

by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

Story suggested by Erin - Ed


The laughing all stopped.

I was trying to catch my breath as I’d landed on my diaphragm after being pushed to the ground at one of the playing fields at D. B. Cooper High School. Two of the school’s biggest bullies, Spudz and Ralph had chased me out to the field after school to the great amusement of their five toadies.

Before I could roll over, I heard the raspy voice of one of my oldest friends growl, “Anyone who wants a piece of Merril here will have to come through me. Any takers?”

She took a step towards them and they all turned and ran. She laughed. It was an unpleasant sound. “Pussies!” she shouted. She turned and extended a hand towards me to help me up. A moment later I was on my feet and dusting off my pants.

“You okay, Merril?” asked Jonnifer. Our friendship goes back to elementary school where she saved my butt a few times then as well. Jonnifer was a big girl. A really big girl. Almost six-feet-tall before starting high school, she towered over nearly all of the boys and played on two of the school’s boys’ sports teams.

We seemed an unlikely duo, with me being a small, delicate and girlish boy. However, we’d been friends since she moved into the area when were both in the third grade. She was different from other girls, like the way she improvised see-saw catapults to launch her Barbie dolls over her Malibu Beach House.

Jonnifer Nourse had long blonde hair and blue eyes; a Valkyrie from legend. Her goal in life was to grow up to be a combat engineer, like her dad. Her face was actually quite pretty, but most boys were afraid of her. Her single dad and my Aunt Brittany even had a fling, once upon a time.

Me, on the other hand, had no interest in sports or really anything most boys were into. I wanted to be a dress designer. I’d always smile to myself when I’d picture my boutique in my mind’s eye: ‘Merril Embry Fashions.’. That was my dream. My big goal in life. My dad, who was a fleet mechanic at a trucking company was less than thrilled with my dream.

But, I had made several dresses already for some of the cutest girls at school. They loved my designs and handiwork. And as you can imagine, this made me a target of contempt by all the “real” boys at school. It also didn’t help that I kept my dark brown hair on the longish side; usually past shoulder length. Dad would tell me to get a haircut and Mom would beg me not to. Mom would almost always win.

Growing up, I’d always shown an intense interest in Mom’s sewing machine and how she was able to make clothes with it. Her dream had been to have her own dress store where she would make custom dresses. And after she died, her dream became mine.

“Thanks Jonnifer,” I said as I brushed some dried grass and dirt from the seat of my pants. “But you didn’t have to.” I waved two scrawny fists in the air. “In another minute, I would have sent them packing.”

Jonnifer laughed. “Merril, the only packing would have been those boys packing you into a box. You’re not a fighter, Merril.”

I slumped my shoulders. “Yeah. I’m a dress maker.” I sighed heavily.

Jonnifer grinned. “And a very good one from what I’ve seen. The gown you made for Elizabeth’s prom dress is downright gorgeous. The same for Linda. You’ve got skills.”

“My dad doesn’t think so,” I sighed. “He wants me to be a mechanic like he is.”

Jonnifer laughed. “Hah. You don’t have enough elbow grease to be a mechanic. Honestly, I think you’ve already found your calling.”

I tried to grin. “I’m glad somebody thinks so.”

As Jonnifer turned to walk away, she pointed at me. “Hey, just stay out of trouble, okay?”

I laughed without humor. “I’ll try. Thanks again.”

*          *          *

The next week went by without anyone trying to beat me up. That was in large part from Jonnifer already threatening everyone who might be interested in hurting me. I finished another dress for Prom, which was rapidly approaching. Prom. Another depressing aspect of my life. The girls at school all loved the dresses I made. But every girl I asked to Prom, all turned me down. Some politely, some with a laugh. Offering to make their Prom dress for free if they’d go with me also didn’t work.

A couple of girls, who can now forget about me ever making a dress for them, jokingly suggested, after turning me down, that I ask Jonnifer to Prom. To them, the idea was a joke. Small girlish me asking the large boyish Jonnifer to Prom. Ha ha. Big joke, right?

