The Dance Coach - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
One Of The Girls

John, now full-time as Jayne was kept busy organising the design and supervision of the works at Amanda’s, and spending most of what little spare time she had with the Morrisettes, she never really had much chance to consider how she was now living and just got on with things.

The dance training continued for the next two months until the Mayfield Morrisettes were capable of appearing in public, and they arranged to perform at the Maydon Harvest Fête. Jayne, although not in the dance team herself, went with them to keep a critical eye on how they performed, dressed in their new home-made costumes of white dresses and and black brimmed hats all decorated with floral ribbons and motifs, bands and bells. They performed their first two sessions, one of traditional Cotswold style. the other a regional clog dance, and although they were not perfect they were entertaining and the crowd didn’t notice the missteps. For their third and final session they started off in traditional style, but halfway through Jan and Tina stepped up the music rhythm and Laura and Mel broke into the modern dance and gymnastic routines that they had wanted to introduce culminating in Mel being lifted upright onto the shoulders of the others before somersaulting down and closing with a more sedate flourish.

It went down well with the general public and the girls were rewarded with cheers, whistles and loud clapping. It may not have been what the few purists in the crowd had expected and they tutted their disapproval but the girls were overwhelmed by the general applause.

As Jayne went over to join in the hugs with the girls, there was a tap on her shoulder. “Hi Jayne , it’s Amy from The Plough, have you got a minute?“

“Certainly Amy what can I do for you?”

“Since you told me about your dance group, I’ve been meaning to come over and join you all, but there always seems to an excuse not to. However after seeing that last routine I am more determined than ever. When I was younger I represented the county in gymnastics tournaments, I keep myself fit and can still do most of the tumbling routines, if you are serious about contemporary add-ons to your routines, I would be happy to join in with your girls.”

“We mainly stick to traditional stuff but Laura and Mel are keen to develop the gymnastic bits. I’ll call them over and you can have a chat to see how they could fit you in.”

Just as Amy left Jayne was approached by a rather ruddy-faced Jerry Ashton, the founder and bagman for the Morrismen. “I’m told that you are the bagman for that shower of dancers, what do you think you are doing, it’s bad enough that you women are even involved in Morris at all but that last routine is a travesty of everything that is traditional about Morris dancing.” He almost screamed at Jayne who was seriously concerned that he was about to have a heart attack.

“Just calm down, and please do not shout at me like that. Not that it’s anything to do with you, but I prefer the title team leader or coach, bagman is so sexist. I don’t believe that there is anything in the rules of the Morris Federation preventing us from incorporating a few individual and unconventional features into our routines.” she quickly replied with her anger growing.

“Besides if you had your way Ladies’ teams would not be allowed and we couldn’t call ourselves a Morris team. It’s time that you and your Neanderthal friends in the Mayfield Morrismen dragged yourselves into the 21st century and became a bit more flexible, then you might get a few more gigs. You might not have noticed but us women are involved in all sorts of things nowadays that you men always told us we were not capable of, and if the truth be known we are usually making a better job of it than you men ever did.”

He stepped towards Jayne almost face to face. “You cheeky little trollop if you were not a lady I would give you a good hiding.”

“If I were not a lady I would like to see you try, and If you were a gentleman you wouldn’t even think about it. Now toddle off back to your stone-age cave and leave us and our audience to enjoy the rest of the entertainment.”

His face went even redder, he stuttered and spluttered looking even more apoplectic, and everyone watching was really relieved when he turned and rushed off, barging people out of his way.

“Good for you girl you put him in his place” one of the women in the watching crowd shouted leading the others in cheering and applause, with even many of the men joining in too.

“Wow Jayne that was a full broadside you gave that Ashton idiot,.” Laura said as we all sat having a drink after our sessions were over.”

“I lost my temper with him, men like that really annoy me, they are always trying to put women down and control them, I am lucky that I can now live my life as a woman and stay away from people like him.”

“Do you see yourself as a woman now Jayne, the way you attacked him it was if you now act and think like a woman?”

“I think that personality-wise I am more a woman than a man, not just the clothes and things, but being with you all I am more in tune with your attitudes and feelings than with those of annoying patronising men like him, and I’m glad of it, I have never been happier with my life.”

“As far as I am concerned you are as much of a woman as any of us and you don’t have to keep mentioning it, just forget about John and live your life in the present as Jayne. When we started out a few of us had some reservations about you being involved with us as we felt that a man in the group would be awkward and divisive at times, but you have slowly become one of us, and I like you better for it. Let’s all keep on with the routines we did today and show the men what we women can do. By the way, we’ve had a talk with Amy and she will be joining us, so we can do some even more exciting routines which will really upset the men like Ashton. She also said that The Plough always have a bonfire night party with a band and that she wants us to give a display, if that is ok with you coach.”

The rest of the team raised their glasses in a toast, “Jayne, truly one of the girls.”

“Do you mind if we join you?” Jayne looked up to see Amanda and Suzie, one of her friends she had met at her house, and quickly introduced them to the others.

