displaying the movie's title: Thelma and Louise. Is there a better movie to kick off a girl's only night with?

I quickly got into the movie and loudly whooped and cheered Thelma and Louise on and occasionally raised my glass in a toast. Leigh soon joined me, and by the time we finished up our dinner, she was fully into a girl's night and doing a fair job of acting as a woman would. We sat back to enjoy the movie and give dinner a chance to digest although we did manage to cheer on the title characters from time to time.

It was toward the end of the move when I got up to get a knife from the kitchen, retrieve the cake, and bring it to the coffee table. Leigh parted the remains of our dinner and pushed it toward both ends of the coffee table. I set the box down in the cleared area as I sat down on the sofa. I used the knife to cut the box at all four corners so that the side walls could be folded down flat on the table, giving full access for cutting and serving the cake. But I was caught up in the less than sophisticated manner of the movie heroines and hacked into the cake, carving out chunks that I deposited on to the plates using the knife and my free hand. I picked up the plates and as I leaned back into the sofa, I handed one off to Leigh. She was about to lean forward to get her fork, when I grabbed the cake with my already cake soiled hand and started to stuff my face. Leigh followed suit albeit in a daintier manner. I loved it, for Leigh was not just copying me, she was being her own woman. The illusion was perfect, as was the timing, for I was ready to put my moves on her.

As the movie came to an end, I cleaned my hand with a couple napkins, picked up the remote, and turned off the DVD player. The remote was tossed onto the trashed covered coffee table. I turned to Leigh with a lustful grin. She knew what I wanted and eagerly assumed a receptive posture. Still under the influence of the move, I slid up against her, leaned across, and pressed my body into hers, pinning her against the back of the sofa. We kissed hard and long.

Our passion built quickly and it wasn't long before we reached a point where it was time to take things to the bedroom. Surprisingly, it was Leigh who got up from the sofa first. She bent down to take my hand and made a slight nod of her head towards the bedroom. That thrilled me to no end. I rose up off the sofa and let Leigh pull me to the hallway and on to the bedroom where I followed her inside. But unlike the movies of today, I shall leave the reader in the hall, and close the door until morning.

As I mentioned before, Leigh is private about our sex life, even more so than my Robert. However, there is one key moment I would like to relate, and hopefully Leigh won't find out that I have. When I produced the strapon harness and hollow dildo for Leigh to put on, she reacted surprised followed by becoming bashful. She put on the equipment and then showed it off with a grin and a little giggling. I smiled back at her, and then brought my strapon into view. The look on Leigh's face was priceless. She was hesitant, to say the least, but with some gentle persuasion from me, soon consented to give it a try. It was of course, a new experience for me, one that was very different from any other sexual practice I had engaged in. It wasn't the most thrilling thing I have experienced, but was good enough that I wanted to continue to explore it. The big question was; would Leigh want to be on the receiving end again? She didn't give any hints during our love making, so the answer would have to wait, hopefully, until morning.

Saturday morning started by us sleeping in as our passions had carried us well into the night. I wanted to talk about our love making but Leigh was evasive. I tried to press the issue, but she responded by getting out of bed, locating her panties, and heading for the bathroom. It wasn't long before I heard the sound of a shaver, followed by the shower. I busied myself by locating my panties and thinking up enough fun things to do to fill the day. She soon finished and emerged wearing nothing more than her panties, and with her wig on (but not perfectly so) and makeup in good enough condition (except around the mouth) to still define Leigh. I took her back into the bathroom to adjust her wig and change her makeup from night out to plain every day. It was a bit tricky trying to create a casual look while maintaining what defined Leigh in the first place. After all, I only had that one encounter with the real Leigh to work from. When finally satisfied with my efforts, I sent her back into the bedroom.