Actually, I’d thought about Jonnifer. We’d been friends forever. But honestly, I didn’t want to ruin our friendship by asking her to the dance. I’m sure she’d think she was merely my last choice. I also had a better reason not to ask her. She has a boyfriend.

She met Tony when she first joined the varsity football team. The only girl in our school’s history to be on the team. They hit it off right away. Tony was the only boy at school who was taller than her and could beat her at arm wrestling. Football season is over, but they’re still a couple. A somewhat rocky couple. Some refer to them as King Kong vs. Godzilla. But they stay together.

I was on my way to my last class, study hall, when Jonnifer came bounding up and caught me in the hall.

“Merril! Wait up!” she called to me. She then caught my shoulder.

I smiled. “Hey Jonnifer. What’s up?”

Grinning, Jonnifer, a little breathless from running, said, “I want to ask you a huge favor. I was afraid he wouldn’t, but Tony asked me to the prom! Can you believe it? Anyway, can you make me a gown for Prom? Please? I’ll pay. But I know it’s short notice.”

“Congratulations! I knew he’d finally come around,” I said, genuinely happy for my friend. “But yeah. Prom is a week from Saturday. That’d be quite a rush job.”

Smiling broadly, Jonnifer exclaimed, “I know it’s short notice, but you’re the maestro of dress making. I have confidence in you.”

I frowned slightly. “I appreciate your confidence, but honestly, I think you’d be better off going to one of the local bridal stores.”

Jonnifer scowled. “I already have. Nobody. And I mean nobody, has a dress in my size.”

I nodded. “That would be a problem. You’re a big girl. From what you’ve told me, you’ve always been hard to fit.”

Looking earnestly at me, Jonnifer said, “That’s why I’m hoping you can work your magic. I’ve never been invited to a dance before.” That’s sad to hear. She is actually quite pretty. She has curves and all. She’s just big.

I sighed. “I’ll see what I can do. But no promises.”

Jonnifer said, “That’s all I can ask. Thanks!” She then gave me a bone-crushing hug and hurried off to her next class.

*          *          *

“What the hell was that Amazon doing over here?” asked Dad standing in my doorway after Jonnifer left the house that evening. Dad was actually afraid of her. Actually, he was very afraid of her dad after some of the stories Aunt Brittany told him.

From my computer where I started working on the dress pattern for Jonnifer, I said, “I was just taking her measurements for a new dress. Nothing for you to be worried about.”

Dad shook his head. “Dresses. Always making dresses. And now for a girl who can beat the shit out of most men. I blame your mother for this!”

I scowled at Dad. “You can stop now. Can you belittle me later? This is a rush job.”

Dad shook his head as he walked away muttering, “My son. The dress maker. God must hate me.”

I thought, God isn’t alone in that. All evening I spent trying to arrange Jonnifer’s measurements into a pattern for a pretty gown. I worked late into the night. I had to finally quit as I’d never make it to school the next morning. I failed. I couldn’t come up with any patterns that would fit Jonnifer correctly. I cried. I actually cried because I couldn’t make a dress for my best friend. I could spend the next several days and I wouldn’t be able to get anything to work.

The next day at school, Jonnifer caught up with me at lunch. She asked, “How’s the dress coming along? Made any progress?”

I couldn’t look her in the eye. I sighed and said, “I don’t think I can do it. I’ll keep working on it tonight.”

Jonnifer let her smile drop. “I didn’t think it’d be that hard. You’re such a whiz at making dresses. Well, as they say, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I have faith in you.”

“I’m not giving up, but it’s not looking good right now,” I said glumly. “What’s funny is a pattern for a really nice looking tuxedo that I could adapt to your measurements very quickly.”

Jonnifer grunted a laugh. “That’d be funny wouldn’t it? Tony and I both showing up in a tux.”

I pulled my tablet out of my book bag and tapped on it for few seconds. I held it up to Jonnifer and said, “Here’s how it would look.”