“You girls seem to be having a good time tonight, and we really enjoyed your show. Jayne has told us so much about what you are doing that we thought that we had better come and have a look. Jayne has almost finished the house now and I am organising a ‘re-opening party’ for the neighbours and a few friends, doubling up as a pre-Christmas do. Can I talk you all into coming and doing a show for us, obviously you also have party invites. I would love it if you say yes.”

“Of course we will and please stay and have a drink with us, we’ve finished talking team business and are just sitting around for a chat.” Jayne waved at spare chairs for them to sit down and join them.

Amanda was the life and soul of the party and had us all in stitches telling lurid stories about her ex and what a wonderful talented woman Jayne was, much easier to work with than the men she had used before, the best decision she had ever made choosing a woman to advise her.

Lying in bed afterwards Kathy turned to John. “You really came out tonight championing the role of women and everyone now just sees you as a woman and rarely mention it anymore. You don’t want to be a woman do you?”

“I’m happy as I am. There are still some advantages to being a man, I’ve not got the gaff on, let’s take advantage of it.”

A week before the Plough’s party Trudy phoned Jayne to say that she had slipped and sprained her ankle and wouldn’t be fit for the dance routine.

“You’ll have to stand in Jayne, you’re the only one that knows the routines, Amy is not up to scratch yet and besides she will be managing the event and the bar, it has to be you.” Kathy told her.

“I know that I have coached you all, but I have never danced with the group.”

“Look we are not perfect we all miss a step occasionally, you will be no worse than the rest of us, probably even better.”

But I haven’t got a costume, I know that I am small and slim, but there is no way that I could squeeze into Trudy’s costume.”

“Not a problem we all made our own outfits, I still have some material left and I can soon knock up another one for you.”

“Ok but I want to be no different to the other girls, If you made your own dresses than I will make my own too. It’s ages since I used the sewing machine to knock up some curtains and pillow cases for one of my refits, but I’m sure that if you nudge me in the right direction that I will be able to cope.”

For the next few evenings Jayne worked away cutting out and tack stitching her dress. “Kathy can you give me a hand pulling it to shape and pinning it to fit snugly and I will finish the seams and start adding the trimmings and motifs.”

“Before you do that I’ve something for you. The dresses are all tightly fitted at the waist so they flare out at the hem. You are a bit bigger than you should be so I’ve bought you a waist nipper which should pull you in a few inches and look more natural, put that on first and it will make the fit of your dress better.”

Jayne squeezed into the cincher and had to admit that it did give her a narrower waist which even made the flare of her hips look more female too, which allowed Kathy to pin the seams snugly.

“I’ll just go and run the seams together properly put in the liner we can see how it fits.” Jayne returned a short while later, and gave a twirl “There you are, all done, what do you think?”

“I think that you have made a better job of it than I did with mine, and that cincher really gives you a more feminine figure, you should use one more often and you will probably be able to drop down a size in skirts and trousers. Just fit all the trimmings like mine and you’ll be good to go.”

“At the rehearsal a couple of days before the show, much to the surprise of the others Jayne arrived wearing the full performance outfit, as they had all agreed to wear their leotards for the aerobic session afterwards. “I thought that although I know the routines, I have never danced in costume, I want to get used to the feel of the swirl of the skirt, the snugness of the fit and the dancing shoes, as well as getting the timing right with the rest of you, let’s run through things and see how I fit in.”

When Jayne changed from her outfit into her dance leotard later and came back into the hall, she was met with whistles and catcalls. “OMG girl you are really getting a decent figure now, our fitness sessions must be having a good effect on you.” Mel smiled as she made the comment that they were all thinking.

“A lot of it is down to the exercises with you and Laura, but a bit of extra help from the lingerie shop has made a difference too, a girl needs all the help she can get, and I need it a bit more than most.”

They went through their normal routines at the bonfire party but for the closing dance Mel and Laura went off and quickly dropped their dresses to show their matching performance leotards and were joined by Amy to give a finale to the dance before giving a display of contemporary dance, tumbling, and acrobatics which had the audience, most of whom were already well under the influence of drink, in raptures shouting for more.

“Here comes trouble.” Jayne warned the others as they were approached by two of the Morrismen team as they were having a drink relaxing after the performance.

“We heard about the trouble a few weeks ago with Ashton, that man is a pompous character and we are all getting fed up with him and his bigoted attitudes. He is so full of himself, often insisting that as a former war hero he should be addressed by his title of Major. We really enjoyed your routines tonight and just thought that we would let you know that most of the Morrismen like what you are doing, particularly those whose partners are on your team, and you have our full support. We are even working on a few routines of our own to finish our sessions on a bit of a high. So now we will be competing with you for the local bookings.”

“Thanks Mike, thanks Harry, we appreciate that, we must all get together sometime and do a joint display.”Jayne replied quickly bringing their names to mind.

“That was great tonight girls, our next booking is Amanda’s launch party. I hope that Trudy will be fit by then , but if not I will fill in again.”