It was then my turn. I stripped off my makeup from the night before, put on a shower cap, and stepped into the shower. I soon emerged feeling refreshed and ready for the day's adventures to unfold. My normal day at home makeup was quickly applied. I came out of the bathroom to find Leigh dressed in one of my Robert's dress shirts. She had remembered what we had done during our first encounter and had repeated it all on her own. I loved it and followed suit. We added to the original experience by modeling the shirts for each other a bit before we headed for the kitchen for a light breakfast. It was over breakfast that I again tried to get Leigh to talk about our love making. She did, but not to the level I wanted.

With breakfast out of the way, it was time for both of us to get dressed, so it was back to the bedroom. I had given serious thought to dressing Leigh in a new outfit, but decided to do that later in the day. Instead, I had her put her silver dress back on, maintaining the scenario of her spending the night at her lover's home. As for me, I dressed in my usual weekend attire, that is to say, tight jeans and a pull over shirt. We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up the mess from the night before. Leigh did a lot of bending over at the waist to pick up trash and stuff from the coffee table and floor, usually with her tight little derrière pointed at me. It was obviously intentional, as if she was trying to get a rise out of me. Each time she did it, my mind became filled with the thought of her wearing the French maid's outfit my Robert had gotten for me to wear for his enjoyment. The irony of Leigh wearing it for my pleasure, perhaps in a similar scenario as I did for my Robert (with the same outcome courtesy of my strapon!) wasn't wasted on me. I filed those thoughts away for future exploration.

With the house back in order, my thoughts turned to the garden. It needed some watering here and there. I tried to get Leigh to help out, but she refused, fearing the neighbors might see her. She didn't seem to be nearly as terrified as when I coaxed her to answer the door with the delivery boy. A new idea for reinforcing any feelings she had about passing as a woman instantly formed. I told her that if she wouldn't help me outside, then she could occupy her time by ordering lunch for us. Of course, I made sure that I was still working outside when lunch was delivered.

I was working out of sight of the living room when I faintly heard the doorbell. Expecting Leigh to call out to me from the patio door off the living room or from a back window, I remained out of sight. But no call came. That was unexpected and I just had to find out what was happening. I quickly moved to a place where I could covertly look into the living room and see what was going on at the front door. To my surprise, Leigh was standing before an open door and a delivery man who was a little older than her. She was handing him the money from my purse. He handed her the bag containing our lunch and then said something that made Leigh shy away with a big smile. She dismissed him with a negative shake of her head and a wave of her hand. She closed the door and moved away with a smitten look on her face. I was dying to find out what had happened, so I came out of hiding and quickly made for the patio door. I entered the living room to find Leigh at the dining room table laying out rolls, containers, and paper wrapped cold cuts and cheese from a deli. My curiosity was too great to contain.

"So, how'd it go with the delivery guy?"

"It went okay, a little easier than the first time."

"So tell me about it."

"Not much to tell. I gave him the money and he gave me the bag. He didn't suspect a thing."

"That not all I saw. Come on girl, give!"

"What, you were spying on me … AGAIN?"

"Not spying. I just happen to be coming in from the garden and saw you at the door. So, what did he say that caused you shy away with a big smile?"

"It was, um, well, nothing really. He, um, just …"

"He made a pass at you! Oh do tell girl!"

"It wasn't a pass. He just said … Look, it's kinda embarrassing, and I'd rather not talk about it right now."

"Oh come on, we girls always talk about our conquests."

"You are reading far more into it than there really is. Besides, you had to be there to appreciate the subtleties of the moment."

"Oh you cow! I WILL get you for that one!"