She took the tablet from my grasp and studied the image of the tux for a minute or so. She said, “That’s cute. I like it. Make that for me, Merril.”

I took the table back from her. “You’re joking, right?”

Looking serious, she said, “I’m serious. I’d look goofy in a dress anyway. Make that tux for me.”

“If you’re sure,” I said looking up into Jonnifer’s face. “I’ll start tonight.”

After surviving another bone-crushing hug, I finished my lunch, ready for my new mission.

*          *          *

“Good evening, Miss Nourse,” said Dad as he greeted Jonnifer at our door. I had my bedroom door open and could hear the conversation. “I guess you’re here to see Merril?”

“Yes, sir,” said Jonnifer politely.

Dad said, “Come in. I think he’s expecting you.”

“Thank you, sir,” said Jonnifer. After a pause, she continued, “I never noticed this before Mr. Embry. You resemble your sister Brittany quite a bit. And now that I think about it, Merril looks just like a teen version of her.”

Dad just said, “Thanks. I think.”

A few moments later, Jonnifer rapped her knuckles on my door frame. “Knock knock.”

I stood up and exclaimed, “Jonnifer! Ready to try on your new tux?”

Grinning and ducking down to clear the door frame, she said, “That’s why I’m here. I can’t wait to see it.”

I had finished her tuxedo Thursday night. Friday at school, I asked her to come by and try it on. I’m pretty sure I got the size correct. The Prom was a week from tomorrow; Saturday.

I pointed and said, “There it is on the bed. I’ll leave the room so you can change. Just knock on the door to let me know you’ve changed.”

Still grinning, she said, “Will do. It looks great so far.”

I left my room and closed the door. The tux was definitely a strange request, but I put my best effort into it. I hope she likes it.

A few minutes later, there was a light rap on the door. There was no screaming or cursing, so that was a good sign. But it was still with some slight trepidation that I opened the door.

In the middle of my room stood a beaming Jonnifer in a custom tux. The tux fitted her perfectly. She raised and lowered her arms as she turned from side to side and turned around.

“Well, how do I look?” she asked.

I clapped once and exclaimed, “You look awesome! It may be a tux, but there’s no missing that’s being worn by a woman.”

“I love it!” exclaimed Jonnifer. “I can’t wait to show it to Tony!” I received another bone-crushing hug.

“I’ll step outside,” I said. “So I can catch my breath and you can change back.”

A few minutes later, she stepped out of my room, her tux carefully folded and under her arm. “Thanks again, Merril. You’re wonderful.”

Smiling, I said, “I’m glad you like it.”

As she started to leave, she turned to me and asked, “You’re coming to Prom, aren’t you?”

I shrugged. “Probably not. I couldn’t get a girl to accept my invitation.”

Jonnifer frowned. “Well that sucks. What’s wrong with these girls at school? Please come anyway. I want to get in a dance with my favorite designer.”

I simply said, “Maybe.” I then walked her to the door and waved good-bye.”

Three hours later, I get a frantic call from Jonnifer. She’s crying. Jonnifer is crying. That’s something she never does. At least not where it can be seen.

“Jonnifer, what’s wrong?” I asked.

Through sobs, she said, “It’s Tony. He broke up with me. He said it’s bad enough I look mannish anyway, but there was no way in hell he’d go out with someone dressed in a tuxedo. I tried to explain I couldn’t get a dress. He said that only proves his point.”

“Oh Jonnifer!” I exclaimed, getting upset along with her. For this whole year, the two of them have been inseparable. And now Tony is being a royal ass. “That’s terrible. I let you down. I feel this is my fault.”

“This isn’t your fault,” said Jonnifer flatly. “Why would you think that?”

“If I could have made you a dress instead, Tony wouldn’t have dumped you!” I said, tearing up myself.

She was quiet for a minute or two. Finally, Jonnifer asked, “Would you be my date to the Prom?”


Jonnifer chuckled. “I said, would you be my date to the Prom. And yes, I’m serious.”

