It's Just a Date


It's Just a Date
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2023 Melanie Brown



“Is this everyone?” I asked as Stacy climbed into my car’s backseat.

Hailey rolled her eyes at me. “Yes. It’s just the three of us. If my car wasn’t broken, I wouldn’t have even asked you.”

Allison laughed. “You’re the only boy I know who complains about a car full of girls.”

I shrugged as I backed out of the driveway at Stacy’s house. “I’m not complaining. I just wanted to make sure I had room for everyone.”

“Well, you won’t have to worry about taking me back home.” Hailey announced. “Doug is picking me up at the strip mall for lunch. He’ll take me home.” Most people at school only know Doug as Crusher. Of course he’s on the football team.

Stacy leaned forward and said, “You won’t have to worry about me either. Noah’s picking me up as well.” Noah, who is also a football player also is known as Wild Dog.

I laughed. “So Allison is the only one I’ll have to take back home? What’s wrong with Dooooo Waaaain that he can’t pick you up?” While on the short side, Duane is on the football team.

Allison poked the back of my head. “You don’t have to say his name like that. It’s just Duane. He’s out of town with his parents until Sunday.”

It was a really nice Wednesday morning. We were all enjoying our last summer before our senior year. Only one more year of school. I think all of us were ready for it to end.

Stacy asked, “You’re going to hang out with us, aren’t you Stevie?”

I frowned. “Well, I’m not going to just sit in the car until you guys are done. I do have to take Allison home. I was thinking of getting a haircut today."

Allison exclaimed, “You are not! Your hair is gorgeous!”

Hailey nodded. “I wish I had your hair.”

With one hand, I fluffed out my hair. “Look at this! I look like I’m one of you. It’s bad enough I’m skinny and short.”

“And what’s wrong with looking like you’re one of us?” asked Hailey.

I frowned. “You know! I get mistaken for a girl a lot. It’s embarrassing.”

Allison frowned as well. “So are girls inferior?”

As I drove my car into a parking space at the strip mall I exclaimed, “No! Of course not. That’s not what I mean.” I turned the ignition off.

Hailey folded her arms. “And what do you mean?”

I shook my head. “Nothing. I mean nothing.” This is an argument I can never seem to win. My three best friends are the three girls in my car. We hang out together a lot, especially in school. I admit I’m not the most masculine guy around and it’s not like I wear girl clothes or make-up or anything like that. But our little group of friends is always referred to at school as ‘Those four girls.’ The girls coach before school ended for the summer, tried to encourage all four of us to try out for cheerleader. And Stacy actually put all four of us in for the tryouts later this summer. Makes sense for Stacy and even Hailey as their boyfriends are on the football team. But me?

Everyone started to split up after we got out of my car. I frowned. Not more than ten seconds ago I was asked to hang with them and then they separate ways. So I picked one and follow Hailey into the earring store.

Hailey grinned at me. “You gonna get some earrings?”

Shrugging, I said, “I’m just following you.” She chuckled.

I just stood there while Hailey pulled some earrings off the rack, looked at them and then returned them to the rack. One pair of earrings she held up to me and said, “You should get these. I think they’d look cute on you.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.’

Looking at me curiously, she asked, “Your ears are pierced, right?”

I sighed. “You forced me to, right in this very store just a couple of months ago.”

Hailey giggled. “Oooh. I forced you to get your ears pierced! Don’t say that too loud.” The girl behind the counter grinned at me. She was the one that did the deed.

I opened the store’s door. “I think I’ll just wait out here.”

Hailey shook her head. “I’m just teasing!”

I stepped away as the door closed behind me. It was too nice if a day to spend it in a store. I looked around for the other girls and had no idea where they went. Doesn’t matter. The only one I needed to worry about was Allison. Unless she hitches a ride with someone else and not tell me. That’s happened twice before.

As I wandered, I started to walk past the Warhammer store. No point going in as I can’t afford anything in there. One of our school’s finest, a football player who I don’t know personally, was browsing. I had no idea he was into Warhammer stuff. I don’t know his name, and though he scares the hell out of everyone, he’s actually a decent sort.

And Zane’s in there too along with one of his buddies. They’re such jerks. I think Zane has annoyed every girl at school. I hope they’re both gone by the time my friends get done with their shopping. I had no idea where the girls were, but it was getting close to lunch time. So I walked over towards Taco Bueno and wait for them to show up.

I looked in the window of Taco Bueno to see if Hailey and any of the others were already inside. They weren’t. But smelling the delicate fragrances emanating from the restaurant was making me hungry.

I turned around and almost bumped into Zane and his buddy nicknamed Booger. I really don’t want to know why.