Leigh just got on with setting up lunch on the table, sporting a suppressed grin and a smitten look. She was enjoying herself immensely. I resigned myself to not getting anything more out of her, but I would definitely remember it and would hold it over her the next time she would balk at some lesbian adventure I desired. We both assembled a sandwich from our choice of meats, cheeses, and condiments. I then preceded Leigh to the couch in the living room. Before sitting down, I pulled a stack of fashion magazines up from the lower shelf of the coffee table and plopped them down on top of the table. I wanted to get Leigh interested in fashion for a reason I would spring when my Robert returned home. Taking a magazine off the top, I sat sideways on the couch with my right elbow resting on the backrest while holding the sandwich with my right hand. I put the magazine on the seat cushion and started to leaf through it with my left hand. Leigh, all on her own, copied me but in a mirror image so that we would be facing each other. It wasn't long before I started to call Leigh's attention to some outfit, turning the magazine around for her to look at. I made comments about the outfit with the hopes of drawing a reaction from Leigh. It not only worked, but she started to call my attention to things she liked in the magazines she was looking through. I absolutely loved it, and it made for one of the most enjoyable lunches I have ever had. We would definitely be having more lunches like that one in the future.

Our talk got me back to thinking about changing Leigh's outfit, and with her mind focused on fashion and lunch at an end; it was the perfect time to engage in some dress up play. It was with little effort that I coaxed her back into the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, I opened the closet door that would give me access to the clothing that I no longer or seldom wore. I decided to get Leigh involved by presenting her with a couple of dresses and asking her which one she liked the most and, more importantly, why. She was reluctant to do as I wanted, so I started to make comments on each one just as I did with the outfits presented in the fashion magazines. It wasn't long before she started to voice her opinions. It was a while before she finally showed a definite preference for a color blocked sheath. It was your typical basic black sheath but with a red on white panel that covered the left shoulder and angled down and across the torso, tapering to a point down on the skirt. It was a definite attention getter, and an excellent start to defining a complete look for her. I removed the dress from its hanger and handed it to her.

"Here, try it on."

"What? Um, ah, no. I mean, it's pretty and I like it but I didn't mean that I wanted to wear it."

"Why not? It's going to look great on you. I really would like to see you in it. Come on, humor me, turn around and I'll unzip you."

Leigh slowly turned while sporting an uneasy look on her face. She tossed the sheath onto the bed as I pulled down the zipper of her dress. Still facing away from me, she slipped her dress off her shoulders and pushed it down her body. Holding onto the dress with one hand, she stepped out of it and laid it on the bed next to the sheath. She picked up the sheath, pulled down the back zipper, and held it down in front of her. Stepping in, she pulled it up part way, slipped her arms through the armholes, and then raised her arms up, bringing the dress up onto her shoulders. She reached around her back, took hold of the dress at the bottom of the zipper with her left hand, and pulled the zipper up with her right hand. When she had gotten the zipper two thirds closed, I took over and finished zipping her up. With some hesitation, Leigh turned back around to face me.

"Oh you look great, very modern and sophisticated. How's it feel? It looks to be a bit too tight for a sheath. I'd say that you might be a size larger than me. Well, that's not going to matter. You can still try on my clothes and see what looks good on you. Go check yourself out in the mirror."

Leigh didn't say a thing, but she did move to the mirror. It wasn't long before she started to copy the way I would turn and pose to check out how I looked after getting dressed. I absolutely loved it and decided to take things up a notch.

"Well, don't you agree that you look really good? That dress is YOU, girl."

"It looks pretty good. But …"

"Alright then, come on back to my vanity. With a change in your makeup, I'll show you just how stunning you look in that dress."

Surprisingly, and without any hesitation, Leigh followed me to the master bathroom. I wasted no time in removing some of her makeup, leaving most of the foundation, highlights, and shading, and in the process, gave Leigh some pointers in makeup removal, something she would need to know latter on. I then applied makeup around the face and eyes that complemented the dress, ending with a red lipstick that matched the red in the dress. As soon as I finished, Leigh turned to the mirror and stared. I didn't need to say a word. I just nodded my head in the direction of the bathroom door. She got the message and quickly moved past me, headed for my full length mirror. I followed at a more leisurely pace to find her at the mirror posing as before but with a bit more energy and sporting the makings of a smile. I whistled and uttered some words of admiration of her new look. That caused her to stop and turn to me in surprise which quickly turned into embarrassment. I laughed a little as I sat down on the bed to watch her explore the fit, feel, and look of her new outfit. When she seemed to tire of her play, I made for us to leave the bedroom and return to the living room.