I pulled my phone from my ear and stare at it for a moment as if I couldn’t believe what I just heard come from it. I put the phone back over my ear and ask, “Are you serious?”

“I just said I was!” she exclaimed. “Are you ashamed to be seen with me?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!” I almost shouted. “We’ve been friends for almost forever.”

“So. Will you be my date or not?” asked Jonnifer.

I sighed. “I’d love to take you to the prom.”

Jonnifer chuckled. “No. I’m going to take you. I think you should wear one of your gowns.”

“You want me to what?” I asked with a gasp. “Now I know you’re not being serious.”

Sounding suddenly excited, she exclaimed, “No, think about it! It’s the ultimate fuck you to everyone who hates on us. Me because I’m too big for a girl and you because you’re too small for a boy.”

Not sure how to react, I said, “Don’t you think that would be playing into stereotypes?”

Jonnifer laughed. “Who cares? Let’s do it. I’ll even pay for your trip to the salon for hair and make-up.”

“Uh… uh um what?” I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

Jonnifer said without any hint of humor, “I want my date to be gorgeous. I’ll set up the appointment for Saturday afternoon.”

“Let’s talk about this first,” I said worriedly.

“Don’t you want all those assholes to regret making fun of you?” demanded Jonnifer.

“Well yeah. But I don’t think I want them to want to date me instead,” I protested.

Jonnifer laughed. “I’m excited now I can’t wait to show up at the prom in my snazzy new tux and you on my arm. Thanks again Merril for this wonderful tux!”

“Don’t you go off half cocked here,” I said, trying to be reasonable. “Give me another two days to see if I can create a gown for you. I’m sure Tony will be happy to go back with you then.”

“Fuck Tony!” sneered Jonnifer. “I need to go. Talk to you tomorrow.” She then disconnected.

Now what should I do? I made the mistake of telling Dad what Jonnifer had proposed. He fell on the floor he was laughing so hard.

*          *          *

I caught up to Jonnifer in the hall at school. I touched her arm and she spun around looking like she was ready to kill someone. When she saw it was me, she grinned.

“What’s up, Merril?” she asked when we stopped in the hall.

“I just wanted to ask if you’ve reconsidered this crazy idea of yours for prom?” I asked already pretty sure what her answer would be.

Her grin dropped and half scowled, “Reconsider? Are you wanting to bail on me? Are you going to break my heart like all the other guys and turn me down?”

“No!” I exclaimed. “No no. Just how you want me to dress. I almost came up with a dress design that might work for you.”

Jonnifer frowned at me. If you’ve never seen her frown, you have no idea what a frightful sight it is. “I love my tux. I’m going to wear it. I’ve seen your aunt and you look just like her. I think the world should see how beautiful you are in one of your own gowns.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think the world is ready for that.”

Jonnifer put her palms together in a prayerful gesture. “If you never do anything else in the world for me, please to this. Please?”

I sighed. How could I say no? Especially when she could crush my head like an egg. I said, “Okay okay. You win.”

Despite the school rules against displays of affection, she gave me a big, slobbering kiss. “Thanks honey! Your appointment is at 2:00 on Saturday. I’m so excited!”


*          *          *

It was about ten minutes before two on Saturday afternoon when Dad, still chuckling, dropped me off at the salon. I really had hoped Dad would have told Jonnifer that there was no way in hell his son would go to a beauty salon for hair, nails and make-up. But instead of raising a fuss, he found it just too hilarious. Thanks Dad.

I had taken a bath that morning and had taken the time to shave pretty much everywhere. I never shaved my legs and armpits before. And after looking at my clean self, I thought I might have to start shaving regularly.

The woman at the reception desk smiled at me when I entered the salon. I was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, my normal Saturday attire and I really expected a chuckle. Instead, I got a scolding.

She picked up some strands of my hair and shook her head. “Girl, you need to take better care of your hair. It looks like you never use conditioners. And these nails! Tsk tsk. Are you trying to pass for a boy?”

I said, “I thought it’d be fun to try.”