Zane grinned at me. “Are you lost, honey?”

Booger grinned as well. “She must be. You never see those four girls alone.” I need new friends. Everyone just assumes I’m a girl because of who I hang out with. I should hang out with some manly men. Or, on second thought, that could be worse for me.

Pointing at his friend, Zane said, “Why don’t you join me and the Booger-man here for lunch? My treat.”

Booger laughed. He really shouldn’t do that. “Yeah, babe. Two for the price of one.”

I forced a smile and said, “Thank you for inviting me, but I’m waiting for someone.” And Allison is taking her sweet damn time in getting here.

Zane smiled a toothy grin. “Wait no more, babe. We’re here!”

Behind Zane, the football player exited the Warhammer store and looked in our direction. I must have looked uncomfortable since he frowned and walked towards us.

While still behind Zane, the football player who I wished I could remember his name, shouted, “Hey babe! Sorry I took so long.” He stepped up right beside me and wrapped his massive arm around my skinny waist. “Are you ready for lunch?”

I put my arm around him. Well as much of it I could reach. I smiled and said, “I sure am!” It looks like he thinks I’m a girl too. But I wasn’t worried about him.

Giving a fierce look at Zane, the football player said, “Can I help you gentlemen with something?”

Blood draining from his face, Zane simply said, “Ah…uh, no sir. Let’s go, Boogs.”

As he started to follow Zane, Booger said, “Have a nice lunch, sir.”

I heaved a sigh of relief and didn’t realize I was resting my head on his chest. “Thank you!”

He looked down at me and grinned. “My pleasure.” He kept his arm around me.

“Clarence!” I heard Allison shout as she rounded a corner. She hurried up to us. Ah yes. Clarence, more famously at school known as “The Wall.”

Putting his other arm around Allison, she flashed me a goofy smile and said, “I see you’ve met Stevie.” He kept his arm around me.

Looking down at me and grinning, The Wall said, “Stevie is a cute name. Is that short for Stephanie?”

I tried to wriggle free, but he had quite a hold on me. I said, “Well actually…”

“Hey Wallster!” came a shout from the parking lot. I looked over and it was Crusher from the football team and Hailey’s new squeeze.

Clarence let go of Allison to fist bump Crusher as he said, “Dude.”

A quick stare at me with hungry eyes, Crusher looked to Clarence and grinned. “How do you manage to always find the cutest girls?”

The Wall laughed. “Dude. They come to me!”

Allison giggled. “Better not let Hailey hear you!”

A worried look on his face, Crusher quickly surveyed the immediate area. “She’s not here, is she?” The only person who could put the fear of God into Crusher would be Hailey.

“Crushie!” squealed Hailey as she came around the corner and saw us all standing in front of Taco Bueno. She ran up to Crusher, throwing her arms around his neck and planting a big wet on his face. Hailey is not shy. She looked over at me with Wall’s arm around me and grinned.

Crusher looked around at the four of us and asked, “Anyone seen Wild Dog? I thought he was going to meet us here.” Wild Dog Johnson. Yet another football player. Aren’t any football players named Bob or Sam? Wild Dog is dating Stacy. On Wild Dog’s birth certificate it says his name is Noah but no one except Stacy ever calls him that.

Hailey looked around. “Where’s Stacy? She’s supposed to join us.”

Allison folded her arms and frowned at Hailey. “Did you lose her again?”

A minute later we heard giggling coming around the corner and eventually Stacy appeared holding hands with a shorter than typical but still muscular boy who I had to assume was Wild Dog. She shouted, “Hey! Look what I found!” She giggled again.

Hailey looked around at the small crowd gathered in front of Taco Bueno and asked, “You guys want to join us for lunch?” She had a deathgrip on Crusher’s arm.

Allison said, “I was going to go home. I mean, I’d love to join you guys, but I don’t have anyone.” She pouted.

The Wall grinned while keeping his arm tight around my waist and said, “Come on. You can join us.” I looked up at Clarence. We’re an “us” now?

Allison asked, “You sure?”

Clarence grinned. “Sure! I’ll get you and Stevie.” Hailey and Stacy grinned at each other.

Hailey grinned. “Alright! It’s a party. Let’s go!” She and Crusher turned to enter Taco Bueno.

As we entered the restaurant, Wall turned to Allison and me, “What do you girls want?” Should I fight it? Not worth it.

I said, “A jumbo beef burrito and a coke.”

The Wall asked, “What kind of coke?”

Like what else? I said, “Dr. Pepper.”

Allison said, “A soft chicken taco and a coke.”

The Wall asked her, “What kind of coke?”