We went back to looking through the fashion magazines. I found an outfit that I thought I could come close to replicating and showed it to Leigh. She wasn't too thrilled and countered with an outfit consisting of a black flared skirt and a black, sleeveless, peplum blouse. I had a similar blouse in my current wardrobe in gray (platinum, according to the maker), but I didn't have a flared skirt to match. What I did have, was a straight skirt in a gray that would be a close enough match to the blouse. I nodded my approval, got up off the couch, and motioned for Leigh to follow me to the bedroom.

Once again, we were standing in front of my closet. Leigh took off the dress she was wearing as I pulled the skirt and blouse from my closet. I showed the outfit to Leigh. She looked disappointedly at the skirt and then started to look into my closet. I had an idea of what she really wanted, well, what I hoped she wanted. The outfit in the magazine was very close in look to the little black fit and flare dress my Robert had first rejected and then couldn't take his eyes off of when I wore it on Thursday. Perhaps the outfit in the magazine was just a way for Leigh to ask if she could wear it without having to actually ask me and risk teasing for having already rejected wearing it. I decided not to find out if that was indeed the case at that time. Instead, I pulled out the only flared skirt I had, a white one, that when paired with the top, didn't come close to the look of the outfit in the magazine. I pulled it out of the closet and showed it to Leigh anyway, holding the gray top over it. She made a sour look and slightly shook her head in the negative. I was in agreement with her and laid the blouse and straight skirt on the bed. As I returned the white skirt to its place in my closet, Leigh got dressed. She took a moment to straighten and align the top and skirt before turning around to face me. It was a very sophisticated look. Even with her youthful looks, with that outfit she would fit in with many a corporate setting. It was then off to the bathroom for a change of makeup and then back to the living room to page through more fashion magazines. That quickly became the theme for the rest of the day up until dinner.

It was a lot fun that both of us enjoyed. Leigh even suggested outfits for me to wear, and I have to admit, she was spot on in picking things that I would look really good in. She has an eye for fashion and didn't hesitate to use it whenever we were at my closet. It wasn't long before she spotted where I had hung up the black fit and flare dress I wore Thursday night. Each time she changed outfits, she seemed to be hoping I would pull out that dress. Of course I didn't oblige her for I wanted to save that dress for another purpose that I would spring on Sunday afternoon. We ended our dress up play with Leigh wearing a white ruffle front, shirt with the ruffle edges trimmed in black. It was paired up with a full black skirt on which was vertical white paint like drippings. The outfit was a gift I had received but had never worn as it didn't fit my personality and open sexual look. On Leigh, it was a very youthful and cute look and fit her to a tee. I found her even more desirable then when she wore her silver dress. I wondered if I could curb my lust long enough for us to have dinner, for which it was time.

It was decided that we would make our dinner, something quick and easy. We stood at the counter looking through cookbooks and recipes, with each of us pointing out the pluses countered by the calories and fat. It was a typical discussion held by women across the country. It was magical.

We eventually agreed on flattened, boneless and skinless chicken breasts in a saffron cream sauce, sliced and served over linguine. It would be a nice balance of healthy chicken and decadent heavy cream. Diced zucchini, sautéed in butter and fresh thyme, and steamed with white wine and lemon juice, would be the perfect side dish. I took on the chicken and Leigh handled the linguine and the zucchini. Both dishes were quickly prepared and we were soon enjoying dinner at the dining room table. We talked about the events of the day, or at least I tried to as Leigh was still being a little evasive.

