The Dance Coach - Chapter 2

Chapter 2
The Transformation

Following his discussion with Amanda, realising what he had done and the problem he now had, John’s mind was in turmoil the rest of the day and he could hardly wait for Kathy to get back home to tell her what had happened.

When she had finished laughing at the thought of him on the video call being mistaken for a woman Kathy took in how he looked and was dressed. “I can see why Amanda made a mistake, if I didn’t know better I could easily mistake you for a girl with your hair hanging loose like that over your cheeks. and wearing that jumper You will have to call her in the morning and tell her the truth, and she’ll either laugh it off or want nothing to do with you.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of, it sounds a really lucrative contract and she seems like someone I could relate to and work with. Also, she promised to introduce me to a few of her friends, which could bring in even more commissions.”

“She didn’t promise to introduce YOU to her friends John, she said that Jayne could join them for drinks and a chat, I doubt that she and her friends would be so welcoming to John. Thinking about it, there is another option.”

“Tell me then, I’ve been wracking my brain all afternoon to try to come up with a way to get out of this successfully.”

“Jayne could go to meet her, discuss the project and do a bit of networking for future commissions.”

“I’m sorry, how can that work, I don’t have enough time to coach someone in what to say and how to explain things.”

“Just take a look at yourself, you are beginning to look more like a Jayne than a John and when you are out with me and the other girls you even sound like you are one of us. We have a couple of days to work on you to get you even more convincing. You can get your hair styled, we can find you some decent clothes and with the wonders of makeup you should easily pass for the real thing. What do you say, is it to be John losing the contract or the lovely Jayne wowing Amanda and her friends with your design proposals.”

“It might work for one day, but if I get the commission it will mean that I have to pretend to be Jayne for at least six months while the project is carried out, or even longer if it leads to more work from her friends.”

“That’s what you have to get your mind around, you will not be pretending to be Jayne, you will , to all intents and purposes have to become Jayne, not just dress and look like Jayne but think like her too. If you don’t mind me saying without you taking offence, you are a long way towards that already. The other girls usually call you Jayne now at the dance training sessions and in the pub afterwards, that’s how they are beginning to think of you. If you turned up at our next training session wearing a skirt they probably wouldn’t even notice, other than to comment on how nice you looked.”

“Would you not mind, I mean it’s not normal behaviour for a husband is it?”

“I’ve sort of got used to it, it has crept up on me gradually, I’m sure that I could live with it.”

“What do we need to do?”

“ Let me give Jan a call and see if she can fit you in at her salon tomorrow, the sooner we start the more you will get used to the new you and the less chance there is of you changing your mind.”

“Jan says that she has no appointments until 9:30 tomorrow. She reckons if you get there for 7:30 she can have you looking more or less like any other of her customers before her staff or clients arrive, and she can then spend the rest of the day dealing with all the other treatments you need.”

“How did she react when you told her, was she not embarrassed?”

“Far from it, she said that she was half-expecting you to give something like this a try sometime soon and that she sees it as a challenge. She says not to worry, you should just enjoy your first time getting pampered as a woman. To save time so that she can quickly get you looking half decent before anyone else arrives, we need to go up to the bathroom to get rid of all the hair on your arms legs and body.Luckily you do not have much facial hair, she says that she can quickly deal with that with her laser in the morning.”

Half an hour later his body tingling with the shaving of previously untouched areas, despite Kathy liberally finishing him off with moisturiser John went to get dressed but found that Kathy had left out a silk short pyjama set that she said would be gentler on his tender skin which he hesitatingly put on, finding it mildly sensuous, before going back downstairs.

“You know what, even as you are now I could easily take you for a Jayne, that sleep set suits you and the silk really highlights your smooth skin, When you walk down to the salon in the morning you need to be presentable as Jayne, so there are a few little touches that I need to deal with tonight. Jan will do your eyebrows properly tomorrow but I need to trim them and thin them out a bit before you go, they are far too bushy to be acceptable walking to the salon. Your lips are quite thin, normal for a man, but need to be a bit fuller to look more feminine, let me apply some plumping lipstick which if you leave it on overnight should puff them up a bit and give a nice cupids bow for your lipstick. Finally, and I promise it’s the last thing on my list, Jan will do your nails properly in the morning but I need to clean up the raggy edges a bit, push back the cuticles and give them a light coat of polish.”

“That all took a long time, you seem to have done most of it, what’s left for Jan to do?”

“You don’t know the half of what you will be going through tomorrow, you will be there most of the day for Jan to work her magic. Anyway we need to be up early in the morning so it’s time for bed Jayne, and for tonight you are Jayne so don’t let the sensation of the silk on your bare skin give you any ideas.”

Kathy made sure that they were up at 6:30 to get John dressed and presentable for the salon visit. Dressed and presentable meant John wearing a skirt blouse and sandals, panties and padded bra, with just a light touch of makeup. Kathy had been right trimming his eyebrows and applying the plumping lipstick leaving it to do its work overnight, his lips were now much fuller than normal and when they left for the salon anyone that took any notice of them just looked on Kathy and Jayne as just two young women on their way to a busy day at work.