Allison said, “A Sprite.” She looked thoughtful for a moment and then blurted, “No! Wait. I mean, a Dr. Pepper!”

Hailey looked over at us as the boys were placing the orders. “Let’s pull some tables together so we can all sit together.”

After we all sat down, Allison poked my arm. “When did you start dating Clarence?”

I shrugged. “I… I’m not!”

Hailey giggled. “He definitely likes you!”

I grinned nervously. “I’m sure he’s joking.”

Hailey laughed. “I don’t know. He looked pretty serious to me.”

Stacy said, “I think you’d be good for him. His last girlfriend, Natasha something. She was a backstabbing little bitch.”

I looked at the table. “I think we have a problem though.”

Allison laughed. “Yeah. He usually likes blondes.”

A few minutes later, the boys returned with trays and sat down next to their girl. The Wall sat between Allison and me.

He set my wrapped burrito on the table in front of me along with my drink. I smiled and said, “Thank you.” I looked him up and down. If he discovers I’m not a girl, he could crush my skull in one hand.

He smiled at me and said, “You’re very welcome beautiful.” I am so dead.

Crusher shouted across the tables, “Hey Wallster! Did you get that job at Dave’s?” I’m sure he meant Dave’s Auto Repair. Catty-corner from the school.

Grinning, Wall said, “Sure did, Dude! Bring that rust bucket of yours in for a tune-up!”

Frowning, Crusher said, “I might have to.”

I looked over at Wall and asked, “You work at Dave’s? Do they have any more openings?” Dad had been grumbling that I should look for a job this summer. Dad’s a fleet mechanic for the oil company he works for. He doesn’t want me working there after he was almost killed when they dropped a torque convertor on him. Okay, maybe not actually on him since he would have been squished. He broke a leg instead. But anyway, I do know my way around tools. Dad always keeps his favorite 10mm wrench in his back pocket. Yes, he has a favorite.

The Wallster shook his head at me. “They have an opening for another mechanic, but you don’t want to do that. Trust me.”

I frowned at him and mimicked holding a wrench I said, “Hey, I know how to twist a wrench. Rightie-tightie lefty-loosie. All that.”

Clarence just smiled patiently at me. He said, “Place your hand flat on the table.” I did so, spreading my fingers a bit. Seemed like an odd request.

He then placed his hand flat on the table. Holy crap! His hand dwarfed mine with his thick, calloused fingers. He chuckled as he picked up my hand.

“So soft and smooth,” he said as he rubbed the back of my hand. “Trust me, Stevie. For someone as pretty as you, you don’t want hands like mine.” Hailey looked at me with a broad grin. He continued to hold my hand.

I gave him a nervous smile as I tried to tug my hand away. “This burrito needs both hands.” He chuckled and let go.

Wild Dog, who up to this point had been too busy eating to say anything, looked around the table and asked, “Has any of y’all seen that new movie The Pirates of Venus? Is it any good?”

Crusher shrugged. “Hailey and I saw it last Saturday. It stars Nathan Adams. It’s pretty good. Good special effects. It’s kinda campy. The hard part is looking past there being people living on Venus. Not sure if Stacy would like it.”

Wild Dog laughed. “I don’t care if Stacy likes it. It looked like a fun movie.” Stacy whacked his shoulder with her purse.

I noticed Hailey whisper something to Crusher. He frowned slightly but then looked over at Clarence and me.

“Hey Wallster, have you been to any good movies lately?” asked Crusher.

The Wall looked down at his hands and said, “Naw. Not lately. I really don’t like going to movies by myself.”

Hailey said, “Stevie is a big Nathan Adams fan.”

Clarence glanced over at me. “Maybe she can go with Dog if Stacy doesn’t want to go.”

Hailey rolled her eyes. “I meant, why don’t you ask Stevie to go with you to that movie?”

In shock, I turned to Hailey and started mouthing the word “No” several times.

The Wall looked over at me with a grin. “That’s not a bad idea. Stevie, would you like to go see that movie with me?” This is madness! What the hell is Hailey doing? I can’t go on a date with a boy! Especially one that can crush my skull with one hand.

“Well, I…” I started to say.

Hailey interrupted and exclaimed, “Of course she would!”

I looked over at Hailey and mouthed the words, “Are you crazy?!”

Grinning a mile wide, Wallster said, “Great! I’ll pick you up at six-thirty this Friday.”

Dog said, “After the movie, Stacy and I are going to have dinner at that twenty-four hour breakfast place ‘Son of a Biscuit’.”

Wall smirked. “I always treat my ladies to the fine dining of Perky’s” He then laughed, “I hope they enjoy it because after that I’m broke!”