After dinner, we washed and dried the dishes before we retired to the living room to watch the second movie I had brought home. I soon had it up and running and the TV screen filled with the title of a classic movie; Casablanca. We watched it while eating our choice of two leftover birthday cakes and this time, with forks. We didn't talk much during the movie. For the most part, we snuggled up together and engaged in some casual caressing, but not enough to stir our passions.

When the movie ended, I had hoped that Leigh would again seize the initiative and lead me to the bedroom, but it was not to be. She seemed to be quite content to having sex on the couch, no doubt hoping to deny me access to my strapon. That was not going to happen; besides, I had something else in mind for us to try. I got up off the couch and with some "persuasion", along with telling her that she needed a shower, got her up off the couch and headed for the bathroom.

It was in the bathroom where I wanted our passions to grow. I had pushed Leigh ahead of me into the bathroom. She thought I was going to leave her to get a shower and started to undress. I surprised her by getting undressed also. She quickly got turned on and needless to say, we ended up showering together. And all I'm going to say about that is that it was a very erotic experience what with the washing of each other, the sex foreplay, and drying each other off. We were ready for some more intense sex but we both needed to freshen up first. Leigh also needed to address her facial hair curse, poor girl. Eventually we rejoined in the bedroom and got into bed. Our love making followed along the lines of the night before with a few new things added in.

A beautiful Sunday morning came streaming in through the bedroom windows enticing us to rise. I dressed similar to what I wore the day before. Leigh wore her silver dress, the same as the morning before. Breakfast was next on the agenda and would be along the lines of the previous one. What was different was I wanted to take it outdoors where we could take in the morning for all its worth. As expected, Leigh was not in favor of the idea.

"Oh no, no. I can't go outside, it's just too risky."

"Too risky for what?"

"What do you think? There is too big of a chance that the neighbors will spot me."

"So what if they do? They won't know who you are, and if they ask, then I will tell them that you are an old college friend. Don't worry about it, they won't know any different."

"You think not? I think different. For one thing, how did your old college friend suddenly appear in your house? Her car is not out front, but your husband's car is. Where is he? Need I go on?"

"None of that matters. Our neighbors to the right can't see the patio because their view is blocked by the house. Our Neighbors on the left sleep in on Sunday and even if they don't, they still can't see anything as there is a wall between us and there is a lattice from the top of the wall to the patio roof with a vine growing on it. And as for our neighbors to the rear, there's the wall and enough bushes on their side to prevent them from coming to the wall and looking over. So you see, you are quite safe."

"Yeah, um, still, I really would rather not."

"Come on. Add a little vulnerability to your adventure."

"This 'adventure', as you put it, has had enough thrills and worries already. I'll settle for breakfast here at the dining room table. It's as close to the patio as I'm willing to get at this point."

"Okay, you win this time. But I will coax you into having breakfast on the patio someday. And after that, why, lunch in the garden. Oh, and we would just have to be wearing sundresses, and, and with full petticoats, and big hats with broad brims, and …"

At that point, I broke out into laughter for the look on Leigh's face was priceless. She had unquestionably had her fill of my teasing and was clearly on the verge of "going home". Not wanting to give her the chance to do that, I suddenly reached up and clamped my hands to both sides of her head, pulled her to me, and kissed her hard on the mouth. She resisted and tried to push us apart, but was unable to break free. As I continued the kiss, she eventually signaled her surrender by moving her hands down to my waist and kissing me back. With her ruffled feathers smooth back into place, I broke off the kiss.

"Tell ya what girl, how 'bout meeting me half way. Help me move the dining table to in front of the patio doors so we can still enjoy the morning without having to be outside."

"No more of this going outside talk?"

"All done … for now."

"Alright, I'll agree to move the table, as long as I can sit so that the neighbors on the left can't see me."