When they arrived Jan was already there and ready for them. “I think that this is going to work Kathy, Jayne is already really passable and I haven’t even started on her yet, leave her with me and you run off and sort out the other things we talked about. Ok Jayne, go in the back and take off all your clothes and put on the smock you’ll find in there, I’ll be with you in a minute.”

“All my clothes?”

“Yes, ALL your clothes !”

“Do all your customers have to strip completely?”

“No, even when they get the full body wax treatment they keep on their undies most of the time but you need special treatments. Firstly we need to deal with your male bits, that is a flimsy smock and we don’t want a tentpole to suddenly make an appearance, There’s something like a dancers gaff in there, you should be able to figure out how to use it to position your penis back between your legs and hold it firmly in place, when that’s done put your knickers back on and call me in.”

A few minutes later he left the changing room to see a grinning Jan.“Ok Jan I think that’s sorted, are you happy now?.”

“That’s a lot better, you could even wear a bikini on the beach and nobody could tell.Now lie down, we need to deal with the other half of your bikini, you need breasts to complete the transformation. I’ve found some breast forms that are about the right size for your build, I’ll put them in place and you just hold them there for a short while until the glue sets.”

“I didn’t realise that they would be permanently fixed, I thought that they would just slip into a bra.”

“They aren’t quite permanent, but as I know Kathy told you, you have to become Jayne as long as is necessary, and what better way is there to constantly remind you that you are now a woman than to feel the constant movement of your breasts. Ok they should be fixed now, stand up and let me see how you look. Hmm, a few minor adjustments at the edges and they will pass as the real things. That’s you now turned into as near to female as I can manage and pretty convincing you look too, now put on the smock and we’ll go back into the main salon, where I can treat you like any other of my clients and work my magic on you. As far as any of my staff out there are concerned you are Jayne a friend of mine, getting the full treatment for an important meeting where you need to impress your clients, and nobody will know who you really are”

For what seemed like hours Jan and Hannah, one of her senior stylists worked on Jayne, eyebrows thinned and shaped, laser treatment to remove the light facial fuzz, cleansing and exfoliating face masks, and endless processes to style and put soft waves and sun streaks into Jaynes hair, fingernails extended shaped and painted, toenails painted to match.

“Ok Jayne, as I do your makeup I want you to listen carefully as I talk you through each process, it’s important that you learn how to do this yourself, if you get this commission out in footballers’ wives’ country you will have to do it yourself every day and touch it up as needed.”

As she finished off Kathy returned carrying bags of clothes and gasped as she saw the results of Jan’s handiwork. “OMG Jayne you’re looking gorgeous, this is definitely going to work, let’s get you dressed and off home to try on these things that all the girls have donated for your new wardrobe. I think you’ll be impressed, I am jealous of some the stuff they have given you. You obviously don’t need that padded bra anymore, I have bought you a few of your own, a girl never has enough. We all moan about how they pinch but really none of us could do without them as you’ll soon learn.”

“Thank you ever so much for what you have done Jan, we’ll have to reward you with a meal out sometime.“

“Didn’t Kathy mention that we are all having a girls' night out this evening to celebrate the new you and let the rest of the team meet the swan we have created from the ugly duckling. See you later and try to keep your makeup and hair decent, I want them to meet you looking immaculate.”

Back home it was a chance for John to come to terms with the fact that if his plans worked out he would be Jayne for the foreseeable future and he had better get used to it and get his mindset to accept it and start to think like the rest of the girls, he kept repeating his mantra ‘I am Jayne, I am a woman.’

“Now you are settled in Jayne, we need to start working on how you present yourself, your posture , gestures and improving your voice. After spending so much time with the dance team you have already picked up a lot of our habits, so that is a good start.

I noticed on the way back from the salon that you tended to walk with your shoulders slouched forward, you are obviously not adjusted to the weight of your breasts yet. To balance the weight of our breasts, girls have a natural posture of an arched back, you have to learn to copy that and keep your shoulders back, stick out your chest and push out your boobs, don’t hide them, be proud of them they are probably the most noticeable things that will make you standout as a woman.

Secondly you still have a bit of a manly stride, take shorter steps and once you get your heels on you will find that will become more natural as well as giving a bit of sway to your hips as you walk. Otherwise you are doing really well, I can’t believe how you have turned out. Come on, let’s go for a walk in the park around the lake and practice what I have just said, put on your coat and the black shoes with the chunky heels and we’ll see how you get on with them, and don’t forget your bag, a girl rarely goes out without one, we need somewhere for all our essentials, and you won’t believe how many things we consider essential.”

After a pleasant walk they stopped at a café for coffee and cake, Kathy insisting that Jayne went to the counter to place the order.. “Don’t be shy and embarrassed, as far as the waitress is concerned you look just like any other of her female customers, you were fine your first time out at the pub with the girls and you now look even more convincing.”