Looking down at my hands, I said, “Clarence, you really don’t have to spend your money on me. I mean, really.”

He shook his head. “Baby, don’t worry about it. It’s my pleasure!” He put his arm around my shoulders. How can I tell him I don’t want to go without hurting his feelings? He looks really happy right now. But I don’t want to date a boy!

*          *          *

“It’s just a date.”

“A date with a boy!” I growled at Hailey over the phone. “What the hell, girl. I thought we were friends!”

Sounding annoyed, Hailey said, “That annoys me. We are friends. I just got you a date! You told me you were tired of always hanging around the house.”

“A date with a boy wasn’t what I had in mind!” I exclaimed.

I could see the pout over the phone. Hailey pouted, “You told me once you liked Clarence.”

I frowned uselessly at the phone. “I said I thought he was a good football player. There’s a difference.”

“Don’t you think it’s cool that now all four of us have football players for boyfriends?” chirped Hailey. “And we’re not even cheerleaders!”

“Actually, no. It’s not cool.”

Hailey sniffed. “You certainly didn’t mind him putting his arm around you. I watched your face when he held your hand. Admit it. You like him.”

“I would like him as a friend. I mean, we both like Warhammer!” I exclaimed. “Doesn’t mean I want to date him!”

Irritatingly, Hailey said, “Pfft. It’s just a date, Stevie. The girls and I will help you get ready. You can borrow one of my skirts. Remember the one you wore to get into that girls’ only concert with us last April?”

“Yeah, yeah. But sneaking into a concert isn’t the same as going out with a boy!” I said getting frustrated.

Hailey sighed. “If you really can’t bring yourself to go on one little, tiny date with one of the school’s top rated athletes then call him and tell him know and break his heart and ruin his performance in the fall and we won’t make state our senior year. I mean, it’s all about you, right?”

“Will you stop?” I growled into the phone. “Breaking his heart won’t be the issue. It’ll be breaking my skull and going to jail that will be the issue.”

“He likes you,” purred Hailey. “He won’t hurt you.”

I frowned. “He won’t like me long after he figures out whose hand he was fondling.”

“Are you going to tell him?” asked Hailey coyly.

“No way in hell!” I shouted.

“What do people call us when they see us roaming the halls at school?”

“Those four girls,” I grumbled.

Hailey laughed. “I rest my case.”

“I have to tell my Mom about this,” I said seriously.

“Even your own mother thinks you’re a girl!” squealed Hailey.

“She didn’t have her glasses on!” I protested.

“I gotta run, girlfriend. I’ll bring your top and skirt, oh and shoes, over Friday morning,” said Hailey. “And since you won’t, I’ll call in your appointment at the salon to get your hair fixed. See ya.” She disconnected.

“Hey!” I shouted at my disconnected phone.

*          *          *


Mom looked up from her bill paying activity to look at me over her glasses. “What do you need, honey?”

I pulled up a chair next to Mom and scooted up close. “Mom. I have a problem.”

Mom leaned back in her chair. “What do you have going on, Steve?”

“I have a date.”

Mom smiled. “Sounds like a good problem.”

“I have a date with a boy.”

Mom raised her eyebrows. “Oh! I see. That could be a big problem. How did you manage that? You hang out with those girls all the time.”

“That’s part of the problem,” I said looking down at my hands. “You know Hailey, right?”

Mom nodded. “Oh yes. The ringleader of your little band of trollops. Honestly, I think you’re actually prettier than she is.”

I frowned at Mom. “We’re not trollops, Mom. That’s not the problem. The problem is that Hailey got me a date with someone on the football team. Isn’t that nuts?”

Mom looked at one of her bills. “Is he a good player?”

“Actually yes. One of the best,” I said feeling confused. “But that’s not the problem. The problem is he’s a boy!”

Mom looked over at me. “I didn’t think your school had any female players.”

“Mom!” I almost shouted. “I have a date with a boy!”

Mom just stared at me. “Is he nice? Do you like him?”

I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter.”

Mom grinned at me. “I ask because of all those times you and your girlfriends have been over here looking at pictures on your phones and rating the hotness of the boys at school.”

“Focus, Mom!”

“What is this boy’s name? Does he go to our church?” asked Mom. “Many of the team’s families attend our church.”

“He has a stupid nickname… uh, the Wall. Or wait. His name is Clarence of all things.”

Mom tapped her lips with her pen. “Hmmm. Clarence. Clarence Goodbody?”

I nodded. “That’s him.”