We moved the table to be in front of the sliding glass doors that opened onto the patio. Together we went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of us. Everything needed was brought to the table and laid out. Leigh took the chair at the left end of the table; her back was even with the far left side of the patio door. She was visibly nervous about being on display, even though no one could casually see her. I thought it best to divert her mind by once again trying to get her to talk about the night's activities. She did, up to a point, and that point was of course, the use of the strapon. It was clear that I wasn't going to get the feedback I wanted from Leigh. Perhaps my Robert would be more obliging. While our talk wasn't long, it did take us through finishing our meal and into the clean up. I left Leigh to drying the last of the dishes and headed into the living room in a frisky mood.

I put some '80's rock and roll on the stereo and started to dance by myself. Leigh finished up in the kitchen and came to join me. She watched me for a little while before the music took control of her and she started to dance with me. Of course, with her wearing a dress and me wearing pants, I took the male part. Leigh didn't make any protests and quickly got fully immersed in her roll. That turned me on and I seized every chance between dances to engage her in some light making out. She teased me by resisting my advances, but would suddenly turn and kiss me, and then just as suddenly, break it off and played keep away until we started dancing again. It was frustrating and made me want her all the more. We kept it up well into the lunch hour.

Lunch was just leftovers from the previous night's dinner, enjoyed at the kitchen table. There wasn't much to cleanup, and we were again back in the living room taking a seat on the couch. I picked up the remote, turned on the TV, and brought up a screen menu of what was on. There wasn't much of interest and I finally settled on women's tennis. We settled back to watch, when I was suddenly hit with an idea. I jumped up off the couch and hurried toward the hall leading to the master bedroom, leaving Leigh to stare at my backside in bewilderment. I tore open the doors of my bedroom closet and pulled out a skimpy white tennis dress with a pleated skirt. I quickly changed into it. I then pulled out a second tennis dress that had a flared skirt. I headed back to the living room, hiding the second dress behind me. Stopping where the hall opened to the living room, I waited for Leigh to notice me. She quickly looked in my direction. I let her look me over before I brought the second tennis dress out from behind me.

Leigh looked at the dress in surprise, which quickly turned into indecision. She seemed to be hesitant about changing into the dress, perhaps fearing I might once again try to lure her outdoors, this time for some tennis on the lawn. On the other hand, she wanted to please me seeing as how this was my special birthday weekend. I decided to add a little pressure by sashaying towards her, holding the dress to the side of me and moving it in a hopefully enticing manner. Just as I came to the couch and coffee table, Leigh jumped up towards me, grabbed the dress and darted past me headed for the hallway. It was mere minutes before she came back into the living room wearing the tennis dress with a pleased look on her face.

Instead of going back to sitting on the couch and watching the game, I moved over to one side of the living room in front of the TV and took a stance that said I was ready to receive a serve. Leigh caught on and quickly took a position on the opposite side of the living room. We engaged in an air tennis game in sync with the one on TV. It was a blast, as well as a heck of a workout. At the end of the match, Leigh headed back for the bedroom leaving me to wonder. She soon reemerged dressed in her silver dress. She joined me on the couch and initiated a make out session. It was, of course, very enjoyable, but didn't last as long as I would have liked, for as the afternoon came to an end, she pulled back from me. She gave me a sigh with a sad smile, and then as she leaned in to kiss me, she rose up off the couch. I tried to maintain the kiss as she backed away. The kiss was broken and I slumped back down on the couch. I watched Leigh slightly wave goodbye and walk towards the hallway. At the hall, she turned to face me. She brought her right hand up to her face and touched two fingers to her lips. She gently flicked me a kiss and then disappeared down the hall. Leigh was gone.

Chapter 5

It was the better part of an hour before a figure appeared at the hallway entrance and paused. It was My Robert. He had returned home from his "trip" and was wearing his best suit, something he did whenever he had going out to dinner on his mind.

"Hi, I'm back from my trip. Ah, I see you're alone, so I guess I missed Leigh."

"I think you mean that you miss Leigh."

"Yeah, well … Wait, what? No, that's not what I said. I mean …"

"Forget it! You slipped up and I've gotcha. You can't deny it now! You DO enjoy being Leigh!"