The next few weeks were hectic for Jayne getting Edge Lodge finished and doubling as a party planner and chief Christmas decorator for Amanda. Eventually everything was completed in time and the caterers took over setting up their marquee, food stalls and cooking equipment allowing Jayne to have a few days relaxing and Christmas shopping before returning with the Morrisettes to prepare for their show. Even though Trudy was now fit and back on the team and Jayne would not be performing, she wore her dance outfit to feel like part of the team rather than it’s leader.

While the others prepared for their performance Jayne accompanied Amanda on a tour to show Amanda’s guests the changes they had made to Edge Lodge and was widely praised by Amanda’s friends, getting two enquiries for new projects.

“You’ve done a wonderful job Jayne and you are so pleasant and easy to get on with, can you come and have a chat with me in the new year, I’d like your ideas on what could be done to my house.” Caroline, one of the usual guests at Amanda’s afternoon gatherings, drew her aside. “ I love the dresses you and your girls are wearing, where can I get one?”

“We all made our own, you won’t find anything like them in the shops, not even the fancy-dress outlets.”

“That’s a shame. Just between us girls, Charles needs a bit warming up in the bedroom sometimes, if you know what I mean, and a bit of dress-up helps to get him interested. I’ve tried wearing sexy nurse and policewoman outfits, but dairymaid I think will be more appealing to him. You said that you all made your own dresses, did you make yours?”

“A bit too much information there I think Caroline, you are normally quite quiet at the gatherings, but then we all have our secrets. I don’t usually do dressmaking but I am quite handy with a sewing machine, I often run up curtains, loose covers, duvet covers and things like that as part of my room designs.

“I definitely want to see you then about doing up my house, see you in January.”

The dance show went down really well, the traditional routines were enthusiastically received, but when Cyndi Lauper boomed out of the sound system with ‘Girls just want to have fun’ Laura Mel and Amy broke into their routines, the guests were amazed and staggered, It broke the ice of the formality and politeness of the party and there was much more of a buzz about the occasion.

“Thank you so much for what you have done to the house, and for helping the party go with a bang, I really appreciate it. I see you as much as a friend now as my interior designer, please keep in touch and you are more than welcome to keep coming to our afternoon sessions.” Amanda gushed as she gave Jayne a big goodbye hug when the girls were ready to leave.

“I’m going to be working with Caroline so I will still be around a lot, you don’t get rid of me that easily.”

Jayne and Kathy were able to enjoy a quiet Christmas to themselves apart from a pre-Christmas get-together for a meal with the Morrisettes. It was close season for dancing displays and nobody wanted their houses worked on over the holidays. It was a different time for Jayne, instead of the normal presents that John would have received, gifts from Kathy and from the Morrisettes were all more suitable for Jayne than John, perfume, jewellery, tops, chocolates and fancy goods, it was assumed that Jayne was here to stay.

A few days into the new year, Jayne arranged to visit Caroline to discuss what she could suggest to freshen up the decor in her house. Not really knowing what the interior was like she had been unable to produce a full portfolio of proposals as she had done for Amanda and just came up with ideas ‘on the hoof’ as they walked around the rooms, taking lots of photos as they went along.

“That was so interesting Jayne, I like your approach and was amazed at what you did for Amanda, pull together a presentation and a budget for me to agree with Charles, and unless he proves to be difficult consider yourself appointed.”

“How is Charles, you know following our conversation at Amanda’s?”

“He could definitely do with something to lighten him up.”

“Hold on a few minutes, I’ve got something in the car which might help.”

Jayne returned carrying two large boxes and passed one to Caroline. “There you are, see if that brightens him up.”

“Oh Jayne that is super it’s exactly what I had in mind.” She squealed, holding a rustic dairymaid’s dress against her body.

“Go and try it on, I guessed your size, I hope it fits, and there’s a mop cap and apron to go with it to complete the picture.”

She returned a few minutes later wearing the outfit with a big grin on her face, did a twirl and made a pose, hands on hips. “What do you think of that my darling, how about a roll in the hay.” she mimicked the local country accent, causing them to both have a fit of giggles.

“If this doesn’t do the trick something is wrong. What’s in the other box, is it another outfit?”

“Yes, but not for you, not directly anyway. I don’t know if Charles joins you in dress-up role-play, but it’s a man-of-the-soil costume, Rough knee breeches over knee-high socks, a linen blouson top open to the midriff, like Darcy coming out of the lake. I thought why should you not get a bit of excitement too.”

“Did you make these yourself, they’re amazing.”

“Of course, it would be a bit embarrassing to go into a shop to buy them.”

“What would you have done with them if I hadn’t appointed you?”

“I would have left them anyway, I have no need of them, we have our own games to play.”

The following morning Jayne received a text from Caroline “There will definitely be more visits to the milking parlour, thank you so much. I look forward to seeing your proposals for the house, and after last night I don’t expect any trouble from John in signing you up. Caroline xx.”

To be continued.

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