“That poor boy,” said Mom shaking her head. “His family has had a lot of problems lately. A few months back his father ran off to Mexico with some floozy from Vegas leaving his wife to care for their three kids. Clarence is the oldest. He’s had to take on jobs to help his mother. She told me last Sunday how sad and depressed he was.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mom,” I said sincerely.

“What was his reaction to getting a date with you?” asked Mom looking down her nose at me.

“He seemed happy.”

Mom smiled. “Landing a date with someone as nice and pretty as you, would make him happy.”

“Mom. You seem to be missing the point.”

Mom shook her head. “Go on the date. Get out of the house for a bit and have some fun. Lift Clarence’s spirits.”


Mom ruffled my hair. “You’ve been out with other boys in the past. Be sure to dress nice for him.”

“Those times didn’t count!” I objected. “The girls and I were just goofing around.”

Mom turned away from me. “Now run along. I have to finish these bills.”

*          *          *

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Allen!” called out Hailey to my Mom doing something in the kitchen. Mom just waved. She was probably making something for Dad who, typical on Fridays will be coming in late and then head right back out on another compressor delivery. I think he said tonight he’d be going up somewhere near Carlsbad New Mexico. Dirt roads are so much fun at night.

As we entered my room, Hailey smiled at me. “Girl! Your hair looks great! You need to keep this style.”

I shrugged. “That’s what the stylist said too.” I sat down at the table I put in my room.

Hailey looked over the products on the table. “Great. You got exactly what I asked for. So, your mom doesn’t mind you going on a date tonight?”

I grunted a humorless laugh. “She practically begged me to go out with him. Says he needs cheering up.”

Looking thoughtful for a moment, Hailey said, “I’ve noticed that lately. An evening with you is sure to cheer him up.”

I frowned. “What about me?”

Hailey dismissed my comment with a wave of her hand. “I brought two outfits for you to try.” She held up a tank top. “I think this will look really cute on you even though you don’t have tits yet. I think your bra will help fill you out.” She then held up a pleated, black miniskirt. “And you’ll look adorable in this skirt. If you can sneak out past your mom, that is.” She giggled.

She glanced over at my desk. “Oh good. You did get those earrings we looked at. Those will look really cute on you. You shaved, right?” I nodded. I shaved everywhere. Grinning wide, she said, “All right. Let’s get started!”

Hailey was mainly just there to give me advice as I had had a fair amount of experience wearing make-up. I would even occasionally wear it to school. It actually kinda bothered me that no one cared.

I had to agree with Hailey that her first choice in clothes was the best idea. The miniskirt was short! When I stood up, the bottom of my panties were exposed. Not a lot, but you could definitely tell what color my panties were. Her high heel strappy sandals fit nice. I need a pair for myself. She did my nails in a bright pink. She gave me a little spritz of perfume.

Hailey shook her head and grinned at me. “Babe, you are super hot! Clarence might not be able to hold himself back!”

I stood up and posed. “Do you really think so?”

Hailey stood up. “Oh yeah. I need to go. He’ll be here soon. Don’t worry about anything. You are gorgeous! I’ll call you tomorrow. Cya!”

I walked her to the door and waved as she got into her car. I went back and sat on the arm of the couch. I was scared out of my mind. I’m going on a date. A real date with a real boy. I ran back to my room to check my make-up. I checked my purse to make sure I had money, my phone, make-up, and… and… How the hell did condoms get in there? Hailey!

The doorbell rang. Oh my God! I froze. Maybe I should run and hide. And then I heard the front door open. I forgot abut Mom! She just answered the door. Can I squeeze out my bathroom window?

I heard The Wall’s voice as he said, “Good evening Mrs. Allen. I’m here to pick up Stevie. Is she ready?”

Mom said, “I think so. Let me check. Have a seat!”

I heard Mom coming down the hall. I have nowhere to hide. As she got to the door, she said, “Honey. There’s a young man here to see you.”

I slowly opened my bedroom door. “Thanks, Mom. I’m ready.”

As I stepped out of my room, Mom looked me up and down. “Are you planning on wearing that skirt?”

I nodded. “Well, it’s too late now.” I thought for sure she was about to order me to put on a different skirt.

She just tsk’d tsk’d at me and said, “Don’t let your father see you in that.”

I giggled and kissed Mom on her forehead. “That’s the plan.”

Scared out of my mind, I slowly walked down the hall to the living room.

I’ve never seen such a wide smile as the one Clarence was giving me as I approached. “Stevie! You look amazing!”

“Thank you,” I said demurely. “You look nice!” I was impressed. He looked like he had showered, combed his hair and put on a clean shirt. With buttons. I thought for sure he’d wear a t-shirt or one of his jerseys.