"I wouldn't say 'enjoy'. It's more like I'm intrigued and fascinated. I mean, it's just makeup and a wig, and yet the result is such a radical change. Even I see a woman looking back at me in the mirror. And then add in dressing the part and I find that I can't help but try to act the part, and that's a bit unsettling. I have never had any desire to become a woman, but it's like there's something deep inside me that wants to explore that world and I don't know why."

"Hey, it's alright. I love it."

"You do? Wait, given what has happened the last couple of nights in bed, perhaps you would rather prefer it if I was a woman."

"NO, of course not! Look, you are the best man I have ever slept with, or ever will, and don't give me that training stuff for you have exceeded your training in so many ways. I love the man you have become, both in and out of bed, and I have NO desire to change that … just add to it."

"Add to it, as in a lesbian encounter, for which I need to look, dress, and act as a woman."

"Yes, but there is more to it. I absolutely enjoy transforming you, temporarily, into a woman."

"And then there's the sex for which I have to be on the receiving end as a woman would, with you performing as a man would. That's disturbing."

"Why? You didn't complain about my using the stimulator attached to the handle on you. You even agreed to add its use to our sex repertoire."

"I like the results of using the stimulator with the technique you employed at that time. It's the way you used it the last two nights to achieve similar results that I'm having a problem with."

"Hey, that's just part of a lesbian encounter. It's not much different from my using the stimulator attached to the handle. I'm just trading hand motion with hip motion."

"That's just it. There is a huge psychological difference as well as a physical contact difference in the two methods."

"But I'm only using it as a strapon with Leigh as that's in keeping with lesbian sex. And don't forget, you have your own strapon and you sure seemed to enjoy using it on me. Look, just fully immerse yourself in being a woman and enjoy its use even more than you do as a man."

"That's asking a lot. Can you just use it with the handle from now on?"

"Well, um, that's no longer an option."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'll have to show you. Can you come with me for a couple of minutes?"

I took hold of my Roberts hand and led him back into our bedroom. I let go of him as we reached my side of the bed. The strapon was fetched from the drawer in my nightstand. I turned to my husband and handed it up to him to examine.

"Ah, the nefarious instrument of my discomfort. I'm getting uneasy just handling it. Alright, let's see, ah, this here must be part of the handle."

"It WAS part. I cut it off and attached it to the harness."

"You made this? I'm impressed. You did a nice clean job of it too. Hey, you know we can reattach this part back to the handle by drilling a hole through the center of it and threading a countersunk screw into the center of what's left of the handle."

"I threw that part away. Besides, I prefer using the stimulator this way."

"As I said, I'm having problems with that, and given our agreement to add its use to our sex life…"

"And we still can for I do have the part it was originally attached to ... see? So you can continue to enjoy its effects during foreplay and intercourse when either of us wishes."

"Not quite, for you are not only denying me a method of use that I do somewhat like, but you have modified it making that method only available to Leigh in a manner I somewhat don't like."

"Modified yes, denied no. I can use the strapon on you anytime you want."

"That carries its own set of psychological problems. I much prefer the use of the stimulator as a strapon when I'm Leigh."

"Wait, what was that? You just said WHEN you're Leigh! Intriguing my eye! You do ENJOY being Leigh! Admit it. Come on, admit it."

"Okay yeah, I guess I do get some enjoyment in slipping into the character of a young woman. But hey, I really do find it intriguing and fascinating, especially what you did Saturday in changing Leigh's look with clothes and makeup. So yeah, I wouldn't mind becoming Leigh, occasionally."

"I would like you to be Leigh every weekend."

"Oh, well, I can't do it every weekend. Saturdays and Sundays are the only days I have to maintain the house and yard."

"But that rarely takes you beyond late afternoon. After you finish for the day, you can strip off your dirty clothes, shower, shave, and slip into Leigh for the rest of the day … and night."