She again shook her head. “Well, stop trying. You have beautiful hair if you’d just take better care of it. Okay. Let’s take you back so you’ll be ready for your prom date.”

I’ve never been in a salon before so I had no idea what to expect. Even though I washed my hair this morning, she still sat me down in an uncomfortable chair with my head tilted too far back and proceeded to wash it again. Other than the crick in my neck, I actually enjoyed the experience.

I was getting my long hair styled which I’ve never had done before. I had no idea what they were doing and I was afraid to look.

While something in my hair was setting, and it didn’t smell pleasant, they took me back to do my make-up. Until I was informed, I had no idea my eyebrows were out of control so they trimmed them and added an arch. Since my dress is red, so my lips and nails would be just as red. I’ve never worn make-up or had my nails done before. I felt really weird. The salon assured me my make-up was kiss-proof at least for a while depending how frisky my boyfriend was. I figured it wasn’t worth the effort to correct them.

I almost had a stroke when I saw my reflection in the mirror. Holy shit! I really didn’t think I was looking at me. It was too much to believe. The girl who did my make-up said, “You’re totally beautiful, miss. You should wear make-up every day.”

When I walked out of the salon and headed to where Dad had parked when he came to pick me up, he looked at me not only without recognition, but that same look he reserves for looking at beautiful women he had a lust for. He looked uncomfortable as I approached him.

He averted his eyes as I stepped up to the side of his truck. “Dad. What do you think?”

He turned to face me, and I could see the blood drain from his face. His mouth fell open and he just gaped at me.

“Merril? Is that you?” he asked, a look of confusion in his eyes.

I grinned. “Yeah, Dad. What do you think?” I turned my face from side-to-side.

Choking on his words, Dad said, “Holy shit, son. You… you’re gorgeous. Just like your aunt. It’s an incredible transformation.”

I smiled at Dad and climbed into the truck. I took far more satisfaction from my dad’s discomfort than I should have. He kept staring at me on the drive back home. A gasket had clearly snapped on Dad as he helped me exit the truck and he was actually polite to me.

I had left my dress lying on my bed. I looked at it when I entered my room. I think it was my best creation and I had made it for me. Since I lack breasts, it’s held up by two spaghetti straps. The skirt is floor length and if it wasn’t for the thigh high slit, I doubt I’d be able to walk in it, much less dance. It’s also a striking red, sequined and exposes my shoulders. I also bought matching shoes that are strappy, high heeled sandals and a matching clutch. I was also planning to wear my mother’s dangly earrings and matching necklace and bracelets. Along with a splash of Mom’s perfume. I hoped Jonnifer likes it.

I got into the dress and shoes, but I couldn’t reach around to the zipper in the back. I walked out of my room to look for Dad. He was sitting on the couch watching TV.

“Daddy? Can you help me with my zipper, please?” Why the hell I called him ‘Daddy’ I have no idea.

Dad looked up and smiled at me, “Sure thing, honey.” Dad never calls me honey. “You’re really looking beautiful. It’s amazing.” He stepped behind me and I felt his hands on my back as he zipped up the zipper. “There.”

I smiled at him. “Thank you, Daddy.” There’s that Daddy again. It just seems to fit.

I heard a car door close outside. “There’s Jonnifer,” I said stating the obvious. I did a pirouette in front of Dad. “How do I look?”

Dad nodded at me. “You’re beautiful. Just like your aunt.”

The doorbell rang. I said to Dad, “Oh God. She’s here. I must be insane to go out dressed this way.”

As I walked towards the door, Dad said, “You look great.”

I opened the door and there stood Jonnifer, looking quite sophisticated wearing the tux I designed along with her hair pulled back in a manly ponytail. She was holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and some clear plastic box in the other. Her eyes went wide when she saw me.

“You look gorgeous, Merril! You’re going to outshine every girl at prom. I’m serious. That’s a beautiful dress. Here, these are for you.”

She handed me the flowers. It was a mix of several types of flowers. It was a very pretty arrangement. After taking them, I turned to Dad and asked if he could put them in water. He just nodded and took them from me.