He said, “You look so pretty, I’m afraid to touch you. I might break you.”

I grinned at him. “That works.”

He just chuckled as he took my hand. It was like my hand disappeared into his grip.

Mom looked sternly at Clarence. “Young man. She needs to be home by eleven.”

I grinned. “In the morning?”

Mom folded her arms and scowled at me. “No. Tonight.” Getting a curfew is something new for me.

The Wallster said, “I’ll have her back on time and hopefully in one piece.”

As we approached his car, I didn’t see Dog or Stacy inside. “Is Dog not coming?” I asked.

He shook his head. “We’re going to meet them there.”

Looking confused, I said, “I’m confused. I thought we were all riding together.” I’m going to be riding in a car, alone with a boy, who thinks I’m a girl?

Clarence just shrugged and said, “After the movie, they were talking about just getting a burger and going down to the lake and park. If you know what I mean.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Would you rather do that too?”

Go parking? Oh Good God no. “I’ve never been to Perky’s. So I’m looking forward to that.”

Clarence started his car. “You’re in for a treat then. Best food in town. As far as I’m concerned anyway.”

I’ll admit I was a bit worried about what Clarence might do. I felt safe from being raped or attacked. He has a reputation of being a nice guy. But even nice guys try to get a kiss during delays at red lights or feel up your leg. But Clarence was quite the gentleman the whole drive.

The Wallster somehow managed to park right next to the Dog’s car. They’d just gotten out of the car. Stacy waved and they waited for us to join them.

As we walked up to them, Dog grinned and said, “Hey! I just had a great idea. Let’s swap dates. You take Stacy and I’ll take the hot babe.”

Stacy frowned. “You don’t want to have any children do you?”

The Wallster shook his head. “Bad idea Dog. Now if you’d brought Hailey instead, we might… ooowwww!” I’d kicked him in the shin.

“Do you want me to aim higher next time?” I scowled at Wall.

Stacy shook her head and using her thumb pointed back and forth between Wall and Dog. “How did we wind up with these two, Stevie?”

Wall put up his hands and said, “Girls, girls. Don’t get your panties in a wad. We’re just joking. Aren’t we Dog? Dog?”

Dog turned from looking at a girl wearing extremely short shorts said, “Uh yeah. Yeah. We’re just kidding around. Grow a sense of humor. Sheesh.”

Frowning, Stacy backhanded Dog across the chest. “Let’s go see the movie before I call my boyfriend to come pick me up.” She started walking towards the Cineplex’s entrance.

Dog started following close behind her. “Who? What? You’re joking, right?”

The Wall gently took my hand and asked, “Shall we go?”

I nodded. “Finally.”

Holding hands, we passed Stacy and Dog fussing with each other.

The Cineplex was jumping. I think every teen in town was here. Well, there’s not a whole lot to do in this town and it has air conditioning. Clarence bought 4 tickets together at the kiosk. Clarence was confident that Dog would pay him back. But we couldn’t wait for them before we bought tickets. There’s a certain spot that the Wallster likes to sit.

We found an empty table near some arcade machines. Using the kiosk on the table, Clarence ordered a pizza for us while we waited.

While we waited for both our friends and the pizza to arrive, I raised my voice above the cacophony and asked, “Do you think this movie is any good?”

Clarence shrugged. “The book was good.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Book?”

Clarence chuckled. “Are you surprised it’s from a book?”

I laughed and squeezed Clarence’s hand. “No. I’m surprised you can read!”

The Wallster shook his head and reached up to ruffle my hair. He said, “You can’t go wrong combining Nathan Adams and Edgar Rice Burroughs.”

I frowned. “I just wish he wasn’t dating that ten year old.”

Clarence wrinkled his brow. “Burroughs? I think he’s dead.”

Laughing, I punched Clarence in the shoulder. “No, goofus! I mean Nathan!”

The Wall said matter-of-factly, “She’s not. That was a nasty rumor started by Tommy Kincaid. That kinda backfired when Nathan tried to assert Tommy’s girlfriend was actually a guy.”

I shook my head. “They should make a movie together.”

Clarence said, “They did. A couple of years ago. A time travel movie called Take me back to Constantinople. What was cool about that…”

“Guys!” shouted Dog. “Have you guys started without us?”

The Wall and Dog knuckle bumped and the Wall said, “Dude. You owe me for two tickets. And where is Stacy?”

Dog shook his head. “She’ll be along in a minute. She had female problems.” He rolled his eyes.

I frowned at Dog as my cell phone buzzed at that moment. The caller ID told me it was Stacy calling. It was really hard to hear over all the noise in the Cineplex. I answered my phone and got a question I never before got in my entire life.