"Yeah, um, I guess we can try that and see how it goes."

I couldn't believe it. My wonderful, loving, Robert had just consented to being my weekend lesbian lover! He truly is one of the really good ones, and he's all, MINE!"

"You know, now that Leigh is going to be a regular around here, she is going to need a wardrobe of her own."

"Can't she just share your things?"

"There are a few things I no longer wear because they are out of style or I no longer favor, like most of the things Leigh wore this weekend. That will suffice for a while. But I really don’t want her to wear the same clothes I currently wear. It's a girl thing. Besides, she really needs clothes that reflect HER style and personality, and that means she and I need to go shopping."

"So you want me to go clothes shopping with you and give you my opinion since I'm the one who will end up wearing what you will be buying."

"No no, I said SHE and I need to go shopping."

"WHAT? Are you saying that you want me to go out in public made up and dressed as a woman?"

"Of course. Just because you find something that you like doesn't mean it will look good on Leigh. She will have to try it on in the stores changing room. Besides, it's part of the girl experience."

"Try it on, in public? You're going way too far with this transformation thing. Besides, what I'm willing to do in private is one thing (and all of this is strictly between you and me), taking things public, not going to happen."

"What are you afraid of? You have already passed as a woman in appearance with a young man and a man your own age, who I still say made a pass at you. And, as I have already said, I will coach you on how to walk, and act, like any ordinary woman, and I'm sure we can find a video on the internet describing how you can alter your voice so as to sound like a woman. Hey, trust me when I say that for the last couple of days, you were more than convincing, you were a woman. In fact, I'm willing to bet that you even thought you were a woman. How about it? And be honest."

My Robert gazed slightly downward and let out a big sigh.

"Yeah, there were several moments when I found myself really wrapped up in the character to the point where I momentarily forgot which gender I really was."

I reached out to lift his chin with my fingers. I looked deeply into his eyes with a reassuring smile.

"You will be more than convincing. No one will have any suspicions that you are not as you seem to be, what so ever."

"Given what has happened this weekend, I have little doubt that you can pull off what you say you can. But still, to bring myself to actually go out in public…"

"You not only can, you will WANT to!"

"THAT, I find hard to swallow."

"Why? It's only natural. Think about it, you will look, sound, talk, move, and act as a woman, you will feel like a woman and will want to prove it, first with me and delivery boys. But as your confidence grows, you will want to prove it to others."

"Um, wow, that's kind of scary and disturbing. I'm thinking … maybe you should be happy with what you got this weekend. And I'm okay with doing this on your birthday from now on."

"Just think of the new dimensions going out in public will bring to our lesbian encounters. Look, many an adventure starts out appearing to be scary, but turns out to be wondrous. One cannot tell by looking at it, only by experiencing it."

"True enough, but it's really a lot to be asking of me for now."

"When you are ready we will go far enough away from here that there will be no chance of running into any one we know."

"I would insist on that."

"So it's agreed then, you will someday soon go shopping with me as Leigh."

"Maybe, it's nothing definite yet."

"At least you're open to it and that's all I've ever asked of you. So until then, Leigh is going to have to make do with my old clothes. Although, there is one thing I would like to give her as a gift. Something to start off her new wardrobe that I think would be perfect for her."

I moved over to my closet and opened up one of the bi-fold doors. I quickly located, and pulled out the little black, frilly, fit and flare dress. I held the dress up by the hanger with my right hand and spread the skirt out with my left.

"Do you think Leigh will like this dress?"

My Robert stared at the dress in surprise, which quickly changed to one of excitement. He tried in vain to suppress it and invoke a neutral air. He couldn't and gave up with a sigh. Together, we both smiled in anticipation of Leigh wearing it. From then on, on most weekends, my Robert was Leigh for my pleasure, and I would always show my gratitude in bed during the week when my Robert, was my husband. I will leave further adventures with Leigh to the dreams and desires of the reader.

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