Jonnifer then opened the plastic box. She said, “This is also for you.” She held out a wrist corsage of pink carnations and helped slip it over my hand.

I grinned at her. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting the full treatment!”

Jonnifer shrugged. “You’re my date. I want your night to be perfect. I guess we need to go.”

Dad said, “Wait just a second.”

I turned and Dad was holding up his phone to use the camera. “Dad? Are you serious?”

Dad grinned. “I just have to get a picture of this.” I heard his phone click a few times. He then said, “Okay. Have a good time. Have her back by midnight.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed. “Are you serious?”

Jonnifter nodded and said, “I’ll have her back on time, Mr. Embry.” She then took my hand and led me out the door. Why am I being referred to as “her”?

As we approached, I could see that her dad was driving the car. Her dad looked over at me and did a double-take. Jonnifer opened the door for me. Her dad stared at me and said, “Brittany? Jonnifer, I thought you were taking that Embry kid to the prom.”

Jonnifer looked over at her dad. “This is Merril, Dad. Brittany is her aunt… or um his aunt… whatever.”

Her dad’s eyes widened. “That’s Embry’s SON? Wow. That’s amazing.”

Jonnifer chuckled as she slid next to me. “I think you’ve been complimented. She sniffed my neck. “You smell good too. You pulled out all the stops, didn’t you?”

I shrugged. “Well, when will I’ll ever get to go to prom again in one of my own dresses? Do you like my dress?”

Jonnifer grinned. “Baby, I love your dress! All the boys will wish they’d asked you to prom instead.”

I smiled. “I’m happy to go with you.” She leaned over and kissed me.

When we arrived at the downtown hotel where the prom dance was being held, we didn’t have to worry about parking since her dad was going to leave and come back later. The car stopped and Jonnifer ran around to my side and opened my door. She then took my hand to assist me in exiting the car. The long gown and high heels did make trying to exit the car gracefully a bit of a challenge.

As we entered the ballroom, other kids were spinning their heads around to look at us. It bothered me when I heard a boy tell his friend that he definitely wanted a piece of that, meaning me. I heard a lot of whispers of “who is that girl?” I thought it was kinda funny.

Holding my hand and grinning, Jonnifer said, “I think we made quite an entrance, wouldn’t you say?”

I nodded. “Everyone stopped to look at us.”

A boy from the football team came up to us and said, “That’s quite a tux, Jonnifer! It looks good on you.”

A group of girls nearby said, “I told you she was butch.”

We walked up to the snack table and Jonnifer gentlemanly poured a cup of punch for me.

Several football players were hanging out near the punch bowl. They all walked over towards us and one said, “Jonni! Lookin’ sharp tonight. Nice tux.”

Jonnifer grinned. “Thanks guys. I’m sure Merril could have made a nice tux for you as well if you weren’t such assholes to him.”

Another player said with a sneer, “Where is ol’ Merril tonight? Too afraid to show up, I guess.”

Jonnifer laughed as she slid her arm around my waist. With her other arm, she pointed at me. “You’re drooling at him right now.” Okay, I wanted to go home.

Several of the football team’s jaws dropped. The one who greeted us at the punch bowl said, “You can’t be serious. That gorgeous girl is Merril? No way!”

“Hi guys,” I said meekly with a small wave.

Jonnifer looked down at me and said, “Come on. Let’s dance.” When she saw my hesitation, she said, “Come on. It’s funny.”

She led me out onto the dance floor with the other couples. I got a lot of approving looks from all the guys along with frowns of disapproval from their dates. Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers we weren’t. But we were here to have fun.

Jonnifer held me close as she put her hand on my waist as she held my other hand. She bent her head to my ear and whispered, “Thanks for being a good sport. I’m guessing this is embarrassing for you, but I’m having a blast.”

I whispered back, “Embarrassing is hardly the word, but it is fun to see the reactions. And who can be upset at being called beautiful?”