“That was a lot better, you are beginning to just walk as you should without thinking about short steps and shoulders back, you are a fast learner. While we are here it’s time for your next lesson. Sit more upright, you are leaning forward in your chair and take smaller bite of the cake, chew it slowly, don’t bite off and swallow big chunks. Let’s go, It’s time to get home and start getting ready to go out to dinner with the girls.”

‘“So soon, surely there’s plenty of time yet?”

“It’s alright for you, your makeup and hair will not need much done to them, but I will need at least an hour to get myself sorted, you will soon learn how much work is needed to make us girls beautiful, even a casual look is not as simple or quick as it sounds. Besides we have to sort out something for you to wear tonight. There is a lot of decent stuff in the bags the girls gave me, but we’ll have to find something to suit your image. As an interior designer Amanda and her friends will expect to see you in a slightly over-the-top outfit, to go with the look that Jan created for you, probably something flowery and flouncy, a bit on the eccentric side. We’ll have a rummage through the bags to see what we have got.”

“There you are Jayne I think that is the perfect outfit for your image, that vivid lime and primrose mid-calf wrap-dress really suits you, It’s very feminine but quite practical too. While I am getting ready give it a press, but be careful you don’t scorch it, and change your shoes, put on the black court shoes with the 3” heel, you’ll be wearing them tonight and you need to get used to them. They will tend to push your body forward, don’t forget what I said about walking, keep your shoulders back and your chest proudly out. Wear those shoes all the time to get used to them, if you manage them when you go for your interview in footballers wives country they’ll all be wearing 4” or 5” heels so you should probably do the same.

Kathy and Jayne were the first to arrive at Mayfield Court hotel where they had booked their meal, and were soon followed in by Trudy and Tina, who looked around before spotting Kathy and both gasped a deep breath when they realised who was sitting next to her. “God you look amazing Jayne, Jan told me that you had turned out pretty good, but I never expected you to be this good, you look gorgeous.” gushed Tina as they exchanged cheek kisses. “You are really one of the Morrisettes now Jayne, welcome to womanhood.” Trudy whispered as she gave Jayne a big hug and kiss. In all the time that John had been with the team, not once had he been included in the girly welcome and goodbye hugs but now it seemed that Jayne was accepted as a full member of the group.

Jayne went up to the bar to set up a tab on a credit card and ordered some wine. As she returned to the table the others arrived together and there was more of the ritual greetings, and compliments about how Jayne looked.

After the first few minutes when all the conversation was about Jayne and what a wonderful job Jan had done, things settled down to a pleasant meal, just a group of girls on a night out. Other than the sultry voice, Jayne was indistinguishable from the other girls and was at ease in their company even when they were discussing personal problems with their husbands or female medical problems, as far as everyone was concerned Jayne was just another one of their group and nothing was off limits as would normally be when John was in their company.

Jayne was quite happy to pick up the bill for the meal as a thank you for their acceptance of her and the help they had given her. With lots of wishes of ‘good luck at the interview’ and the usual goodbye hug and kiss session, Jayne was glad to get home, kick off the heels and relax with Kathy.

“How was your first day as Jayne, you survived and nobody picked you out as a fake, how do you feel?”

“To be honest at first I was consciously checking everything I was doing, but after a while, particularly when we walked round the park, it all just went to the back of my mind and I enjoyed the afternoon out. The girls were amazing last night, they seemed just so accepting of me, I really enjoyed the meal and their company.”

“They were accepting because they now see you as just another one of the team, another one of the girls. They were comfortable talking in your company about the problems with their men and
all their menstrual, fertility and other female problems , that is because they now see and think of you as Jayne, they wouldn’t have raised those issues in the company of a man. You now just have to learn to be at ease in the company of any woman, not just those who know you, particularly as hopefully you will be joining a girls’ drink party up at Alderley Edge in two days time. Tomorrow when I am at work, I want you to go into town, go shopping, go into the cafeterias, talk to as many women as you can, find out what they like and dislike, listen to the way they talk, watch how they use lots of hand gestures to emphasise the points they are making, forget all men v women issues, you now have to consider yourself as a woman and act think and respond accordingly. Speaking off which, although is a shame to ruin a lot of Jan’s brilliant work we need to clean off this makeup and get ready for bed, come on upstairs Jayne. As you now have breasts and your man bits are all tucked away, I’ve left out a nightie for you, it’s only cotton but you will find it much more comfortable than John’s normal pyjamas.”

“Kathy we have a problem, I knew that the breasts would stay in place but it looks like Jan has also glued the gaff to me, I can’t get it off.”

“Yes, she told me about that, it should free itself in a couple of days the glue isn’t as good on the fabric as it is on the breast forms, they can stay in place for weeks, but don’t worry, I’m told that you can still carry out all your bodily functions. Just sit and relax like a good girl and the flow will come. As I keep saying for the next few days you need constant reminders that you are now Jayne, put your knickers back on put on the nightie and get into bed, It’s been a long trying day, we both need our beauty sleep.”

To be continued.

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