“Hey, girl,” Stacy asked, “Do you have an extra tampon?”

I have no personal need for such things, but Hailey had often encouraged me to carry a tampon or two when I carried a purse so I could help out in an emergency. I said, “Yes. I’ll be there in a second.” To Clarence, I said, “I’ll be right back.”

I hurried to the restroom and identified Stacy’s feet in the stall. There were several other girls in the restroom, talking, checking their make-up and brushing their hair. Fortunately, the stall next to Stacy was empty. I tapped the wall of the stall and whispered, “Stacy, I’m here.”

Stacy said, “Can you pass it to me?” I nodded uselessly and passed the tampon I extracted from my purse under the stall partition. Stacy said, “Thank you so much!”

When I’d entered the restroom, I didn’t need to relive myself. But learning an important life lesson from my dad about never passing up an opportunity to pee, I went ahead and took care of business early.

Stacy and I exited our stalls together. Stacy hugged me. Then we both checked our make-up before returning to the boys.

When we arrived at the table, we saw that the pizza had come in our absence and half of it was already eaten.

I asked, “Are we not going to Pervy’s after the movie?”

Clarence laughed, “That’s Perky’s but I like your name better. I’ll be hungry again after the movie.” Stacy and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

After finishing off the pizza and playing a round of the boy’s favorite arcade game and winding our way through the snack line, and then getting our empty cups filled, we were finally walking towards the auditorium. And yes, I realize that’s a long sentence.

Our seats shared a table between us. We put our enormous tubs of popcorn and nachos on the table. Stacy and Dog was a row in front of us. Clarence wasted no time in throwing his arm behind me. I actually didn’t mind.

The auditorium was a bit noisy and rowdy during the previews. There was a cheer when the lights were dimmed and then the audience quieted down during the ten minutes of logos before the actual movie started.

When it was finally dark in the theater, Wall pulled me closer to him. Instead of fighting it, I just nuzzled into his shoulder. He’s a big imposing guy and I felt safe and secure in his embrace. For a while anyway.

Naturally, I don’t have breasts, but like everyone in the human species, I do have nipples. I don’t know how Clarence was able to get his fingers past my top and my bra to put his fingers on my actual nipple and start playing with it. I picked up his hand and moved it from my nipple. I held his hand so he couldn’t move it back.

Wallster shrugged and asked, “What?”

I whispered, “Don’t touch the merchandise.”

He whispered back, “Give me a break. I had a hard time finding it!”

Stacy turned around and shushed us.

Discounting being felt up, I was enjoying the movie. It was funny and had good special effects. I could believe there were people living on Venus. And when Nathan Adams gave a deep, smoldering kiss to the Venutian (however you spell it) queen, you could hear every girl, including me sigh and squeal. I know I shouldn’t care, but holy crap, Nathan Adams is just so gorgeous. I hate his girlfriend.

Clarence must have been waiting for this exact moment as the screen kiss finished, he bent his head down towards me. And before I knew it, his warm, soft lips were pressing against mine. I didn’t pull away. I closed my eyes instead and tilted my head to get a better angle on his kiss. If I didn’t need to breathe, I could have stayed on his kiss all night.

He pulled away and smiled at me. I just closed my eyes and buried my face into his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me tighter. The Wall might not be Nathan Adams, but can he kiss!

We cuddled and kissed throughout the rest of the movie. I’m not even sure how it ended. I guess there’ll be a sequel as Carson Napier, the hero, was still stuck on Venus even though he meant to go to Mars.

As we stood up, The Wall asked, “Well, how did you like the movie? I didn’t think until later you girls might have enjoyed seeing The Covered Bridges of Heartland County more.”

“Naw,” I shook my head. “You don’t see many swashbuckling movies anymore.”

Wallster chuckled. “That’s true. Ready to go eat?”

I looked around and saw no sign of Dog or Stacy. Didn’t even say good-bye! With a huff, I said, “I’m ready.”

Clarence took my hand. “Let’s go.”

*          *          *

I had no idea where this restaurant was that we were headed for. When we arrived, the exterior looked a bit avant-garde. It was shaped like a giant purple trapezoid. There were two windows facing the front. They were two different sizes with red trim. The sign blazed in bright green and red neon the word “Perky’s” There were external speakers around the building playing weird and loud avant-garde rock music.

When we entered we were accosted by the same music playing outside. Okay, maybe “accosted” is too strong a word. There was a sign that said, “Please wait to be seated.”

A waitress with long, slightly unkempt red hair came be-bobbin’ around the counter, obviously grooving to whatever was blasting over her earbuds. As she started to lead us to a table, she looked up at the Wallster and grinned brightly.