Jonnifer shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

I sighed. “Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t make you a gown.”

Jonnifer shook her head. “I don’t blame you. And I love my tux!” She shocked me with a quick kiss. Nobody would suspect her kisses would be so soft and sweet.

I asked, “Have you even been to a beauty salon like you sent me to?”

She shook her head, “No. Seems like a girly thing to do.”

Looking shocked, I said, “But it’s okay for me?” She chuckled. I continued, “News flash, Jonnifer. You’re a girl. And a pretty one at that.”

As if on cue, a boy came up to us and asked, “Mind if I cut in?”

Jonnifer let go of me and said, “Sure.”

I suddenly found myself alone while the boy put his hand on Jonnifer’s waist while she looked completely surprised. They started dancing.

A voice in my ear asked, “May I have this dance?”

I turned to see it was Tony! Surprised, I said, “Okay.”

As we started dancing, Tony nodded in the direction of Jonnifer. “Okay, what’s the deal?”

I frowned at Tony. “You rejected Jonnifer so she asked me to the prom. Is that a problem?”

Tony shook his head. “I’m sorry. That was rude of me. As beautiful as you are, I can’t say I blame her for asking you to the prom. The thing is, I never dis-invited her. I just said I didn’t want to take someone wearing a tuxedo.”

In disbelief, I said, “Since she was going to wear the tux I designed, how else was she supposed to take that?”

Tony sighed heavily. “I made a huge mistake. I thought it would embarrass me. I was only thinking of me."

I nodded in Jonnifer’s direction. “Look how happy she looks. Look how beautiful she is with that smile.” She was on her third dance partner.

Tony studied me for a few moments. “You’re right. I screwed up. She’ll probably never forgive me.”

I looked directly into Tony’s eyes. “Why should she? She was so happy when you asked her to the prom. She couldn’t wait to show you her new tux. And what did you do? You broke her heart.”

Tony blinked back a tear. “I know. I feel awful.”

“Does she know that?” I prompted.

He looked over at Jonnifer dancing with her sixth partner so far. “She probably won’t ever talk to me again.”

I said, “Go cut in. Dance with her and apologize. And mean it. Maybe she’ll forgive you.”

He bent down and kissed my cheek. “Thanks.” He let go of my hand and walked towards Jonnifer.

I stood alone on the dance floor and watched Tony walk slowly to Jonnifer, dancing with her back to him. A moment later Jonnifer turned, looked surprised and then smiled as Tony took her into his arms and began dancing.

After a few moments, someone touched my arm. “May I have this dance?” I turned and almost gulped. I’ve never seen such a cute boy. I shouldn’t even notice such things. But there he was, wanting to dance with me.

I smiled. “I’d love to.” He smiled back and took my hand.

As we danced past Tony and Jonnifer, I saw she had her head lying against his shoulder and she had a dreamy look in her eyes. When she saw me, she mouthed the words “thank you.” She then noticed who I was dancing with and gave me a thumbs up.

The lights in the ballroom dimmed and the DJ announced, “We’re slowing things down a bit for all you romantics out there. I see quite a few.”
He started playing a slower, more romantic song. I saw Tony pull Jonnifer closer to him.

A spot light was hopping around the dancers and when it hit Jonnifer and Tony, Tony leaned Jonnifer back and planted a huge, deep kiss on her which caused a ripple of applause. I felt so happy to help bring Jonnifer and Tony back together.

And then I was shocked when the spotlight fell on me and the cute boy, who I remembered was in my Math class and was named Jamie. As soon as the light hit us, Jamie pulled a Tony and leaned me back and gave me a long, deep toe-curling kiss that took my breath away. I hoped my make-up continued to be kiss proof.

The night was magical. My tux was definitely a success. I’ve never seen Jonnifer so happy. And I have to say, my gown was a success as well.
I never felt attracted to a boy before. But that won’t be going anywhere because not only did I arrive home late, but Dad didn’t like me coming home with a different boy than who I left with.

Tony now wants a matching tux.

The End

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