A Maid For The Mob

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I have not posted a story for over 4 months. I have had a lot going on in my life and have not had the time. This idea popped into my head a few days back. It is a forced fem story, If that upsets you please don't read, It is just a story.

"Fifi! Come to the study now".

I hear my mistress calling and carefully negotiate the stairs. The carpet is thick and luxurious my 4-inch heels are not easy to walk in, even after all these months. As I descend the stairs, I feel the air lifting my petticoats with each step. The lace tickles my thighs above my stocking tops.
The petticoats fluff out the skirt on my black silk maids dress. This is made worse by the ultra-frilly underwear my mistress insists I wear. They are lavished with frilly lace, the sort of thing tennis players used to wear in the 1970's.

I catch a glimpse of myself as I pass a mirror on the second floor. I still can't believe that the woman, the maid hurrying past the mirror is me. My mind wanders back to how this started over 6 months ago.

My name was Tony then, I was spending well deserved holiday travelling around Italy. I met Luna in a bar while on Sicily. She was beautiful but sad. I managed to make her laugh and she loved my English accent. I decided to spend my remaining month on the Island. We spent most of that month in my hotel room making love. She never seemed to want to go outside with me. I thought this was odd, but what hot-blooded guy would turn down spending a few hours each day with a Latin beauty?

A few days before I was due to go back home she came to my room crying.

"Tony, I'm pregnant."

I was stunned. I just assumed she would be on the pill. I didn't know what to say. As I stood there thinking of a way out of this situation the door was kicked in and several burly men carrying guns. I froze. Luna screamed and spoke to the men in Italian. One held her, while another pushed a gun in my face and forced me to my knees. Then everything went white as he pistol-whipped me.

I woke with the worse headache of my life. I was hogtied on the floor of a large, lavishly decorated office. A large, angry-looking man. Luna was there weeping.

"Papà please."

"Shut up Luna. You have done enough."

He saw I was awake and directed his anger to me.

"Do you know what you've done? Do you know who I am?"

I was terrified. "No sir, please let me go."

"I am Enzo Barone. I am the head of the Cosa Nostra on this island. You have impregnated my daughter, YOU HAVE RUINED HER!"

He lifted my head and punched me in the face. Luna fought to drag him off of me while he rained down blows on my defenseless body.

"I was going to marry her to the son of another family. Now what will I do, HUH?"

I nearly wet myself as he pulled a pistol from his desk drawer. I knew I was going to die. Then Luna saved me.

"Papa, if you kill him I won't have this baby."

"Why should I care? Stay out this this bambina."

"Papa, it may be a son. A boy to take over from you. Don't you want that?"

I saw him lower the gun, and then look at me in disgust.

"Ok, He won't die. But he must be punished. I will discuss this with your mother,"

He raised the pistol, and for the second time that day I was pistol-whipped.

I awoke in a soft bed. I could hear the birds singing outside. My face felt like I had been hit by a truck. I gradually came to my senses. There was something wrong. I was on a drip. Something was on my chest. I lifted the cotton sheet and screamed, I had tits. They were right there on my chest under a loose hospital gown.

A woman came into the room that I had never met. She looked like Luna, but twice her age.

"Good, you're awake. I see that you've discovered some of the modifications we have had done/"

"You crazy bitch, I'll fucking kill..... " I stopped talking. My voice it was dry and croaky, but it was high-pitched, like a womans voice.

She laughed and said.

"You've noticed your voice now. This is fun. There's more too"

My heart was pounding. I sat up as best as I could. I was so weak. My arms looked thin. How long had I been out? I sat up and saw a catheter coming from between my legs. I lifted the gown and screamed even louder than before. There was nothing there. I was smooth down there, They had taken my manhood.

The woman laughed so much she was almost in tears.

"Oh, this is so funny. I'm sure Enzo will enjoy seeing the CCTV recording. But I'll put you out of your misery. You still have your, what is it you Engish say, meat and two veg? Or is it family jewels?. They are sewn back between your legs. You have done enough damage with them. We are keeping them where they can do no further harm."

What had happened and where I was came back to me.

"Please, please let me go. You have punished me enough haven't you?"

I thought of how I would have to go home and explain this to a doctor and get it reversed.

She gave me a cold smile

"No. Your punishment will last your lifetime. You will be a living reminder to anyone who crosses my husband. This is what's going to happen. You will be a servant here, a female servant. You are allowed three strikes. If you try to contact the outside world or try to escape we will remove your balls. If you try a second time, you will lose your cock. A third, and you end up in the bay feeding the fish. Listen. My name is Maria. I am Luna's mother. From now on you call me mistress. Do you understand?"

I gulped. Tears filled my eyes and I said.

"Yes, mistress."

That was over 6 months ago. They had shaved my head and permanently removed my hair. I wear wigs now, which are glued on for a month or so at a time. I'm blond today but have been ginger, brunette, even pink. I have makeup tattooed on my face and they had done some reshaping on my face. My nose is smaller and cute. They reduced my brow ridge. I passed as a woman easily.

I was trapped. Enzo practically owned this island. Realistically, I knew there was no escape, but I was still a man. I could go back to what I was. I still had hope. The problem was if I tried and failed I would not have that option. The hormones that they made me take every day had me feeling so weak though. They had changed my body and my mind. I often cried myself to sleep. The mansion was like a fortress. It had high walls and was heavily guarded. Enzo had enemies.

I knocked on the door of the study.


"You called mistress?"

"Yes. Luca wants to see you in the garage. After he has finished with you" She paused and smirked. She knew as well as I did what Luca wanted and what he was going to do to me.

"After he has finished with you, make me some coffee and join me in here. I have something to discuss with you."

I slowly made my way down to the garage. Luca was Enzo's driver. He was a overweight, often smelly 50-year-old bi-sexual man. He had recently saved Enzo's life by putting himself and the car between Enzo and a would-be assassin. Luca had asked for me as a reward. This would be the third such "reward".

My heels clicked on the tiled floor as I walked to the rear entrance of the mansion. I could feel my stockings brushing against each other. I could smell my perfume. I knew how sexy I looked. I felt so feminine. I knew soon that Luca would be making me feel even more feminine,

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Good warnings but I read it anyway

Forced stories are always a challenge, this one is no different. Calling her Fifi made me reflect to Jenny North's Uncle Fifi stories. But this is definitely more descriptive as well as vindictive. She may as well forget going back, this is life now.

>>> Kay