“Dude!” she exclaimed while chewing gum. “I know you! I’ll give you the best table for you and your honey!” She danced over to a table by a window. She slid two menus across the table was we sat down. She winked at me and said, “Here you go, sugar. I’ll be back in a minute for your order.” She turned and bounced away.

Stunned, I watched the waitress dance away from us and to another table. “I chuckled, “This is different. Old girlfriend?”

Clarence shrugged as he embarrassingly grinned, “She was a cheerleader last year. She was a bit more effervescent than most.”

I laughed. “No kidding!” I glanced down at the menu. “Wow. The prices here are just as happy as the waitress.”

The Wallster chuckled. “Order whatever you want. The food here really is very good.”

“Hmmm,” I said as I looked over the menu. “Maybe I’ll try the chicken fried steak.”

Clarence frowned at me. “Stevie, Stevie. Be bold! Go for the gusto!”

I looked at the menu again. “I don’t see gusto on here.”

The Wall frowned again. “I’ll just order for you.”

I looked over the menu. “Give me a second.” I studied the menu for another minute. “I have no idea what this is, but I’ve certainly never had it. I’ll get the Turkish Doner Kabab. I just hope that Doner isn’t a reference to the Donner party.”

Clarence chuckled. “I’ve never had that. Good job at being bold.”

I was pleasantly surprised. I was kinda expecting everything to come on a flaming sword or something. But it looked more like a wrap or a burrito. Clarence got a chicken fried steak.

As we ate, Clarence wiped his mouth and asked, “So, Stevie. Why aren’t you a cheerleader? You’re certainly cute enough. You seem athletic in a feminine way. I know the girls coach is interested in all four of you guys.”

I just shrugged. “I can’t really see myself shaking pom poms and yelling rah rah in front of thousands… or well hundreds of people.” I didn’t want to explain how I’m not a girl and shaking my ass in a tiny skirt offends my sense of masculinity.

Looking thoughtful for a moment, The Wall said, “You know, I used to think I’d be embarrassed to be down on the field with all those fans looking down at me, yelling and farting. But once you get down there, all those people in the stands are just blobs. You can’t really see their faces and it’s not that big of a deal.”

I looked down at my hands and smirked. “I know. Maybe if I was a jock…” my voice trailed away.

Clarence gently picked up my hand and kissed my fingers. “I thank God you’re not a jock.” I looked away, embarrassed. He clasped both his hands around mine. “I’m serious.”

I looked up at the clock on the wall…the building’s wall, not The Wallster. I said, “We should probably leave now to get home in time.”

He nodded. “Yeah. I was kinda hoping we’d have time to head to the park and sit by the lake under the stars.”

I grunted a laugh. “I think that’s why Mom wanted me back kinda early.”

Clarence laughed. “Ya think?”

The waitress be-bopped to our table and asked, “Ready for your check?”

Clarence said, “Yes. Oh forgot to mention earlier. We need separate checks.”

My eyes widened as I exclaimed, “What?”

Clarence raises his hand and chuckled. “I’m kidding. I’m kidding.”

He paid the bill and led me by my hand back to his car. On the drive back to my house, he placed his hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze. I didn’t mind. I just smiled at him.

He drove his car up to my curb and parked and shut the engine off. He looked at me and said “I’ll walk you to your door. I’d hate for you to get lost.”

We were a few minutes late for my curfew. I’m sure my Mom won’t mind. Clarence led me by my hand to the door. He bent down and kissed my cheek. He said, “You really are beautiful. I had a great time tonight. Would you like to go out again sometime?”

I grinned up at him and said, “I’d really like that.”

He took a step off the porch and said, “Well, I guess I should go. I’ll give you a call.” He took another step and turned to me and said, “You know, I’m serious that you shoud try out for cheerleader. I’d bet you’d have a lot of fun.”

I smiled weakly at the Wallster and shook my head, “Thanks for saying that. Honestly, I really don’t think the coach would want me.”

Clarence cocked his head to one side. “Why not? I’ve talked to her. She doesn’t care that you’re a boy.”

I froze. “What did you say?”

Clarence chuckled. “She doesn’t care that you’re a boy.”

I felt numb. “You know?”

Clarence chuckled. “I’ve known since before I rescued you from Zane.”

I took a couple of steps towards him. “And you don’t care?”

He laughed. “Of course not.”

I walked up to The Wallster, slowly slid my arms around his neck, stood on my tip toes and kissed him. I kissed him for a long time.

And it turns out he was right. Being a cheerleader is a lot of fun.

*          *          *

The End

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